24 resultados para microcontrollore, PIC32, PCB, progettazione, design, CAD, layout, sbroglio, risparmio, energetico, watchdog, interrupt

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Quizás el campo de las telecomunicaciones sea uno de los campos en el que más se ha progresado en este último siglo y medio, con la ayuda de otros campos de la ciencia y la técnica tales como la computación, la física electrónica, y un gran número de disciplinas, que se han utilizado estos últimos 150 años en conjunción para mejorarse unas con la ayuda de otras. Por ejemplo, la química ayuda a comprender y mejorar campos como la medicina, que también a su vez se ve mejorada por los progresos en la electrónica creados por los físicos y químicos, que poseen herramientas más potentes para calcular y simular debido a los progresos computacionales. Otro de los campos que ha sufrido un gran avance en este último siglo es el de la automoción, aunque estancados en el motor de combustión, los vehículos han sufrido enormes cambios debido a la irrupción de los avances en la electrónica del automóvil con multitud de sistemas ya ampliamente integrados en los vehículos actuales. La Formula SAE® o Formula Student es una competición de diseño, organizada por la SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers) para estudiantes de universidades de todo el mundo que promueve la ingeniería a través de una competición donde los miembros del equipo diseñan, construyen, desarrollan y compiten en un pequeño y potente monoplaza. En el ámbito educativo, evitando el sistema tradicional de clases magistrales, se introducen cambios en las metodologías de enseñanza y surge el proyecto de la Fórmula Student para lograr una mejora en las acciones formativas, que permitan ir incorporando nuevos objetivos y diseñar nuevas situaciones de aprendizaje que supongan una oportunidad para el desarrollo de competencias de los alumnos, mejorar su formación como ingenieros y contrastar sus progresos compitiendo con las mejores universidades del mundo. En este proyecto se pretende dotar a los alumnos de las escuelas de ingeniería de la UPM que desarrollan el vehículo de FSAE de una herramienta de telemetría con la que evaluar y probar comportamiento del vehículo de FSAE junto con sus subsistemas que ellos mismos diseñan, con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento, introducir mejoras, analizar resultados de una manera más rápida y cómoda, con el objetivo de poder progresar más rápidamente en su desarrollo, recibiendo y almacenando una realimentación directa e instantánea del funcionamiento mediante la lectura de los datos que circulan por el bus CAN del vehículo. También ofrece la posibilidad de inyectar datos a los sistemas conectados al bus CAN de manera remota. Se engloba en el conjunto de proyectos de la FSAE, más concretamente en los basados en la plataforma PIC32 y propone una solución conjunta con otros proyectos o también por sí sola. Para la ejecución del proyecto se fabricó una placa compuesta de dos placas de circuito impreso, la de la estación base que envía comandos, instrucciones y datos para inyectar en el bus CAN del vehículo mediante radiofrecuencia y la placa que incorpora el vehículo que envía las tramas que circulan por el bus CAN del vehículo con los identificadores deseados, ejecuta los comandos recibidos por radiofrecuencia y salva las tramas CAN en una memoria USB o SD Card. Las dos PCBs constituyen el hardware del proyecto. El software se compone de dos programas. Un programa para la PCB del vehículo que emite los datos a la estación base, codificado en lenguaje C con ayuda del entorno de desarrollo MPLAB de Microchip. El otro programa hecho con LabView para la PCB de la estación base que recibe los datos provenientes del vehículo y los interpreta. Se propone un hardware y una capa o funciones de software para los microcontroladores PIC32 (similar al de otros proyectos del FSAE) para la transmisión de las tramas del bus CAN del vehículo de manera inalámbrica a una estación base, capaz de insertar tramas en el bus CAN del vehículo enviadas desde la estación base. También almacena estas tramas CAN en un dispositivo USB o SD Card situado en el vehículo. Para la transmisión de los datos se hizo un estudio de las frecuencias de transmisión, la legislación aplicable y los tipos de transceptores. Se optó por utilizar la banda de radiofrecuencia de uso común ISM de 433MHz mediante el transceptor integrado CC110L de Texas Instruments altamente configurable y con interfaz SPI. Se adquirieron dos parejas de módulos compatibles, con amplificador de potencia o sin él. LabView controla la estación que recoge las tramas CAN vía RF y está dotada del mismo transceptor de radio junto con un puente de comunicaciones SPI-USB, al que se puede acceder de dos diferentes maneras, mediante librerías dll, o mediante NI-VISA con transferencias RAW-USB. La aplicación desarrollada posee una interfaz configurable por el usuario para la muestra de los futuros sensores o actuadores que se incorporen en el vehículo y es capaz de interpretar las tramas CAN, mostrarlas, gráfica, numéricamente y almacenar esta información, como si fuera el cuadro de instrumentos del vehículo. Existe una limitación de la velocidad global del sistema en forma de cuello de botella que se crea debido a las limitaciones del transceptor CC110L por lo que si no se desea filtrar los datos que se crean necesarios, sería necesario aumentar el número de canales de radio para altas ocupaciones del bus CAN. Debido a la pérdida de relaciones con el INSIA, no se pudo probar de manera real en el propio vehículo, pero se hicieron pruebas satisfactorias (hasta 1,6 km) con una configuración de tramas CAN estándar a una velocidad de transmisión de 1 Mbit/s y un tiempo de bit de 1 microsegundo. El periférico CAN del PIC32 se programará para cumplir con estas especificaciones de la ECU del vehículo, que se presupone que es la MS3 Sport de Bosch, de la que LabView interpretará las tramas CAN recibidas de manera inalámbrica. Para poder probar el sistema, ha sido necesario reutilizar el hardware y adaptar el software del primer prototipo creado, que emite tramas CAN preprogramadas con una latencia también programable y que simulará al bus CAN proporcionando los datos a transmitir por el sistema que incorpora el vehículo. Durante el desarrollo de este proyecto, en las etapas finales, el fabricante del puente de comunicaciones SPI-USB MCP2210 liberó una librería (dll) compatible y sin errores, por lo que se nos ofrecía una oportunidad interesante para la comparación de las velocidades de acceso al transceptor de radio, que se presuponía y se comprobó más eficiente que la solución ya hecha mediante NI-VISA. ABSTRACT. The Formula SAE competition is an international university applied to technological innovation in vehicles racing type formula, in which each team, made up of students, should design, construct and test a prototype each year within certain rules. The challenge of FSAE is that it is an educational project farther away than a master class. The goal of the present project is to make a tool for other students to use it in his projects related to FSAE to test and improve the vehicle, and, the improvements that can be provided by the electronics could be materialized in a victory and win the competition with this competitive advantage. A telemetry system was developed. It sends the data provided by the car’s CAN bus through a radio frequency transceiver and receive commands to execute on the system, it provides by a base station on the ground. Moreover, constant verification in real time of the status of the car or data parameters like the revolutions per minute, pressure from collectors, water temperature, and so on, can be accessed from the base station on the ground, so that, it could be possible to study the behaviour of the vehicle in early phases of the car development. A printed circuit board, composed of two boards, and two software programs in two different languages, have been developed, and built for the project implementation. The software utilized to design the PCB is Orcad10.5/Layout. The base station PCB on a PC receives data from the PCB connected to the vehicle’s CAN bus and sends commands like set CAN filters or masks, activate data logger or inject CAN frames. This PCB is connected to a PC via USB and contains a bridge USB-SPI to communicate with a similar transceiver on the vehicle PCB. LabView controls this part of the system. A special virtual Instrument (VI) had been created in order to add future new elements to the vehicle, is a dashboard, which reads the data passed from the main VI and represents them graphically to studying the behaviour of the car on track. In this special VI other alums can make modifications to accommodate the data provided from the vehicle CAN’s bus to new elements on the vehicle, show or save the CAN frames in the form or format they want. Two methods to access to SPI bus of CC110l RF transceiver over LabView have been developed with minimum changes between them. Access through NI-VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) which is a standard for configuring, programming, USB interfaces or other devices in National Instruments LabView. And access through DLL (dynamic link library) supplied by the manufacturer of the bridge USB-SPI, Microchip. Then the work is done in two forms, but the dll solution developed shows better behaviour, and increase the speed of the system because has less overload of the USB bus due to a better efficiency of the dll solution versus VISA solution. The PCB connected to the vehicle’s CAN bus receives commands from the base station PCB on a PC, and, acts in function of the command or execute actions like to inject packets into CAN bus or activate data logger. Also sends over RF the CAN frames present on the bus, which can be filtered, to avoid unnecessary radio emissions or overflowing the RF transceiver. This PCB consists of two basic pieces: A microcontroller with 32 bit architecture PIC32MX795F512L from Microchip and the radio transceiver integrated circuit CC110l from Texas Instruments. The PIC32MX795F512L has an integrated CAN and several peripherals like SPI controllers that are utilized to communicate with RF transceiver and SD Card. The USB controller on the PIC32 is utilized to store CAN data on a USB memory, and change notification peripheral is utilized like an external interrupt. Hardware for other peripherals is accessible. The software part of this PCB is coded in C with MPLAB from Microchip, and programming over PICkit 3 Programmer, also from Microchip. Some of his libraries have been modified to work properly with this project and other was created specifically for this project. In the phase for RF selection and design is made a study to clarify the general aspects of regulations for the this project in order to understand it and select the proper band, frequency, and radio transceiver for the activities developed in the project. From the different options available it selects a common use band ICM, with less regulation and free to emit with restrictions and disadvantages like high occupation. The transceiver utilized to transmit and receive the data CC110l is an integrated circuit which needs fewer components from Texas Instruments and it can be accessed through SPI bus. Basically is a state machine which changes his state whit commands received over an SPI bus or internal events. The transceiver has several programmable general purpose Inputs and outputs. These GPIOs are connected to PIC32 change notification input to generate an interrupt or connected to GPIO to MCP2210 USB-SPI bridge to inform to the base station for a packet received. A two pair of modules of CC110l radio module kit from different output power has been purchased which includes an antenna. This is to keep away from fabrication mistakes in RF hardware part or designs, although reference design and gerbers files are available on the webpage of the chip manufacturer. A neck bottle is present on the complete system, because the maximum data rate of CC110l transceiver is a half than CAN bus data rate, hence for high occupation of CAN bus is recommendable to filter the data or add more radio channels, because the buffers can’t sustain this load along the time. Unfortunately, during the development of the project, the relations with the INSIA, who develops the vehicle, was lost, for this reason, will be made impossible to test the final phases of the project like integration on the car, final test of integration, place of the antenna, enclosure of the electronics, connectors selection, etc. To test or evaluate the system, it was necessary to simulate the CAN bus with a hardware to feed the system with entry data. An early hardware prototype was adapted his software to send programed CAN frames at a fixed data rate and certain timing who simulate several levels of occupation of the CAN Bus. This CAN frames emulates the Bosch ECU MS3 Sport.


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En este proyecto se desarrolla un sistema electrónico para variar la geometría de un motor de un monoplaza que participa en la competición Fórmula SAE. Fórmula SAE es una competición de diseño de monoplazas para estudiantes, organizado por “Society of Automotive Enginners” (SAE). Este concurso busca la innovación tecnológica de la automoción, así como que estudiantes participen en un trabajo real, en el cual el objetivo es obtener resultados competitivos cumpliendo con una serie de requisitos. La variación de la geometría de un motor en un vehículo permite mejorar el rendimiento del monoplaza consiguiendo elevar el par de potencia del motor. Cualquier mejora en del vehículo en un ámbito de competición puede resultar determinante en el desenlace de la misma. El objetivo del proyecto es realizar esta variación mediante el control de la longitud de los tubos de admisión de aire o “runners” del motor de combustión, empleando un motor lineal paso a paso. A partir de la información obtenida por sensores de revoluciones del motor de combustión y la posición del acelerador se debe controlar la distancia de dichos tubos. Integrando este sistema en el bus CAN del vehículo para que comparta la información medida al resto de módulos. Por todo esto se realiza un estudio aclarando los aspectos generales del objetivo del trabajo, para la comprensión del proyecto a realizar, las posibilidades de realización y adquisición de conocimientos para un mejor desarrollo. Se presenta una solución basada en el control del motor lineal paso a paso mediante el microcontrolador PIC32MX795F512-L. Dispositivo del fabricante Microchip con una arquitectura de 32 bits. Este dispone de un módulo CAN integrado y distintos periféricos que se emplean en la medición de los sensores y actuación sobre el motor paso a paso empleando el driver de Texas Instruments DRV8805. Entonces el trabajo se realiza en dos líneas, una parte software de programación del control del sistema, empleando el software de Microchip MPLABX IDE y otra parte hardware de diseño de una PCB y circuitos acondicionadores para la conexión del microcontrolador, con los sensores, driver, motor paso a paso y bus CAN. El software empleado para la realización de la PCB es Orcad9.2/Layout. Para la evaluación de las medidas obtenidas por los sensores y la comprobación del bus CAN se emplea el kit de desarrollo de Microchip, MCP2515 CAN Bus Monitor Demo Board, que permite ver la información en el bus CAN e introducir tramas al mismo. ABSTRACT. This project develops an electronic system to vary the geometry of a car engine which runs the Formula SAE competition. Formula SAE is a design car competition for students, organized by "Society of Automotive Engineers" (SAE). This competition seeks technological innovation in the automotive industry and brings in students to participate in a real job, in which the objective is to obtain competitive results in compliance with certain requirements. Varying engine’s geometry in a vehicle improves car’s performance raising engine output torque. Any improvement in the vehicle in a competition field can be decisive in the outcome of it. The goal of the project is the variation by controlling the length of the air intake pipe or "runners" in a combustion engine, using a linear motor step. For these, uses the information gathered by speed sensors from the combustion engine and by the throttle position to control the distance of these tubes. This system is integrated in the vehicle CAN bus to share the information with the other modules. For all this is made a study to clarify the general aspects of the project in order to understand the activities developed inside the project, the different options available and also, to acquire knowledge for a better development of the project. The solution is based on linear stepper motor control by the microcontroller PIC32MX795F512-L. Device from manufacturer Microchip with a 32-bit architecture. This module has an integrated CAN various peripherals that are used in measuring the performance of the sensors and drives the stepper motor using Texas Instruments DRV8805 driver. Then the work is done in two lines, first, control programming software system using software MPLABX Microchip IDE and, second, hardware design of a PCB and conditioning circuits for connecting the microcontroller, with sensors, driver stepper motor and CAN bus. The software used to carry out the PCB is Orcad9.2/Layout. For the evaluation of the measurements obtained by the sensors and CAN bus checking is used Microchip development kit, MCP2515 CAN Bus Monitor Demo Board, that allows you to see the information on the CAN bus and enter new frames in the bus.


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El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de herramientas numéricas basadas en técnicas de onda completa para el diseño asistido por ordenador (Computer-Aided Design,‘CAD’) de dispositivos de microondas. En este contexto, se desarrolla una herramienta numérica basada en el método de los elementos finitos para el diseño y análisis de antenas impresas mediante algoritmos de optimización. Esta técnica consiste en dividir el análisis de una antena en dos partes. Una parte de análisis 3D que se realiza sólo una vez en cada punto de frecuencia de la banda de funcionamiento donde se sustituye una superficie que contiene la metalización del parche por puertas artificiales. En una segunda parte se inserta entre las puertas artificiales en la estructura 3D la superficie soportando una metalización y se procede un análisis 2D para caracterizar el comportamiento de la antena. La técnica propuesta en esta tesis se puede implementar en un algoritmo de optimización para definir el perfil de la antena que permite conseguir los objetivos del diseño. Se valida experimentalmente dicha técnica empleándola en el diseño de antenas impresas de banda ancha para diferentes aplicaciones mediante la optimización del perfil de los parches. También, se desarrolla en esta tesis un procedimiento basado en el método de descomposición de dominio y el método de los elementos finitos para el diseño de dispositivos pasivos de microonda. Se utiliza este procedimiento en particular para el diseño y sintonía de filtros de microondas. En la primera etapa de su aplicación se divide la estructura que se quiere analizar en subdominios aplicando el método de descomposición de dominio, este proceso permite analizar cada segmento por separado utilizando el método de análisis adecuado dado que suele haber subdominios que se pueden analizar mediante métodos analíticos por lo que el tiempo de análisis es más reducido. Se utilizan métodos numéricos para analizar los subdominios que no se pueden analizar mediante métodos analíticos. En esta tesis, se utiliza el método de los elementos finitos para llevar a cabo el análisis. Además de la descomposición de dominio, se aplica un proceso de barrido en frecuencia para reducir los tiempos del análisis. Como método de orden reducido se utiliza la técnica de bases reducidas. Se ha utilizado este procedimiento para diseñar y sintonizar varios ejemplos de filtros con el fin de comprobar la validez de dicho procedimiento. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la utilidad de este procedimiento y confirman su rigurosidad, precisión y eficiencia en el diseño de filtros de microondas. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of numerical tools based on full-wave techniques for computer-aided design ‘CAD’ of microwave devices. In this context, a numerical technique based on the finite element method ‘FEM’ for the design and analysis of printed antennas using optimization algorithms has been developed. The proposed technique consists in dividing the analysis of the antenna in two stages. In the first stage, the regions of the antenna which do not need to be modified during the CAD process are initially characterized only once from their corresponding matrix transfer function (Generalized Admittance matrix, ‘GAM’). The regions which will be modified are defined as artificial ports, precisely the regions which will contain the conducting surfaces of the printed antenna. In a second stage, the contour shape of the conducting surfaces of the printed antenna is iteratively modified in order to achieve a desired electromagnetic performance of the antenna. In this way, a new GAM of the radiating device which takes into account each printed antenna shape is computed after each iteration. The proposed technique can be implemented with a genetic algorithm to achieve the design objectives. This technique is validated experimentally and applied to the design of wideband printed antennas for different applications by optimizing the shape of the radiating device. In addition, a procedure based on the domain decomposition method and the finite element method has been developed for the design of microwave passive devices. In particular, this procedure can be applied to the design and tune of microwave filters. In the first stage of its implementation, the structure to be analyzed is divided into subdomains using the domain decomposition method; this process allows each subdomains can be analyzed separately using suitable analysis method, since there is usually subdomains that can be analyzed by analytical methods so that the time of analysis is reduced. For analyzing the subdomains that cannot be analyzed by analytical methods, we use the numerical methods. In this thesis, the FEM is used to carry out the analysis. Furthermore the decomposition of the domain, a frequency sweep process is applied to reduce analysis times. The reduced order model as the reduced basis technique is used in this procedure. This procedure is applied to the design and tune of several examples of microwave filters in order to check its validity. The obtained results allow concluding the usefulness of this procedure and confirming their thoroughness, accuracy and efficiency for the design of microwave filters.


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n this article, a tool for simulating the channel impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models is presented. The simulation tool is based on a previous Monte Carlo ray-tracing algorithm for indoor infrared channel estimation, but including wavelength response evaluation. The 3D scene, or the simulation environment, can be defined using any CAD software in which the user specifies, in addition to the setting geometry, the reflection characteristics of the surface materials as well as the structures of the emitters and receivers involved in the simulation. Also, in an effort to improve the computational efficiency, two optimizations are proposed. The first one consists of dividing the setting into cubic regions of equal size, which offers a calculation improvement of approximately 50% compared to not dividing the 3D scene into sub-regions. The second one involves the parallelization of the simulation algorithm, which provides a computational speed-up proportional to the number of processors used.


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We present an analytical model for studying optical bistability in semiconductor lasers that exhibit a logarithmic dependence of the optical gain on carrier concentration. Model results are shown for a Fabry–Pérot quantum-well laser and compared with the predictions of a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) software tool.


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Design of magnetic components is a multivariable problem. There are many different combinations of shapes, sizes and materials for the core with many diameters for the wires. So it is difficult to find the optimum design without a great number of iterations. Analytically only a few combinations are usually studied but it is very easy to take into account all the combinations using a CAD tool [1]. In this work the CAD tool used is PExprt (ANSYS [2]) which is being developed at UPMCEI.


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onceptual design phase is partially supported by product lifecycle management/computer-aided design (PLM/CAD) systems causing discontinuity of the design information flow: customer needs — functional requirements — key characteristics — design parameters (DPs) — geometric DPs. Aiming to address this issue, it is proposed a knowledge-based approach is proposed to integrate quality function deployment, failure mode and effects analysis, and axiomatic design into a commercial PLM/CAD system. A case study, main subject of this article, was carried out to validate the proposed process, to evaluate, by a pilot development, how the commercial PLM/CAD modules and application programming interface could support the information flow, and based on the pilot scheme results to propose a full development framework.


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A recent study by Rozvany and Sokól discussed an important topic in structural design: the allowance for support costs in the optimization process. This paper examines a frequently used kind of support —that of simple foundation with horizontal reaction by friction— that appears no covered for the Authors’ approach. A simple example is examined to illustrate the case and to apply the Authors’ method and the standard design method.


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Facilitating general access to data from sensor networks (including traffic, hydrology and other domains) increases their utility. In this paper we argue that the journalistic metaphor can be effectively used to automatically generate multimedia presentations that help non-expert users analyze and understand sensor data. The journalistic layout and style are familiar to most users. Furthermore, the journalistic approach of ordering information from most general to most specific helps users obtain a high-level understanding while providing them the freedom to choose the depth of analysis to which they want to go. We describe the general characteristics and architectural requirements for an interactive intelligent user interface for exploring sensor data that uses the journalistic metaphor. We also describe our experience in developing this interface in real-world domains (e.g., hydrology).


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Virtual certification partially substitutes by computer simulations the experimental techniques required for rail vehicle certification. In this paper, several works were these techniques were used in the vehicle design and track maintenance processes are presented. Dynamic simulation of multibody systems was used to virtually apply the EN14363 standard to certify the dynamic behaviour of vehicles. The works described are: assessment of a freight bogie design adapted to meter-gauge, assessment of a railway track layout for a subway network, freight bogie design with higher speed and axle load, and processing of the data acquired by a track recording vehicle for track maintenance.


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Resumen El diseño clásico de circuitos de microondas se basa fundamentalmente en el uso de los parámetros s, debido a su capacidad para caracterizar de forma exitosa el comportamiento de cualquier circuito lineal. La relación existente entre los parámetros s con los sistemas de medida actuales y con las herramientas de simulación lineal han facilitado su éxito y su uso extensivo tanto en el diseño como en la caracterización de circuitos y subsistemas de microondas. Sin embargo, a pesar de la gran aceptación de los parámetros s en la comunidad de microondas, el principal inconveniente de esta formulación reside en su limitación para predecir el comportamiento de sistemas no lineales reales. En la actualidad, uno de los principales retos de los diseñadores de microondas es el desarrollo de un contexto análogo que permita integrar tanto el modelado no lineal, como los sistemas de medidas de gran señal y los entornos de simulación no lineal, con el objetivo de extender las capacidades de los parámetros s a regímenes de operación en gran señal y por tanto, obtener una infraestructura que permita tanto la caracterización como el diseño de circuitos no lineales de forma fiable y eficiente. De acuerdo a esta filosofía, en los últimos años se han desarrollado diferentes propuestas como los parámetros X, de Agilent Technologies, o el modelo de Cardiff que tratan de proporcionar esta plataforma común en el ámbito de gran señal. Dentro de este contexto, uno de los objetivos de la presente Tesis es el análisis de la viabilidad del uso de los parámetros X en el diseño y simulación de osciladores para transceptores de microondas. Otro aspecto relevante en el análisis y diseño de circuitos lineales de microondas es la disposición de métodos analíticos sencillos, basados en los parámetros s del transistor, que permitan la obtención directa y rápida de las impedancias de carga y fuente necesarias para cumplir las especificaciones de diseño requeridas en cuanto a ganancia, potencia de salida, eficiencia o adaptación de entrada y salida, así como la determinación analítica de parámetros de diseño clave como el factor de estabilidad o los contornos de ganancia de potencia. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de una formulación de diseño analítico, basada en los parámetros X y similar a la existente en pequeña señal, permitiría su uso en aplicaciones no lineales y supone un nuevo reto que se va a afrontar en este trabajo. Por tanto, el principal objetivo de la presente Tesis consistiría en la elaboración de una metodología analítica basada en el uso de los parámetros X para el diseño de circuitos no lineales que jugaría un papel similar al que juegan los parámetros s en el diseño de circuitos lineales de microondas. Dichos métodos de diseño analíticos permitirían una mejora significativa en los actuales procedimientos de diseño disponibles en gran señal, así como una reducción considerable en el tiempo de diseño, lo que permitiría la obtención de técnicas mucho más eficientes. Abstract In linear world, classical microwave circuit design relies on the s-parameters due to its capability to successfully characterize the behavior of any linear circuit. Thus the direct use of s-parameters in measurement systems and in linear simulation analysis tools, has facilitated its extensive use and success in the design and characterization of microwave circuits and subsystems. Nevertheless, despite the great success of s-parameters in the microwave community, the main drawback of this formulation is its limitation in the behavior prediction of real non-linear systems. Nowadays, the challenge of microwave designers is the development of an analogue framework that allows to integrate non-linear modeling, large-signal measurement hardware and non-linear simulation environment in order to extend s-parameters capabilities to non-linear regimen and thus, provide the infrastructure for non-linear design and test in a reliable and efficient way. Recently, different attempts with the aim to provide this common platform have been introduced, as the Cardiff approach and the Agilent X-parameters. Hence, this Thesis aims to demonstrate the X-parameter capability to provide this non-linear design and test framework in CAD-based oscillator context. Furthermore, the classical analysis and design of linear microwave transistorbased circuits is based on the development of simple analytical approaches, involving the transistor s-parameters, that are able to quickly provide an analytical solution for the input/output transistor loading conditions as well as analytically determine fundamental parameters as the stability factor, the power gain contours or the input/ output match. Hence, the development of similar analytical design tools that are able to extend s-parameters capabilities in small-signal design to non-linear ap- v plications means a new challenge that is going to be faced in the present work. Therefore, the development of an analytical design framework, based on loadindependent X-parameters, constitutes the core of this Thesis. These analytical nonlinear design approaches would enable to significantly improve current large-signal design processes as well as dramatically decrease the required design time and thus, obtain more efficient approaches.


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There are many the requirements that modern power converters should fulfill. Most of the applications where these converters are used, demand smaller converters with high efficiency, improved power density and a fast dynamic response. For instance, loads like microprocessors demand aggressive current steps with very high slew rates (100A/mus and higher); besides, during these load steps, the supply voltage of the microprocessor should be kept within tight limits in order to ensure its correct performance. The accomplishment of these requirements is not an easy task; complex solutions like advanced topologies - such as multiphase converters- as well as advanced control strategies are often needed. Besides, it is also necessary to operate the converter at high switching frequencies and to use capacitors with high capacitance and low ESR. Improving the dynamic response of power converters does not rely only on the control strategy but also the power topology should be suited to enable a fast dynamic response. Moreover, in later years, a fast dynamic response does not only mean accomplishing fast load steps but output voltage steps are gaining importance as well. At least, two applications that require fast voltage changes can be named: Low power microprocessors. In these devices, the voltage supply is changed according to the workload and the operating frequency of the microprocessor is changed at the same time. An important reduction in voltage dependent losses can be achieved with such changes. This technique is known as Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS). Another application where important energy savings can be achieved by means of changing the supply voltage are Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers. For example, RF architectures based on ‘Envelope Tracking’ and ‘Envelope Elimination and Restoration’ techniques can take advantage of voltage supply modulation and accomplish important energy savings in the power amplifier. However, in order to achieve these efficiency improvements, a power converter with high efficiency and high enough bandwidth (hundreds of kHz or even tens of MHz) is necessary in order to ensure an adequate supply voltage. The main objective of this Thesis is to improve the dynamic response of DC-DC converters from the point of view of the power topology. And the term dynamic response refers both to the load steps and the voltage steps; it is also interesting to modulate the output voltage of the converter with a specific bandwidth. In order to accomplish this, the question of what is it that limits the dynamic response of power converters should be answered. Analyzing this question leads to the conclusion that the dynamic response is limited by the power topology and specifically, by the filter inductance of the converter which is found in series between the input and the output of the converter. The series inductance is the one that determines the gain of the converter and provides the regulation capability. Although the energy stored in the filter inductance enables the regulation and the capability of filtering the output voltage, it imposes a limitation which is the concern of this Thesis. The series inductance stores energy and prevents the current from changing in a fast way, limiting the slew rate of the current through this inductor. Different solutions are proposed in the literature in order to reduce the limit imposed by the filter inductor. Many publications proposing new topologies and improvements to known topologies can be found in the literature. Also, complex control strategies are proposed with the objective of improving the dynamic response in power converters. In the proposed topologies, the energy stored in the series inductor is reduced; examples of these topologies are Multiphase converters, Buck converter operating at very high frequency or adding a low impedance path in parallel with the series inductance. Control techniques proposed in the literature, focus on adjusting the output voltage as fast as allowed by the power stage; examples of these control techniques are: hysteresis control, V 2 control, and minimum time control. In some of the proposed topologies, a reduction in the value of the series inductance is achieved and with this, the energy stored in this magnetic element is reduced; less stored energy means a faster dynamic response. However, in some cases (as in the high frequency Buck converter), the dynamic response is improved at the cost of worsening the efficiency. In this Thesis, a drastic solution is proposed: to completely eliminate the series inductance of the converter. This is a more radical solution when compared to those proposed in the literature. If the series inductance is eliminated, the regulation capability of the converter is limited which can make it difficult to use the topology in one-converter solutions; however, this topology is suitable for power architectures where the energy conversion is done by more than one converter. When the series inductor is eliminated from the converter, the current slew rate is no longer limited and it can be said that the dynamic response of the converter is independent from the switching frequency. This is the main advantage of eliminating the series inductor. The main objective, is to propose an energy conversion strategy that is done without series inductance. Without series inductance, no energy is stored between the input and the output of the converter and the dynamic response would be instantaneous if all the devices were ideal. If the energy transfer from the input to the output of the converter is done instantaneously when a load step occurs, conceptually it would not be necessary to store energy at the output of the converter (no output capacitor COUT would be needed) and if the input source is ideal, the input capacitor CIN would not be necessary. This last feature (no CIN with ideal VIN) is common to all power converters. However, when the concept is actually implemented, parasitic inductances such as leakage inductance of the transformer and the parasitic inductance of the PCB, cannot be avoided because they are inherent to the implementation of the converter. These parasitic elements do not affect significantly to the proposed concept. In this Thesis, it is proposed to operate the converter without series inductance in order to improve the dynamic response of the converter; however, on the other side, the continuous regulation capability of the converter is lost. It is said continuous because, as it will be explained throughout the Thesis, it is indeed possible to achieve discrete regulation; a converter without filter inductance and without energy stored in the magnetic element, is capable to achieve a limited number of output voltages. The changes between these output voltage levels are achieved in a fast way. The proposed energy conversion strategy is implemented by means of a multiphase converter where the coupling of the phases is done by discrete two-winding transformers instead of coupledinductors since transformers are, ideally, no energy storing elements. This idea is the main contribution of this Thesis. The feasibility of this energy conversion strategy is first analyzed and then verified by simulation and by the implementation of experimental prototypes. Once the strategy is proved valid, different options to implement the magnetic structure are analyzed. Three different discrete transformer arrangements are studied and implemented. A converter based on this energy conversion strategy would be designed with a different approach than the one used to design classic converters since an additional design degree of freedom is available. The switching frequency can be chosen according to the design specifications without penalizing the dynamic response or the efficiency. Low operating frequencies can be chosen in order to favor the efficiency; on the other hand, high operating frequencies (MHz) can be chosen in order to favor the size of the converter. For this reason, a particular design procedure is proposed for the ‘inductorless’ conversion strategy. Finally, applications where the features of the proposed conversion strategy (high efficiency with fast dynamic response) are advantageus, are proposed. For example, in two-stage power architectures where a high efficiency converter is needed as the first stage and there is a second stage that provides the fine regulation. Another example are RF power amplifiers where the voltage is modulated following an envelope reference in order to save power; in this application, a high efficiency converter, capable of achieving fast voltage steps is required. The main contributions of this Thesis are the following: The proposal of a conversion strategy that is done, ideally, without storing energy in the magnetic element. The validation and the implementation of the proposed energy conversion strategy. The study of different magnetic structures based on discrete transformers for the implementation of the proposed energy conversion strategy. To elaborate and validate a design procedure. To identify and validate applications for the proposed energy conversion strategy. It is important to remark that this work is done in collaboration with Intel. The particular features of the proposed conversion strategy enable the possibility of solving the problems related to microprocessor powering in a different way. For example, the high efficiency achieved with the proposed conversion strategy enables it as a good candidate to be used for power conditioning, as a first stage in a two-stage power architecture for powering microprocessors.


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This paper describes a new category of CAD applications devoted to the definition and parameterization of hull forms, called programmed design. Programmed design relies on two prerequisites. The first one is a product model with a variety of types large enough to face the modeling of any type of ship. The second one is a design language dedicated to create the product model. The main purpose of the language is to publish the modeling algorithms of the application in the designer knowledge domain to let the designer create parametric model scripts. The programmed design is an evolution of the parametric design but it is not just parametric design. It is a tool to create parametric design tools. It provides a methodology to extract the design knowledge by abstracting a design experience in order to store and reuse it. Programmed design is related with the organizational and architectural aspects of the CAD applications but not with the development of modeling algorithms. It is built on top and relies on existing algorithms provided by a comprehensive product model. Programmed design can be useful to develop new applications, to support the evolution of existing applications or even to integrate different types of application in a single one. A three-level software architecture is proposed to make the implementation of the programmed design easier. These levels are the conceptual level based on the design language, the mathematical level based on the geometric formulation of the product model and the visual level based on the polyhedral representation of the model as required by the graphic card. Finally, some scenarios of the use of programmed design are discussed. For instance, the development of specialized parametric hull form generators for a ship type or a family of ships or the creation of palettes of hull form components to be used as parametric design patterns. Also two new processes of reverse engineering which can considerably improve the application have been detected: the creation of the mathematical level from the visual level and the creation of the conceptual level from the mathematical level. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction


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Auxetic materials (or metamaterials) are those with a negative Poisson ratio (NPR) and display the unexpected property of lateral expansion when stretched, as well as an equal and opposing densification when compressed. Such geometries are being progressively employed in the development of novel products, especially in the fields of intelligent expandable actuators, shape morphing structures and minimally invasive implantable devices. Although several auxetic and potentially auxetic geometries have been summarized in previous reviews and research, precise information regarding relevant properties for design tasks is not always provided. In this study we present a comparative study of two-dimensional and three-dimensional auxetic geometries carried out by means of computer-aided design and engineering tools (from now on CAD–CAE). The first part of the study is focused on the development of a CAD library of auxetics. Once the library is developed we simulate the behavior of the different auxetic geometries and elaborate a systematic comparison, considering relevant properties of these geometries, such as Poisson ratio(s), maximum volume or area reductions attainable and equivalent Young's modulus, hoping it may provide useful information for future designs of devices based on these interesting structures.


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In the recent years the missing fourth component, the memristor, was successfully synthesized. However, the mathematical complexity and variety of the models behind this component, in addition to the existence of convergence problems in the simulations, make the design of memristor-based applications long and difficult. In this work we present a memristor model characterization framework which supports the automated generation of subcircuit files. The proposed environment allows the designer to choose and parameterize the memristor model that best suits for a given application. The framework carries out characterizing simulations in order to study the possible non-convergence problems, solving the dependence on the simulation conditions and guaranteeing the functionality and performance of the design. Additionally, the occurrence of undesirable effects related to PVT variations is also taken into account. By performing a Monte Carlo or a corner analysis, the designer is aware of the safety margins which assure the correct device operation.