3 resultados para methyl 8 hydroxy 2,2 dimethyl 2h 1 chromene 6 carboxylate

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Nella sua "dichiarazione di poetica", Alberto Campo Baeza confessa che la cosa che più gli sta a cuore è la bellezza, che persegue con le armi della ragione e dell'immaginazione, confortato dalle parole di illustri predecessori, come Cervantes e Goya, Platone e Sant'Agostino, Vitruvio e Keats


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Este Proyecto se enmarca en el conjunto de actuaciones necesarias para desarrollar por completo la denominada Autovía de circunvalación M-55,que conecta la A-1, A-6 y A-5, y que contribuye a mejorar la capacidad de los corredores que comunican la ciudad de Madrid con los municipios metropolitanos comprendidos entre la A-1, A-6 y A-5, y también a estos municipios entre sí. El área de estudio se encuentra ubicada en la Comunidad de Madrid,incluyendo los municipios de Las Rozas de Madrid y Villanueva del Pardillo. El tramo discurre por una zona protegida medioambientalmente como es el LIC “Cuenca del río Guadarrama” y próximo a los núcleos de población de Las Roza de Madrid y Villanueva del Pardillo. Por ello, se ha buscado optimizar el trazado minimizando las afecciones a edificaciones y al espacio protegido medioambientalmente por la Red Natura 2000.


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In the past two decades the History of Construction has started to become an independent discipline. On one hand, the number of articles, theses and books that could be assigned to this field has grown exponentially. Furthermore, there have been numerous and remarkably successful Congresses: 12 National (Spain 8; France 2; United Kingdom 1; Germany 1) and 4 International Congresses (Madrid 2003, Cambridge 2006, Cottbus 2009, Paris 2012), see Table 1 below. However, the situation is far from that corresponding to an already recognized discipline, such as the History of Art or the History of Science. There are no University chairs and departments, and in the reference databases “Construction History” is not listed as a common descriptor. This is not surprising; it reflects the inertia of academia to accept new disciplines. In what follows we will discuss the current state of discipline in Spain. Previous articles have tackled the matter. We will try to avoid unnecessary repetitions and concentrate on: 1) The activities of the Spanish Society of Construction History; 2) Its consequences on teaching and research, taken as a case study the experience in the School of Architecture of Madrid, and 3) We will give a provisional List of dissertations on Construction History read in Spain in the last forty years. First, we will try to define with the least possible ambiguity its field and its objectives. The intention is not to enter into the actual debate on the "definition" of Construction History, but to expose, in as detached as possible way, the ideas behind the actions made.