15 resultados para hidden semi-Markov model

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El presente trabajo de investigación se ocupa del estudio de las vibraciones verticales inducidas por vórtices (VIV) en aquellos puentes que, por sus características geométricas y propiedades dinámicas, muestran cierta sensibilidad este tipo de fenómeno aeroelástico. El objeto principal es el análisis del mecanismo de interacción viento-estructura sobre secciones no fuseladas de geometría simple, con objeto de realizar una adecuada caracterización del problema y poder abordar posteriormente el análisis de otras secciones de geometría más compleja, representativas de los principales elementos estructurales de los puentes, como arcos, tableros, torres y pilas. Este aspecto es fundamental durante la fase de diseño del puente, donde deberán tenerse en cuenta también una serie de detalles que pueden influir significativamente su sensibilidad ante problemas aerodinámicos, como la morfología y dimensiones principales de la sección transversal del tablero, la disposición de barreras de seguridad y barreras cortaviento, o las riostras que unen diferentes elementos estructurales. La configuración de dos elementos en tándem o la construcción de un puente en las inmediaciones de otro existente son otros aspectos a considerar respecto a la sensibilidad frente a efectos aeroelásticos. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo principalmente mediante la implementación de simulaciones numéricas que reproducen la interacción entre la corriente de aire y secciones representativas de modelos estructurales, a partir de un código CFD basado en el método de las partículas de vórtices (VPM), siguiendo por tanto un esquema Lagrangiano. Los resultados han sido validados con datos experimentales existentes, valores procedentes de ensayos en túnel de viento y registros reales a partir de diferentes casos de estudio: Alconétar (2006), Niterói (1980), Trans- Tokyo Bay (1995) y Volgogrado (2010). Finalmente, se propone un modelo semi-empírico para la estimación del rango de velocidades críticas y amplitudes de oscilación basado en la utilización de las derivadas de flameo de Scanlan, y la densidad espectral de las fuerzas aerodinámicas en el dominio de la frecuencia. The present research work concerns the study of vertical vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) in bridges which show certain sensitivity to this type of aeroelastic phenomenon. It focuses on the analysis of the wind-structure interaction mechanism on bluff sections, with the objective of making a good characterisation of the problem and subsequently addressing the analysis of sections with a complex geometry, which are representative of the bridge structural elements, such as arches, decks, towers and piers. This issue is of relative importance during the bridge design phase, since minor details of the aforementioned elements can significantly influence its sensitivity to aerodynamic problems. The shape and main dimensions of the deck cross section, the addition of safety barriers and windshields, the presence of braces to enhance the structure mechanical properties, the utilisation of cross sections in tandem arrangement, or the erection of a new bridge in the vicinity of another existing one are some of the aspects to be considered regarding the sensitivity to the aeroelastic effects. The study has been carried out mainly through the implementation of numerical simulations that reproduces the interaction between the airflow and the representative cross section of a structural bridge model, by the use of a CFD code based on the vortex particle method (VPM), thus following a Lagrangian scheme. The results have been validated with existing experimental data, values from wind tunnel tests and full scale observations from the different case studies: Alconétar (2006), Niterói (1980), Trans-Tokyo Bay (1995) and Volgograd (2010). Finally, a new semi-empirical model is proposed for the estimation of the critical wind velocity ranges and oscillation amplitudes based on the use of the Scanlan’s flutter derivatives and the power spectral density of aerodynamic force time history in the frequency domain.


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Este trabajo de Tesis ha abordado el objetivo de dar robustez y mejorar la Detección de Actividad de Voz en entornos acústicos adversos con el fin de favorecer el comportamiento de muchas aplicaciones vocales, por ejemplo aplicaciones de telefonía basadas en reconocimiento automático de voz, aplicaciones en sistemas de transcripción automática, aplicaciones en sistemas multicanal, etc. En especial, aunque se han tenido en cuenta todos los tipos de ruido, se muestra especial interés en el estudio de las voces de fondo, principal fuente de error de la mayoría de los Detectores de Actividad en la actualidad. Las tareas llevadas a cabo poseen como punto de partida un Detector de Actividad basado en Modelos Ocultos de Markov, cuyo vector de características contiene dos componentes: la energía normalizada y la variación de la energía. Las aportaciones fundamentales de esta Tesis son las siguientes: 1) ampliación del vector de características de partida dotándole así de información espectral, 2) ajuste de los Modelos Ocultos de Markov al entorno y estudio de diferentes topologías y, finalmente, 3) estudio e inclusión de nuevas características, distintas de las del punto 1, para filtrar los pulsos de pronunciaciones que proceden de las voces de fondo. Los resultados de detección, teniendo en cuenta los tres puntos anteriores, muestran con creces los avances realizados y son significativamente mejores que los resultados obtenidos, bajo las mismas condiciones, con otros detectores de actividad de referencia. This work has been focused on improving the robustness at Voice Activity Detection in adverse acoustic environments in order to enhance the behavior of many vocal applications, for example telephony applications based on automatic speech recognition, automatic transcription applications, multichannel systems applications, and so on. In particular, though all types of noise have taken into account, this research has special interest in the study of pronunciations coming from far-field speakers, the main error source of most activity detectors today. The tasks carried out have, as starting point, a Hidden Markov Models Voice Activity Detector which a feature vector containing two components: normalized energy and delta energy. The key points of this Thesis are the following: 1) feature vector extension providing spectral information, 2) Hidden Markov Models adjustment to environment and study of different Hidden Markov Model topologies and, finally, 3) study and inclusion of new features, different from point 1, to reject the pronunciations coming from far-field speakers. Detection results, taking into account the above three points, show the advantages of using this method and are significantly better than the results obtained under the same conditions by other well-known voice activity detectors.


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Wake effect represents one of the most important aspects to be analyzed at the engineering phase of every wind farm since it supposes an important power deficit and an increase of turbulence levels with the consequent decrease of the lifetime. It depends on the wind farm design, wind turbine type and the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the site. Traditionally industry has used analytical models, quick and robust, which allow carry out at the preliminary stages wind farm engineering in a flexible way. However, new models based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are needed. These models must increase the accuracy of the output variables avoiding at the same time an increase in the computational time. Among them, the elliptic models based on the actuator disk technique have reached an extended use during the last years. These models present three important problems in case of being used by default for the solution of large wind farms: the estimation of the reference wind speed upstream of each rotor disk, turbulence modeling and computational time. In order to minimize the consequence of these problems, this PhD Thesis proposes solutions implemented under the open source CFD solver OpenFOAM and adapted for each type of site: a correction on the reference wind speed for the general elliptic models, the semi-parabollic model for large offshore wind farms and the hybrid model for wind farms in complex terrain. All the models are validated in terms of power ratios by means of experimental data derived from real operating wind farms.


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For most of us, speaking in a non-native language involves deviating to some extent from native pronunciation norms. However, the detailed basis for foreign accent (FA) remains elusive, in part due to methodological challenges in isolating segmental from suprasegmental factors. The current study examines the role of segmental features in conveying FA through the use of a generative approach in which accent is localised to single consonantal segments. Three techniques are evaluated: the first requires a highly-proficiency bilingual to produce words with isolated accented segments; the second uses cross-splicing of context-dependent consonants from the non-native language into native words; the third employs hidden Markov model synthesis to blend voice models for both languages. Using English and Spanish as the native/non-native languages respectively, listener cohorts from both languages identified words and rated their degree of FA. All techniques were capable of generating accented words, but to differing degrees. Naturally-produced speech led to the strongest FA ratings and synthetic speech the weakest, which we interpret as the outcome of over-smoothing. Nevertheless, the flexibility offered by synthesising localised accent encourages further development of the method.


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Asimple semi-empirical model for the aerodynamic behavior of a low-aspect ratio pararotor in autorotation at low Reynolds numbers is presented. The paper is split into three sections: Sec. II deals with the theoretical model derivation, Sec. III deals with the wind-tunnel measurements needed for tuning the theoretical model, and Sec. IV deals with the tuning between the theoretical model and the experimental data. The study is focused on the effect of both the blade pitch angle and the blade roughness and also on the stream velocity, on the rotation velocity, and on the drag of a model. Flow pattern visualizations have also been performed. The value of the free aerodynamic parameters of the semi-empirical model that produces the best fit with the experimental results agrees with the expected ones for the blades at the test conditions. Finally, the model is able to describe the behavior of a pararotor in autorotation that rotates fixed to a shaft, validated for a range of blade pitch angles. The movement of the device is found to be governed by a reduced set of dimensionless parameters.


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Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is an emerging research field with the aim to identify the actions carried out by a person given a set of observations and the surrounding environment. The wide growth in this research field inside the scientific community is mainly explained by the high number of applications that are arising in the last years. A great part of the most promising applications are related to the healthcare field, where it is possible to track the mobility of patients with motor dysfunction as also the physical activity in patients with cardiovascular risk. Until a few years ago, by using distinct kind of sensors, a patient follow-up was possible. However, far from being a long-term solution and with the smartphone irruption, that monitoring can be achieved in a non-invasive way by using the embedded smartphone’s sensors. For these reasons this Final Degree Project arises with the main target to evaluate new feature extraction techniques in order to carry out an activity and user recognition, and also an activity segmentation. The recognition is done thanks to the inertial signals integration obtained by two widespread sensors in the greater part of smartphones: accelerometer and gyroscope. In particular, six different activities are evaluated walking, walking-upstairs, walking-downstairs, sitting, standing and lying. Furthermore, a segmentation task is carried out taking into account the activities performed by thirty users. This can be done by using Hidden Markov Models and also a set of tools tested satisfactory in speech recognition: HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit).


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El Reconocimiento de Actividades Humanas es un área de investigación emergente, cuyo objetivo principal es identificar las acciones realizadas por un sujeto analizando las señales obtenidas a partir de unos sensores. El rápido crecimiento de este área de investigación dentro de la comunidad científica se explica, en parte, por el elevado número de aplicaciones que están surgiendo en los últimos años. Gran parte de las aplicaciones más prometedoras se encuentran en el campo de la salud, donde se puede hacer un seguimiento del nivel de movilidad de pacientes con trastornos motores, así como monitorizar el nivel de actividad física en pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular. Hasta hace unos años, mediante el uso de distintos tipos de sensores se podía hacer un seguimiento del paciente. Sin embargo, lejos de ser una solución a largo plazo y gracias a la irrupción del teléfono inteligente, este seguimiento se puede hacer de una manera menos invasiva, haciendo uso de la gran variedad de sensores integrados en este tipo de dispositivos. En este contexto nace este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, cuyo principal objetivo es evaluar nuevas técnicas de extracción de características para llevar a cabo un reconocimiento de actividades y usuarios así como una segmentación de aquellas. Este reconocimiento se hace posible mediante la integración de señales inerciales obtenidas por dos sensores presentes en la gran mayoría de teléfonos inteligentes: acelerómetro y giróscopo. Concretamente, se evalúan seis tipos de actividades realizadas por treinta usuarios: andar, subir escaleras, bajar escaleras, estar sentado, estar de pie y estar tumbado. Además y de forma paralela, se realiza una segmentación temporal de los distintos tipos de actividades realizadas por dichos usuarios. Todo ello se llevará a cabo haciendo uso de los Modelos Ocultos de Markov, así como de un conjunto de herramientas probadas satisfactoriamente en reconocimiento del habla: HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit).


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A recent study by the authors points to Charged Particle Drag (CPD) as a contributor to revisit in the LAGEOS non-gravitational perturbations problem. Such perturbations must account for dynamical contributions in the order of pms−2 . The simulated effect takes into account: (i) spatial and temporal variations of the plasmatic parameters (temperature and concentration of the species), (ii) spacecraft potential variations caused by both the eclipse passages and variations in the parameters mentioned above, and (iii) solar and geomagnetic conditions. Furthermore, recent theoretical improvements concerning scattering drag overcome previous limitations allowing for a complete formulation of this effect. For each satellite the lifetime CPD instantaneous acceleration is computed. The plasmatic parameters have been obtained fromthe Sheffield Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere (SCTIP) semi-empirical model (up to the polar region), as well as alytical/empirical approximations based on spacecraft measurements for the auroral and polar regions. Results show that maximum amplitudes for LAGEOSI are larger than those for LAGEOS-II: −85 pms−2 and −70 pms−2 respectively. This is due to the almost (magnetically) polar orbit configuration of the first, producing larger combinations of plasmatic parameter values. High solar activity has a huge impact in the resulting LAGEOS accelerations: it yields a perfect modulation of the resulting acceleration with maximum amplitudes up to a factor of 10 when comparing low and high activity periods. On the other hand, the impact of the geomagnetic activity results into a reduction of the effect itself, probably due to a decrease in the hydrogen concentration for high energy input periods. The acceleration results will be used in a refined orbit computation in a subsequent investigation.


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El objetivo de esta Tesis ha sido la consecución de simulaciones en tiempo real de vehículos industriales modelizados como sistemas multicuerpo complejos formados por sólidos rígidos. Para el desarrollo de un programa de simulación deben considerarse cuatro aspectos fundamentales: la modelización del sistema multicuerpo (tipos de coordenadas, pares ideales o impuestos mediante fuerzas), la formulación a utilizar para plantear las ecuaciones diferenciales del movimiento (coordenadas dependientes o independientes, métodos globales o topológicos, forma de imponer las ecuaciones de restricción), el método de integración numérica para resolver estas ecuaciones en el tiempo (integradores explícitos o implícitos) y finalmente los detalles de la implementación realizada (lenguaje de programación, librerías matemáticas, técnicas de paralelización). Estas cuatro etapas están interrelacionadas entre sí y todas han formado parte de este trabajo. Desde la generación de modelos de una furgoneta y de camión con semirremolque, el uso de tres formulaciones dinámicas diferentes, la integración de las ecuaciones diferenciales del movimiento mediante métodos explícitos e implícitos, hasta el uso de funciones BLAS, de técnicas de matrices sparse y la introducción de paralelización para utilizar los distintos núcleos del procesador. El trabajo presentado en esta Tesis ha sido organizado en 8 capítulos, dedicándose el primero de ellos a la Introducción. En el Capítulo 2 se presentan dos formulaciones semirrecursivas diferentes, de las cuales la primera está basada en una doble transformación de velocidades, obteniéndose las ecuaciones diferenciales del movimiento en función de las aceleraciones relativas independientes. La integración numérica de estas ecuaciones se ha realizado con el método de Runge-Kutta explícito de cuarto orden. La segunda formulación está basada en coordenadas relativas dependientes, imponiendo las restricciones por medio de penalizadores en posición y corrigiendo las velocidades y aceleraciones mediante métodos de proyección. En este segundo caso la integración de las ecuaciones del movimiento se ha llevado a cabo mediante el integrador implícito HHT (Hilber, Hughes and Taylor), perteneciente a la familia de integradores estructurales de Newmark. En el Capítulo 3 se introduce la tercera formulación utilizada en esta Tesis. En este caso las uniones entre los sólidos del sistema se ha realizado mediante uniones flexibles, lo que obliga a imponer los pares por medio de fuerzas. Este tipo de uniones impide trabajar con coordenadas relativas, por lo que la posición del sistema y el planteamiento de las ecuaciones del movimiento se ha realizado utilizando coordenadas Cartesianas y parámetros de Euler. En esta formulación global se introducen las restricciones mediante fuerzas (con un planteamiento similar al de los penalizadores) y la estabilización del proceso de integración numérica se realiza también mediante proyecciones de velocidades y aceleraciones. En el Capítulo 4 se presenta una revisión de las principales herramientas y estrategias utilizadas para aumentar la eficiencia de las implementaciones de los distintos algoritmos. En primer lugar se incluye una serie de consideraciones básicas para aumentar la eficiencia numérica de las implementaciones. A continuación se mencionan las principales características de los analizadores de códigos utilizados y también las librerías matemáticas utilizadas para resolver los problemas de álgebra lineal tanto con matrices densas como sparse. Por último se desarrolla con un cierto detalle el tema de la paralelización en los actuales procesadores de varios núcleos, describiendo para ello el patrón empleado y las características más importantes de las dos herramientas propuestas, OpenMP y las TBB de Intel. Hay que señalar que las características de los sistemas multicuerpo problemas de pequeño tamaño, frecuente uso de la recursividad, y repetición intensiva en el tiempo de los cálculos con fuerte dependencia de los resultados anteriores dificultan extraordinariamente el uso de técnicas de paralelización frente a otras áreas de la mecánica computacional, tales como por ejemplo el cálculo por elementos finitos. Basándose en los conceptos mencionados en el Capítulo 4, el Capítulo 5 está dividido en tres secciones, una para cada formulación propuesta en esta Tesis. En cada una de estas secciones se describen los detalles de cómo se han realizado las distintas implementaciones propuestas para cada algoritmo y qué herramientas se han utilizado para ello. En la primera sección se muestra el uso de librerías numéricas para matrices densas y sparse en la formulación topológica semirrecursiva basada en la doble transformación de velocidades. En la segunda se describe la utilización de paralelización mediante OpenMP y TBB en la formulación semirrecursiva con penalizadores y proyecciones. Por último, se describe el uso de técnicas de matrices sparse y paralelización en la formulación global con uniones flexibles y parámetros de Euler. El Capítulo 6 describe los resultados alcanzados mediante las formulaciones e implementaciones descritas previamente. Este capítulo comienza con una descripción de la modelización y topología de los dos vehículos estudiados. El primer modelo es un vehículo de dos ejes del tipo chasis-cabina o furgoneta, perteneciente a la gama de vehículos de carga medianos. El segundo es un vehículo de cinco ejes que responde al modelo de un camión o cabina con semirremolque, perteneciente a la categoría de vehículos industriales pesados. En este capítulo además se realiza un estudio comparativo entre las simulaciones de estos vehículos con cada una de las formulaciones utilizadas y se presentan de modo cuantitativo los efectos de las mejoras alcanzadas con las distintas estrategias propuestas en esta Tesis. Con objeto de extraer conclusiones más fácilmente y para evaluar de un modo más objetivo las mejoras introducidas en la Tesis, todos los resultados de este capítulo se han obtenido con el mismo computador, que era el top de la gama Intel Xeon en 2007, pero que hoy día está ya algo obsoleto. Por último los Capítulos 7 y 8 están dedicados a las conclusiones finales y las futuras líneas de investigación que pueden derivar del trabajo realizado en esta Tesis. Los objetivos de realizar simulaciones en tiempo real de vehículos industriales de gran complejidad han sido alcanzados con varias de las formulaciones e implementaciones desarrolladas. ABSTRACT The objective of this Dissertation has been the achievement of real time simulations of industrial vehicles modeled as complex multibody systems made up by rigid bodies. For the development of a simulation program, four main aspects must be considered: the modeling of the multibody system (types of coordinates, ideal joints or imposed by means of forces), the formulation to be used to set the differential equations of motion (dependent or independent coordinates, global or topological methods, ways to impose constraints equations), the method of numerical integration to solve these equations in time (explicit or implicit integrators) and the details of the implementation carried out (programming language, mathematical libraries, parallelization techniques). These four stages are interrelated and all of them are part of this work. They involve the generation of models for a van and a semitrailer truck, the use of three different dynamic formulations, the integration of differential equations of motion through explicit and implicit methods, the use of BLAS functions and sparse matrix techniques, and the introduction of parallelization to use the different processor cores. The work presented in this Dissertation has been structured in eight chapters, the first of them being the Introduction. In Chapter 2, two different semi-recursive formulations are shown, of which the first one is based on a double velocity transformation, thus getting the differential equations of motion as a function of the independent relative accelerations. The numerical integration of these equations has been made with the Runge-Kutta explicit method of fourth order. The second formulation is based on dependent relative coordinates, imposing the constraints by means of position penalty coefficients and correcting the velocities and accelerations by projection methods. In this second case, the integration of the motion equations has been carried out by means of the HHT implicit integrator (Hilber, Hughes and Taylor), which belongs to the Newmark structural integrators family. In Chapter 3, the third formulation used in this Dissertation is presented. In this case, the joints between the bodies of the system have been considered as flexible joints, with forces used to impose the joint conditions. This kind of union hinders to work with relative coordinates, so the position of the system bodies and the setting of the equations of motion have been carried out using Cartesian coordinates and Euler parameters. In this global formulation, constraints are introduced through forces (with a similar approach to the penalty coefficients) are presented. The stabilization of the numerical integration is carried out also by velocity and accelerations projections. In Chapter 4, a revision of the main computer tools and strategies used to increase the efficiency of the implementations of the algorithms is presented. First of all, some basic considerations to increase the numerical efficiency of the implementations are included. Then the main characteristics of the code’ analyzers used and also the mathematical libraries used to solve linear algebra problems (both with dense and sparse matrices) are mentioned. Finally, the topic of parallelization in current multicore processors is developed thoroughly. For that, the pattern used and the most important characteristics of the tools proposed, OpenMP and Intel TBB, are described. It needs to be highlighted that the characteristics of multibody systems small size problems, frequent recursion use and intensive repetition along the time of the calculation with high dependencies of the previous results complicate extraordinarily the use of parallelization techniques against other computational mechanics areas, as the finite elements computation. Based on the concepts mentioned in Chapter 4, Chapter 5 is divided into three sections, one for each formulation proposed in this Dissertation. In each one of these sections, the details of how these different proposed implementations have been made for each algorithm and which tools have been used are described. In the first section, it is shown the use of numerical libraries for dense and sparse matrices in the semirecursive topological formulation based in the double velocity transformation. In the second one, the use of parallelization by means OpenMP and TBB is depicted in the semi-recursive formulation with penalization and projections. Lastly, the use of sparse matrices and parallelization techniques is described in the global formulation with flexible joints and Euler parameters. Chapter 6 depicts the achieved results through the formulations and implementations previously described. This chapter starts with a description of the modeling and topology of the two vehicles studied. The first model is a two-axle chassis-cabin or van like vehicle, which belongs to the range of medium charge vehicles. The second one is a five-axle vehicle belonging to the truck or cabin semi-trailer model, belonging to the heavy industrial vehicles category. In this chapter, a comparative study is done between the simulations of these vehicles with each one of the formulations used and the improvements achieved are presented in a quantitative way with the different strategies proposed in this Dissertation. With the aim of deducing the conclusions more easily and to evaluate in a more objective way the improvements introduced in the Dissertation, all the results of this chapter have been obtained with the same computer, which was the top one among the Intel Xeon range in 2007, but which is rather obsolete today. Finally, Chapters 7 and 8 are dedicated to the final conclusions and the future research projects that can be derived from the work presented in this Dissertation. The objectives of doing real time simulations in high complex industrial vehicles have been achieved with the formulations and implementations developed.


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Motivación Internet es sin duda sinónimo de telecomunicaciones en este momento, es la tecnología no de futuro, sino de presente llamada a cambiar la sociedad hasta puntos insospechables, sin opción de retorno. Hoy en día ha cambiado la forma en la que nos relacionamos, la forma en la que trabajamos y la manera en que tomamos decisiones se ve fuertemente apoyada en esta herramienta. Por supuesto el devenir de la Red está por ver, los gobiernos y las grandes compañías quieren "meter mano" en el control de los contenidos, sin embargo parece que la Red sabe autogestionarse y es capaz de funcionar dentro de un modelo semi-anárquico. Objetivos El objetivo del presente proyecto es dar a conocer los orígenes de la red de redes, desarrollando un entorno social, político, económico y tecnológico para una mejor comprensión. El lector no obtendrá un extenso conocimiento técnico sobre redes y ordenadores, sin embargo será capaz de entender los verdaderos motivos que llevaron a una comunidad científica a crear la mayor herramienta para el desarrollo del ser humano. También es mi intención hacer que el lector reflexione sobre cómo influyen diferentes factores en el devenir de los hechos, momentos de grandes cambios sociales o políticos, o cómo la ciencia resuelve problemas mediante la observación o el análisis, buscando siempre la mejor opción, sin conformarse con soluciones a medias. Estructura El proyecto está estructurado en 3 grandes bloques. El primer bloque corresponde a los tres primeros capítulos que nos adentran en el tema vía una introducción a modo de punto de partida u origen del concepto, un marco histórico del período de formación de la Red y un pequeño análisis del estado del arte de los ordenadores desde sus orígenes como tal, prácticamente coetáneos con el origen de Internet. El segundo bloque narra cómo comienza el desarrollo de la Red, los pasos que se van dando y las soluciones adoptadas hasta llegar a lo que conocemos hoy día como la red de redes: Internet. Por último se detallan las conclusiones obtenidas tras la escritura de este documento, realizando una serie de reflexiones globales que me surgen tras conocer la historia de la Red. ABSTRACT. Motivation Nowadays Internet without any doubt means telecommunications. It is not the future technology but the present one and it is supposed to change the society to an unexpected point, without possibility of return. It has already changed the way we communicate each other, the way we work and also the way we take decisions are strongly hold by this tool. Meanwhile we will see the becoming of the Network, the governments and the big companies want to have the control over the contents, however it seems that the Network has the ability to self-manage and it is also capable to keep working in a semi-anarchic model. Objectives The main aim of the present project is to show what is the real origin of the network of networks, developing a social, politic, economic and technologic context of it to ensure a better comprehension. The reader won´t get an extended knowledge about computing or networking, however he or she will be able to understand the truly motivation that lead a scientific community to create the most important tool for the human development. It is also my intention to make the reader think about how different facts, depending on the moment they take place like social or political changes, can transform the way everything happens and how science solves problems by the observation and the analysis, searching always the best option, without comply with half solutions. Structure This project is divided into three sections. The first part which includes the three first chapters place us in the topic by an introduction of the concept origin, an historic context of the period of Network development and a small analysis of the state of the art in computing since its origins, which appear at the same time as the Internet. The second block explains how the development of the Net starts, the steps followed and the solutions taken until the arrival of the network of networks we all know: the Internet. Finally, we can find the conclusions, which are exposed in a reflection way, with some considerations that came to me after writing this document about the history of the Internet.


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The study of lateral dynamics of running trains on bridges is of importance mainly for the safety of the traffic, and may be relevant for laterally compliant bridges. These studies require threedimensional coupled vehicle-bridge models, wheree consideration of wheel to rail contact is a key aspect. Furthermore, an adequate evaluation of safety of rail traffic requires nonlinear models. A nonlinear coupled model is proposed here for vehicle-structure vertical and lateral dynamics. Vehicles are considered as fully three-dimensional multibody systems including gyroscopic terms and large rotation effects. The bridge structure is modeled by means of finite elements which may be of beam, shell or continuum type and may include geometric or material nonlinearities. The track geometry includes distributed track alignment irregularities. Both subsystems (bridge and vehicles) are described with coordinates in absolute reference frames, as opposed to alternative approaches which describe the multibody system with coordinates relative to the base bridge motion. The wheelrail contact employed is a semi-Hertzian model based on realistic wheel-rail profiles. It allows a detailed geometrical description of the contact patch under each wheel including multiple-point contact, flange contact and uplift. Normal and tangential stresses in each contact are integrated at each time-step to obtain the resultant contact forces. The models have been implemented within an existing finite element analysis software with multibody capabilities, Abaqus (Simulia Ltd., 2010). Further details of the model are presented in Antolín et al. (2012). Representative applications are presented for railway vehicles under lateral wind action on laterally compliant viaducts, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the interaction between bridge and vehicle.


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Although most of the research on Cognitive Radio is focused on communication bands above the HF upper limit (30 MHz), Cognitive Radio principles can also be applied to HF communications to make use of the extremely scarce spectrum more efficiently. In this work we consider legacy users as primary users since these users transmit without resorting to any smart procedure, and our stations using the HFDVL (HF Data+Voice Link) architecture as secondary users. Our goal is to enhance an efficient use of the HF band by detecting the presence of uncoordinated primary users and avoiding collisions with them while transmitting in different HF channels using our broad-band HF transceiver. A model of the primary user activity dynamics in the HF band is developed in this work to make short-term predictions of the sojourn time of a primary user in the band and avoid collisions. It is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which are a powerful tool for modelling stochastic random processes and are trained with real measurements of the 14 MHz band. By using the proposed HMM based model, the prediction model achieves an average 10.3% prediction error rate with one minute-long channel knowledge but it can be reduced when this knowledge is extended: with the previous 8 min knowledge, an average 5.8% prediction error rate is achieved. These results suggest that the resulting activity model for the HF band could actually be used to predict primary users activity and included in a future HF cognitive radio based station.


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Maximizing energy autonomy is a consistent challenge when deploying mobile robots in ionizing radiation or other hazardous environments. Having a reliable robot system is essential for successful execution of missions and to avoid manual recovery of the robots in environments that are harmful to human beings. For deployment of robots missions at short notice, the ability to know beforehand the energy required for performing the task is essential. This paper presents a on-line method for predicting energy requirements based on the pre-determined power models for a mobile robot. A small mobile robot, Khepera III is used for the experimental study and the results are promising with high prediction accuracy. The applications of the energy prediction models in energy optimization and simulations are also discussed along with examples of significant energy savings.


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Objectives: A recently introduced pragmatic scheme promises to be a useful catalog of interneuron names.We sought to automatically classify digitally reconstructed interneuronal morphologies according tothis scheme. Simultaneously, we sought to discover possible subtypes of these types that might emergeduring automatic classification (clustering). We also investigated which morphometric properties weremost relevant for this classification.Materials and methods: A set of 118 digitally reconstructed interneuronal morphologies classified into thecommon basket (CB), horse-tail (HT), large basket (LB), and Martinotti (MA) interneuron types by 42 of theworld?s leading neuroscientists, quantified by five simple morphometric properties of the axon and fourof the dendrites. We labeled each neuron with the type most commonly assigned to it by the experts. Wethen removed this class information for each type separately, and applied semi-supervised clustering tothose cells (keeping the others? cluster membership fixed), to assess separation from other types and lookfor the formation of new groups (subtypes). We performed this same experiment unlabeling the cells oftwo types at a time, and of half the cells of a single type at a time. The clustering model is a finite mixtureof Gaussians which we adapted for the estimation of local (per-cluster) feature relevance. We performedthe described experiments on three different subsets of the data, formed according to how many expertsagreed on type membership: at least 18 experts (the full data set), at least 21 (73 neurons), and at least26 (47 neurons).Results: Interneurons with more reliable type labels were classified more accurately. We classified HTcells with 100% accuracy, MA cells with 73% accuracy, and CB and LB cells with 56% and 58% accuracy,respectively. We identified three subtypes of the MA type, one subtype of CB and LB types each, andno subtypes of HT (it was a single, homogeneous type). We got maximum (adapted) Silhouette widthand ARI values of 1, 0.83, 0.79, and 0.42, when unlabeling the HT, CB, LB, and MA types, respectively,confirming the quality of the formed cluster solutions. The subtypes identified when unlabeling a singletype also emerged when unlabeling two types at a time, confirming their validity. Axonal morphometricproperties were more relevant that dendritic ones, with the axonal polar histogram length in the [pi, 2pi) angle interval being particularly useful.Conclusions: The applied semi-supervised clustering method can accurately discriminate among CB, HT, LB, and MA interneuron types while discovering potential subtypes, and is therefore useful for neuronal classification. The discovery of potential subtypes suggests that some of these types are more heteroge-neous that previously thought. Finally, axonal variables seem to be more relevant than dendritic ones fordistinguishing among the CB, HT, LB, and MA interneuron types.


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This paper reports extensive tests of empirical equations developed by different authors for harbour breakwater overtopping. First, the existing equations are compiled and evaluated as tools for estimating the overtopping rates on sloping and vertical breakwaters. These equations are then tested using the data obtained in a number of laboratory studies performed in the Centre for Harbours and Coastal Studies of the CEDEX, Spain. It was found that the recommended application ranges of the empirical equations typically deviate from those revealed in the experimental tests. In addition, a neural network model developed within the European CLASH Project is tested. The wind effects on overtopping are also assessed using a reduced scale physical model