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em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El entrenamiento con cargas es una actividad anaeróbica glucolítica intensa y se ha comprobado que el error en las estimaciones del gasto energético en esta actividad varía entre un 13 y un 30%. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es describir la contribución anaeróbica de energía en un circuito con cargas. Doce hombres (20-26 años) y diecisiete mujeres (18-29 años) estudiantes de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte realizaron un entrenamiento en circuito de cargas a 6 intensidades diferentes (entre el 30% y 80% de su 15RM). Durante la totalidad de los circuitos se registró el gasto energético aeróbico por calorimetría indirecta, la frecuencia cardiaca con pulsómetro Polar® y la concentración de lactato en sangre capilar para medir la contribución anaeróbica. El incremento que produjo la energía anaeróbica se situó entre el 5,1% y un máximo del 13,5%, lo que hace evidente que medir o no la contribución anaeróbica en el entrenamiento en circuito puede provocar un error medio del 9,65%. Existen diferencias significativas (Pmenor que 0,05) entre el gasto energético aeróbico y total (aeróbico+anaeróbico) en todas las intensidades, en un circuito de entrenamiento con cargas a intensidades progresivas.


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This article presents a cartographic system to facilitate cooperative manoeuvres among autonomous vehicles in a well-known environment. The main objective is to design an extended cartographic system to help in the navigation of autonomous vehicles. This system has to allow the vehicles not only to access the reference points needed for navigation, but also noticeable information such as the location and type of traffic signals, the proximity to a crossing, the streets en route, etc. To do this, a hierarchical representation of the information has been chosen, where the information has been stored in two levels. The lower level contains the archives with the Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates of the points that define the reference segments to follow. The upper level contains a directed graph with the relational database in which streets, crossings, roundabouts and other points of interest are represented. Using this new system it is possible to know when the vehicle approaches a crossing, what other paths arrive at that crossing, and, should there be other vehicles circulating on those paths and arriving at the crossing, which one has the highest priority. The data obtained from the cartographic system is used by the autonomous vehicles for cooperative manoeuvres.


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This paper presents the complete development of the Simbiosis Smart Walker. The device is equipped with a set of sensor subsystems to acquire user-machine interaction forces and the temporal evolution of user's feet during gait. The authors present an adaptive filtering technique used for the identification and separation of different components found on the human-machine interaction forces. This technique allowed isolating the components related with the navigational commands and developing a Fuzzy logic controller to guide the device. The Smart Walker was clinically validated at the Spinal Cord Injury Hospital of Toledo - Spain, presenting great acceptability by spinal chord injury patients and clinical staff


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En la actualidad las redes de Pequeño Mundo están presentes en muchas aplicaciones distribuidas, pudiéndose construir estas redes añadiendo, a un grafo base, enlaces de largo alcance tomados conforme a una determinada distribución de probabiblidad. Los sistemas distribuidos actuales utilizan soluciones ad hoc específicas para calcular los enlaces de largo alcance. En este artículo proponemos un nuevo algoritmo distribuido llamado Selección Sesgada (SS), que utilizando únicamente un servicio de muestreo uniforme (que puede estar implementado mediante un protocolo gossip), es capaz de seleccionar enlaces largos conforme a cualquier distribución de probabilidad. SS es un algoritmo iterativo que dispone de un único parámetro (r) para indicar el número de iteraciones que debe ejecutarse. Se ha probado que la muestra obtenida con el algoritmo SS converge a la distribución objetivo a medida que aumenta el valor de r. También se ha calculado la cota analítica del error relativo máximo, para un determinado valor de r. Aunque este artículo se propone para el algoritmo SS como una herramienta para tomar muestras de nodos en una red, puede emplearse en cualquier contexto en el que sea necesario realizar un muestreo conforme a una determinada distribución de probabilidad, necesitando para funcionar únicamente un servicio de muestreo uniforme. Se han construido redes de Pequeño Mundo, modelo Kleinberg, utilizando SS para escoger los enlaces (vecinos) de largo alcance en estructuras de tipo toro. Hemos observado que con un número reducido de iteraciones (1) SS tiene un comportamiento muy similar a la distribución armónica de Kleinberg y (2) el número medio de saltos, utilizando enrutamiento ávido, no es peor que en una red construida con la distribución de Leinberg. También se ha observado que antes de obtener la convergencia, el número medio de saltos es menor que en las redes construidas mediante la distribución armónica de Leinberg (14% mejor en un toro de 1000 x 1000).


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This article presents a new and computationally efficient method of analysis of a railway track modelled as a continuous beam of 2N spans supported by elastic vertical springs. The main feature of this method is its important reduction in computational effort with respect to standard matrix methods of structural analysis. In this article, the whole structure is considered to be a repetition of a single one. The analysis presented is applied to a simple railway track model, i.e. to a repetitive beam supported on vertical springs (sleepers). The proposed method of analysis is based on the general theory of spatially periodic structures. The main feature of this theory is the possibility to apply Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in order to reduce a large system of q(2N + 1) linear stiffness equilibrium equations to a set of 2N + 1 uncoupled systems of q equations each. In this way, a dramatic reduction of the computational effort of solving the large system of equations is achieved. This fact is particularly important in the analysis of railway track structures, in which N is a very large number (around several thousands), and q = 2, the vertical displacement and rotation, is very small. The proposed method allows us to easily obtain the exact solution given by Samartín [1], i.e. the continuous beam railway track response. The comparison between the proposed method and other methods of analysis of railway tracks, such as Lorente de Nó and Zimmermann-Timoshenko, clearly shows the accuracy of the obtained results for the proposed method, even for low values of N. In addition, identical results between the proposed and the Lorente methods have been found, although the proposed method seems to be of simpler application and computationally more efficient than the Lorente one. Small but significative differences occur between these two methods and the one developed by Zimmermann-Timoshenko. This article also presents a detailed sensitivity analysis of the vertical displacement of the sleepers. Although standard matrix methods of structural analysis can handle this railway model, one of the objectives of this article is to show the efficiency of DFT method with respect to standard matrix structural analysis. A comparative analysis between standard matrix structural analysis and the proposed method (DFT), in terms of computational time, input, output and also software programming, will be carried out. Finally, a URL link to a MatLab computer program list, based on the proposed method, is given