15 resultados para historic houses
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The traditional architecture of the centre of the city of Arequipa has been analyzed by comparing floor-plans of houses from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in order to explain the reasons behind the arrangement of their constructional elements and the evolution of said elements and floor-plans. The historic centre of Arequipa, a city located in the South of Perú, South America (Latitude 16°23' South, Longitude 71 °31' West), is based on a ground plan from 1540 that was set during the city's Spanish foundation. It was declared Patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO. The manorial architecture is widely known for its decorated fronts and one-of-a-kind designs, but its differences with respect to the popular architecture are not based exclusively on decorative aspects. Peru's colonial period finished around 1825, but the barrel-vault, construction style continued in Arequipa through 1868, when an earthquake destroyed the city. Thereafter, the vaults were replaced by roofs made of rails, with cinders made out of the lava stone. The stately houses belonged to the founding families who settled around the main square on forty nine blocks that formed a square-grid, street layout. Also belonging to this category are the houses of landlords and traders from post-colonial times.
This paper presents the application of the Integral Masonry System (IMS) to the construction of earthquake resistant houses and its experimental study. To verify the security of this new type of building in seismic areas of the third world two prototypes have been tested, one with adobe and the other with hollow brick. In both cases it’s a two-story 6x6x6 m3 house built to scale 1/2. The tests are carried out at the Laboratory of Antiseismic Structures of the Department of Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in Lima, in collaboration with the UPM (Technical University of Madrid). This article shows the design process of the prototypes to test, including the sizing of the reinforcements, the characteristics of the tests and the results obtained. These results show that the IMS with adobe or brick remains stable with no significant cracks faced with a severe earthquake, with an estimated acceleration of 1.8 g. Este artículo presenta una aplicación del Sistema de Albañilería Integral (SAI) a la construcción de viviendas sismorresistentes y su estudio experimental. Para verificar su seguridad para su construcción en zonas sísmicas del tercer mundo se han ensayado dos prototipos, uno con adobe, y otro con ladrillo hueco. Se trata de una vivienda de 6x6x6 m3 y dos plantas que se construyen a escala 1/2. Los ensayos se realizaron en el Laboratorio de Estructuras Antisísmicas del Departamento de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Católica Universidad del Perú (PUCP) de Lima en colaboración con la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Este artículo muestra el proceso de diseño de los prototipos a ensayar, incluido el dimensionado de los refuerzos, las características de los ensayos y los resultados obtenidos. Estos resultados muestran que el SAI con adobe o ladrillo permanece estable sin grietas significativas ante un sismo severo, con una aceleración estimada de 1,8 g.
The traditional buildings in the historic center of the city of Arequipa, Perú, recently declared of human heritage, are of volcanic tuff both in walls and in vaulted roofs on the ground floor. Having been built in the 18th century and up to the beginning of the 20th century, they have suffered many damages from the seismic movements registered in this region. Due to this, many of them have had to be rebuilt. In this presentation, the different changes to adapt the city of Spanish colonial origin to the present tertiary use are analyzed.
Ponencia invitada sobre gestion de trafico aereo en el curso de verano de la UPM Research in Decision Support Systems for future Air Traffic Management
The current economic crisis has meant, particularly in Spain, the almost cessation of new buildings construction. This deep crisis will mean in future an irreversible change in the Spanish construction model, based to date almost exclusively on the brick. After focusing on the Spanish property boom and examining its impact on the concept of housing (in a few years the house has moved forward from being contemplated exclusively as a primary good to be also considered a capital asset), we analyse the influence that this transformation has had on architecture (housing typology, building methods, the architectural profession and the architect training) and offers architectural alternatives –trough the university– to the present crisis. The project “Houses built from accommodating cabins” is part of a larger research within the line “Modular Architecture” developed by the Research Group “Design and Industrial Production”, belonging to the Technical University of Madrid, which aims to respond to the need for decent housing at an affordable price, by offering through Internet the plans, resources and other technical details required to build a house oneself. The proposed houses are built from the combination of industrially made modules (accommodation cabins, which are prefabricated modules usually used as provisional constructions in conventional building works), prefabricated subsystems and other catalogue components available on the market, all they set together by dry joints.
The first step in order to comply with the European Union goals of Near to Zero Energy Buildings is to reduce the energy consumption in buildings. Most of the building consumption is related to the use of active systems to maintain the interior comfort. Passive design strategies contribute to improve the interior comfort conditions, increasing the energy efficiency in buildings and reducing their energy consumption. In this work, an analysis of the passive strategies used in Net Energy Plus Houses has been made. The participating houses of the Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 competition were used as case studies. The passive design strategies of these houses were compared with the annual simulations, and the competition monitored data, especially during the Passive Monitored Period. The analysis included the thermal properties of the building envelope, geometric parameters, ratios and others passive solutions such as Thermal Energy Storage systems, evaporative cooling, night ventilation, solar gains and night sky radiation cooling. The results reflect the impact of passive design strategies on the houses' comfort and efficiency, as well as their influence in helping to achieve the Zero Energy Buildings category.
Esta es una tesis con dos partes bien diferenciadas; en la primera se habla de conceptos como la escala, el tamaño y la medida en el mundo de la antigua Roma. Para ello se eligen edificios con características específicas que pueden explicar estos términos, como la” Villa Adriana” en la que se habla del tamaño desde la acumulación de dimensiones medias, el “Ara Pacis”, en la que se describe la ambigüedad dimensional y el tamaño, el Panteón en el que habla de la escala, y el Santuario de Baalbek a través del cual se reflexiona sobre la condición de monumentalidad. Dichos edificios se comparan con piezas de arte contemporáneo que ayudan a entender el contenido histórico. En ese sentido la tesis propone un viaje desde lo moderno a lo antiguo, instalándose en la certeza de que el conocimiento ampliado de los conceptos contemporáneos otorga nueva vida a los edificios históricos, en un paseo inverso al clásico de estudiar lo antiguo para entender el presente. La tesis defiende que el presente se lee desde el presente y el pasado también desde el presente, elaborando nuevas narrativas que permiten superponer realidades distintas para alumbrar lo real. La segunda parte de la tesis compara la medida de lo público y lo privado así como la medida del paisaje. Habla de la medida del Poder ejemplificada en el proyecto de los Foros Imperiales desde el Foro de César hasta el Foro de Trajano y elabora una comparación dimensional desde la disección de sesenta casas pompeyanas, que son sometidas a un cuidadoso análisis métrico y relacional. Se estudian así mismo sus distintas proporciones desde el tratado de Vitrubio y se analizan sus sistemas de proyecto, encontrando en la ampliación acumulativa un mecanismo que relaciona lo público y lo privado. Por último se estudia la medida del paisaje, encontrando un apoyo en la pintura mural romana y también en la relación entre los cuatro Santuarios Republicanos de Lacio. ABSTRACT This is a thesis with two different parts; the first one deals with concepts from the Ancient Rome, such as scale, size and measure. Some buildings with specific characteristics have been chosen in order to explain these terms, such as "Villa Adriana" where size is formed by the accumulation of medium sizes, the "Ara Pacis",where the dimensional ambiguity is described, the Pantheon where the scale is explained and the Sanctuary of Baalbek where the condition of monumentality is understood. These buildings are compared with contemporary artworks that help to understand the historical contents. In that sense, the thesis proposes a journey from the modern to the old, settling in the certainty that the extended knowledge of contemporary concepts gives new life to historic buildings, instead of the usual walk to the old to understand the present . The thesis argues that both the present and the past can be read through the present, developing new narratives that are overlayed to light reality. The second part of the thesis compares the measures in public and private worlds as well as the measure in the landscape. It is also about the measure of the power, that is exemplified in the Fori Imperiali as the Forum of Caesar and Trajan's Forum. Besides a dimensional comparison is made by dissecting sixty Pompeian houses, which are subjected to careful and relational analysis. Furthermore, their different proportions are studied, since the Treaty of Vitruvius and their design systems are analyzed, finding the mechanism that links the public and private spheres in the cumulative expansion. Finally , the measure of the landscape is studied supported by Roman wall painting and in the relationship between the four Sanctuaries Republicans of Lazio.
The current economic crisis has meant, particularly in Spain, the almost cessation of new buildings construction. This deep crisis will mean in future an irreversible change in the Spanish construction model, based to date almost exclusively on the brick. The project “Accommodating cabins as a new way of building houses” is part of a larger research within the line “Modular Architecture” developed by the Research Group “Design and Industrial Production”, belonging to the Technical University of Madrid, which aims to respond to the need for decent housing at an affordable price, by offering through Internet the plans, resources and other technical details required to build a house oneself. The proposed houses are built from the combination of industrially made modules (accommodation cabins, which are prefabricated modules usually used as provisional constructions in conventional building works), prefabricated subsystems and other catalogue components available on the market, all they set together by dry joints.
An advance of the study undertaken of the plastering of the few dwellings that still exist in the historical area of Maracaibo is presented, with a base of restoration mortar of the plastering of sandstone known as “piedra de ojo”. The mortars are made of lime with a ferruginous stone aggregate that gives them a pinkish color, with additions of ceramics, bamboo, sand, wood and straw, and kneaded with salty water from Lake Maracaibo
This research was published online by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works in 2012. It collects 20 years of work that contributes to recognizing and enhancing the vernacular architecture in Spain, which has no known author, but has significant values and shows a wide variety of adaptation examples to climatic and environmental conditions. The research analyzes in detail and from different scales 15 houses in different climatic conditions and geographic regions in order to go deeper into the specific characteristics of each one of them from the perspective of sustainability. These houses are located in Tenerife, Salamanca, Huelva, Granada, Toledo, Madrid, Menorca, Alicante, Mallorca, Almería, La Coruña, Cantabria, Huesca and Lugo. The article analyzes the traditional dwelling, the natural environment and conditions that surround it and intends to discover the formal dialogue among them, as well as the origin of the design strategies
The preservation of tangible cultural heritage does not guarantee effective revitalisation of urban historic areas as a whole. The legacy of our history consists not only of paintings, sculptures, architectural monuments and public spaces, but also the safeguarding of immaterial aspects of social life, such as oral traditions, rituals, practices, knowledge and craft skills. From 1999 to 2013, 26 Brazilian cities benefited from the Monumenta Programme - a national cultural policy that involved institutions, the private sector and the local community. The purpose of the programme was to stimulate economic growth and increase cultural and social development of the historic centres. Moreover, it sought to increase the number of residents in the benefited areas as defined in its agenda (IDB, 1999; MinC & Programa Monumenta, 2006). Using the Historic Centre of Porto Alegre as a case study, this paper examines how this cultural programme enables demographic change through the promotion of intangible cultural heritage, e.g. by supporting educational projects. The demographic flow was analysed using the microdata of the Populations Censuses (years 2000 and 2010) available from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The results showed an increase in low-income residents the areas that participated in the programme. This increase may have been motivated by a set of cultural-educational projects under the auspices of the Monumenta Programme. The retraining of artisans of Alfândega Square, the training of low-income youth for restoration work and the implementation of the "Black Route Museum in Porto Alegre" (Bicca, 2010) are just some examples of what was done to improve the local community's economy, to encourage social cohesion and to enhance the awareness of cultural diversity as a positive and essential value in society.
John Summerson, en El Lenguaje Clásico de la Arquitectura, defiende que los órdenes clásicos que empleaban los arquitectos romanos para decorar sus edificios, no tienen una función estructural pero hacen expresivos a los edificios. Les hacen hablar. Arthur Schopenhauer afirma que “el destino de la Bella Arquitectura es poner de manifiesto la lucha entre el peso y la rigidez de los elementos estructurales”. Y Auguste Perret define la Arquitectura como “el arte de hacer cantar al punto de apoyo”. El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es profundizar en la capacidad de expresión de la estructura. A través del estudio de las estructuras históricas, que se realiza en la primera parte de la Tesis, podemos concluir que existen tres categorías, tres maneras de expresión de la Estructura. Estructuras Vistas, que hablan, Estructuras Ocultas, que se esconden y Estructuras Ilusorias, que fingen. El Partenón y la Sainte Chapelle de París se estudian en el apartado de Estructuras Vistas. El Panteón, el Palacio de Carlos V, la Catedral de San Pablo en Londres, y otras arquitecturas renacentistas y romanas, en el apartado de Estructuras Ocultas. Y como Estructuras Ilusorias, la Alhambra (Dos Hermanas, Comares, el Patio de los Leones), Santa Sofía, y otras arquitecturas del barroco italiano. En la segunda parte de la Tesis se analiza la obra completa de Mies van der Rohe desde el punto de vista de esas tres categorías. Lo visto, lo oculto y lo ilusorio en las estructuras de Mies. Se estudia la evolución en la estructura de la casa, desde las primeras casas con Estructura Oculta de muro de ladrillo, hasta las últimas casas con Estructura Vista y columnas adelantadas, pasando por una etapa intermedia de casas con estructura mixta de muro de ladrillo en la que el acero comienza a hacer su aparición. Se analizan también seis soluciones estructurales en los Bloques y en las Torres: Estructura Vista reverberante, expresiva o inexpresiva vs Estructura Oculta con vestido horizontal, vestido reticular o vestido vertical. Y por último, se estudian las tres soluciones de Estructura Ilusoria que emplea Mies en sus Pabellones. La metodología de trabajo que se ha empleado se divide en cuatro apartados: El análisis bibliográfico; el análisis in situ de los edificios, que nos permite comprobar, por ejemplo, los efectos lumínicos de la columna acanalada del Partenón, o el efecto reverberante de las columnas de la Weissenhofsiedlung; el análisis crítico de planos y detalles constructivos, que nos lleva a concluir que la disposición de pantallas del Pabellón de Barcelona anula la lectura de la crujía estructural, y que la columna del restaurante Cantor se dispone con su alma perpendicular a la cercha, y no paralela, como cabría suponer si se quisiera aprovechar toda la capacidad portante del perfil en H; y por último, el análisis numérico y estructural, que nos lleva a confirmar el sobredimensionado de la Estructura del Patio de los Leones de la Alhambra o el sobredimensionado de la Estructura de la Casa Farnsworth. Lo que se confirma con esta Tesis Doctoral es que la Estructura es algo más, mucho más, que sólo transmisión de las cargas. ABSTRACT John Summerson, in The Classic Language of Architecture, argues that the classic orders used by Roman architects in the decoration of their buildings did not have a structural function, but made buildings expressive. They make them speak. Arthur Schopenhauer affirms that “the goal of Great Architecture is to highlight the struggle between the gravity and rigidity of structural elements”. And Auguste Perret defines Architecture as “the art of making the points of support sing”. The objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to examine the expressive capacity of structure. Following a study of historic structures in the first part of the thesis, we conclude that three categories exist, three ways of expressing Structure. Visible Structures that speak, Concealed Structures that are hidden and Illusory Structures that pretend. The Parthenon and the Sainte Chapelle in Paris are studied in the section on Visible Structures. The Pantheon, the Palace of Charles V, Saint Paul’s Cathedral in London, and other Renaissance and Roman architectures are dealt with in the Concealed Structures section. And, as examples of Illusory Structures, we focus on the Alhambra (The Hall of the Two Sisters, the Comares and the Court of the Lions), Saint Sophia, and other Italian Baroque architectures. In the second part of the Thesis the complete work of Mies van der Rohe is analysed from the perspective of these three categories. The visible, the concealed and the illusory, in the structures of Mies. We study how the structure of the house evolves, from the first houses with the Hidden Structure of the brick wall, to the later houses with Visible Structures and columns, via an intermediate phase of mixed-structure houses with brick walls, where steel first began to make its appearance. We also analyse six structural solutions in the Blocks and Towers: reverberant, expressive or inexpressive Visible Structure vs Concealed Structure with horizontal cladding, reticular cladding or vertical cladding. And finally, we look at the three Illusory Structure solutions that Mies employs in his Pavilions. The methodology employed is divided into four sections: a bibliographic analysis; an analysis in situ of the buildings, which allows us to test, for example, the lighting effects of the fluted column in the Parthenon, or the reverberant effect of the Weissenhofsiedlung columns; a critical analysis of plans and constructive details, which leads us to conclude that the arrangement of panels in the Barcelona Pavilion cancels out the structural centreline, and that the column in the Cantor restaurant is placed with its web perpendicular to the truss, and not parallel to it, as one might expect if one wanted to avail of all the load-bearing capacity of the H beam; and lastly, a numeric and structural analysis, which confirms the oversizing of the Court of the Lions structure in the Alhambra or the oversized structure of Farnsworth House. All of which confirms in this Doctoral Thesis that structure is something more, much more, than a mere conveyor of loads.
Esta investigación analiza la solución constructiva y dimensional de las fachadas del primer tramo de la Gran Vía madrileña y señala, entre otros aspectos, la aportación que supuso en el Sector de la Construcción español, la incorporación de perfilería metálica a la fábrica en los edificios del primer tramo de la calle, constituyendo el punto de partida del construir moderno del Madrid de principios del Siglo XX. Se han analizado sistemas y modulaciones que sintetizan, en un catálogo de fichas el modo constructivo de los primeros lustros del SXX. La metodología se ha centrado en el diseño de las fichas que describo a continuación: • Ficha de Histórica de datos generales (hitos históricos), esta ficha resume la historia de la construcción del edificio, indicando usos tanto originales como actuales, propiedad, fecha de construcción, e intervenciones constatadas. Especial significado para el desarrollo del trabajo tiene la definición de usos tanto originales como actuales. El uso del edificio se ha interpretado como la función. • Ficha dimensional, muestra medidas tanto en el eje X como en el Y, o en Z, en concreto intereje de huecos, medidas de entrepaños, ancho de huecos; medidas de suelo a suelo, medida del hueco más dintel; medidas de vuelos de balcones y/o miradores, y otros parámetros como porcentaje de huecos en fachada, frecuencia de aparición de los distintos huecos, su proporción alto ancho; parámetros que definen dimensionalmente los elementos que constituyen la fachada del edificio. Esta Ficha se acompaña del alzado de cada edificio acotado y de una fotografía actual. • Ficha de elementos y sistemas constructivos, en función del soporte (composición) y/o del material de acabado recogen datos obtenidos de la documentación gráfica y memorias existente en el archivo histórico y/o de documentación gráfica realizada por arquitectos que han intervenido en estos edificios. Tanto el contacto establecido con los arquitectos intervinientes, propietarios y empresas constructoras, como la localización de manuales de construcción fechados entre 1870 y 1925, han ayudado a definir a través de este catálogo de Fichas, los tipos (sistemas) constructivos y las modulaciones empleadas, una métrica que define con matemáticas la geometría del diseño, expresando además toda la carga de magia, encantamiento y siempre de modelo y orden que permanece en las fachadas de estos edificios. El desarrollo de estas técnicas denominadas en 1915 modernas han supuesto un cambio importante en el diseño, pues éste es un hecho diferencial en esta arquitectura con estructura metálica con respecto a los sistemas constructivos anteriores, permitiendo reducir el espesor del muro, y conseguir luces superiores tanto en huecos como en los vuelos de elementos salientes (balcones y miradores ) y consiguiendo un diseño acorde con la importancia del edificio. Una vez analizado el uso del edificio, sus dimensiones y los sistemas empleados, (siempre referidos al estudio de fachadas), se ha podido comprobar la relación entre Dimensión, Sistema y Función y los casos concretos en que esto sucede. La inspección visual y seguimiento de la calle han constatado la frecuencia de las labores de mantenimiento, reparación, o restauración en las fachadas de estos edificios. Estos conocimientos serán importantes de cara a intervenciones posteriores en el tiempo, quizá en los próximos 100 años. ABSTRACT Innovative techniques used in Spanish construction (for houses and buildings) emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. Reinforced steel profiles instead of traditional masonry was one of the most important innovations that was introduced. In order to make the most of the space available, masonry had to be as light as possible. This paper will examine the façades of these first buildings in “Gran Vía” Street and aims to show how they were constructed. Field work was carried out in order to analyze both the history of how the buildings were constructed and the construction and dimensional systems of the façade elements. Comprehending these building techniques and characteristics is the purpose of this Investigation. Some data sheets (cards) have been designed for finding out about historical information, uses, modulations and construction systems, in order to determine the relation between the Function, Dimension and System in these buildings. • The historical card shows date of construction, uses, propertys not only the original ones but nowadays, interventions special interest keeps the use or finality of the building. • The dimensional card shows measurements not only of axis X but also Y and Z, specifically the centre distance of openings, measurements of stretches of walls, the width of openings; floor to floor measurements, measurement of windows plus lintels; balcony overhangs and / or bay windows, and other parameters such as the percentage of façade openings, the frequency of the appearance of different openings, their proportion regarding height and width; parameters that dimensionally define the elements that make the façade of the building. This Card accompanies of the elevation of every measured building plus a current photograph. • Card of elements and building systems, depending on the support (composition) and / or the finish material that compiles information obtained from the existing graphic documentation and reports from historic files and / or graphic documentation drawn up by architects who have intervened in these buildings. The visual inspection and follow-up of the street confirm the frequency of maintenance work, repairs, or restoration of the façades of these buildings. Comprehension of these techniques and characteristics will enable future intervention, maybe in the next century.
This publication approaches the element of the "refuge" by showing several built prototypes designed and built by the author of this Ph.D and Yuko Ono that were effectively used as temporary shelters in Japan by the refugees in 2013. They consist on seven small wooden houses that can float and can also be packed into boxes and used as shelters following natural disasters. This publication explains both in Italian, English, Japanese and through small drawn diagrams the construction of these prototypes thanks to the help group "Architecture Global Aid" created by the author of this Ph.D in Japan (www.facebook.com/architectureglobalaid). Finally, this refuges can be as well seen in pages 660-664 of the Ph.D text were several kinds of architectures for shelters are analyzed. Esta publicación analiza el elemento del ?refugio? a través de varios ejemplos diseñados y construidos por la autora de este doctorado y la arquitecta Yuko Ono que fueron utilizados en la recuperación de Japón en el año 2013. Consisten en siete refugios de madera que pueden flotar y doblarse e introducirse en cajas del mismo material y de este modo, ser extraídos y empleados tras un desastre natural. Esta publicación explica en italiano, inglés, japonés y mediante varios diagramas, la construcción de estos prototipos gracias al grupo de ayuda ?Architecture Global Aid? creado por la autora de este doctorado en Japón (www.facebook.com/architectureglobalaid). Por último, la referencia a la investigación acerca de estos prototipos se puede encontrar en las páginas 660-664 de la tesis doctoral, entre las que se investiga también acerca de otras arquitecturas del refugio.
Given the global energy and environmental situation, the European Union has been issuing directives with increasingly demanding requirements in term of the energy efficiency in buildings. The international competition of sustainable houses, Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE), is aligned with these European objectives. SDE houses are low energy solar buildings that must reach the near to zero energy houses’ goal. In the 2012 edition, in order to emphasize its significance, the Energy Efficiency Contest was added. SDE houses’ interior comfort, functioning and energy performance is monitored. The monitoring data can give an idea about the efficiency of the houses. However, a jury comprised by international experts is responsible for carrying out the houses energy efficiency evaluation. Passive strategies and houses services are analyzed. Additionally, the jury's assessment has been compared with the behavior of the houses during the monitoring period. Comparative studies make emphasis on the energy aspects, houses functioning and their interior comfort. Conclusions include thoughts related with the evaluation process, the results of the comparative studies and suggestions for the next competitions.