7 resultados para historical approach
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The necessity/convenience for improving accuracy in determining the flood frequency is widely accepted further than among hydrologists, and is increasingly deepened in relationship with the statement of different thresholds related to the respective management systems. And both Scientific and Management Communities fully accept the necessity of living with determined levels of flood risk. Most of the approaches for “Advancing Methods” improving concentrate on the statistical ways, even since Climate in fact is not a Stationary process. The question is here reflected since the SMARTeST research and final highlights, policy and recommendations. The paper looks at a better agreement between Hydrology and the whole Climate as the result of the Global Thermal Machine and takes mainly into account a historical approach, trying to show the necessity of a wider collection and analysis of climate data for statistical approaches.
The necessity/convenience for improving accuracy in determining the flood frequency is widely accepted further than among hydrologists, and is increasingly deepened in relationship with the statement of different thresholds related to the respective management systems. And both Scientific and Management Communities fully accept the necessity of living with determined levels of flood risk. Most of the approaches for “Advancing Methods” improving concentrate on the statistical ways, even since Climate in fact is not a Stationary process. The question is here reflected since the SMARTeST research and final highlights, policy and recommendations. The paper looks at a better agreement between Hydrology and the whole Climate as the result of the Global Thermal Machine and takes mainly into account a historical approach, trying to show the necessity of a wider collection and analysis of climate data for statistical approaches.
Plate-bandes are straight masonry arches (they are called, also, flat arches or lintel arches). Ideally they have the surfaces of extrados and intrados plane and horizontal. The stones or bricks have radial joints converging usually in one centre. The voussoirs have the form of wedges and in French they are called "claveaux". A plate-bande is, in fact, a lintel made of several stones and the proportions of lintels and plate-bandes are similar. Proportions of plate-bandes, that is the relationship between the thickness t and the span s (t/s)varies, typically between 1/4–1/3 in thick plate-bandes, and is less than 1/20 in the most slender ones. A ratio of circa 1/8 was usual in the 18th Century and follows a simple geometrical rule: the centre form with the intrados an equilateral triangle and the plate-bande should contain an arc of circle. The joints are usually plane, but in some cases present a «rebated» or «stepped» form. Plate-bandes exert an inclined thrust as any masonry arch. This thrust is usually very high and it requires either massive buttresses, or to be built in the middle of thick walls. Master builders and architects have tried since antiquity to calculate the abutment necessary for any arch. A modern architect or engineer will measure the arch thrust in units of force, kN or tons. Traditionally, the thrust has been measured as the size of the buttresses to resist it safely. Old structural rules, then, addressed the design problem establishing a relationship between the span and the depth of the buttress. These were empirical rules, particular for every type of arch or structure in every epoch. Thus, the typical gothic buttress is 1/4 of the vault span, but a Renaissance or baroque barrel vault will need more than 1/3 of the span. A plate-bande would require more than one half of the span; this is precisely the rule cited by the French engineer Gautier, who tried unsuccessfully to justify it by static reasons. They were used, typically, to form the lintels of windows or doors (1-2 m, typically); in Antiquity they were used, also, though rarely, at the gates of city walls or in niches (ca. 2 m, reaching 5.2 m). Plate-bandes may show particular problems: it is not unusual that some sliding of the voussoirs can be observed, particularly in thick plate-bandes. The stepped joints on Fig. 1, left, were used to avoid this problem. There are other «hidden» methods, like iron cramps or the use of stone wedges, etc. In seismic zones these devices were usual. Another problem relates to the deformation; a slight yielding of the abutments, or even the compression of the mortar joints, may lead to some cracking and the descent of the central keystone. Even a tiny descent will convert the original straight line of the intrados in a broken line with a visible «kink» or angle in the middle. Of course, both problems should be avoided. Finally, the wedge form of the voussoirs lead to acute angles in the stones and this can produce partial fractures; this occurs usually at the inferior border of the springers at the abutments. It follows, that to build a successful plate-bande is not an easy matter. Also, the structural study of plate-bandes is far from simple, and mechanics and geometry are related in a particular way. In the present paper we will concentrate on the structural aspects and their constructive consequences, with a historical approach. We will outline the development of structural analysis of plate-bandes from ca. 1700 until today. This brief history has a more than purely academic interest. Different approaches and theories pointed to particular problem, and though the solution given may have been incorrect, the question posed was often pertinent. The paper ends with the application of modern Limit Analysis of Masonry Structures, developed mainly by professor Heyman in the last fifty years. The work aims, also, to give some clues for the actual architect and engineer involved in the analysis or restoration of masonry buildings.
El objetivo de este proyecto es presentar un estudio acerca de la evolución a lo largo del tiempo de las diferentes tecnologías de acceso a la red que hacen uso de la planta instalada de par de cobre, llamadas tecnologías xDSL, y prestando especial interés a aquellas más ampliamente implantadas y aquellas que ofrecen velocidades de acceso mayores. El estudio hará un breve repaso a esta evolución desde la tecnología HDSL, la primera en utilizar el bucle de abonado para la transmisión de datos digitales, hasta las más utilizadas actualmente, como el ADSL2+ o el VDSL2. Además, se profundizará en el desarrollo de las tecnologías de acceso a la red de alta velocidad, principalmente asimétricas, haciendo un amplio estudio del funcionamiento de tecnologías desde el ADSL hasta el VDSL2. Se expondrán las diferencias entre todas ellas, atendiendo a las ventajas que cada una ofrece frente a las desarrolladas anteriormente, para lo que se tendrá en cuenta, principalmente, el uso cada vez más eficiente que se hace del espectro de frecuencias disponible, así como la velocidad máxima teórica que se podría alcanzar con cada una de ellas. Existen además, varias técnicas que permiten mejorar el rendimiento de la tecnología VDSL2, se repasaran brevemente, y se dedicará parte del estudio a aquella que permite agrupar varias líneas en una sola conexión, tecnología llamada bonding. Para complementar el estudio se realizarán una serie de simulaciones que permitan reflejar las mejoras que se van produciendo en las distintas tecnologías que se han ido desarrollando a lo largo del tiempo, observando para ello los diferentes puntos que se han tenido en cuenta en la parte teórica y haciendo hincapié en aquellas ventajas que más valorará el usuario final. Con un simulador de bucles de diferentes distancias, y un simulador e inyector de ruido, se simularán distintos escenarios en los que realizaran medidas de la velocidad de sincronismo obtenida utilizando tres tecnologías distintas, ADSL2+, VDSL2 y VDSL2 Bonding. Con los resultados obtenidos, se realizará una valoración de las condiciones en las que se obtienen mejores rendimientos con cada una de ellas. ABSTRACT. The goal of this Project is studying the historical evolution of different access technologies based on twisted pair, also known as xDSL access. I will focus on those technologies widely deployed and those that provide greater access speeds. I will begin with a historical approach, from HDSL, the first technology to use the copper pair to transmit digital data, to the most used nowadays, ADSL2+ and VDSL2. Later on, I will make a deep analysis of broadband access technologies, mainly asymmetric ones, from ADSL to VDSL2. I will explain the differences between them, paying special attention to their advantages in the face of the previous ones. To evaluate these leverages I will mainly consider the frequency spectrum efficiency and the maximum theoretical speed, both upstream and downstream. I will make a brief introduction to various techniques that improve VDSL2 performance. But I will take some more time to explain bonding, a technique that allows link some lines in a unique connection. To finish the project I will make a series of simulations that reflect the improvements achieved with each new technology, keeping in mind all those points reflected in the theoretical part of the project, and focusing on those advantages most valuable to the end user. I will analyze the obtained data to evaluate the best conditions for each technology. Those simulations will be made using a loop simulator and a noise injector to evaluate different scenarios, making rate measurements of three technologies, i.e. ADSL2+, VDSL2 and VDLS2 Bonding.
La presente investigación analiza la capacidad del color de cualificar los espacios y propone una clasificación que ordene los diferentes dispositivos que actúan en este proceso. El objetivo de esta tesis es describir estos dispositivos estableciéndolos como parte inequívoca de cualquier proceso desencadenado por la presencia del binomio luz y color. El color ha sido objeto de estudio y experimentación a lo largo de la historia, en todas las artes y las distintas disciplinas relacionadas con la física, la percepción y la interacción. De este modo se realiza una aproximación teórica e histórica al color desde puntos de vista interdisciplinares, para llegar a comprender el modo en el que el color se acaba separando de la forma para pasar a formar parte de la configuración del espacio. Con el propósito de alcanzar este objetivo, se ha realizado un recorrido a través de diferentes teorías y manifestaciones artísticas realizadas en torno al color a lo largo de la Historia, para encontrar las claves de la relación del color con el espacio. Tomando de base este primer acercamiento al tema, se realiza un estudio empírico exhaustivo con modelos físicos con el fin de aislar los dispositivos que intervienen el este proceso en el que el color se pone en relación con el espacio; se analiza su variación a medida que fluctúan las características de los elementos que desencadenan los dispositivos. El objetivo es descubrir un orden, una taxonomía, que permita interpretar cualquier transformación producida por el color en el espacio. Posteriormente, se verifica la validez de esta clasificación estudiando siete espacios modelo en los que el color transfigura el espacio mediante la activación conjunta de varios de los dispositivos analizados. Se ha elegido este grupo de siete espacios debido a que, al tomarlos como suma, sus interiores engloban todos los fenómenos encontrados en el análisis previo. El conjunto de los dispositivos que actúan en cada espacio forma un sistema único e irrepetible que tiene que ver con su transfiguración espacial mediante la luz y el color. Estos sistemas constituyen parte de la génesis propia de cada espacio a través de una secuencia de dispositivos de transformación y configuración espacial que lo hace singular. Los dispositivos clasificados en esta investigación se encuentran en cualquier espacio en el que intervengan la luz y el color, agrupándose secuencialmente en sistemas determinados que cualifican el espacio arquitectónico. ABSTRACT This research analyzes the ability of the colour to qualify the spaces and proposes a classification to arrange the different devices that act in this process. The aim of this thesis is to describe these devices, unequivocally established as part of any process triggered by the presence of light and color pairing. Colour has been the subject of study and experimentation throughout history, in all the arts and disciplines related to physics, perception and interaction. Thus a theoretical and historical approach to the colour is developed from interdisciplinary points of view, in order to understand the way that colour separates from the form and is part of the space configuration. With the purpose of reaching this target, there has been a journey through the artistic movements and theories on colour throughout history, seeking for the key points of its relation with the space. Based on these first intuitions as a starting point, an exhaustive empirical study is made with physical models with the purpose of isolating the devices that participate in this process where colour is related with the space as well as analyzing their variation to the extent that the characteristics of the elements which cause them fluctuate. The objective is to discover an order, a taxonomy that allows to performing any transformation produced by the colour in the space. Afterwards, the validity of this classification is verified by studying seven model spaces in which the colour transfigures the space by the combined activation of several analyzed devices. These seven spaces were chosen due to all the phenomenon set in the previous analysis are included in their interior space. The group of devices that act on each space creates an unrepeatable and unique system that has to do with its spatial transfiguration by means of light and colour. These systems form part of the origin itself of each space through a sequence of devices of spatial transformation and configuration that make this space unique. The devices sorted in this research transform and configure any space in which light and colour participate, sequentially grouping together in determined systems that qualify the architectonic space.
At the present time almost all map libraries on the Internet are image collections generated by the digitization of early maps. This type of graphics files provides researchers with the possibility of accessing and visualizing historical cartographic information keeping in mind that this information has a degree of quality that depends upon elements such as the accuracy of the digitization process and proprietary constraints (e.g. visualization, resolution downloading options, copyright, use constraints). In most cases, access to these map libraries is useful only as a first approach and it is not possible to use those maps for scientific work due to the sparse tools available to measure, match, analyze and/or combine those resources with different kinds of cartography. This paper presents a method to enrich virtual map rooms and provide historians and other professional with a tool that let them to make the most of libraries in the digital era.
There is no doubt that there is no possibility of finding a single reference about domotics in the first half of the 20th century. The best known authors and those who have documented this discipline, set its origin in the 1970’s, when the x-10 technology began to be used, but it was not until 1988 when Larousse Encyclopedia decided to include the definition of "Smart Building". Furthermore, even nowadays, there is not a single definition widely accepted, and for that reason, many other expressions, namely "Intelligent Buildings" "Domotics" "Digital Home" or "Home Automation" have appeared to describe the automated buildings and homes. The lack of a clear definition for "Smart Buildings" causes difficulty not only in the development of a common international framework to develop research in this field, but it also causes insecurity in the potential user of these buildings. That is to say, the user does not know what is offered by this kind of buildings, hindering the dissemination of the culture of building automation in society. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to propose a definition of the expression “Smart Buildings” that satisfactorily describes the meaning of this discipline. To achieve this aim, a thorough review of the origin of the term itself and the historical background before the emergence of the phenomenon of domotics was conducted, followed by a critical discussion of existing definitions of the term "Smart Buildings" and other similar terms. The extent of each definition has been analyzed, inaccuracies have been discarded and commonalities have been compared. Throughout the discussion, definitions that bring the term "Smart Buildings" near to disciplines such as computer science, robotics and also telecommunications have been found. However, there are also many other definitions that emphasize in a more abstract way the role of these new buildings in the society and the future of mankind.