24 resultados para cost reduction

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Energía termosolar (de concentración) es uno de los nombres que hacen referencia en español al término inglés “concentrating solar power”. Se trata de una tecnología basada en la captura de la potencia térmica de la radiación solar, de forma que permita alcanzar temperaturas capaces de alimentar un ciclo termodinámico convencional (o avanzado); el futuro de esta tecnología depende principalmente de su capacidad para concentrar la radiación solar de manera eficiente y económica. La presente tesis está orientada hacia la resolución de ciertos problemas importantes relacionados con este objetivo. La mencionada necesidad de reducir costes en la concentración de radiación solar directa, asegurando el objetivo termodinámico de calentar un fluido hasta una determinada temperatura, es de vital importancia. Los colectores lineales Fresnel han sido identificados en la literatura científica como una tecnología con gran potencial para alcanzar esta reducción de costes. Dicha tecnología ha sido seleccionada por numerosas razones, entre las que destacan su gran libertad de diseño y su actual estado inmaduro. Con el objetivo de responder a este desafío se desarrollado un detallado estudio de las propiedades ópticas de los colectores lineales Fresnel, para lo cual se han utilizado métodos analíticos y numéricos de manera combinada. En primer lugar, se han usado unos modelos para la predicción de la localización y la irradiación normal directa del sol junto a unas relaciones analíticas desarrolladas para estudiar el efecto de múltiples variables de diseño en la energía incidente sobre los espejos. Del mismo modo, se han obtenido analíticamente los errores debidos al llamado “off-axis aberration”, a la apertura de los rayos reflejados en los espejos y a las sombras y bloqueos entre espejos. Esto ha permitido la comparación de diferentes formas de espejo –planos, circulares o parabólicos–, así como el diseño preliminar de la localización y anchura de los espejos y receptor sin necesidad de costosos métodos numéricos. En segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado un modelo de trazado de rayos de Monte Carlo con el objetivo de comprobar la validez del estudio analítico, pero sobre todo porque este no es preciso en el estudio de la reflexión en espejos. El código desarrollado está específicamente ideado para colectores lineales Fresnel, lo que ha permitido la reducción del tiempo de cálculo en varios órdenes de magnitud en comparación con un programa comercial más general. Esto justifica el desarrollo de un nuevo código en lugar de la compra de una licencia de otro programa. El modelo ha sido usado primeramente para comparar la intensidad de flujo térmico y rendimiento de colectores Fresnel, con y sin reflector secundario, con los colectores cilíndrico parabólicos. Finalmente, la conjunción de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio analítico con el programa numérico ha sido usada para optimizar el campo solar para diferentes orientaciones –Norte-Sur y Este-Oeste–, diferentes localizaciones –Almería y Aswan–, diferentes inclinaciones hacia el Trópico –desde 0 deg hasta 32 deg– y diferentes mínimos de intensidad del flujo en el centro del receptor –10 kW/m2 y 25 kW/m2–. La presente tesis ha conducido a importantes descubrimientos que deben ser considerados a la hora de diseñar un campo solar Fresnel. En primer lugar, los espejos utilizados no deben ser plano, sino cilíndricos o parabólicos, ya que los espejos curvos implican mayores concentraciones y rendimiento. Por otro lado, se ha llegado a la conclusión de que la orientación Este-Oeste es más propicia para localizaciones con altas latitudes, como Almería, mientras que en zonas más cercanas a los trópicos como Aswan los campos Norte-Sur conducen a mayores rendimientos. Es de destacar que la orientación Este-Oeste requiere aproximadamente la mitad de espejos que los campos Norte-Sur, puediendo estar inclinados hacia los Trópicos para mejorar el rendimiento, y que alcanzan parecidos valores de intensidad térmica en el receptor todos los días a mediodía. Sin embargo, los campos con orientación Norte-Sur permiten un flujo más constante a lo largo de un día. Por último, ha sido demostrado que el uso de diseños pre-optimizados analíticamente, con anchura de espejos y espaciado entre espejos variables a lo ancho del campo, pueden implicar aumentos de la energía generada por metro cuadrado de espejos de hasta el 6%. El rendimiento óptico anual de los colectores cilíndrico parabólicos es 23 % mayor que el rendimiento de los campos Fresnel en Almería, mientras que la diferencia es de solo 9 % en Aswan. Ello implica que, para alcanzar el mismo precio de electricidad que la tecnología de referencia, la reducción de costes de instalación por metro cuadrado de espejo debe estar entre el 10 % y el 25 %, y que los colectores lineales Fresnel tienen más posibilidades de ser desarrollados en zonas de bajas latitudes. Como consecuencia de los estudios desarrollados en esta tesis se ha patentado un sistema de almacenamiento que tiene en cuenta la variación del flujo térmico en el receptor a lo largo del día, especialmente para campos con orientación Este-Oeste. Este invento permitiría el aprovechamiento de la energía incidente durante más parte del año, aumentando de manera apreciable los rendimientos óptico y térmico. Abstract Concentrating solar power is the common name of a technology based on capturing the thermal power of solar radiation, in a suitable way to reach temperatures able to activate a conventional (or advanced) thermodynamic cycle to generate electricity; this quest mainly depends on our ability to concentrate solar radiation in a cheap and efficient way. The present thesis is focused to highlight and help solving some of the important issues related to this problem. The need of reducing costs in concentrating the direct solar radiation, but without jeopardizing the thermodynamic objective of heating a fluid up to the required temperature, is of prime importance. Linear Fresnel collectors have been identified in the scientific literature as a technology with high potential to reach this cost reduction. This technology has been selected because of a number of reasons, particularly the degrees of freedom of this type of concentrating configuration and its current immature state. In order to respond to this challenge, a very detailed exercise has been carried out on the optical properties of linear Fresnel collectors. This has been done combining analytic and numerical methods. First, the effect of the design variables on the ratio of energy impinging onto the reflecting surface has been studied using analytically developed equations, together with models that predict the location and direct normal irradiance of the sun at any moment. Similarly, errors due to off-axis aberration, to the aperture of the reflected energy beam and to shading and blocking effects have been obtained analytically. This has allowed the comparison of different shapes of mirrors –flat, cylindrical or parabolic–, as well as a preliminary optimization of the location and width of mirrors and receiver with no need of time-consuming numerical models. Second, in order to prove the validity of the analytic results, but also due to the fact that the study of the reflection process is not precise enough when using analytic equations, a Monte Carlo Ray Trace model has been developed. The developed code is designed specifically for linear Fresnel collectors, which has reduced the computing time by several orders of magnitude compared to a wider commercial software. This justifies the development of the new code. The model has been first used to compare radiation flux intensities and efficiencies of linear Fresnel collectors, both multitube receiver and secondary reflector receiver technologies, with parabolic trough collectors. Finally, the results obtained in the analytic study together with the numeric model have used in order to optimize the solar field for different orientations –North-South and East-West–, different locations –Almería and Aswan–, different tilts of the field towards the Tropic –from 0 deg to 32 deg– and different flux intensity minimum requirements –10 kW/m2 and 25 kW/m2. This thesis work has led to several important findings that should be considered in the design of Fresnel solar fields. First, flat mirrors should not be used in any case, as cylindrical and parabolic mirrors lead to higher flux intensities and efficiencies. Second, it has been concluded that, in locations relatively far from the Tropics such as Almería, East-West embodiments are more efficient, while in Aswan North- South orientation leads to a higher annual efficiency. It must be noted that East-West oriented solar fields require approximately half the number of mirrors than NS oriented fields, can be tilted towards the Equator in order to increase the efficiency and attain similar values of flux intensity at the receiver every day at midday. On the other hand, in NS embodiments the flux intensity is more even during each single day. Finally, it has been proved that the use of analytic designs with variable shift between mirrors and variable width of mirrors across the field can lead to improvements in the electricity generated per reflecting surface square meter up to 6%. The annual optical efficiency of parabolic troughs has been found to be 23% higher than the efficiency of Fresnel fields in Almería, but it is only around 9% higher in Aswan. This implies that, in order to attain the same levelized cost of electricity than parabolic troughs, the required reduction of installation costs per mirror square meter is in the range of 10-25%. Also, it is concluded that linear Fresnel collectors are more suitable for low latitude areas. As a consequence of the studies carried out in this thesis, an innovative storage system has been patented. This system takes into account the variation of the flux intensity along the day, especially for East-West oriented solar fields. As a result, the invention would allow to exploit the impinging radiation along longer time every day, increasing appreciably the optical and thermal efficiencies.


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The main objective of this work is the design and implementation of the digital control stage of a 280W AC/DC industrial power supply in a single low-cost microcontroller to replace the analog control stage. The switch-mode power supply (SMPS) consists of a PFC boost converter with fixed frequency operation and a variable frequency LLC series resonant DC/DC converter. Input voltage range is 85VRMS-550VRMS and the output voltage range is 24V-28V. A digital controller is especially suitable for this kind of SMPS to implement its multiple functionalities and to keep the efficiency and the performance high over the wide range of input voltages. Additional advantages of the digital control are reliability and size. The optimized design and implementation of the digital control stage it is presented. Experimental results show the stable operation of the controlled system and an estimation of the cost reduction achieved with the digital control stage.


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Dynamic measurements will become a standard for bridge monitoring in the near future. This fact will produce an important cost reduction for maintenance. US Administration has a long term intensive research program in order to diminish the estimated current maintenance cost of US$7 billion per year over 20 years. An optimal intervention maintenance program demands a historical dynamical record, as well as an updated mathematical model of the structure to be monitored. In case that a model of the structure is not actually available it is possible to produce it, however this possibility does not exist for missing measurement records from the past. Current acquisition systems to monitor structures can be made more efficient by introducing the following improvements, under development in the Spanish research Project “Low cost bridge health monitoring by ambient vibration tests using wireless sensors”: (a) a complete wireless system to acquire sensor data, (b) a wireless system that permits the localization and the hardware identification of the whole sensor system. The applied localization system has been object of a recent patent, and (c) automatization of the modal identification process, aimed to diminish human intervention. This system is assembled with cheap components and allows the simultaneous use of a large number of sensors at a low placement cost. The engineer’s intervention is limited to the selection of sensor positions, probably based on a preliminary FE analysis. In case of multiple setups, also the position of a number of fixed reference sensors has to be decided. The wireless localization system will obtain the exact coordinates of all these sensors positions. When the selection of optimal positions is difficult, for example because of the lack of a proper FE model, this can be compensated by using a higher number of measuring (also reference) points. The described low cost acquisition system allows the responsible bridge administration to obtain historical dynamic identification records at reasonable costs that will be used in future maintenance programs. Therefore, due to the importance of the baseline monitoring record of a new bridge, a monitoring test just after its construction should be highly recommended, if not compulsory.


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production, during the summer of 2010. This farm is integrated at the Spanish research network for the sugar beet development (AIMCRA) which regarding irrigation, focuses on maximizing water saving and cost reduction. According to AIMCRA 0 s perspective for promoting irrigation best practices, it is essential to understand soil response to irrigation i.e. maximum irrigation length for each soil infiltration capacity. The Use of Humidity Sensors provides foundations to address soil 0 s behavior at the irrigation events and, therefore, to establish the boundaries regarding irrigation length and irrigation interval. In order to understand to what extent farmer 0 s performance at Tordesillas farm could have been potentially improved, this study aims to address suitable irrigation length and intervals for the given soil properties and evapotranspiration rates. In this sense, several humidity sensors were installed: (1) A Frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR) EnviroScan Probe taking readings at 10, 20, 40 and 60cm depth and (2) different Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Echo 2 and Cr200 probes buried in a 50cm x 30cm x 50cm pit and placed along the walls at 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm depth. Moreover, in order to define soil properties, a textural analysis at the Tordesillas Farm was conducted. Also, data from the Tordesillas meteorological station was utilized.


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En los últimos años la tecnología láser se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible en la fabricación de dispositivos fotovoltaicos, ayudando a la consecución de dos objetivos claves para que esta opción energética se convierta en una alternativa viable: reducción de costes de fabricación y aumento de eficiencia de dispositivo. Dentro de las tecnologías fotovoltaicas, las basadas en silicio cristalino (c-Si) siguen siendo las dominantes en el mercado, y en la actualidad los esfuerzos científicos en este campo se encaminan fundamentalmente a conseguir células de mayor eficiencia a un menor coste encontrándose, como se comentaba anteriormente, que gran parte de las soluciones pueden venir de la mano de una mayor utilización de tecnología láser en la fabricación de los mismos. En este contexto, esta Tesis hace un estudio completo y desarrolla, hasta su aplicación en dispositivo final, tres procesos láser específicos para la optimización de dispositivos fotovoltaicos de alta eficiencia basados en silicio. Dichos procesos tienen como finalidad la mejora de los contactos frontal y posterior de células fotovoltaicas basadas en c-Si con vistas a mejorar su eficiencia eléctrica y reducir el coste de producción de las mismas. En concreto, para el contacto frontal se han desarrollado soluciones innovadoras basadas en el empleo de tecnología láser en la metalización y en la fabricación de emisores selectivos puntuales basados en técnicas de dopado con láser, mientras que para el contacto posterior se ha trabajado en el desarrollo de procesos de contacto puntual con láser para la mejora de la pasivación del dispositivo. La consecución de dichos objetivos ha llevado aparejado el alcanzar una serie de hitos que se resumen continuación: - Entender el impacto de la interacción del láser con los distintos materiales empleados en el dispositivo y su influencia sobre las prestaciones del mismo, identificando los efectos dañinos e intentar mitigarlos en lo posible. - Desarrollar procesos láser que sean compatibles con los dispositivos que admiten poca afectación térmica en el proceso de fabricación (procesos a baja temperatura), como los dispositivos de heterounión. - Desarrollar de forma concreta procesos, completamente parametrizados, de definición de dopado selectivo con láser, contactos puntuales con láser y metalización mediante técnicas de transferencia de material inducida por láser. - Definir tales procesos de forma que reduzcan la complejidad de la fabricación del dispositivo y que sean de fácil integración en una línea de producción. - Mejorar las técnicas de caracterización empleadas para verificar la calidad de los procesos, para lo que ha sido necesario adaptar específicamente técnicas de caracterización de considerable complejidad. - Demostrar su viabilidad en dispositivo final. Como se detalla en el trabajo, la consecución de estos hitos en el marco de desarrollo de esta Tesis ha permitido contribuir a la fabricación de los primeros dispositivos fotovoltaicos en España que incorporan estos conceptos avanzados y, en el caso de la tecnología de dopado con láser, ha permitido hacer avances completamente novedosos a nivel mundial. Asimismo los conceptos propuestos de metalización con láser abren vías, completamente originales, para la mejora de los dispositivos considerados. Por último decir que este trabajo ha sido posible por una colaboración muy estrecha entre el Centro Láser de la UPM, en el que la autora desarrolla su labor, y el Grupo de Investigación en Micro y Nanotecnologías de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, encargado de la preparación y puesta a punto de las muestras y del desarrollo de algunos procesos láser para comparación. También cabe destacar la contribución de del Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, en la preparación de experimentos específicos de gran importancia en el desarrollo del trabajo. Dichas colaboraciones se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos, tales como el proyecto singular estratégico PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-iv 120000-2006-6), el proyecto INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), ambos financiados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) “Una manera de hacer Europa” y el MICINN, y el proyecto del Plan Nacional AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02), cuya financiación ha permitido en gran parte llevar a término este trabajo. v ABSTRACT. Last years lasers have become a fundamental tool in the photovoltaic (PV) industry, helping this technology to achieve two major goals: cost reduction and efficiency improvement. Among the present PV technologies, crystalline silicon (c-Si) maintains a clear market supremacy and, in this particular field, the technological efforts are focussing into the improvement of the device efficiency using different approaches (reducing for instance the electrical or optical losses in the device) and the cost reduction in the device fabrication (using less silicon in the final device or implementing more cost effective production steps). In both approaches lasers appear ideally suited tools to achieve the desired success. In this context, this work makes a comprehensive study and develops, until their implementation in a final device, three specific laser processes designed for the optimization of high efficiency PV devices based in c-Si. Those processes are intended to improve the front and back contact of the considered solar cells in order to reduce the production costs and to improve the device efficiency. In particular, to improve the front contact, this work has developed innovative solutions using lasers as fundamental processing tools to metalize, using laser induced forward transfer techniques, and to create local selective emitters by means of laser doping techniques. On the other side, and for the back contact, and approached based in the optimization of standard laser fired contact formation has been envisaged. To achieve these fundamental goals, a number of milestones have been reached in the development of this work, namely: - To understand the basics of the laser-matter interaction physics in the considered processes, in order to preserve the functionality of the irradiated materials. - To develop laser processes fully compatible with low temperature device concepts (as it is the case of heterojunction solar cells). - In particular, to parameterize completely processes of laser doping, laser fired contacts and metallization via laser transfer of material. - To define such a processes in such a way that their final industrial implementation could be a real option. - To improve widely used characterization techniques in order to be applied to the study of these particular processes. - To probe their viability in a final PV device. Finally, the achievement of these milestones has brought as a consequence the fabrication of the first devices in Spain incorporating these concepts. In particular, the developments achieved in laser doping, are relevant not only for the Spanish science but in a general international context, with the introduction of really innovative concepts as local selective emitters. Finally, the advances reached in the laser metallization approached presented in this work open the door to future developments, fully innovative, in the field of PV industrial metallization techniques. This work was made possible by a very close collaboration between the Laser Center of the UPM, in which the author develops his work, and the Research Group of Micro y Nanotecnology of the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, in charge of the preparation and development of samples and the assessment of some laser processes for comparison. As well is important to remark the collaboration of the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, in the preparation of specific experiments of great importance in the development of the work. These collaborations have been developed within the framework of various projects such as the PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-120000-2006-6), the project INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), both funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) “Una manera de hacer Europa” and the MICINN, and the project AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02), whose funding has largely allowed to complete this work.


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The possibility of using more economical silicon feedstock, i.e. as support for epitaxial solar cells, is of interest when the cost reduction and the properties are attractive. We have investigated the mechanical behaviour of two blocks of upgraded metallurgical silicon, which is known to present high content of impurities even after being purified by the directional solidification process. These impurities are mainly metals like Al and silicon compounds. Thus, it is important to characterize their effect in order to improve cell performance and to ensure the survival of the wafers throughout the solar value chain. Microstructure and mechanical properties were studied by means of ring on ring and three point bending tests. Additionally, elastic modulus and fracture toughness were measured. These results showed that it is possible to obtain marked improvements in toughness when impurities act as microscopic internal crack arrestors. However, the same impurities can be initiators of damage due to residual thermal stresses introduced during the crystallization process.


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The possibility of using more economical silicon feedstock, i.e. as support for epitaxial solar cells, is of interest when the cost reduction and the properties are attractive. We have investigated the mechanical behavior of two blocks of upgraded metallurgical silicon, which is known to present high content of impurities even after being purified by the directional solidification process. The impurities are mainly metals like Al and silicon compounds. Thus, it is important to characterize their effect in order to improve cell performance and to ensure the survival of the wafers throughout the solar value chain. Microstructure and mechanical properties were studied by means of ring on ring and three point bending tests. Additionally, Young’s modulus, hardness and fracture toughness were measured. These results showed that it is possible to obtain marked improvements in toughness when impurities act as microscopic internal crack arrestors. However, the same impurities can be initiators of damage due to residual thermal stresses introduced during the crystallization process.


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The spreading of new systems of broadcasting and distribution of multimedia content has had as a consequence a larger need for aggregation of data and metadata to traditionally based contents of video and audio supply. Broadcasting chains of this type of channels have become overwhelmed by the quantity of resources, infrastructures and development needed for these channels to provide information. In order to avoid this kind of shortcomings, several recommendations and standards have been created to exchange metadata between production and distribution of taped programs. The problem lies in live programs, producers sometimes offer data to channels but most often, channels are not able to face required developments. The key to this problem is cost reduction. In this work, a study is conducted on added services which producers may provide to the media about content; a system is found by which additional communication expenses are not made and a model of information transfer is offered which allows low cost developments to supply new media platforms.


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The polysilicon market is experiencing tremendous changes due to the strong demand from Photovoltaics (PV), which has by far surpassed the demand from Microelectronics. The need of solar silicon has induced a large increase in capacity, which has now given a scenario of oversupply, reducing the polysilicon price to levels that put a strong pressure on the cost structure of the producers. The paper reports on the R&D efforts carried out in the field of solar silicon purification via the chlorosilane route by a private-public consortium that is building a pilot plant of 50-100 tonnes/year, that will synthesize trichlorosilane, purify it and deposit ultrapure silicon in an industrial-size Siemens type reactor. It has also capabilities for ingot growth and material characterization. A couple of examples of the progress so far are given, the first one related to the recycling scheme of chlorinated compounds, and the second to the minimization of radiation losses in the CVD deposition process, which account for a relevant part of the total energy consumption. In summary, the paper gives details on the technology being developed in our pilot plant, which offers a unique platform for field-testing of innovative approaches that can lead to a cost reduction of solar silicon produced via the chlorosilane route.


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- PV and HCPV compete in the utility market - PV cost reduction has been dramatic through volume - A complete off-the-shelf optics solution by Evonik and LPI - Based on the best-in-class design: The FK concentrator


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Resumen En la última década la tecnología láser se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible en la fabricación de dispositivos fotovoltaicos, muy especial¬mente en aquellos basados en tecnología de lámina delgada. Independiente¬mente de crisis coyunturales en el sector, la evolución en los próximos años de estas tecnologías seguirá aprovechándose de la flexibilidad y calidad de proceso de la herramienta láser para la consecución de los dos objetivos básicos que harán de la fotovoltaica una opción energética económicamente viable: la reducción de costes de fabricación y el aumento de eficiencia de los dispositivos. Dentro de las tecnologías fotovoltaicas de lámina delgada, la tecnología de dispositivos basados en silicio amorfo ha tenido un gran desarrollo en sistemas estándar en configuración de superestrato, pero su limitada efi¬ciencia hace que su supervivencia futura pase por el desarrollo de formatos en configuración de substrato sobre materiales flexibles de bajo coste. En esta aproximación, las soluciones industriales basadas en láser actualmente disponibles para la interconexión monolítica de dispositivos no son aplica¬bles, y desde hace años se viene investigando en la búsqueda de soluciones apropiadas para el desarrollo de dichos procesos de interconexión de forma que sean transferibles a la industria. En este contexto, esta Tesis propone una aproximación completamente orig¬inal, demostrando la posibilidad de ejecutar una interconexión completa de estos dispositivos irradiando por el lado de la lámina (es decir de forma com¬patible con la opción de configuración de substrato y, valga la redundancia, con el substrato del dispositivo opaco), y con fuentes láser emitiendo en UV. Este resultado, obtenido por primera vez a nivel internacional con este trabajo, aporta un conocimiento revelador del verdadero potencial de estas fuentes en el desarrollo industrial futuro de estas tecnologías. Si bien muy posiblemente la solución industrial final requiera de una solución mixta con el empleo de fuentes en UV y, posiblemente, en otras longitudes de onda, esta Tesis y su planteamiento novedoso aportan un conocimiento de gran valor a la comunidad internacional por la originalidad del planteamiento seguido, los resultados parciales encontrados en su desarrollo (un número importante de los cuales han aparecido en revistas del JCR que recogen en la actualidad un número muy significativo de citas) y porque saca además a la luz, con las consideraciones físicas pertinentes, las limitaciones intrínsecas que el desarrollo de procesos de ablación directa selectiva con láseres UV en parte de los materiales utilizados presenta en el rango temporal de in¬teracción de ns y ps. En este trabajo se han desarrollado y optimizado los tres pasos estándar de interconexión (los habitualmente denominados Pl, P2 y P3 en la industria fotovoltaica) demostrando las ventajas y limitaciones del uso de fuentes en UV tanto con ancho temporal de ns como de ps. En particular destaca, por el éxito en los resultados obtenidos, el estudio de procesos de ablación selectiva de óxidos conductores transparentes (en este trabajo utilizados tanto como contacto frontal así como posterior en los módulos) que ha generado resultados, de excelente acogida científica a nivel internacional, cuya aplicación trasciende el ámbito de las tecnologías de silicio amorfo en lámina delgada. Además en este trabajo de Tesis, en el desarrollo del objetivo citado, se han puesto a punto técnicas de análisis de los procesos láser, basadas en métodos avanzados de caracterización de materiales (como el uso combi¬nado de la espectroscopia dispersiva de rayos X y la microscopía confocal de barrido) que se presentan como auténticos avances en el desarrollo de técnicas específicas de caracterización para el estudio de los procesos con láser de ablación selectiva de materiales en lámina delgada, procesos que no solo tienen impacto en el ámbito de la fotovoltaica, sino también en la microelectrónica, la biotecnología, la microfabricación, etc. Como resultado adicional, parte de los resultados de este trabajo, han sido aplicados exi¬tosamente por el grupo de investigaci´on en la que la autora desarrolla su labor para conseguir desarrollar procesos de enorme inter´es en otras tec-nolog´ıas fotovoltaicas, como las tecnolog´ıas est´andar de silicio amorfo sobre vidrio en configuraci´on de superestrato o el procesado de capas delgadas en tecnolog´ıas convencionales de silicio cristalino. Por u´ltimo decir que este trabajo ha sido posible por una colaboraci´on muy estrecha entre el Centro L´aser de la UPM, en el que la autora de¬sarrolla su labor, y el Grupo de Silicio Depositado del Centro de Inves¬tigaciones Energ´eticas, Medioambientales y Tecnol´ogicas, CIEMAT, que, junto al Grupo de Energ´ıa Fotovoltaica de la Universidad de Barcelona, han preparado la mayor parte de las muestras utilizadas en este estudio. Dichas colaboraciones se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos de investigaci´on aplicada con subvenci´on pu´blica, tales como el proyecto singular estrat´egico PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-120000-2006-6), el proyecto INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), ambos financiados porel Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) ”Una manera de hacer Europa y el MICINN, y los proyectos de Plan Nacional AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-´ 02) y CLASICO (ENE2007-6772-C04-04), cuya financiaci´on ha permitido en gran parte llevar a t´ermino este trabajo Abstract In the last decade, the laser technology has turned into an indispensable tool in the production of photovoltaic devices, especially of those based on thin film technology. Regardless the current crisis in the sector, the evolution of these technologies in the upcoming years will keep taking advantage of the flexibility and process quality of the laser tool for the accomplishment of the two basic goals that will convert the photovoltaic energy into economically viable: the manufacture cost reduction and the increase in the efficiency of the devices. Amongst the thin film laser technologies, the technology of devices based on amorphous silicon has had a great development in standard systems of superstrate configuration, but its limited efficiency makes its survival de¬pendant on the development of formats in substrate configuration with low cost flexible materials. In this approach, the laser industrial solutions cur¬rently available for the monolithic interconnection are not applicable, and in the last few years the investigations have been focused on the search of appropriate solutions for the development of such interconnection processes in a way that the same are transferable to the industry. In this context, this Thesis proposes a totally original approach, proving the possibility of executing a full interconnection of these devices by means of irradiation from the film side, i.e., compatible with the substrate con¬figuration, and with UV laser sources. This result, obtained for the first time at international level in this work, provides a revealing knowledge of the true potential of these sources in the future industrial development of these technologies. Even though very probably the final industrial solution will require a combination of the use of UV sources along with other wave¬lengths, this Thesis and its novel approach contribute with a high value to the international community because of the originality of the approach, the partial results found throughout its development (out of which, a large number has appeared in JCR journals that currently accumulate a signifi¬cant number of citations) and brings to light, with the pertinent scientific considerations, the intrinsic limitations that the selective direct ablation processes with UV laser present in the temporal range of interaction of ns and ps for part of the materials used in this study. More particularly, the three standard steps of interconnection (usually de¬nominated P1, P2 and P3 in the photovoltaic industry) have been developed and optimized, showing the advantages as well as the limitations of the use of UV sources in both the ns and ps pulse-width ranges. It is highly remark¬able, because of the success in the obtained results, the study of selective ablation processes in transparent conductive oxide (in this work used as a front and back contact), that has generated results, of excellent interna¬tional scientific reception, whose applications go beyond the scope of thin film photovoltaic technologies based on amorphous silicon. Moreover, in this Thesis, with the development of the mentioned goal, differ¬ent techniques of analysis of laser processes have been fine-tuned, basing the same in advanced methods for material characterization (like the combined use of EDX Analysis and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy) that can be presented as true breakthroughs in the development of specific techniques for characterization in the study of laser processes of selective ablation of materials in thin film technologies, processes that not only have impact in the photovoltaic field, but also in those of microelectronics, biotechnology, micro-fabrication, etc. As an additional outcome, part of the results of this work has been suc¬cessfully applied, by the investigation group to which the author belongs, to the development of processes of enormous interest within other photo¬voltaic technologies, such as the standard technologies on amorphous silicon over glass in superstrate configuration or the processing of thin layers in conventional technologies using crystalline silicon. Lastly, it is important to mention that this work has been possible thanks to the close cooperation between the Centro L´aser of the UPM, in which the author develops her work, and the Grupo de Silicio Depositado of Centro de Investigaciones Energ´eticas, Medioambientales y Tecnol´ogicas, CIEMAT, which, along with the Grupo de Energ´ıa Fotovoltaica of Univer¬sidad de Barcelona, has prepared the largest part of the samples utilized in this study. Such collaborations have been carried out in the context of several projects of applied investigation with public funding, like Proyecto Singular Estrat´egico PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-120000-2006-6), Proyecto IN-NDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), both funded by the European Regional De¬velopment Fund (ERDF), ”Una manera de hacer Europa” and MICINN, and the projects of Plan Nacional AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02) and ´ CLASICO (ENE2007-6772-C04-04), whose funds have enabled the devel-opment of large part of this work.


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The study of the performance of an innovative receiver for linear Fresnel reflectors is carried out in this paper, and the results are analyzed with a physics perspective of the process. The receiver consists of a bundle of tubes parallel to the mirror arrays, resulting on a smaller cross section for the same receiver width as the number of tubes increases, due to the diminution of their diameter. This implies higher heat carrier fluid speeds, and thus, a more effective heat transfer process, although it conveys higher pumping power as well. Mass flow is optimized for different tubes diameters, different impinging radiation intensities and different fluid inlet temperatures. It is found that the best receiver design, namely the tubes diameter that maximizes the exergetic efficiency for given working conditions, is similar for the cases studied. There is a range of tubes diameters that imply similar efficiencies, which can drive to capital cost reduction thanks to the flexibility of design. In addition, the length of the receiver is also optimized, and it is observed that the optimal length is similar for the working conditions considered. As a result of this study, it is found that this innovative receiver provides an optimum design for the whole day, even though impinging radiation intensity varies notably. Thermal features of this type of receiver could be the base of a new generation of concentrated solar power plants with a great potential for cost reduction, because of the simplicity of the system and the lower weigh of the components, plus the flexibility of using the receiver tubes for different streams of the heat carrier fluid.


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This paper presents the theoretical analysis of a storage integrated solar thermophotovoltaic (SISTPV) system operating in steady state. These systems combine thermophotovoltaic (TPV) technology and high temperature thermal storage phase-change materials (PCM) in the same unit, providing a great potential in terms of efficiency, cost reduction and storage energy density. The main attraction in the proposed system is its simplicity and modularity compared to conventional Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies. This is mainly due to the absence of moving parts. In this paper we analyze the use of Silicon as the phase change material (PCM). Silicon is an excellent candidate because of its high melting point (1680 K) and its very high latent heat of fusion of 1800 kJ/kg, which is about ten times greater than the conventional PCMs like molten salts. For a simple system configuration, we have demonstrated that overall conversion efficiencies up to ?35% are approachable. Although higher efficiencies are expected by incorporating more advanced devices like multijunction TPV cells, narrow band selective emitters or adopting near-field TPV configurations as well as by enhancing the convective/conductive heat transfer within the PCM. In this paper, we also discuss about the optimum system configurations and provide the general guidelines for designing these systems. Preliminary estimates of night time operations indicate it is possible to achieve over 10 h of operation with a relatively small quantity of Silicon.


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En esta tesis se propone un procedimiento para evaluar la resistencia mecánica de obleas de silicio cristalino y se aplica en diferentes casos válidos para la industria. En el sector de la industria fotovoltaica predomina la tecnología basada en paneles de silicio cristalino. Estos paneles están compuestos por células solares conectadas en serie y estas células se forman a partir de obleas de silicio. Con el objetivo de disminuir el coste del panel, en los últimos años se ha observado una clara tendencia a la reducción del espesor de las obleas. Esta reducción del espesor modifica la rigidez de las obleas por lo que ha sido necesario modificar la manera tradicional de manipularlas con el objetivo de mantener un bajo ratio de rotura. Para ello, es necesario conocer la resistencia mecánica de las obleas. En la primera parte del trabajo se describen las obleas de silicio, desde su proceso de formación hasta sus propiedades mecánicas. Se muestra la influencia de la estructura cristalográfica en la resistencia y en el comportamiento ya que el cristal de silicio es anisótropo. Se propone también el método de caracterización de la resistencia. Se utiliza un criterio probabilista basado en los métodos de dimensionamiento de materiales frágiles en el que la resistencia queda determinada por los parámetros de la ley de Weibull triparamétrica. Se propone el procedimiento para obtener estos parámetros a partir de campañas de ensayos, modelización numérica por elementos finitos y un algoritmo iterativo de ajuste de los resultados. En la segunda parte de la tesis se describen los diferentes tipos de ensayos que se suelen llevar a cabo con este material. Se muestra además, para cada uno de los ensayos descritos, un estudio comparativo de diferentes modelos de elementos finitos simulando los ensayos. Se comparan tanto los resultados aportados por cada modelo como los tiempos de cálculo. Por último, se presentan tres aplicaciones diferentes donde se ha aplicado este procedimiento de estudio. La primera aplicación consiste en la comparación de la resistencia mecánica de obleas de silicio en función del método de crecimiento del lingote. La resistencia de las tradicionales obleas monocristalinas obtenidas por el método Czochralski y obleas multicristalinas es comparada con las novedosas obleas quasi-monocristalinas obtenidas por métodos de fundición. En la segunda aplicación se evalúa la profundidad de las grietas generadas en el proceso de corte del lingote en obleas. Este estudio se realiza de manera indirecta: caracterizando la resistencia de grupos de obleas sometidas a baños químicos de diferente duración. El baño químico reduce el espesor de las obleas eliminando las capas más dañadas. La resistencia de cada grupo es analizada y la comparación permite obtener la profundidad de las grietas generadas en el proceso de corte. Por último, se aplica este procedimiento a un grupo de obleas con características muy especiales: obleas preparadas para formar células de contacto posterior EWT. Estas obleas presentan miles de agujeros que las debilitan considerablemente. Se aplica el procedimiento de estudio propuesto con un grupo de estas obleas y se compara la resistencia obtenida con un grupo de referencia. Además, se propone un método simplificado de estudio basado en la aplicación de una superficie de intensificación de tensiones. ABSTRACT In this thesis, a procedure to evaluate the mechanical strength of crystalline silicon wafers is proposed and applied in different studies. The photovoltaic industry is mainly based on crystalline silicon modules. These modules are composed of solar cells which are based on silicon wafers. Regarding the cost reduction of solar modules, a clear tendency to use thinner wafers has been observed during last years. Since the stiffness varies with thickness, the manipulation techniques need to be modified in order to guarantee a low breakage rate. To this end, the mechanical strength has to be characterized correctly. In the first part of the thesis, silicon wafers are described including the different ways to produce them and the mechanical properties of interest. The influence of the crystallographic structure in the strength and the behaviour (the anisotropy of the silicon crystal) is shown. In addition, a method to characterize the mechanical strength is proposed. This probabilistic procedure is based on methods to characterize brittle materials. The strength is characterized by the values of the three parameters of the Weibull cumulative distribution function (cdf). The proposed method requires carrying out several tests, to simulate them through Finite Element models and an iterative algorithm in order to estimate the parameters of the Weibull cdf. In the second part of the thesis, the different types of test that are usually employed with these samples are described. Moreover, different Finite Element models for the simulation of each test are compared regarding the information supplied by each model and the calculation times. Finally, the method of characterization is applied to three examples of practical applications. The first application consists in the comparison of the mechanical strength of silicon wafers depending on the ingot growth method. The conventional monocrystalline wafers based on the Czochralski method and the multicrystalline ones are compared with the new quasi-monocrystalline substrates. The second application is related to the estimation of the crack length caused by the drilling process. An indirect way is used to this end: several sets of silicon wafers are subjected to chemical etchings of different duration. The etching procedure reduces the thickness of the wafers removing the most damaged layers. The strength of each set is obtained by means of the proposed method and the comparison permits to estimate the crack length. At last, the procedure is applied to determine the strength of wafers used for the design of back-contact cells of type ETW. These samples are drilled in a first step resulting in silicon wafers with thousands of tiny holes. The strength of the drilled wafers is obtained and compared with the one of a standard set without holes. Moreover, a simplified approach based on a stress intensification surface is proposed.


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Este trabajo de fin de grado trata sobre el estudio de la energía solar de concentración en todos sus aspectos. Se han analizado sus tecnologías, así como posibles innovaciones que se puedan producir en los próximos años. También se va ha llevado a cabo un estudio de los costes actuales que conlleva el uso de este tipo de generación de energía, así como un análisis de las reducciones que pueden experimentar estos costes. Para poder realizar una comparación posterior con la energía solar fotovoltaica se ha escrito un capítulo dedicado exclusivamente a esta tecnología para conocer cuál es el estado actual. Además se ha realizado un análisis DAFO de los mercados que a priori puedan parecer más beneficiosos y que cuenten con un mayor potencial para el desarrollo de esta tecnología. A modo de conclusión para exponer la comparativa entre esta tecnología y la energía solar fotovoltaica se ha desarrollado un análisis de la viabilidad económica de dos plantas de estas tecnologías para comprobar en qué escenarios resulta más provechosa cada una de ellas. Al final se incluyen unas conclusiones extraídas del desarrollo del trabajo. Abstract This project concerns a study about every aspect about the concentrated solar power. Each type of technology has been analyzed as well as the possible innovations that may occur in the future. Also, the theme regarding the costs of this kind of power generation and an analysis dealing with the potential cost reduction that it may experience has been carried out. Then, in anticipation to do a comparative with the photovoltaic solar power, a whole chapter has been dedicated to this technology, to know what its actual state is. In addition, a SWOT analysis has also been carried out about the countries that at first sight might be a good option to develop the CSP. To conclude and to expose the comparative between these two technologies, a study about the economic viability of two power plants to know under what circumstances are each of them more profitable has been made. At the end some conclusions extracted from the development of this work have been included.