8 resultados para health promoting policies

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Recent commentaries have proposed the advantages of using open exchange of data and informatics resources for improving health-related policies and patient care in Africa. Yet, in many African regions, both private medical and public health information systems are still unaffordable. Open exchange over the social Web 2.0 could encourage more altruistic support of medical initiatives. We have carried out some experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of using this approach to disseminate open data and informatics resources in Africa. After the experiments we developed the AFRICA BUILD Portal, the first Social Network for African biomedical researchers. Through the AFRICA BUILD Portal users can access in a transparent way to several resources. Currently, over 600 researchers are using distributed and open resources through this platform committed to low connections.


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The present work summarizes research related to the definition of nutrient recommendations for feeds used in the intensive production of rabbit's meat. Fibre is the main chemical constituent of rabbit diets that typically contain 320 to 360 and 50 to 90 g/kg of insoluble and soluble fibre, respectively. Instead, the dietary contents of cereal grains (∼120 to 160 g/kg), fat (15 to 25 g/kg) and protein concentrates (150 to 180 g/kg) are usually low with respect to other intensively reared monogastric animals. Cell wall constituents are not well digested in rabbits, but this effect is compensated by its stimulus of gut motility, which leads to an increasing rate of passage of digesta, and allows achieving an elevated dry matter intake. A high feed consumption and an adequate balance in essential nutrients are required to sustain the elevated needs of high-productive rabbits measured either as reproductive yield, milk production or growth rate in the fattening period. Around weaning, pathologies occur in a context of incomplete development of the digestive physiology of young rabbits. The supply of balanced diets has also been related to the prevention of disorders by means of three mechanisms: (i) promoting a lower retention time of the digesta in the digestive tract through feeding fibre sources with optimal chemical and physical characteristics, (ii) restricting feed intake after weaning or (iii) causing a lower flow of easily available substrates into the fermentative area by modifying feed composition (e.g. by lowering protein and starch contents, increasing its digestibility or partially substituting insoluble with soluble fibre), or by delaying age at weaning. The alteration in the gut microbiota composition has been postulated as the possible primary cause of these pathologies.


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— In 2000, according to the World Health Organization, at least 171 million people, 2.8% of the population worldwide, suffered from diabetes. The Centres for Disease Control has defined it as an epidemic disease. Its incidence is increasing rapidly, and it is estimated that by 2030 this number will almost double. Diabetes mellitus occurs throughout the world, but is more common (especially type 2) in the more developed countries. Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when pancreas does not assure enough insulin secretion or when the body does not consume the insulin produced. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. The effect of uncontrolled diabetes is the hyperglycaemia (blood sugar), which eventually seriously damage many organs and systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. Diabetes type 2 (most common type of diabetes) is highly correlated with elderly people, obesity or overweight. Promoting a healthy lifestyle helps patients to improve their quality of life and in many cases to avoid complications related to the disease. This paper is intended to describe an iPhone-based application for self-management of type 2 diabetic patients, which allow them improving their lifestyle through healthy diet, physical activity and education


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Millennium Development Goals point out the necessity of actively promoting maternal-child health care status, especially in underserved areas. This article details the development actions carried out between 2008 and 2011 in some rural communities of Nicaragua with the aim to provide a low-cost tele-health communication service. The service is managed by the health care center of Cusmapa, which leads the program and maintains a communication link between its health staff and the health brigades of 26 distant communities. Local agents can use the system to report urgent maternal-child health care episodes to be assessed through WiMAX-WiFi voice and data communications attended by two physicians and six nurses located at the health care center. The health and nutritional status of the maternal-child population can be monitored to prevent diseases, subnutrition, and deaths. The action approach assumes the fundamentals of appropriate technology and looks for community- based, sustainable, replicable, and scalable solutions to ensure future deployments according to the strategies of the United Nations.


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The European energy sector is undergoing a major transformation and is facing a series of difficult challenges. These include a high and increasing dependence on external energy resources; dramatically reduce the need for the emissions of greenhouse gases to meet environmental objectives and the difficulties related to the promotion of energy market effectively integrated and competitive. Some of the policies associated with the various objectives are sometimes in conflict with each other, while in other cases are mutually reinforcing.The aim of this paper is to do a scienti?c analysis of the developments so far and the expectations for the coming period focusing on the pillars of energy policy in the EU in terms of security of supply, environment, climate change and promoting a competitive and integrated market. The use of renewable energy sources is seen as a key element of European energy policy and should help to: reduce dependence on fuel from non-member countries; reduce emissions from carbon-based energy sources, and; decouple energy costs from oil prices.


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Sustaining irrigated agriculture to meet food production needs while maintaining aquatic ecosystems is at the heart of many policy debates in various parts of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Researchers and practitioners are increasingly calling for integrated approaches, and policy-makers are progressively supporting the inclusion of ecological and social aspects in water management programs. This paper contributes to this policy debate by providing an integrated economic-hydrologic modeling framework that captures the socio-economic and environmental effects of various policy initiatives and climate variability. This modeling integration includes a risk-based economic optimization model and a hydrologic water management simulation model that have been specified for the Middle Guadiana basin, a vulnerable drought-prone agro-ecological area with highly regulated river systems in southwest Spain. Namely, two key water policy interventions were investigated: the implementation of minimum environmental flows (supported by the European Water Framework Directive, EU WFD), and a reduction in the legal amount of water delivered for irrigation (planned measure included in the new Guadiana River Basin Management Plan, GRBMP, still under discussion). Results indicate that current patterns of excessive water use for irrigation in the basin may put environmental flow demands at risk, jeopardizing the WFD s goal of restoring the ?good ecological status? of water bodies by 2015. Conflicts between environmental and agricultural water uses will be stressed during prolonged dry episodes, and particularly in summer low-flow periods, when there is an important increase of crop irrigation water requirements. Securing minimum stream flows would entail a substantial reduction in irrigation water use for rice cultivation, which might affect the profitability and economic viability of small rice-growing farms located upstream in the river. The new GRBMP could contribute to balance competing water demands in the basin and to increase economic water productivity, but might not be sufficient to ensure the provision of environmental flows as required by the WFD. A thoroughly revision of the basin s water use concession system for irrigation seems to be needed in order to bring the GRBMP in line with the WFD objectives. Furthermore, the study illustrates that social, economic, institutional, and technological factors, in addition to bio-physical conditions, are important issues to be considered for designing and developing water management strategies. The research initiative presented in this paper demonstrates that hydro-economic models can explicitly integrate all these issues, constituting a valuable tool that could assist policy makers for implementing sustainable irrigation policies.


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Background: In recent years, Spain has implemented a number of air quality control measures that are expected to lead to a future reduction in fine particle concentrations and an ensuing positive impact on public health. Objectives: We aimed to assess the impact on mortality attributable to a reduction in fine particle levels in Spain in 2014 in relation to the estimated level for 2007. Methods: To estimate exposure, we constructed fine particle distribution models for Spain for 2007 (reference scenario) and 2014 (projected scenario) with a spatial resolution of 16x16 km2. In a second step, we used the concentration-response functions proposed by cohort studies carried out in Europe (European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects and Rome longitudinal cohort) and North America (American Cancer Society cohort, Harvard Six Cities study and Canadian national cohort) to calculate the number of attributable annual deaths corresponding to all causes, all non-accidental causes, ischemic heart disease and lung cancer among persons aged over 25 years (2005-2007 mortality rate data). We examined the effect of the Spanish demographic shift in our analysis using 2007 and 2012 population figures. Results: Our model suggested that there would be a mean overall reduction in fine particle levels of 1mg/m3 by 2014. Taking into account 2007 population data, between 8 and 15 all-cause deaths per 100,000 population could be postponed annually by the expected reduction in fine particle levels. For specific subgroups, estimates varied from 10 to 30 deaths for all non-accidental causes, from 1 to 5 for lung cancer, and from 2 to 6 for ischemic heart disease. The expected burden of preventable mortality would be even higher in the future due to the Spanish population growth. Taking into account the population older than 30 years in 2012, the absolute mortality impact estimate would increase approximately by 18%. Conclusions: Effective implementation of air quality measures in Spain, in a scenario with a short-term projection, would amount to an appreciable decline infine particle concentrations, and this, in turn, would lead to notable health-related benefits. Recent European cohort studies strengthen the evidence of an association between long-term exposure to fine particles and health effects, and could enhance the health impact quantification in Europe. Air quality models can contribute to improved assessment of air pollution health impact estimates, particularly in study areas without air pollution monitoring data.


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En cualquier empresa el crecimiento supone una dimensión dinámica, en movimiento más o menos continúo, mientras que el tamaño representa una visión estática de la misma. Desde hace algunos años y en particular en el reciente período (2014-2020) de programación de las políticas de apoyo al desarrollo rural, se está interviniendo sobre el sector cooperativo agroalimentario, priorizando y promoviendo procesos de crecimiento atendiendo al criterio del tamaño en particular. En este trabajo de investigación de Tesis Doctoral se ha querido ahondar en esta cuestión desde un enfoque micro. Para ello se analizan, a nivel de cooperativa, las principales fórmulas de crecimiento desarrolladas por cooperativas hortofrutícolas, no con la pretensión de presentarlo como fenómeno global o receta normativa del cooperativismo agroalimentario, sino como especificidades emergentes del crecimiento cooperativo que no están basados únicamente en el tamaño de las empresas, como a menudo se ilustra desde las administraciones; considerando diversas transformaciones y cambios que estas organizaciones deben desarrollar en el proceso dinámico de crecimiento. Para ello se abordan con una especial atención las implicaciones jurídicas en cada caso y, en este marco, se contemplan diversos estudios vinculados con la evolución de la legislación cooperativa en relación a sus formas de crecimiento en el campo agroalimentario. La contextualización del sector y de los procesos de crecimiento se realiza a nivel europeo y español, prestando especial atención al sector hortofrutícola, para lo cual se han tenido como elementos de apoyo y soporte los informes elaborados dentro del proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea: Support for Farmers cooperatives (Bijman et al, 2012) y las bases de datos disponibles. El proceso metodológico se ha apoyado en diversas técnicas de investigación social para abordar un análisis empírico a nivel micro basado en tres casos seleccionados como paradigmáticos de integración de cooperativas, sobre los que se realizado una encuesta intensa y un análisis con el Ciclo de Vida de una cooperativa alcanzando resultados sobre la diversidad en las formas de integración y la evolución económico-financiera, social y organizacional que los acompañan, todo ello utilizando una perspectiva histórica de al menos nueve ejercicios ulteriores a los procesos de integración. Las tres cooperativas hortofrutícolas objeto de análisis desarrollan su actividad en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica. Con la identificación de aquellos aspectos más relevantes que pueden haber influido en el desarrollo de estos procesos, el análisis arroja resultados de interés que indican que la legislación actual promueve formas de crecimiento de las cooperativas basadas en la dimensión, sin tener en cuenta otros factores manifiestos de heterogeneidad. La apuesta por la especialización de la empresa cooperativa, incluso recurriendo a la limitación de socios, es una forma de crecimiento sostenible en determinados casos. Como también lo es una mayor implicación de los socios y el desarrollo de mecanismos ágiles para responder rápidamente a los incentivos de un mercado cambiante. La sostenibilidad y la mejora de la salud en los procesos de integración deben apoyarse en mecanismos que generen mayor participación e implicación de su masa social en las estructuras de gobierno para evitar la pérdida de capital social. ABSTRACT In any business growth is a dynamic dimension, in more or less continuous movement, while the size represents a static view of it. In recent years and particularly in the recent period (2014-2020) programming policies to support rural development, are being used to intervene on the agrifood cooperative sector, prioritizing and promoting growth processes by the criterion of size in particular. This research work Doctoral Thesis has aimed to delve into this issue from a micro approach. To this are discussed at the level of cooperative, the main growth formulas developed by a sector of horticultural cooperatives, not with the intention of presenting it as a global phenomenon or policy prescription of the food cooperative, but as emerging specificities of the cooperative growth are not based only in the size of companies, as often it is shown from the authorities, but also consider the transformations and changes that these organizations should develop in the dynamic process of growth. For it dealt with special attention the legal implications in each case and, in this context, they have been contemplated several studies linked to the development of cooperative legislation in relation to their growth forms in the food field. The contextualization of the sector and growth processes is performed at European and state level, paying special attention to horticulture, for which they have been taken as support reports the reports prepared within the project funded by the European Commission: Support for Farmers cooperatives (Bijman et al, 2012) and available databases. The methodology has relied on various techniques of social research to address an empirical micro-level analysis based on three cases selected as paradigmatic integration of cooperatives, on which intensive survey and analysis with the Life Cycle of a cooperative made achieving results on the diversity in the forms of integration and economic and financial, social and organizational evolution that accompany them, all using a historical perspective of at least nine subsequent years to the integration processes. The three analyzed horticultural cooperatives are based in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. With the identification of the most relevant aspects that may have influenced the development of these processes, the analysis yields interesting results that indicate that the current legislation promotes growth forms of cooperatives based on the dimension regardless of other factors of apparent heterogeneity or socio-cultural barriers. The commitment to specialization of the cooperative enterprise, including through limiting partners is a form of sustainable growth in certain cases. As it is also a greater involvement of partners and the development of efficient mechanisms to respond quickly to changing market incentives. Sustainability and health improvement in growth processes must rely on mechanisms that generate greater participation and involvement of its membership in the structures of government, to avoid the lost of social capital.