53 resultados para other numerical approaches

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this paper, we present the use of D-higraphs to perform HAZOP studies. D-higraphs is a formalism that includes in a single model the functional as well as the structural (ontological) components of any given system. A tool to perform a semi-automatic guided HAZOP study on a process plant is presented. The diagnostic system uses an expert system to predict the behavior modeled using D-higraphs. This work is applied to the study of an industrial case and its results are compared with other similar approaches proposed in previous studies. The analysis shows that the proposed methodology fits its purpose enabling causal reasoning that explains causes and consequences derived from deviations, it also fills some of the gaps and drawbacks existing in previous reported HAZOP assistant tools.


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The presented work proposes a new approach for anomaly detection. This approach is based on changes in a population of evolving agents under stress. If conditions are appropriate, changes in the population (modeled by the bioindicators) are representative of the alterations to the environment. This approach, based on an ecological view, improves functionally traditional approaches to the detection of anomalies. To verify this assertion, experiments based on Network Intrussion Detection Systems are presented. The results are compared with the behaviour of other bioinspired approaches and machine learning techniques.


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Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de medios granulares blandos y atascados mediante la aplicación de la física estadística. Esta aproximación se sitúa entre los tradicionales enfoques macro y micromecánicos: trata de establecer cuáles son las propiedades macroscópicas esperables de un sistema granular en base a un análisis de las propiedades de las partículas y las interacciones que se producen entre ellas y a una consideración de las restricciones macroscópicas del sistema. Para ello se utiliza la teoría estadística junto con algunos principios, conceptos y definiciones de la teoría de los medios continuos (campo de tensiones y deformaciones, energía potencial elástica, etc) y algunas técnicas de homogeneización. La interacción entre las partículas es analizada mediante las aportaciones de la teoría del contacto y de las fuerzas capilares (producidas por eventuales meniscos de líquido cuando el medio está húmedo). La idea básica de la mecánica estadística es que entre todas soluciones de un problema físico (como puede ser el ensamblaje en equilibrio estático de partículas de un medio granular) existe un conjunto que es compatible con el conocimiento macroscópico que tenemos del sistema (por ejemplo, su volumen, la tensión a la que está sometido, la energía potencial elástica que almacena, etc.). Este conjunto todavía contiene un número enorme de soluciones. Pues bien, si no hay ninguna información adicional es razonable pensar que no existe ningún motivo para que alguna de estas soluciones sea más probable que las demás. Entonces parece natural asignarles a todas ellas el mismo peso estadístico y construir una función matemática compatible. Actuando de este modo se obtiene cuál es la función de distribución más probable de algunas cantidades asociadas a las soluciones, para lo cual es muy importante asegurarse de que todas ellas son igualmente accesibles por el procedimiento de ensamblaje o protocolo. Este enfoque se desarrolló en sus orígenes para el estudio de los gases ideales pero se puede extender para sistemas no térmicos como los analizados en esta tesis. En este sentido el primer intento se produjo hace poco más de veinte años y es la colectividad de volumen. Desde entonces esta ha sido empleada y mejorada por muchos investigadores en todo el mundo, mientras que han surgido otras, como la de la energía o la del fuerza-momento (tensión multiplicada por volumen). Cada colectividad describe, en definitiva, conjuntos de soluciones caracterizados por diferentes restricciones macroscópicas, pero de todos ellos resultan distribuciones estadísticas de tipo Maxwell-Boltzmann y controladas por dichas restricciones. En base a estos trabajos previos, en esta tesis se ha adaptado el enfoque clásico de la física estadística para el caso de medios granulares blandos. Se ha propuesto un marco general para estudiar estas colectividades que se basa en la comparación de todas las posibles soluciones en un espacio matemático definido por las componentes del fuerza-momento y en unas funciones de densidad de estados. Este desarrollo teórico se complementa con resultados obtenidos mediante simulación de la compresión cíclica de sistemas granulares bidimensionales. Se utilizó para ello un método de dinámica molecular, MD (o DEM). Las simulaciones consideran una interacción mecánica elástica, lineal y amortiguada a la que se ha añadido, en algunos casos, la fuerza cohesiva producida por meniscos de agua. Se realizaron cálculos en serie y en paralelo. Los resultados no solo prueban que las funciones de distribución de las componentes de fuerza-momento del sistema sometido a un protocolo específico parecen ser universales, sino que también revelan que existen muchos aspectos computacionales que pueden determinar cuáles son las soluciones accesibles. This thesis focuses on the application of statistical mechanics for the study of static and jammed packings of soft granular media. Such approach lies between micro and macromechanics: it tries to establish what the expected macroscopic properties of a granular system are, by starting from a micromechanical analysis of the features of the particles, and the interactions between them, and by considering the macroscopic constraints of the system. To do that, statistics together with some principles, concepts and definitions of continuum mechanics (e.g. stress and strain fields, elastic potential energy, etc.) as well as some homogenization techniques are used. The interaction between the particles of a granular system is examined too and theories on contact and capillary forces (when the media are wet) are revisited. The basic idea of statistical mechanics is that among the solutions of a physical problem (e.g. the static arrangement of particles in mechanical equilibrium) there is a class that is compatible with our macroscopic knowledge of the system (volume, stress, elastic potential energy,...). This class still contains an enormous number of solutions. In the absence of further information there is not any a priori reason for favoring one of these more than any other. Hence we shall naturally construct the equilibrium function by assigning equal statistical weights to all the functions compatible with our requirements. This procedure leads to the most probable statistical distribution of some quantities, but it is necessary to guarantee that all the solutions are likely accessed. This approach was originally set up for the study of ideal gases, but it can be extended to non-thermal systems too. In this connection, the first attempt for granular systems was the volume ensemble, developed about 20 years ago. Since then, this model has been followed and improved upon by many researchers around the world, while other two approaches have also been set up: energy and force-moment (i.e. stress multiplied by volume) ensembles. Each ensemble is described by different macroscopic constraints but all of them result on a Maxwell-Boltzmann statistical distribution, which is precisely controlled by the respective constraints. According to this previous work, in this thesis the classical statistical mechanics approach is introduced and adapted to the case of soft granular media. A general framework, which includes these three ensembles and uses a force-moment phase space and a density of states function, is proposed. This theoretical development is complemented by molecular dynamics (or DEM) simulations of the cyclic compression of 2D granular systems. Simulations were carried out by considering spring-dashpot mechanical interactions and attractive capillary forces in some cases. They were run on single and parallel processors. Results not only prove that the statistical distributions of the force-moment components obtained with a specific protocol seem to be universal, but also that there are many computational issues that can determine what the attained packings or solutions are.


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In this chapter, we are going to describe the main features as well as the basic steps of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) as applied to elastostatic problems and to compare them with other numerical procedures. As we shall show, it is easy to appreciate the adventages of the BEM, but it is also advisable to refrain from a possible unrestrained enthusiasm, as there are also limitations to its usefulness in certain types of problems. The number of these problems, nevertheless, is sufficient to justify the interest and activity that the new procedure has aroused among researchers all over the world. Briefly speaking, the most frequently used version of the BEM as applied to elastostatics works with the fundamental solution, i.e. the singular solution of the governing equations, as an influence function and tries to satisfy the boundary conditions of the problem with the aid of a discretization scheme which consists exclusively of boundary elements. As in other numerical methods, the BEM was developed thanks to the computational possibilities offered by modern computers on totally "classical" basis. That is, the theoretical grounds are based on linear elasticity theory, incorporated long ago into the curricula of most engineering schools. Its delay in gaining popularity is probably due to the enormous momentum with which Finite Element Method (FEM) penetrated the professional and academic media. Nevertheless, the fact that these methods were developed before the BEM has been beneficial because de BEM successfully uses those results and techniques studied in past decades. Some authors even consider the BEM as a particular case of the FEM while others view both methods as special cases of the general weighted residual technique. The first paper usually cited in connection with the BEM as applied to elastostatics is that of Rizzo, even though the works of Jaswon et al., Massonet and Oliveira were published at about the same time, the reason probably being the attractiveness of the "direct" approach over the "indirect" one. The work of Tizzo and the subssequent work of Cruse initiated a fruitful period with applicatons of the direct BEM to problems of elastostacs, elastodynamics, fracture, etc. The next key contribution was that of Lachat and Watson incorporating all the FEM discretization philosophy in what is sometimes called the "second BEM generation". This has no doubt, led directly to the current developments. Among the various researchers who worked on elastostatics by employing the direct BEM, one can additionallly mention Rizzo and Shippy, Cruse et al., Lachat and Watson, Alarcón et al., Brebbia el al, Howell and Doyle, Kuhn and Möhrmann and Patterson and Sheikh, and among those who used the indirect BEM, one can additionally mention Benjumea and Sikarskie, Butterfield, Banerjee et al., Niwa et al., and Altiero and Gavazza. An interesting version of the indirct method, called the Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) has been developed by Crounh. A comprehensive study on various special aspects of the elastostatic BEM has been done by Heisse, while review-type articles on the subject have been reported by Watson and Hartmann. At the present time, the method is well established and is being used for the solution of variety of problems in engineering mechanics. Numerous introductory and advanced books have been published as well as research-orientated ones. In this sense, it is worth noting the series of conferences promoted by Brebbia since 1978, wich have provoked a continuous research effort all over the world in relation to the BEM. In the following sections, we shall concentrate on developing the direct BEM as applied to elastostatics.


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Along the Apulian Adriatic coast, in a cliff south of Trani, a succession of three units (superimposed on one another) of marine and/or paralic environments has been recognised. The lowest unit I is characterised by calcareous/siliciclastic sands (css), micritic limestones (ml), stromatolitic and characean boundstones (scb), characean calcarenites (cc). The sedimentary environment merges from shallow marine, with low energy and temporary episodes of subaerial exposure, to lagoonal with a few exchanges with the sea. The lagoonal stromatolites (scb subunit) grew during a long period of relative stability of a high sea level in tropical climate. The unit I is truncated at the top by an erosion surface on which the unit II overlies; this consists of a basal pebble lag (bpl), silicicla - stic sands (ss), calcareous sands (cs), characean boundstones (cb), brown paleosol (bp). The sedimentary environment varies from beach to lagoon with salinity variations. Although there are indications of seismic events within the subunits cs, unit II deposition took place in a context of relative stability. The unit II is referable to a sea level highstand. Unit III, trangressive on the preceding, consists of white calcareous sands (wcs), calcareous sands and calcarenites (csc), phytoclastic calcirudite and phytohermal travertine (pcpt), mixed deposits (csl, m, k, c), sands (s) and red/brown paleosols (rbp). The sedimentation of this unit was affected by synsedimentary tectonic, attested by seismites found at several heights. Also the unit III is referable to a sea level highstand. The scientific literature has so far generally attributed to the Tyrrhenian (auct.) the deposits of Trani cliff. As part of this work some datings were performed on 10 samples, using the amino acid racemization method (AAR) applied to ostracod carapaces. Four of these samples have been rejected because they have shown in laboratory recent contamination. The numerical ages indicate that the deposits of the Trani cliff are older than MIS 5. The upper part of the unit I has been dated to 355±85 ka BP, thus allowing to assign the lowest stromatolitic subunit (scb) at the MIS 11 peak and the top of the unit I at the MIS 11-MIS 10 interval. The base of the unit II has been dated to 333±118 ka BP, thus attributing the erosion surface that bounds the units I and II to the MIS 10 lowstand and the lower part of the unit II to MIS 9.3. The upper part of the unit II has been dated to 234±35 ka BP, while three other numerical ages come from unit III: 303±35, 267±51, 247±61 ka BP. At present, the numerical ages cannot distinguish the sedimentation ages of units II and III, which are both related to the MIS 9.3- MIS 7.1 time range. However, the position of the units, superimposed one another, and their respective age, allows us to recognise a subsidence phase between MIS 11 and MIS 7, followed by an uplift phase between the MIS 7 and the present day, which led the deposits in their current position. This tectonic pattern is not in full agreement with what is described in the literature for the Apulian foreland.


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Dominance measuring methods are a new approach to deal with complex decision-making problems with imprecise information. These methods are based on the computation of pairwise dominance values and exploit the information in the dominance matrix in dirent ways to derive measures of dominance intensity and rank the alternatives under consideration. In this paper we propose a new dominance measuring method to deal with ordinal information about decision-maker preferences in both weights and component utilities. It takes advantage of the centroid of the polytope delimited by ordinal information and builds triangular fuzzy numbers whose distances to the crisp value 0 constitute the basis for the de?nition of a dominance intensity measure. Monte Carlo simulation techniques have been used to compare the performance of this method with other existing approaches.


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La presente Tesis Doctoral aborda la introducción de la Partición de Unidad de Bernstein en la forma débil de Galerkin para la resolución de problemas de condiciones de contorno en el ámbito del análisis estructural. La familia de funciones base de Bernstein conforma un sistema generador del espacio de funciones polinómicas que permite construir aproximaciones numéricas para las que no se requiere la existencia de malla: las funciones de forma, de soporte global, dependen únicamente del orden de aproximación elegido y de la parametrización o mapping del dominio, estando las posiciones nodales implícitamente definidas. El desarrollo de la formulación está precedido por una revisión bibliográfica que, con su punto de partida en el Método de Elementos Finitos, recorre las principales técnicas de resolución sin malla de Ecuaciones Diferenciales en Derivadas Parciales, incluyendo los conocidos como Métodos Meshless y los métodos espectrales. En este contexto, en la Tesis se somete la aproximación Bernstein-Galerkin a validación en tests uni y bidimensionales clásicos de la Mecánica Estructural. Se estudian aspectos de la implementación tales como la consistencia, la capacidad de reproducción, la naturaleza no interpolante en la frontera, el planteamiento con refinamiento h-p o el acoplamiento con otras aproximaciones numéricas. Un bloque importante de la investigación se dedica al análisis de estrategias de optimización computacional, especialmente en lo referente a la reducción del tiempo de máquina asociado a la generación y operación con matrices llenas. Finalmente, se realiza aplicación a dos casos de referencia de estructuras aeronáuticas, el análisis de esfuerzos en un angular de material anisotrópico y la evaluación de factores de intensidad de esfuerzos de la Mecánica de Fractura mediante un modelo con Partición de Unidad de Bernstein acoplada a una malla de elementos finitos. ABSTRACT This Doctoral Thesis deals with the introduction of Bernstein Partition of Unity into Galerkin weak form to solve boundary value problems in the field of structural analysis. The family of Bernstein basis functions constitutes a spanning set of the space of polynomial functions that allows the construction of numerical approximations that do not require the presence of a mesh: the shape functions, which are globally-supported, are determined only by the selected approximation order and the parametrization or mapping of the domain, being the nodal positions implicitly defined. The exposition of the formulation is preceded by a revision of bibliography which begins with the review of the Finite Element Method and covers the main techniques to solve Partial Differential Equations without the use of mesh, including the so-called Meshless Methods and the spectral methods. In this context, in the Thesis the Bernstein-Galerkin approximation is subjected to validation in one- and two-dimensional classic benchmarks of Structural Mechanics. Implementation aspects such as consistency, reproduction capability, non-interpolating nature at boundaries, h-p refinement strategy or coupling with other numerical approximations are studied. An important part of the investigation focuses on the analysis and optimization of computational efficiency, mainly regarding the reduction of the CPU cost associated with the generation and handling of full matrices. Finally, application to two reference cases of aeronautic structures is performed: the stress analysis in an anisotropic angle part and the evaluation of stress intensity factors of Fracture Mechanics by means of a coupled Bernstein Partition of Unity - finite element mesh model.


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Existe una creciente preocupación por las catástrofes de origen natural que están por llegar, motivo por el que se están realizando estudios desde prácticamente todas las ramas de la ciencia. La razón para ello se puede encontrar en el miedo a que los eventos futuros puedan dificultar las actividades humanas, aunque no es el único factor. Por todo ello, se produce una dispersión muy importante incluso en los conceptos más elementales como qué debe ser considerado o cómo debe llamarse y catalogarse uno u otro elemento. En consecuencia, los métodos para comprender los riesgos naturales también son muy diferentes, rara vez encontrándose enfoques realmente multidisciplinares. Se han realizado algunos esfuerzos para crear un marco de entendimiento común como por ejemplo, la "Directiva sobre inundaciones" o, más recientemente, la Directiva Inspire. Las entidades aseguradoras y reaseguradoras son un actor importante entre los muchos involucrados en los estudios de riesgos. Su interés radica en el hecho de que terminan pagando la mayor parte de la factura, si no toda. Pero, a cuánto puede ascender esa factura, no es una pregunta fácil de responder aún en casos muy concretos, y sin embargo, es la pregunta que constantemente se plantea por parte de los tomadores de decisiones a todos los niveles. Este documento resume las actividades de investigación que han llevado a cabo al objeto de sentar un marco de referencia, implementando de enfoques numéricos capaces de hacer frente a algunas de las cuestiones más relevantes que se encuentran en casi todos los estudios de riesgos naturales, ensayando conceptos de manera pragmática. Para ello, se escogió un lugar experimental de acuerdo a diferentes criterios, como la densidad de población, la facilidad de proporcionar los límites geográficos claros, la presencia de tres de los procesos geológicos más importantes (inundaciones, terremotos y vulcanismo) y la disponibilidad de datos. El modelo aquí propuesto aprovecha fuentes de datos muy diversas para evaluar los peligros naturales, poniendo de relieve la necesidad de un enfoque multidisciplinar y emplea un catálogo de datos único, unificado, independiente (no orientado), coherente y homogéneo para estimar el valor de las propiedades. Ahora bien, los datos se explotan de manera diferente según cada tipo de peligro, manteniendo sin variación los conceptos subyacentes. Durante esta investigación, se ha encontrado una gran brecha en la relación entre las pérdidas reales y las probabilidades del peligro, algo contrario a lo que se ha pensado que debía ser el comportamiento más probable de los riesgos naturales, demostrando que los estudios de riesgo tienen vida útil muy limitada. En parte debido ello, el modelo propuesto en este estudio es el de trabajar con escenarios, fijando una probabilidad de ocurrencia, lo que es contrario al modelo clásico de evaluar funciones continuas de riesgo. Otra razón para abordar la cuestión mediante escenarios es forzar al modelo para proporcionar unas cifras creíbles de daño máximo fijando cuestiones como la ubicación espacial de un evento y sus probabilidades, aportando una nueva visión del "peor escenario posible” de probabilidad conocida. ABSTRACT There is a growing concern about catastrophes of natural origin about to come hence many studies are being carried out from almost any science branch. Even though it is not the only one, fear for the upcoming events that might jeopardize any given human activity is the main motive. A forking effect is therefore heavily present even on the basic concepts of what is to be considered or how should it be named and catalogued; as a consequence, methods towards understanding natural risks also show great differences and a multidisciplinary approach has seldomly been followed. Some efforts were made to create a common understanding of such a matter, the “Floods Directive” or more recently the Inspire Directive, are a couple of examples. The insurance sector is an important actor among the many involved. Their interest relies on the fact that, eventually, they pay most of the bill if not all. But how much could that be is not an easy question to be answerd even in a very specific case, and it is almost always the question posed by decision makers at all levels. This document summarizes research activities that have being carried out in order to put some solid ground to be followed, implementing numerical approaches that are capable of coping with some of the most relevant issues found in almost all natural risk studies, testing concepts pragmatically. In order to do so, an experimental site was selected according to different criteria, such as population density, the ease of providing clear geographical boundaries, the presence of three of the most important geological processes (floods, earthquakes and volcanism) and data availability. The model herein proposed takes advantage of very diferent data sources in the assessment of hazard, pointing out how a multidisciplinary approach is needed, and uses only one unified, independent, consistent, homogeneous (non objective driven) source for assessing property value. Data is exploited differently according to each hazard type, but the underlying concepts remain the same. During this research, a deep detachment was found between actual loss and hazard chances, contrarily to what has been thought to be the most likely behaviour of natural hazards, proving that risk studies have a very limited lifespan. Partially because of such finding, the model in this study addresses scenarios with fixed probability of occurrence, as opposed to studying a continuous hazard function as usually proposed. Another reason for studying scenarios was to force the model to provide a reliable figure after a set of given parameters where fixed, such as the spatial location of an event and its chances, so the “worst case” of a given return period could be found.


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In contrast to traditional push-based protocols, adaptive streaming techniques like Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) fix attention on the client, who dynamically requests different-quality portions of the content to cope with a limited and variable bandwidth but aiming at maximizing the quality perceived by the user. Since DASH adaptation logic at the client is not covered by the standard, we propose a solution based on Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) techniques to find the optimal request policies that guarantee the users' Quality of Experience (QoE). Our algorithm is evaluated in a simulated streaming session and is compared with other adaptation approaches. The results show that our proposal outperforms them in terms of QoE, requesting higher qualities on average.


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Dominance measuring methods are an approach for dealing with complex decision-making problems with imprecise information within multi-attribute value/utility theory. These methods are based on the computation of pairwise dominance values and exploit the information in the dominance matrix in different ways to derive measures of dominance intensity and rank the alternatives under consideration. In this paper we review dominance measuring methods proposed in the literature for dealing with imprecise information (intervals, ordinal information or fuzzy numbers) about decision-makers? preferences and their performance in comparison with other existing approaches, like SMAA and SMAA-II or Sarabando and Dias? method.


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This paper shares our experience with initial negotiation and topic elicitation process for conducting industry experiments in six software development organizations in Finland. The process involved interaction with company representatives in the form of both multiple group discussions and separate face-to-face meetings. Fitness criteria developed by researchers were applied to the list of generated topics to decide on a common topic. The challenges we faced include diversity of proposed topics, communication gaps, skepticism about research methods, initial disconnect between research and industry needs, and lack of prior work relationship. Lessons learned include having enough time to establish trust with partners, importance of leveraging the benefits of training and skill development that are inherent in the experimental approach, uniquely positioning the experimental approach within the landscape of other validation approaches more familiar to industrial partners, and introducing the fitness criteria early in the process.


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Vision-based object detection from a moving platform becomes particularly challenging in the field of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). In this context, onboard vision-based vehicle verification strategies become critical, facing challenges derived from the variability of vehicles appearance, illumination, and vehicle speed. In this paper, an optimized HOG configuration for onboard vehicle verification is proposed which not only considers its spatial and orientation resolution, but descriptor processing strategies and classification. An in-depth analysis of the optimal settings for HOG for onboard vehicle verification is presented, in the context of SVM classification with different kernels. In contrast to many existing approaches, the evaluation is realized in a public and heterogeneous database of vehicle and non-vehicle images in different areas of the road, rendering excellent verification rates that outperform other similar approaches in the literature.


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En esta tesis se investiga la interacción entre un fluido viscoso y un cuerpo sólido en presencia de una superficie libre. El problema se expresa teóricamente poniendo especial atención a los aspectos de conservación de energía y de la interacción del fluido con el cuerpo. El problema se considera 2D y monofásico, y un desarrollo matemático permite una descomposición de los términos disipativos en términos relacionados con la superficie libre y términos relacionados con la enstrofía. El modelo numérico utilizado en la tesis se basa en el método sin malla Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). De manera análoga a lo que se hace a nivel continuo, las propiedades de conservación se estudian en la tesis con el sistema discreto de partículas. Se tratan también las condiciones de contorno de un cuerpo que se mueve en un flujo viscoso, implementadas con el método ghost-fluid. Se ha desarrollado un algoritmo explícito de interacción fluido / cuerpo. Se han documentado algunos casos de modo detallado con el objetivo de comprobar la capacidad del modelo para reproducir correctamente la disipación de energía y el movimiento del cuerpo. En particular se ha investigado la atenuación de una onda estacionaria, comparando la simulación numérica con predicciones teóricas. Se han realizado otras pruebas para monitorizar la disipación de energía para flujos más violentos que implican la fragmentación de la superficie libre. La cantidad de energía disipada con los diferentes términos se ha evaluado en los casos estudiados con el modelo numérico. Se han realizado otras pruebas numéricas para verificar la técnica de modelización de la interacción fluido / cuerpo, concretamente las fuerzas ejercidas por las olas en cuerpos con formas simples, y el equilibrio de un cuerpo flotante con una forma compleja. Una vez que el modelo numérico ha sido validado, se han realizado simulaciones numéricas para obtener una comprensión más completa de la física implicada en casos (casi) realistas sobre los había aspectos que no se conocían suficientemente. En primer lugar se ha estudiado el el flujo alrededor de un cilindro bajo la superficie libre. El estudio se ha realizado con un número de Reynolds moderado, para un rango de inmersiones del cilindro y números de Froude. La solución numérica permite una investigación de los patrones complejos que se producen. La estela del cilindro interactúa con la superficie libre. Se han identificado algunos inestabilidades características. El segundo estudio se ha realizado sobre el problema de sloshing, tanto experimentalmente como numéricamente. El análisis se restringe a aguas poco profundas y con oscilación horizontal, pero se ha estudiado un gran número de condiciones, lo que lleva a una comprensión bastante completa de los sistemas de onda involucradas. La última parte de la tesis trata también sobre un problema de sloshing pero esta vez el tanque está oscilando con rotación y hay acoplamiento con un sistema mecánico. El sistema se llama pendulum-TLD (Tuned Liquid Damper - con líquido amortiguador). Este tipo de sistema se utiliza normalmente para la amortiguación de las estructuras civiles. El análisis se ha realizado analíticamente, numéricamente y experimentalmente utilizando líquidos con viscosidades diferentes, centrándose en características no lineales y mecanismos de disipación. ABSTRA C T The subject of the present thesis is the interaction between a viscous fluid and a solid body in the presence of a free surface. The problem is expressed first theoretically with a particular focus on the energy conservation and the fluid-body interaction. The problem is considered 2D and monophasic, and some mathematical development allows for a decomposition of the energy dissipation into terms related to the Free Surface and others related to the enstrophy. The numerical model used on the thesis is based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH): a computational method that works by dividing the fluid into particles. Analogously to what is done at continuum level, the conservation properties are studied on the discrete system of particles. Additionally the boundary conditions for a moving body in a viscous flow are treated and discussed using the ghost-fluid method. An explicit algorithm for handling fluid-body coupling is also developed. Following these theoretical developments on the numerical model, some test cases are devised in order to test the ability of the model to correctly reproduce the energy dissipation and the motion of the body. The attenuation of a standing wave is used to compare what is numerically simulated to what is theoretically predicted. Further tests are done in order to monitor the energy dissipation in case of more violent flows involving the fragmentation of the free-surface. The amount of energy dissipated with the different terms is assessed with the numerical model. Other numerical tests are performed in order to test the fluid/body interaction method: forces exerted by waves on simple shapes, and equilibrium of a floating body with a complex shape. Once the numerical model has been validated, numerical tests are performed in order to get a more complete understanding of the physics involved in (almost) realistic cases. First a study is performed on the flow passing a cylinder under the free surface. The study is performed at moderate Reynolds numbers, for various cylinder submergences, and various Froude numbers. The capacity of the numerical solver allows for an investigation of the complex patterns which occur. The wake from the cylinder interacts with the free surface, and some characteristical flow mechanisms are identified. The second study is done on the sloshing problem, both experimentally and numerically. The analysis is restrained to shallow water and horizontal excitation, but a large number of conditions are studied, leading to quite a complete understanding of the wave systems involved. The last part of the thesis still involves a sloshing problem but this time the tank is rolling and there is coupling with a mechanical system. The system is named pendulum-TLD (Tuned Liquid Damper). This kind of system is normally used for damping of civil structures. The analysis is then performed analytically, numerically and experimentally for using liquids with different viscosities, focusing on non-linear features and dissipation mechanisms.


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El objetivo de la tesis es la investigación de algoritmos numéricos para el desarrollo de herramientas numéricas para la simulación de problemas tanto de comportamiento en la mar como de resistencia al avance de buques y estructuras flotantes. La primera herramienta desarrollada resuelve el problema de difracción y radiación de olas. Se basan en el método de los elementos finitos (MEF) para la resolución de la ecuación de Laplace, así como en esquemas basados en MEF, integración a lo largo de líneas de corriente, y en diferencias finitas desarrollados para la condición de superficie libre. Se han desarrollado herramientas numéricas para la resolución de la dinámica de sólido rígido en sistemas multicuerpos con ligaduras. Estas herramientas han sido integradas junto con la herramienta de resolución de olas difractadas y radiadas para la resolución de problemas de interacción de cuerpos con olas. También se han diseñado algoritmos de acoplamientos con otras herramientas numéricas para la resolución de problemas multifísica. En particular, se han realizado acoplamientos con una herramienta numérica basada de cálculo de estructuras con MEF para problemas de interacción fluido-estructura, otra de cálculo de líneas de fondeo, y con una herramienta numérica de cálculo de flujos en tanques internos para problemas acoplados de comportamiento en la mar con “sloshing”. Se han realizado simulaciones numéricas para la validación y verificación de los algoritmos desarrollados, así como para el análisis de diferentes casos de estudio con aplicaciones diversas en los campos de la ingeniería naval, oceánica, y energías renovables marinas. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the research on numerical algorithms to develop numerical tools to simulate seakeeping problems as well as wave resistance problems of ships and floating structures. The first tool developed is a wave diffraction-radiation solver. It is based on the finite element method (FEM) in order to solve the Laplace equation, as well as numerical schemes based on FEM, streamline integration, and finite difference method tailored for solving the free surface boundary condition. It has been developed numerical tools to solve solid body dynamics of multibody systems with body links across them. This tool has been integrated with the wave diffraction-radiation solver to solve wave-body interaction problems. Also it has been tailored coupling algorithms with other numerical tools in order to solve multi-physics problems. In particular, it has been performed coupling with a MEF structural solver to solve fluid-structure interaction problems, with a mooring solver, and with a solver capable of simulating internal flows in tanks to solve couple seakeeping-sloshing problems. Numerical simulations have been carried out to validate and verify the developed algorithms, as well as to analyze case studies in the areas of marine engineering, offshore engineering, and offshore renewable energy.


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A more natural, intuitive, user-friendly, and less intrusive Human–Computer interface for controlling an application by executing hand gestures is presented. For this purpose, a robust vision-based hand-gesture recognition system has been developed, and a new database has been created to test it. The system is divided into three stages: detection, tracking, and recognition. The detection stage searches in every frame of a video sequence potential hand poses using a binary Support Vector Machine classifier and Local Binary Patterns as feature vectors. These detections are employed as input of a tracker to generate a spatio-temporal trajectory of hand poses. Finally, the recognition stage segments a spatio-temporal volume of data using the obtained trajectories, and compute a video descriptor called Volumetric Spatiograms of Local Binary Patterns (VS-LBP), which is delivered to a bank of SVM classifiers to perform the gesture recognition. The VS-LBP is a novel video descriptor that constitutes one of the most important contributions of the paper, which is able to provide much richer spatio-temporal information than other existing approaches in the state of the art with a manageable computational cost. Excellent results have been obtained outperforming other approaches of the state of the art.