2 resultados para perception du paysage

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The need to address such a complex issue as doping is given by a concern, not only in the sport context, but also in the public arena. Numerous examples illustrate the growing scientific interest and greater media coverage. However, there are few studies with deep and rigorous treatment of historical perspective. Even fewer examples can be found in the Spanish context. The purpose of this text is to offer an analytical approach to the history of doping in Spain. The example of doping cases of Spanish athletes published in the sports newspapers will be used to define the evidences for establishing the analysis with historical and objective rigor and to question the vision of a ?pure? and ?good? sport.


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El objeto de esta tesis es analizar la calidad del paisaje litoral como realidad espacial captada e interpretada por el hombre, a partir de la elección de elementos descriptibles y valorables, que ayudan a encuadrar y relacionar los principales aspectos, componentes, variables y parámetros asociados a la apreciación visual del territorio costero. Resumo Este trabalho tem como objecto de estudo a análise da qualidade da paisagem litoral, enquanto realidade espacial percepcionada e interpretada pelo homem a partir de elementos descritíveis e valoráveis, enquadrando, relacionando e caracterizando os principais aspectos, componentes, variáveis e parâmetros relacionados com a apreciação visual do território costeiro. Résumé Cette thèse a pour objet l'analyse du paysage littoral en tant que réalité spatiale perçue et traduite à partir d'éléments qui peuvent être décrits et mesurés pour servir ensuite à interpréter, caractériser et mettre en relation les principaux aspects, composants, variables et paramètres liés à l'interprétation visuelle du territoire côtier. Abstract The object of this project is to analyse the littoral landscape as a spatial reality perceived and interpreted by mankind, with reference to those elements that can be described and measured, thereby categorizing, connecting and characterizing the principal aspects, components, variables and parameters which relate to the visual interpretation of the coastal territory. Riassunto Questo lavoro ha come obbiettivo di studio l'analisi della qualità del paesaggio litoraneo, inteso come realtà particolare percepita ed interpretata dall'uomo a partire da elementi descrittivi e di valutazione, inquadrando, mettendo in relazione e distinguendo i principali aspetti, componenti, variabili e parametri relativi all'interpretazione visiva del territorio costiero. Zusammenfassung Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, die Eigenschaften der Küstenlandschaft, wie sie vom Menschen als räumliche Wirklichkeit wahrgenommen und gedeutet wird, unter Verwendung der beschreibbaren und messbaren Elemente zu analysieren, und die Hauptaspekte, Bestandteile, Variablen und Parameter der visuellen Interpretation des Küstengebiets einzubeziehen und zu charakterisieren. Samenvatting Het doel van dit project is het analyseren van de kwaliteit van het kustlandschap, zoals dit landschap door mensen als realiteit waargenomen en geïnterpreteerd, geinterpreteerd wordt, daarbij gebruik makende van beschrijfbare en meetbare elementen en tegelijkertijd daarbij in te passen, te verbinden en te karakteriseren de hoofdaspecten, componenten, variabelen en parameters die betrekking hebben op op visuele interpretatie van het kustlandschap.