16 resultados para ionization coefficients

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Radiative shock waves play a pivotal role in the transport energy into the stellar medium. This fact has led to many efforts to scale the astrophysical phenomena to accessible laboratory conditions and their study has been highlighted as an area requiring further experimental investigations. Low density material with high atomic mass is suitable to achieve radiative regime, and, therefore, low density xenon gas is commonly used for the medium in which the radiative shock propagates. In this work the averageionization and the thermodynamicregimes of xenonplasmas are determined as functions of the matter density and temperature in a wide range of plasma conditions. The results obtained will be applied to characterize blastwaveslaunched in xenonclusters


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Oxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon?photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core?valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast, the partial fluorescence yield in the wavelength window 300?650 nm and the excitation functions of selected O+ and C+ emission lines in the wavelength range 400?500 nm display all of the absorption features. The relative intensity of ionic emission in the visible range increases towards higher photon energies, which is attributed to O 1s shake-off photoionization. VUV photon?photoion coincidence spectra reveal major contributions from the C+ and O+ ions and a minor contribution from C2+. No conclusive changes in the intensity ratios among the different ions are observed above the O 1s threshold. The line shape of the VUV?O+ coincidence peak in the mass spectrum carries some information on the initial core excitation


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The evapotranspiration (ETc) of sprinkler-irrigated rice was determined for the semiarid conditions of NE Spain during 2001, 2002 and 2003. The surface renewal method, after calibration against the eddy covariance method, was used to obtain values of sensible heat flux (H) from high-frequency temperature readings. Latent heat flux values were obtained by solving the energy balance equation. Finally, lysimeter measurements were used to validate the evapotranspiration values obtained with the surface renewal method. Seasonal rice evapotranspiration was about 750–800 mm. Average daily ETc for mid-season (from 90 to 130 days after sowing) was 5.1, 4.5 and 6.1 mm day−1 for 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively. The experimental weekly crop coefficients fluctuated in the range of 0.83–1.20 for 2001, 0.81–1.03 for 2002 and 0.84–1.15 for 2003. The total growing season was about 150–160 days. In average, the crop coefficients for the initial (Kcini), mid-season (Kcmid) and late-season stages (Kcend) were 0.92, 1.06 and 1.03, respectively, the length of these stages being about 55, 45 and 25 days, respectively.


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In the case of large burnup, a control rod (CR) guide tube in the pressurized water reactor of a commercial nuclear power plant might bend. As a consequence, a CR drop experiment may indicate an event of a CR partially inserted and whether the CR should be deemed inoperable. Early prevention of such an event can be achieved by measuring two friction coefficients: the hydraulic coefficient and the sliding coefficient. The hydraulic coefficient hardly changes, so that the curvature of the guide tube can only be detected thanks to a variation of the sliding coefficient. A simple model for the CR drop is established and validated with CR drop experiments. If tmx denotes the instant of CR maximum velocity, a linear relationship between (tmx)_2 and the sliding coefficient is found.


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The electronic structure of modified chalcopyrite CuInS2 has been analyzed from first principles within the density functional theory. The host chalcopyrite has been modified by introducing atomic impurities M at substitutional sites in the lattice host with M = C, Si, Ge, Sn, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Rh, and Ir. Both substitutions M for In and M for Cu have been analyzed. The gap and ionization energies are obtained as a function of the M-S displacements. It is interesting for both spintronic and optoelectronic applications because it can provide significant information with respect to the pressure effect and the nonradiative recombination.


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A recently obtained nonlocal expression for the electron heat flux valid for arbitrary ionization numbers Z is used to study the structure of a plane shock wave in a fully ionized plasma. Nonlocal effects are only important in the foot of the electronic preheating region, where the electron temperature gradient is the steepest. The results are quantified as a function of a characteristic Knudsen number of that region. This work also generalizes to arbitrary values of Z previous results on plasma shock wave structure.


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In this work we present an analysis of the influence of the thermodynamic regime on the monochromatic emissivity, the radiative power loss and the radiative cooling rate for optically thin carbon plasmas over a wide range of electron temperature and density assuming steady state situations. Furthermore, we propose analytical expressions depending on the electron density and temperature for the average ionization and cooling rate based on polynomial fittings which are valid for the whole range of plasma conditions considered in this work.


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Preparing Exercise I-3: Optimization of cross-section tables using sensitivity coefficients in COBAYA3


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The assessment of the uncertainty levels on the design and safety parameters for the innovative European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR) is mandatory. Some of these relevant safety quantities are the Doppler and void reactivity coefficients, whose uncertainties are quantified. Besides, the nuclear reaction data where an improvement will certainly benefit the design accuracy are identified. This work has been performed with the SCALE 6.1 codes suite and its multigroups cross sections library based on ENDF/B-VII.0 evaluation.


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In the framework of the so-called third generation solar cells, three main concepts have been proposed in order to exceed the limiting efficiency of single-gap solar cells: the hot-carrier solar cell, the impact-ionization or multiple-exciton-generation solar cell, and the intermediate-band solar cell. At first sight, the three concepts are different, but in this paper, we illustrate how all these concepts, including the single-gap solar cell, share a common trunk that we call "core photovoltaic material." We demonstrate that each one of these next-generation concepts differentiates in fact from this trunk depending on the hypotheses that are made about the physical principles governing the electron electrochemical potentials. In the process, we also clarify the differences between electron, phonon, and photon chemical potentials (the three fundamental particles involved in the operation of the solar cell). The in-depth discussion of the physics involved about the operation of these cells also provides new insights about the operation of these cells.


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Se presentan las mejoras introducidas en un código de transporte de radiación acoplada a la hidrodinámica llamado ARWEN para el estudio de sistemas en el rango de física de alta densidad de energía (High Energy Density Physics). Los desarrollos introducidos se basan en las siguientes áreas: ít>,~ Ecuaciones de estado: se desarrolla una nueva metodología mediante la cual es posible ajustar los resultados de un modelo simple de ecuaciones de estado como QEOS a datos experimentales y resultados de AIMD. Esta metodología tiene carácter general para poder ser aplicada en gran cantidad de materuales de interés y amplia la flexibilidad de ajuste de los métodos de los que ha partido como base este trabajo. En segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado una librería para la gestión de tablas de datos de ecuaciones de estado que también incluye la gestión de tablas con datos de opacidades y de ionización. Esta nueva librería extiende las capacidades de la anterior al tener llamadas más específicas que aceleran los cálculos, y posibilidad de uso de varias tablas a la vez. Solver de difusión: se ha desarrollado un nuevo paquete para resolver la ecuación de difusión que se aplicará a la conducción de calor dentro del plasma. El método anterior no podía ser ejecutado en paralelo y producía resultados dependientes de la resolución de la malla, mientras que este método es paralelizable y además obtiene una solución con mejor convergencia, lo que supone una solución que no depende del refinamiento del mallado. Revisión del paquete de radiación: en primer lugar se ha realizado una revisión de la implementación del modelo de radiación descubriendo varios errores que han sido depurados. También se ha incluido la nueva librería de gestión de tablas de opacidades que permiten la obtención de las propiedades ópticas del plasma en multigrupos de energía. Por otra parte se ha extendido el cálculo de los coeficientes de transporte al esquema multimaterial que ha introducido David Portillo García en el paquete hidrodinámico del código de simulación. Por último se ha revisado el esquema de resolución del transporte y se ha modificado para hacerlo paralelizable. • Se ha implementado un paquete de trazado de rayos para deposición láser que extiende la utilidad del anterior al ser en 3D y poder utilizar entonces diferentes configuraciones. • Una vez realizadas todas estas tareas se ha aplicado el código ARWEN al estudio de la astrofísica de laboratorio simulando los experimentos llevados a cabo en la instalación PALS por Chantal Stehlé acerca de ondas de choque radiativas. Se han comparado los resultados experimentales frente a las predicciones del código ARWEN obteniéndose una gran concordancia en la velocidad de la onda de choque generada y en las dimensiones del precursor. El código de simulación sobre el que se ha trabajado, junto con los desarrollos aportados por otros investigadores durante la realización de esta tesis, ha permitido participar en colaboraciones con laboratorios de Francia o Japón y se han producido resultados científicos publicados basados en el trabajo descrito en esta tesis. ABSTRACT Improvements in radiation hydrodynamic code ARWEN for the study of systems in the range of physics high energy density (High Energy Density Physics) are presented. The developments introduced are based on the following áreas: • Equations of state: a new methodology was developed to adjust the results of a simple Equation of State model like QEOS to experimental data and results of AIMD. This methodology can be applied to a large amount of materials and it increases the flexibility and range of the previous methods used as basis for this work. Also a new computer library has been developed to manage data tables of thermodynamic properties as well as includes the management of opacity and ionization data tables. This new library extends the capabilities of the previous one with more specific routines, and the possibility of using múltiple tables for several materials. • Diffusion solver: a new package has been developed to solve the diffusion equation applied to the heat conduction of the plasma. The previous method is not parallelizable and it produced mesh dependent results, while this new package can be executed in parallel and achieves a more converged solution that does not depend on the refinement of the mesh. • Radiation package: the check of the radiation model rose several bugs in the implementation that had been removed. The new computer library for EOS managing includes capabilities to store opacity tables for multigroups of energy. Moreover the transport coefficients calculations have been extended for the new multimaterial hydrodynamic package developed by David Portillo García. Also the solving methodology for the transport equation has been modified to make the code run in parallel. • A new ray tracing package has been introduced to extend the previous one to 3D. Once all these tasks has been implemented, the ARWEN code has been applied to study laboratory astrophysics systems. Simulations have been done in order to reproduce the results of the experiments carried out in PALS facility by Chantal Stehlé in radiative shock production. Experimental results are in cióse agreement to the ARWEN estimations of the speed of the shock wave and the length of the precursor. The simulation code used in this thesis, including the work done in ARWEN by other colleagues at the time of this research, allowed the collaboration with other research institution in France and Japan and some of the results presented in this thesis have been published in scientific journals.


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Laser ionization of mixtures of gases at atmospheric pressure and the subsequent transport through electrostatic field is studied. A prototype is designed to perform the transport and detection of the ions. Relevance of the composition of the mixture of gases and ionization parameters is shown


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La actuación de cargas sobre un suelo saturado, produce, en función de la naturaleza de la solicitación, del tipo de suelo y de las condiciones de drenaje del terreno, un incremento de la presión sobre el agua de los intersticios. Se ha abordado el estudio de la generación de dicha presión intersticial a partir de muestras de suelo blando, normalmente consolidadas, procedentes del subsuelo del Puerto de Barcelona. Para ello se han utilizado los datos de una completa campaña experimental utilizando la máquina de ensayo de corte simple, y tras la adecuada interpretación del ensayo, se identifican los aspectos que se consideran clave para el proceso de generación de presión intersticial en el suelo, según las diferentes situaciones de carga actuante. Como conclusión, se plantea la generalización de la clásica ecuación que Skempton formuló hace casi 60 años y que permite interpretar la generación de presión intersticial para el aparato de ensayo triaxial. ncrease in pore pressure depending on the nature of the excitation, the type of soil and the drainage conditions of the ground are generated by loads acting on a saturated soil. It has approached the study of the generation of the pore pressure from usually consolidated soft soil samples from the basement of the Port of Barcelona. Data from an adequate experimental campaign using simple shear machine have been used, and the aspects that are considered key to the process of generation of pore pressure in the soil under different loading conditions acting have been identified. In conclusion, the generalization of Skempton's classical equation (formulated almost 60 years ago) and the interpretation of the pore pressure generation for triaxial test apparatus have been proposed.


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Total Ionization Dose (TID) is traditionally measured by radiation sensitive FETs (RADFETs) that require a radiation hardened Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) stage. This work introduces a TID sensor based on a delay path whose propagation time is sensitive to the absorbed radiation. It presents the following advantages: it is a digital sensor able to be integrated in CMOS circuits and programmable systems such as FPGAs; it has a configurable sensitivity that allows to use this device for radiation doses ranging from very low to relatively high levels; its interface helps to integrate this sensor in a multidisciplinary sensor network; it is self-timed, hence it does not need a clock signal that can degrade its accuracy. The sensor has been prototyped in a 0.35μm technology, has an area of 0.047mm2, of which 22% is dedicated to measuring radiation, and an energy per conversion of 463pJ. Experimental irradiation tests have validated the correct response of the proposed TID sensor.


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The substitution of Cu, Sn or Zn in the quaternary Cu2ZnSnS4 semiconductor by impurities that introduce intermediate states in the energy bandgap could have important implications either for photovoltaic or spintronic applications. This allows more generation–recombination channels than for the host semiconductor. We explore and discuss this possibility by obtaining the ionization energies from total energy first-principles calculations. The three substitutions of Cu, Sn and Zn by impurities are analyzed. From these results we have found that several impurities have an amphoteric behavior with the donor and acceptor energies in the energy bandgap. In order to analyze the role of the ionization energies in both the radiative and non-radiative processes, the host energy bandgap and the acceptor and the donor energies have been obtained as a function of the inward and outward impurity-S displacements. We carried out the analysis for both the natural and synthetic CZTS. The results show that the ionization energies are similar, whereas the energy band gaps are different.