9 resultados para internal and external efficiency

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This paper deals with the prediction of velocity fields on the 2415-3S airfoil which will be used for an unmanned aerial vehicle with internal propulsion system and in this way analyze the air flow through an internal duct of the airfoil using computational fluid dynamics. The main objective is to evaluate the effect of the internal air flow past the airfoil and how this affects the aerodynamic performance by means of lift and drag forces. For this purpose, three different designs of the internal duct were studied; starting from the base 2415-3S airfoil developed in previous investigation, basing on the hypothesis of decreasing the flow separation produced when the propulsive airflow merges the external flow, and in this way obtaining the best configuration. For that purpose, an exhaustive study of the mesh sensitivity was performed. It was used a non-structured mesh since the computational domain is three-dimensional and complex. The selected mesh contains approximately 12.5 million elements. Both the computational domain and the numerical solution were made with commercial CAD and CFD software, respectively. Air, incompressible and steady was analyzed. The boundary conditions are in concordance with experimental setup in the AF 6109 wind tunnel. The k-e model is utilized to describe the turbulent flow process as followed in references. Results allowed obtaining velocity contours as well as lift and drag coefficients and also the location of separation and reattachment regions in some cases for zero degrees of angle of attack on the internal and external surfaces of the airfoil. Finally, the selection of the configuration with the best aerodynamic performance was made, selecting the option without curved baffles.


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Supply chain management works to bring the supplier, the distributor, and the customer into one cohesive process. The Supply Chain Council defined supply chain as ‘Supply Chain: The flow and transformation of raw materials into products from suppliers through production and distribution facilities to the ultimate consumer., and then Sunil Chopra and Meindl, (2001) have define Supply chain management as ‘Supply Chain Management involves the flows between and among stages in a supply chain to maximize total profitability.’ After 1950, supply chain management got a boost with the production and manufacturing sector getting highest attention. The inventory became the responsibility of the marketing, accounting and production areas. Order processing was part of accounting and sales. Supply chain management became one of the most powerful engines of business transformation. It is the one area where operational efficiency can be gained. It reduces organizations costs and enhances customer service. With the liberalization of world trade, globalization, and emergence of the new markets, many organizations have customers and competitions throughout the world, either directly or indirectly. Business communities are aware that global competitiveness is the key to the success of a business. Competitiveness is ability to produce, distribute and provide products and services for the open market in competition with others. The supply chain, a critical link between supplier, producer and customer is emerged now as an essential business process and a strategic lever, potential value contributor a differentiator for the success of any business. Supply chain management is the management of all internal and external processes or functions to satisfy a customer’s order (from raw materials through conversion and manufacture through logistics delivery.). Goods-either in raw form or processed, whole sale or retailed distribution, business or technology services, in everyday life- in the business or household- directly or indirectly supply chain is ubiquitously associated in expanding socio-economic development. Supply chain growth competitive performance and supporting strong growth impulse at micro as well as micro economic levels. Keeping the India vision at the core of the objective, the role of supply chain is to take up social economic challenges, improve competitive advantages, develop strategies, built capabilities, enhance value propositions, adapt right technology, collaborate with stakeholders and deliver environmentally sustainable outcomes with minimum resources.


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We have determined the cross-section σ for color center generation under single Br ion impacts on amorphous SiO2. The evolution of the cross-sections, σ(E) and σ(Se), show an initial flat stage that we associate to atomic collision mechanisms. Above a certain threshold value (Se > 2 keV/nm), roughly coinciding with that reported for the onset of macroscopic disorder (compaction), σ shows a marked increase due to electronic processes. In this regime, a energetic cost of around 7.5 keV is necessary to create a non bridging oxygen hole center-E′ (NBOHC/E′) pair, whatever the input energy. The data appear consistent with a non-radiative decay of self-trapped excitons.


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Es cada vez más frecuente la rehabilitación de patrimonio construido, tanto de obras deterioradas como para la adecuación de obras existentes a nuevos usos o solicitaciones. Se ha considerado el estudio del refuerzo de obras de fábrica ya que constituyen un importante número dentro del patrimonio tanto de edificación como de obra civil (sistemas de muros de carga o en estructuras principales porticadas de acero u hormigón empleándose las fábricas como cerramiento o distribución con elementos autoportantes). A la hora de reparar o reforzar una estructura es importante realizar un análisis de las deficiencias, caracterización mecánica del elemento y solicitaciones presentes o posibles; en el apartado 1.3 del presente trabajo se refieren acciones de rehabilitación cuando lo que se precisa no es refuerzo estructural, así como las técnicas tradicionales más habituales para refuerzo de fábricas que suelen clasificarse según se trate de refuerzos exteriores o interiores. En los últimos años se ha adoptado el sistema de refuerzo de FRP, tecnología con origen en los refuerzos de hormigón tanto de elementos a flexión como de soportes. Estos refuerzos pueden ser de láminas adheridas a la fábrica soporte (SM), o de barras incluidas en rozas lineales (NSM). La elección de un sistema u otro depende de la necesidad de refuerzo y tipo de solicitación predominante, del acceso para colocación y de la exigencia de impacto visual. Una de las mayores limitaciones de los sistemas de refuerzo por FRP es que no suele movilizarse la resistencia del material de refuerzo, produciéndose previamente fallo en la interfase con el soporte con el consecuente despegue o deslaminación; dichos fallos pueden tener un origen local y propagarse a partir de una discontinuidad, por lo que es preciso un tratamiento cuidadoso de la superficie soporte, o bien como consecuencia de una insuficiente longitud de anclaje para la transferencia de los esfuerzos en la interfase. Se considera imprescindible una caracterización mecánica del elemento a reforzar. Es por ello que el trabajo presenta en el capítulo 2 métodos de cálculo de la fábrica soporte de distintas normativas y también una formulación alternativa que tiene en cuenta la fábrica histórica ya que su caracterización suele ser más complicada por la heterogeneidad y falta de clasificación de sus materiales, especialmente de los morteros. Una vez conocidos los parámetros resistentes de la fábrica soporte es posible diseñar el refuerzo; hasta la fecha existe escasa normativa de refuerzos de FRP para muros de fábrica, consistente en un protocolo propuesto por la ACI 440 7R-10 que carece de mejoras por tipo de anclaje y aporta valores muy conservadores de la eficacia del refuerzo. Como se ha indicado, la problemática principal de los refuerzos de FRP en muros es el modo de fallo que impide un aprovechamiento óptimo de las propiedades del material. Recientemente se están realizando estudios con distintos métodos de anclaje para estos refuerzos, con lo que se incremente la capacidad última y se mantenga el soporte ligado al refuerzo tras la rotura. Junto con sistemas de anclajes por prolongación del refuerzo (tanto para láminas como para barras) se han ensayado anclajes con llaves de cortante, barras embebidas, o anclajes mecánicos de acero o incluso de FRP. Este texto resume, en el capítulo 4, algunas de las campañas experimentales llevadas a cabo entre los años 2000 y 2013 con distintos anclajes. Se observan los parámetros fundamentales para medir la eficacia del anclajes como son: el modo de fallo, el incremento de resistencia, y los desplazamientos que permite observar la ductilidad del refuerzo; estos datos se analizan en función de la variación de: tipo de refuerzo incluyéndose el tipo de fibra y sistema de colocación, y tipo de anclaje. Existen también parámetros de diseño de los propios anclajes. En el caso de barras embebidas se resumen en diámetro y material de la barra, acabado superficial, dimensiones y forma de la roza, tipo de adhesivo. En el caso de anclajes de FRP tipo pasador la caracterización incluye: tipo de fibra, sistema de fabricación del anclajes y diámetro del mismo, radio de expansión del abanico, espaciamiento longitudinal de anclajes, número de filas de anclajes, número de láminas del refuerzo, longitud adherida tras el anclaje; es compleja la sistematización de resultados de los autores de las campañas expuestas ya que algunos de estos parámetros varían impidiendo la comparación. El capítulo 5 presenta los ensayos empleados para estas campañas de anclajes, distinguiéndose entre ensayos de modo I, tipo tracción directa o arrancamiento, que servirían para sistemas NSM o para cuantificar la resistencia individual de anclajes tipo pasador; ensayos de modo II, tipo corte simple, que se asemeja más a las condiciones de trabajo de los refuerzos. El presente texto se realiza con objeto de abrir una posible investigación sobre los anclajes tipo pasador, considerándose que junto con los sistemas de barra embebida son los que permiten una mayor versatilidad de diseño para los refuerzos de FRP y siendo su eficacia aún difícil de aislar por el número de parámetros de diseño. Rehabilitation of built heritage is becoming increasingly frequent, including repair of damaged works and conditioning for a new use or higher loads. In this work it has been considered the study of masonry wall reinforcement, as most buildings and civil works have load bearing walls or at least infilled masonry walls in concrete and steel structures. Before repairing or reinforcing an structure, it is important to analyse its deficiencies, its mechanical properties and both existing and potential loads; chapter 1, section 4 includes the most common rehabilitation methods when structural reinforcement is not needed, as well as traditional reinforcement techniques (internal and external reinforcement) In the last years the FRP reinforcement system has been adopted for masonry walls. FRP materials for reinforcement were initially used for concrete pillars and beams. FRP reinforcement includes two main techniques: surface mounted laminates (SM) and near surface mounted bars (NSM); one of them may be more accurate according to the need for reinforcement and main load, accessibility for installation and aesthetic requirements. One of the main constraints of FRP systems is not reaching maximum load for material due to premature debonding failure, which can be caused by surface irregularities so surface preparation is necessary. But debonding (or delamination for SM techniques) can also be a consequence of insufficient anchorage length or stress concentration. In order to provide an accurate mechanical characterisation of walls, chapter 2 summarises the calculation methods included in guidelines as well as alternative formulations for old masonry walls as historic wall properties are more complicated to obtain due to heterogeneity and data gaps (specially for mortars). The next step is designing reinforcement system; to date there are scarce regulations for walls reinforcement with FRP: ACI 440 7R-10 includes a protocol without considering the potential benefits provided by anchorage devices and with conservative values for reinforcement efficiency. As noted above, the main problem of FRP masonry walls reinforcement is failure mode. Recently, some authors have performed studies with different anchorage systems, finding that these systems are able to delay or prevent debonding . Studies include the following anchorage systems: Overlap, embedded bars, shear keys, shear restraint and fiber anchors. Chapter 4 briefly describes several experimental works between years 2000 and 2013, concerning different anchorage systems. The main parameters that measure the anchorage efficiency are: failure mode, failure load increase, displacements (in order to evaluate the ductility of the system); all these data points strongly depend on: reinforcement system, FRP fibers, anchorage system, and also on the specific anchorage parameters. Specific anchorage parameters are a function of the anchorage system used. The embedded bar system have design variables which can be identified as: bar diameter and material, surface finish, groove dimensions, and adhesive. In FRP anchorages (spikes) a complete design characterisation should include: type of fiber, manufacturing process, diameter, fan orientation, anchor splay width, anchor longitudinal spacing and number or rows, number or FRP sheet plies, bonded length beyond anchorage devices,...the parameters considered differ from some authors to others, so the comparison of results is quite complicated. Chapter 5 includes the most common tests used in experimental investigations on bond-behaviour and anchorage characterisation: direct shear tests (with variations single-shear and double-shear), pullout tests and bending tests. Each of them may be used according to the data needed. The purpose of this text is to promote further investigation of anchor spikes, accepting that both FRP anchors and embedded bars are the most versatile anchorage systems of FRP reinforcement and considering that to date its efficiency cannot be evaluated as there are too many design uncertainties.


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Application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers in agricultural soils increases the risk of N loss to the atmosphere in the form of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO)and the water bodies as nitrate (NO3-). The implementation of agricultural management practices can affect these losses. In Mediterranean irrigation systems, the greatest losses of NO3-through leaching occur within the irrigation and the intercropperiod. One way to abate these losses during the intercrop period is the use of cover crops that absorb part of the residual N from the root zone (Gabriel and Quemada, 2011). Moreover, during the following crop, these species could be applied as amendments to the soil, providing both C and N to the soil. This effect of cover and catch crops on decreasing the pool of N potentially lost has focused primarily on NO3-leaching. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on N2O emission during the in tercrop period in a maize system and its subsequent incorporation into the soil in the following maize crop.


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Conservation tillage and crop rotation have spread during the last decades because promotes several positive effects (increase of soil organic content, reduction of soil erosion, and enhancement of carbon sequestration) (Six et al., 2004). However, these benefits could be partly counterbalanced by negative effects on the release of nitrous oxide (N2O) (Linn and Doran, 1984). There is a lack of data on long-term tillage system study, particularly in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of long-term (>17 year) tillage systems (no tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT)); and crop rotation (wheat (W)-vetch (V)-barley (B)) versus wheat monoculture (M) on N2O emissions. Additionally, Yield-scaled N2O emissions (YSNE) and N uptake efficiency (NUpE) were assessed for each treatment.


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This paper deals with the prediction of pressure and velocity fields on the 2415-3S airfoil which will be used for and unmanned aerial vehicle with internal propulsion system and in this way analyze the air flow through an internal duct of the airfoil using computational fluid dynamics. The main objective is to evaluate the effect of the internal air flow past the airfoil and how this affects the aerodynamic performance by means of lift and drag forces. For this purpose, three different designs of the internal duct were studied; starting from the base 2415-3S airfoil developed in previous investigation, basing on the hypothesis of decreasing the flow separation produced when the propulsive airflow merges the external flow, and in this way obtaining the best configuration. For that purpose, an exhaustive study of the mesh sensitivity was performed. It was used a non-structured mesh since the computational domain is tridimensional and complex. The selected mesh contains approximately 12.5 million elements. Both the computational domain and the numerical solution were made with commercial CAD and CFD software respectively. Air, incompressible and steady was analyzed. The boundary conditions are in concordance with experimental setup in the AF 6109 wind tunnel. The k-ε model is utilized to describe the turbulent flow process as followed in references. Results allowed obtaining pressure and velocity contours as well as lift and drag coefficients and also the location of separation and reattachment regions in some cases for zero degrees of angle of attack on the internal and external surfaces of the airfoil. Finally, the selection of the configuration with the best aerodynamic performance was made, selecting the option without curved baffles.


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Debido al gran incremento de datos digitales que ha tenido lugar en los últimos años, ha surgido un nuevo paradigma de computación paralela para el procesamiento eficiente de grandes volúmenes de datos. Muchos de los sistemas basados en este paradigma, también llamados sistemas de computación intensiva de datos, siguen el modelo de programación de Google MapReduce. La principal ventaja de los sistemas MapReduce es que se basan en la idea de enviar la computación donde residen los datos, tratando de proporcionar escalabilidad y eficiencia. En escenarios libres de fallo, estos sistemas generalmente logran buenos resultados. Sin embargo, la mayoría de escenarios donde se utilizan, se caracterizan por la existencia de fallos. Por tanto, estas plataformas suelen incorporar características de tolerancia a fallos y fiabilidad. Por otro lado, es reconocido que las mejoras en confiabilidad vienen asociadas a costes adicionales en recursos. Esto es razonable y los proveedores que ofrecen este tipo de infraestructuras son conscientes de ello. No obstante, no todos los enfoques proporcionan la misma solución de compromiso entre las capacidades de tolerancia a fallo (o de manera general, las capacidades de fiabilidad) y su coste. Esta tesis ha tratado la problemática de la coexistencia entre fiabilidad y eficiencia de los recursos en los sistemas basados en el paradigma MapReduce, a través de metodologías que introducen el mínimo coste, garantizando un nivel adecuado de fiabilidad. Para lograr esto, se ha propuesto: (i) la formalización de una abstracción de detección de fallos; (ii) una solución alternativa a los puntos únicos de fallo de estas plataformas, y, finalmente, (iii) un nuevo sistema de asignación de recursos basado en retroalimentación a nivel de contenedores. Estas contribuciones genéricas han sido evaluadas tomando como referencia la arquitectura Hadoop YARN, que, hoy en día, es la plataforma de referencia en la comunidad de los sistemas de computación intensiva de datos. En la tesis se demuestra cómo todas las contribuciones de la misma superan a Hadoop YARN tanto en fiabilidad como en eficiencia de los recursos utilizados. ABSTRACT Due to the increase of huge data volumes, a new parallel computing paradigm to process big data in an efficient way has arisen. Many of these systems, called dataintensive computing systems, follow the Google MapReduce programming model. The main advantage of these systems is based on the idea of sending the computation where the data resides, trying to provide scalability and efficiency. In failure-free scenarios, these frameworks usually achieve good results. However, these ones are not realistic scenarios. Consequently, these frameworks exhibit some fault tolerance and dependability techniques as built-in features. On the other hand, dependability improvements are known to imply additional resource costs. This is reasonable and providers offering these infrastructures are aware of this. Nevertheless, not all the approaches provide the same tradeoff between fault tolerant capabilities (or more generally, reliability capabilities) and cost. In this thesis, we have addressed the coexistence between reliability and resource efficiency in MapReduce-based systems, looking for methodologies that introduce the minimal cost and guarantee an appropriate level of reliability. In order to achieve this, we have proposed: (i) a formalization of a failure detector abstraction; (ii) an alternative solution to single points of failure of these frameworks, and finally (iii) a novel feedback-based resource allocation system at the container level. Finally, our generic contributions have been instantiated for the Hadoop YARN architecture, which is the state-of-the-art framework in the data-intensive computing systems community nowadays. The thesis demonstrates how all our approaches outperform Hadoop YARN in terms of reliability and resource efficiency.


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It has been shown that cloud computing brings cost benefits and promotes efficiency in the operations of the organizations, no matter what their type or size. However, few public organizations are benefiting from this new paradigm shift in the way the organizations consume and manage computational resources. The objective of this thesis is to analyze both internal and external factors that may influence the adoption of cloud computing by public organizations and propose possible strategies that can assist these organizations in their path to cloud usage. In order to achieve this objective, a SWOT analysis has been conducted, detecting internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) that can influence the adoption of a governmental cloud. With the application of a TOWS matrix, by combining the internal and external factors, a list of possible strategies have been formulated to be used as a guide to decision-making related to the transition to a cloud environment.