13 resultados para defence forces

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The door-closing process can reinforce the impression of a solid, rock-proof, car body or of a rather cheap, flimsy vehicle. As there are no real prototypes during rubber profile bidding-out stages, engineers need to carry out non-linear numerical simulations that involve complex phenomena as well as static and dynamic loads for several profile candidates. This paper presents a structured virtual design tool based on FEM, including constitutive laws and incompressibility constraints allowing to predict more realistically the final closing forces and even to estimate sealing overpressure as an additional guarantee of noise insulation. Comparisons with results of physical tests are performed.


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The computation of the non-linear vibration dynamics of an aerodynamically unstable bladed-disk is a formidable numerical task, even for the simplified case of aerodynamic forces assumed to be linear. The nonlinear friction forces effectively couple dif- ferent travelling waves modes and, in order to properly elucidate the dynamics of the system, large time simulations are typically required to reach a final, saturated state. Despite of all the above complications, the output of the system (in the friction microslip regime) is basically a superposition of the linear aeroelastic un- stable travelling waves, which exhibit a slow time modulation that is much longer than the elastic oscillation period. This slow time modulation is due to both, the small aerodynamic effects and the small nonlinear friction forces, and it is crucial to deter- mine the final amplitude of the flutter vibration. In this presenta- tion we apply asymptotic techniques to obtain a new simplified model that captures the slow time dynamics of the amplitudes of the travelling waves. The resulting asymptotic model is very re- duced and extremely cheap to simulate, and it has the advantage that it gives precise information about the characteristics of the nonlinear friction models that actually play a role in the satura- tion of the vibration amplitude.


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The response of high-speed bridges at resonance, particularly under flexural vibrations, constitutes a subject of research for many scientists and engineers at the moment. The topic is of great interest because, as a matter of fact, such kind of behaviour is not unlikely to happen due to the elevated operating speeds of modern rains, which in many cases are equal to or even exceed 300 km/h ( [1,2]). The present paper addresses the subject of the evolution of the wheel-rail contact forces during resonance situations in simply supported bridges. Based on a dimensionless formulation of the equations of motion presented in [4], very similar to the one introduced by Klasztorny and Langer in [3], a parametric study is conducted and the contact forces in realistic situations analysed in detail. The effects of rail and wheel irregularities are not included in the model. The bridge is idealised as an Euler-Bernoulli beam, while the train is simulated by a system consisting of rigid bodies, springs and dampers. The situations such that a severe reduction of the contact force could take place are identified and compared with typical situations in actual bridges. To this end, the simply supported bridge is excited at resonace by means of a theoretical train consisting of 15 equidistant axles. The mechanical characteristics of all axles (unsprung mass, semi-sprung mass, and primary suspension system) are identical. This theoretical train permits the identification of the key parameters having an influence on the wheel-rail contact forces. In addition, a real case of a 17.5 m bridges traversed by the Eurostar train is analysed and checked against the theoretical results. The influence of three fundamental parameters is investigated in great detail: a) the ratio of the fundamental frequency of the bridge and natural frequency of the primary suspension of the vehicle; b) the ratio of the total mass of the bridge and the semi-sprung mass of the vehicle and c) the ratio between the length of the bridge and the characteristic distance between consecutive axles. The main conclusions derived from the investigation are: The wheel-rail contact forces undergo oscillations during the passage of the axles over the bridge. During resonance, these oscillations are more severe for the rear wheels than for the front ones. If denotes the span of a simply supported bridge, and the characteristic distance between consecutive groups of loads, the lower the value of , the greater the oscillations of the contact forces at resonance. For or greater, no likelihood of loss of wheel-rail contact has been detected. The ratio between the frequency of the primary suspension of the vehicle and the fundamental frequency of the bridge is denoted by (frequency ratio), and the ratio of the semi-sprung mass of the vehicle (mass of the bogie) and the total mass of the bridge is denoted by (mass ratio). For any given frequency ratio, the greater the mass ratio, the greater the oscillations of the contact forces at resonance. The oscillations of the contact forces at resonance, and therefore the likelihood of loss of wheel-rail contact, present a minimum for approximately between 0.5 and 1. For lower or higher values of the frequency ratio the oscillations of the contact forces increase. Neglecting the possible effects of torsional vibrations, the metal or composite bridges with a low linear mass have been found to be the ones where the contact forces may suffer the most severe oscillations. If single-track, simply supported, composite or metal bridges were used in high-speed lines, and damping ratios below 1% were expected, the minimum contact forces at resonance could drop to dangerous values. Nevertheless, this kind of structures is very unusual in modern high-speed railway lines.


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The computation of the non-linear vibration dynamics of an aerodynamically unstable bladed-disk is a formidable numerical task, even for the simplified case of aerodynamic forces assumed to be linear. The nonlinear friction forces effectively couple dif- ferent travelling waves modes and, in order to properly elucidate the dynamics of the system, large time simulations are typically required to reach a final, saturated state. Despite of all the above complications, the output of the system (in the friction microslip regime) is basically a superposition of the linear aeroelastic un- stable travelling waves, which exhibit a slow time modulation that is much longer than the elastic oscillation period. This slow time modulation is due to both, the small aerodynamic effects and the small nonlinear friction forces, and it is crucial to deter- mine the final amplitude of the flutter vibration. In this presenta- tion we apply asymptotic techniques to obtain a new simplified model that captures the slow time dynamics of the amplitudes of the travelling waves. The resulting asymptotic model is very re- duced and extremely cheap to simulate, and it has the advantage that it gives precise information about the characteristics of the nonlinear friction models that actually play a role in the satura- tion of the vibration amplitude.


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La Especificación Aeroespacial y de Defensa 2000M, también conocida como S2000M, es un protocolo de intercambio electrónico de datos utilizado en el apoyo logístico de equipos de defensa. La S2000M, resultado de un trabajo conjunto entre Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA) y empresas de Naciones diversas desarrollado durante las últimas cuatro décadas, define tanto los procesos para la adquisición y mantenimiento de componentes militares, como los mensajes normalizados en apoyo de dichos procesos. Equipos de trabajo constituidos por representantes de las citadas FFAA e industria mantienen actualizada la S2000M, por lo que el protocolo evoluciona continuamente con objeto de adaptarse a las necesidades que puedan surgir. Como consecuencia de dicha actualización, existen diversas versiones de la S2000M actualmente en servicio, y este trabajo se basa en la versión denominada 2.1, si bien, una parte importante de las conclusiones del estudio pueden aplicarse a otras versiones del protocolo. A través de los años, la S2000M se ha convertido en un elemento esencial del comercio electrónico de piezas de repuesto y de servicios de mantenimiento y reparación de modernos sistemas aeronáuticos Europeos tales como los aviones de combate Typhoon, Tornado y Rafale, el avion de transporte A400M y los helicópteros NH90 y Tiger, por lo que la S2000M constituye un elemento esencial en el apoyo logístico necesario para asegurar la disponibilidad operativa de dichos sistemas. Así mismo, la S2000M juega un papel fundamental en el comercio electrónico entre las principales empresas aeronáuticas europeas y las organizaciones logísticas de defensa de Naciones tales como Alemania, España, Francia, Holanda, Italia, etc. En consecuencia, la importancia de la S2000M en aspectos tales como logística, nivel de operatividad de los sistemas de armas mencionados, comercio electrónico y sistemas de información es manifiesta, por lo que resulta necesario evaluar la eficacia y eficiencia del protocolo para optimizarlo al máximo. Con este propósito, el presente trabajo estudia la S2000M con objeto de encontrar una respuesta a la pregunta que ha constituido la base de la investigación: ¿Cómo medir el éxito de la Especificación Aeroespacial y de Defensa S2000M? Como la S2000M se utiliza para intercambiar información logística en formato electrónico entre organizaciones y entidades por medio de documentos estructurados y de procesos automatizados, los sistemas de información juegan un papel fundamental en este trabajo. En consecuencia, la base teoríca para tratar de responder a la pregunta anteriormente citada se sustenta en las investigaciones en curso sobre el éxito de los sistemas de información, adaptadas a la problemática específica del protocolo S2000M. Para finalizar, es importante mencionar que debido a que la investigación sobre la S2000M es prácticamente inexistente, este trabajo se centra en un área específica de conocimiento hasta ahora casi inexplorada. El resultado de la investigación se materializa en una serie de propuestas teoricas y prácticas con las que se contribuyen al desarrollo de tres áreas de conocimiento: S2000M, Sistemas de Información e Intercambio Electrónico de Datos. Asimismo, se proponen nuevas áreas de estudio en las tres áreas mencionadas. ABSTRAC The Aerospace and Defence Specification 2000M, in short S2000M, is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standard used in the logistic support of defence equipment. The S2000M is the result of the joint effort undertaken by the Armed Forces and industry of several Nations over the last four decades. The protocol defines the business processes for the supply, maintenance and repair of military components, as well as the standard messages on support of the said processes. Representatives from industry and military keep the S2000M up-to-date and therefore, the protocol evolves continuously to support new requirements that may arise. Consequently, there are different versions of the standard currently available and this study is about one of them, precisely, Revision 2.1; however, many of the research outcomes are also be valid for other versions of the protocol. Through the years, the S2000M has become an essential element for the electronic trade of spare parts and repair services on support of modern European aeronautical systems such as the fighters Typhoon, Tornado and Rafale, the airlifter A400M and the helicopters NH90 and Tiger. As a result, the S2000M is at the center of the logistic support required to ensure the operational availability of these systems. Further, the protocol plays a key role in the electronic exchanges among main European aeronautical players and defence logistics organizations from Nations such as France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, etc. Therefore, the significance of the S2000M on the operational availability of the mentioned weapon systems, and in logistics, electronic business and Information Systems (IS) terms is noticeable, and it is then worth evaluating how the S2000M is doing with respect to its effectiveness and efficiency in order to improve these two areas as much as possible. To this end, this work analyzes the S2000M with the aim to find a response to the following research question: How to measure the success of the Aerospace and Defence Specification 2000M? As in the end the S2000M is about the electronic exchange of logistics information among organizations and firms by means of standard messages and processes automation, IS are at the core of this dissertation. For that reason, the theoretical foundation to tackle the research question rests on the ongoing stream of research on IS success, which will be extended to take into consideration the S2000M standpoint as well. Last, it is worth noting that due to the practically inexistent research on the S2000M M, this investigation help filling a gap in this domain. The outcomes from this study materialize in a number of conceptual and practical proposals that contribute to the theory and practice on three main knowledge areas, that is, S2000M, IS and EDI. Further, this work opens the door for further research in the said or related fields.


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The main focus of this paper is on hydrodynamic modelling of a semisubmersible platform (which can support a 1.5MW wind turbine and is composed by three buoyant columns connected by bracings) with especial emphasis on the estimation of the wave drift components and their effects on the design of the mooring system. Indeed, with natural periods of drift around 60 seconds, accurate computation of the low-frequency second-order components is not a straightforward task. As methods usually adopted when dealing with the slow-drifts of deep-water moored systems, such as Newman?s approximation, have their errors increased by the relatively low resonant periods, and as the effects of depth cannot be ignored, the wave diffraction analysis must be based on full Quadratic Transfer Functions (QTF) computations. A discussion on the numerical aspects of performing such computations is presented, making use of the second-order module available with the seakeeping software WAMIT®. Finally, the paper also provides a preliminary verification of the accuracy of the numerical predictions based on the results obtained in a series of model tests with the structure fixed in bichromatic waves.


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La habitación rupestre en la Península Ibérica conforma un amplio conjunto de manifestaciones cuyos orígenes son difíciles de dilucidar. Existen conjuntos primitivos, posiblemente horadados durante la Antigüedad Clásica y Tardía, y otros que probablemente se originaron y excavaron en la Alta Edad Media, en los que se mezclan grupos de origen religioso y otros de probable uso defensivo. El conjunto peninsular es sin duda el más variado de Europa Occidental, pues recibió influencias árabes y usos de la cristiandad antigua, importados de Oriente Próximo, que por tanto relacionan estas manifestaciones con otras del arco mediterráneo. La supervivencia del uso de las cuevas a lo largo de la Baja Edad Media -una vez afianzada la Reconquista- es una incógnita, pero los usos rupestres volvieron a generalizarse en ciertos sectores de la Península durante la Edad Moderna, toda vez que el hábitat cuevero manifestó una eclosión relacionada con la peripecia de los moriscos, primero desterrados de sus habitaciones en el Sur y Este peninsular y luego expulsados en los albores del siglo XVII. Los que quedaron, nominalmente conversos, debieron habitar de nuevo cuevas en sus lugares de origen. Esos núcleos son los más abundantes, particularmente en la provincia de Granada y aledañas. Este substrato fue seguramente el punto de apoyo para la proliferación de las cuevas de habitación a partir del siglo XIX, en el cual un creciente proletariado agrícola y urbano necesitó de alojamientos baratos y no hizo sino imitar usos preexistentes, que se pueden rastrear en muchos de los núcleos rupestres que sobrevivieron mayoritariamente hasta bien entrado el siglo XX, y que se abandonaron gradualmente a partir de los años 60 de esa centuria. Para entonces, existían barrios de cuevas extensos en muchas provincias, destacando, aparte de las andaluzas, ciertas zonas de la Cuenca del Ebro (aragonesa, navarra y riojana), del arco periurbano de Valencia, del Sur de Madrid, de la Mancha toledana, o de las provincias de Albacete, Guadalajara, Murcia e incluso de Palencia. Los núcleos antiguos se excavaron -en razón de su origen dedicado a defensa y refugio- en lugares poco accesibles, que mayoritariamente se dan en relieves anfractuosos, en las orlas marginales detríticas y carbonatadas de las cuencas terciarias y en terrenos más antiguos de la geológicamente denominada Cuenca Vasco Cantábrica, en las cuales florecieron centros de eremitismo del primitivo condado de Castilla. También son lugares inaccesibles los riscos asomados a cantiles fluviales, cuya regularización morfológica natural ha sido causa de la ruina de múltiples hipogeos que se labraron con las mismas intenciones de refugio, defensa o retiro espiritual. Los núcleos modernos se han excavado ya en terrenos más propicios (los que componen las cuencas terciarias o "España arcillosa", mayoritariamente), y por ello observamos cómo abundan las litologías sedimentarias, que son aquellas en las que se horadaron casi todas las "colmenas" de habitación moderna en la Península. En unos casos y otros, existen rasgos comunes en lo relativo a la litología y comportamiento de los materiales excavados, y también en lo relativo a su evolución, meteorización y conservación. Se han estudiado por ello estas pautas comunes -como un posible avance para el establecimiento futuro de estudios de geoconservación del patrimonio rupestre habitado-, que se traducen en la determinación de los procesos de meteorización más característicos en los antros de la Península Ibérica -sean modernos o antiguos- y en la determinación de las relaciones más habituales entre geomorfología y tipología de las cuevas de habitación. También se exponen algunas conclusiones relativas a la resistencia de los tipos pétreos en relación a la antigüedad de los emplazamientos. Esta relación se explica bien si tenemos en cuenta que las cuevas antiguas trataban de ser lugares apartados en los que dominan rocas más resistentes -como se ha explicado- y que en las modernas se ha buscado la habitación permanente, en los materiales más blandos ocupan las depresiones terciarias del Centro, Este y Sur de la Península, colonizados no ya como refugios sino de modo seguro, y ya en arrabales "extramuros" de las ciudades. Geomorfológicamente, esta razón histórica tiene consecuencias sobre la posición de las cuevas, sobre su organización, y sobre su conservación. La extensión del dominio estudiado obliga prácticamente a bosquejar algunas de estas conclusiones geológicas, pero permite a su vez proporcionar una visión global acerca del patrimonio troglodítico desde una perspectiva geológica, y en ello radica la principal novedad de la investigación. Cave dwelling in the Iberian Peninsula comprises a great deal of examples whose origins are sometimes difficult to elucidate. There are primitive groups of caves, probably belonging to Classical and Late Antiquity, and other settlements that appear to have been created and excavated in the Early Middle Ages. Some of them are due to religious reasons and some others may probably have served for defensive uses. The Peninsular group is very likely the most diverse in Western Europe, for it was not only influenced by Arabs, but it also assimilated uses from the Antique Christendom, imported from the Middle East. In this sense, Iberian cave dwellings connect with those of the Mediterranean area. There is not total certainty about the survival of caves serving for dwelling throughout the Late Middle Ages, once the Reconquista was a fact. However, underground excavations for human habitation were once again dispread in certain zones of the Peninsula during the Early Modern period. This growth of underground habitats appears in connexion with Morisco’s vicissitudes; first of all, their removal from their settlements in South and Eastern Peninsula, and finally their expulsion from Spanish territory at the very beginning of XVII th century. Those of them who rested in Spain –and that were nominally “converts”- seem to have returned to cave dwelling in their places of origin, particularly in the province of Granada and its neighbouring zones. This substrate may have been the toehold for a new spreading of cave dwellings since XIX th century, when the increasing rural and urban proletariat returned to the pre-existent uses of caves in order to solve the necessity of affordable housing. This fact can still be detected in many of the rock settlements that have survived during a great part of the XX th century and which were gradually abandoned from the 60´s onwards. There were important cave dwelling districts in many Spanish territories by that time, and not only in Andalusia. We also find them in certain areas of the Ebro basin (those of Aragon, Navarra and La Rioja), in the peri-urban arc of Valencia, in the South of Madrid province and also in the provinces of Toledo (the so called “Mancha toledana”), Albacete, Guadalajara, Murcia or even Palencia as well. Due to their defensive and refuge uses, primitive underground habitats were dug in hardly accessible places. The majority of them are located in mountainous and rough areas, when not in the marginal borders of Tertiary basins, where coarse detritic and carbonate formations outcrop. Cave dwellings can also be found in more ancient rock masses, such as those of the Basque Cantabrian Mesozoic Basin, which is the area where hermit centres of the primitive County of Castile first flourished. Cliffs surrounding fluvial valleys are as well inaccessible places, but here we find that geological evolution has caused the destruction of many rock sanctuaries and cliff dwellings that were originally dug with the same purposes of defence, refuge and spiritual retreat. Later modern cave settlements were dug in quite more favourable terrains, mainly in the soils that compose the Tertiary basins, generally known as “España arcillosa” or “Clayey Spain”. Therefore, we find abundant sedimentary fine and medium grained lithologies, which are the ones that have hosted the majority of Modern Era warren cave dwellings in the Iberian Peninsula. Actually, both types of cave dwelling share some standards regarding the lithology of the excavated materials, and they share as well certain patterns that affect to their evolution, weathering and preservation. These common patterns have been studied here in order to determine the most characteristic weathering processes that affect the majority of the Iberian caves, both Antique and Modern. And also with a view to establish the most habitual relationships between geomorphology and typology of cave dwellings. The study may as well provide a first basis for future studies on geo-preservation of cave dwellings heritage. We also reach some conclusions about the strength of different rocks concerning the antiquity of the sites. As we have already pointed out, this relation comes from the fact that ancient caves were placed in remote or isolated locations, where harder rocks outcrop, while more modern ones result from people´s search of permanent dwelling. In this sense, the softer rocks of the Tertiary Basins of Middle, East and South Peninsula provided a secure colonization to this second and modern group. And moreover, considering geomorphological features, this historical reason has had an effect not only on the position and location of the caves, but also on their organisation/structure/distribution and preservation. The huge extension of our domain of interest almost forces to sketch out some of these geological conclusions. But at the same time it gives a global panorama of Spanish troglodyte heritage, seen from a geological perspective. And here is the main novelty of this research.


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A nonlinear analysis of an elastic tube subjected to gravity forces and buoyancy pressure is carried out. An update lagrangian formulation is used. The structural analysis efficiency in terms of computer time and accuracy, has been improved when load stiffness matrices have been introduced. In this way the follower forces characteristics such as their intensity and direction changes can be well represented. A sensitivity study of different involved variables on the final deformed pipeline shape is carried out.


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La energía eólica marina es uno de los recursos energéticos con mayor proyección pudiendo contribuir a reducir el consumo de combustibles fósiles y a cubrir la demanda de energía en todo el mundo. El concepto de aerogenerador marino está basado en estructuras fijas como jackets o en plataformas flotantes, ya sea una semisumergible o una TLP. Se espera que la energía eólica offshore juegue un papel importante en el perfil de producción energética de los próximos años; por tanto, las turbinas eólicas deben hacerse más fables y rentables para ser competitivas frente a otras fuentes de energía. Las estructuras flotantes pueden experimentar movimientos resonantes en estados de la mar con largos períodos de oleaje. Estos movimientos disminuyen su operatividad y pueden causar daños en los componentes eléctricos de las turbinas y en las palas, también en los risers y moorings. La respuesta de la componente vertical del movimiento puede reducirse mediante diferentes actuaciones: (1) aumentando la amortiguación del sistema, (2) manteniendo el período del movimiento vertical fuera del rango de la energía de la ola, y (3) reduciendo las fuerzas de excitación verticales. Un ejemplo típico para llevar a cabo esta reducción son las "Heave Plates". Las heave plates son placas que se utilizan en la industria offshore debido a sus características hidrodinámicas, ya que aumentan la masa añadida y la amortiguación del sistema. En un análisis hidrodinámico convencional, se considera una estructura sometida a un oleaje con determinadas características y se evalúan las cargas lineales usando la teoría potencial. El amortiguamiento viscoso, que juega un papel crucial en la respuesta en resonancia del sistema, es un dato de entrada para el análisis. La tesis se centra principalmente en la predicción del amortiguamiento viscoso y de la masa añadida de las heave plates usadas en las turbinas eólicas flotantes. En los cálculos, las fuerzas hidrodinámicas se han obtenido con el f n de estudiar cómo los coeficientes hidrodinámicos de masa añadida5 y amortiguamiento varían con el número de KC, que caracteriza la amplitud del movimiento respecto al diámetro del disco. Por otra parte, se ha investigado la influencia de la distancia media de la ‘heave plate’ a la superficie libre o al fondo del mar, sobre los coeficientes hidrodinámicos. En este proceso, un nuevo modelo que describe el trabajo realizado por la amortiguación en función de la enstrofía, es descrito en el presente documento. Este nuevo enfoque es capaz de proporcionar una correlación directa entre el desprendimiento local de vorticidad y la fuerza de amortiguación global. El análisis también incluye el estudio de los efectos de la geometría de la heave plate, y examina la sensibilidad de los coeficientes hidrodinámicos al incluir porosidad en ésta. Un diseño novedoso de una heave plate, basado en la teoría fractal, también fue analizado experimentalmente y comparado con datos experimentales obtenidos por otros autores. Para la resolución de las ecuaciones de Navier Stokes se ha usado un solver basado en el método de volúmenes finitos. El solver usa las librerías de OpenFOAM (Open source Field Operation And Manipulation), para resolver un problema multifásico e incompresible, usando la técnica VOF (volume of fluid) que permite capturar el movimiento de la superficie libre. Los resultados numéricos han sido comparados con resultados experimentales llevados a cabo en el Canal del Ensayos Hidrodinámicos (CEHINAV) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y en el Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinámicas (CEHIPAR) en Madrid, al igual que con otros experimentos realizados en la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universidad de Western Australia. Los principales resultados se presentan a continuación: 1. Para pequeños valores de KC, los coeficientes hidrodinámicos de masa añadida y amortiguamiento incrementan su valor a medida que el disco se aproxima al fondo marino. Para los casos cuando el disco oscila cerca de la superficie libre, la dependencia de los coeficientes hidrodinámicos es más fuerte por la influencia del movimiento de la superficie libre. 2. Los casos analizados muestran la existencia de un valor crítico de KC, donde la tendencia de los coeficientes hidrodinámicos se ve alterada. Dicho valor crítico depende de la distancia al fondo marino o a la superficie libre. 3. El comportamiento físico del flujo, para valores de KC cercanos a su valor crítico ha sido estudiado mediante el análisis del campo de vorticidad. 4. Introducir porosidad al disco, reduce la masa añadida para los valores de KC estudiados, pero se ha encontrado que la porosidad incrementa el valor del coeficiente de amortiguamiento cuando se incrementa la amplitud del movimiento, logrando un máximo de damping para un disco con 10% de porosidad. 5. Los resultados numéricos y experimentales para los discos con faldón, muestran que usar este tipo de geometrías incrementa la masa añadida cuando se compara con el disco sólido, pero reduce considerablemente el coeficiente de amortiguamiento. 6. Un diseño novedoso de heave plate basado en la teoría fractal ha sido experimentalmente estudiado a diferentes calados y comparado con datos experimentales obtenidos por otro autores. Los resultados muestran un comportamiento incierto de los coeficientes y por tanto este diseño debería ser estudiado más a fondo. ABSTRACT Offshore wind energy is one of the promising resources which can reduce the fossil fuel energy consumption and cover worldwide energy demands. Offshore wind turbine concepts are based on either a fixed structure as a jacket or a floating offshore platform like a semisubmersible, spar or tension leg platform. Floating offshore wind turbines have the potential to be an important part of the energy production profile in the coming years. In order to accomplish this wind integration, these wind turbines need to be made more reliable and cost efficient to be competitive with other sources of energy. Floating offshore artifacts, such oil rings and wind turbines, may experience resonant heave motions in sea states with long peak periods. These heave resonances may increase the system downtime and cause damage on the system components and as well as on risers and mooring systems. The heave resonant response may be reduced by different means: (1) increasing the damping of the system, (2) keeping the natural heave period outside the range of the wave energy, and (3) reducing the heave excitation forces. A typical example to accomplish this reduction are “Heave Plates”. Heave plates are used in the offshore industry due to their hydrodynamic characteristics, i.e., increased added mass and damping. Conventional offshore hydrodynamic analysis considers a structure in waves, and evaluates the linear and nonlinear loads using potential theory. Viscous damping, which is expected to play a crucial role in the resonant response, is an empirical input to the analysis, and is not explicitly calculated. The present research has been mainly focused on the prediction of viscous damping and added mass of floating offshore wind turbine heave plates. In the calculations, the hydrodynamic forces have been measured in order to compute how the hydrodynamic coefficients of added mass1 and damping vary with the KC number, which characterises the amplitude of heave motion relative to the diameter of the disc. In addition, the influence on the hydrodynamic coefficients when the heave plate is oscillating close to the free surface or the seabed has been investigated. In this process, a new model describing the work done by damping in terms of the flow enstrophy, is described herein. This new approach is able to provide a direct correlation between the local vortex shedding processes and the global damping force. The analysis also includes the study of different edges geometry, and examines the sensitivity of the damping and added mass coefficients to the porosity of the plate. A novel porous heave plate based on fractal theory has also been proposed, tested experimentally and compared with experimental data obtained by other authors for plates with similar porosity. A numerical solver of Navier Stokes equations, based on the finite volume technique has been applied. It uses the open-source libraries of OpenFOAM (Open source Field Operation And Manipulation), to solve 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing. Numerical results have been compared with experiments conducted at Technical University of Madrid (CEHINAV) and CEHIPAR model basins in Madrid and with others performed at School of Mechanical Engineering in The University of Western Australia. A brief summary of main results are presented below: 1. At low KC numbers, a systematic increase in added mass and damping, corresponding to an increase in the seabed proximity, is observed. Specifically, for the cases when the heave plate is oscillating closer to the free surface, the dependence of the hydrodynamic coefficients is strongly influenced by the free surface. 2. As seen in experiments, a critical KC, where the linear trend of the hydrodynamic coefficients with KC is disrupted and that depends on the seabed or free surface distance, has been found. 3. The physical behavior of the flow around the critical KC has been explained through an analysis of the flow vorticity field. 4. The porosity of the heave plates reduces the added mass for the studied porosity at all KC numbers, but the porous heave plates are found to increase the damping coefficient with increasing amplitude of oscillation, achieving a maximum damping coefficient for the heave plate with 10% porosity in the entire KC range. 5. Another concept taken into account in this work has been the heave plates with flaps. Numerical and experimental results show that using discs with flaps will increase added mass when compared to the plain plate but may also significantly reduce damping. 6. A novel heave plate design based on fractal theory has tested experimentally for different submergences and compared with experimental data obtained by other authors for porous plates. Results show an unclear behavior in the coefficients and should be studied further. Future work is necessary in order to address a series of open questions focusing on 3D effects, optimization of the heave plates shapes, etc.


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In the last decade, multi-sensor data fusion has become a broadly demanded discipline to achieve advanced solutions that can be applied in many real world situations, either civil or military. In Defence,accurate detection of all target objects is fundamental to maintaining situational awareness, to locating threats in the battlefield and to identifying and protecting strategically own forces. Civil applications, such as traffic monitoring, have similar requirements in terms of object detection and reliable identification of incidents in order to ensure safety of road users. Thanks to the appropriate data fusion technique, we can give these systems the power to exploit automatically all relevant information from multiple sources to face for instance mission needs or assess daily supervision operations. This paper focuses on its application to active vehicle monitoring in a particular area of high density traffic, and how it is redirecting the research activities being carried out in the computer vision, signal processing and machine learning fields for improving the effectiveness of detection and tracking in ground surveillance scenarios in general. Specifically, our system proposes fusion of data at a feature level which is extracted from a video camera and a laser scanner. In addition, a stochastic-based tracking which introduces some particle filters into the model to deal with uncertainty due to occlusions and improve the previous detection output is presented in this paper. It has been shown that this computer vision tracker contributes to detect objects even under poor visual information. Finally, in the same way that humans are able to analyze both temporal and spatial relations among items in the scene to associate them a meaning, once the targets objects have been correctly detected and tracked, it is desired that machines can provide a trustworthy description of what is happening in the scene under surveillance. Accomplishing so ambitious task requires a machine learning-based hierarchic architecture able to extract and analyse behaviours at different abstraction levels. A real experimental testbed has been implemented for the evaluation of the proposed modular system. Such scenario is a closed circuit where real traffic situations can be simulated. First results have shown the strength of the proposed system.


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1D and 2D patterning of uncharged micro- and nanoparticles via dielectrophoretic forces on photovoltaic z-cut Fe:LiNbO3 have been investigated for the first time. The technique has been successfully applied with dielectric micro-particles of CaCO3 (diameter d = 1-3 μm) and metal nanoparticles of Al (d = 70 nm). At difference with previous experiments in x- and y-cut, the obtained patterns locally reproduce the light distribution with high fidelity. A simple model is provided to analyse the trapping process. The results show the remarkably good capabilities of this geometry for high quality 2D light-induced dielectrophoretic patterning overcoming the important limitations presented by previous configurations.


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This paper describes the procedure implemented at CEM for dynamic force calibration using sinusoidal excitations of force transducers. The method is based on a sinusoidal excitation of force transducers equipped with an additional top mass excited with an electrodynamic shaker system. The acceleration is measured by means of a laser vibrometer.


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The optimal design of a vertical cantilever beam is presented in this paper. The beam is assumed immersed in an elastic Winkler soil and subjected to several loads: a point force at the tip section, its self weight and a uniform distributed load along its length. lbe optimal design problem is to find the beam of a given length and minimum volume, such that the resultant compressive stresses are admisible. This prohlem is analyzed according to linear elasticity theory and within different alternative structural models: column, Navier-Bernoulli beam-column, Timoshenko beamcolumn (i.e. with shear strain) under conservative loads, typically, constant direction loads. Results obtained in each case are compared, in order to evaluate the sensitivity of model on the numerical results. The beam optimal design is described by the section distribution layout (area, second moment, shear area etc.) along the beam span and the corresponding beam total volume. Other situations, some of them very interesting from a theoretical point of view, with follower loads (Beck and Leipholz problems) are also discussed, leaving for future work numerical details and results.