21 resultados para cybernetics

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Learning the structure of a graphical model from data is a common task in a wide range of practical applications. In this paper, we focus on Gaussian Bayesian networks, i.e., on continuous data and directed acyclic graphs with a joint probability density of all variables given by a Gaussian. We propose to work in an equivalence class search space, specifically using the k-greedy equivalence search algorithm. This, combined with regularization techniques to guide the structure search, can learn sparse networks close to the one that generated the data. We provide results on some synthetic networks and on modeling the gene network of the two biological pathways regulating the biosynthesis of isoprenoids for the Arabidopsis thaliana plant


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Globalization has intensified competition, as evidenced by the growing number of international classification systems (rankings) and the attention paid to them. Doctoral education has an international character in itself. It should promote opportunities for graduate students lo participate in these international studies. The quality and competitiveness are two of the most important issues for universities. To promote the interest of graduates to continue their education after the graduate level, it would be necessary to improve the published information of ihe doctoral programs. It should increase the visibility and provide high-quality, easily accessible and comparable information which includes all the relevant aspects of these programs. The authors analysed the website contents of doctoral programs, it was observed a lack of quality of them and very poor information about the contents, so that it was decided that any of them could constitute a model for creating new websites. The recommendations on the format and contents in the web were made by a discussion group. They recommended an attractive design; a page with easy access to contents and easy to find on Ihe net and with the information in more than one language. It should include complete program and academic staff information. It should also be included the study's results which should be easily accessible and includes quantitative data, such as number of students who completed scholars, publications, research projects, average duration of the studies, etc. It will facilitate the choice of program


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Proof carrying code (PCC) is a general is originally a roof in ñrst-order logic of certain vermethodology for certifying that the execution of an un- ification onditions and the checking process involves trusted mobile code is safe. The baste idea is that the ensuring that the certifícate is indeed a valid ñrst-order code supplier attaches a certifícate to the mobile code proof. which the consumer checks in order to ensure that the The main practical difñculty of PCC techniques is in code is indeed safe. The potential benefit is that the generating safety certiñeates which at the same time: i) consumer's task is reduced from the level of proving to allow expressing interesting safety properties, ii) can be the level of checking. Recently, the abstract interpre- generated automatically and, iii) are easy and efficient tation techniques developed, in logic programming have to check. In [1], the abstract interpretation techniques been proposed as a basis for PCC. This extended ab- [5] developed in logic programming1 are proposed as stract reports on experiments which illustrate several is- a basis for PCC. They offer a number of advantages sues involved in abstract interpretation-based certifica- for dealing with the aforementioned issues. In particution. First, we describe the implementation of our sys- lar, the xpressiveness of existing abstract domains will tem in the context of CiaoPP: the preprocessor of the be implicitly available in abstract interpretation-based Ciao multi-paradigm programming system. Then, by code certification to deñne a wide range of safety propermeans of some experiments, we show how code certifi- ties. Furthermore, the approach inherits the automation catión is aided in the implementation of the framework. and inference power of the abstract interpretation en- Finally, we discuss the application of our method within gines used in (Constraint) Logic Programming, (C)LP. the área, of pervasive systems


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The concepts of holon and holarchy were first applied in the manufacturing world to develop Holonic Manufacturing Systems. Since then, they have been used in many fields and have proved to be applicable concepts for developing applications in any business area. Resulting applications are based on conceptual holonic constructions. Like any model, a holarchy needs to be validated under real circumstances. Such validation assures the quality of the holarchy before it is implemented. In general, validation research tends to target: 1) the specific types of holons handled in each proposal and/or the selected development paradigms; and 2) algorithm performance rather than architecture quality. This paper proposes and evaluates a methodology that focuses on the quality of the architecture. This methodology is able to validate any holonic architecture built to meet trade requirements. Moreover, this is a general-purpose methodology. Therefore, the methodology would be valid for any domain and would not be invalidated by holon types and/or implementation paradigms emerging, changing or falling into disuse. For this purpose, we consider holonic architectures as conceptual models, using the pure holon and holarchy concepts and passing up not only any specific implementation paradigm but also any set of specific holon types.


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This paper addresses the question of maximizing classifier accuracy for classifying task-related mental activity from Magnetoencelophalography (MEG) data. We propose the use of different sources of information and introduce an automatic channel selection procedure. To determine an informative set of channels, our approach combines a variety of machine learning algorithms: feature subset selection methods, classifiers based on regularized logistic regression, information fusion, and multiobjective optimization based on probabilistic modeling of the search space. The experimental results show that our proposal is able to improve classification accuracy compared to approaches whose classifiers use only one type of MEG information or for which the set of channels is fixed a priori.


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Web-based education or „e-learning‟ has become a critical component in higher education for the last decade, replacing other distance learning methods, such as traditional computer training or correspondence learning. The number of university students who take on-line courses is continuously increasing all over the world. In Spain, nearly a 90% of the universities have an institutional e-learning platform and over 60% of the traditional on-site courses use this technology as a supplement to the traditional face-to-face classes. This new form of learning allows the disappearance of geographical barriers and enables students to schedule their own learning process, among some other advantages. On-line education is developed through specific software called „e-learning platform‟ or „virtual learning environment‟ (VLE). A considerable number of web-based tools to deliver distance courses are currently available. Open source software packages such as Moodle, Sakai, dotLRN or Dokeos are the most commonly used in the virtual campuses of Spanish universities. This paper analyzes the possibilities that virtual learning environments provide university teachers and learners and offers a technical comparison among some of the most popular e-learning learning platforms.


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Si existe un denominador común en la contemporaneidad este tiene que ver con el cambio y la transitoriedad. Surfeamos en las olas de una sociedad siempre cambiante incierta y cada vez más imprevisible. La postmodernidad ha devenido en un tiempo sin certezas, el habitante de la sociedad de la transitoriedad desconoce la previsión de futuro. Ante la ausencia de certidumbres, los individuos están obligados a concatenar proyectos episódicos a corto plazo. Este modo de vida fragmentada requiere una gran capacidad de adaptación y flexibilidad para poder sobrevivir en condiciones de incertidumbre endémicas. Por esa razón, la construcción de cualquier situación en términos intelectuales y metodológicos a cualquier escala, requiere una nueva visión, no sólo en términos de espacio, sino fundamentalmente, de tiempo. La presente tesis no pretende plantear el problema desde el punto de vista filosófico, aunque inevitablemente tendrá que referirse a pensadores y científicos utilizados desde la arquitectura. En esta línea, se hace necesario preguntarse como el arquitecto puede operar con esta incertidumbre, en otras palabras: ¿Existe un potencial para el arquitecto en la inestabilidad y el cambio constante del contexto urbano, social y económico? ¿Y si es así, cómo se opera con esta incertidumbre? La inestabilidad de todo el contexto social, político, cultural y económico en el que la arquitectura tiene lugar hoy, hace imprescindible analizar las herramientas y protocolos de proyecto. La tesis tratará, como su título indica, sobre algunas de las estrategias que frente a los postulados del Movimiento Moderno, aparecen entre 1961 y 1978, y reformuladas bajo el prisma de la contemporaneidad, pueden constituir herramientas que hoy resulta pertinente analizar, desde un punto de vista crítico pero también pragmático, en el marco de inestabilidad en el que se desarrolla la disciplina arquitectónica, a estas metodologías las denominaremos Estrategias de Incertidumbre. Por definición, la arquitectura ha operado históricamente, entre el presente conocido y el futuro incierto. Y aunque en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, se produce un cambio significativo en la manera de aproximarse a los cambios futuros de programa o de uso, en la vida útil de los edificios, operando con el cambio y la indeterminación como herramientas de proyecto, lo que es probablemente nuevo hoy, es la inestabilidad de todo el contexto social, político, cultural y económico en el que se genera la arquitectura. La presente tesis analiza una serie de estrategias que han incorporado la incertidumbre como ingrediente activo en la elaboración del proyecto arquitectónico, hasta el punto de redefinir completamente la disciplina. La primera hipótesis plantea el diseño de la anticipación como respuesta a la incertidumbre, a través de la introducción de la flexibilidad programática en el proyecto, para generar estructuras capaces de asimilar los futuros cambios. En ese sentido se buscará la indeterminación del proyecto para dejar abierto su uso. A la vez, la introducción activa del factor tiempo transforma el rol del arquitecto, que pasa a ser un gestor interdisciplinar en la generación del proyecto abierto. La segunda hipótesis plantea el papel productivo de la incertidumbre dentro del proceso creativo, buscando deliberadamente la generación de oportunidades dentro del proceso de proyecto, fomentando la observación y descubrimiento frente al diseño y la definición, manejando tiempo, crecimiento y azar como variables proyectuales, entendiendo la obra como proceso de tal manera que lo inesperado pueda aparecer. Para acometer la investigación, en relación al modelo canónico del Movimiento Moderno, se analizan nuevos modelos surgidos en los 60 en distintos contextos, alineados entre otros, con los protocolos de John Cage y sus secuencias randomizadas o la cibernética, fundamentalmente a partir de 1961, año en el que se publican dos textos, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age de Reyner Banham y An approach to Cybernetics de Gordon Pask. El pensamiento sistémico de Gordon Pask – colaborador de Price en el Fun Palace - tendrá gran influencia en la formulación del concepto de Incertidumbre Calculada, enunciado y planteado como estrategia por Cedric Price, que incorpora, a partir de ese momento, protocolos de diseño propios de la cibernética, en proyectos como el Fun Palace y Potteries Thinkbelt a principios de los años 60. En ellos, el arquitecto, desde la toma de conciencia de la caducidad de los paradigmas clásicos heredados de los principales teóricos de la modernidad, entiende que el proyecto de arquitectura debe incorporar cierto grado de indeterminación para dar cabida a las incertidumbres del programa, introducir la obsolescencia programada o verificar el potencial de la incertidumbre en la sociedad postindustrial. Estos planteamientos tienen continuidad en la figura de un joven profesor llegado en 1970 a la Architectural Association de Londres, el arquitecto suizo Bernard Tschumi. Los programas académicos desarrollados por Tschumi en Londres de 1970 a 1975 - en los que combina el activismo político, las acciones urbanas inspiradas en Lefebvre y Debord y las técnicas del performance juegan un rol crucial en la formalización del discurso y la práctica arquitectónica a partir de los años 70 y suponen el paso de un modelo directo, transitivo, a un modelo operativo, donde la conducta y los objetivos no se establecen a priori, sino que se instalan en el interior de los procesos, ampliando un campo disciplinar, que a partir de ese momento se centrará en lo performativo. Tras estos proyectos, analizaremos su llegada a Nueva York en 1978, año en que presenta los Manhattan Transcripts y se publica Delirious New York, obras que sustituirán la cultura del espacio y la forma, por la capacidad de acción del programa a partir de su modificación dimensional y relacional. Este capítulo tendrá su epílogo en el Concurso Internacional de La Villette en 1982, en las propuetas de Tschumi, Koolhaas y Price, donde la indeterminación estará presente mediante la generación de paisajes perceptivos y programáticos cambiantes. Tras los dos capítulos centrales, el capítulo final Estrategias de Incertidumbre, que da título a la Tesis, recapitulará las estrategias analizadas a través de tres proyectos contemporáneos, proyectando otras tantas ventanas para futuras investigaciones.


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The problem of conceptualisation is the first step towards the identication of the functional requirements of a system. This article proposes two extensions of well-known object oriented techniques: UER (User-Environment-Responsibility) technique and enhanced CRC (Class-ResponsibilityCollaboration) cards. UER technique consists of (a) looking for the users of systems and describing the ways the system is used; (b) looking for the objects of the environment and describing the possible interactions; and (c) looking for the general requirements or goals of the system, the actions that it should carry out without explicit interaction. The enhanced CRC cards together with the internal use cases technique is used for dening collaborations between agents. These techniques can be easily integrated in UML (Unied Modelling Language) [2], dening the new notation symbols as stereotypes.


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The definition of an agent architecture at the knowledge level makes emphasis on the knowledge role played by the data interchanged between the agent components and makes explicit this data interchange this makes easier the reuse of these knowledge structures independently of the implementation This article defines a generic task model of an agent architecture and refines some of these tasks using the interference diagrams. Finally, a operationalisation of this conceptual model using the rule-oriented language Jess is shown. knowledge level,


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The application of impedance control strategies to modern legged locomotion is analyzed, paying special attention to the concepts behind its implementation which is not straightforward. In order to implement a functional impedance controller for a walking mechanism, the concepts of contact, impact, friction, and impedance have to be merged together. A literature review and a comprehensive analysis are presented compiling all these concepts along with a discussion on position-based versus force-based impedance control approaches, and a theoretical model of a robotic leg in contact with its environment is introduced. A theoretical control scheme for the legs of a general legged robot is also introduced, and some simulations results are presented.


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In informatics there is one kind of complexity that is perceived by everyone. It is the complexity of a concrete, isolated object, normally situated completely within one of the branches universally recognized by the scientific and technical community. Examples of this are the complexity of integrated electronic circuits, the complexity of lgorithms and the complexity of software. The first complexity deals with the number of circuit components, the second with computation time and the third with the number of necessary mental discriminations. In arder to illustrate my point, I will take up the last complexity, which, m o reo ver, is the least well-known.


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One of the challenges facing the current web is the efficient use of all the available information. The Web 2.0 phenomenon has favored the creation of contents by average users, and thus the amount of information that can be found for diverse topics has grown exponentially in the last years. Initiatives such as linked data are helping to build the Semantic Web, in which a set of standards are proposed for the exchange of data among heterogeneous systems. However, these standards are sometimes not used, and there are still plenty of websites that require naive techniques to discover their contents and services. This paper proposes an integrated framework for content and service discovery and extraction. The framework is divided into several layers where the discovery of contents and services is made in a representational stateless transfer system such as the web. It employs several web mining techniques as well as feature-oriented modeling for the discovery of cross-cutting features in web resources. The framework is used in a scenario of electronic newspapers. An intelligent agent crawls the web for related news, and uses services and visits links automatically according to its goal. This scenario illustrates how the discovery is made at different levels and how the use of semantics helps implement an agent that performs high-level tasks.


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The Language Exchange Program between the UPM and UBCO acts as a model for sustainability innovation in language and culture engagement as the students can interact with native speakers in communication tasks. This interdisciplinary initiative supports the latest methodological principles observed in the Common European Framework for Languages [1], such as autonomous and lifelong learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment as well as the incorporation of new technologies to the learning process


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In this work, we proposes a control strategy by state convergence applied to bilateral control of a nonlinear teleoperator system with constant delay. The bilateral control of the teleoperator system considers the case when the human operator applies a constant force on the local manipulator and when the interaction of the remote manipulator with the environment is considered passive. The stability analysis is performed using Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, it showed that using an control algorithm by state convergence for the case with constant delay, the nonlinear local and remote teleoperation system is asymptotically stable, also speeds converge to zero and position tracking is achieved. This work also presents the implementation of an experimental platform. The mechanical structure of the arm that is located in the remote side has been built and the electric servomechanism has been mounted to control their movement.


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Division of labor is a widely studied aspect of colony behavior of social insects. Division of labor models indicate how individuals distribute themselves in order to perform different tasks simultaneously. However, models that study division of labor from a dynamical system point of view cannot be found in the literature. In this paper, we define a division of labor model as a discrete-time dynamical system, in order to study the equilibrium points and their properties related to convergence and stability. By making use of this analytical model, an adaptive algorithm based on division of labor can be designed to satisfy dynamic criteria. In this way, we have designed and tested an algorithm that varies the response thresholds in order to modify the dynamic behavior of the system. This behavior modification allows the system to adapt to specific environmental and collective situations, making the algorithm a good candidate for distributed control applications. The variable threshold algorithm is based on specialization mechanisms. It is able to achieve an asymptotically stable behavior of the system in different environments and independently of the number of individuals. The algorithm has been successfully tested under several initial conditions and number of individuals.