6 resultados para in-cell clean-up

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The aim of this work is to present the Exercise I-1b “pin-cell burn-up benchmark” proposed in the framework of OECD LWR UAM. Its objective is to address the uncertainty due to the basic nuclear data as well as the impact of processing the nuclear and covariance data in a pin-cell depletion calculation. Four different sensitivity/uncertainty propagation methodologies participate in this benchmark (GRS, NRG, UPM, and SNU&KAERI). The paper describes the main features of the UPM model (hybrid method) compared with other methodologies. The requested output provided by UPM is presented, and it is discussed regarding the results of other methodologies.


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This paper presents a deterministic continuous model of proliferative cell activity. The classical series of connected compartments is revisited along with a simple mathematical treatment of two hypotheses: constant transit times and harmonic Ts. Several examples are presented to support these ideas, both taken from previous literature and recent experiences with the fish Carassius auratus, developed at the Junta de Energía Nuclear, Madrid, Spain.


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In activation calculations, there are several approaches to quantify uncertainties: deterministic by means of sensitivity analysis, and stochastic by means of Monte Carlo. Here, two different Monte Carlo approaches for nuclear data uncertainty are presented: the first one is the Total Monte Carlo (TMC). The second one is by means of a Monte Carlo sampling of the covariance information included in the nuclear data libraries to propagate these uncertainties throughout the activation calculations. This last approach is what we named Covariance Uncertainty Propagation, CUP. This work presents both approaches and their differences. Also, they are compared by means of an activation calculation, where the cross-section uncertainties of 239Pu and 241Pu are propagated in an ADS activation calculation.


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En la coleorriza en semillas de Brachypodium son abundantes los mananos y estos van desapareciendo conforme progresa la germinación (entre 12-27 h), al mismo tiempo se observa un pico de actividad endo-beta-mananasa. Se ha establecido que de los 6 miembros de la familia MAN en B. distachyon 3 se expresan en el embrión en germinación y BdMAN3 también es abundante en la aleurona.


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Se ha estudiado la determinación de especies de arsénico y de contenidos totales de arsénico y metales pesados, específicamente cadmio, cromo, cobre, níquel, plomo y cinc, en muestras de interés medioambiental por su elevada capacidad acumuladora de metales, concretamente algas marinas comestibles y plantas terrestres procedentes de suelos contaminados por la actividad minera. La determinación de contenidos totales se ha llevado a cabo mediante espectrometría de emisión atómica con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP‐AES), así como por espectrometría de fluorescencia atómica con generación de hidruros (HG‐AFS), para bajos contenidos de arsénico. Las muestras fueron mineralizadas en medio ácido y calentamiento en horno de microondas. Los métodos fueron validados a través de su aplicación a materiales de referencia de matriz similar a la de las muestras, certificados en contenidos totales de los elementos seleccionados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron su elevada capacidad de bioabsorción, especialmente en relación a los elevados contenidos de arsénico encontrados en algunas especies de algas pardas (Phaeophytas). En las plantas, se calcularon los factores de translocación, acumulación y biodisponibilidad de los elementos estudiados, permitiendo identificar a la especie Corrigiola telephiifolia como posible acumuladora de plomo e hiperacumuladora de arsénico. La determinación de especies de arsénico hidrosolubles en las muestras objeto de estudio, se llevó a cabo por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC) acoplado a ICP‐AES, HG‐ICP‐AES y HG‐AFS, incluyendo una etapa previa de foto‐oxidación. Los métodos desarrollados, mediante intercambio aniónico y catiónico, permitieron la diferenciación de hasta once especies de arsénico. Para el análisis de las muestras, fue necesaria la optimización de métodos de extracción, seleccionándose la extracción asistida por microondas (MAE) con agua desionizada. Asimismo, se realizaron estudios de estabilidad de arsénico total y de las especies hidrosolubles presentes en las algas, tanto sobre la muestra sólida como en sus extractos acuosos, evaluando las condiciones de almacenamiento adecuadas. En el caso de las plantas, la aplicación del diseño factorial de experimentos permitió optimizar el método de extracción y diferenciar entre las especies de arsénico presentes en forma de iones sencillos de mayor movilidad y el arsénico más fuertemente enlazado a componentes estructurales. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar la presencia de arseniato (As(V)) y arsenito (As(III)) en las plantas, así como de ácido monometilarsónico (MMA) y óxido de trimetilarsina (TMAO) en algunas especies. En la mayoría de las algas se encontraron especies tóxicas, tanto mayoritarias (arseniato) como minoritarias (ácido dimetilarsínico (DMA)), así como hasta cuatro arsenoazúcares. Los resultados obtenidos y su estudio a través de la legislación vigente, mostraron la necesidad de desarrollar una reglamentación específica para el control de este tipo de alimentos. La determinación de especies de arsénico liposolubles en las muestras de algas se llevó a cabo mediante HPLC, en modo fase inversa, acoplado a espectrometría de masas con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP‐MS) y con ionización por electrospray (ESI‐MS), permitiendo la elucidación estructural de estos compuestos a través de la determinación de sus masas moleculares. Para ello, fue necesaria la puesta a punto de métodos extracción y purificación de los extractos. La metodología desarrollada permitió identificar hasta catorce especies de arsénico liposolubles en las algas, tres de ellas correspondientes a hidrocarburos que contienen arsénico, y once a arsenofosfolípidos, además de dos especies desconocidas. Las masas moleculares de las especies identificadas fueron confirmadas mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC‐MS) y espectrometría de masas de alta resolución (HR‐MS). ABSTRACT The determination of arsenic species and total arsenic and heavy metal contents (cadmium, chromium, cooper, nickel, lead and zinc) in environmental samples, with high metal accumulator capacity, has been studied. The samples studied were edible marine algae and terrestrial plants from soils polluted by mining activities. The determination of total element contents was performed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP‐AES), as well as by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG‐AFS) for low arsenic contents. The samples studied were digested in an acidic medium by heating in a microwave oven. The digestion methods were validated against reference materials, with matrix similar to sample matrix and certified in total contents of the elements studied. The results showed the high biosorption capacity of the samples studied, especially regarding the high arsenic contents in some species of brown algae (Phaeophyta division). In terrestrial plants, the translocation, accumulation and bioavailability factors of the elements studied were calculated. Thus, the plant species Corrigiola telephiifolia was identified as possible lead accumulator and arsenic hyperaccumulator. The determination of water‐soluble arsenic species in the samples studied was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to ICP‐AES, HG‐ICP‐AES and HG‐AFS, including a prior photo‐oxidation step. The chromatographic methods developed, by anion and cation exchange, allowed us to differentiate up to eleven arsenic species. The sample analysis required the optimization of extraction methods, choosing the microwave assisted extraction (MAE) with deionized water. On the other hand, the stability of total arsenic and water‐soluble arsenic species in algae, both in the solid samples and in the water extracts, was studied, assessing the suitable storage conditions. In the case of plant samples, the application of a multivariate experimental design allowed us to optimize the extraction method and differentiate between the arsenic species present as simple ions of higher mobility and the arsenic more strongly bound to structural components. The presence of arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) was identified in plant samples, as well as monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO) in some cases. Regarding algae, toxic arsenic species were found in most of them, both As(V) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), as well as up to four arsenosugars. These results were discussed according to the current legislation, showing the need to develop specific regulations to control this kind of food products. The determination of lipid‐soluble arsenic species in alga samples was performed by reversed‐phase HPLC coupled to inductively coupled plasma and electrospray mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS and ESI‐MS), in order to establish the structure of these compounds by determining the corresponding molecular masses. For this purpose, it was necessary to develop an extraction method, as well as a clean‐up method of the extracts. The method developed permitted the identification of fourteen lipid‐soluble arsenic compounds in algae, corresponding to three arsenic‐hydrocarbons and eleven arsenosugarphospholipids, as well as two unknown compounds. Accurate mass measurements of the identified compounds were performed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) and high resolution mass spectrometry (HR‐MS).


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In this work, an analytical method was developed for the determination of pharmaceutical drugs inbiosolids. Samples were extracted with an acidic mixture of water and acetone (1:2, v/v) and supportedliquid extraction was used for the clean-up of extracts, eluting with ethyl acetate:methanol (90:10, v/v).The compounds were determined by gas chromatography?tandem mass spectrometry using matrix-match calibration after silylation to form their t-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives. This method presentsvarious advantages, such as a fairly simple operation for the analysis of complex matrices, the use ofinexpensive glassware and low solvent volumes. Satisfactory mean recoveries were obtained with thedeveloped method ranging from 70 to 120% with relative standard deviations (RSDs) ? 13%, and limitsof detection between 0.5 and 3.6 ng g?1. The method was then successfully applied to biosolids samplescollected in Madrid and Catalonia (Spain). Eleven of the sixteen target compounds were detected in thestudied samples, at levels up to 1.1 ?g g?1(salicylic acid). Ibuprofen, caffeine, paracetamol and fenofibratewere detected in all of the samples analyzed.