14 resultados para organic electronics semiconductors detectors sensors X-rays

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Due to the particular characteristics of the fusion products, i.e. very short pulses (less than a few μs long for ions when arriving to the walls; less than 1 ns long for X-rays), very high fluences ( 10 13 particles/cm 2 for both ions and X rays photons) and broad particle energy spectra (up to 10 MeV ions and 100 keV photons), the laser fusion community lacks of facilities to accurately test plasma facing materials under those conditions. In the present work, the ability of ultraintese lasers to create short pulses of energetic particles and high fluences is addressed as a solution to reproduce those ion and X-ray bursts. Based on those parameters, a comparison between fusion ion and laser driven ion beams is presented and discussed, describing a possible experimental set-up to generate with lasers the appropriate ion pulses. At the same time, the possibility of generating X-ray or neutron beams which simulate those of laser fusion environments is also indicated and assessed under current laser intensities. It is concluded that ultraintense lasers should play a relevant role in the validation of materials for laser fusion facilities.


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The ability of ultraintese lasers to create short pulses of energetic particles and high fluences is addressed as a solution to reproduce ion and X-ray ICF bursts for the characterization and validation of plasma facing components. The possibility of using a laser neutron source for material testing will also be discussed.


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Low energy X-rays Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy (XIORT) treatment delivered during surgery (ex: INTRABEAM, Carl Zeiss, and Axxent, Xoft) can benefit from accurate and fast dose prediction in a patient 3D volume.


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Theoretical X-ray opacities are used in numerous radiative transfer simulations of plasmas at different temperatures and densities, for example astrophysics, fusion, metrology and EUV and X-rays radiation sources. However, there are only a reduced number of laboratories working on the validation of those theoretical results empirically, in particular for high temperature plasmas (mayor que 1eV). One of those limitations comes from the use of broad band EUV- X ray sources to illuminate the plasma which, among other issues, present low reproducibility and repetition rate [1]. Synchrotron radiation facilities are a more appropriate radiation source in that sense, since they provide tunable, reproducible and high resolution photons. Only their ?low? photon intensity for these experiments has prevented researchers to use it for this purpose. However, as new synchrotron facilities improve their photon fluxes, this limitation not longer holds [2]. This work evaluates the experimental requirements to use third generation synchrotron radiation sources for the empirical measurement of opacities of plasmas, proposing a pausible experimental set-up to carry them out. Properties of the laser or discharge generated plasmas to be studied with synchrotron radiation will be discussed in terms of their maximum temperatures, densities and temporal evolution. It will be concluded that there are encouraging reasons to pursue these kind of experiments which will provide with an appropriate benchmark for theoretical opacities


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X-ray free-electron lasers1,2 delivering up to 131013 coherent photons in femtosecond pulses are bringing about a revolution in X-ray science3?5. However, some plasma-based soft X-ray lasers6 are attractive because they spontaneously emit an even higher number of photons (131015), but these are emitted in incoherent and long (hundreds of picoseconds) pulses7 as a consequence of the amplification of stochastic incoherent self-emission. Previous experimental attempts to seed such amplifiers with coherent femtosecond soft X-rays resulted in as yet unexplained weak amplification of the seed and strong amplification of incoherent spontaneous emission8. Using a time-dependent Maxwell?Bloch model describing the amplification of both coherent and incoherent soft X-rays in plasma, we explain the observed inefficiency and propose a new amplification scheme based on the seeding of stretched high harmonics using a transposition of chirped pulse amplification to soft X-rays. This scheme is able to deliver 531014 fully coherent soft X-ray photons in 200 fs pulses and with a peak power of 20 GW.


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Las bandas de las denominadas ondas milimétricas y submilimétricas están situadas en la región del espectro entre las microondas y el infrarrojo. La banda de milimétricas se sitúa entre 30 y 300 GHz, considerada normalmente como la banda EHF (Extremely High Frequency). El margen de frecuencias entre 300 y 3000 GHz es conocido como la banda de ondas submilimétricas o de terahercios (THz). Sin embargo, no toda la comunidad científica está de acuerdo acerca de las frecuencias que limitan la banda de THz. De hecho, 100 GHz y 10 THz son considerados comúnmente como los límites inferior y superior de dicha banda, respectivamente. Hasta hace relativamente pocos años, la banda de THz sólo había sido explotada para aplicaciones en los campos de la espectroscopía y la radioastronomía. Los avances tecnológicos en la electrónica de microondas y la óptica lastraron el desarrollo de la banda de THz. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes han demostrado las ventajas asociadas a operar en estas longitudes de onda, lo que ha aumentado el interés y los esfuerzos dedicados a la tecnología de THz. A pesar de que han surgido un gran número de aplicaciones, una de las más prometedoras está en el campo de la vigilancia y la seguridad. Esta tesis está dedicada al desarrollo de radares de onda continua y frecuencia modulada (CW-LFM) de alta resolución en la banda de milimétricas, más concretamente, en las ventanas de atenuación situadas en 100 y 300 GHz. Trabajar en estas bandas de frecuencia presenta beneficios tales como la capacidad de las ondas de atravesar ciertos materiales como la ropa o el papel, opacos en el rango visible, y la posibilidad de usar grandes anchos de banda, obteniéndose así elevadas resoluciones en distancia. Los anchos de banda de 9 y 27 GHz seleccionados para los sistemas de 100 y 300 GHz, respectivamente, proporcionan resoluciones en distancia alrededor y por debajo del cm. Por otro lado, las aplicaciones objetivo se centran en la adquisición de imágenes a corto alcance. En el caso del prototipo a 300 GHz, su diseño se ha orientado a aplicaciones de detección a distancia en escenarios de vigilancia y seguridad. La naturaleza no ionizante de esta radiación supone una ventaja frente a las alternativas tradicionalmente usadas tales como los sistemas de rayos X. La presente tesis se centra en el proceso de diseño, implementación y caracterización de ambos sistemas así como de la validación de su funcionamiento. Se ha elegido una solución basada en componentes electrónicos, y no ópticos, debido a su alta fiabilidad, volumen reducido y amplia disponibilidad de componentes comerciales. Durante el proceso de diseño e implementación, se han tenido en cuenta varias directrices tales como la minimización del coste y la versatilidad de los sistemas desarrollados para hacer posible su aplicación para múltiples propósitos. Ambos sistemas se han utilizado en diferentes pruebas experimentales, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios. Aunque son sólo ejemplos dentro del amplio rango de posibles aplicaciones, la adquisición de imágenes ISAR de modelos de blancos a escala para detección automática así como la obtención de datos micro-Range/micro- Doppler para el análisis de patrones humanos han validado el funcionamiento del sistema a 100 GHz. Por otro lado, varios ejemplos de imágenes 3D obtenidas a 300 GHz han demostrado las capacidades del sistema para su uso en tareas de seguridad y detección a distancia. ABSTRACT The millimeter- and submillimeter-wave bands are the regions of the spectrum between the microwaves and the infrared (IR). The millimeter-wave band covers the range of the spectrum from 30 to 300 GHz, which is usually considered as the extremely high frequency (EHF) band. The range of frequencies between 300 and 3000 GHz is known as the submillimeter-wave or terahertz (THz) band. Nevertheless, the boundaries of the THz band are not accepted by the whole research community. In fact, 100 GHz and 10 THz are often considered by some authors as the lower and upper limit of this band, respectively. Until recently, the THz band had not been exploited for practical applications, with the exception of minor uses in the fields of spectroscopy and radio astronomy. The advancements on microwave electronics and optical technology left the well-known THz gap undeveloped. However, recent research has unveiled the advantages of working at these frequencies, which has motivated the increase in research effort devoted to THz technology. Even though the range of upcoming applications is wide, the most promising ones are in the field of security and surveillance. Particularly, this Ph.D. thesis deals with the development of high resolution continuouswave linear-frequency modulated (CW-LFM) radars in the millimeter-wave band, namely, in the attenuation windows located at 100 and 300 GHz. Working at these wavelengths presents several benefits such as the ability of radiation to penetrate certain materials, visibly opaque, and the great availability of bandwidth at these frequencies, which leads to high range resolution. The selected bandwidths of 9 and 27 GHz for these systems at 100 and 300 GHz, respectively, result in cm and sub-cm range resolution. On the other hand, the intended applications are in the field of short-range imaging. In particular, the design of the 300-GHz prototype is oriented to standoff detection for security and surveillance scenarios. The non-ionizing nature of this radiation allows safety concerns to be alleviated, in clear contrast to other traditional alternatives such as X-rays systems. This thesis is focused on the design, implementation and characterization process of both systems as well as the experimental assessment of their performances. An electronic approach has been selected instead of an optical solution so as to take advantage of its high reliability, reduced volume and the availability of commercial components. Through the whole design and implementation process, several guidelines such as low cost and hardware versatility have been also kept in mind. Taking advantage of that versatility, different applications can be carried out with the same hardware concept. Both radar systems have been used in several experimental trials with satisfactory results. Despite being mere examples within the wide range of fields of application, ISAR imaging of scaled model targets for automatic target recognition and micro-Range/micro-Doppler analysis of human patterns have validated the system performance at 100 GHz. In addition, 3D imaging examples at 300 GHz demonstrate the radar system’s capabilities for standoff detection and security tasks.


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The first wall armour for the reactor chamber of HiPER will have to face short energy pulses of 5 to 20 MJ mostly in the form of x-rays and charged particles at a repetition rate of 5–10 Hz. Armour material and chamber dimensions have to be chosen to avoid/minimize damage to the chamber, ensuring the proper functioning of the facility during its planned lifetime. The maximum energy fluence that the armour can withstand without risk of failure, is determined by temporal and spatial deposition of the radiation energy inside the material. In this paper, simulations on the thermal effect of the radiation–armour interaction are carried out with an increasing definition of the temporal and spatial deposition of energy to prove their influence on the final results. These calculations will lead us to present the first values of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the tungsten armour designed for the HiPER project under a shock ignition target of 48 MJ. The results will show that only the crossing of the plasticity limit in the first few micrometres might be a threat after thousands of shots for the survivability of the armour.


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One of the most advance designs for HiPER fusion reactor is a spherical chamber 10 m in diameter based on dry wall concept. In this system, the first wall will have to withstand short energy pulses of 5 to 20 MJ at a repetition rate of 0.5-10 Hz mostly in form of X-rays and charged particles. To avoid melting of the inner surface, the first wall consists on a thin armor attached to the structural material. Thickness (th) and material of each layer have to be chosen to assure the proper functioning of the facility during its planned lifetime.


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During the current preparatory phase of the European laser fusion project HiPER, an intensive effort has being placed to identify an armour material able to protect the internal walls of the chamber against the high thermal loads and high fluxes of x-rays and ions produced during the fusion explosions. This poster addresses the different threats and limitations of a poly-crystalline Tungsten armour. The analysis is carried out under the conditions of an experimental chamber hypothetically constructed to demonstrate laser fusion in a repetitive mode, subjected to a few thousand 48MJ shock ignition shots during its entire lifetime. If compared to the literature, an extrapolation of the thermomechanical and atomistic effects obtained from the simulations of the experimental chamber to the conditions of a Demo reactor (working 24/7 at hundreds of MW) or a future power plant (producing GW) suggests that “standard” tungsten will not be a suitable armour. Thus, new materials based on nano-structured W and C are being investigated as possible candidates. The research programme launched by the HiPER material team is introduced.


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The goal of the European laser fusion project, is to build an engineering facility for repetitive laser operation (HiPER 4a) and later a fusion reactor (HiPER 4b). A key aspect for laser fusion energy is the final optics. At the moment, it is based on silica transmission lenses located 8 m away from the chamber center. Lens lifetime depends on the irradiation conditions. We have used a 48 MJ shock ignition target for calculations. We have studied the thermo-mechanical effects of ions and X-rays on the lenses. Ions lead to lens melting and must therefore be mitigated. On the other hand, X-rays (~1% of the energy) does not produce either a significant temperature rise or detrimental stresses. Finally, we calculated the neutron flux and gamma dose rate on the lenses. Next, based on a simple model we studied the formation of color centers in the sample, which lead to optical absorption. Calculations show that simultaneous neutron and gamma irradiation does not significantly increase the optical absorption during the expected lifetime of the HiPER 4a facility. Under severe conditions (HiPER 4b), operation above 800 K or lens refreshing by thermal annealing treatments seem to assure adequate behavior.


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Soil voids manifest the cumulative effect of local pedogenic processes and ultimately influence soil behavior - especially as it pertains to aeration and hydrophysical properties. Because of the relatively weak attenuation of X-rays by air, compared with liquids or solids, non-disruptive CT scanning has become a very attractive tool for generating three-dimensional imagery of soil voids. One of the main steps involved in this analysis is the thresholding required to transform the original (greyscale) images into the type of binary representation (e.g., pores in white, solids in black) needed for fractal analysis or simulation with Lattice?Boltzmann models (Baveye et al., 2010). The objective of the current work is to apply an innovative approach to quantifying soil voids and pore networks in original X-ray CT imagery using Relative Entropy (Bird et al., 2006; Tarquis et al., 2008). These will be illustrated using typical imagery representing contrasting soil structures. Particular attention will be given to the need to consider the full 3D context of the CT imagery, as well as scaling issues, in the application and interpretation of this index.


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Infrared thermography IR is a technique, which allows us to get rapidly and non-invasive thermal images from objects or human beings. (Barnes, 1967). In Medicine, its usefulness as diagnosis tool was accepted decades ago (BenEliyahu, 1990), but other techniques with a higher efficiency -such as magnetic resonance or x-rays- ousted it. Nevertheless, the technological improvements on thermographic cameras and new studies on sport injuries are reinforcing new applications (Ring, 2006)


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Residual stresses developed during wire drawing influence the mechanical behavior and durability of steel wires used for prestressed concrete structures, particularly the shape of the stress–strain curve, stress relaxation losses, fatigue life, and environmental cracking susceptibility. The availability of general purpose finite element analysis tools and powerful diffraction techniques (X-rays and neutrons) has made it possible to predict and measure accurately residual stress fields in cold-drawn steel wires. Work carried out in this field in the past decade, shows the prospects and limitations of residual stress measurement, how the stress relaxation losses and environmentally-assisted cracking are correlated with the profile of residual stresses and how the performance of steel wires can be improved by modifying such a stress profile


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La clasificación de las semillas de especies olerícolas se realiza principalmente por peso y tamaño, con criterios similares a los aplicados en cereales y leguminosas, en que se asocia positivamente estos atributos físicos con la calidad fisiológica. No obstante lo anterior, en diversas especies de hortalizas la información es escasa y contradictoria al respecto, lo que motiva la realización de la presente investigación. En semillas de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) se determinó el efecto del peso y tamaño sobre la calidad fisiológica expresada como germinación y vigor. Además, se correlacionaron los resultados de las pruebas de evaluación de calidad fisiológica y se describieron variables del crecimiento y desarrollo. Se utilizaron lotes de diferentes variedades de semillas híbridas de cuatro temporadas, producidas en un clima templado cálido con lluvias invernales y estación seca prolongada (32º 54’ y 34° 21´ latitud Sur). Se midió peso y tamaño de semillas, además en dos temporadas se evaluaron las características internas de área y peso de embrión y área de endospermo. Se determinó la calidad de las semillas con la prueba de germinación y según fuera el año de estudio se midió vigor con las pruebas de envejecimiento acelerado, de plantas útiles al trasplante y de plántulas emergidas. Con análisis de imágenes y rayos X se extrajeron datos del tamaño externo e interno de las semillas y plántulas. Los lotes se compararon mediante análisis de varianza y las medias con la prueba de Tukey, la asociación entre dos variables se determinó con correlaciones de Pearson, las variables de peso y tamaño de la semilla y su relación con las pruebas de calidad, se analizaron mediante regresiones múltiples. Se utilizó un nivel de significación de 0,05 de probabilidad. Los resultados indicaron que el tamaño y no el peso de las semillas de tomate, diferenciaron calidad entre lotes en las diversas variedades. La prueba de germinación tuvo una baja sensibilidad para discriminar lotes, además de una escasa correlación con las características físicas de las semillas, cuando hubo asociación, la relación fue débil y negativa. La prueba de vigor de envejecimiento acelerado diferenció lotes y presentó escasa asociación con las características físicas de las semillas. El número de semillas germinadas en la prueba de envejecimiento acelerado se explicó por el efecto del tamaño de las semillas, mientras que las fracciones de descarte se asociaron con el peso de las mismas. La prueba de vigor de plantas útiles al trasplante no discriminó entre lotes. Tuvo una asociación débil con el peso y tamaño de las semillas. El modelo asociado a esta relación explicó con un alto coeficiente de determinación que el peso de la semilla influyó sobre la emergencia temprana, mientras que la relación fue menor y negativa con plantas de mayor desarrollo. La prueba de vigor de plántulas emergidas discriminó lotes de semillas con plántulas de 3 a 5 días después de siembra. Hubo escasa y débil asociación entre esta prueba y las características de peso y tamaño las semillas. El modelo de predicción de plántulas emergidas fue particular en cada temporada, cuando hubo un coeficiente de determinación alto influyó negativamente el peso o tamaño de la semilla. Entre las pruebas de calidad fisiológica evaluadas en semillas de tomate hubo escasas correlaciones significativas. Entre germinación y vigor las correlaciones significativas fueron débiles y sólo se encontraron en algunas temporadas de evaluación. Entre las pruebas de vigor no hubo asociación. En las pruebas de vigor de plantas útiles al trasplante y de plántulas emergidas, los cotiledones alcanzaron el mayor porcentaje de materia seca y se correlacionaron fuertemente con la materia seca total. En la prueba de plántulas emergidas la materia seca de las radículas diferenció parcialmente lotes de semillas al igual que la longitud total y de las radículas. La longitud de la radícula se correlacionó fuertemente con la longitud total de plántulas. ABSTRACT Seed selection for olericultural species is mainly carried out considering weight and size with similar criteria to those applied in cereals and legumes where size and physiological quality are favorably associated. However, information about several species is limited and contradictory regarding the above, leading to the present research. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seeds, the effect of weight and size on the physiological quality expressed as germination and vigor was determined. In addition, results of quality evaluation tests were correlated and variables of growth and development were described. Batches of hybrid seeds from four seasons were used. These seeds were produced in a mild warm climate with winter rainfalls and long dry season (32º 54’ and 34° 21´South Latitude). Seed weight and size were determined, additionally internal characteristics such as embryo area and weight as well as endosperm area were evaluated in two seasons. The quality of seeds was established using the germination test and, depending on the year of the study, vigor was measured through accelerated aging tests for plants useful for transplanting and emerged seedlings. Using imaging analysis and X rays, data regarding external and internal size of seeds and seedlings were obtained. Batches were compared through ANOVA and means using Tukey’s test; the association between both variables was determined with Pearson correlations, whereas variables of seed weight and size and their relation to quality tests were analyzed through multiple regressions. A significance level of 0.05 probability was used. Results showed that the size (but not the weight) of tomatoes differentiates quality between batches from several seasons. The germination test was not sensitive enough to discriminate batches in addition to having a limited correlation with the characteristics of seeds, when they were associated, the relation was weak and unfavorable. Vigor test for accelerated aging made the difference between batches and presented low association with physical characteristics of the seeds. The number of germinated seeds in the accelerated aging test was explained by the effect of the seed size, whereas cull fractions were associated with their weight. The vigor test of plants useful for transplanting did not discriminate between batches. The association with seed weight and size was weak. The model associated to this relation explained, with a high coefficient determination, that the seed weight had influence on early emergence, whereas the relation was minor and unfavorable with more developed plants. Vigor test of emerged seedlings discriminated batches of seeds with seedlings of 3 to 5 days after sowing. There was a limited and weak association between this test and the characteristics of seed weight and size. The prediction model for seedlings emerged was particular in each season, when the determination coefficient was high, seed weight and size influenced negatively. Among the physiological quality tests evaluated in tomato seeds, significant correlations were negligible. Between germination and vigor, significant correlations were poor, being only found in some evaluation seasons. There was no association in the vigor tests. In vigor tests for plants useful for transplanting and emerged seedlings, cotyledons reached the highest percentage of dry matter and were strongly correlated with total dry matter. In the test of emerged seedlings, dry matter of radicles partially differentiated batches of seeds as well as total length and radicles. Radicle length was strongly correlated with total seedlings length.