10 resultados para creative drive
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
We present a review of direct-drive shock ignition studies done as alternative for the Laser Mega-Joule to achieve high thermonuclear gain. One-dimensional analysis of HiPER-like Shock-ignited target designs is presented. It is shown that high gain can be achieved with shock ignition for designs which do not ignite only from the laser compression. Shock ignition is achieved for different targets of the fast ignition family which are driven by an absorbed energy between 100 kJ and 850kJ and deliver thermonuclear energies between 10-130 MJ. Shock-Ignition of Direct-Drive Double-Shell non-cryogenic target is also addressed. 2D results concerning the LMJ irradiation geometry are presented. Few systematic analyses are performed for the fuel assembly irradiation uniformity using the whole LMJ configuration or a part of the facility, and for the ignitor spike uniformity. Solutions for fuel assembly and shock ignition on LMJ using 2D calculations are presented. It is shown that high-gain shock-ignition is possible with intensity of each quad less than 1e15 W/cm2but low modes asymmetries displace the ignitor power in the spike towards higher powers.
Direct-drive inertial confinement thermonuclear fusion consists in illuminating a shell of cryogenic Deuterium and Tritium (DT) mixture with many intense beams of laser light. Capsule is composed of DT gassurrounded by cryogenic DT as combustible fuel. Basic rules are used to define shell geometry from aspect ratio, fuel mass and layers densities. We define baseline designs using two aspect ratio (A=3 and A=5) who complete HiPER baseline design (A=7.7). Aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of ice DT shell inner radius over DT shell thickness. Low aspect ratio improves hydrodynamics stabilities of imploding shell. Laser impulsion shape and ablator thickness are initially defined by using Lindl (1995) pressure ablation and mass ablation formulae for direct-drive using CH layer as ablator. In flight adiabat parameter is close to one during implosion. Velocitie simplosions chosen are between 260 km/s and 365 km/s. More than thousand calculations are realized for each aspect ratio in order to optimize the laser pulse shape. Calculations are performed using the one-dimensional version of the Lagrangian radiation hydrodynamics FCI2. We choose implosion velocities for each initial aspect ratio, and we compute scaled-target family curves for each one to find self-ignition threshold. Then, we pick points on each curves that potentially product high thermonuclear gain and compute shock ignition in the context of Laser MegaJoule. This systematic analyze reveals many working points which complete previous studies ´allowing to highlight baseline designs, according to laser intensity and energy, combustible mass and initial aspect ratio to be relevant for Laser MegaJoule.
El día 10 de enero tuvimos la oportunidad de evaluar en Olías del Rey (Toledo), el nuevo tractor John Deere 6190R que dispone de recirculación externa refrigerada de gases de escape, y una muy interesante transmisión electromecánica,denominada Direct Drive, reconocida como NovedadTécnica en la última edición de Eima. Nos propusimos como meta verificar la idoneidad de este cambio automático y del sistema de gestión inteligente de potencia en condiciones de trabajo exigentes: con un apero de laboreo secundario accionado a la tdf y en transporte con un remolque de 17.940 kg en condiciones de desnivel acusado,comparándolos con el cambio manual con y sin gestión de potencia.Veamos los resultados.
We present direct-drive target design studies for the laser mégajoule using two distinct initial aspect ratios (A = 34 and A = 5). Laser pulse shapes are optimized by a random walk method and drive power variations are used to cover a wide variety of implosion velocities between 260 km/s and 365 km/s. For selected implosion velocities and for each initial aspect ratio, scaled-target families are built in order to find self-ignition threshold. High-gain shock ignition is also investigated in the context of Laser MégaJoule for marginally igniting targets below their own self-ignition threshold.
Analysis of low initial aspect ratio direct-drive target designs is carried out by varying the implosion velocity and the fuel mass. Starting from two different spherical targets with a given 300?g-DT mass, optimization of laser pulse and drive power allows to obtain a set of target seeds referenced by their peak implosion velocities and initial aspect ratio (A = 3 and A = 5). Self-ignition is achieved with higher implosion velocity for A = 5-design than for A = 3-design. Then, rescaling is done to extend the set of designs to a huge amount of mass, peak kinetic energies and peak areal densities. Self-ignition kinetic energy threshold Ek is characterized by a dependance of Ek ? v? with ?-values which depart from self-ignition models. Nevertheless, self-ignition energy is seen lower for smaller initial aspect ratio. An analysis of Two-Plasmons Decay threshold and Rayleigh?Taylor instability e-folding is carried out and it is shown that two-plasmon decay threshold is always overpassed for all designs. The hydrodynamic stability analysis is performed by embedded models to deal with linear and non-linear regime. It is found that the A = 5-designs are always at the limit of disruption of the shell.
A numerical method providing the optimal laser intensity profiles for a direct-drive inertial confinement fusion scheme has been developed. The method provides an alternative approach to phase-space optimization studies, which can prove computationally expensive. The method applies to a generic irradiation configuration characterized by an arbitrary number NB of laser beams provided that they irradiate the whole target surface, and thus goes beyond previous analyses limited to symmetric configurations. The calculated laser intensity profiles optimize the illumination of a spherical target. This paper focuses on description of the method, which uses two steps: first, the target irradiation is calculated for initial trial laser intensities, and then in a second step the optimal laser intensities are obtained by correcting the trial intensities using the calculated illumination. A limited number of example applications to direct drive on the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) are described.
El ánimo de superación y consecución de nuevos logros es una constante a lo largo de la historia arquitectura y la ingeniería. La construcción de estructuras cada vez más audaces, ligeras y esbeltas es un buen ejemplo de esta superación, pero este camino no está únicamente ligado a la consecución de nuevas formas estructurales y arquitectónicas, sino también a la búsqueda de una mayor economía de medios y materiales en su construcción, y el caso particular de las estructuras laminares metálicas no es una excepción. La presente tesis doctoral aborda el campo de las láminas de entramado desde una nueva perspectiva: la relación existente entre la introducción de una serie de innovaciones tecnológicas en la industria y la evolución formal de esta tipología estructural, tanto en lo que se refiere a la complejidad de las superficies construidas como en lo relativo a la elegancia de las mallas portantes alcanzada. Para ello esta investigación plantea la caracterización y clasificación de los sistemas constructivos prefabricados empleados en la construcción de láminas metálicas de celosía en función de la influencia de la tecnología y los procesos industriales de producción empleados en la fabricación de sus componentes, considerando asimismo las posibilidades formales y estéticas que ofrecen dichos sistemas y el grado de aprovechamiento de material que su diseño y fabricación permiten. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se propone una metodología analítica específica que aborda la caracterización de los diferentes casos no sólo desde un enfoque cualitativo y abstracto, en función de las propiedades de los sistemas, sino que propone el estudio de su aplicación práctica en la realización de estructuras existentes, pudiendo así cuantificar gran parte de los parámetros considerados en la clasificación. Gracias a la aplicación de esta metodología se ha podido establecer la relación inequívoca que existe entre los avances generados por la industria y la evolución formal de las láminas de celosía, gracias a la unión de la innovación tecnológica y el talento creativo de los diseñadores – arquitectos e ingenieros – en la búsqueda de la belleza. Asimismo se han podido determinar cómo, a pesar de los asombrosos avances realizados, aún existen aspectos susceptibles de optimización en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas constructivos prefabricados, proponiendo nuevas vías de investigación que puedan conducir a la obtención de diseños que puedan llevar aún más lejos el desarrollo de esta tipología estructural. ABSTRACT The aim of improvement and the achievement of new goals is a constant process throughout the history of the architecture and engineering. The construction of increasingly daring, light and slender structures is a great example of this surmounting, but this track is not only related to the attainment of new structural and architectural shapes, but also to the pursuit of a higher economy of means and materials in its building process, and the particular case of steel grid shells makes no exception. The present doctoral dissertation addresses the field of lattice shells from a new viewpoint: the existing relationship between the insertion of a number of technological innovations in the industry and the formal evolution of this structural type, either referring to the complexity of the built surfaces as related to the elegance of the achieved load bearing grids. Within this aim this investigation outlines the characterization and classification of the prefabricated building systems used in the construction of steel trussed shells according to the influence of technology and industrial production processes used in its component fabrication, also considering the formal and aesthetic possibilities that the mentioned systems provide and the performance degree of raw material which its design and fabrication makes possible. In order to reach the proposed objective, this work develops an specific methodology which addresses the characterization of the different cases not only from an abstract and qualitative focus, based on the system properties, but also regarding the analysis of their real use in existing structures, being thus capable to quantify most of the parameters which are considered in this classification. By means of this methodology it has been possible to lay down the unambiguous relationship between the advances provided by the industry and the formal evolution of lattice shells, given the combination of technological innovation and the creative talent of designers – architects and engineers – in the pursuit of beauty. Furthermore, it has been determined how, in spite the astonishing advances that have been made, some issues in the design and fabrication of systems are still suitable to be optimized, addressing new research paths which may lead to the achievement of new designs suitable to drive the development of this structural type even further.
This paper examines the hybrid condition of Taipei's built environment within its socio-cultural context and daily activity of the city. It also points out certain forward-looking policies adopted by the City Government that over the last decades gave way to interesting and radical ambiances within the city. To illustrate this fact three case studies are described from the point of view of a pedestrian and on the basis of a journey. By identifying the key qualities that define these new ambiances, some relevant conclusions for urban intervention based on the creation of significant urban ambiances are finally extracted.
Esta tesis integra un estudio reflexivo sobre la relación de dependencia entre la creación y la memoria a través del análisis de la última obra del escultor Juan Muñoz: Double Bind (Tate Modern, Londres, 2001). Desde esta posición es obligado replantear el análisis de la obra, lo que hace necesario su estudio cubriendo el mayor espectro posible de información accesible más allá de la obra en sí, para aproximarse a la convergencia entre memoria y creación. La perspectiva de análisis propuesta abre camino a nuevas consideraciones so¬bre la relevancia del conocimiento en el desarrollo del proceso creativo. Este análisis no debe tan sólo suponer una aportación al conocimiento del trabajo de Juan Muñoz. Debe también desprenderse de él la innegable participación y necesaria lectura del pasado en el presente. La amnesia de los tiempos pasados impide completar el atlas de imágenes en las que se apoya la creación impidiendo el conocimiento del origen de las fuentes de inspi¬ración y las bases de la creación de una determinada obra. Este hecho limita y distorsiona sus posibles interpretaciones. Pretendo un acercamiento al entendimiento de la forma de mirar y de crear a través del tiempo que es memoria. La memoria tiene un cometido de crucial importancia para la actividad mental y juega un papel fundamental en la conducta y en la creación. La obra es el resultado de la búsqueda de una idea que exprese algo que el creador no puede ex¬presar de otra manera. Es la necesidad de expresar las ideas mediante un lenguaje que se desarrolla en el tiempo y en el espacio, reflejo del ser que responde al pensamiento. Es una forma de experiencia donde subyacen las sendas del pasado y donde se plantea el futuro. Sólo el creador accede a la obra desde dentro, el observador llega a ella desde el exterior y mediante su propia subjetividad. Las obras son formas de experiencia de sus autores, comunicar el mensaje de dicha experiencia supone por tanto interpretar. Persiguiendo la necesidad de saber y entender, pretender explicar el sentido de una cosa implica una apreciación intencionada asociada al entendimiento del intérprete. Las obras son produc¬tos que portan un mensaje y que contienen en su estructura las trazas del tiempo vivido por su creador. Si se quiere adquirir un acercamiento que represente la posición de un autor, será necesario no solo mirar a través de ella, si no introducirse en el contexto de su historia. Mirar hacia atrás, hacia la profundidad del presente para tener conciencia del pensamiento presente y futuro. Recorrer de este modo la instalación Double Bind de Juan Muñoz proporciona una síntesis de sus preocupaciones e intereses a la vez que aporta un conocimiento no necesariamente inmediato, pero relevante y trascendente de la obra, su creador y la historia. ABSTRACT This thesis comprises a reflective study of the dependence relationship between creation and memory through the analysis of the latest work by the sculptor Juan Muñoz: Double Bind (Tate Modern, London, 2001). From this position, it is mandatory to rethink the analysis of the work, making it necessary to cover the widest possible range of information available beyond the work itself, in order to obtain a closer view of the convergence between memory and creation. The proposed analytical approach opens up new considerations on the relevance of knowledge during the development of the creative process. This analysis should not only make a contribution to the knowledge of the work of Juan Muñoz. It should also infer the undeniable involvement and the necessary reading of the past in the present. Amnesia regarding past makes it impossible to complete the atlas of images on which the creation is based, blocking knowledge of the origin of the sources of inspiration and the basis for the creation of a specific work. This fact limits and distorts its possible interpretations. My intention is an approach to how to understand memory as the way of looking and creating over time. Memory has a crucial role to mental activity and plays a key role in behaviour and creation. The work is the result of finding an idea that expresses something that the creator can not express otherwise. It is the need to express ideas by means of a language that develops throughout time and space, a reflection of the being that responds to the thought. It is a way of experience underlying the paths of the past and where the future is set out. Only the creator can access the work from the inside. The observer sees it from the outside and in accordance with his/her own subjectivity. The works form a part of the experience of their authors, thus implying the interpretation of the message of their experience being passed on. The pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and trying to explain the meaning of something implies a deliberate appreciation associated with the understanding of the interpreter. The works are products bearing a message and containing in their structure traces of the time lived by their creator. If one wants to come close to what the author’s posture represents, it will not only be necessary to penetrate it, but also to introduce oneself into the context of its history. Take a look back, towards the depth of the present in order to become aware of present and future thinking. To go across the installation of Double Bind by Juan Muñoz in this way offers a synthesis of his concerns and interests while also providing a not necessarily immediate knowledge, but one which is relevant and important to the work, its creator and history.
In general, a major challenge for the exploitation of renewable energies is to improve their efficiency. In electricity generation from the energy of ocean waves, not unlike other technologies, the converter must be optimized to make the energy harvesting economically feasible. This paper proposes a passive tuning control strategy of a point absorber in which the power captured is maximized by controlling the electromagnetic force of the generator with a resistance emulation approach. The proposed strategy consists of mapping the optimal values for regular waves and applying them to irregular waves. This strategy is tested in a wave energy converter in which the generator is connected to a boost rectifier converter whose controller is designed to emulate a resistance. The power electronics system implemented is validated by comparing its performance with the case in which the generator is directly connected to a resistive load. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy as the maximum captured power is concentrated around the optimal values previously calculated and with the same behavior for both excitations.