7 resultados para distributional congruence
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El impacto negativo que tienen los virus en las plantas hace que estos puedan ejercer un papel ecológico como moduladores de la dinámica espacio-temporal de las poblaciones de sus huéspedes. Entender cuáles son los mecanismos genéticos y los factores ambientales que determinan tanto la epidemiología como la estructura genética de las poblaciones de virus puede resultar de gran ayuda para la comprensión del papel ecológico de las infecciones virales. Sin embargo, existen pocos trabajos experimentales que hayan abordado esta cuestión. En esta tesis, se analiza el efecto de la heterogeneidad del paisaje sobre la incidencia de los virus y la estructura genética de sus poblaciones. Asimismo, se explora como dichos factores ambientales influyen en la importancia relativa que los principales mecanismos de generación de variabilidad genética (mutación, recombinación y migración) tienen en la evolución de los virus. Para ello se ha usado como sistema los begomovirus que infectan poblaciones de chiltepín (Capsicum annuum var. aviculare (Dierbach) D´Arcy & Eshbaugh) en México. Se analizó la incidencia de diferentes virus en poblaciones de chiltepín distribuidas a lo largo de seis provincias biogeográficas, representando el área de distribución de la especie en México, y localizadas en hábitats con diferente grado de intervención humana: poblaciones sin intervención humana (silvestres); poblaciones toleradas (lindes y pastizales), y poblaciones manejadas por el hombre (monocultivos y huertos familiares). Entre los virus analizados, los begomovirus mostraron la mayor incidencia, detectándose en todas las poblaciones y años de muestreo. Las únicas dos especies de begomovirus que se encontraron infectando al chiltepín fueron: el virus del mosaico dorado del chile (Pepper golden mosaic virus, PepGMV) y el virus huasteco del amarilleo de venas del chile (Pepper huasteco yellow vein virus, PHYVV). Por ello, todos los análisis realizados en esta tesis se centran en estas dos especies de virus. La incidencia de PepGMV y PHYVV, tanto en infecciones simples como mixtas, aumento cuanto mayor fue el nivel de intervención humana en las poblaciones de chiltepín, lo que a su vez se asoció con una menor biodiversidad y una mayor densidad de plantas. Además, la incidencia de infecciones mixtas, altamente relacionada con la presencia de síntomas, fue también mayor en las poblaciones cultivadas. La incidencia de estos dos virus también varió en función de la población de chiltepín y de la provincia biogeográfica. Por tanto, estos resultados apoyan una de las hipótesis XVI clásicas de la Patología Vegetal según la cual la simplificación de los ecosistemas naturales debida a la intervención humana conduce a un mayor riesgo de enfermedad de las plantas, e ilustran sobre la importancia de la heterogeneidad del paisaje a diferentes escalas en la determinación de patrones epidemiológicos. La heterogeneidad del paisaje no solo afectó a la epidemiología de PepGMV y PHYVV, sino también a la estructura genética de sus poblaciones. En ambos virus, el nivel de diferenciación genética mayor fue la población, probablemente asociado a la capacidad de migración de su vector Bemisia tabaci; y en segundo lugar la provincia biogeográfica, lo que podría estar relacionado con el papel del ser humano como agente dispersor de PepGMV y PHYVV. La estima de las tasas de sustitución nucleotídica de las poblaciones de PepGMV y PHYVV mostró una rápida dinámica evolutiva. Los árboles filogenéticos de ambos virus presentaron una topología en estrella, lo que sugiere una expansión reciente en las poblaciones de chiltepín. La reconstrucción de los patrones de migración de ambos virus indicó que ésta expansión parece haberse producido desde la zona central de México siguiendo un patrón radial, y en los últimos 30 años. Es importante tener en cuenta que el patrón espacial de la diversidad genética de las poblaciones de PepGMV y PHYVV es similar al descrito previamente para el chiltepín lo que podría dar lugar a la congruencia de las genealogías del huésped y la de los virus. Dicha congruencia se encontró cuando se tuvieron en cuenta únicamente las poblaciones de hábitats silvestres y tolerados, lo que probablemente se debe a una codivergencia en el espacio pero no en el tiempo, dado que la evolución de virus y huésped han ocurrido a escalas temporales muy diferentes. Finalmente, el análisis de la frecuencia de recombinación en PepGMV y PHYVV indicó que esta juega un papel importante en la evolución de ambos virus, dependiendo su importancia del nivel de intervención humana de la población de chiltepín. Este factor afectó también a la intensidad de la selección a la que se ven sometidos los genomas de PepGMV y PHYVV. Los resultados de esta tesis ponen de manifiesto la importancia que la reducción de la biodiversidad asociada al nivel de intervención humana de las poblaciones de plantas y la heterogeneidad del paisaje tiene en la emergencia de nuevas enfermedades virales. Por tanto, es necesario considerar estos factores ambientales a la hora de comprender la epidemiologia y la evolución de los virus de plantas.XVII SUMMARY Plant viruses play a key role as modulators of the spatio-temporal dynamics of their host populations, due to their negative impact in plant fitness. Knowledge on the genetic and environmental factors that determine the epidemiology and the genetic structure of virus populations may help to understand the ecological role of viral infections. However, few experimental works have addressed this issue. This thesis analyses the effect of landscape heterogeneity in the prevalence of viruses and the genetic structure of their populations. Also, how these environmental factors influence the relative importance of the main mechanisms for generating genetic variability (mutation, recombination and migration) during virus evolution is explored. To do so, the begomoviruses infecting chiltepin (Capsicum annuum var. aviculare (Dierbach) D'Arcy & Eshbaugh) populations in Mexico were used. Incidence of different viruses in chiltepin populations of six biogeographical provinces representing the species distribution in Mexico was determined. Populations belonged to different habitats according to the level of human management: populations with no human intervention (Wild); populations naturally dispersed and tolerated in managed habitats (let-standing), and human managed populations (cultivated). Among the analyzed viruses, the begomoviruses showed the highest prevalence, being detected in all populations and sampling years. Only two begomovirus species infected chiltepin: Pepper golden mosaic virus, PepGMV and Pepper huasteco yellow vein virus, PHYVV. Therefore, all the analyses presented in this thesis are focused in these two viruses. The prevalence of PepGMV and PHYVV, in single and mixed infections, increased with higher levels of human management of the host population, which was associated with decreased biodiversity and increased plant density. Furthermore, cultivated populations showed higher prevalence of mixed infections and symptomatic plants. The prevalence of the two viruses also varied depending on the chiltepin population and on the biogeographical province. Therefore, these results support a classical hypothesis of Plant Pathology stating that simplification of natural ecosystems due to human management leads to an increased disease risk, and illustrate on the importance of landscape heterogeneity in determining epidemiological patterns. Landscape heterogeneity not only affected the epidemiology of PepGMV and PHYVV, but also the genetic structure of their populations. Both viruses had the highest level of genetic differentiation at the population scale, probably associated with the XVIII migration patterns of its vector Bemisia tabaci, and a second level at the biogeographical province scale, which could be related to the role of humans as dispersal agents of PepGMV and PHYVV. The estimates of nucleotide substitution rates of the virus populations indicated rapid evolutionary dynamics. Accordingly, phylogenetic trees of both viruses showed a star topology, suggesting a recent diversification in the chiltepin populations. Reconstruction of PepGMV and PHYVV migration patterns indicated that they expanded from central Mexico following a radial pattern during the last 30 years. Importantly, the spatial genetic structures of the virus populations were similar to that described previously for the chiltepin, which may result in the congruence of the host and virus genealogies. Such congruence was found only in wild and let-standing populations. This is probably due to a co-divergence in space but not in time, given the different evolutionary time scales of the host and virus populations. Finally, the frequency of recombination detected in the PepGMV and PHYVV populations indicated that this mechanism plays an important role in the evolution of both viruses at the intra-specific scale. The level of human management had a minor effect on the frequency of recombination, but influenced the strength of negative selective pressures in the viral genomes. The results of this thesis highlight the importance of decreased biodiversity in plant populations associated with the level of human management and of landscape heterogeneity on the emergence of new viral diseases. Therefore it is necessary to consider these environmental factors in order to fully understand the epidemiology and evolution of plant viruses.
El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar una metodología para estimar los potenciales impactos económicos y de transporte generados por la aplicación de políticas en el sector transporte. Los departamentos de transporte y otras instituciones gubernamentales relacionadas se encuentran interesadas en estos análisis debido a que son presentados comúnmente de forma errónea por la insuficiencia de datos o por la falta de metodologías adecuadas. La presente investigación tiene por objeto llenar este vacío haciendo un análisis exhaustivo de las técnicas disponibles que coincidan con ese propósito. Se ha realizado un análisis que ha identificado las diferencias cuando son aplicados para la valoración de los beneficios para el usuario o para otros efectos como aspectos sociales. Como resultado de ello, esta investigación ofrece un enfoque integrado que incluye un modelo Input-Output de múltiples regiones basado en la utilidad aleatoria (RUBMRIO), y un modelo de red de transporte por carretera. Este modelo permite la reproducción con mayor detalle y realismo del transporte de mercancías que por medio de su estructura sectorial identifica los vínculos de las compras y ventas inter-industriales dentro de un país utilizando los servicios del transporte de mercancías. Por esta razón, el modelo integrado es aplicable a diversas políticas de transporte. En efecto, el enfoque se ha aplicado para estudiar los efectos macroeconómicos regionales de la implementación de dos políticas diferentes en el sistema de transporte de mercancías de España, tales como la tarificación basada en la distancia recorrida por vehículo-kilómetro (€/km) aplicada a los vehículos del transporte de mercancías, y para la introducción de vehículos más largos y pesados de mercancías en la red de carreteras de España. El enfoque metodológico se ha evaluado caso por caso teniendo en cuenta una selección de la red de carreteras que unen las capitales de las regiones españolas. También se ha tenido en cuenta una dimensión económica a través de una tabla Input-Output de múltiples regiones (MRIO) y la base de datos de conteo de tráfico existente para realizar la validación del modelo. El enfoque integrado reproduce las condiciones de comercio observadas entre las regiones usando el sistema de transporte de mercancías por carretera, y que permite por comparación con los escenarios de políticas, determinar las contribuciones a los cambios distributivos y generativos. Así pues, el análisis estima los impactos económicos en cualquier región considerando los cambios en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) y el empleo. El enfoque identifica los cambios en el sistema de transporte a través de todos los caminos de la red de transporte a través de las medidas de efectividad (MOEs). Los resultados presentados en esta investigación proporcionan evidencia sustancial de que en la evaluación de las políticas de transporte, es necesario establecer un vínculo entre la estructura económica de las regiones y de los servicios de transporte. Los análisis muestran que para la mayoría de las regiones del país, los cambios son evidentes para el PIB y el empleo, ya que el comercio se fomenta o se inhibe. El enfoque muestra cómo el tráfico se desvía en ambas políticas, y también determina detalles de las emisiones de contaminantes en los dos escenarios. Además, las políticas de fijación de precios o de regulación de los sistemas de transporte de mercancías por carretera dirigidas a los productores y consumidores en las regiones promoverán transformaciones regionales afectando todo el país, y esto conduce a conclusiones diferentes. Así mismo, este enfoque integrado podría ser útil para evaluar otras políticas y otros países en todo el mundo. The purpose of this research is to develop a methodological approach aimed at assessing the potential economic and transportation impacts of transport policies. Transportation departments and other related government parties are interested in such analysis because it is commonly misrepresented for the insufficiency of data and suitable methodologies available. This research is directed at filling this gap by making a comprehensive analysis of the available techniques that match with that purpose. The differences when they are applied for the valuation of user benefits or for other impacts as social matters have been identified. As a result, this research presents an integrated approach which includes both a random utility-based multiregional Input-Output model (RUBMRIO), and a road transport network model. This model accounts for freight transport with more detail and realism because its commodity-based structure traces the linkages of inter-industry purchases and sales that use freight services within a given country. For this reason, the integrated model is applicable to various transport policies. In fact, the approach is applied to study the regional macroeconomic effects of implementing two different policies in the freight transport system of Spain, such as a distance-based charge in vehicle-kilometer (€/km) for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), and the introduction of Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) in the road network of Spain. The methodological approach has been evaluated on a case by case basis considering a selected road network of highways linking the capitals of the Spanish regions. It has also considered an economic dimension through a Multiregional Input Output Table (MRIO) and the existing traffic count database used in the model validation. The integrated approach replicates observed conditions of trade among regions using road freight transport systems that determine contributions to distributional and generative changes by comparison with policy scenarios. Therefore, the model estimates economic impacts in any given area by considering changes in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment (jobs), and in the transportation system across all paths of the transport network considering Measures of effectiveness (MOEs). The results presented in this research provide substantive evidence that in the assessment of transport policies it is necessary to establish a link between the economic structure of regions and the transportation services. The analysis shows that for most regions in the country, GDP and employment changes are noticeable when trade is encouraged or discouraged. This approach shows how traffic is diverted in both policies, and also provides details of the pollutant emissions in both scenarios. Furthermore, policies, such as pricing or regulation of road freight transportation systems, directed to producers and consumers in regions will promote different regional transformations across the country, and this lead to different conclusions. In addition, this integrated approach could be useful to assess other policies and countries worldwide.
The purpose of this work is to provide a description of the heavy rainfall phenomenon on statistical tools from a Spanish region. We want to quantify the effect of the climate change to verify the rapidity of its evolution across the variation of the probability distributions. Our conclusions have special interest for the agrarian insurances, which may make estimates of costs more realistically. In this work, the analysis mainly focuses on: The distribution of consecutive days without rain for each gauge stations and season. We estimate density Kernel functions and Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) for a network of station from the Ebro River basin until a threshold value u. We can establish a relation between distributional parameters and regional characteristics. Moreover we analyze especially the tail of the probability distribution. These tails are governed by law of power means that the number of events n can be expressed as the power of another quantity x : n(x) = x? . ? can be estimated as the slope of log-log plot the number of events and the size. The most convenient way to analyze n(x) is using the empirical probability distribution. Pr(X mayor que x) ? x-?. The distribution of rainfall over percentile of order 0.95 from wet days at the seasonal scale and in a yearly scale with the same treatment of tails than in the previous section.
Climate Change, Water Scarcity in Agriculture and the Country-Level Economic Impacts. A Multimarket Analysis. Abstract: Agriculture could be one of the most vulnerable economic sectors to the impacts of climate change in the coming decades. Considering the critical role that water plays for agricultural production, any shock in water availability will have great implications for agricultural production, land allocation, and agricultural prices. In this paper, an Agricultural Multimarket model is developed to analyze climate change impacts in developing countries, accounting for the uncertainty associated with the impacts of climate change. The model has a structure flexible enough to represent local conditions, resource availability, and market conditions. The results suggest different economic consequences of climate change depending on the specific activity, with many distributional effects across regions
The analysis addresses the issue of transport equity and explores three different approaches to equity in transport: utilitarianism, sufficientarianism and prioritarianism. Each approach calls for a different treatment of the benefits reaped by different population groups in the assessment of transport investments or policies. In utilitarianism, which underlies much of the current practice of transport project appraisal, all benefits receive the same weight, irrespective of the recipient of the benefits. In both sufficientarianism and prioritarianism, benefits are weighed in distinct ways, depending on the characteristics of the recipients. The three approaches are illustrated using a fictive case study, in which three different transport investment are assessed and compared to each other. Finally, the assessment of transport investments will be explored using the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). The CEA assesses the distributional effects of transport investments for utilitarism, sufficientarism and prioritarism approaches and addresses distinct needs associated with different population groups in respect to their transport
Emotion is generally argued to be an influence on the behavior of life systems, largely concerning flexibility and adaptivity. The way in which life systems acts in response to a particular situations of the environment, has revealed the decisive and crucial importance of this feature in the success of behaviors. And this source of inspiration has influenced the way of thinking artificial systems. During the last decades, artificial systems have undergone such an evolution that each day more are integrated in our daily life. They have become greater in complexity, and the subsequent effects are related to an increased demand of systems that ensure resilience, robustness, availability, security or safety among others. All of them questions that raise quite a fundamental challenges in control design. This thesis has been developed under the framework of the Autonomous System project, a.k.a the ASys-Project. Short-term objectives of immediate application are focused on to design improved systems, and the approaching of intelligence in control strategies. Besides this, long-term objectives underlying ASys-Project concentrate on high order capabilities such as cognition, awareness and autonomy. This thesis is placed within the general fields of Engineery and Emotion science, and provides a theoretical foundation for engineering and designing computational emotion for artificial systems. The starting question that has grounded this thesis aims the problem of emotion--based autonomy. And how to feedback systems with valuable meaning has conformed the general objective. Both the starting question and the general objective, have underlaid the study of emotion, the influence on systems behavior, the key foundations that justify this feature in life systems, how emotion is integrated within the normal operation, and how this entire problem of emotion can be explained in artificial systems. By assuming essential differences concerning structure, purpose and operation between life and artificial systems, the essential motivation has been the exploration of what emotion solves in nature to afterwards analyze analogies for man--made systems. This work provides a reference model in which a collection of entities, relationships, models, functions and informational artifacts, are all interacting to provide the system with non-explicit knowledge under the form of emotion-like relevances. This solution aims to provide a reference model under which to design solutions for emotional operation, but related to the real needs of artificial systems. The proposal consists of a multi-purpose architecture that implement two broad modules in order to attend: (a) the range of processes related to the environment affectation, and (b) the range or processes related to the emotion perception-like and the higher levels of reasoning. This has required an intense and critical analysis beyond the state of the art around the most relevant theories of emotion and technical systems, in order to obtain the required support for those foundations that sustain each model. The problem has been interpreted and is described on the basis of AGSys, an agent assumed with the minimum rationality as to provide the capability to perform emotional assessment. AGSys is a conceptualization of a Model-based Cognitive agent that embodies an inner agent ESys, the responsible of performing the emotional operation inside of AGSys. The solution consists of multiple computational modules working federated, and aimed at conforming a mutual feedback loop between AGSys and ESys. Throughout this solution, the environment and the effects that might influence over the system are described as different problems. While AGSys operates as a common system within the external environment, ESys is designed to operate within a conceptualized inner environment. And this inner environment is built on the basis of those relevances that might occur inside of AGSys in the interaction with the external environment. This allows for a high-quality separate reasoning concerning mission goals defined in AGSys, and emotional goals defined in ESys. This way, it is provided a possible path for high-level reasoning under the influence of goals congruence. High-level reasoning model uses knowledge about emotional goals stability, letting this way new directions in which mission goals might be assessed under the situational state of this stability. This high-level reasoning is grounded by the work of MEP, a model of emotion perception that is thought as an analogy of a well-known theory in emotion science. The work of this model is described under the operation of a recursive-like process labeled as R-Loop, together with a system of emotional goals that are assumed as individual agents. This way, AGSys integrates knowledge that concerns the relation between a perceived object, and the effect which this perception induces on the situational state of the emotional goals. This knowledge enables a high-order system of information that provides the sustain for a high-level reasoning. The extent to which this reasoning might be approached is just delineated and assumed as future work. This thesis has been studied beyond a long range of fields of knowledge. This knowledge can be structured into two main objectives: (a) the fields of psychology, cognitive science, neurology and biological sciences in order to obtain understanding concerning the problem of the emotional phenomena, and (b) a large amount of computer science branches such as Autonomic Computing (AC), Self-adaptive software, Self-X systems, Model Integrated Computing (MIC) or the paradigm of models@runtime among others, in order to obtain knowledge about tools for designing each part of the solution. The final approach has been mainly performed on the basis of the entire acquired knowledge, and described under the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Model-Based Systems (MBS), and additional mathematical formalizations to provide punctual understanding in those cases that it has been required. This approach describes a reference model to feedback systems with valuable meaning, allowing for reasoning with regard to (a) the relationship between the environment and the relevance of the effects on the system, and (b) dynamical evaluations concerning the inner situational state of the system as a result of those effects. And this reasoning provides a framework of distinguishable states of AGSys derived from its own circumstances, that can be assumed as artificial emotion.
Las empresas realizan fuertes inversiones en la construcción de las personalidades de las marcas bajo el supuesto –entre otros- de que las personalidades de las marcas influyen en las preferencias y decisiones de los consumidores. Existe una necesidad de expandir el conocimiento en esta área y en lugar de trabajar bajo supuestos, hacerlo bajo teorías apoyadas en evidencia empírica. Esta tesis aborda la teoría de la congruencia incorporando dimensiones hasta ahora no exploradas: la cultura latina y el sexo de los consumidores, y cómo moderan el impacto de la congruencia en las evaluaciones de marcas de consumo privado y marcas de consumo público. Si bien estudios anteriores han abordado este tema, la mayor parte de los estudios han utilizado marcas de productos adictivos (por ejemplo cerveza y cigarrillos) y solamente en los Estados Unidos. Esta tesis extiende el conocimiento existente al proponer un modelo comprehensivo y aportar evidencia que apoya la tesis de que dos tipos de congruencia (de marca y de usuario) influencian positivamente las evaluaciones (preferencias de marca e intenciones de compra) con mayor intensidad en el caso de las marcas de consumo público que en las de consumo privado, en el contexto de culturas latinas. También contribuye a la teoría existente al encontrar que el sexo de los consumidores influye en el impacto de la congruencia en las preferencias e intenciones de compra. ABSTRACT Investments are allocated to brand building on the assumption –among others- that brand personalities impact consumer choices. However, research has concentrated on the study of brand personalities but little on their impact on preference and choice. There is a need to further advance knowledge about the impact of congruence on consumer decisions so that decisions are based not on assumptions but on theories supported by evidence. This thesis addresses congruence theory incorporating dimensions not previously addressed: Latin cultures and gender, and how they moderate the impact of congruence on brand evaluations for privately and publicly consumed brands. While prior research has touched on these attributes, most of it has explored publicly consumed products in the context of addictive products (e.g., beer or alcohol) and only within the United States. This research extends prior knowledge by proposing a comprehensive model and by providing evidence that two types of congruence (brand-personality and user-image) positively influence brand evaluations more so for publicly consumed brands than for privately consumed brands, in the context of Latin cultures. Also, it contributes to current theory by finding that sex influences the impact of congruence on brand preferences and on intention to buy.