27 resultados para driver verification

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Vision-based object detection from a moving platform becomes particularly challenging in the field of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). In this context, onboard vision-based vehicle verification strategies become critical, facing challenges derived from the variability of vehicles appearance, illumination, and vehicle speed. In this paper, an optimized HOG configuration for onboard vehicle verification is proposed which not only considers its spatial and orientation resolution, but descriptor processing strategies and classification. An in-depth analysis of the optimal settings for HOG for onboard vehicle verification is presented, in the context of SVM classification with different kernels. In contrast to many existing approaches, the evaluation is realized in a public and heterogeneous database of vehicle and non-vehicle images in different areas of the road, rendering excellent verification rates that outperform other similar approaches in the literature.


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The technique of Abstract Interpretation has allowed the development of very sophisticated global program analyses which are at the same time provably correct and practical. We present in a tutorial fashion a novel program development framework which uses abstract interpretation as a fundamental tool. The framework uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation to obtain information about the program. This information is used to validate programs, to detect bugs with respect to partial specifications written using assertions (in the program itself and/or in system libraries), to generate and simplify run-time tests, and to perform high-level program transformations such as multiple abstract specialization, parallelization, and resource usage control, all in a provably correct way. In the case of validation and debugging, the assertions can refer to a variety of program points such as procedure entry, procedure exit, points within procedures, or global computations. The system can reason with much richer information than, for example, traditional types. This includes data structure shape (including pointer sharing), bounds on data structure sizes, and other operational variable instantiation properties, as well as procedure-level properties such as determinacy, termination, nonfailure, and bounds on resource consumption (time or space cost). CiaoPP, the preprocessor of the Ciao multi-paradigm programming system, which implements the described functionality, will be used to illustrate the fundamental ideas.


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En esta tesis se aborda la detección y el seguimiento automático de vehículos mediante técnicas de visión artificial con una cámara monocular embarcada. Este problema ha suscitado un gran interés por parte de la industria automovilística y de la comunidad científica ya que supone el primer paso en aras de la ayuda a la conducción, la prevención de accidentes y, en última instancia, la conducción automática. A pesar de que se le ha dedicado mucho esfuerzo en los últimos años, de momento no se ha encontrado ninguna solución completamente satisfactoria y por lo tanto continúa siendo un tema de investigación abierto. Los principales problemas que plantean la detección y seguimiento mediante visión artificial son la gran variabilidad entre vehículos, un fondo que cambia dinámicamente debido al movimiento de la cámara, y la necesidad de operar en tiempo real. En este contexto, esta tesis propone un marco unificado para la detección y seguimiento de vehículos que afronta los problemas descritos mediante un enfoque estadístico. El marco se compone de tres grandes bloques, i.e., generación de hipótesis, verificación de hipótesis, y seguimiento de vehículos, que se llevan a cabo de manera secuencial. No obstante, se potencia el intercambio de información entre los diferentes bloques con objeto de obtener el máximo grado posible de adaptación a cambios en el entorno y de reducir el coste computacional. Para abordar la primera tarea de generación de hipótesis, se proponen dos métodos complementarios basados respectivamente en el análisis de la apariencia y la geometría de la escena. Para ello resulta especialmente interesante el uso de un dominio transformado en el que se elimina la perspectiva de la imagen original, puesto que este dominio permite una búsqueda rápida dentro de la imagen y por tanto una generación eficiente de hipótesis de localización de los vehículos. Los candidatos finales se obtienen por medio de un marco colaborativo entre el dominio original y el dominio transformado. Para la verificación de hipótesis se adopta un método de aprendizaje supervisado. Así, se evalúan algunos de los métodos de extracción de características más populares y se proponen nuevos descriptores con arreglo al conocimiento de la apariencia de los vehículos. Para evaluar la efectividad en la tarea de clasificación de estos descriptores, y dado que no existen bases de datos públicas que se adapten al problema descrito, se ha generado una nueva base de datos sobre la que se han realizado pruebas masivas. Finalmente, se presenta una metodología para la fusión de los diferentes clasificadores y se plantea una discusión sobre las combinaciones que ofrecen los mejores resultados. El núcleo del marco propuesto está constituido por un método Bayesiano de seguimiento basado en filtros de partículas. Se plantean contribuciones en los tres elementos fundamentales de estos filtros: el algoritmo de inferencia, el modelo dinámico y el modelo de observación. En concreto, se propone el uso de un método de muestreo basado en MCMC que evita el elevado coste computacional de los filtros de partículas tradicionales y por consiguiente permite que el modelado conjunto de múltiples vehículos sea computacionalmente viable. Por otra parte, el dominio transformado mencionado anteriormente permite la definición de un modelo dinámico de velocidad constante ya que se preserva el movimiento suave de los vehículos en autopistas. Por último, se propone un modelo de observación que integra diferentes características. En particular, además de la apariencia de los vehículos, el modelo tiene en cuenta también toda la información recibida de los bloques de procesamiento previos. El método propuesto se ejecuta en tiempo real en un ordenador de propósito general y da unos resultados sobresalientes en comparación con los métodos tradicionales. ABSTRACT This thesis addresses on-road vehicle detection and tracking with a monocular vision system. This problem has attracted the attention of the automotive industry and the research community as it is the first step for driver assistance and collision avoidance systems and for eventual autonomous driving. Although many effort has been devoted to address it in recent years, no satisfactory solution has yet been devised and thus it is an active research issue. The main challenges for vision-based vehicle detection and tracking are the high variability among vehicles, the dynamically changing background due to camera motion and the real-time processing requirement. In this thesis, a unified approach using statistical methods is presented for vehicle detection and tracking that tackles these issues. The approach is divided into three primary tasks, i.e., vehicle hypothesis generation, hypothesis verification, and vehicle tracking, which are performed sequentially. Nevertheless, the exchange of information between processing blocks is fostered so that the maximum degree of adaptation to changes in the environment can be achieved and the computational cost is alleviated. Two complementary strategies are proposed to address the first task, i.e., hypothesis generation, based respectively on appearance and geometry analysis. To this end, the use of a rectified domain in which the perspective is removed from the original image is especially interesting, as it allows for fast image scanning and coarse hypothesis generation. The final vehicle candidates are produced using a collaborative framework between the original and the rectified domains. A supervised classification strategy is adopted for the verification of the hypothesized vehicle locations. In particular, state-of-the-art methods for feature extraction are evaluated and new descriptors are proposed by exploiting the knowledge on vehicle appearance. Due to the lack of appropriate public databases, a new database is generated and the classification performance of the descriptors is extensively tested on it. Finally, a methodology for the fusion of the different classifiers is presented and the best combinations are discussed. The core of the proposed approach is a Bayesian tracking framework using particle filters. Contributions are made on its three key elements: the inference algorithm, the dynamic model and the observation model. In particular, the use of a Markov chain Monte Carlo method is proposed for sampling, which circumvents the exponential complexity increase of traditional particle filters thus making joint multiple vehicle tracking affordable. On the other hand, the aforementioned rectified domain allows for the definition of a constant-velocity dynamic model since it preserves the smooth motion of vehicles in highways. Finally, a multiple-cue observation model is proposed that not only accounts for vehicle appearance but also integrates the available information from the analysis in the previous blocks. The proposed approach is proven to run near real-time in a general purpose PC and to deliver outstanding results compared to traditional methods.


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The theoretical formulation of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method deserves great care because of some inconsistencies occurring when considering free-surface inviscid flows. Actually, in SPH formulations one usually assumes that (i) surface integral terms on the boundary of the interpolation kernel support are neglected, (ii) free-surface conditions are implicitly verified. These assumptions are studied in detail in the present work for free-surface Newtonian viscous flow. The consistency of classical viscous weakly compressible SPH formulations is investigated. In particular, the principle of virtual work is used to study the verification of the free-surface boundary conditions in a weak sense. The latter can be related to the global energy dissipation induced by the viscous term formulations and their consistency. Numerical verification of this theoretical analysis is provided on three free-surface test cases including a standing wave, with the three viscous term formulations investigated.


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In order to satisfy the safety-critical requirements, the train control system (TCS) often employs a layered safety communication protocol to provide reliable services. However, both description and verification of the safety protocols may be formidable due to the system complexity. In this paper, interface automata (IA) are used to describe the safety service interface behaviors of safety communication protocol. A formal verification method is proposed to describe the safety communication protocols using IA and translate IA model into PROMELA model so that the protocols can be verified by the model checker SPIN. A case study of using this method to describe and verify a safety communication protocol is included. The verification results illustrate that the proposed method is effective to describe the safety protocols and verify deadlocks, livelocks and several mandatory consistency properties. A prototype of safety protocols is also developed based on the presented formally verifying method.


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This article evaluates an authentication technique for mobiles based on gestures. Users create a remindful identifying gesture to be considered as their in-air signature. This work analyzes a database of 120 gestures of different vulnerability, obtaining an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 9.19% when robustness of gestures is not verified. Most of the errors in this EER come from very simple and easily forgeable gestures that should be discarded at enrollment phase. Therefore, an in-air signature robustness verification system using Linear Discriminant Analysis is proposed to infer automatically whether the gesture is secure or not. Different configurations have been tested obtaining a lowest EER of 4.01% when 45.02% of gestures were discarded, and an optimal compromise of EER of 4.82% when 19.19% of gestures were automatically rejected.


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Side Channel Attack (SCA) differs from traditional mathematic attacks. It gets around of the exhaustive mathematic calculation and precisely pin to certain points in the cryptographic algorithm to reveal confidential information from the running crypto-devices. Since the introduction of SCA by Paul Kocher et al [1], it has been considered to be one of the most critical threats to the resource restricted but security demanding applications, such as wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we focus our work on the SCA-concerned security verification on WSN (wireless sensor network). A detailed setup of the platform and an analysis of the results of DPA (power attack) and EMA (electromagnetic attack) is presented. The setup follows the way of low-cost setup to make effective SCAs. Meanwhile, surveying the weaknesses of WSNs in resisting SCA attacks, especially for the EM attack. Finally, SCA-Prevention suggestions based on Differential Security Strategy for the FPGA hardware implementation in WSN will be given, helping to get an improved compromise between security and cost.


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The verification of compliance with a design specification in manufacturing requires the use of metrological instruments to check if the magnitude associated with the design specification is or not according with tolerance range. Such instrumentation and their use during the measurement process, has associated an uncertainty of measurement whose value must be related to the value of tolerance tested. Most papers dealing jointly tolerance and measurement uncertainties are mainly focused on the establishment of a relationship uncertainty-tolerance without paying much attention to the impact from the standpoint of process cost. This paper analyzes the cost-measurement uncertainty, considering uncertainty as a productive factor in the process outcome. This is done starting from a cost-tolerance model associated with the process. By means of this model the existence of a measurement uncertainty is calculated in quantitative terms of cost and its impact on the process is analyzed.


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This work is based on the prototype High Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) of the Japan Agency of Energy Atomic (JAEA). Its objective is to describe an adequate deterministic model to be used in the assessment of its design safety margins via damage domains. The concept of damage domain is defined and it is shown its relevance in the ongoing effort to apply dynamic risk assessment methods and tools based on the Theory of Stimulated Dynamics (TSD). To illustrate, we present results of an abnormal control rod (CR) withdrawal during subcritical condition and its comparison with results obtained by JAEA. No attempt is made yet to actually assess the detailed scenarios, rather to show how the approach may handle events of its kind


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We have designed and implemented a framework that unifies unit testing and run-time verification (as well as static verification and static debugging). A key contribution of our approach is that a unified assertion language is used for all of these tasks. We first propose methods for compiling runtime checks for (parts of) assertions which cannot be verified at compile-time via program transformation. This transformation allows checking preconditions and postconditions, including conditional postconditions, properties at arbitrary program points, and certain computational properties. The implemented transformation includes several optimizations to reduce run-time overhead. We also propose a minimal addition to the assertion language which allows defining unit tests to be run in order to detect possible violations of the (partial) specifications expressed by the assertions. This language can express for example the input data for performing the unit tests or the number of times that the unit tests should be repeated. We have implemented the framework within the Ciao/CiaoPP system and effectively applied it to the verification of ISO-prolog compliance and to the detection of different types of bugs in the Ciao system source code. Several experimental results are presented that ¡Ilústrate different trade-offs among program size, running time, or levéis of verbosity of the messages shown to the user.


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CiaoPP is the abstract interpretation-based preprocessor of the Ciao multi-paradigm (Constraint) Logic Programming system. It uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation as a fundamental tool to obtain information about programs. In CiaoPP, the semantic approximations thus produced have been applied to perform high- and low-level optimizations during program compilation, including transformations such as múltiple abstract specialization, parallelization, partial evaluation, resource usage control, and program verification. More recently, novel and promising applications of such semantic approximations are being applied in the more general context of program development such as program verification. In this work, we describe our extensión of the system to incorpórate Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC), a novel approach to mobile code safety. ACC follows the standard strategy of associating safety certificates to programs, originally proposed in Proof Carrying- Code. A distinguishing feature of ACC is that we use an abstraction (or abstract model) of the program computed by standard static analyzers as a certifícate. The validity of the abstraction on the consumer side is checked in a single-pass by a very efficient and specialized abstractinterpreter. We have implemented and benchmarked ACC within CiaoPP. The experimental results show that the checking phase is indeed faster than the proof generation phase, and that the sizes of certificates are reasonable. Moreover, the preprocessor is based on compile-time (and run-time) tools for the certification of CLP programs with resource consumption assurances.


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The technique of Abstract Interpretation [13] has allowed the development of sophisticated program analyses which are provably correct and practical. The semantic approximations produced by such analyses have been traditionally applied to optimization during program compilation. However, recently, novel and promising applications of semantic approximations have been proposed in the more general context of program verification and debugging [3],[10],[7].


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In an increasing number of applications (e.g., in embedded, real-time, or mobile systems) it is important or even essential to ensure conformance with respect to a specification expressing resource usages, such as execution time, memory, energy, or user-defined resources. In previous work we have presented a novel framework for data size-aware, static resource usage verification. Specifications can include both lower and upper bound resource usage functions. In order to statically check such specifications, both upper- and lower-bound resource usage functions (on input data sizes) approximating the actual resource usage of the program which are automatically inferred and compared against the specification. The outcome of the static checking of assertions can express intervals for the input data sizes such that a given specification can be proved for some intervals but disproved for others. After an overview of the approach in this paper we provide a number of novel contributions: we present a full formalization, and we report on and provide results from an implementation within the Ciao/CiaoPP framework (which provides a general, unified platform for static and run-time verification, as well as unit testing). We also generalize the checking of assertions to allow preconditions expressing intervals within which the input data size of a program is supposed to lie (i.e., intervals for which each assertion is applicable), and we extend the class of resource usage functions that can be checked.


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We have designed and implemented a framework that unifies unit testing and run-time verification (as well as static verification and static debugging). A key contribution of our approach is that a unified assertion language is used for all of these tasks. We first propose methods for compiling runtime checks for (parts of) assertions which cannot be verified at compile-time via program transformation. This transformation allows checking preconditions and postconditions, including conditional postconditions, properties at arbitrary program points, and certain computational properties. The implemented transformation includes several optimizations to reduce run-time overhead. We also propose a minimal addition to the assertion language which allows defining unit tests to be run in order to detect possible violations of the (partial) specifications expressed by the assertions. This language can express for example the input data for performing the unit tests or the number of times that the unit tests should be repeated. We have implemented the framework within the Ciao/CiaoPP system and effectively applied it to the verification of ISO-prolog compliance and to the detection of different types of bugs in the Ciao system source code. Several experimental results are presented that illustrate different trade-offs among program size, running time, or levels of verbosity of the messages shown to the user.


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In this paper we present a global description of a telematic voting system based on advanced cryptography and on the use of smart cards (VOTESCRIPT system) whose most outstanding characteristic is the ability to verify that the tally carried out by the system is correct, meaning that the results published by the system correspond with votes cast. The VOTESCRIPT system provides an individual verification mechanism allowing each Voter to confirm whether his vote has been correctly counted. The innovation with respect to other solutions lies in the fact that the verification process is private so that Voters have no way of proving what they voted in the presence of a non-authorized third party. Vote buying and selling or any other kind of extortion are prevented. The existence of the Intervention Systems allows the whole electoral process to be controlled by groups of citizens or authorized candidatures. In addition to this the system can simply make an audit not only of the final results, but also of the whole process. Global verification provides the Scrutineers with robust cryptographic evidence which enables unequivocal proof if the system has operated in a fraudulent way.