9 resultados para grating targets

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Recent studies have dealt with the possibility of increasing light absorption by using the so-called electric field enhancement taking place within the grooves of metallic gratings. In order to evaluate the potential improvements derived from the absorption increase, we employ a simplified model to analyze the low-injection behaviour of a solar cell with a metallic grating back-reflector.


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In direct drive Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), the typical laser beam to laser beam angle is around 30o. This fact makes the study of the irradiation symmetry agenuine 3D problem. In this paper we use the three dimensional version of the MULTI hydrocode to assess the symmetry of such ICF implosions. More specifically, we study a shock-ignition proposal for the Laser-M´egajoule facility (LMJ) in which two of the equatorial beam cones are used to implode and pre compress a spherical capsule (the “reference” capsule of HiPER project) made of 0.59 mg of pure Deuterium-Tritium mixture. The symmetry of this scheme is analysed and optimized to get a design inside the operating limits of LMJ. The studied configuration has been found essentially axial-symmetric, so that the use of 2D hydrocodes would be appropriate for this specific situation.


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The nuclear fusion cross-section is modified when the spins of the interacting nuclei are polarized. In the case of deuterium?tritium it has been theoretically predicted that the nuclear fusion cross-section could be increased by a factor d = 1.5 if all the nuclei were polarized. In inertial confinement fusion this would result in a modification of the required ignition conditions. Using numerical simulations it is found that the required hot-spot temperature and areal density can both be reduced by about 15% for a fully polarized nuclear fuel. Moreover, numerical simulations of a directly driven capsule show that the required laser power and energy to achieve a high gain scale as d-0.6 and d-0.4 respectively, while the maximum achievable energy gain scales as d0.9.


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Inverse bremsstrahlung has been incorporated into an analytical model of the expanding corona of a laser-irradiated spherical target. Absorption decreases slowly with increasing intensity, in agreement with some numerical simulations, and contrary to estimates from simple models in use up to now, which are optimistic at low values of intensity and very pessimistic at high values. Present results agree well with experimental data from many laboratories; substantial absorption is found up to moderate intensities,say below IOl5 W cm-2 for 1.06 pm light. Anomalous absorption, wher, included in the analysis, leaves practically unaffected the ablation pressure and mass ablation rate, for given absorbed intensity. Universal results are given in dimensionless fom.


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Smoothing of plasma ablated from a laser target under weakly nonuniform irradiation is discussed. Conduction is assumed restricted to a quasisteady layer enclosing the critical surface (large pellet or focal spot, and long, low-intensity, short-wavelength pulse). Light refraction can make the ablated plasma unstable.


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In direct drive Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), the typical laser beam to laser beam angle is around 30o. This fact makes the study of the irradiation symmetry agenuine 3D problem. In this paper we use the three dimensional version of the MULTI hydrocode to assess the symmetry of such ICF implosions. More specifically, we study a shock-ignition proposal for the Laser-M´egajoule facility (LMJ) in which two of the equatorial beam cones are used to implode and pre compress a spherical capsule (the “reference” capsule of HiPER project) made of 0.59 mg of pure Deuterium-Tritium mixture. The symmetry of this scheme is analysed and optimized to get a design inside the operating limits of LMJ. The studied configuration has been found essentially axial-symmetric, so that the use of 2D hydrocodes would be appropriate for this specific situation


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Synthetic Aperture Radar’s (SAR) are systems designed in the early 50’s that are capable of obtaining images of the ground using electromagnetic signals. Thus, its activity is not interrupted by adverse meteorological conditions or during the night, as it occurs in optical systems. The name of the system comes from the creation of a synthetic aperture, larger than the real one, by moving the platform that carries the radar (typically a plane or a satellite). It provides the same resolution as a static radar equipped with a larger antenna. As it moves, the radar keeps emitting pulses every 1/PRF seconds —the PRF is the pulse repetition frequency—, whose echoes are stored and processed to obtain the image of the ground. To carry out this process, the algorithm needs to make the assumption that the targets in the illuminated scene are not moving. If that is the case, the algorithm is able to extract a focused image from the signal. However, if the targets are moving, they get unfocused and/or shifted from their position in the final image. There are applications in which it is especially useful to have information about moving targets (military, rescue tasks,studyoftheflowsofwater,surveillanceofmaritimeroutes...).Thisfeatureiscalled Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI). That is why the study and the development of techniques capable of detecting these targets and placing them correctly in the scene is convenient. In this document, some of the principal GMTI algorithms used in SAR systems are detailed. A simulator has been created to test the features of each implemented algorithm on a general situation with moving targets. Finally Monte Carlo tests have been performed, allowing us to extract conclusions and statistics of each algorithm.


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Los sensores de fibra óptica son una tecnología que ha madurado en los últimos años, sin embargo, se requiere un mayor desarrollo de aplicaciones para materiales naturales como las rocas, que por ser agregados complejos pueden contener partículas minerales y fracturas de tamaño mucho mayor que las galgas eléctricas usadas tradicionalmente para medir deformaciones en las pruebas de laboratorio, ocasionando que los resultados obtenidos puedan ser no representativos. En este trabajo fueron diseñados, fabricados y probados sensores de deformación de gran área y forma curvada, usando redes de Bragg en fibra óptica (FBG) con el objetivo de obtener registros representativos en rocas que contienen minerales y estructuras de diversas composiciones, tamaños y direcciones. Se presenta el proceso de elaboración del transductor, su caracterización mecánica, su calibración y su evaluación en pruebas de compresión uniaxial en muestras de roca. Para verificar la eficiencia en la transmisión de la deformación de la roca al sensor una vez pegado, también fue realizado el análisis de la transferencia incluyendo los efectos del adhesivo, de la muestra y del transductor. Los resultados experimentales indican que el sensor desarrollado permite registro y transferencia de la deformación fiables, avance necesario para uso en rocas y otros materiales heterogénos, señalando una interesante perspectiva para aplicaciones sobre superficies irregulares, pues permite aumentar a voluntad el tamaño y forma del área de registro, posibilita también obtener mayor fiabilidad de resultados en muestras de pequeño tamaño y sugiere su conveniencia en obras, en las cuales los sistemas eléctricos tradicionales tienen limitaciones. ABSTRACT Optical fiber sensors are a technology that has matured in recent years, however, further development for rock applications is needed. Rocks contain mineral particles and features larger than electrical strain gauges traditionally used in laboratory tests, causing the results to be unrepresentative. In this work were designed, manufactured, and tested large area and curved shape strain gages, using fiber Bragg gratings in optical fiber (FBG) in order to obtain representative measurement on surface rocks samples containing minerals and structures of different compositions, sizes and directions. This reports presents the processes of manufacturing, mechanical characterization, calibration and evaluation under uniaxial compression tests on rock samples. To verify the efficiency of rock deformation transmitted to attached sensor, it was also performed the analysis of the strain transfer including the effects of the bonding, the sample and the transducer. The experimental results indicate that the developed sensor enables reliable measurements of the strain and its transmission from rock to sensor, appropriate for use in heterogeneous materials, pointing an interesting perspective for applications on irregular surfaces, allowing increasing at will the size and shape of the measurement area. This research suggests suitability of the optical strain gauge for real scale, where traditional electrical systems have demonstrated some limitations.