4 resultados para in-situ test

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Following the success achieved in previous research projects usin non-destructive methods to estimate the physical and mechanical aging of particle and fibre boards, this paper studies the relationships between aging, physical and mechanical changes, using non-destructive measurements of oriented strand board (OSB). 184 pieces of OSB board from a French source were tested to analyze its actual physical and mechanical properties. The same properties were estimated using acoustic non-destructive methods (ultrasound and stress wave velocity) during a physical laboratory aging test. Measurements were recorded of propagation wave velocity with the sensors aligned, edge to edge, and forming an angle of 45 degrees, with both sensors on the same face of the board. This is because aligned measures are not possible on site. The velocity results are always higher in 45 degree measurements. Given the results of statistical analysis, it can be concluded that there is a strong relationship between acoustic measurements and the decline in physical and mechanical properties of the panels due to aging. The authors propose several models to estimate the physical and mechanical properties of board, as well as their degree of aging. The best results are obtained using ultrasound, although the difference in comparison with the stress wave method is not very significant. A reliable prediction of the degree of deterioration (aging) of board is presented.


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The effect of the applied stress on the deformation and crack nucleation and propagation mechanisms of a c-TiAl intermetallic alloy (Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn (at. pct)-0.8 vol. pct TiB2) was examined by means of in situ tensile (constant strain rate) and tensile-creep (constant load) experiments performed at 973 K (700 �C) using a scanning electron microscope. Colony boundary cracking developed during the secondary stage in creep tests at 300 and 400 MPa and during the tertiary stage of the creep tests performed at higher stresses. Colony boundary cracking was also observed in the constant strain rate tensile test. Interlamellar ledges were only found during the tensile-creep tests at high stresses (r>400 MPa) and during the constant strain rate tensile test. Quantitative measurements of the nature of the crack propagation path along secondary cracks and along the primary crack indicated that colony boundaries were preferential sites for crack propagation under all the conditions investigated. The frequency of interlamellar cracking increased with stress, but this fracture mechanism was always of secondary importance. Translamellar cracking was only observed along the primary crack.


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Se ha realizado el diseño de un sistema que permite realizar ensayos de silenciadores “in situ”. Para evaluar el comportamiento del sistema de ensayo de silenciadores se procede a caracterizar los paneles acústicos que son la base del sistema. De los paneles empleados en el sistema, se determinará por diferencia del nivel de presión sonora, el aislamiento a ruido aéreo de los mismos, partiendo del promedio de las medidas obtenidas en la sala emisora de la cámara reverberante con el material instalado y en la sala receptora. Se realizan distintas medidas de los niveles de presión sonora en sala emisora de la cámara reverberante y en la receptora así como del tiempo de reverberación con los paneles instalados en el hueco existente en el elemento de separación vertical de la cámara. Una vez ensayados los paneles, se ha procedido a medir los niveles de presión sonora que se obtienen antes y después de la interposición de distintos silenciadores en el sistema diseñado con el propósito de disponer de un laboratorio de medida de la atenuación de silenciadores. Para ello, se procede a efectuar el montaje, en la puerta sencilla de la cámara reverberante, de los componentes del sistema diseñado y se realizan mediciones de la atenuación que proporciona la colocación de un silenciador en el sistema y su posterior sustitución por un conducto. La medición de la atenuación del nivel de presión sonora que producen los distintos silenciadores se realiza por pérdidas por inserción, siguiendo las directrices de la Norma UNE-ISO 11820 y por el método de conductos forrados como cálculo teórico. ABSTRACT. A system has been designed for testing silencers “in situ”. In first place, to evaluate the behavior of the system in the test of silencers, it has been proceeded to customize the acoustic panels that are the basis of the system. The attenuation sound of the panels used in the system will be determined by the difference of sound pressure level. It will be made through the average of the measurements obtained in the source room of the reverberant chamber, the average of the measurements obtained in the receiving room, as well as the reverberation time, with the material installed in the hole of the walls. Once the panels are tested, and with the purpose of having a laboratory to measure the attenuation of silencers, the sound pressure levels has been measured before and after inserting the different silencers in the designed system. To obtain these measures, the components of the system designed have been installed in the hollow of the single door of the reverberant chamber and then the sound pressure level has been measured with a silencers first and after with a duct instead of the silencer. The measurement of the attenuation of the sound pressure level produced by different silencers has been made by insertion loss, following the 11820 UNE-ISO, as well as theoretical calculation has been made by the method of duct lined.


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El objetivo definitivo de esta investigación es contribuir con la profundización del conocimiento en las tecnologías de remediación, específicamente las térmicas, debido a que la contaminación de suelos es motivo de preocupación por ser uno de los graves impactos ambientales que origina el hombre con sus actividades, especialmente las industriales, afectando a la salud de los seres humanos, y el medio ambiente, representando elevados costes de saneamiento y en ocasiones problemas graves de salud de las comunidades aledañas. Se establecen tres fases de investigación. En la primera se diseña el sistema de termodesorción a escala piloto, se desarrolla las corridas experimentales, la segunda con corridas en laboratorio para investigar sobre los parámetros que intervienen en el proyecto. Se hacen las corridas respectivas para determinar la eficacia del sistema, y la tercera fase que consiste en comparar los modelos teóricos de Hartley, con los de Hartley Graham –Bryce y el de Hamaker para determinar su aproximación con los resultados reales. Apoyado en investigaciones anteriores, se diseñó y construyó un sistema de desorción térmica, el cual consiste en un horno tipo caja con 4 calentadores (resistencias), y una campana con un filtro para evitar la contaminación atmosférica, así mismo, se diseñó un sistema de control que permitió hacer las corridas con 1/3 de la potencia, con una relación de encendido apagado 3:1 respectivamente. Para validar los resultados obtenidos en el estudio matemático, se compararon dos modelos con la finalidad cuál de ellos se aproxima más a la realidad, se tomaron los ensayos con sus tiempos de operación a las temperaturas y se trabajó a distintas bandas de temperaturas para verificar la fiabilidad del proceso matemático. La temperatura es un variable importante en los procesos de desorción, como los son también la humedad del suelo, pues esta va influir directamente en el tiempo de remediación, por lo que es importante tomarla en cuenta. De igual forma el tipo de suelo va influir en los resultados, siendo las arenas más aptas para este tipo de remediación. Los resultados de la modelización son presentados para temperaturas constantes, el cual difiere de la realidad, pues el proceso de calentamiento es lento y va en accenso dependiendo del contenido de humedad y de las propiedades del suelo. La experimentación realizada concluye con buenos resultados de la aplicación de sistemas de desorción de acuerdo a las variables de Panamá. Con relación al grado de cumplimiento respecto a las normativas actuales relacionadas a los límites máximos permitidos. Los resultados garantizan las posibilidades del proceso de remediación térmica de suelos contaminados con combustibles en rango de diésel, garantizando niveles aceptables de limpieza en un tiempo menor a otras metodologías no destructivas pudieran tomar. ABSTRACT The ultimate goal of this investigation is to enhance the pool of knowledge related to remediation technologies, specifically thermal desorption. The motivation for this study is based on concerns due to pollution of land as one of the most serious environmental impacts caused by anthropogenic effects, specially industrial activities, affecting human health and the environment in general, which represents high reclamation costs, and in some cases, serious health issues in nearby communities. Three phases have been established for this study. The first phase involves the design of a thermal desorption system as a pilot experiment, and associated tests. The second phase consists of laboratory testing to investigate the parameters that affect the investigation, as well as to determine the efficacy of the system. The third phase covers the comparison of theorical models as proposed by Hartley, Hartley Graham – Bryce, and Hamaker, as well as the evaluation of these models versus the laboratory results. Supported by previous researches, the thermal desorption system was designed and installed as a “box” type oven with four heaters (resistances) and one absorption hood with a filter to avoid atmospheric contamination. In the same way, a control system was designed allowing testing with 1/3 of the power, with an on/off rate of 3:1 respectively. In order to validate the results, two mathematical models were compared to identify which model is closer to the experimental results; test results were documented with respective durations and temperatures; and experiments were executed using different ranges of temperature to validate the consistency of the mathematical process. Temperature is an important variable that should be considered for the desorption processes, as well as the humidity content within the soil, that has direct influence over the required duration to achieve remediation. In the same manner, the type of soil also influences the results, where sands are more efficient for this type of remediation process. The results from this experiment are according to constant temperatures, which is not a complete representation of the reality, as the heating process is slow and the temperature gradually increases according to the humidity content and other properties of the soil. The experiment shows good results for the application of thermal desorption systems according to the variables in Panama, as well as the level of compliance required to fulfill current regulations and mandatory maximum limits. The results guarantee the possibility of soil thermo-remediation as a resource to clean sites that have been polluted with diesel-like combustibles, allowing acceptable levels in a period of time that is lower than with other non-destructive remediation technics.