20 resultados para noise level in hospital
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper aims to set out the influence of the flow field around high speed trains in open field. To achieve this parametric analysis of the sound pressure inside the train was performed. Three vibroacoustic models of a characteristic train section are used to predict the noise inside the train in open field by using finite element method FEM, boundary element method (BEM) and statistical energy analysis (SEA) depending on the frequency range of analysis. The turbulent boundary layer excitation is implemented as the only airborne noise source, in order to focus on the study of the attached and detached flow in the surface of the train. The power spectral densities of the pressure fluctuation in the train surface proposed by [Cockburn and Roberson 1974, Rennison et al. 2009] are applied on the exterior surface of the structural subsystems in the vibroacoustic models. An increase in the sound pressure level up to10 dB can be appreciated due to the detachment of the flow around the train. These results highlight the importance to determine the detached regions prediction, making critical the airborne noise due to turbulent boundary layer.
A method to reduce the noise power in far-field pattern without modifying the desired signal is proposed. Therefore, an important signal-to-noise ratio improvement may be achieved. The method is used when the antenna measurement is performed in planar near-field, where the recorded data are assumed to be corrupted with white Gaussian and space-stationary noise, because of the receiver additive noise. Back-propagating the measured field from the scan plane to the antenna under test (AUT) plane, the noise remains white Gaussian and space-stationary, whereas the desired field is theoretically concentrated in the aperture antenna. Thanks to this fact, a spatial filtering may be applied, cancelling the field which is located out of the AUT dimensions and which is only composed by noise. Next, a planar field to far-field transformation is carried out, achieving a great improvement compared to the pattern obtained directly from the measurement. To verify the effectiveness of the method, two examples will be presented using both simulated and measured near-field data.
This communication presents the results of an innovative approach for competencedevelopment suggesting a new methodology for the integration of these elements in professional development within the ADA initiative (AulaaDistanciaAbierta, Distance and Open Classroom) of the Community of Madrid. The main objective of this initiative is to promote the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for educational activities by creating a new learning environment structured on the premises of commitment to self–learning, individual work, communication and virtual interaction, and self and continuous assessment. Results from this experience showed that conceptualization is a positive contribution to learning, as students added names and characteristics to competences and abilities that were previously unknown or underestimated. Also, the diversity of participants’ disciplines indicated multidimensional interest in this idea and supported the theory that this approach to competencedevelopment could be successful in all knowledge areas.
This communication research gives an insight to University Education in Peru and a brief review of the main European documents that deal with the European Higher Education Framework, highlighting the principles upon which it is based, as well as the strategic objectives that it sets forth and the tools to achieve them. The purpose of this process is to adapt our university education management in Peru to the EEES, seeking to identify the limitations and constraints faced with regard to the keys of European convergence and the means or instruments that we have in order to attain convergence in Peru.
The increasing importance of pollutant noise has led to the creation of many new noise testing laboratories in recent years. For this reason and due to the legal implications that noise reporting may have, it is necessary to create procedures intended to guarantee the quality of the testing and its results. For instance, the ISO/IEC standard 17025:2005 specifies general requirements for the competence of testing laboratories. In this standard, interlaboratory comparisons are one of the main measures that must be applied to guarantee the quality of laboratories when applying specific methodologies for testing. In the specific case of environmental noise, round robin tests are usually difficult to design, as it is difficult to find scenarios that can be available and controlled while the participants carry out the measurements. Monitoring and controlling the factors that can influence the measurements (source emissions, propagation, background noise…) is not usually affordable, so the most extended solution is to create very effortless scenarios, where most of the factors that can have an influence on the results are excluded (sampling, processing of results, background noise, source detection…) The new approach described in this paper only requires the organizer to make actual measurements (or prepare virtual ones). Applying and interpreting a common reference document (standard, regulation…), the participants must analyze these input data independently to provide the results, which will be compared among the participants. The measurement costs are severely reduced for the participants, there is no need to monitor the scenario conditions, and almost any relevant factor can be included in this methodology
Two different methods to reduce the noise power in the far-field pattern of an antenna as measured in cylindrical near-field (CNF) are proposed. Both methods are based on the same principle: the data recorded in the CNF measurement, assumed to be corrupted by white Gaussian and space-stationary noise, are transformed into a new domain where it is possible to filter out a portion of noise. Those filtered data are then used to calculate a far-field pattern with less noise power than that one obtained from the measured data without applying any filtering. Statistical analyses are carried out to deduce the expressions of the signal-to-noise ratio improvement achieved with each method. Although the idea of the two alternatives is the same, there are important differences between them. The first one applies a modal filtering, requires an oversampling and improves the far-field pattern in all directions. The second method employs a spatial filtering on the antenna plane, does not require oversampling and the far-field pattern is only improved in the forward hemisphere. Several examples are presented using both simulated and measured near-field data to verify the effectiveness of the methods.
Three different methods to reduce the noise power in the far-field pattern of an antenna when it is measured in a cylindrical near field system are presented and compared. The first one is based on a modal filtering while the other two are based on spatial filtering, either on an antenna plane or either on a cylinder of smaller radius. Simulated and measured results will be presented.
Como en todos los medios de transporte, la seguridad en los viajes en avión es de primordial importancia. Con los aumentos de tráfico aéreo previstos en Europa para la próxima década, es evidente que el riesgo de accidentes necesita ser evaluado y monitorizado cuidadosamente de forma continúa. La Tesis presente tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un modelo de riesgo de colisión exhaustivo como método para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en ruta del espacio aéreo europeo, considerando todos los factores de influencia. La mayor limitación en el desarrollo de metodologías y herramientas de monitorización adecuadas para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en espacios de ruta europeos, donde los controladores aéreos monitorizan el tráfico aéreo mediante la vigilancia radar y proporcionan instrucciones tácticas a las aeronaves, reside en la estimación del riesgo operacional. Hoy en día, la estimación del riesgo operacional está basada normalmente en reportes de incidentes proporcionados por el proveedor de servicios de navegación aérea (ANSP). Esta Tesis propone un nuevo e innovador enfoque para evaluar el nivel de seguridad basado exclusivamente en el procesamiento y análisis trazas radar. La metodología propuesta ha sido diseñada para complementar la información recogida en las bases de datos de accidentes e incidentes, mediante la provisión de información robusta de los factores de tráfico aéreo y métricas de seguridad inferidas del análisis automático en profundidad de todos los eventos de proximidad. La metodología 3-D CRM se ha implementado en un prototipo desarrollado en MATLAB © para analizar automáticamente las trazas radar y planes de vuelo registrados por los Sistemas de Procesamiento de Datos Radar (RDP) e identificar y analizar todos los eventos de proximidad (conflictos, conflictos potenciales y colisiones potenciales) en un periodo de tiempo y volumen del espacio aéreo. Actualmente, el prototipo 3-D CRM está siendo adaptado e integrado en la herramienta de monitorización de prestaciones de Aena (PERSEO) para complementar las bases de accidentes e incidentes ATM y mejorar la monitorización y proporcionar evidencias de los niveles de seguridad. ABSTRACT As with all forms of transport, the safety of air travel is of paramount importance. With the projected increases in European air traffic in the next decade and beyond, it is clear that the risk of accidents needs to be assessed and carefully monitored on a continuing basis. The present thesis is aimed at the development of a comprehensive collision risk model as a method of assessing the European en-route risk, due to all causes and across all dimensions within the airspace. The major constraint in developing appropriate monitoring methodologies and tools to assess the level of safety in en-route airspaces where controllers monitor air traffic by means of radar surveillance and provide aircraft with tactical instructions lies in the estimation of the operational risk. The operational risk estimate normally relies on incident reports provided by the air navigation service providers (ANSPs). This thesis proposes a new and innovative approach to assessing aircraft safety level based exclusively upon the process and analysis of radar tracks. The proposed methodology has been designed to complement the information collected in the accident and incident databases, thereby providing robust information on air traffic factors and safety metrics inferred from the in depth assessment of proximate events. The 3-D CRM methodology is implemented in a prototype tool in MATLAB © in order to automatically analyze recorded aircraft tracks and flight plan data from the Radar Data Processing systems (RDP) and identify and analyze all proximate events (conflicts, potential conflicts and potential collisions) within a time span and a given volume of airspace. Currently, the 3D-CRM prototype is been adapted and integrated in AENA’S Performance Monitoring Tool (PERSEO) to complement the information provided by the ATM accident and incident databases and to enhance monitoring and providing evidence of levels of safety.
In this paper we propose to employ an instability that occurs in bistable devices as a control signal at the reception stage to generate the clock signal. One of the adopted configurations is composed of two semiconductor optical amplifiers arranged in a cascaded structure. This configuration has an output equivalent to that obtained from Self-Electrooptic Effect Devices (SEEDs), and it can implement the main Boolean functions of two binary inputs. These outputs, obtained from the addition of two binary signals, show a short spike in the transition from "1" to "2" in the internal processing. A similar result is obtained for a simple semiconductor amplifier with bistable behavior. The paper will show how these structures may help recover clock signals in any optical transmission system
The extreme runup is a key parameter for a shore risk analysis in which the accurate and quantitative estimation of the upper limit reached by waves is essential. Runup can be better approximated by splitting the setup and swash semi-amplitude contributions. In an experimental study recording setup becomes difficult due to infragravity motions within the surf zone, hence, it would be desirable to measure the setup with available methodologies and devices. In this research, an analysis is made of evaluated the convenience of direct estimation setup as the medium level in the swash zone for experimental runup analysis through a physical model. A physical mobile bed model was setup in a wave flume at the Laboratory for Maritime Experimentation of CEDEX. The wave flume is 36 metres long, 6.5 metres wide and 1.3 metres high. The physical model was designed to cover a reasonable range of parameters, three different slopes (1/50, 1/30 and 1/20), two sand grain sizes (D50 = 0.12 mm and 0.70 mm) and a range for the Iribarren number in deep water (ξ0) from 0.1 to 0.6. Best formulations were chosen for estimating a theoretical setup in the physical model application. Once theoretical setup had been obtained, a comparison was made with an estimation of the setup directly as a medium level of the oscillation in swash usually considered in extreme runup analyses. A good correlation was noted between both theoretical and time-averaging setup and a relation is proposed. Extreme runup is analysed through the sum of setup and semi-amplitude of swash. An equation is proposed that could be applied in strong foreshore slope-dependent reflective beaches.
El objetivo de este proyecto se materializa en el diseño acústico y electroacústico de las salas de cine con número 18, 19, 20 y 21 del centro de cines Kinépolis situado en la Ciudad de la Imagen. Dichas salas son idénticas por lo que con el estudio y análisis de una se podrán extrapolar los resultados a las demás, por tanto a partir de ahora se realizará el diseño acústico y electroacústico centrado en la sala 18.
Así pues se procederá a certificar que dicha sala cumple la norma THX. En dicho recinto se habrán aplicando con anterioridad diferentes técnicas de acondicionamiento sonoro (insonorización mediante el uso de materiales tanto absorbentes como reflectantes, arquitectura de la sala
El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Grado es el diseño de megafonía y PAGA (Public Address /General Alarm) de la estación de tren Waipahu Transit Center en la ciudad de Honolulú, Hawái. Esta estación forma parte de una nueva línea de tren que está en proceso de construcción actualmente llamada Honolulu Rail Transit. Inicialmente la línea de tren constará de 21 estaciones, en las que prácticamente todas están diseñadas como pasos elevados usando como referencia las autopistas que cruzan la isla. Se tiene prevista su fecha de finalización en el año 2019, aunque las primeras estaciones se inaugurarán en 2017. Se trata en primer lugar un estudio acústico del recinto a sonorizar, eligiendo los equipos necesarios: conmutadores, altavoces, amplificadores, procesador, equipo de control y micrófonos. Este primer estudio sirve para obtener una aproximación de equipos necesarios, así como la posible situación de estos dentro de la estación. Tras esto, se procede a la simulación de la estación mediante el programa de simulación acústica y electroacústica EASE 4.4. Para ello, se diseña la estación en un modelo 3D, en el que cada superficie se asocia a su material correspondiente. Para facilitar el diseño y el cómputo de las simulaciones se divide la estación en 3 partes por separado. Cada una corresponde a un nivel de la estación: Ground level, el nivel inferior que contiene la entrada; Concourse Level, pasillo que comunica los dos andenes; y Platform Level, en el que realizarán las paradas los trenes. Una vez realizado el diseño se procede al posicionamiento de altavoces en los diferentes niveles de la estación. Debido al clima existente en la isla, el cual ronda los 20°C a lo largo de todo el año, no es necesaria la instalación de sistemas de aire acondicionado o calefacción, por lo que la estación no está totalmente cerrada. Esto supone un problema al realizar las simulaciones en EASE, ya que al tratarse de un recinto abierto se deberán hallar parámetros como el tiempo de reverberación o el volumen equivalente por otros medios. Para ello, se utilizará el método Ray Tracing, mediante el cual se halla el tiempo de reverberación por la respuesta al impulso de la sala; y a continuación se calcula un volumen equivalente del recinto mediante la fórmula de Eyring. Con estos datos, se puede proceder a calcular los parámetros necesarios: nivel de presión sonora directo, nivel de presión sonora total y STI (Speech Transmission Index). Para obtener este último será necesario ecualizar antes en cada uno de los niveles de la estación. Una vez hechas las simulaciones, se comprueba que el nivel de presión sonora y los valores de inteligibilidad son acordes con los requisitos dados por el cliente. Tras esto, se procede a realizar los bucles de altavoces y el cálculo de amplificadores necesarios. Se estudia la situación de los micrófonos, que servirán para poder variar la potencia emitida por los altavoces dependiendo del nivel de ruido en la estación. Una vez obtenidos todos los equipos necesarios en la estación, se hace el conexionado entre éstos, tanto de una forma simplificada en la que se pueden ver los bucles de altavoces en cada nivel de la estación, como de una forma más detallada en la que se muestran las conexiones entre cada equipo del rack. Finalmente, se realiza el etiquetado de los equipos y un presupuesto estimado con los costes del diseño del sistema PAGA. ABSTRACT. The aim of this Final Degree Project is the design of the PAGA (Public Address / General Alarm) system in the train station Waipahu Transit Center in the city of Honolulu, Hawaii. This station is part of a new rail line that is currently under construction, called Honolulu Rail Transit. Initially, the rail line will have 21 stations, in which almost all are designed elevated using the highways that cross the island as reference. At first, it is treated an acoustic study in the areas to cover, choosing the equipment needed: switches, loudspeakers, amplifiers, DPS, control station and microphones. This first study helps to obtain an approximation of the equipments needed, as well as their placement inside the station. Thereafter, it is proceeded to do the simulation of the station through the acoustics and electroacoustics simulation software EASE 4.4. In order to do that, it is made the 3D design of the station, in which each surface is associated with its material. In order to ease the design and calculation of the simulations, the station has been divided in 3 zones. Each one corresponds with one level of the station: Ground Level, the lower level that has the entrance; Concourse Level, a corridor that links the two platforms; and Platform Level, where the trains will stop. Once the design is made, it is proceeded to place the speakers in the different levels of the station. Due to the weather in the island, which is about 20°C throughout the year, it is not necessary the installation of air conditioning or heating systems, so the station is not totally closed. This cause a problem when making the simulations in EASE, as the project is open, and it will be necessary to calculate parameters like the reverberation time or the equivalent volume by other methods. In order to do that, it will be used the Ray Tracing method, by which the reverberation time is calculated by the impulse response; and then it is calculated the equivalent volume of the area with the Eyring equation. With this information, it can be proceeded to calculate the parameters needed: direct sound pressure level, total sound pressure level and STI (Speech Transmission Index). In order to obtain the STI, it will be needed to equalize before in each of the station’s levels. Once the simulations are done, it is checked that the sound pressure level and the intelligibility values agree with the requirements given by the client. After that, it is proceeded to perform the speaker’s loops and the calculation of the amplifiers needed. It is studied the placement of the microphones, which will help to vary the power emitted by the speakers depending on the background noise level in the station. Once obtained all the necessary equipment in the station, it is done the connection diagram, both a simplified diagram in which there can be seen the speaker’s loops in each level of the station, or a more detailed diagram in which it is shown the wiring between each equipment of the rack. At last, it is done the labeling of the equipments and an estimated budget with the expenses for the PAGA design.
En el proyecto se realiza el estudio del comportamiento acústico y electroacústico de la sala 5 de los cines Kinépolis de Madrid. El objetivo es determinar las características acústicas de la sala mediante la realización de las medidas in-situ para después analizar y simular la misma con EASE4.4, realizar una sonorización apropiada para reproducción de cine, valorar la sala actual y proponer algunas mejoras. El desarrollo del proyecto se ha dividido en tres partes. En primer lugar, se realizan las medidas espaciales y acústicas in-situ con el programa de toma de medidas Dirac 5.5. En este paso, se obtienen las medidas reales (usadas en la simulación 3D posterior) y los dos parámetros acústicos importantes inherentes a la sala, el tiempo de reverberación y el ruido de fondo. Además, se estudia el conexionado de altavoces y de los equipos instalados en sala. En segundo lugar, se hace la simulación de la sala, para ello se realiza su diseño con el programa de simulación acústica EASE 4.4, con el que se ajustan las condiciones de campo a las existentes en Kinépolis, asegurando que el comportamiento acústico de la sala simulada sea similar al real. También se distribuirá el sistema electroacústico con la descripción del conexionado y la configuración de los altavoces. En la simulación, durante el estudio acústico, además de desarrollar el dimensionado del recinto, se ajustan los materiales de tal manera que el tiempo de reverberación sea el de la sala de estudio considerando también el ruido de fondo. En cuanto al estudio electroacústico, se distribuyen los altavoces en las posiciones medidas in-situ de la instalación y se detalla su conexionado. De esta manera, se realizan los cálculos para ajustar sus respuestas para proporcionar un recubrimiento sonoro uniforme y el efecto precedencia desde la zona frontal al oyente deseado. Finalmente, y a partir de los datos obtenidos en la simulación, se hace una valoración a través de diversos criterios de inteligibilidad, se extraen las conclusiones del estudio y se proponen una serie de mejoras en la sala real para obtener unas prestaciones sonoras óptimas. Se consigue con el proyecto, tras el aprendizaje de las herramientas específicas utilizadas, la recopilación de documentación y el análisis de datos de la sala, aplicar los conceptos teóricos de manera práctica a un caso real. ABSTRACT. During the project is carried out the acoustic and electroacoustic study of the room cinema 5 of the Kinépolis group in Madrid. The objective is to determine the acoustic characteristics of the room by performing the in-situ measurements in order to analyze and simulate it with the software EASE 4.4 making an appropriate sound for movie playback, assess the current room, and propose some improvements. Development of the project is composed of three parts. First, the performing of the spatial and acoustic in-situ measurements with the program Dirac 5.5. On this step, the real measures are obtained (that will be used on the next 3D simulation) and the two important parameters inherent to the room, the reverberation time and the noise level. In addition, the speaker connections and the installations of the cinema’s equipment are studied. Secondly, the simulation of the room cinema is performed. This simulation is done with the acoustic simulation program EASE 4.4 in which its field conditions conform to the conditions of Kinépolis, ensuring that the acoustic behavior of the simulated room is similar to the real room. Also, the electroacustic system is distributed with the wiring and the speaker setup. During the acoustic study of the simulation, in addition to do the dimensions of the cinema room, the materials are adjusted in order to synchronize reverberation time to that of the real room. The noise level is taking in account too. For the electroacustic studio, the speakers will be distributed in the positions measured in-situ to do the installation and its detailed connection. By this way, the calculations are done to adjust to the responses in a way to give a sound uniform coating with the precedence effect desired on the front area of the listeners. Lastly, and from the data obtained in the simulation, an assessment is done through the various criteria of intelligibility, conclusions are drawn from the study and a number of improvements are proposed in the actual room for obtain optimal sound benefits. With this project is achieved, after gain learning of the specific tolls used, the documentation collected and the data analysis of the room, to apply theoretical concepts in a practical way for a real case.
Using a new Admittance-based model for electrical noise able to handle Fluctuations and Dissipations of electrical energy, we explain the phase noise of oscillators that use feedback around L-C resonators. We show that Fluctuations produce the Line Broadening of their output spectrum around its mean frequency f0 and that the Pedestal of phase noise far from f0 comes from Dissipations modified by the feedback electronics. The charge noise power 4FkT/R C2/s that disturbs the otherwise periodic fluctuation of charge these oscillators aim to sustain in their L-C-R resonator, is what creates their phase noise proportional to Leeson’s noise figure F and to the charge noise power 4kT/R C2/s of their capacitance C that today’s modelling would consider as the current noise density in A2/Hz of their resistance R. Linked with this (A2/Hz?C2/s) equivalence, R becomes a random series in time of discrete chances to Dissipate energy in Thermal Equilibrium (TE) giving a similar series of discrete Conversions of electrical energy into heat when the resonator is out of TE due to the Signal power it handles. Therefore, phase noise reflects the way oscillators sense thermal exchanges of energy with their environment.
Using a new Admittance-based model for electrical noise able to handle Fluctuations and Dissipations of electrical energy, we explain the phase noise of oscillators that use feedback around L-C resonators. We show that Fluctuations produce the Line Broadening of their output spectrum around its mean frequency f0 and that the Pedestal of phase noise far from f0 comes from Dissipations modified by the feedback electronics. The charge noise power 4FkT/R C2/s that disturbs the otherwise periodic fluctuation of charge these oscillators aim to sustain in their L-C-R resonator, is what creates their phase noise proportional to Leeson’s noise figure F and to the charge noise power 4kT/R C2/s of their capacitance C that today’s modelling would consider as the current noise density in A2/Hz of their resistance R. Linked with this (A2/Hz?C2/s) equivalence, R becomes a random series in time of discrete chances to Dissipate energy in Thermal Equilibrium (TE) giving a similar series of discrete Conversions of electrical energy into heat when the resonator is out of TE due to the Signal power it handles. Therefore, phase noise reflects the way oscillators sense thermal exchanges of energy with their environment