16 resultados para micro-ARN
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
In this work we propose a method for cleaving silicon-based photonic chips by using a laser based micromachining system, consisting of a ND:YVO4laser emitting at 355 nm in nanosecond pulse regime and a micropositioning system. The laser makes grooved marks placed at the desired locations and directions where cleaves have to be initiated, and after several processing steps, a crack appears and propagate along the crystallographic planes of the silicon wafer. This allows cleavage of the chips automatically and with high positioning accuracy, and provides polished vertical facets with better quality than the obtained with other cleaving process, which eases the optical characterization of photonic devices. This method has been found to be particularly useful when cleaving small-sized chips, where manual cleaving is hard to perform; and also for polymeric waveguides, whose facets get damaged or even destroyed with polishing or manual cleaving processing. Influence of length of the grooved line and speed of processing is studied for a variety of silicon chips. An application for cleaving and characterizing sol–gel waveguides is presented. The total amount of light coupled is higher than when using any other procedure.
This paper describes a practical activity, part of the renewable energy course where the students have to build their own complete wind generation system, including blades, PM-generator, power electronics and control. After connecting the system to the electric grid the system has been tested during real wind scenarios. The paper will describe the electric part of the work surface-mounted permanent magnet machine design criteria as well as the power electronics part for the power control and the grid connection. A Kalman filter is used for the voltage phase estimation and current commands obtained in order to control active and reactive power. The connection to the grid has been done and active and reactive power has been measured in the system.
The figure of protection "micro-reserves" was created in the Region of Valencia (ANONYMOUS, 1994) with the aim of protecting endangered plant species. This is one of the areas of greatest floristic richness and uniqueness of the western Mediterranean. In this area rare, endemic or threatened vascular flora has a peculiar distribution: they appear to form small fragments spread over the entire region (LAGUNA, 1994; LAGUNA, 2001) The protection of every these small populations of great scientific value has significant challenges. It doesn´t try to protect every species that set out in Annex IV of the by then existing Law 4 / 1989 (repealed in 2007), or to protect to the most ecological level with the creation of Natural Protected Area but an intermediate level: the plant community of small size. According to the decree: “as Micro-Reserve will be declared the natural parcels of land under 20 hectares that contain a high concentration of rare plants, endemic, threatened or of high scientific interest” (ANONYMOUS, 1994) . Of course, the statement of an area as micro-reserve carries certain prohibitions that are harmful to the vegetal community
This study forms part of wider research conducted under a EU 7 th Framework Programme (COmputationally Driven design of Innovative CEment-based materials or CODICE). The ultimate aim is the multi-scale modelling of the variations in mechanical performance in degraded and non-degraded cementitious matrices. The model is being experimentally validated by hydrating the main tri-calcium silicate (T1-C3S) and bi-calcium silicate (β-C2S), phases present in Portland cement and their blends. The present paper discusses micro- and nanoscale studies of the cementitious skeletons forming during the hydration of C3S, C2S and 70 % / 30 % blends of both C3S/C2S and C2S/C3S with a water/cement ratio of 0.4. The hydrated pastes were characterized at different curing ages with 29 Si NMR, SEM/TEM/EDS, BET, and nanoindentation. The findings served as a basis for the micro- and nanoscale characterization of the hydration products formed, especially C-S-H gels. Differences were identified in composition, structure and mechanical behaviour (nanoindentation), depending on whether the gels formed in C3S or C2S pastes. The C3S gels had more compact morphologies, smaller BET-N2 specific surface area and lesser porosity than the gels from C2S-rich pastes. The results of nanoindentation tests appear to indicate that the various C-S-H phases formed in hydrated C3S and C2S have the same mechanical properties as those formed in Portland cement paste. Compared to the C3S sample, the hydrated C2S specimen was dominated by the loose-packed (LP) and the low-density (LD) C-S-H phases, and had a much lower content of the high density (HD) C-S-H phase
Las adiciones activas en los hormigones son cada día más usuales, no solo debido a razones económicas, sino porque los efectos que se desarrollan son beneficiosos para las prestaciones del hormigón, léase durabilidad y resistencias mecánicas. En Cuba ha sido frenada al no existir fuentes como las tradicionalmente conocidas y comercializadas como es cenizas volantes y las micro sílices (silica fume o fly ash). El desarrollo de estudios de algunos minerales industriales nacionales de génesis ígnea como los vidrios volcánicos, tobas vítreas o zeolitas han demostrado su actividad puzolánica. Es conocido que la zeolita tiene actividad puzolánica desde la época romana, y actualmente se utilizan en el mundo para la producción de cementos mezclados, sin embargo la experiencia cubana es el precedente de su uso como adición activa a hormigones. Se han realizado investigaciones a diferentes escalas del uso de adiciones de zeolita en tecnologías de prefabricado, premezclado y pretensado que han demostrado las mejoras en las prestaciones. El presente trabajo explica el aumento de las prestaciones antes demostradas mediante el estudio de los cambios microestructurales, tanto de composición química como en la morfología de los productos de hidratación formados, a partir de análisis por microscopia electrónica de barrido y microanálisis por espectroscopia de dispersión de energía de rayos X en pasta de cemento y cemento + zeolita comparativamente.
Differences in gene expression patterns have been documented not only in Multiple Sclerosis patients versus healthy controls but also in the relapse of the disease. Recently a new gene expression modulator has been identified: the microRNA or miRNA. The aim of this work is to analyze the possible role of miRNAs in multiple sclerosis, focusing on the relapse stage. We have analyzed the expression patterns of 364 miRNAs in PBMC obtained from multiple sclerosis patients in relapse status, in remission status and healthy controls. The expression patterns of the miRNAs with significantly different expression were validated in an independent set of samples. In order to determine the effect of the miRNAs, the expression of some predicted target genes of these were studied by qPCR. Gene interaction networks were constructed in order to obtain a co-expression and multivariate view of the experimental data. The data analysis and later validation reveal that two miRNAs (hsa-miR-18b and hsa-miR-599) may be relevant at the time of relapse and that another miRNA (hsa-miR-96) may be involved in remission. The genes targeted by hsa-miR-96 are involved in immunological pathways as Interleukin signaling and in other pathways as wnt signaling. This work highlights the importance of miRNA expression in the molecular mechanisms implicated in the disease. Moreover, the proposed involvement of these small molecules in multiple sclerosis opens up a new therapeutic approach to explore and highlight some candidate biomarker targets in MS
El presente proyecto se centra en el estudio de la influencia que ejerce el contenido de humedad en la madera sobre mediciones realizadas mediante diversos ensayos no destructivos (NDT – Non Destructive Tests-). El objetivo es encontrar la relación entre el contenido de humedad de la madera de varias especies del género Pinus (Pinus nigra Arn, Pinus radiata D.Don. y Pinus sylvestris Ait.) y los resultados de diferentes NDT (penetrómetro, resistencia al arranque de tornillos y velocidad de propagación de ondas inducidas y ultrasonidos), y en caso de existir, tratar de elaborar un modelo o factor de corrección que nos permita tener en cuenta dicha influencia en futuros NDT.
Erosion potential and the effects of tillage can be evaluated from quantitative descriptions of soil surface roughness. The present study therefore aimed to fill the need for a reliable, low-cost and convenient method to measure that parameter. Based on the interpretation of micro-topographic shadows, this new procedure is primarily designed for use in the field after tillage. The principle underlying shadow analysis is the direct relationship between soil surface roughness and the shadows cast by soil structures under fixed sunlight conditions. The results obtained with this method were compared to the statistical indexes used to interpret field readings recorded by a pin meter. The tests were conducted on 4-m2 sandy loam and sandy clay loam plots divided into 1-m2 subplots tilled with three different tools: chisel, tiller and roller. The highly significant correlation between the statistical indexes and shadow analysis results obtained in the laboratory as well as in the field for all the soil?tool combinations proved that both variability (CV) and dispersion (SD) are accommodated by the new method. This procedure simplifies the interpretation of soil surface roughness and shortens the time involved in field operations by a factor ranging from 12 to 20.
Ferromanganese nodule fields and hardgrounds have recently been discovered in the Cadiz Contourite Channel in the Gulf of Cadiz (850–1000 m). This channel is part of a large contourite depositional system generated by the Mediterranean Outflow Water. Ferromanganese deposits linked to contourites are interesting tools for palaeoenviromental studies and show an increasing economic interest as potential mineral resources for base and strategic metals. We present a complete characterisation of these deposits based on submarine photographs and geophysical, petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data. The genesis and growth of ferromanganese deposits, strongly enriched in Fe vs. Mn (av. 39% vs. 6%) in this contourite depositional system result from the combination of hydrogenetic and diagenetic processes. The interaction of the Mediterranean Outflow Water with the continental margin has led to the formation of Late Pleistocene–Holocene ferromanganese mineral deposits, in parallel to the evolution of the contourite depositional system triggered by climatic and tectonic events. The diagenetic growth was fuelled by the anaerobic oxidation of thermogenic hydrocarbons (δ13CPDB=−20 to −37‰) and organic matter within the channel floor sediments, promoting the formation of Fe–Mn carbonate nodules. High 87Sr/86Sr isotopic values (up to 0.70993±0.00025) observed in the inner parts of nodules are related to the influence of radiogenic fluids fuelled by deep-seated fluid venting across the fault systems in the diapirs below the Cadiz Contourite Channel. Erosive action of the Mediterranean Outflow Water undercurrent could have exhumed the Fe–Mn carbonate nodules, especially in the glacial periods, when the lower core of the undercurrent was more active in the study area. The growth rate determined by 230Thexcess/232Th was 113±11 mm/Ma, supporting the hypothesis that the growth of the nodules records palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 70 ka. Ca-rich layers in the nodules could point to the interaction between the Mediterranean Outflow Water and the North Atlantic Deep Water during the Heinrich events. Siderite–rhodochrosite nodules exposed to the oxidising seabottom waters were replaced by Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides. Slow hydrogenetic growth of goethite from the seawaters is observed in the outermost parts of the exhumed nodules and hardgrounds, which show imprints of the Mediterranean Outflow Water with low 87Sr/86Sr isotopic values (down to 0.70693±0.00081). We propose a new genetic and evolutionary model for ferromanganese oxide nodules derived from ferromanganese carbonate nodules formed on continental margins above the carbonate compensation depth and dominated by hydrocarbon seepage structures and strong erosive action of bottom currents. We also compare and discuss the generation of ferromanganese deposits in the Cadiz Contourite Channel with that in other locations and suggest that our model can be applied to ferromanganiferous deposits in other contouritic systems affected by fluid venting.
In this paper, calculus of variations and combined blade element and momentum theory (BEMT) are used to demonstrate that, in hover, when neither root nor tip losses are considered; the rotor, which minimizes the total power (MPR), generates an induced velocity that varies linearly along the blade span. The angle of attack of every blade element is constant and equal to its optimum value. The traditional ideal twist (ITR) and optimum (OR) rotors are revisited in the context of this variational framework. Two more optimum rotors are obtained considering root and tip losses, the ORL, and the MPRL. A comparison between these five rotors is presented and discussed. The MPR and MPRL present a remarkable saving of power for low values of both thrust coefficient and maximum aerodynamic efficiency. The result obtained can be exploited to improve the aerodynamic behaviour of rotary wing micro air vehicles (MAV). A comparison with experimental results obtained from the literature is presented.
Species?habitat associations may contribute to the maintenance of species richness in tropical forests, but previous research has been conducted almost exclusively in lowland forests and has emphasized the importance of topography and edaphic conditions. Is the distribution of woody plant species in a Peruvian cloud forest determined by microhabitat conditions? What is the role of environmental characteristics and forest structure in habitat partitioning in a tropical cloud forest? We examined species?habitat associations in three 1-ha plots using the torus-translation method. We used three different criteria to define habitats for habitat partitioning analyses, based on microtopography, forest structure and both sets of factors. The number of species associated either positively or negatively with each habitat was assessed. Habitats defined on the basis of environmental conditions and forest structure discriminated a greater number of positive and negative associations at the scale of our analyses in a tropical cloud forest. Both topographic conditions and forest structure contribute to small-scale microhabitat partitioning of woody plant species in a Peruvian tropical cloud forest. Nevertheless, canopy species were most correlated with the distribution of environmental variables, while understorey species displayed associations with forest structure.
A piece of research is presented that was conducted on the Guayanes Farmhouse Telita Cheese Producers Network located in the Piar and Padre Chien rural municipalities of Bolivar state in Venezuela. Guayanes telita cheese is a regional dairy product. The producers are to be found in a rural area with a high potential for marketing the label in the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). This market is the focal point of the strategic importance of this study for the Region and the Country. The research is of a descriptive scope conducted in the field. A questionnaire based on good food production practice was used as a data gathering technique. The final sample comprised 30 production units. Statistical processing was performed with version 15.2 of the STATGRAPHICS Centurion computational tool. The results would appear to confirm previous studies that point to the existence of factors that prevent these Micro-SMEs from guaranteeing the food safety of the product. The results indicate that new lines of research need to be opened up. These are oriented towards formulating strategies for the continuous improvement of these micro-SMEs, including quality control indicators.
Compared to the size of the microfinance market, the number of Microfinance Institutions that are professionally ran like commercial banks is still scarce, and even more scarce are the MFI listed in public stock exchanges. This document focuses on four listed MFIs and reviews its business model and funding sources. The document also analyses the market price evolution of the listed shares and investigates whether investors are assigning a premium to the MFIs compared with its respective market indices. Keywords: Microfinance institutions, Micro-credits, Financial Institutions, Equity; Stock Exchange.
Rapid prototyping environments can speed up the research of visual control algorithms. We have designed and implemented a software framework for fast prototyping of visual control algorithms for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV). We have applied a combination of a proxy-based network communication architecture and a custom Application Programming Interface. This allows multiple experimental configurations, like drone swarms or distributed processing of a drone’s video stream. Currently, the framework supports a low-cost MAV: the Parrot AR.Drone. Real tests have been performed on this platform and the results show comparatively low figures of the extra communication delay introduced by the framework, while adding new functionalities and flexibility to the selected drone. This implementation is open-source and can be downloaded from www.vision4uav.com/?q=VC4MAV-FW
Continuous and long-pulse lasers have been extensively used for the forming of metal sheets for macroscopic mechanical applications. However, for the manufacturing of Micro-Mechanical Systems (MMS), the applicability of such type of lasers is limited by the long relaxation time of the thermal fields responsible for the forming phenomena. As a consequence, the final sheet deformation state is attained only after a certain time, what makes the generated internal residual stress fields more dependent on ambient conditions and might difficult the subsequent assembly process. The use of short pulse (ns) lasers provides a suitable parameter matching for the laser forming of an important range of sheet components used in MEMS. The short interaction time scale required for the predominantly mechanic (shock) induction of deformation residual stresses allows the successful processing of components in a medium range of miniaturization (particularly important according to its frequent use in such systems). In the present paper, Laser Shock Micro-Forming (LSμF) is presented as an emerging technique for Microsystems parts shaping and adjustment along with a discussion on its physical foundations and practical implementation possibilities developed by the authors.