6 resultados para germination study

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The direct application of existing models for seed germination may often be inadequate in the context of ecology and forestry germination experiments. This is because basic model assumptions are violated and variables available to forest managers are rarely used. In this paper, we present a method which addresses the aforementioned shortcomings. The approach is illustrated through a case study of Pinus pinea L. Our findings will also shed light on the role of germination in the general failure of natural regeneration in managed forests of this species. The presented technique consists of a mixed regression model based on survival analysis. Climate and stand covariates were tested. Data for fitting the model were gathered from a 5-year germination experiment in a mature, managed P. pinea stand in the Northern Plateau of Spain in which two different stand densities can be found. The model predictions proved to be unbiased and highly accurate when compared with the training data. Germination in P. pinea was controlled through thermal variables at stand level. At microsite level, low densities negatively affected the probability of germination. A time-lag in the response was also detected. Overall, the proposed technique provides a reliable alternative to germination modelling in ecology/forestry studies by using accessible/ suitable variables. The P. pinea case study highlights the importance of producing unbiased predictions. In this species, the occurrence and timing of germination suggest a very different regeneration strategy from that understood by forest managers until now, which may explain the high failure rate of natural regeneration in managed stands. In addition, these findings provide valuable information for the management of P. pinea under climate-change conditions.


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Plant proteolysis is a metabolic process where specific enzymes called peptidases degrade proteins. In plants, this complex process involves broad metabolic networks and different sub-cellular compartments. Several types of peptidases take part in the proteolytic process, mainly cysteine-, serine-, aspartyl- and metallo- peptidases. Among the cysteine-peptidases, the papain-like or C1A peptidases (family C1, clan CA) are extensively present in land plants and are classified into catepsins L-, B-, H- and Flike. The catalytic mechanism of these C1A peptidases is highly conserved and involves the three amino acids Cys, His and Asn in the catalytic triad, and a Gln residue which seems essential for maintaining an active enzyme conformation. These proteins are synthesized as inactive precursors, which comprise an N-terminal signal peptide, a propeptide, and the mature protein. In barley, we have identified 33 cysteine-peptidases from the papain-like family, classifying them into 8 different groups. Five of them corresponded to cathepsins L-like (5 subgroups), 1 cathepsin B-like group, 1 cathepsin F-like group and 1 cathepsin H-like group. Besides, C1A peptidases are the specific targets of the plant proteinaceous inhibitors known as phytocystatins (PhyCys). The cystatin inhibitory mechanism is produced by a tight and reversible interaction with their target enzymes. In barley, the cystatin gene family is comprised by 13 members. In this work we have tried to elucidate the role of the C1A cysteine-peptidases and their specific inhibitors (cystatins) in the germination process of the barley grain. Therefore, we selected a representative member of each group/subgroup of C1A peptidases (1 cathepsin B-like, 1 cathepsin F-like, 1 cathepsin H-like and 5 cathepsins L-like). The molecular characterization of the cysteine-peptidases was done and the peptidase-inhibitor interaction was analyzed in vitro and in vivo. A study in the structural basis for specificity of pro-peptide/enzyme interaction in barley C1A cysteine-peptidases has been also carried out by inhibitory assays and the modeling of the three-dimensional structures. The barley grain maturation produces the accumulation of storage proteins (prolamins) in the endosperm which are mobilized during germination to supply the required nutrients until the photosynthesis is fully established. In this work, we have demonstrated the participation of the cysteine-peptidases and their inhibitors in the degradation of the different storage protein fractions (hordeins, albumins and globulins) present in the barley grain. Besides, transgenic barley plants overexpressing or silencing cysteine-peptidases or cystatins were obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of barley immature embryos to analyze their physiological function in vivo. Preliminary assays were carried out with the T1 grains of several transgenic lines. Comparing the knock-out and the overexpressing lines with the WT, alterations in the germination process were detected and were correlated with their grain hordein content. These data will be validated with the homozygous grains that are being produced through the double haploid technique by microspore culture. Resumen La proteólisis es un proceso metabólico por el cual se lleva a cabo la degradación de las proteínas de un organismo a través de enzimas específicas llamadas proteasas. En plantas, este complejo proceso comprende un entramado de rutas metabólicas que implican, además, diferentes compartimentos subcelulares. En la proteólisis participan numerosas proteasas, principalmente cisteín-, serín-, aspartil-, y metalo-proteasas. Dentro de las cisteín-proteasas, las proteasas tipo papaína o C1A (familia C1, clan CA) están extensamente representadas en plantas terrestres, y se clasifican en catepsinas tipo L, B, H y F. El mecanismo catalítico de estas proteasas está altamente conservado y la triada catalítica formada por los aminoácidos Cys, His y Asn, y a un aminoácido Gln, que parece esencial para el mantenimiento de la conformación activa de la proteína. Las proteasas C1A se sintetizan como precursores inactivos y comprenden un péptido señal en el extremo N-terminal, un pro-péptido y la proteína madura. En cebada hemos identificado 33 cisteín-proteasas de tipo papaína y las hemos clasificado filogenéticamente en 8 grupos diferentes. Cinco de ellos pertenecen a las catepsinas tipo L (5 subgrupos), un grupo a las catepsinas tipo-B, otro a las catepsinas tipo-F y un último a las catepsinas tipo-H. Las proteasas C1A son además las dianas específicas de los inhibidores protéicos de plantas denominados fitocistatinas. El mecanismo de inhibición de las cistatinas está basado en una fuerte interacción reversible. En cebada, se conoce la familia génica completa de las cistatinas, que está formada por 13 miembros. En el presente trabajo se ha investigado el papel de las cisteín-proteasas de cebada y sus inhibidores específicos en el proceso de la germinación de la semilla. Para ello, se seleccionó una proteasa representante de cada grupo/subgrupo (1 catepsina tipo- B, 1 tipo-F, 1 tipo-H, y 5 tipo-L, una por cada subgrupo). Se ha llevado a cabo su caracterización molecular y se ha analizado la interacción enzima-inhibidor tanto in vivo como in vitro. También se han realizado estudios sobre las bases estructurales que demuestran la especificidad en la interacción enzima/propéptido en las proteasas C1A de cebada, mediante ensayos de inhibición y la predicción de modelos estructurales de la interacción. Finalmente, y dado que durante la maduración de la semilla se almacenan proteínas de reserva (prolaminas) en el endospermo que son movilizadas durante la germinación para suministrar los nutrientes necesarios hasta que la nueva planta pueda realizar la fotosíntesis, en este trabajo se ha demostrado la participación de las cisteínproteasas y sus inhibidores en la degradación de las diferentes tipos de proteínas de reserva (hordeinas, albúmins y globulinas) presentes en el grano de cebada. Además, se han obtenido plantas transgénicas de cebada que sobre-expresan o silencian cistatinas y cisteín-proteasas con el fin de analizar la función fisiológica in vivo. Se han realizado análisis preliminares en las semillas T1 de varias líneas tránsgenicas de cebada y al comparar las líneas knock-out y las líneas de sobre-expresión con las silvestres, se han detectado alteraciones en la germinación que están además correlacionadas con el contenido de hordeinas de las semillas. Estos datos serán validados en las semillas homocigotas que se están generando mediante la técnica de dobles haploides a partir del cultivo de microesporas.


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Natural regeneration in Pinus pinea stands commonly fails throughout the Spanish Northern Plateau under current intensive regeneration treatments. As a result, extensive direct seeding is commonly conducted to guarantee regeneration occurrence. In a period of rationalization of the resources devoted to forest management, this kind of techniques may become unaffordable. Given that the climatic and stand factors driving germination remain unknown, tools are required to understand the process and temper the use of direct seeding. In this study, the spatio-temporal pattern of germination of P. pinea was modelled with those purposes. The resulting findings will allow us to (1) determine the main ecological variables involved in germination in the species and (2) infer adequate silvicultural alternatives. The modelling approach focuses on covariates which are readily available to forest managers. A two-step nonlinear mixed model was fitted to predict germination occurrence and abundance in P. pinea under varying climatic, environmental and stand conditions, based on a germination data set covering a 5-year period. The results obtained reveal that the process is primarily driven by climate variables. Favourable conditions for germination commonly occur in fall although the optimum window is often narrow and may not occur at all in some years. At spatial level, it would appear that germination is facilitated by high stand densities, suggesting that current felling intensity should be reduced. In accordance with other studies on P. pinea dispersal, it seems that denser stands during the regeneration period will reduce the present dependence on direct seeding.


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Astragalus gines-lopezii Talavera, Podlech, Devesa & F.M.Vázquez (Fabaceae) is a threatened endemic species with a distribution restricted to a very small area in Badajoz Province (Extremadura Region, SW Spain) and only 2 populations are known. This species was catalogued in the ?Endangered? category in the 2008 Red List and the 2010 Threatened Spanish Vascular Flora List. Despite its status as an endangered species, at present very little is known about the distribution, census, and reproductive biology of this species. In this study we have carried out an exhaustive census of A. gines-lopezii , and we have evaluated the production of flowers, fruits, and seeds and the existence or not of intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination. Results have highlighted the high reproductive capacity of this species on the basis of a high production of flowers, fruits, and seeds. Mechanical scarification of seeds was effective for increasing germination. Thus, initial germination (22%?60%) was increased to 97%?99% when seeds were rubbed with sandpapers. A high intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination was found in this species. A. gines-lopezii produces seeds with different degrees of physical dormancy, varying this grade among different individuals within a population.


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Astragalus gines-lopezii Talavera, Podlech, Devesa & F.M.Vazquez (Fabaceae) is a threatened endemic species with a distribution restricted to a very small area in Badajoz Province (Extremadura Region, SW Spain) and only 2 populations are known.This species was catalogued in the "Endangered" category in the 2008 Red List and the 2010 Threatened Spanish Vascular Flora List. Despite its status as an endangered species, at present very little is known about the distribution, census, and reproductive biology of this species. In this study we have carried out anexhaustive census of A. gines-lopezii, and we have evaluated the production of flowers, fruits, and seeds and the existence or not of intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination. Results have highlighted the high reproductive capacity of this species on the basis of a high production of flowers, fruits, and seeds. Mechanical scarification of seeds was effective for increasing germination. Thus, initial germination (22%-60%) was increased to 97%-99% when seeds were rubbed with sandpapers. A high intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination was found in this species. A. gines-lopezii produces seeds with different degrees of physical dormancy, varying this grade among different individuals within a population.


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The aim of this study was to determine the germination characteristics of Phillyrea angustifolia L. and P. latifolia L. seeds in order to develop an optimized propagation protocol for Phillyrea species. Seeds of P. angustifolia and P. latifolia were collected from wild plants growing in Cáceres province (CW Spain) and Andalucía (S Spain), respectively. Percentage of water uptake for P. latifolia seeds was calculated. Seeds with and without endocarp were germinated at different constant and alternating temperatures. Seeds without endocarp were soaked in distilled water or gibberellic acid, and then set to germinate. Seeds with endocarp of both species were stratified at 5 ºC for 30 or 90 days and then the endocarp was completely removed from the seeds before they were sowed. Chemical scarification with sulfuric acid and mechanical scarification were tested on P. angustifolia seeds with endocarp. Phillyrea endocarp was permeable to water, since Phillyrea seeds with endocarp imbibed water, but water uptake was faster when the endocarp was removed. Moreover, the encodarp could interfere mechanically in the emergence of the radicle, since seed germination of Phillyrea species was promoted by the complete removal of the lignified endocarp surrounding each seed. Optimal germination temperature for both species was 15 ºC, and lower temperatures produced secondary dormancy. Soaking in distilled water or gibberellic acid did not significantly enhance seed germination. Cold stratification and chemical scarification treatments were detrimental for seed germination. Keywords cold stratification, Phillyrea species, treatments before sowing, seed germination, seed scarification, lignified endocarp.