10 resultados para defect revolution
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The detailed study of the deterioration suffered by the materials of the components of a nuclear facility, in particular those forming part of the reactor core, is a topic of great interest which importance derives in large technological and economic implications. Since changes in the atomic-structural properties of relevant components pose a risk to the smooth operation with clear consequences for security and life of the plant, controlling these factors is essential in any development of engineering design and implementation. In recent times, tungsten has been proposed as a structural material based on its good resistance to radiation, but still needs to be done an extensive study on the influence of temperature on the behavior of this material under radiation damage. This work aims to contribute in this regard. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out to determine the influence of temperature fluctuations on radiation damage production and evolution in Tungsten. We have particularly focused our study in the dynamics of defect creation, recombination, and diffusion properties. PKA energies were sampled in a range from 5 to 50 KeV. Three different temperature scenarios were analyzed, from very low temperatures (0-200K), up to high temperature conditions (300-500 K). We studied the creation of defects, vacancies and interstitials, recombination rates, diffusion properties, cluster formation, their size and evolution. Simulations were performed using Lammps and the Zhou EAM potential for W
Most empirical disciplines promote the reuse and sharing of datasets, as it leads to greater possibility of replication. While this is increasingly the case in Empirical Software Engineering, some of the most popular bug-fix datasets are now known to be biased. This raises two significants concerns: first, that sample bias may lead to underperforming prediction models, and second, that the external validity of the studies based on biased datasets may be suspect. This issue has raised considerable consternation in the ESE literature in recent years. However, there is a confounding factor of these datasets that has not been examined carefully: size. Biased datasets are sampling only some of the data that could be sampled, and doing so in a biased fashion; but biased samples could be smaller, or larger. Smaller data sets in general provide less reliable bases for estimating models, and thus could lead to inferior model performance. In this setting, we ask the question, what affects performance more? bias, or size? We conduct a detailed, large-scale meta-analysis, using simulated datasets sampled with bias from a high-quality dataset which is relatively free of bias. Our results suggest that size always matters just as much bias direction, and in fact much more than bias direction when considering information-retrieval measures such as AUC and F-score. This indicates that at least for prediction models, even when dealing with sampling bias, simply finding larger samples can sometimes be sufficient. Our analysis also exposes the complexity of the bias issue, and raises further issues to be explored in the future.
The challenge to properly feed a world population of 9.2 billion by 2050, that must be achieved on essentially currently cropped area, requires that food production be increased by 70%. This large increase can only be achieved by combinations of greater crop yields and more intensive cropping adapted to local conditions and availability of inputs. Farming systems are dynamic and continuously adapt to changing ecological, environmental and social conditions, while achieving greater production and resource-use efficiency by application of science and technology. This article argues that the solution to feed and green the world in 2050 is to support this evolution more strongly by providing farmers with necessary information, inputs, and recognition. There is no revolutionary alternative. Proposals to transform agriculture to low-input and organic systems would, because of low productiv- ity, exacerbate the challenge if applied in small part, and ensure failure if applied more widely. The challenge is, however, great. Irrigation, necessary to increase cropping intensity in many areas cannot be extended much more widely than at present, and it is uncertain if the current rate of crop yield increase can be maintained. Society needs greater recognition of the food-supply problem and must increase funding and support for agricultural research while it attends to issues of food waste and over consumption that can make valuable reductions to food demand from agriculture
This work implements an optimization of the phosphorus gettering effect during the contact co-firing step by means of both simulations and experiments in an industrial belt furnace. An optimized temperature profile, named ‘extended co-firing step’, is presented. Simulations show that the effect of the short annealing on the final interstitial iron concentration depends strongly on the initial contamination level of the material and that the ‘extended co-firing’ temperature profile can enhance the gettering effect within a small additional time. Experimental results using sister wafers from the same multicrystalline silicon ingot confirm these trends and show the potential of this new defect engineering tool to improve the solar cell efficiency.
We study the stability and dynamics of non-Boussinesq convection in pure gases ?CO2 and SF6? with Prandtl numbers near Pr? 1 and in a H2-Xe mixture with Pr= 0.17. Focusing on the strongly nonlinear regime we employ Galerkin stability analyses and direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations. For Pr ? 1 and intermediate non-Boussinesq effects we find reentrance of stable hexagons as the Rayleigh number is increased. For stronger non-Boussinesq effects the usual, transverse side-band instability is superseded by a longitudinal side-band instability. Moreover, the hexagons do not exhibit any amplitude instability to rolls. Seemingly, this result contradicts the experimentally observed transition from hexagons to rolls. We resolve this discrepancy by including the effect of the lateral walls. Non-Boussinesq effects modify the spiral defect chaos observed for larger Rayleigh numbers. For convection in SF6 we find that non-Boussinesq effects strongly increase the number of small, compact convection cells and with it enhance the cellular character of the patterns. In H2-Xe, closer to threshold, we find instead an enhanced tendency toward roll-like structures. In both cases the number of spirals and of targetlike components is reduced. We quantify these effects using recently developed diagnostics of the geometric properties of the patterns.
Motivated by the observation of spiral patterns in a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological systems, we present an automated approach that aims at characterizing quantitatively spiral-like elements in complex stripelike patterns. The approach provides the location of the spiral tip and the size of the spiral arms in terms of their arc length and their winding number. In addition, it yields the number of pattern components (Betti number of order 1), as well as their size and certain aspects of their shape. We apply the method to spiral defect chaos in thermally driven Rayleigh- Bénard convection and find that the arc length of spirals decreases monotonically with decreasing Prandtl number of the fluid and increasing heating. By contrast, the winding number of the spirals is nonmonotonic in the heating. The distribution function for the number of spirals is significantly narrower than a Poisson distribution. The distribution function for the winding number shows approximately an exponential decay. It depends only weakly on the heating, but strongly on the Prandtl number. Large spirals arise only for larger Prandtl numbers. In this regime the joint distribution for the spiral length and the winding number exhibits a three-peak structure, indicating the dominance of Archimedean spirals of opposite sign and relatively straight sections. For small Prandtl numbers the distribution function reveals a large number of small compact pattern components.
We employ numerical computations of the full Navier-Stokes equations to investigate non-Boussinesq convection in a rotating system using water as the working fluid. We identify two regimes. For weak non- Boussinesq effects the Hopf bifurcation from steady to oscillating (whirling) hexagons is supercritical and typical states exhibit defect chaos that is systematically described by the cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. For stronger non-Boussinesq effects the Hopf bifurcation becomes subcritical and the oscil- lations exhibit localized chaotic bursting, which is modeled by a quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation.
In this work, we introduce the Object Kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC) simulator MMonCa and simulate the defect evolution in three different materials. We start by explaining the theory of OKMC and showing some details of how such theory is implemented by creating generic structures and algorithms in the objects that we want to simulate. Then we successfully reproduce simulated results for defect evolution in iron, silicon and tungsten using our simulator and compare with available experimental data and similar simulations. The comparisons validate MMonCa showing that it is powerful and flexible enough to be customized and used to study the damage evolution of defects in a wide range of solid materials.
The era of the seed-cast grown monocrystalline-based silicon ingots is coming. Mono-like, pseudomono or quasimono wafers are product labels that can be nowadays found in the market, as a critical innovation for the photovoltaic industry. They integrate some of the most favorable features of the conventional silicon substrates for solar cells, so far, such as the high solar cell efficiency offered by the monocrystalline Czochralski-Si (Cz-Si) wafers and the lower cost, high productivity and full square-shape that characterize the well-known multicrystalline casting growth method. Nevertheless, this innovative crystal growth approach still faces a number of mass scale problems that need to be resolved, in order to gain a deep, 100% reliable and worldwide market: (i) extended defects formation during the growth process; (ii) optimization of the seed recycling; and (iii) parts of the ingots giving low solar cells performance, which directly affect the production costs and yield of this approach. Therefore, this paper presents a series of casting crystal growth experiments and characterization studies from ingots, wafers and cells manufactured in an industrial approach, showing the main sources of crystal defect formation, impurity enrichment and potential consequences at solar cell level. The previously mentioned technological drawbacks are directly addressed, proposing industrial actions to pave the way of this new wafer technology to high efficiency solar cells.
La cuestión del asentamiento socialista en la URSS durante la década de 1920 estuvo caracterizada por el objetivo de definir y establecer un estado socialista en términos políticos, sociales y económicos. En este contexto de inestabilidad y cambio, un grupo de arquitectos pertenecientes a la Asociación de Arquitectos Contemporáneos, OSA, y liderado por Moisey Ginzburg, abordó el tema de la vivienda obrera asumiendo la responsabilidad y el compromiso por alcanzar un nuevo orden social. Su misión no consistió únicamente en solucionar el problema del alojamiento para los trabajadores en las grandes ciudades soviéticas, sino en redefinirlo como el marco adecuado para una sociedad sometida a un cambio sin precedentes que, al mismo tiempo y en un proceso dialéctico, debía contribuir a la construcción de esa nueva sociedad. La respuesta dada por la OSA trascendió el diseño inmediato bajo los estándares modernos establecidos en Occidente y tomó forma en un proceso de investigación que habría de prolongarse durante cinco años. Este trabajo, que culminó con la construcción y puesta en crisis de la Casa Narkomfin, se desarrolló en tres aproximaciones sucesivas. La primera, de carácter conceptual, consideró la participación ciudadana, así como de especialistas independientes, formalizándose en el Concurso entre Camaradas convocado por la OSA en 1926. La segunda aproximación al problema de la vivienda obrera se articuló a través de la investigación llevada a cabo por la Sección de Tipificación del Stroykom, esta vez desde premisas científicas y metodológicas. Finalmente, las conclusiones alcanzadas fueron transferidas a la práctica arquitectónica por medio de la construcción de seis Casas Experimentales de Transición, entre las que destacó la Casa Narkomfin. Este último acercamiento, de carácter empírico, ha sido tradicionalmente examinado por los expertos como un hecho aislado. Sin embargo, su estudio debe trascender necesariamente el genio del autor-creador en favor del proceso de investigación al que pertenece. En esta tesis, la Casa Narkomfin no se presenta sólo como el paradigma de vivienda soviética de vanguardia al que estamos acostumbrados, sino como un prototipo que recoge los principios y conclusiones alcanzados en las aproximaciones conceptuales y científicas precedentes. Únicamente desde este punto de vista cobra sentido la consideración de Ginzburg sobre su propio edificio como un medio propositivo y no impositivo: un proyecto concebido como una herramienta de transición hacia una sociedad más avanzada. ABSTRACT The question of mass housing in the USSR during the Twenties was marked by the drive to define and establish a socialist state in political, social and economic terms. In this context of instability and change, a group of architects gathered together under the Association of Contemporary Architects, OSA, led by Moisey Ginzburg, to address the issue of mass housing, thus taking on the responsibility and being committed to creating a new social order. Their quest not only involved solving the problem of housing for workers in large Soviet cities, but also redefining this solution as an appropriate framework for a society undergoing dramatic changes which, at the same time and in a dialectical process, would contribute to the creation of this new society. The solution provided by OSA transcended Modern standards of immediate design set by the West and was the result of a research process that would last five years. This work culminated in the construction of Narkomfin House and its self-criticism, developed in three successive approaches. The first was conceptual, being formalized in the Comradely Competition held by the OSA in 1926 and taking into account the participation of citizens and independent experts. The second approach to the problem of mass housing involved research developed by the Typification Section of the Stroykom, this time under scientific and methodological premises. Finally, the conclusions reached were put in practice with the construction of six Experimental Transitional Houses of which the most notable is Narkomfin House. This third empirical approach has traditionally been examined by scholars in isolation. However, its study must necessarily transcend the genius of the author-creator and involve the research process of which it is part. In this thesis, Narkomfin House is presented not only as the paradigm in Soviet housing avant-garde we are used to, but also as a prototype reflecting the principles and conclusions reached in the preceding conceptual and scientific approaches. Only from this point of view does Ginzburg’s understanding of his own building as a proactive and non-imposed environment make sense: a project conceived as a transition tool towards a more advanced society.