10 resultados para obligation to disclose

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This paper presents a proposal for an advanced system of debate in an environment of digital democracy which overcomes the limitations of existing systems. We have been especially careful in applying security procedures in telematic systems, for they are to offer citizens the guarantees that society demands. New functional tools have been included to ensure user authentication and to permit anonymous participation where the system is unable to disclose or even to know the identity of system users. The platform prevents participation by non-entitled persons who do not belong to the authorized group from giving their opinion. Furthermore, this proposal allows for verifying the proper function of the system, free of tampering or fraud intended to alter the conclusions or outcomes of participation. All these tools guarantee important aspects of both a social and technical nature, most importantly: freedom of expression, equality and auditability.


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Well, I firmly believe that, as a professor, one has the duty, the obligation to show and explain his work. Not, of course, as a model to imitate, but rather as an opportunity to reflect upon that work. So, I will try to explain some of the considerations that were crucial in the development of each project. It is my hope that these reflections may be of interest to you, and due to my optimistic nature, that you may even enjoy it. Today I am going to present some projects, from a specific point of view: that of MATERIALITY. This is why I decided to title this presentation ARCHITEXTURE: that is, architecture from the point of view of texture, the quality of its material. Our architecture wants to pay attention to materials; we like to use very physical materials. We try to explore the expressive possibilities of different materials. That allows us, on the one hand, to try to master different techniques, and exploit their potential. On the other hand, it also avoids the dangers of style. Style is the death of an architect. When he starts repeating formulas, avoiding experimentation, copying himself, he dies of boredom, of intellectual boredom. Nevertheless, I don’t believe that the material itself determines anything. Architecture is an exercise of the freedom of an architect. Almost nothing is a given. Of course, there is the law of gravity and economic restraints, and even the overwhelming building code. But the most determinant factor is always the freedom of the architect, derived from his mastery of knowledge and culture, and his decision to innovate and to take risks


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La tesis trata la evolución de la conciencia de la conservación de los centros históricos y de los instrumentos de gestión utilizados en las políticas de rehabilitación del casco antiguo de Madrid, desde las primeras experiencias de los años ‘80 hasta el perfeccionamiento del complejo mecanismo contemporáneo. El proceso de rehabilitación ha demostrado ser extremadamente coherente en cuanto a los objetivos y en cuanto al tema de los instrumentos ha seguido la tendencia de diversificar y flexibilizar. En Madrid se ha utilizado el concepto de rehabilitación en sentido integral, abarca una amplia gama de acciones que implican por una parte, intervenciones directas sobre los edificios y por otra, la valorización del espacio público, de los edificios representativos, la introducción de dotaciones y también un componente social. El tema se analizará desde la perspectiva del barrio de Embajadores, un área muy especial del casco antiguo de la ciudad. Desde 1998 hasta la actualidad allí funciona el Área de Rehabilitación Integral con el nombre de Lavapiés. El barrio de Embajadores representa un caso de extrema complejidad dada su tradición, que mantiene hasta el momento, de barrio popular que ha tenido como consecuencia negativa un grave estado de deterioro de los edificios y de sus estructuras urbanas. Además, presenta una composición socio-cultural muy heterogénea ya que siempre ha alojado oleadas de inmigrantes que llegaban a la capital tanto de las provincias como del extranjero. Los ‘80 marcan en Madrid el inicio de la preocupación por la rehabilitación urbana y de los primeros intentos de definir unos mecanismos. Durante este período el barrio de Embajadores es escenario de los primeros proyectos piloto de rehabilitación. Se sientan las bases del sistema de subvenciones, que empujará hacia un modelo de rehabilitación generalizada. A principios de los años ‘90, la insatisfacción dejada por de los resultados obtenidos, la Administración decide reorganizar la estrategia y se procede a la rehabilitación integral por áreas, concentrando los esfuerzos geográfica y temporalmente. La idea ya se había utilizado diez años antes, pero sin encontrar nunca la voluntad política de aplicarla. En comparación con el casco antiguo, el barrio de Embajadores se dejó para el final del proceso para verificar los métodos en zonas más restringidas en cuanto a superficie y con menos problemas. Desde 1998 hasta hoy, período en que funciona el Área de Rehabilitación Integral de Lavapiés, los distintos tipos de actuaciones, de producción arquitectónica, urbanística y sociocultural, han mostrado su eficacia, de forma que los cambios que aportaron al barrio son evidentes para todos. Mientras que las Áreas de Rehabilitación del centro una vez alcanzados los objetivos, se preparan para su clausura, a nivel administrativo se están definiendo nuevas direcciones y nuevos objetivos para el casco antiguo: subastas para incentivar intervenciones de mejoramiento energético y del nivel de sostenibilidad de los edificios madrileños. La primera parte de la tesis establece las premisas presentando algunos puntos relevantes relativos al desarrollo histórico de los documentos y normativas más importantes que tendrán eco en el proceso de concienciación de la cultura de la conservación del patrimonio urbano de los centros históricos. Después, se habla de la experiencia de rehabilitación urbana en Europa, en España en general y en Madrid en particular, con referencia a los modelos de enfoque, al marco legislativo y a las experiencias relacionadas con el casco antiguo, y en definitiva a la creación de la conciencia de la rehabilitación y conservación de los centros de las ciudades. La segunda parte se centra en el caso de estudio, el barrio de Embajadores. En primer lugar, se presenta en detalle el barrio: ubicación, datos característicos, edificios representativos y flujos que generan, trama urbana, datos sobre la formación histórica, tipologías y características de construcción de los edificios y, para finalizar, algún dato demográfico para introducir la compleja problemática social. Más adelante se exponen las primeras experiencias de rehabilitación: dos proyectos piloto de intervención sobre las viviendas realizados en los años ‘80, uno privado y el otro público. La parte central del trabajo trata sobre la fase intensiva de rehabilitación, proceso puesto en marcha en el año ’98 y que corresponde al período en el que Embajadores es Área de Rehabilitación Integral. Se presentan y analizan los objetivos de la rehabilitación y luego los instrumentos de orden administrativo, normativo y legal que regulan las actuaciones en el barrio. Sucesivamente se afronta la rehabilitación de la parte residencial, en régimen privado y público, que fue el modelo principal que la Administración llevó a cabo. Se presenta todo el proceso, desde la decisión sobre el tipo de rehabilitación, las subvenciones y las soluciones técnicas adoptadas así como la rehabilitación de casos especiales de edificios, que por sus características, el alto nivel de degradación o porque ocupados por inquilinos con dificultades económicas, se realizó con intervención pública. Las enormes dificultades derivadas de la complicada gestión y de las incongruencias de las normativas también se analizan en este trabajo. El autor presenta un dosier de una veintena de trabajos llevados a cobo en el Barrio de Embajadores a lo largo de más de 15 años de experiencia profesional propia. Se intenta, en primer lugar, evaluar la actuación pública en comparación con la privada en cuanto a los modelos propuestos, a las problemáticas que generan y a los resultados obtenidos. Una segunda línea de argumentación se refiere a la relación que se establece entre los instrumentos que se promueven y los que obligan a la conservación y a la rehabilitación de los edificios. Quizás el elemento más interesante, por su conocida innovación, de la experiencia de la obligación de conservación a cargo de los propietarios y la introducción de una revisión periódica del estado de los edificios (ITE), que conduce a su mantenimiento permanente a lo largo del tiempo. El ultimo instrumento aparecido y de por si el más novedoso se refiere a la política de rehabilitación energética iniciada en los últimos años por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid. ABSTRACT Starting from the early experiences of the ‘80s and tackling the complex and improved contemporary techniques of development, the present thesis focuses on raising awareness of the conservation of urban heritage and deals with the evolution of rehabilitation policies adopted in the historical center of Madrid. The rehabilitation process has proven to be extremely coherent in terms of its objectives and, consequently, the subject of the instruments has forged ahead a trend of diversification and flexibility. Madrid has used the concept of rehabilitation in a comprehensive manner, encompassing a wide range of actions, which involved on the one hand, direct interventions on buildings and on the other, the appreciation of the public space with its representative edifices and endowments. Confident that the social components have not been neglected during the rehabilitation proceedings, the topic will be analysed in relation to the neighbourhood of Embajadores, an authentic area of the old town. From 1998 onwards, this quarter serves as a Comprehensive Rehabilitation Area under the name of Lavapies. Considering the tradition and popularity of the district, Embajadores represents a challenging case for rehabilitation projects, aiming to improve the severe state of deterioration of buildings and urban structures. Having a heterogeneous sociocultural dynamic, the neighbourhood has always hosted waves of immigrants who come to the capital both from other provinces and abroad. The 1980s in Madrid marked the beginning of concerns with urban regeneration and the first attempts to define feasible restoration techniques. During this period, the district of Embajadores has benefited from various pilot projects. The financial investments have significant effects on the overall environment, so the model of general rehabilitation has been encouraged throughout the years. In the early 90s, left by the dissatisfaction of the results obtained, the authorities proposed to reorganise the strategy and proceed to the full rehabilitation of areas, concentrating efforts geographically and temporally. The idea had already been used ten years before, but never encountered the political force to be implemented. Compared to the old town, the Embajadores neighbourhood has been left for the end of the process, which focused on verifying the methods in more restricted areas that caused fewer disruptions. For the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Area of Lavapies, the various types of administrative implementations from architectural to urban and socio-cultural productions have proved effective. The improvements experienced by the neighbourhood from 1998 are obvious to all. However, while the areas of rehabilitation of the city centre have achieved their objectives and prepare for closure, the administration is still generating new directions and new targets for the ancient surroundings: auctions to encourage the improvement of energy interventions and the sustainability level for the buildings of Madrid. Therefore, the first part of the thesis establishes the premises and introduces some relevant points concerning the entire city. It describes the historical development of urban projects, indicating the events that will echo in the rehabilitation process. This paper then turns to discuss the experience of urban regeneration in Spain, emphasising the case of Madrid with reference to models of approach, legislative frameworks and appreciation of the old structures. The second part reveals an in depth case study of the district of Embajadores. At first, the thesis provides insights into the neighbourhood: location, general data on representative buildings and propagated trends, urban, historical data on training, building typologies and characteristics. The section introduces some demographic data to complete the portrait of the elaborate social problems encountered in this district, also outlining the first experiences of rehabilitation: two pilot projects on housing intervention made in the 80s, one private and one public. The central part of the thesis deals with the intensive phase of rehabilitation developments launched in the year '98 when Embajadores joined the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Area. It analyses the goals of rehabilitation and the instruments of administrative, regulatory and governing legal proceedings of the neighbourhood. The following chapter addresses the privately and publicly founded plan of residential rehabilitation that constituted the main model conducted by the authorities. It describes the entire process: deciding the type of restoration, subsidies and technical solutions as well as the degree of rehabilitation for special buildings, which either have a high level of degradation or require public intervention when tenants face financial difficulties. The administrative difficulties caused by the enormous bureaucratic machinery and the inconsistencies in regulations are also discussed in this paper. Thus, a just evaluation of the public and private performances regarding the proposed models of rehabilitation, along with the problems they generate and the results obtained is desired throughout the thesis. A second line of argument concerns the relationship established between the instruments that are promoted and requiring conservation and the building restoration. Perhaps the most interesting and innovative element of the new rehabilitation policies is the owners' obligation to preserve their properties and the introduction of a periodic review for the state of the buildings (ITE). These thorough and meticulous regulations lead to an ongoing maintenance of constructions, preventing them from severe or sudden deteriorations.


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The Boundary Element Method is a powerful numerical technique well rooted in everyday engineering practice. This is shown by boundary element methods included in the most important commercial computer packages and in the continuous publication of books composed to explain the features of the method to beginners or practicing engineers. Our first paper in Computers & Structures on Boundary Elements was published in 1979 (C & S 10, pp. 351–362), so this Special Issue is for us not only the accomplishment of our obligation to show other colleagues the possibilities of a numerical technique in which we believe, but also the celebration of our particular silver jubilee with this Journal.


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This paper hallmarks the most relevant contributions carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). The main goal of this project was the analysis, definition and implementation of a system which copes with every phases and elements existing in a process of electronic voting using computer networks. A summary of the main criticisms of electronic voting is presented to disclose that the most relevant voting schemes only take into account a technological perspective, just trying to imitate the conventional voting schemes. Nevertheless in these proposals important aspects such individual and global verification are not properly undertaken. The paper includes the proposed solutions of the project to solve these mentioned problems.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es la aportación de un caso que evidencie la importancia de realizar esfuerzos tanto en el terreno económico como en el laboral para conseguir una adecuada retención y atracción del conocimiento científico. Para ello, se analizan los datos de un estudio que destaca estas cuestiones para un país como España, que necesita urgentemente mejorar su balance de movilidad investigadora. Los resultados confirman la importancia de la aplicación de estas medidas y las debilidades que presenta en este tipo de políticas el sistema nacional de investigación, desarrollo e innovación (I+D+i). Abstract: The goal of this paper is to disclose a case study which highlights the impor tance of realising effor ts at an economic and labour scale in order to reach an adequate retention and attraction of scientific knowledge. Although science has evolved during different periods through the flow of mankind and ideas, studies about international mobility of scientists are recent in time. It started mid XXth century with the brain drain phenomenon. To alleviate the loss of scientists, countries have disclosed different politics. Some countries like Singapore, Southern Korea, India and China have been successful in bringing scientists back home. Those countries have made huge effor ts in human resources investments and scientific infrastructures, so as to enforce their national R&D&I systems. Despite such experiences and despite the increasement in terms of evidences related with international scientific mobility, few studies and figures have been disclosed. The goal of this current work is to disclose data, which backs up the liability of such kind of politics that combine effor ts in economic and labour terms. For that reason, data has been analyzed from a study which highlights these key aspects for a country like Spain and which recently established a wide range of politics in order to attract scientists. Despite the increasement of financial resources, such politics have turned out unable to reach a proper balance in terms of mobility research. Such data as well as it analysis comes from the development of an annual survey to Spanish scientists during the period 2008- 2011. Based on sample data and analysis an expectations index for the coming year has been constructed. This compares the level of confidence which related the support and prestige of their national R&D&I systems in which they operate. Two groups where surveyed: young researchers which currently work in Spain and as a group are more likely to go working abroad and Spanish scientists who are currently working abroad. Samples were obtained for young researchers were the following: 2008 (217), 2009 (270), 2010 (390) and 2011 (610). In the case of Spanish scientists abroad, the following data were obtained: 2008 (218), 2009 (250), 2010 (241) and 2011 (167). Both groups assume simple random sampling, with a level of confidence of 95%. The results obtained confirm the importance of this combined effor t of labor and economic policies which presents weaknesses of Spanish national R&D&I systems and its application, so that Spain becomes a pole of excellence in terms of attraction and retention of scientific knowledge.


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El mundo de las telecomunicaciones evoluciona a gran velocidad, acorde con las necesidades de los usuarios. El crecimiento del número de servicios a través de las conexiones que actualmente utilizamos para conectarnos a Internet (Ej. IPTV) con elevados requerimientos de ancho de banda, que junto a los servicios de nuevo nacimiento (ej. OTT), contribuyen tanto al aumento de la necesidad de mayores velocidades de conexión de los usuarios como a la implantación de nuevos modelos de calidad de servicio. Las redes de datos de banda ancha (fija y móvil) actuales deben, por lo tanto, experimentar una profunda transformación para conseguir solventar de una forma eficiente los problemas y las necesidades de tráfico, pudiendo así absorber el progresivo incremento del ancho de banda, dejando las puertas abiertas a futuras mejoras. Y para ello las operadoras se nutrirán con la valiosa información de tráfico y usuario que les lleven a tomar las mejores decisiones de cara a que las transformaciones llevadas a cabo cubran exactamente lo que el usuario demanda de la forma más eficiente posible. Con estas premisas, surgieron las ideas que se plasmaron como objetivos del PFC : La idea de narrar el despliegue de la banda ancha en España desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad, enfocando su crecimiento desde un punto de vista sociotecnológico. Dando continuidad al punto anterior, se persiguió la idea de conocer las herramientas sociales y tecnológicas a raíz de las cuales se pueda realizar una previsión del tráfico en las redes de las operadoras en un futuro cercano. La pretensión de mostrar las características de los usuarios de banda ancha y del tráfico de datos que generan, que son de carácter crítico para las operadoras en la elaboración de forma adecuada de la planificación de sus redes. La intención de revelar los procedimientos de las operadoras para que, una vez conocidas las características de sus usuarios, se puedan cumplir los requisitos demandados por los mismos: QoS y los indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPIs) Por otro lado, el nivel de detalle dado pretende adecuarse a un público que no tenga profundos conocimientos sobre la materia, y salvo partes bastante concretas, se puede catalogar este trabajo como de abierto al público en general. ABSTRACT. The world of telecommunications is evolving at high speed, according to the needs of users. The growing of services number through the connections that currently have been used to connect to the Internet (eg IPTV ) with high bandwidth requirements, which together with the new birth services (eg OTT ) contribute both to increased the need for higher connection speeds users and the implementation of new models of service quality. Data networks broadband (fixed and mobile ) today must , therefore, undergo a deep transformation to achieve an efficient solving problems and traffic needs, thus being able to absorb the gradual increase of bandwidth, leaving the door open to future improvements. And for that the operators will be nurtured with valuable information and user traffic that lead them to make better decisions in the face of the transformations carried out exactly meet the user demand for the most efficient possible way. With these assumptions, the ideas that emerged were expressed as PFC objectives : The idea of narrating the broadband deployment in Spain from its origins to the present, focusing its growth from a socio-technological approach. Continuing the previous point, it pursued the idea of knowing the social tools and technology as a result of which it can perform a traffic forecast operators networks in the near future. The attempt to show the characteristics of broadband users and data traffic they generate, which are mission critical for operators in developing adequately planning their networks. The intention to disclose procedures for operators, once known the characteristics of their users, it can meet the requirements demanded by them: QoS and key performance indicators (KPI). On the other hand, the level of detail given suit seeks an audience that does not have deep knowledge on the subject, unless quite specific parts, this work can be classified as open to the general public.


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This paper describes a corpus-based analysis of the humanizing metaphor and supports that constitutive metaphor in science and technology may be highly metaphorical and active. The study, grounded in Lakoff’s Theory of Metaphor and in Langacker’s relational networks, consists of two phases: firstly, Earth Science metaphorical terms were extracted from databases and dictionaries and, then, contextualized by means of the “Wordsmith” tool in a digitalized corpus created to establish their productivity. Secondly, the terms were classified to disclose the main conceptual metaphors underlying them; then, the mappings and the relational networks of the metaphor were described. Results confirm the systematicity and productivity of the metaphor in this field, show evidence that metaphoricity of scientific terms is gradable, and support that Earth Science metaphors are not only created in terms of their concrete salient properties and attributes, but also on abstract human anthropocentric projections.


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La principal motivación para la elección del tema de la tesis es nuestra realidad energética y ambiental. Y más específicamente, la necesidad urgente de dar una respuesta a esta realidad desde el sector de la edificación. Por lo que, el trabajo parte de la búsqueda de soluciones pasivas que ayuden a la reducción del consumo energético y de las emisiones de C02 de los edificios, tanto nuevos como existentes. El objeto de estudio son aplicaciones innovadoras, basadas en el uso de materiales reactivos, con un efecto térmico de memoria bidireccional. La energía es un elemento imprescindible para el desarrollo. Sin embargo, el modelo energético predominante, basado principalmente en la utilización de combustibles de origen fósil, es uno de los importantes responsables del deterioro ambiental que sufre el planeta. Además, sus reservas son limitadas y están concentradas en unas pocas regiones del mundo, lo que genera problemas de dependencia, competitividad y de seguridad de suministro. Dado el gran potencial de ahorro energético del sector de la edificación, la Unión Europea en sus directivas enfatiza la necesidad de mejorar la eficiencia energética de los edificios. Añadiendo, además, la obligatoriedad de desarrollar edificios “energía casi nula”, cuyo prerrequisito es tener un muy alto rendimiento energético. En España, los edificios son responsables del 31% del consumo de energía primaria. La mayor parte de este consumo se relaciona a la utilización de sistemas activos de acondicionamiento. Una medida efectiva para reducir la demanda es mejorar la envolvente. Sin embargo, hay que buscar estrategias adicionales para aumentar aún más la eficiencia de los edificios nuevos y existentes. Para los climas de España, el uso de la inercia térmica ha probado ser una estrategia válida. Sin embargo, su funcionamiento está vinculado al peso y al volumen de los materiales utilizados. Esto limita sus posibilidades en la rehabilitación energética y en los nuevos edificios basados en la construcción ligera. Una alternativa es el uso de aplicaciones de almacenamiento térmico por calor latente, utilizando materiales de cambio de fase (PCM). Los PCM son sustancias con un muy alto calor de fusión, capaces de almacenar una gran cantidad de energía térmica sin requerir aumentos significativos de peso o volumen. Estas características los hacen idóneos para reducir el consumo relacionado con el acondicionamiento térmico, en edificios nuevos y existentes. En la parte preliminar de la investigación, se encontró que para lograr un aprovechamiento óptimo de las aplicaciones con PCM es necesario tener un conocimiento profundo de su funcionamiento y de las variables del sistema. De ahí que el objetivo principal de la presente tesis sea: establecer las bases para la optimizatión integral de las aplicaciones con almacenamiento de energía térmica por calor latente, identificando y validando sus variables más relevantes. La investigación consta de tres partes. La primera, documental, sistematizando y jerarquizando la información científica publicada; la segunda, numérica, basada en un análisis paramétrico de una aplicación con PCM, utilizando simulaciones térmicas; y la tercera, experimental, monitorizando el funcionamiento térmico y energético de diferentes aplicaciones con PCM en módulos a escala real. Los resultados brindan un más profundo entendimiento del funcionamiento de las aplicaciones evaluadas. Han permitido identificar sus variables relevantes, cuantificar su influencia, y determinar condiciones óptimas para su utilización así como situaciones en las que sería muy difícil justificar su uso. En el proceso, se realizó la caracterización térmica y energética de aplicaciones con PCM, tanto opacas como traslúcidas. Además, se ha encontrado que las aplicaciones con PCM son capaces de aumentar la eficiencia energética inclusive en recintos con diseños optimizados, demostrando ser una de las estrategias adecuadas para lograr el muy alto desempeño energético requerido en los edificios energía nula. ABSTRACT The main motivation for choosing the theme of the thesis is our energy and environmental reality. And more specifically, the urgent need to respond to this reality from the building sector. This is why, the work start with the search of passive solutions that help reduce energy consumption and C02 emissions of buildings, in both new and existing ones. The object of study is innovative applications based on the use of responsive materials, with bidirectional thermal memory. Energy is an essential element for development. However, the predominant energy model, based primarily on the use of fossil fuels, is one of the major responsible for the environmental deterioration of the planet, the cause of most of the CO2 emissions. Furthermore, reserves of fossil fuels are limited and are concentrated in a few regions of the world, which creates issues related to dependency, competitiveness, and security of supply. Given the large potential for energy savings in the building sector, the European Union in its directives emphasizes the need to improve energy efficiency in buildings. Also, adding the obligation to develop "nearly zero energy" buildings, whose first prerequisite is to achieve a very high energy efficiency. In Spain, buildings are responsible for 31% of primary energy consumption and most of this consumption is related to the used of HVAC systems. One of the most effective measures to reduce demand is to improve the envelope. However, it is necessary to look for additional strategies to further increase the efficiency of new and existing buildings. For the predominant climates in Spain, use of the thermal inertia may be a valid strategy. Nevertheless, its operation is linked to weight and volume of the materials used. This limits their possibilities in the existing buildings energy retrofitting and in the new buildings based on lightweight construction. An alternative is the use of latent heat thermal energy storage applications (LHTES), using phase change materials (PCM). PCM are substances with a high heat of fusion, capable of storing a large amount of thermal energy without requiring significant increases in weight or volume. These features make them ideal for reducing energy consumption associated with thermal conditioning in both new and existing buildings. In the preliminary part of the investigation, it was found that to get optimum utilization of the PCM applications is needed to have a deep understanding of its operation and, in particular, how the system variables affect its performance. Hence, the main objective of this thesis is: to establish the basis for the integral optimization of applications with latent heat thermal energy storage, identifying and validating the most relevant variables. The research comprises of three parts. The first, documentary, systematizing and prioritizing published scientific information. The second, numeric, based on a parametric analysis of an application PCM using thermal simulations. The third, experimental, monitoring the thermal and energy performance of different applications with PCM on real scale test cells. The results provide a complete understanding of the functioning of the evaluated LHTES application. They have allowed to identify their relevant variables, quantify their influence and determine optimum conditions for use as well as situations where it would be very difficult to justify its use. In the process, it was carried out the power and thermal characterization of various opaque and translucent PCM applications. Furthermore, it has been found that applications with PCM can increase the energy efficiency, even in buildings with optimized designs; proving to be one of the appropriate measures to achieve the high energy performance required in zero energy buildings.


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The purpose of this Project is, first and foremost, to disclose the topic of nonlinear vibrations and oscillations in mechanical systems and, namely, nonlinear normal modes NNMs to a greater audience of researchers and technicians. To do so, first of all, the dynamical behavior and properties of nonlinear mechanical systems is outlined from the analysis of a pair of exemplary models with the harmonic balanced method. The conclusions drawn are contrasted with the Linear Vibration Theory. Then, it is argued how the nonlinear normal modes could, in spite of their limitations, predict the frequency response of a mechanical system. After discussing those introductory concepts, I present a Matlab package called 'NNMcont' developed by a group of researchers from the University of Liege. This package allows the analysis of nonlinear normal modes of vibration in a range of mechanical systems as extensions of the linear modes. This package relies on numerical methods and a 'continuation algorithm' for the computation of the nonlinear normal modes of a conservative mechanical system. In order to prove its functionality, a two degrees of freedom mechanical system with elastic nonlinearities is analized. This model comprises a mass suspended on a foundation by means of a spring-viscous damper mechanism -analogous to a very simplified model of most suspended structures and machines- that has attached a mass damper as a passive vibration control system. The results of the computation are displayed on frequency energy plots showing the NNMs branches along with modal curves and time-series plots for each normal mode. Finally, a critical analysis of the results obtained is carried out with an eye on devising what they can tell the researcher about the dynamical properties of the system.