7 resultados para credible commitments.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Although there are many definitions of SME's there is no globally accepted definition of a small or medium-sized enterprise. Small Medium Enterprises (SME) the catalyst in economic growth & development of the country, are facing tough competition in market place and in establishing themselves as credible supplier of quality product and services. In India they are producing more than 8000 different products. The common perception is that small to medium businesses have very little options in terms of CRM solutions. This is clearly not the case. SME's now have a lot of options and can exercise same. Businesses are shifting from product centric to customer centric. Long before the advent of technology, businesses have always recognized that the customer is the soul of every business. Businesses try to have personal relationship with their customers. Moving towards customer centric approach is a multi prolonged efforts that requires transformation of process, culture and strategy from top level to every individual employee. Technology has a crucial role in providing tools and infrastructure to support this. CRM supports SMEs in their business customer loyalty.


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Nowadays, one of the urgent issues regarding global climate change is to discuss the future of the second period of the Kyoto Protocol. However, the divergence of views and opinions among parties in the last Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Durban in December 2011, is still large. One of the bones of contention is whether the emerging developing countries, like China, should make commitments and legally bind themselves to a Green House Gas (GHG) reduction target in near future. As the largest GHG emitting country, China and its energy and climate policies will play an important role in global climate change and will also significantly influence the other countries? policies and the global climate negotiation. In this paper, we review the current differences among parties in the Durban Conference, and we analyze the recent situation, barriers, and future policies in China. Finally we highlight the impact and potential effect of Clean Development Mechanisms in avoiding China?s barriers regarding climate change. Results show that China is making a great effort to mitigate climate change by establishing and reforming its energy and climate policies in order to achieve a low-carbon development. At the same time, more innovation and international collaboration is needed in China to achieve this goal.


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Since the Digital Agenda for Europe released the Europe2020 flagship, Member States are looking for ways of fulfilling their agreed commitments to fast and ultrafast internet deployment. However, Europe is not a homogenous reality. The economic, geographic, social and demographic features of each country make it a highly diverse region to develop best practices over Next Generation Access Networks (NGAN) deployments. There are special concerns about NGAN deployments for “the final third”, as referred to the last 25% of the country’s population who, usually, live in rural areas. This paper assesses, through a techno-economic analysis, the access cost of providing over 30 Mbps broadband for the final third of Spain`s population in municipalities, which are classified into area types, referred to as geotypes. Fixed and mobile technologies are compared in order to determine which is the most cost-effective technology for each geotype. The demographic limit for fixed networks (cable, fibre and copper) is also discussed. The assessment focuses on the supply side and the results show the access network cost only. The research completes a previous published assessment (Techno-economic analysis of next generation access networks roll-out. The case of platform competition, regulation and public policy in Spain) by including the LTE scenario. The LTE scenario is dimensioned to provide 30 Mbps (best effort) broadband, considering a network take-up of 25%. The Rocket techno-economic model is used to assess a ten-year study period deployment. Nevertheless, the deployment must start in 2014 and be completed by 2020, in order to fulfil the Digital Agenda’s goals. The feasibility of the deployment is defined as the ability to recoup the investment at the end of the study period. This ability is highly related to network take-up and, therefore, to service adoption. Network deployment in each geotype is compared with the cost of the deployment in the Urban geotype and broadband expected penetration rates for clarity and simplicity. Debating the cost-effective deployments for each geotype, while addressing the Digital Agenda’s goals regarding fast and ultrafast internet, is the main purpose of this paper. At the end of the last year, the independent Spanish regulation agency released the Spain broadband coverage report at the first half of 2013. This document claimed that 59% and 52% of Spain’s population was already covered by NGAN capable of providing 30 Mbps and 100 Mbps broadband respectively. HFC, with 47% of population coverage, and FTTH, with 14%, were considered as a 100 Mbps capable NGAN. Meanwhile VDSL, with 12% of the population covered, was the only NGAN network considered for the 30 Mbps segment. Despite not being an NGAN, the 99% population coverage of HSPA networks was also noted in the report. Since mobile operators are also required to provide 30 Mbps broadband to 90% of the population in rural areas by the end of 2020, mobile networks will play a significant role on the achievement of the 30 Mbps goal in Spain’s final third. The assessment indicates the cost of the deployment per cumulative households coverage with 4 different NGANs: FTTH, HFC, VDSL and LTE. Research shows that an investment ranging from €2,700 (VDSL) to €5,400 (HFC) million will be needed to cover the first half of the population with any fixed technology assessed. The results state that at least €3,000 million will be required to cover these areas with the least expensive technology (LTE). However, if we consider the throughput that fixed networks could provide and achievement of the Digital Agenda’s objectives, fixed network deployments are recommended for up to 90% of the population. Fibre and cable deployments could cover up to a maximum of 88% of the Spanish population cost efficiently. As there are some concerns about the service adoption, we recommend VDSL and mobile network deployments for the final third of the population. Despite LTE being able to provide the most economical roll-out, VDSL could also provide 50 Mbps from 75% to 90% of the Spanish population cost efficiently. For this population gap, facility based competition between VDSL providers and LTE providers must be encouraged. Regarding 90% to 98.5% of the Spanish population, LTE deployment is the most appropriate. Since costumers in less populated the municipalities are more sensitive to the cost of the service, we consider that a single network deployment could be most appropriate. Finally, it has become clear that it is not possible to deliver 30Mbps to the final 1.5% of the population cost-efficiently and adoption predictions are not optimistic either. As there are other broadband alternatives able to deliver up to 20 Mbps, in the authors’ opinion, it is not necessary to cover the extreme rural areas, where public financing would be required.


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The DNDC (DeNitrification and DeComposition) model was first developed by Li et al. (1992) as a rain event-driven process-orientated simulation model for nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas emissions from the agricultural soils in the U.S. Over the last 20 years, the model has been modified and adapted by various research groups around the world to suit specific purposes and circumstances. The Global Research Alliance Modelling Platform (GRAMP) is a UK-led initiative for the establishment of a purposeful and credible web-based platform initially aimed at users of the DNDC model. With the aim of improving the predictions of soil C and N cycling in the context of climate change the objectives of GRAMP are to: 1) to document the existing versions of the DNDC model; 2) to create a family tree of the individual DNDC versions; 3) to provide information on model use and development; and 4) to identify strengths, weaknesses and potential improvements for the model.


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La presente tesis analiza el resultado de tratar con una plancha caliente la superficie de un estuco de cal, en estado fresco. El estuco a fuego –nombre que recibe la técnica actualmente en desuso- fue muy valorada en un pasado relativamente reciente, de forma que actualmente aparece ciertamente mitificada y sin caracterizar, habiéndose perdido prácticamente su técnica de ejecución. En el capítulo 1 se exponen las hipótesis y objetivos de la investigación realizada, y el e interés y oportunidad de la tesis. En el capítulo 2 se analizan los antecedentes y usos históricos de los estucos, con especial dedicación a los de cal y más concretamente los “planchados” o "al fuego", que son el tema central de esta tesis. Tras un detallado análisis de la bibliografía actual y de la época, se exponen las contradicciones que sobre este acabado se deducen de los diferentes autores consultados. También se sitúa cronológicamente la técnica, en un intento siempre difícil de poner límites a un proceso continuo. Se propone finalmente una técnica de ejecución que, tomando las descripciones más coherentes y creíbles, y mejor contrastadas de los diferentes autores, recupera la técnica perdida, lo que se prueba mediante las correspondientes "ejecuciones piloto". En el capítulo 3 se expone la metodología experimental seguida para caracterizar el efecto de la aplicación de la plancha caliente sobre el estuco de cal: en primer lugar se recuperará en taller el proceso de ejecución a partir de la bibliografía revisada, tomando las descripciones más coherentes y mejor contrastadas de los diferentes autores; posteriormente, se analiza el único caso conocido de esta técnica en el que ha sido posible sacar probetas; a continuación se contrastarán ambas informaciones con objeto de validar el proceso llevado a cabo; por último se proponen los ensayos realizados a las muestras de laboratorio hechas con la técnica recuperada y comparada con el caso real. En el capítulo 4 se lleva a la práctica lo desarrollado en el capítulo anterior, principalmente para determinar los posibles cambios en la superficie acabada, así como en su absorción de agua, brillo, dureza, y porosidad superficial del estuco. Los resultados obtenidos son objeto de análisis y de comparación. Toda la información estudiada hace posible las conclusiones que aparecen el capítulo 5 y que delimitan claramente el efecto que provoca el uso de la plancha caliente sobre el acabado en varios aspectos: economía en el proceso, mejora de los efectos de imitación de mármol y aumento de las propiedades físicas solicitadas a un revestimiento continuo de estas características. Termina el capítulo proponiendo unas cuestiones como futuras líneas de desarrollo de la investigación. ABSTRACT This thesis analyzes the result of dealing with a hot iron the surface of a plaster of lime, fresh state. The stucco fire-name receiving the technique in disuse today- was highly valued in the relatively recent past, so now certainly appears mystified and uncharacterized, having almost lost his playing technique. In Chapter 1 the assumptions and objectives of the research are presented, and the interest and opportunity of the thesis. In chapter 2 the background and historical uses of stucco, with particular attention to the lime and more specifically the "pressed" or "Fire", which are the focus of this thesis are discussed. After a detailed analysis of the current literature and the time, the contradictions that this finish is derived from the different authors consulted are exposed. Also it is situated chronologically the technique, in an always difficult to set limits to a continuous attempt. A technique of execution, taking the most consistent and credible descriptions, and better contrasting of different authors, recovers lost art, which is proved by the corresponding "pilot runs" was finally proposed. In Chapter 3 the experimental methodology to characterize the effect of the application of the hot iron on the lime stucco is exposed: first workshop will recover in the implementation process from the literature reviewed, taking the most consistent descriptions and better contrasted different authors; then it is analyzed the only known case in which this technique has been possible to take samples; then both information will be compared in order to validate the process undertaken; Finally tests performed at the laboratory samples made with the technique recovered and compared with the real case are proposed. Chapter 4 takes practice what it was developed in the previous chapter, mainly to determine possible changes in the finished surface as well as water absorption, gloss, hardness, surface porosity from the stucco. The results are analyzed and compared. All information makes possible to study the conclusions that appear on Chapter 5 and clearly define the effect caused by the use of the hot iron on the finish in several aspects: economy in the process, enhancing the effects of marble imitation and increased physical properties applied to a continuous coating of these features. Chapter finalizes proposing some issues and future lines of research and development.


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El motivo de abordar esta Tesis responde al hecho personal de haber vivido históricamente momentos cumbre de la Construcción Naval en España y no dejar de plantearme, a pesar de mi distancia del sector desde el punto de vista profesional, en las opciones de futuro para volver a ser competitivos en un sector que ha tenido un peso tan importante en la economía española, y que tanto ha ilusionado a centenares de profesionales y compañeros a lo largo de muchas décadas con el optimismo de estar aportando valor para que España fuera competitiva. A lo largo de los últimos años, y la relación con el ámbito de la dirección de Empresas desde el punto de vista de una Escuela de Negocios, así como el contacto con enfoques estratégicos en sectores muy diversos me animó a plantearme la Tesis con el objetivo de reflejar el estado actual del sector y poder valorar alternativas de futuro para la Construcción Naval española, aun sabiendo que son muchos los “maestros” realmente autorizados en nuestros país, con amplios conocimientos y experiencia, que muchas veces, a pesar de las propuestas y de los esfuerzos que han realizado para impulsar el sector, se han encontrado con situaciones adversas, bien de tipo económico, social‐laboral, político ‐a nivel nacional, europeo o global‐, etc., que han impedido un fortalecimiento del sector como todos hubiéramos deseado. La presión histórica ejercida por los países competidores en Construcción naval del ámbito asiático y lejano oriente, así como los compromisos derivados de las Directivas europeas, han obligado al sector de la Construcción Naval en España a buscar unos nuevos posicionamientos estratégicos presentes y, sobre todo, de futuro. Partiendo de un análisis del sector naval, tanto del mercado nacional como del internacional, con especial foco en los países líderes, se plantea investigar, siguiendo el modelo de Porter, las fuerzas competitivas que han influido en estas últimas décadas y que han conducido a la situación actual, valorando la estructura competitiva, el entorno relevante y los efectos de la globalización, con las amenazas de los nuevos y actuales competidores y las barreras existentes. Para abordar esta investigación se ha realizado un análisis del sector naval con la siguiente metodología: 1. Análisis del estado actual de la construcción naval en España. 2. Análisis del estado actual de la construcción naval en el mundo. 3. Estudio de la demanda en el mercado y evolución de la misma en los últimos años: muy centrada en los países líderes y más competitivos. 4. Estudio de las perspectivas de negocio en el sector marítimo y oceánico: estudio particular del transporte marítimo y una comparativa con la explotación de recursos oceánicos. Finalmente se decidió no abordar por falta de datos de futuro las construcciones militares. 5. Estudio de características de la industria naval española y capacidad de los astilleros. Se ha focalizado especialmente en la construcción para valorar la capacidad de futuro. 6. Análisis de fuerzas competitivas de la industria naval española a partir del modelo de Porter. En esta parte se incluyen alguno de los factores críticos externos e internos que ayudan a identificar barreras y estrategias en el entorno de la construcción naval como sector global. 7. Identificación de las oportunidades de negocio hacia el 2050. 8. Alternativas para una estrategia competitiva de actuación frente a las oportunidades de futuro en el 2050. Con esta Tesis se aporta un estudio competitivo actualizado, de acuerdo con el modelo de Porter, con el fin de proponer una posible estrategia competitiva de futuro, que posicione competitivamente la industria naval y el sector marítimo en España en las próximas décadas. ABSTRACT The reason for addressing this thesis responds to my personal experience about having lived historical moments summit Shipbuilding in Spain. Despite my distance from this industry from a professional point of view, I have never stopped wonder myself which are the options for the future to become competitive in an industry that has had such an important weight in the Spanish economy, which has excited so hundreds of professionals and peers through many decades with optimism to be adding value to Spain in order to be competitive again. Over recent years, and the relationship with the field of business management from the point of view of a business school, as well as contact with strategic approaches in diverse sectors encouraged me to wonder Thesis order to reflect the current state of the sector and to evaluate future alternatives for the Spanish Shipbuilding, knowing that many "teachers" really allowed in our country, with extensive knowledge and experience that often, despite proposals and the efforts that have been made to boost the sector, have met with adverse situations, whether economic, social and labor, political kind ‐at national, European or global‐level, etc., that have prevented a strengthening of all sectors we wished. The historical pressure from competing countries in Shipbuilding Asian area and Far East, as well as commitments arising from EU directives, have forced the shipbuilding industry in Spain to seek a new strategic positions present and, above all, future. Starting from an analysis of the shipbuilding sector, both national and international market, with special focus on the leading countries, we propose to investigate, following the model of Porter, the competitive forces that have influenced recent decades and have led to the current situation, assessing the competitive structure of the relevant environment and the effects of globalization, with the threat of new and existing competitors and barriers. To address this research has analyzed the naval sector with the following methodology: 1. Analysis of the current state of shipbuilding in Spain. 2. Analysis of the current state of shipbuilding in the world. 3. Study of the demand in the market and evolution of the same in recent years: very focused on the leading and most competitive countries. 4. Study of business prospects in the maritime and oceanic sector: private study of maritime transport and a comparison with the exploitation of ocean resources. Finally it was decided not to address a lack of data future military construction. 5. Study of characteristics of the Spanish shipbuilding and shipyard capacity. It is particularly focused on building the capacity to assess future. 6. Analysis of competitive forces of the Spanish shipbuilding industry from the model of Porter. In this part they include some critics of the external and internal factors that help identify barriers and strategies in the environment of global shipbuilding sector. 7. Identification of business opportunities by 2050. 8. Alternatives to a competitive strategy of action against future opportunities in 2050. This thesis has sought to provide a competitive study updated according to Porter's model, in order to propose a possible future competitive strategy to reach a competitive position at the shipbuilding industry and the maritime sector in Spain in the coming decades. The historical pressure from competing countries in the Asian sphere Shipbuilding and Far East, as well as commitments arising from EU directives have forced the shipbuilding industry in Spain to seek a new strategic positioning. Starting from an analysis of the shipbuilding sector, both national and international market, with a special focus on the leading countries, it is proposed to analyze, following the model of Porter, the competitive forces that have influenced in recent decades and have led to the current situation, studying the competitive structure of the relevant environment and the effects of globalization, with the threat of new and existing competitors and barriers. It concludes with a forecast of future market and business opportunities arising in the global environment of maritime and naval Industry, in order to propose a possible competitive strategy for the near future, which could help to achieve a competitive position on the shipbuilding and maritime sector in Spain for the coming decades.


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Intervention has taken different forms in different countries and periods of time. Moreover, recent episodes showed that in front of an imminent crisis, the promise of no interventions made by governments is barely credible. In this paper we address the problem of resolving banking crises from the government perspective, taking into account the fact that preventing banking crises is crucial for the government. In addition, we introduce the moral hazard problem, inherent in the banking system, and consider the interaction between regulation, policy measures and banks’ behavior. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that compares different policy plans to resolve banking crises in an environment where insufficiently capitalized banks have incentives to take risk, and the government has to decide whether to provide public services or impede crises. We show that when individuals highly value public services then the best policy in terms of welfare is to apply the tax on early withdrawals, as the government can transfer those taxes to the whole population by investing in public services (although at some cost). Conversely, when individuals assign a low value to consuming public services, recapitalization is the dominant policy. Finally, when the probability of a crisis is sufficiently high, capital requirements should be used