6 resultados para ion flux

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Helium retention in irradiated tungsten leads to swelling, pore formation, sample exfoliation and embrittlement with deleterious consequences in many applications. In particular, the use of tungsten in future nuclear fusion plants is proposed due to its good refractory properties. However, serious concerns about tungsten survivability stems from the fact that it must withstand severe irradiation conditions. In magnetic fusion as well as in inertial fusion (particularly with direct drive targets), tungsten components will be exposed to low and high energy ion (helium) irradiation, respectively. A common feature is that the most detrimental situations will take place in pulsed mode, i.e., high flux irradiation. There is increasing evidence on a correlation between a high helium flux and an enhancement of detrimental effects on tungsten. Nevertheless, the nature of these effects is not well understood due to the subtleties imposed by the exact temperature profile evolution, ion energy, pulse duration, existence of impurities and simultaneous irradiation with other species. Physically based Kinetic Monte Carlo is the technique of choice to simulate the evolution of radiation-induced damage inside solids in large temporal and space scales. We have used the recently developed code MMonCa (Modular Monte Carlo simulator), presented in this conference for the first time, to study He retention (and in general defect evolution) in tungsten samples irradiated with high intensity helium pulses. The code simulates the interactions among a large variety of defects and impurities (He and C) during the irradiation stage and the subsequent annealing steps. In addition, it allows us to vary the sample temperature to follow the severe thermo-mechanical effects of the pulses. In this work we will describe the helium kinetics for different irradiation conditions. A competition is established between fast helium cluster migration and trapping at large defects, being the temperature a determinant factor. In fact, high temperatures (induced by the pulses) are responsible for large vacancy cluster formation and subsequent additional trapping with respect to low flux irradiation.


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Helium retention in irradiated tungsten leads to swelling, pore formation, sample exfoliation and embrittlement with deleterious consequences in many applications. In particular, the use of tungsten in future nuclear fusion plants is proposed due to its good refractory properties. However, serious concerns about tungsten survivability stems from the fact that it must withstand severe irradiation conditions. In magnetic fusion as well as in inertial fusion (particularly with direct drive targets), tungsten components will be exposed to low and high energy ion irradiation (helium), respectively. A common feature is that the most detrimental situations will take place in pulsed mode, i.e., high flux irradiation. There is increasing evidence of a correlation between a high helium flux and an enhancement of detrimental effects on tungsten. Nevertheless, the nature of these effects is not well understood due to the subtleties imposed by the exact temperature profile evolution, ion energy, pulse duration, existence of impurities and simultaneous irradiation with other species. Object Kinetic Monte Carlo is the technique of choice to simulate the evolution of radiation-induced damage inside solids in large temporal and space scales. We have used the recently developed code MMonCa (Modular Monte Carlo simulator), presented at COSIRES 2012 for the first time, to study He retention (and in general defect evolution) in tungsten samples irradiated with high intensity helium pulses. The code simulates the interactions among a large variety of defects and during the irradiation stage and the subsequent annealing steps. The results show that the pulsed mode leads to significantly higher He retention at temperatures higher than 700 K. In this paper we discuss the process of He retention in terms of trap evolution. In addition, we discuss the implications of these findings for inertial fusion.


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The quasisteady structure of the corona of a laser-irradiated pellet is completely determined for arbitrary Z, (ion charge number} and re/ra (ratio of critical and ablation radii), and for heat-flux saturation factor/above approximately 0.04. The ion-to-electron temperature ratio at rc grows sensibly with Z,; all other quantities depend weakly and nonmonotonically on Z,. For rc /ra close to unity, and all Z, of interest (Z, < 47}, the flow is subsonic at rc. For a given laser power W, flux saturation may decrease (low/) or increase (high/) the ablation pressure Pa relative to the value obtained when saturation is not considered; in some cases a decrease in/with W fixed increases Pa. For intermediate^ ~0.1), Pa cc (W/r* )2/3 p\n\pc = critical density), independently of rc/ra; for/~0.6, Pa «s larger by a factor of about [rc/raf13. For rjra > 1.2 roughly, the mass ablation rate is C{Z,) [{m/kZ.f^Kr^Pl) l,\ independent of pc and/, and barely dependent on Z,(m, is ion mass; k, Boltzmann's constant; K, conductivity coefficient; and C, a tabulated function).


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A single, nonlocal expression for the electron heat flux, which closely reproduces known results at high and low ion charge number 2, and “exact” results for the local limit at all 2, is derived by solving the kinetic equation in a narrow, tail-energy range. The solution involves asymptotic expansions of Bessel functions of large argument, and (Z-dependent)order above or below it, corresponding to the possible parabolic or hyperbolic character of the kinetic equation; velocity space diffusion in self-scattering is treated similarly to isotropic thermalization of tail energies in large Z analyses. The scale length H characterizing nonlocal effects varies with Z, suggesting an equal dependence of any ad hoc flux limiter. The model is valid for all H above the mean-free path for thermal electrons.


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A known nonlocal model of electron heat flux, applying for (scale length/thermal ion-electron mean-free path) of order Z)1/2(e*/T)312, ionization number Z, large, and e*~ 6.5 T (the energy of electrons carrying most of the flux), is reconsidered. The large e*/T ratio simplifies the complete formalism. A simple flux formula, exact for both smooth and steep profiles, is given. Thermoelectric effects and other models are discussed.


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Electron thermal conduction in a not quite collisional unmagnetlzed plasma is analysed. The failure of classical results for temperature scale-length up to 100 times larger than thermal mean-free-path for electron scattering, and large ion-charge number Z , is discussed. Recent results from a nonlocal model of conduction at large Z are reviewed. Closed form expressions for Braginskii's coefficients a ,/3 , y for Z =0(1) are derived. An extension of the nonlocal model for Z =0(1) is discussed.