29 resultados para fixed-point arithmetic
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El uso de aritmética de punto fijo es una opción de diseño muy extendida en sistemas con fuertes restricciones de área, consumo o rendimiento. Para producir implementaciones donde los costes se minimicen sin impactar negativamente en la precisión de los resultados debemos llevar a cabo una asignación cuidadosa de anchuras de palabra. Encontrar la combinación óptima de anchuras de palabra en coma fija para un sistema dado es un problema combinatorio NP-hard al que los diseñadores dedican entre el 25 y el 50 % del ciclo de diseño. Las plataformas hardware reconfigurables, como son las FPGAs, también se benefician de las ventajas que ofrece la aritmética de coma fija, ya que éstas compensan las frecuencias de reloj más bajas y el uso más ineficiente del hardware que hacen estas plataformas respecto a los ASICs. A medida que las FPGAs se popularizan para su uso en computación científica los diseños aumentan de tamaño y complejidad hasta llegar al punto en que no pueden ser manejados eficientemente por las técnicas actuales de modelado de señal y ruido de cuantificación y de optimización de anchura de palabra. En esta Tesis Doctoral exploramos distintos aspectos del problema de la cuantificación y presentamos nuevas metodologías para cada uno de ellos: Las técnicas basadas en extensiones de intervalos han permitido obtener modelos de propagación de señal y ruido de cuantificación muy precisos en sistemas con operaciones no lineales. Nosotros llevamos esta aproximación un paso más allá introduciendo elementos de Multi-Element Generalized Polynomial Chaos (ME-gPC) y combinándolos con una técnica moderna basada en Modified Affine Arithmetic (MAA) estadístico para así modelar sistemas que contienen estructuras de control de flujo. Nuestra metodología genera los distintos caminos de ejecución automáticamente, determina las regiones del dominio de entrada que ejercitarán cada uno de ellos y extrae los momentos estadísticos del sistema a partir de dichas soluciones parciales. Utilizamos esta técnica para estimar tanto el rango dinámico como el ruido de redondeo en sistemas con las ya mencionadas estructuras de control de flujo y mostramos la precisión de nuestra aproximación, que en determinados casos de uso con operadores no lineales llega a tener tan solo una desviación del 0.04% con respecto a los valores de referencia obtenidos mediante simulación. Un inconveniente conocido de las técnicas basadas en extensiones de intervalos es la explosión combinacional de términos a medida que el tamaño de los sistemas a estudiar crece, lo cual conlleva problemas de escalabilidad. Para afrontar este problema presen tamos una técnica de inyección de ruidos agrupados que hace grupos con las señales del sistema, introduce las fuentes de ruido para cada uno de los grupos por separado y finalmente combina los resultados de cada uno de ellos. De esta forma, el número de fuentes de ruido queda controlado en cada momento y, debido a ello, la explosión combinatoria se minimiza. También presentamos un algoritmo de particionado multi-vía destinado a minimizar la desviación de los resultados a causa de la pérdida de correlación entre términos de ruido con el objetivo de mantener los resultados tan precisos como sea posible. La presente Tesis Doctoral también aborda el desarrollo de metodologías de optimización de anchura de palabra basadas en simulaciones de Monte-Cario que se ejecuten en tiempos razonables. Para ello presentamos dos nuevas técnicas que exploran la reducción del tiempo de ejecución desde distintos ángulos: En primer lugar, el método interpolativo aplica un interpolador sencillo pero preciso para estimar la sensibilidad de cada señal, y que es usado después durante la etapa de optimización. En segundo lugar, el método incremental gira en torno al hecho de que, aunque es estrictamente necesario mantener un intervalo de confianza dado para los resultados finales de nuestra búsqueda, podemos emplear niveles de confianza más relajados, lo cual deriva en un menor número de pruebas por simulación, en las etapas iniciales de la búsqueda, cuando todavía estamos lejos de las soluciones optimizadas. Mediante estas dos aproximaciones demostramos que podemos acelerar el tiempo de ejecución de los algoritmos clásicos de búsqueda voraz en factores de hasta x240 para problemas de tamaño pequeño/mediano. Finalmente, este libro presenta HOPLITE, una infraestructura de cuantificación automatizada, flexible y modular que incluye la implementación de las técnicas anteriores y se proporciona de forma pública. Su objetivo es ofrecer a desabolladores e investigadores un entorno común para prototipar y verificar nuevas metodologías de cuantificación de forma sencilla. Describimos el flujo de trabajo, justificamos las decisiones de diseño tomadas, explicamos su API pública y hacemos una demostración paso a paso de su funcionamiento. Además mostramos, a través de un ejemplo sencillo, la forma en que conectar nuevas extensiones a la herramienta con las interfaces ya existentes para poder así expandir y mejorar las capacidades de HOPLITE. ABSTRACT Using fixed-point arithmetic is one of the most common design choices for systems where area, power or throughput are heavily constrained. In order to produce implementations where the cost is minimized without negatively impacting the accuracy of the results, a careful assignment of word-lengths is required. The problem of finding the optimal combination of fixed-point word-lengths for a given system is a combinatorial NP-hard problem to which developers devote between 25 and 50% of the design-cycle time. Reconfigurable hardware platforms such as FPGAs also benefit of the advantages of fixed-point arithmetic, as it compensates for the slower clock frequencies and less efficient area utilization of the hardware platform with respect to ASICs. As FPGAs become commonly used for scientific computation, designs constantly grow larger and more complex, up to the point where they cannot be handled efficiently by current signal and quantization noise modelling and word-length optimization methodologies. In this Ph.D. Thesis we explore different aspects of the quantization problem and we present new methodologies for each of them: The techniques based on extensions of intervals have allowed to obtain accurate models of the signal and quantization noise propagation in systems with non-linear operations. We take this approach a step further by introducing elements of MultiElement Generalized Polynomial Chaos (ME-gPC) and combining them with an stateof- the-art Statistical Modified Affine Arithmetic (MAA) based methodology in order to model systems that contain control-flow structures. Our methodology produces the different execution paths automatically, determines the regions of the input domain that will exercise them, and extracts the system statistical moments from the partial results. We use this technique to estimate both the dynamic range and the round-off noise in systems with the aforementioned control-flow structures. We show the good accuracy of our approach, which in some case studies with non-linear operators shows a 0.04 % deviation respect to the simulation-based reference values. A known drawback of the techniques based on extensions of intervals is the combinatorial explosion of terms as the size of the targeted systems grows, which leads to scalability problems. To address this issue we present a clustered noise injection technique that groups the signals in the system, introduces the noise terms in each group independently and then combines the results at the end. In this way, the number of noise sources in the system at a given time is controlled and, because of this, the combinato rial explosion is minimized. We also present a multi-way partitioning algorithm aimed at minimizing the deviation of the results due to the loss of correlation between noise terms, in order to keep the results as accurate as possible. This Ph.D. Thesis also covers the development of methodologies for word-length optimization based on Monte-Carlo simulations in reasonable times. We do so by presenting two novel techniques that explore the reduction of the execution times approaching the problem in two different ways: First, the interpolative method applies a simple but precise interpolator to estimate the sensitivity of each signal, which is later used to guide the optimization effort. Second, the incremental method revolves on the fact that, although we strictly need to guarantee a certain confidence level in the simulations for the final results of the optimization process, we can do it with more relaxed levels, which in turn implies using a considerably smaller amount of samples, in the initial stages of the process, when we are still far from the optimized solution. Through these two approaches we demonstrate that the execution time of classical greedy techniques can be accelerated by factors of up to ×240 for small/medium sized problems. Finally, this book introduces HOPLITE, an automated, flexible and modular framework for quantization that includes the implementation of the previous techniques and is provided for public access. The aim is to offer a common ground for developers and researches for prototyping and verifying new techniques for system modelling and word-length optimization easily. We describe its work flow, justifying the taken design decisions, explain its public API and we do a step-by-step demonstration of its execution. We also show, through an example, the way new extensions to the flow should be connected to the existing interfaces in order to expand and improve the capabilities of HOPLITE.
We introduce in this paper a method to calculate the Hessenberg matrix of a sum of measures from the Hessenberg matrices of the component measures. Our method extends the spectral techniques used by G. Mantica to calculate the Jacobi matrix associated with a sum of measures from the Jacobi matrices of each of the measures. We apply this method to approximate the Hessenberg matrix associated with a self-similar measure and compare it with the result obtained by a former method for self-similar measures which uses a fixed point theorem for moment matrices. Results are given for a series of classical examples of self-similar measures. Finally, we also apply the method introduced in this paper to some examples of sums of (not self-similar) measures obtaining the exact value of the sections of the Hessenberg matrix.
La tesis doctoral CONTRIBUCIÓN AL ESTUDIO DE DOS CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS DE LA LÓGICA FUZZY constituye un conjunto de nuevas aportaciones al análisis de dos elementos básicos de la lógica fuzzy: los mecanismos de inferencia y la representación de predicados vagos. La memoria se encuentra dividida en dos partes que corresponden a los dos aspectos señalados. En la Parte I se estudia el concepto básico de «estado lógico borroso». Un estado lógico borroso es un punto fijo de la aplicación generada a partir de la regla de inferencia conocida como modus ponens generalizado. Además, un preorden borroso puede ser representado mediante los preórdenes elementales generados por el conjunto de sus estados lógicos borrosos. El Capítulo 1 está dedicado a caracterizar cuándo dos estados lógicos dan lugar al mismo preorden elemental, obteniéndose también un representante de la clase de todos los estados lógicos que generan el mismo preorden elemental. El Capítulo finaliza con la caracterización del conjunto de estados lógicos borrosos de un preorden elemental. En el Capítulo 2 se obtiene un subconjunto borroso trapezoidal como una clase de una relación de indistinguibilidad. Finalmente, el Capítulo 3 se dedica a estudiar dos tipos de estados lógicos clásicos: los irreducibles y los minimales. En el Capítulo 4, que inicia la Parte II de la memoria, se aborda el problema de obtener la función de compatibilidad de un predicado vago. Se propone un método, basado en el conocimiento del uso del predicado mediante un conjunto de reglas y de ciertos elementos distinguidos, que permite obtener una expresión general de la función de pertenencia generalizada de un subconjunto borroso que realice la función de extensión del predicado borroso. Dicho método permite, en ciertos casos, definir un conjunto de conectivas multivaluadas asociadas al predicado. En el último capítulo se estudia la representación de antónimos y sinónimos en lógica fuzzy a través de auto-morfismos. Se caracterizan los automorfismos sobre el intervalo unidad cuando sobre él se consideran dos operaciones: una t-norma y una t-conorma ambas arquimedianas. The PhD Thesis CONTRIBUCIÓN AL ESTUDIO DE DOS CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS DE LA LÓGICA FUZZY is a contribution to two basic concepts of the Fuzzy Logic. It is divided in two parts, the first is devoted to a mechanism of inference in Fuzzy Logic, and the second to the representation of vague predicates. «Fuzzy Logic State» is the basic concept in Part I. A Fuzzy Logic State is a fixed-point for the mapping giving the Generalized Modus Ponens Rule of inference. Moreover, a fuzzy preordering can be represented by the elementary preorderings generated by its Fuzzy Logic States. Chapter 1 contemplates the identity of elementary preorderings and the selection of representatives for the classes modulo this identity. This chapter finishes with the characterization of the set of Fuzzy Logic States of an elementary preordering. In Chapter 2 a Trapezoidal Fuzzy Set as a class of a relation of Indistinguishability is obtained. Finally, Chapter 3 is devoted to study two types of Classical Logic States: irreducible and minimal. Part II begins with Chapter 4 dealing with the problem of obtaining a Compa¬tibility Function for a vague predicate. When the use of a predicate is known by means of a set of rules and some distinguished elements, a method to obtain the general expression of the Membership Function is presented. This method allows, in some cases, to reach a set of multivalued connectives associated to the predicate. Last Chapter is devoted to the representation of antonyms and synonyms in Fuzzy Logic. When the unit interval [0,1] is endowed with both an archimedean t-norm and a an archi-medean t-conorm, it is showed that the automorphisms' group is just reduced to the identity function.
La tesis MEDIDAS AUTOSEMEJANTES EN EL PLANO, MOMENTOS Y MATRICES DE HESSENBERG se enmarca entre las áreas de la teoría geométrica de la medida, la teoría de polinomios ortogonales y la teoría de operadores. La memoria aborda el estudio de medidas con soporte acotado en el plano complejo vistas con la óptica de las matrices infinitas de momentos y de Hessenberg asociadas a estas medidas que en la teoría de los polinomios ortogonales las representan. En particular se centra en el estudio de las medidas autosemejantes que son las medidas de equilibrio definidas por un sistema de funciones iteradas (SFI). Los conjuntos autosemejantes son conjuntos que tienen la propiedad geométrica de descomponerse en unión de piezas semejantes al conjunto total. Estas piezas pueden solaparse o no, cuando el solapamiento es pequeño la teoría de Hutchinson [Hut81] funciona bien, pero cuando no existen restricciones falla. El problema del solapamiento consiste en controlar la medida de este solapamiento. Un ejemplo de la complejidad de este problema se plantea con las convoluciones infinitas de distribuciones de Bernoulli, que han resultado ser un ejemplo de medidas autosemejantes en el caso real. En 1935 Jessen y A. Wintner [JW35] ya se planteaba este problema, lejos de ser sencillo ha sido estudiado durante más de setenta y cinco años y siguen sin resolverse las principales cuestiones planteadas ya por A. Garsia [Gar62] en 1962. El interés que ha despertado este problema así como la complejidad del mismo está demostrado por las numerosas publicaciones que abordan cuestiones relacionadas con este problema ver por ejemplo [JW35], [Erd39], [PS96], [Ma00], [Ma96], [Sol98], [Mat95], [PS96], [Sim05],[JKS07] [JKS11]. En el primer capítulo comenzamos introduciendo con detalle las medidas autosemejante en el plano complejo y los sistemas de funciones iteradas, así como los conceptos de la teoría de la medida necesarios para describirlos. A continuación se introducen las herramientas necesarias de teoría de polinomios ortogonales, matrices infinitas y operadores que se van a usar. En el segundo y tercer capítulo trasladamos las propiedades geométricas de las medidas autosemejantes a las matrices de momentos y de Hessenberg, respectivamente. A partir de estos resultados se describen algoritmos para calcular estas matrices a partir del SFI correspondiente. Concretamente, se obtienen fórmulas explícitas y algoritmos de aproximación para los momentos y matrices de momentos de medidas fractales, a partir de un teorema del punto fijo para las matrices. Además utilizando técnicas de la teoría de operadores, se han extendido al plano complejo los resultados que G. Mantica [Ma00, Ma96] obtenía en el caso real. Este resultado es la base para definir un algoritmo estable de aproximación de la matriz de Hessenberg asociada a una medida fractal u obtener secciones finitas exactas de matrices Hessenberg asociadas a una suma de medidas. En el último capítulo, se consideran medidas, μ, más generales y se estudia el comportamiento asintótico de los autovalores de una matriz hermitiana de momentos y su impacto en las propiedades de la medida asociada. En el resultado central se demuestra que si los polinomios asociados son densos en L2(μ) entonces necesariamente el autovalor mínimo de las secciones finitas de la matriz de momentos de la medida tiende a cero. ABSTRACT The Thesis work “Self-similar Measures on the Plane, Moments and Hessenberg Matrices” is framed among the geometric measure theory, orthogonal polynomials and operator theory. The work studies measures with compact support on the complex plane from the point of view of the associated infinite moments and Hessenberg matrices representing them in the theory of orthogonal polynomials. More precisely, it concentrates on the study of the self-similar measures that are equilibrium measures in a iterated functions system. Self-similar sets have the geometric property of being decomposable in a union of similar pieces to the complete set. These pieces can overlap. If the overlapping is small, Hutchinson’s theory [Hut81] works well, however, when it has no restrictions, the theory does not hold. The overlapping problem consists in controlling the measure of the overlap. The complexity of this problem is exemplified in the infinite convolutions of Bernoulli’s distributions, that are an example of self-similar measures in the real case. As early as 1935 [JW35], Jessen and Wintner posed this problem, that far from being simple, has been studied during more than 75 years. The main cuestiones posed by Garsia in 1962 [Gar62] remain unsolved. The interest in this problem, together with its complexity, is demonstrated by the number of publications that over the years have dealt with it. See, for example, [JW35], [Erd39], [PS96], [Ma00], [Ma96], [Sol98], [Mat95], [PS96], [Sim05], [JKS07] [JKS11]. In the first chapter, we will start with a detailed introduction to the self-similar measurements in the complex plane and to the iterated functions systems, also including the concepts of measure theory needed to describe them. Next, we introduce the necessary tools from orthogonal polynomials, infinite matrices and operators. In the second and third chapter we will translate the geometric properties of selfsimilar measures to the moments and Hessenberg matrices. From these results, we will describe algorithms to calculate these matrices from the corresponding iterated functions systems. To be precise, we obtain explicit formulas and approximation algorithms for the moments and moment matrices of fractal measures from a new fixed point theorem for matrices. Moreover, using techniques from operator theory, we extend to the complex plane the real case results obtained by Mantica [Ma00, Ma96]. This result is the base to define a stable algorithm that approximates the Hessenberg matrix associated to a fractal measure and obtains exact finite sections of Hessenberg matrices associated to a sum of measurements. In the last chapter, we consider more general measures, μ, and study the asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvalues of a hermitian matrix of moments, together with its impact on the properties of the associated measure. In the main result we demonstrate that, if the associated polynomials are dense in L2(μ), then necessarily follows that the minimum eigenvalue of the finite sections of the moments matrix goes to zero.
Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC) has recently been proposed as a framework for mobile code safety in which the code supplier provides a program together with an abstraction whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. The abstraction plays thus the role of safety certifícate and its generation is carried out automatically by a fixed-point analyzer. The advantage of providing a (fixedpoint) abstraction to the code consumer is that its validity is checked in a single pass of an abstract interpretation-based checker. A main challenge is to reduce the size of certificates as much as possible while at the same time not increasing checking time. We introduce the notion of reduced certifícate which characterizes the subset of the abstraction which a checker needs in order to validate (and re-construct) the full certifícate in a single pass. Based on this notion, we instrument a generic analysis algorithm with the necessary extensions in order to identify the information relevant to the checker. We also provide a correct checking algorithm together with sufficient conditions for ensuring its completeness. The experimental results within the CiaoPP system show that our proposal is able to greatly reduce the size of certificates in practice.
Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC) is a framework for mobile code safety in which the code supplier provides a program together with an abstraction (or abstract model of the program) whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. The abstraction plays thus the role of safety certificate and its generation is carried out automatically by a fixed-point analyzer. The advantage of providing a (fixed-point) abstraction to the code consumer is that its validity is checked in a single pass (i.e., one iteration) of an abstract interpretation-based checker. A main challenge to make ACC useful in practice is to reduce the size of certificates as much as possible, while at the same time not increasing checking time. Intuitively, we only include in the certificate the information which the checker is unable to reproduce without iterating. We introduce the notion of reduced certifícate which characterizes the subset of the abstraction which a checker needs in order to validate (and re-construct) the full certificate in a single pass. Based on this notion, we show how to instrument a generic analysis algorithm with the necessary extensions in order to identify the information relevant to the checker.
Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC) has recently been proposed as a framework for mobile code safety in which the code supplier provides a program together with an abstraction whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. The abstraction plays thus the role of safety certifícate and its generation is carried out automatically by a fixed-point analyzer. The advantage of providing a (fixedpoint) abstraction to the code consumer is that its validity is checked in a single pass of an abstract interpretation-based checker. A main challenge is to reduce the size of certificates as much as possible while at the same time not increasing checking time. In this paper, we first introduce the notion of reduced certifícate which characterizes the subset of the abstraction which a checker needs in order to validate (and re-construct) the full certifícate in a single pass. Based on this notion, we then instrument a generic analysis algorithm with the necessary extensions in order to identify the information relevant to the checker.
Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC) has recently been proposed as a framework for mobile code safety in which the code supplier provides a program together with an abstraction (or abstract model of the program) whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. The abstraction plays thus the role of safety certifícate and its generation is carried out automatically by a fixed-point analyzer. The advantage of providing a (fixed-point) abstraction to the code consumer is that its validity is checked in a single pass (i.e., one iteration) of an abstract interpretation-based checker. A main challenge to make ACC useful in practice is to reduce the size of certificates as much as possible while at the same time not increasing checking time. The intuitive idea is to only include in the certifícate information that the checker is unable to reproduce without iterating. We introduce the notion of reduced certifícate which characterizes the subset of the abstraction which a checker needs in order to validate (and re-construct) the full certifícate in a single pass. Based on this notion, we instrument a generic analysis algorithm with the necessary extensions in order to identify information which can be reconstructed by the single-pass checker. Finally, we study what the effects of reduced certificates are on the correctness and completeness of the checking process. We provide a correct checking algorithm together with sufficient conditions for ensuring its completeness. Our ideas are illustrated through a running example, implemented in the context of constraint logic programs, which shows that our approach improves state-of-the-art techniques for reducing the size of certificates.
El Análisis de Consumo de Recursos o Análisis de Coste trata de aproximar el coste de ejecutar un programa como una función dependiente de sus datos de entrada. A pesar de que existen trabajos previos a esta tesis doctoral que desarrollan potentes marcos para el análisis de coste de programas orientados a objetos, algunos aspectos avanzados, como la eficiencia, la precisión y la fiabilidad de los resultados, todavía deben ser estudiados en profundidad. Esta tesis aborda estos aspectos desde cuatro perspectivas diferentes: (1) Las estructuras de datos compartidas en la memoria del programa son una pesadilla para el análisis estático de programas. Trabajos recientes proponen una serie de condiciones de localidad para poder mantener de forma consistente información sobre los atributos de los objetos almacenados en memoria compartida, reemplazando éstos por variables locales no almacenadas en la memoria compartida. En esta tesis presentamos dos extensiones a estos trabajos: la primera es considerar, no sólo los accesos a los atributos, sino también los accesos a los elementos almacenados en arrays; la segunda se centra en los casos en los que las condiciones de localidad no se cumplen de forma incondicional, para lo cual, proponemos una técnica para encontrar las precondiciones necesarias para garantizar la consistencia de la información acerca de los datos almacenados en memoria. (2) El objetivo del análisis incremental es, dado un programa, los resultados de su análisis y una serie de cambios sobre el programa, obtener los nuevos resultados del análisis de la forma más eficiente posible, evitando reanalizar aquellos fragmentos de código que no se hayan visto afectados por los cambios. Los analizadores actuales todavía leen y analizan el programa completo de forma no incremental. Esta tesis presenta un análisis de coste incremental, que, dado un cambio en el programa, reconstruye la información sobre el coste del programa de todos los métodos afectados por el cambio de forma incremental. Para esto, proponemos (i) un algoritmo multi-dominio y de punto fijo que puede ser utilizado en todos los análisis globales necesarios para inferir el coste, y (ii) una novedosa forma de almacenar las expresiones de coste que nos permite reconstruir de forma incremental únicamente las funciones de coste de aquellos componentes afectados por el cambio. (3) Las garantías de coste obtenidas de forma automática por herramientas de análisis estático no son consideradas totalmente fiables salvo que la implementación de la herramienta o los resultados obtenidos sean verificados formalmente. Llevar a cabo el análisis de estas herramientas es una tarea titánica, ya que se trata de herramientas de gran tamaño y complejidad. En esta tesis nos centramos en el desarrollo de un marco formal para la verificación de las garantías de coste obtenidas por los analizadores en lugar de analizar las herramientas. Hemos implementado esta idea mediante la herramienta COSTA, un analizador de coste para programas Java y KeY, una herramienta de verificación de programas Java. De esta forma, COSTA genera las garantías de coste, mientras que KeY prueba la validez formal de los resultados obtenidos, generando de esta forma garantías de coste verificadas. (4) Hoy en día la concurrencia y los programas distribuidos son clave en el desarrollo de software. Los objetos concurrentes son un modelo de concurrencia asentado para el desarrollo de sistemas concurrentes. En este modelo, los objetos son las unidades de concurrencia y se comunican entre ellos mediante llamadas asíncronas a sus métodos. La distribución de las tareas sugiere que el análisis de coste debe inferir el coste de los diferentes componentes distribuidos por separado. En esta tesis proponemos un análisis de coste sensible a objetos que, utilizando los resultados obtenidos mediante un análisis de apunta-a, mantiene el coste de los diferentes componentes de forma independiente. Abstract Resource Analysis (a.k.a. Cost Analysis) tries to approximate the cost of executing programs as functions on their input data sizes and without actually having to execute the programs. While a powerful resource analysis framework on object-oriented programs existed before this thesis, advanced aspects to improve the efficiency, the accuracy and the reliability of the results of the analysis still need to be further investigated. This thesis tackles this need from the following four different perspectives. (1) Shared mutable data structures are the bane of formal reasoning and static analysis. Analyses which keep track of heap-allocated data are referred to as heap-sensitive. Recent work proposes locality conditions for soundly tracking field accesses by means of ghost non-heap allocated variables. In this thesis we present two extensions to this approach: the first extension is to consider arrays accesses (in addition to object fields), while the second extension focuses on handling cases for which the locality conditions cannot be proven unconditionally by finding aliasing preconditions under which tracking such heap locations is feasible. (2) The aim of incremental analysis is, given a program, its analysis results and a series of changes to the program, to obtain the new analysis results as efficiently as possible and, ideally, without having to (re-)analyze fragments of code that are not affected by the changes. During software development, programs are permanently modified but most analyzers still read and analyze the entire program at once in a non-incremental way. This thesis presents an incremental resource usage analysis which, after a change in the program is made, is able to reconstruct the upper-bounds of all affected methods in an incremental way. To this purpose, we propose (i) a multi-domain incremental fixed-point algorithm which can be used by all global analyses required to infer the cost, and (ii) a novel form of cost summaries that allows us to incrementally reconstruct only those components of cost functions affected by the change. (3) Resource guarantees that are automatically inferred by static analysis tools are generally not considered completely trustworthy, unless the tool implementation or the results are formally verified. Performing full-blown verification of such tools is a daunting task, since they are large and complex. In this thesis we focus on the development of a formal framework for the verification of the resource guarantees obtained by the analyzers, instead of verifying the tools. We have implemented this idea using COSTA, a state-of-the-art cost analyzer for Java programs and KeY, a state-of-the-art verification tool for Java source code. COSTA is able to derive upper-bounds of Java programs while KeY proves the validity of these bounds and provides a certificate. The main contribution of our work is to show that the proposed tools cooperation can be used for automatically producing verified resource guarantees. (4) Distribution and concurrency are today mainstream. Concurrent objects form a well established model for distributed concurrent systems. In this model, objects are the concurrency units that communicate via asynchronous method calls. Distribution suggests that analysis must infer the cost of the diverse distributed components separately. In this thesis we propose a novel object-sensitive cost analysis which, by using the results gathered by a points-to analysis, can keep the cost of the diverse distributed components separate.
We study the renormalization group flow of the average action of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with power-law forcing. Using Galilean invariance, we introduce a nonperturbative approximation adapted to the zero-frequency sector of the theory in the parametric range of the Hölder exponent 4−2 ɛ of the forcing where real-space local interactions are relevant. In any spatial dimension d, we observe the convergence of the resulting renormalization group flow to a unique fixed point which yields a kinetic energy spectrum scaling in agreement with canonical dimension analysis. Kolmogorov's −5/3 law is, thus, recovered for ɛ=2 as also predicted by perturbative renormalization. At variance with the perturbative prediction, the −5/3 law emerges in the presence of a saturation in the ɛ dependence of the scaling dimension of the eddy diffusivity at ɛ=3/2 when, according to perturbative renormalization, the velocity field becomes infrared relevant.
The development of new-generation intelligent vehicle technologies will lead to a better level of road safety and CO2 emission reductions. However, the weak point of all these systems is their need for comprehensive and reliable data. For traffic data acquisition, two sources are currently available: 1) infrastructure sensors and 2) floating vehicles. The former consists of a set of fixed point detectors installed in the roads, and the latter consists of the use of mobile probe vehicles as mobile sensors. However, both systems still have some deficiencies. The infrastructure sensors retrieve information fromstatic points of the road, which are spaced, in some cases, kilometers apart. This means that the picture of the actual traffic situation is not a real one. This deficiency is corrected by floating cars, which retrieve dynamic information on the traffic situation. Unfortunately, the number of floating data vehicles currently available is too small and insufficient to give a complete picture of the road traffic. In this paper, we present a floating car data (FCD) augmentation system that combines information fromfloating data vehicles and infrastructure sensors, and that, by using neural networks, is capable of incrementing the amount of FCD with virtual information. This system has been implemented and tested on actual roads, and the results show little difference between the data supplied by the floating vehicles and the virtual vehicles.
Time series are proficiently converted into graphs via the horizontal visibility (HV) algorithm, which prompts interest in its capability for capturing the nature of different classes of series in a network context. We have recently shown [B. Luque et al., PLoS ONE 6, 9 (2011)] that dynamical systems can be studied from a novel perspective via the use of this method. Specifically, the period-doubling and band-splitting attractor cascades that characterize unimodal maps transform into families of graphs that turn out to be independent of map nonlinearity or other particulars. Here, we provide an in depth description of the HV treatment of the Feigenbaum scenario, together with analytical derivations that relate to the degree distributions, mean distances, clustering coefficients, etc., associated to the bifurcation cascades and their accumulation points. We describe how the resultant families of graphs can be framed into a renormalization group scheme in which fixed-point graphs reveal their scaling properties. These fixed points are then re-derived from an entropy optimization process defined for the graph sets, confirming a suggested connection between renormalization group and entropy optimization. Finally, we provide analytical and numerical results for the graph entropy and show that it emulates the Lyapunov exponent of the map independently of its sign.
A hard-in-amplitude transition to chaos in a class of dissipative flows of broad applicability is presented. For positive values of a parameter F, no matter how small, a fully developed chaotic attractor exists within some domain of additional parameters, whereas no chaotic behavior exists for F < 0. As F is made positive, an unstable fixed point reaches an invariant plane to enter a phase half-space of physical solutions; the ghosts of a line of fixed points and a rich heteroclinic structure existing at F = 0 make the limits t --* +oc, F ~ +0 non-commuting, and allow an exact description of the chaotic flow. The formal structure of flows that exhibit the transition is determined. A subclass of such flows (coupled oscillators in near-resonance at any 2 : q frequency ratio, with F representing linear excitation of the first oscillator) is fully analysed
Four-dimensional flow in the phase space of three amplitudes of circularly polarized Alfven waves and one relative phase, resulting from a resonant three-wave truncation of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation, has been analyzed; wave 1 is linearly unstable with growth rate , and waves 2 and 3 are stable with damping 2 and 3, respectively. The dependence of gross dynamical features on the damping model as characterized by the relation between damping and wave-vector ratios, 2 /3, k2 /k3, and the polarization of the waves, is discussed; two damping models, Landau k and resistive k2, are studied in depth. Very complex dynamics, such as multiple blue sky catastrophes and chaotic attractors arising from Feigenbaum sequences, and explosive bifurcations involving Intermittency-I chaos, are shown to be associated with the existence and loss of stability of certain fixed point P of the flow. Independently of the damping model, P may only exist as against flow contraction just requiring.In the case of right-hand RH polarization, point P may exist for all models other than Landau damping; for the resistive model, P may exist for RH polarization only if 2+3/2.
Nonlinearly coupled, damped oscillators at 1:1 frequency ratio, one oscillator being driven coherently for efficient excitation, are exemplified by a spherical swing with some phase-mismatch between drive and response. For certain damping range, excitation is found to succeed if it lags behind, but to produce a chaotic attractor if it leads the response. Although a period-doubhng sequence, for damping increasing, leads to the attractor, this is actually born as a hard (as regards amplitude) bifurcation at a zero growth-rate parametric line; as damping decreases, an unstable fixed point crosses an invariant plane to enter as saddle-focus a phase-space domain of physical solutions. A second hard bifurcation occurs at the zero mismatch line, the saddle-focus leaving that domain. Times on the attractor diverge when approaching either fine, leading to exactly one-dimensional and noninvertible limit maps, which are analytically determined.