11 resultados para pic

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In tethered satellite technology, it is important to estimate how many electrons a spacecraft can collect from its ambient plasma by a bare electrodynamic tether. The analysis is however very difficult because of the small but significant Geo-magnetic field and the spacecraft’s relative motion to both ions and electrons. The object of our work is the development of a numerical method, for this purpose. Particle-In-Cell (PIC) method, for the calculation of electron current to a positive bare tether moving at orbital velocity in the ionosphere, i.e. in a flowing magnetized plasma under Maxwellian collisionless conditions. In a PIC code, a number of particles are distributed in phase space and the computational domain has a grid on which Poisson equation is solved for field quantities. The code uses the quasi-neutrality condition to solve for the local potential at points in the plasma which coincide with the computational outside boundary. The quasi-neutrality condition imposes ne - ni on the boundary. The Poisson equation is solved in such a way that the presheath region can be captured in the computation. Results show that the collected current is higher than the Orbital Motion Limit (OML) theory. The OML current is the upper limit of current collection under steady collisionless unmagnetized conditions. In this work, we focus on the flowing effects of plasma as a possible cause of the current enhancement. A deficit electron density due to the flowing effects has been worked and removed by introducing adiabatic electron trapping into our model.


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This work studied the combined use of gliadins and SSRs to analyse inter- and intra-accession variability of the Spanish collection of cultivated einkorn (Triticum monococcum L. ssp. monococcum) maintained at the CRF-INIA. In general, gliadin loci presented higher discrimination power than SSRs, reflecting the high variability of the gliadins. The loci on chromosome 6A were the most polymorphic with similar PIC values for both marker systems, showing that these markers are very useful for genetic variability studies in wheat. The gliadin results indicated that the Spanish einkorn collection possessed high genetic diversity, being the differentiation large between varieties and small within them. Some associations between gliadin alleles and geographical and agro-morphological data were found. Agro-morphological relations were also observed in the clusters of the SSRs dendrogram. A high concordance was found between gliadins and SSRs for genotype identification. In addition, both systems provide complementary information to resolve the different cases of intra-accession variability not detected at the agro-morphological level, and to identify separately all the genotypes analysed. The combined use of both genetic markers is an excellent tool for genetic resource evaluation in addition to agro-morphological evaluation.


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Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de la computación con membranas. Se trata de un tipo de computación bio-inspirado, concretamente basado en las células de los organismos vivos, en las que se producen múltiples reacciones de forma simultánea. A partir de la estructura y funcionamiento de las células se han definido diferentes modelos formales, denominados P sistemas. Estos modelos no tratan de modelar el comportamiento biológico de una célula, sino que abstraen sus principios básicos con objeto de encontrar nuevos paradigmas computacionales. Los P sistemas son modelos de computación no deterministas y masivamente paralelos. De ahí el interés que en los últimos años estos modelos han suscitado para la resolución de problemas complejos. En muchos casos, consiguen resolver de forma teórica problemas NP-completos en tiempo polinómico o lineal. Por otra parte, cabe destacar también la aplicación que la computación con membranas ha tenido en la investigación de otros muchos campos, sobre todo relacionados con la biología. Actualmente, una gran cantidad de estos modelos de computación han sido estudiados desde el punto de vista teórico. Sin embargo, el modo en que pueden ser implementados es un reto de investigación todavía abierto. Existen varias líneas en este sentido, basadas en arquitecturas distribuidas o en hardware dedicado, que pretenden acercarse en lo posible a su carácter no determinista y masivamente paralelo, dentro de un contexto de viabilidad y eficiencia. En esta tesis doctoral se propone la realización de un análisis estático del P sistema, como vía para optimizar la ejecución del mismo en estas plataformas. Se pretende que la información recogida en tiempo de análisis sirva para configurar adecuadamente la plataforma donde se vaya a ejecutar posteriormente el P sistema, obteniendo como consecuencia una mejora en el rendimiento. Concretamente, en esta tesis se han tomado como referencia los P sistemas de transiciones para llevar a cabo el estudio de dicho análisis estático. De manera un poco más específica, el análisis estático propuesto en esta tesis persigue que cada membrana sea capaz de determinar sus reglas activas de forma eficiente en cada paso de evolución, es decir, aquellas reglas que reúnen las condiciones adecuadas para poder ser aplicadas. En esta línea, se afronta el problema de los estados de utilidad de una membrana dada, que en tiempo de ejecución permitirán a la misma conocer en todo momento las membranas con las que puede comunicarse, cuestión que determina las reglas que pueden aplicarse en cada momento. Además, el análisis estático propuesto en esta tesis se basa en otra serie de características del P sistema como la estructura de membranas, antecedentes de las reglas, consecuentes de las reglas o prioridades. Una vez obtenida toda esta información en tiempo de análisis, se estructura en forma de árbol de decisión, con objeto de que en tiempo de ejecución la membrana obtenga las reglas activas de la forma más eficiente posible. Por otra parte, en esta tesis se lleva a cabo un recorrido por un número importante de arquitecturas hardware y software que diferentes autores han propuesto para implementar P sistemas. Fundamentalmente, arquitecturas distribuidas, hardware dedicado basado en tarjetas FPGA y plataformas basadas en microcontroladores PIC. El objetivo es proponer soluciones que permitan implantar en dichas arquitecturas los resultados obtenidos del análisis estático (estados de utilidad y árboles de decisión para reglas activas). En líneas generales, se obtienen conclusiones positivas, en el sentido de que dichas optimizaciones se integran adecuadamente en las arquitecturas sin penalizaciones significativas. Summary Membrane computing is the focus of this doctoral thesis. It can be considered a bio-inspired computing type. Specifically, it is based on living cells, in which many reactions take place simultaneously. From cell structure and operation, many different formal models have been defined, named P systems. These models do not try to model the biological behavior of the cell, but they abstract the basic principles of the cell in order to find out new computational paradigms. P systems are non-deterministic and massively parallel computational models. This is why, they have aroused interest when dealing with complex problems nowadays. In many cases, they manage to solve in theory NP problems in polynomial or lineal time. On the other hand, it is important to note that membrane computing has been successfully applied in many researching areas, specially related to biology. Nowadays, lots of these computing models have been sufficiently characterized from a theoretical point of view. However, the way in which they can be implemented is a research challenge, that it is still open nowadays. There are some lines in this way, based on distributed architectures or dedicated hardware. All of them are trying to approach to its non-deterministic and parallel character as much as possible, taking into account viability and efficiency. In this doctoral thesis it is proposed carrying out a static analysis of the P system in order to optimize its performance in a computing platform. The general idea is that after data are collected in analysis time, they are used for getting a suitable configuration of the computing platform in which P system is going to be performed. As a consequence, the system throughput will improve. Specifically, this thesis has made use of Transition P systems for carrying out the study in static analysis. In particular, the static analysis proposed in this doctoral thesis tries to achieve that every membrane can efficiently determine its active rules in every evolution step. These rules are the ones that can be applied depending on the system configuration at each computational step. In this line, we are going to tackle the problem of the usefulness states for a membrane. This state will allow this membrane to know the set of membranes with which communication is possible at any time. This is a very important issue in determining the set of rules that can be applied. Moreover, static analysis in this thesis is carried out taking into account other properties such as membrane structure, rule antecedents, rule consequents and priorities among rules. After collecting all data in analysis time, they are arranged in a decision tree structure, enabling membranes to obtain the set of active rules as efficiently as possible in run-time system. On the other hand, in this doctoral thesis is going to carry out an overview of hardware and software architectures, proposed by different authors in order to implement P systems, such as distributed architectures, dedicated hardware based on PFGA, and computing platforms based on PIC microcontrollers. The aim of this overview is to propose solutions for implementing the results of the static analysis, that is, usefulness states and decision trees for active rules. In general, conclusions are satisfactory, because these optimizations can be properly integrated in most of the architectures without significant penalties.


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La propulsión eléctrica constituye hoy una tecnología muy competitiva y de gran proyección de futuro. Dentro de los diversos motores de plasma existentes, el motor de efecto Hall ha adquirido una gran madurez y constituye un medio de propulsión idóneo para un rango amplio de misiones. En la presente Tesis se estudian los motores Hall con geometría convencional y paredes dieléctricas. La compleja interacción entre los múltiples fenómenos físicos presentes hace que sea difícil la simulación del plasma en estos motores. Los modelos híbridos son los que representan un mejor compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo. Se basan en utilizar un modelo fluido para los electrones y algoritmos de dinámica de partículas PIC (Particle-In- Cell) para los iones y los neutros. Permiten hacer uso de la hipótesis de cuasineutralidad del plasma, a cambio de resolver separadamente las capas límite (o vainas) que se forman en torno a las paredes de la cámara. Partiendo de un código híbrido existente, llamado HPHall-2, el objetivo de la Tesis doctoral ha sido el desarrollo de un código híbrido avanzado que mejorara la simulación de la descarga de plasma en un motor de efecto Hall. Las actualizaciones y mejoras realizadas en las diferentes partes que componen el código comprenden tanto aspectos teóricos como numéricos. Fruto de la extensa revisión de la algoritmia del código HPHall-2 se han conseguido reducir los errores de precisión un orden de magnitud, y se ha incrementado notablemente su consistencia y robustez, permitiendo la simulación del motor en un amplio rango de condiciones. Algunos aspectos relevantes a destacar en el subcódigo de partículas son: la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de pesado que permite determinar de forma más precisa el flujo de las magnitudes del plasma; la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de control de población, que permite tener suficiente número de partículas cerca de las paredes de la cámara, donde los gradientes son mayores y las condiciones de cálculo son más críticas; las mejoras en los balances de masa y energía; y un mejor cálculo del campo eléctrico en una malla no uniforme. Merece especial atención el cumplimiento de la condición de Bohm en el borde de vaina, que en los códigos híbridos representa una condición de contorno necesaria para obtener una solución consistente con el modelo de interacción plasma-pared, y que en HPHall-2 aún no se había resuelto satisfactoriamente. En esta Tesis se ha implementado el criterio cinético de Bohm para una población de iones con diferentes cargas eléctricas y una gran dispersión de velocidades. En el código, el cumplimiento de la condición cinética de Bohm se consigue por medio de un algoritmo que introduce una fina capa de aceleración nocolisional adyacente a la vaina y mide adecuadamente el flujo de partículas en el espacio y en el tiempo. Las mejoras realizadas en el subcódigo de electrones incrementan la capacidad de simulación del código, especialmente en la región aguas abajo del motor, donde se simula la neutralización del chorro del plasma por medio de un modelo de cátodo volumétrico. Sin abordar el estudio detallado de la turbulencia del plasma, se implementan modelos sencillos de ajuste de la difusión anómala de Bohm, que permiten reproducir los valores experimentales del potencial y la temperatura del plasma, así como la corriente de descarga del motor. En cuanto a los aspectos teóricos, se hace especial énfasis en la interacción plasma-pared y en la dinámica de los electrones secundarios libres en el interior del plasma, cuestiones que representan hoy en día problemas abiertos en la simulación de los motores Hall. Los nuevos modelos desarrollados buscan una imagen más fiel a la realidad. Así, se implementa el modelo de vaina de termalización parcial, que considera una función de distribución no-Maxwelliana para los electrones primarios y contabiliza unas pérdidas energéticas más cercanas a la realidad. Respecto a los electrones secundarios, se realiza un estudio cinético simplificado para evaluar su grado de confinamiento en el plasma, y mediante un modelo fluido en el límite no-colisional, se determinan las densidades y energías de los electrones secundarios libres, así como su posible efecto en la ionización. El resultado obtenido muestra que los electrones secundarios se pierden en las paredes rápidamente, por lo que su efecto en el plasma es despreciable, no así en las vainas, donde determinan el salto de potencial. Por último, el trabajo teórico y de simulación numérica se complementa con el trabajo experimental realizado en el Pnnceton Plasma Physics Laboratory, en el que se analiza el interesante transitorio inicial que experimenta el motor en el proceso de arranque. Del estudio se extrae que la presencia de gases residuales adheridos a las paredes juegan un papel relevante, y se recomienda, en general, la purga completa del motor antes del modo normal de operación. El resultado final de la investigación muestra que el código híbrido desarrollado representa una buena herramienta de simulación de un motor Hall. Reproduce adecuadamente la física del motor, proporcionando resultados similares a los experimentales, y demuestra ser un buen laboratorio numérico para estudiar el plasma en el interior del motor. Abstract Electric propulsion is today a very competitive technology and has a great projection into the future. Among the various existing plasma thrusters, the Hall effect thruster has acquired a considerable maturity and constitutes an ideal means of propulsion for a wide range of missions. In the present Thesis only Hall thrusters with conventional geometry and dielectric walls are studied. The complex interaction between multiple physical phenomena makes difficult the plasma simulation in these engines. Hybrid models are those representing a better compromise between precision and computational cost. They use a fluid model for electrons and Particle-In-Cell (PIC) algorithms for ions and neutrals. The hypothesis of plasma quasineutrality is invoked, which requires to solve separately the sheaths formed around the chamber walls. On the basis of an existing hybrid code, called HPHall-2, the aim of this doctoral Thesis is to develop an advanced hybrid code that better simulates the plasma discharge in a Hall effect thruster. Updates and improvements of the code include both theoretical and numerical issues. The extensive revision of the algorithms has succeeded in reducing the accuracy errors in one order of magnitude, and the consistency and robustness of the code have been notably increased, allowing the simulation of the thruster in a wide range of conditions. The most relevant achievements related to the particle subcode are: the implementation of a new weighing algorithm that determines more accurately the plasma flux magnitudes; the implementation of a new algorithm to control the particle population, assuring enough number of particles near the chamber walls, where there are strong gradients and the conditions to perform good computations are more critical; improvements in the mass and energy balances; and a new algorithm to compute the electric field in a non-uniform mesh. It deserves special attention the fulfilment of the Bohm condition at the edge of the sheath, which represents a boundary condition necessary to match consistently the hybrid code solution with the plasma-wall interaction, and remained as a question unsatisfactory solved in the HPHall-2 code. In this Thesis, the kinetic Bohm criterion has been implemented for an ion particle population with different electric charges and a large dispersion in their velocities. In the code, the fulfilment of the kinetic Bohm condition is accomplished by an algorithm that introduces a thin non-collisional layer next to the sheaths, producing the ion acceleration, and measures properly the flux of particles in time and space. The improvements made in the electron subcode increase the code simulation capabilities, specially in the region downstream of the thruster, where the neutralization of the plasma jet is simulated using a volumetric cathode model. Without addressing the detailed study of the plasma turbulence, simple models for a parametric adjustment of the anomalous Bohm difussion are implemented in the code. They allow to reproduce the experimental values of the plasma potential and the electron temperature, as well as the discharge current of the thruster. Regarding the theoretical issues, special emphasis has been made in the plasma-wall interaction of the thruster and in the dynamics of free secondary electrons within the plasma, questions that still remain unsolved in the simulation of Hall thrusters. The new developed models look for results closer to reality, such as the partial thermalization sheath model, that assumes a non-Maxwellian distribution functions for primary electrons, and better computes the energy losses at the walls. The evaluation of secondary electrons confinement within the chamber is addressed by a simplified kinetic study; and using a collisionless fluid model, the densities and energies of free secondary electrons are computed, as well as their effect on the plasma ionization. Simulations show that secondary electrons are quickly lost at walls, with a negligible effect in the bulk of the plasma, but they determine the potential fall at sheaths. Finally, numerical simulation and theoretical work is complemented by the experimental work carried out at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, devoted to analyze the interesting transitional regime experienced by the thruster in the startup process. It is concluded that the gas impurities adhered to the thruster walls play a relevant role in the transitional regime and, as a general recomendation, a complete purge of the thruster before starting its normal mode of operation it is suggested. The final result of the research conducted in this Thesis shows that the developed code represents a good tool for the simulation of Hall thrusters. The code reproduces properly the physics of the thruster, with results similar to the experimental ones, and represents a good numerical laboratory to study the plasma inside the thruster.


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In the recent decades, meshless methods (MMs), like the element-free Galerkin method (EFGM), have been widely studied and interesting results have been reached when solving partial differential equations. However, such solutions show a problem around boundary conditions, where the accuracy is not adequately achieved. This is caused by the use of moving least squares or residual kernel particle method methods to obtain the shape functions needed in MM, since such methods are good enough in the inner of the integration domains, but not so accurate in boundaries. This way, Bernstein curves, which are a partition of unity themselves,can solve this problem with the same accuracy in the inner area of the domain and at their boundaries.


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En este proyecto, se ha desarrollado una aplicación electrónica para un coche de competición, en concreto para la fórmula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), una competición universitaria en la que cada equipo, formado por estudiantes, debe diseñar, construir y probar un prototipo basándose en una serie de reglas. El objetivo final de la competición es proporcionar a los estudiantes el conocimiento práctico necesario para su futura labor profesional, del cual se pensaba que los estudiantes adolecían al acabar sus estudios universitarios cuando se creó esta competición. La aplicación desarrollada en este proyecto consiste en un sistema de telemetría, utilizado para transmitir los datos proporcionados por los sensores del vehículo a través de un sistema de radiofrecuencia, de manera que se pueda estudiar el comportamiento del coche durante los ensayos a la vez que el coche está rodando y así no depender de un sistema de adquisición de datos del que había que descargarse la información una vez finalizada la sesión de ensayo, como había que hacer hasta el momento. Para la implementación del proyecto, se ha utilizado un kit de desarrollo (Xbee Pro 868) que incluye dos módulos de radio, dos placas de desarrollo, dos cables USB y una antena, el cual ha permitido desarrollar la parte de radio del proyecto. Para transmitir los datos proporcionados por la centralita del vehículo, la cual recoge la información de todos los sensores presentes en el vehículo, se han desarrollado dos placas de circuito impreso. La primera de ellas tiene como elemento principal un microprocesador PIC de la marca Microchip (PIC24HJ64GP502), que recoge los datos proporcionados por la centralita del vehículo a través de su bus CAN de comunicaciones. La segunda placa de circuito impreso tiene como elemento fundamental el transmisor de radio. Dicho transmisor está conectado al microprocesador de la otra placa a través de línea serie. Como receptor de radio se ha utilizado una de las placas de prueba que integraba el kit de desarrollo Xbee Pro 868, la cual recoge los datos que han sido enviados vía radio y los manda a su vez a través de USB a un ordenador donde son monitorizados. Hasta aquí la parte hardware del sistema. En cuanto a la parte software, ha habido que desarrollar una aplicación en lenguaje C, que ejecuta el microprocesador PIC, que se encarga de recoger los datos enviados por la centralita a través del bus CAN (Controller Area Network) y transmitirlos a través de línea serie al chip de radio. Por último, para la monitorización de los datos se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones en LabVIEW, una que recoge los datos a través de USB, los muestra en pantalla y los guarda en un fichero y otra que lee los datos del fichero y los representa gráficamente para permitir un estudio más detallado del comportamiento del vehículo. ABSTRACT In this project, an electronic application has been developed for a race car – Formula SAE car-. Formula SAE is a university championship in which each team, made up of students, should design, construct and test a prototype within certain rules. The final goal of the competition is to enhance the practical knowledge of the students, which was thougth to be poor at the time the competition was created. The application developed in this project consists of a telemetry system, employed to transmit the data provided by the car’s sensors through a radio frequency system, so that it could be possible to study the behaviour of the vehicle during tests and do not depend on a datalogger system as it occurred until now. To carry out the radio module of the project, a Xbee Pro 868 development kit has been used, which includes two radio modules, two development boards, two USB cables and an antenna. To transmit the data provided by the ECU (Engine Control Unit) of the vehicle, which receives information from all the sensors the vehicle has, two printed circuit boards have been built. One of them has a PIC microprocessor of Microchip (PIC24HJ64GP502) which receives the data coming from CAN bus of the ECU. Tha main element of the other printed circuit board is the radio transmitter. This chip receives the data from the microprocessor through its serial line. The development board of the Xbee Pro 868 has been used as receiver. When data arrives to the receiver, it transmits them to a computer through USB where the data are displayed. All this composes the hardware of the system. Regarding the software, a C coded application has been developed. This application is executed by the microprocessor and its function is to receive the data from the bus CAN (Controller Area Network) and send them to the radio transmitter through the microprocessor’s serial line. To show the data on the computer, two LabVIEW applications has been developed. The first one receives the data through the USB port, displays them on the screen and save them to a file and the second one reads the data from the file while represents them graphically to allow studying the behaviour of the car on track.


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En este proyecto se ha desarrollado un sistema electrónico para un vehículo de Fórmula SAE. La Fórmula SAE es una competición orientada a estudiantes que se basa en el diseño y fabricación de un vehículo de carreras. Este vehículo será posteriormente testeado en una competición a nivel mundial. El principal objetivo de este proyecto es el estudio, diseño y creación de un sistema para la visualización de información en un vehículo a través de una pantalla táctil. El núcleo del sistema será un microcontrolador de 32 bits de Microchip programado en C sobre un sistema de desarrollo integrado. El sistema mostrará información que pueda ser de utilidad para el piloto del coche. La información que se mostrará en la pantalla provendrá de los diferentes sensores del propio vehículo (velocidad, rpm, temperatura, estado de la batería). Dichos sensores se comunicarán con el sistema a través de comunicación CAN Bus. Para el testeo del sistema se utilizará una herramienta de simulación CAN. Además de mostrar información, el piloto será capaz de seleccionar entre diferentes configuraciones para la conducción desde el propio volante. El sistema contiene además los elementos necesarios para la programación y depuración del microcontrolador PIC. ABSTRACT. In this project, an electronic application for a Formula SAE vehicle has been developed. The Formula SAE is a student-oriented competition based on the design and manufacture of a race car. This car will be later tested in a worldwide competition. The principal aim of this project is the study, design and manufacture of a system for the display of a vehicle’s information through a touch screen. The system core will be a 32-bit Microchip microcontroller programmed in C code over an Integrated Development Environment. The system will display useful information to the car driver. The information shown on the screen will come from the different sensors of the vehicle itself (speed, rpm, temperature, battery status). Those sensors will communicate with the system via CAN Bus. A CAN Bus simulator device will be used during the design testing. In addition to displaying information, the pilot will be able to select different driving configurations from the steering wheel itself. The system also contains the necessary elements for programming and debugging the PIC microcontroller.


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We present temporal information obtained by mass spectrometry techniques about the evolution of plasmas generated by laser filamentation in air. The experimental setup used in this work allowed us to study not only the dynamics of the filament core but also of the energy reservoir that surrounds it. Furthermore, valuable insights about the chemistry of such systems like the photofragmentation and/or formation of molecules were obtained. The interpretation of the experimental results are supported by PIC simulations.


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A mapping F2 population from the cross ‘Piel de Sapo’ × PI124112 was selectively genotyped to study the genetic control of morphological fruit traits by QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) analysis. Ten QTL were identified, five for FL (Fruit Length), two for FD (Fruit Diameter) and three for FS (Fruit Shape). At least one robust QTL per character was found, flqs8.1 (LOD = 16.85, R2 = 34%), fdqs12.1 (LOD = 3.47, R2 = 11%) and fsqs8.1 (LOD = 14.85, R2 = 41%). flqs2.1 and fsqs2.1 cosegregate with gene a (andromonoecious), responsible for flower sex determination and with pleiotropic effects on FS. They display a positive additive effect (a) value, so the PI124112 allele causes an increase in FL and FS, producing more elongated fruits. Conversely, the negative a value for flqs8.1 and fsqs8.1 indicates a decrease in FL and FS, what results in rounder fruits, even if PI124112 produces very elongated melons. This is explained by a significant epistatic interaction between fsqs2.1 and fsqs8.1, where the effects of the alleles at locus a are attenuated by the additive PI124112 allele at fsqs8.1. Roundest fruits are produced by homozygous for PI124112 at fsqs8.1 that do not carry any dominant A allele at locus a (PiPiaa). A significant interaction between fsqs8.1 and fsqs12.1 was also detected, with the alleles at fsqs12.1 producing more elongated fruits. fsqs8.1 seems to be allelic to QTL discovered in other populations where the exotic alleles produce elongated fruits. This model has been validated in assays with backcross lines along 3 years and ultimately obtaining a fsqs8.1-NIL (Near Isogenic Line) in ‘Piel de Sapo’ background which yields round melons.


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Two experiments were conducted to estimate the standardized ileal digestible (SID) Trp:Lys ratio requirement for growth performance of nursery pigs. Experimental diets were formulated to ensure that lysine was the second limiting AA throughout the experiments. In Exp. 1 (6 to 10 kg BW), 255 nursery pigs (PIC 327 × 1050, initially 6.3 ± 0.15 kg, mean ± SD) arranged in pens of 6 or 7 pigs were blocked by pen weight and assigned to experimental diets (7 pens/diet) consisting of SID Trp:Lys ratios of 14.7%, 16.5%, 18.4%, 20.3%, 22.1%, and 24.0% for 14 d with 1.30% SID Lys. In Exp. 2 (11 to 20 kg BW), 1,088 pigs (PIC 337 × 1050, initially 11.2 kg ± 1.35 BW, mean ± SD) arranged in pens of 24 to 27 pigs were blocked by average pig weight and assigned to experimental diets (6 pens/diet) consisting of SID Trp:Lys ratios of 14.5%, 16.5%, 18.0%, 19.5%, 21.0%, 22.5%, and 24.5% for 21 d with 30% dried distillers grains with solubles and 0.97% SID Lys. Each experiment was analyzed using general linear mixed models with heterogeneous residual variances. Competing heteroskedastic models included broken-line linear (BLL), broken-line quadratic (BLQ), and quadratic polynomial (QP). For each response, the best-fitting model was selected using Bayesian information criterion. In Exp. 1 (6 to 10 kg BW), increasing SID Trp:Lys ratio linearly increased (P < 0.05) ADG and G:F. For ADG, the best-fitting model was a QP in which the maximum ADG was estimated at 23.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]: [<14.7%, >24.0%]) SID Trp:Lys ratio. For G:F, the best-fitting model was a BLL in which the maximum G:F was estimated at 20.4% (95% CI: [14.3%, 26.5%]) SID Trp:Lys. In Exp. 2 (11 to 20 kg BW), increasing SID Trp:Lys ratio increased (P < 0.05) ADG and G:F in a quadratic manner. For ADG, the best-fitting model was a QP in which the maximum ADG was estimated at 21.2% (95% CI: [20.5%, 21.9%]) SID Trp:Lys. For G:F, BLL and BLQ models had comparable fit and estimated SID Trp:Lys requirements at 16.6% (95% CI: [16.0%, 17.3%]) and 17.1% (95% CI: [16.6%, 17.7%]), respectively. In conclusion, the estimated SID Trp:Lys requirement in Exp. 1 ranged from 20.4% for maximum G:F to 23.9% for maximum ADG, whereas in Exp. 2 it ranged from 16.6% for maximum G:F to 21.2% for maximum ADG. These results suggest that standard NRC (2012) recommendations may underestimate the SID Trp:Lys requirement for nursery pigs from 11 to 20 kg BW.


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We present temporal information obtained by mass spectrometry techniques about the evolution of plasmas generated by laser filamentation in air. The experimental setup used in this work allowed us to study not only the dynamics of the filament core but also of the energy reservoir that surrounds it. Furthermore, valuable insights about the chemistry of such systems like the photofragmentation and/or formation of molecules were obtained. The interpretation of the experimental results are supported by PIC simulations.