13 resultados para online course materials
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper describes the objectives, content, learning methodology and results of an online course on the History of Algorithms for engineering students at Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). This course is conducted in a virtual environment based on Moodle, with a student-centred educational model which includes a detailed planning of learning activities. Our experience indicates that this subject is highly motivating for students and the virtual environment facilitates competencies development
Collaborative e-learning is increasingly appealing as a pedagogical approach that can positively affect student learning. We propose a didactical model that integrates multimedia with collaborative tools and peer assessment to foster collaborative e-learning. In this paper, we explain it and present the results of its application to the “International Seminars on Materials Science” online course. The proposed didactical model consists of five educational activities. In the first three, students review the multimedia resources proposed by the teacher in collaboration with their classmates. Then, in the last two activities, they create their own multimedia resources and assess those created by their classmates. These activities foster communication and collaboration among students and their ability to use and create multimedia resources. Our purpose is to encourage the creativity, motivation, and dynamism of the learning process for both teachers and students.
En los últimos dos años la formación online ha experimentado un auge significativo gracias al paradigma de formación denominado MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). Un MOOC simplifica la formación a distancia gracias a sus características de abierto, colaborativo, masivo y gratuito. Por desgracia en lengua española la utilización de este tipo de recurso formativo todavía es minoritaria. La presente investigación recoge una experiencia de innovación educativa en la que se destaca el diseño, implementación y difusión del primer MOOC en lengua española dedicado a la seguridad de la información por parte de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Esta experiencia aborda las ventajas e inconvenientes de este tipo de recurso formativo, debatiendo aspectos vitales para la elaboración prolongada de cursos tipo MOOC, como son la interactividad y retroalimentación con los usuarios del curso o la forma más adecuada de representar el contenido docente. Todas estas cuestiones reciben respuesta en el MOOC Crypt4you, que con más de 10 meses de vida permite vislumbrar un gran éxito de este tipo de cursos en la formación, al menos en lengua española, de hispanohablantes. ABSTRACT In the last two years, online training has boomed thanks to significant training paradigm called MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). A MOOC simplifies remote training thanks to its open, collaborativend free mass features. Unfortunately, the use of this kind of learning resource in Spanish teaching is still a minority. This research includes an educational experience which emphasizes the design, implementation and dissemination of the first Spanish-language MOOC devoted to information security by the Technical University of Madrid. This experiment addresses the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of learning resource discussing critical issues for developing type MOOC prolonged courses, such as interactivity and feedback from users of the course or the most appropriate way of representing the educational content. All these questions are answered in the MOOC Crypt4you which, over its 10 months of life, can glimpse a great success of this type of training course, at least in Spanish, Spanish-speakers.
La asignatura Sistemas Operativos presenta dificultades para su aprendizaje, pero poco se conoce acerca de las mismas, ya que no han sido determinadas ni estudiadas por la literatura. Asimismo, los trabajos existentes sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje de Sistemas Operativos se limitan a proponer distintos enfoques para impartir la asignatura y en general no evalúan el aprendizaje de los estudiantes para comprobar la eficacia del método propuesto ni usan metodologías de investigación rigurosas. Por otra parte, la impartición de la asignatura Sistemas Operativos en modalidad online ha sido escasamente estudiada y podría tener dificultades adicionales a las de la modalidad presencial, ya que el contexto online impone una serie de restricciones tanto para el profesor como para el estudiante. En la presente tesis se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación formativa en la asignatura Sistemas Operativos, perteneciente al Grado de Ingeniería Informática de una universidad online. El objetivo inicial de la evaluación era descubrir las dificultades de los estudiantes para la comprensión de los conceptos de la asignatura. Posteriormente y, dada la buena aceptación de la evaluación por parte de los estudiantes, se ampliaron los objetivos del trabajo para explorar los efectos de la evaluación realizada sobre el aprendizaje. La evaluación formativa diseñada está basada en la taxonomía revisada de Bloom y sus principales objetivos son: (a) promover el aprendizaje significativo y (b) hacer a los estudiantes conscientes de su proceso de aprendizaje. La metodología de investigación utilizada es el estudio de caso cualitativo y la muestra está constituida por 9 estudiantes del total de 13 matriculados en la asignatura. Los datos cualitativos analizados proceden de las pruebas de evaluación formativa llevadas a cabo por los estudiantes durante la impartición de la asignatura. Los conceptos de sistemas operativos que han resultado más difíciles de comprender en el curso online estudiado han sido las interrupciones y los semáforos. Además, alrededor de estos conceptos se han identificado las dificultades específicas y sus posibles causas. Las dificultades descubiertas acerca de los semáforos corroboran las investigaciones existentes en el área de programación concurrente. El resto de las dificultades identificadas no habían sido determinadas por la literatura existente. En cuanto a los efectos de la evaluación formativa sobre el aprendizaje, la evidencia empírica muestra que ésta ha provocado en los estudiantes una reflexión profunda sobre los conceptos de la asignatura y sobre su propio proceso de aprendizaje. El estudio de caso presentado puede ayudar a los profesores del área de ingeniería a crear evaluaciones formativas en cursos online. La tesis, por tanto, realiza aportaciones relevantes en las áreas de enseñanza y aprendizaje de sistemas operativos, evaluación formativa, metodologías cualitativas y educación online. ABSTRACT Operating Systems is a difficult subject to learn; however little is known about said difficulties, as they have not been studied nor determined by the relevant literature. Existing studies on teaching and learning the subject of operating systems are limited to presenting different approaches for teaching the subject and generally do not evaluate students’ learning to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods, nor do they use rigorous research methodologies. On the other hand, there are very few studies on teaching operating systems online, which may inherently present more difficulties than the in-person format, since an online context imposes a series of restrictions on both professors and students, such as not having face-to-face interaction for communications. This thesis studies a formative assessment of the subject of operating systems, as part of the Degree in Information Technology Engineering for an online university. The initial objective of this assessment was to determine the students’ difficulties in conceptual comprehension for this subject. Once students had accepted the assessment, the study’s objectives were expanded to include an investigation of the effects of the assessment on learning. The designed formative assessment was based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy with the following main objectives: (a) to promote meaningful learning and (b) (b) to make students aware of their learning process. The research methodology involves a qualitative case study with a sample consisting of 9 of the total 13 students registered for this course. The qualitative data analyzed comes from the formative assessment tests taken by these students during the course. The most difficult operating systems concepts for students in the online course were interrupts and semaphores. Additionally, the specific difficulties and their possible causes have been identified. The students’ comprehension difficulties with semaphores corroborate the existing research in the area of concurrent programming. The other identified difficulties were not discussed in the existing literature. Regarding the effects of the formative assessment on learning, the empirical evidence shows that it causes students to reflect carefully on the subject’s concepts as well as their own learning process. The presented case study can help professors in the area of engineering to create formative assessments for online courses. This thesis, therefore, makes relevant contributions to the areas of teaching and learning operating systems, formative assessment, qualitative methodologies, and online education.
Los objetivos de este proyecto son proporcionar la teoría, los ejercicios y otros recursos necesarios para que los alumnos de la EUIT de Telecomunicación con un nivel A1 en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL) puedan obtener el nivel A2 en inglés sin necesidad de asistir a clases ni matricularse en cursos presenciales. La plataforma utilizada para conseguir este fin es Moodle, siendo utilizada en la página web de ILLLab. Este curso online sirve para alcanzar los conocimientos requeridos en la asignatura optativa Introduction to English for Professional and Academic Communication I que parte del nivel B1. Se realiza una propuesta de la gramática con sus correspondientes ejemplos y ejercicios basados todos ellos en adaptaciones de actividades publicadas en un corpus de libros de texto. Se añaden recursos (pequeñas lecturas, videos, enlaces) que se consideran apropiados para el tema tratado. Por otro lado, también se persigue solucionar el problema de los cursos de idiomas basados en e-learning ya que no proporcionan las herramientas necesarias para poner en práctica la expresión oral. Para ello, se aporta una aplicación basada en técnicas de reconocimiento de voz, con tres actividades en las que los resultados han de darse de forma hablada y con la correcta pronunciación. Así, se busca dar una base de conocimientos y experiencias prácticas para futuros proyectos basados en herramientas de síntesis y reconocimiento de voz, además de buscar un nuevo enfoque en el estudio de idiomas. Abstract: The objectives of this project are to provide the theory, exercises and other resources for students at the EUIT Telecommunications with A1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (MCERL) in order to get A2 level in English without attending face-to-face courses. The platform used to achieve this aim is Moodle, which is currently being used in ILLLab website. This online course is due to attain the knowledge required in the optional subject Introduction to English for Professional and Academic Communication I which is based on the B1 level. It is a proposal of grammar with corresponding examples and exercises all based on adaptations of activities posted on a corpus of textbooks. It also adds resources (short readings, videos or links) that are appropriate for the subject. On the other hand, this project aims to solve the problem of language courses based on e-learning because these do not usually provide the student with the necessary tools to practice speaking. For this, we develop an application based on speech recognition techniques and propose three activities to practice speaking, and pronunciation. The proposal seeks to provide knowledge and practical experience for future projects based on synthesis tools and voice recognition, and means a new approach to e-learning courses for the study of languages.
The main purpose of this work is to describe the case of an online Java Programming course for engineering students to learn computer programming and to practice other non-technicalabilities: online training, self-assessment, teamwork and use of foreign languages. It is important that students develop confidence and competence in these skills, which will be required later in their professional tasks and/or in other engineering courses (life-long learning). Furthermore, this paper presents the pedagogical methodology, the results drawn from this experience and an objective performance comparison with another conventional (face-to-face) Java course.
The Laboratory of Materials seminar is an optional course offered to students in the School of Architecture in Madrid. It is taught during 35 class hours in the laboratory of materials distributed in two hours and forty minutes weekly. One of the working lines is the preparation of traditional mortars made by students groups, each one of 4 or 5 members. It is basically a practical course, and students have to prepare a group of tests pieces in order to confirm the initial hypothesis, or when needed, make innovations. The test pieces are of 150mmx150mmx10mm and applied to big size hollow bricks, prismatic test pieces of 40mmx40mmx160mm to apply physical and mechanical tests and brick wallings of varied dimensions.
In a degree course such as Forestry Engineering, the general teaching objectives consist of explaining and helping students to understand the principles of Mechanics. For some time now we have encountered significant difficulties in teaching this subject due to the students' lack of motivation and to their insufficient prior preparation for the topic. If we add to this the discipline's inherent complexity and the students' preconceptions about the subject, these teaching difficulties become considerable. For this reason a series of didactic activities have been introduced sequentially in the teaching of this subject. This work describes the methodology, procedure and results for the action of developing a work project in groups using Descartes software. The results of this experiment can be considered very positive. Some of the critical preconceptions for learning the subject can be corrected, and the tutoring process in the classroom contributes to an improvement in teacherstudent communication. Since this scheme was established, the number of students taking part each academic year has increased, and this is the group with the greatest percentage of passing scores.
En este trabajo se comparan dos estrategias de evaluación a través de cuestionarios online: i) realizar un cuestionario de evaluación sumativa al final de cada bloque temático del curso o ii) permitir que, para cada bloque temático, el alumno pueda repetir varias veces un test (con realimentación de las respuestas correctas) y realizar un test similar después de esta fase de aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran varios beneficios de la segunda estrategia: una mayor participación de los alumnos hasta el final del semestre, una menor tasa de abandono de la asignatura y una mejor nota en los test. Sin embargo, para que el aprendizaje sea efectivo en el caso de repetir varias veces un test, se necesita un banco de preguntas suficientemente amplio para que exista una probabilidad baja de que las preguntas no se repitan. Este problema se ha resuelto utilizando la posibilidad que presentan algunas plataformas de gestión del aprendizaje de generar automáticamente variantes numéricas de una misma pregunta. Por último se observa un grado de acuerdo muy elevado por parte de los alumnos con el peso que los resultados de los tests tienen en la nota final del curso, en el caso bajo estudio. Abstract: This work compares two different assessment strategies through online tests: i) summative assessment tests at the end of each part of the course or ii) the students can do selfassessment tests (with feedback) prior to a summative assessment test at the end of each part of the course. Results show that the second strategy yields several benefits: an increment in student participation till the end of the semester, a reduction in the drop-out rate and an increase in the mean test marks. However, a large item bank is necessary to effectively implement this second strategy. This problem has been addressed by using the automatic item generation facility offered by several learning management systems. Finally, a high proportion of the students agree with the weight proposed for these tests in the final course mark.
An experience developed by the authors in the design of educational tools, funded on multimedia support for using in teaching, will be presented. These tools have been used on the subject of Helicopters, http://ocw.upm.es/ingenieriaaeroespacial/ helicopteros at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (E.U.I.T. Aeronáutica). Throughout more than ten years, these didactical and educational elements have been defined and developed. It has the singularity that most of them have been designed for undergraduate students, as a part of their end of degree projectwork. This peculiarity has led to a wide range of proposals and solutions, as well as an appropriate approach. depending on the level of knowledge. The evolution of tools for developing these materials will be presented, discussing advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we will advance the new materials which are being prepared at present.
Insulating materials in buildings are one of the main factors that should be taken into account when talking about sustainability since with a correct application it could imply important savings for the citizens. In the course of its life, a building requires a series of supplies to perform the duties it has been built for, generating an impact on the environment. The selection of one material or another will establish partly the global environmental impact of the building. Choosing the right insulating material will determine the building's general degree of sustainability, both in its heating savings (energy consumption) and in the environmental impacts caused by its LCA (greenhouse gas emissions). Therefore, we propose to establish guidelines to characterize the insulating material with a better environmental performance in all the stages of its life cycle, taking into account the construction system, the use of the building and its location.
The Reinforcement of Building Structures is one of the topics of the Master in Building Innovation Technology (MBIT) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Since the beginning of the delivery of this master, case studies have been chosen as the teaching methodology. For the 2011-2012 course the online education of this subject was implemented, instead of the classical learning based on attendance. Through ICT’s (Information and Communication Technologies) students are provided with much more and more selective information than through the classical learning. ICT’s can be used for search, enquiries and reporting. Using the online tools has been proved, through the results obtained and based on the surveys made amongst students, to be a successful experience.
Las redes sociales son tan antiguas como las relaciones entre los humanos, ya que las labores de cooperación siempre fueron imprescindibles en los procesos de asociación, tanto los formados por simples células hasta los constituidos por seres vivos. La sociedad está formada por una gran cantidad de situaciones que fomentan dicha colaboración. Desde la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior se ha promovido la utilización de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje que favorezcan una evaluación más transparente y objetiva. Las redes sociales online son las interfaces digitales más utilizadas por los estudiantes universitarios, por lo que son muchos los expertos que recomiendan analizar la utilidad educativa de este tipo de aplicaciones. Siguiendo estas recomendaciones se implementó una red social online, llamada Formatio, que se utilizó para apoyar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación superior. El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral fue valorar el nivel de aceptación de este entorno virtual de aprendizaje para los estudiantes universitarios que participaron en este estudio. Para evaluar el uso de la plataforma se analizaron las actividades generadas por los 172 estudiantes, seleccionados aleatoriamente, matriculados en la asignatura de Estadística y TIC en el curso 2010/2011, del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Con el objetivo de estimar la utilidad educativa de las redes sociales online se diseñó y validó el instrumento de Valoración de Recursos Educativos Online (VREO), que fue aplicado a otra muestra aleatoria de 452 estudiantes de la misma facultad durante el curso 2011/2012. Los resultados confirman el éxito de este tipo de espacios virtuales gracias a la alta frecuencia de uso conseguida y a las buenas puntuaciones obtenidas por los alumnos, quienes tienen una buena opinión sobre las ventajas de usar las redes sociales online en la educación superior. De todos los recursos analizados la red social online Formatio ha sido la opción mejor valorada, seguida de Moodle y Facebook en segundo y tercer lugar, y de Twitter y YouTube, en cuarta y en quinta posición. Este estudio establece un punto de partida para futuras investigaciones encaminadas a obtener ciertos indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos que faciliten una evaluación más justa de los actores integrantes de los sistemas educativos, que ayude a abrir las puertas de nuestra sociedad a la responsabilidad, la eficiencia, la transparencia y la objetividad. ABSTRACT Social networks are as old as human relations, since cooperative work has always been indispensable in all processes of association, from those composed of simple cells to those formed by living beings. Society is shaped by a large amount of situations that stimulate this cooperation. Since the creation of the European Higher Education Area, the use of virtual learning environments that favor more transparent and objective evaluation has been promoted. On-line social networks are the digital interfaces most widely used by university students, which is the reason why many experts recommend an analysis of the educational utility of this type of applications. Following these recommendations, an on-line social network called Formatio was created, which was used in order to support the teaching and learning process in higher education. The general objective of this doctoral dissertation was to evaluate the level of acceptance of this virtual learning environment by the university students who participated in this study. In order to evaluate the use of the platform, the activity created by 172 students chosen at random was analyzed; they were registered in the course on Statistics and Information and Communication Technology of the degree program in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport during the academic year 2010/2011. With the goal of appraising the educational utility of on-line social networks, a tool for Evaluation of On-line Educational Resources (EOER) was designed, validated, and applied to another random sample of 452 students from the same department during the academic year 2011/2012. The results confirm the success of this type of virtual spaces, thanks to the high frequency of use achieved and the good grades obtained by the students who had a favorable opinion of the advantages of using on-line social networks in higher education. Out of all the resources analyzed, the Formatio on-line social network was the option that received the best evaluation, followed by Moodle and Facebook, which were second and third, and Twitter and YouTube, in fourth and fifth place respectively. This study establishes a starting point for future research that aims to obtain certain qualitative and quantitative indicators that will make it easier to engage in a fairer evaluation of the parties involved in education systems, which will help open the doors of our society to responsibility, efficiency, transparency, and objectivity.