10 resultados para corrosion and oxidation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Mechanical degradation of tungsten alloys at extreme temperatures in vacuum and oxidation atmospheres.


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Laser shock processing (LSP) is being increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical and surface properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their corrosion and fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses field into metallic alloy pieces allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, follow-on experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated surface properties modification successfully reached in typical materials (especially Al and Ti alloys characteristic of high reliability components in the aerospace, nuclear and biomedical sectors) under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented along with a practical correlated analysis on the protective character of the residual stress profiles obtained under different irradiation strategies. Additional remarks on the improved character of the LSP technique over the traditional “shot peening” technique in what concerns depth of induced compressive residual stresses fields are also made through the paper


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Laser shock processing (LSP) is being increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials surface properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their corrosion and fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses field into metallic alloy pieces allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, follow-on experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated surface properties modification successfully reached in typical materials (especially Al and Ti alloys) under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented along with a practical correlated analysis on the protective character of the residual stress profiles obtained under different irradiation strategies and the evaluation of the corresponding induced properties as material specific volume reduction at the surface, microhardness and wear resistance. Additional remarks on the improved character of the LSP technique over the traditional “shot peening” technique in what concerns depth of induced compressive residual stresses fields are also made through the paper.


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The mechanical behavior of three tungsten (W) alloys with vanadium (V) and lanthana (La2O3) additions (W–4%V, W–1%La2O3, W–4%V–1%La2O3) processed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) have been compared with pure-W to analyze the influence of the dopants. Mechanical characterization was performed by three point bending (TPB) tests in an oxidizing air atmosphere and temperature range between 77 (immersion tests in liquid nitrogen) and 1273 K, through which the fracture toughness, flexural strength, and yield strength as function of temperature were obtained. Results show that the V and La2O3 additions improve the mechanical properties and oxidation behavior, respectively. Furthermore, a synergistic effect of both dopants results in an extraordinary increase of the flexure strength, fracture toughness and resistance to oxidation compared to pure-W, especially at higher temperatures. In addition, a new experimental method was developed to obtain a very small notch tip radius (around 5–7 μm) and much more similar to a crack through the use of a new machined notch. The fracture toughness results were lower than those obtained with traditional machining of the notch, which can be explained with electron microscopy, observations of deformation in the rear part of the notch tip. Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of the microstructure and fracture surfaces was used to determine and analyze the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties and the micromechanisms of failure involved, depending on the temperature and the dispersion of the alloy.


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Este artículo ofrece una reflexión sobre el papel de los mapas conceptuales en el actual escenario de la educación In the present paper, we carry out the application of concept mapping strategies to learning Physical Chemistry, in particular, of all aspect of Corrosion. This strategy is an alternative method to supplement examinations: it can show the teacher how much the students knew and how much they didn´t know; and the students can evaluate their own learning. Before giving tile matter on Corrosion, the teachers evaluated the previous knowledge of the students in the field and explained to the students how create the conceptual maps with Cmap tools. When the subject is finished, teachers are assessed the conceptual maps developed by students and therefore also the level of the students learning. Teachers verified that the concept mapping is quite suitable for complicated theorics as Corrosion and it is an appropriate tool for the consolidation of educational experiences and for improvement affective lifelong learning. By using this method we demonstrated that the set of concepts accumulated in the cognitive structure of every student in unique and every student has therefore arranged the concepts from top to bottom in the mapping field in different ways with different linking" phrases, although these are involved in the same learning task.


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La verificación de la seguridad estructural, tanto de estructuras que permitan un cierto grado de deterioro en su dimensionado como de estructuras existentes deterioradas, necesita disponer de modelos de resistencia que tengan en cuenta los efectos del deterioro. En el caso de la corrosión de las armaduras en las estructuras de hormigón armado, la resistencia depende de múltiples factores tales como la sección del acero corroído, el diagrama tensión-deformación del acero corroído, la adherencia hormigón-acero corroído, la fisuración o desprendimiento del hormigón debido a la expansión de los productos de corrosión. En este sentido, la transferencia de las fuerzas a través de la superficie de contacto entre el hormigón y el acero, la adherencia, es uno de los aspectos más importantes a considerar y es la base del comportamiento del hormigón armado como elemento estructural. La adherencia debe asegurar el anclaje de las armaduras y transmitir la tensión tangencial que aparece en las mismas como consecuencia de la variación de las solicitaciones a lo largo de un elemento estructural. Como consecuencia de la corrosión de las armaduras, el desarrollo de la adherencia se altera y, por tanto, la transferencia de la tensión longitudinal. Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el comportamiento en estado límite último de la adherencia en el hormigón estructural con armaduras corroídas. El objetivo principal es la obtención de un modelo suficientemente realista y fiable para la evaluación de la adherencia con armaduras corroídas en el marco de la verificación de la seguridad estructural de elementos de hormigón armado con armaduras corroídas. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un programa experimental de ensayos tipo pull-out excéntricos, con diferentes probetas, unas sin corrosión y otras sometidas tanto a procesos de corrosión natural como a procesos de corrosión acelerada, con diferentes grados de deterioro. Este tipo de ensayo de adherencia representa de forma realista y fiable realista los esfuerzos de adherencia en la zona de anclaje. Por otra parte, para la realización de estos ensayos se ha puesto a punto, además del procedimiento de ensayo, un sistema de adquisición de datos entre los que se incluye el empleo de sensores de tipo fibra óptica con redes de Bragg embebidos en la armadura para determinar los parámetros representativos de la adherencia en el hormigón estructural con armaduras corroídas. Por otra parte, la recopilación de los datos de los estudios de adherencia con armaduras corroídas procedentes de la literatura científica, además de los resultados de la presente investigación, junto con la identificación de las variables relevantes en el comportamiento de la adherencia con armaduras sanas y corroídas ha servido para la obtención de una formulación realista y fiable para la evaluación conjunta de la adherencia con armaduras sanas y corroídas a partir de modelos de regresión múltiple. La formulación propuesta ha sido validada mediante criterios estadísticos y comparada con otras formulaciones propuestas en la literatura científica. Además se ha realizado un análisis de las variables influyentes de la formulación propuesta. También se ha obtenido un modelo numérico simple y eficiente, validado con alguno de los ensayos realizados en esta tesis, para simular la adherencia con armaduras sanas y corroídas. Finalmente, se presenta un procedimiento para realizar la evaluación de vigas deterioradas por corrosión mediante el método de los campos de tensiones que incluye la evaluación de la adherencia mediante la formulación sugerida en esta Tesis Doctoral. Las conclusiones alcanzadas en este trabajo han permitido evaluar la adherencia con armaduras corroídas de forma realista y fiable. Asimismo, se ha podido incluir la evaluación de la adherencia en el marco de la verificación de la seguridad estructural en elementos de hormigón armado deteriorados por corrosión. ABSTRACT Structural safety verification of both structures allowing a certain degree of deterioration in design and deteriorated existing structures needs strength models that factor in the effects of deterioration. In case of corrosion of steel bars in reinforced concrete structures, the resistance depends on many things such as the remaining cross-section of the corroded reinforcement bars, the stress-strain diagrams of steel, the concrete-reinforcement bond and corrosion-induced concrete cracking or spalling. Accordingly, the force transfer through the contact surface between concrete and reinforcement, bond, is one of the most important aspects to consider and it is the basis of the structural performance of reinforced concrete. Bond must assure anchorage of reinforcement and transmit shear stresses as a consequence of the different stresses along a structural element As a consequence of corrosion, the bond development may be affected and hence the transfer of longitudinal stresses. This PhD Thesis deals with ultimate limit state bond behaviour in structural concrete with corrode steel bars. The main objective is to obtain a realistic and reliable model for the assessment of bond within the context of structural safety verifications of reinforced concrete members with corroded steel bars. In that context, an experimental programme of eccentric pull-out tests were conducted, with different specimens, ones without corrosion and others subjected to accelerated or natural corrosion with different corrosion degrees. This type of bond test reproduces in a realistic and reliable way bond stresses in the anchorage zone. Moreover, for conducting these tests it was necessary to develop both a test procedure and also a data acquisition system including the use of an embedded fibre-optic sensing system with fibre Bragg grating sensors to obtain the representative parameters of bond strength in structural concrete with corroded steel bars. Furthermore, the compilation of data from bond studies with corroded steel bars from scientific literature, including tests conducted in the present study, along with the identification of the relevant variables influencing bond behaviour for both corroded and non-corroded steel bars was used to obtain a realistic and reliable formulation for bond assessment in corroded and non-corroded steel bars by multiple linear regression analysis. The proposed formulation was validated with a number of statistical criteria and compared to other models from scientific literature. Moreover, an analysis of the influencing variables of the proposed formulation has been performed. Also, a simplified and efficient numerical model has been obtained and validated with several tests performed in this PhD Thesis for simulating the bond in corroded and non-corroded steel bars. Finally, a proposal for the assessment of corrosion-damaged beams with stress field models including bond assessment with the proposed formulation is presented. The conclusions raised in this work have allowed a realistic and reliable bond assessment in corroded steel bars. Furthermore, bond assessment has been included within the context of structural safety verifications in corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete elements.


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La fusión nuclear es, hoy en día, una alternativa energética a la que la comunidad internacional dedica mucho esfuerzo. El objetivo es el de generar entre diez y cincuenta veces más energía que la que consume mediante reacciones de fusión que se producirán en una mezcla de deuterio (D) y tritio (T) en forma de plasma a doscientos millones de grados centígrados. En los futuros reactores nucleares de fusión será necesario producir el tritio utilizado como combustible en el propio reactor termonuclear. Este hecho supone dar un paso más que las actuales máquinas experimentales dedicadas fundamentalmente al estudio de la física del plasma. Así pues, el tritio, en un reactor de fusión, se produce en sus envolturas regeneradoras cuya misión fundamental es la de blindaje neutrónico, producir y recuperar tritio (fuel para la reacción DT del plasma) y por último convertir la energía de los neutrones en calor. Existen diferentes conceptos de envolturas que pueden ser sólidas o líquidas. Las primeras se basan en cerámicas de litio (Li2O, Li4SiO4, Li2TiO3, Li2ZrO3) y multiplicadores neutrónicos de Be, necesarios para conseguir la cantidad adecuada de tritio. Los segundos se basan en el uso de metales líquidos o sales fundidas (Li, LiPb, FLIBE, FLINABE) con multiplicadores neutrónicos de Be o el propio Pb en el caso de LiPb. Los materiales estructurales pasan por aceros ferrítico-martensíticos de baja activación, aleaciones de vanadio o incluso SiCf/SiC. Cada uno de los diferentes conceptos de envoltura tendrá una problemática asociada que se estudiará en el reactor experimental ITER (del inglés, “International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor”). Sin embargo, ITER no puede responder las cuestiones asociadas al daño de materiales y el efecto de la radiación neutrónica en las diferentes funciones de las envolturas regeneradoras. Como referencia, la primera pared de un reactor de fusión de 4000MW recibiría 30 dpa/año (valores para Fe-56) mientras que en ITER se conseguirían <10 dpa en toda su vida útil. Esta tesis se encuadra en el acuerdo bilateral entre Europa y Japón denominado “Broader Approach Agreement “(BA) (2007-2017) en el cual España juega un papel destacable. Estos proyectos, complementarios con ITER, son el acelerador para pruebas de materiales IFMIF (del inglés, “International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility”) y el dispositivo de fusión JT-60SA. Así, los efectos de la irradiación de materiales en materiales candidatos para reactores de fusión se estudiarán en IFMIF. El objetivo de esta tesis es el diseño de un módulo de IFMIF para irradiación de envolturas regeneradoras basadas en metales líquidos para reactores de fusión. El módulo se llamará LBVM (del inglés, “Liquid Breeder Validation Module”). La propuesta surge de la necesidad de irradiar materiales funcionales para envolturas regeneradoras líquidas para reactores de fusión debido a que el diseño conceptual de IFMIF no contaba con esta utilidad. Con objeto de analizar la viabilidad de la presente propuesta, se han realizado cálculos neutrónicos para evaluar la idoneidad de llevar a cabo experimentos relacionados con envolturas líquidas en IFMIF. Así, se han considerado diferentes candidatos a materiales funcionales de envolturas regeneradoras: Fe (base de los materiales estructurales), SiC (material candidato para los FCI´s (del inglés, “Flow Channel Inserts”) en una envoltura regeneradora líquida, SiO2 (candidato para recubrimientos antipermeación), CaO (candidato para recubrimientos aislantes), Al2O3 (candidato para recubrimientos antipermeación y aislantes) y AlN (material candidato para recubrimientos aislantes). En cada uno de estos materiales se han calculado los parámetros de irradiación más significativos (dpa, H/dpa y He/dpa) en diferentes posiciones de IFMIF. Estos valores se han comparado con los esperados en la primera pared y en la zona regeneradora de tritio de un reactor de fusión. Para ello se ha elegido un reactor tipo HCLL (del inglés, “Helium Cooled Lithium Lead”) por tratarse de uno de los más prometedores. Además, los valores también se han comparado con los que se obtendrían en un reactor rápido de fisión puesto que la mayoría de las irradiaciones actuales se hacen en reactores de este tipo. Como conclusión al análisis de viabilidad, se puede decir que los materiales funcionales para mantos regeneradores líquidos podrían probarse en la zona de medio flujo de IFMIF donde se obtendrían ratios de H/dpa y He/dpa muy parecidos a los esperados en las zonas más irradiadas de un reactor de fusión. Además, con el objetivo de ajustar todavía más los valores, se propone el uso de un moderador de W (a considerar en algunas campañas de irradiación solamente debido a que su uso hace que los valores de dpa totales disminuyan). Los valores obtenidos para un reactor de fisión refuerzan la idea de la necesidad del LBVM, ya que los valores obtenidos de H/dpa y He/dpa son muy inferiores a los esperados en fusión y, por lo tanto, no representativos. Una vez demostrada la idoneidad de IFMIF para irradiar envolturas regeneradoras líquidas, y del estudio de la problemática asociada a las envolturas líquidas, también incluida en esta tesis, se proponen tres tipos de experimentos diferentes como base de diseño del LBVM. Éstos se orientan en las necesidades de un reactor tipo HCLL aunque a lo largo de la tesis se discute la aplicabilidad para otros reactores e incluso se proponen experimentos adicionales. Así, la capacidad experimental del módulo estaría centrada en el estudio del comportamiento de litio plomo, permeación de tritio, corrosión y compatibilidad de materiales. Para cada uno de los experimentos se propone un esquema experimental, se definen las condiciones necesarias en el módulo y la instrumentación requerida para controlar y diagnosticar las cápsulas experimentales. Para llevar a cabo los experimentos propuestos se propone el LBVM, ubicado en la zona de medio flujo de IFMIF, en su celda caliente, y con capacidad para 16 cápsulas experimentales. Cada cápsula (24-22 mm de diámetro y 80 mm de altura) contendrá la aleación eutéctica LiPb (hasta 50 mm de la altura de la cápsula) en contacto con diferentes muestras de materiales. Ésta irá soportada en el interior de tubos de acero por los que circulará un gas de purga (He), necesario para arrastrar el tritio generado en el eutéctico y permeado a través de las paredes de las cápsulas (continuamente, durante irradiación). Estos tubos, a su vez, se instalarán en una carcasa también de acero que proporcionará soporte y refrigeración tanto a los tubos como a sus cápsulas experimentales interiores. El módulo, en su conjunto, permitirá la extracción de las señales experimentales y el gas de purga. Así, a través de la estación de medida de tritio y el sistema de control, se obtendrán los datos experimentales para su análisis y extracción de conclusiones experimentales. Además del análisis de datos experimentales, algunas de estas señales tendrán una función de seguridad y por tanto jugarán un papel primordial en la operación del módulo. Para el correcto funcionamiento de las cápsulas y poder controlar su temperatura, cada cápsula se equipará con un calentador eléctrico y por tanto el módulo requerirá también ser conectado a la alimentación eléctrica. El diseño del módulo y su lógica de operación se describe en detalle en esta tesis. La justificación técnica de cada una de las partes que componen el módulo se ha realizado con soporte de cálculos de transporte de tritio, termohidráulicos y mecánicos. Una de las principales conclusiones de los cálculos de transporte de tritio es que es perfectamente viable medir el tritio permeado en las cápsulas mediante cámaras de ionización y contadores proporcionales comerciales, con sensibilidades en el orden de 10-9 Bq/m3. Los resultados son aplicables a todos los experimentos, incluso si son cápsulas a bajas temperaturas o si llevan recubrimientos antipermeación. Desde un punto de vista de seguridad, el conocimiento de la cantidad de tritio que está siendo transportada con el gas de purga puede ser usado para detectar de ciertos problemas que puedan estar sucediendo en el módulo como por ejemplo, la rotura de una cápsula. Además, es necesario conocer el balance de tritio de la instalación. Las pérdidas esperadas el refrigerante y la celda caliente de IFMIF se pueden considerar despreciables para condiciones normales de funcionamiento. Los cálculos termohidráulicos se han realizado con el objetivo de optimizar el diseño de las cápsulas experimentales y el LBVM de manera que se pueda cumplir el principal requisito del módulo que es llevar a cabo los experimentos a temperaturas comprendidas entre 300-550ºC. Para ello, se ha dimensionado la refrigeración necesaria del módulo y evaluado la geometría de las cápsulas, tubos experimentales y la zona experimental del contenedor. Como consecuencia de los análisis realizados, se han elegido cápsulas y tubos cilíndricos instalados en compartimentos cilíndricos debido a su buen comportamiento mecánico (las tensiones debidas a la presión de los fluidos se ven reducidas significativamente con una geometría cilíndrica en lugar de prismática) y térmico (uniformidad de temperatura en las paredes de los tubos y cápsulas). Se han obtenido campos de presión, temperatura y velocidad en diferentes zonas críticas del módulo concluyendo que la presente propuesta es factible. Cabe destacar que el uso de códigos fluidodinámicos (e.g. ANSYS-CFX, utilizado en esta tesis) para el diseño de cápsulas experimentales de IFMIF no es directo. La razón de ello es que los modelos de turbulencia tienden a subestimar la temperatura de pared en mini canales de helio sometidos a altos flujos de calor debido al cambio de las propiedades del fluido cerca de la pared. Los diferentes modelos de turbulencia presentes en dicho código han tenido que ser estudiados con detalle y validados con resultados experimentales. El modelo SST (del inglés, “Shear Stress Transport Model”) para turbulencia en transición ha sido identificado como adecuado para simular el comportamiento del helio de refrigeración y la temperatura en las paredes de las cápsulas experimentales. Con la geometría propuesta y los valores principales de refrigeración y purga definidos, se ha analizado el comportamiento mecánico de cada uno de los tubos experimentales que contendrá el módulo. Los resultados de tensiones obtenidos, han sido comparados con los valores máximos recomendados en códigos de diseño estructural como el SDC-IC (del inglés, “Structural Design Criteria for ITER Components”) para así evaluar el grado de protección contra el colapso plástico. La conclusión del estudio muestra que la propuesta es mecánicamente robusta. El LBVM implica el uso de metales líquidos y la generación de tritio además del riesgo asociado a la activación neutrónica. Por ello, se han estudiado los riesgos asociados al uso de metales líquidos y el tritio. Además, se ha incluido una evaluación preliminar de los riesgos radiológicos asociados a la activación de materiales y el calor residual en el módulo después de la irradiación así como un escenario de pérdida de refrigerante. Los riesgos asociados al módulo de naturaleza convencional están asociados al manejo de metales líquidos cuyas reacciones con aire o agua se asocian con emisión de aerosoles y probabilidad de fuego. De entre los riesgos nucleares destacan la generación de gases radiactivos como el tritio u otros radioisótopos volátiles como el Po-210. No se espera que el módulo suponga un impacto medioambiental asociado a posibles escapes. Sin embargo, es necesario un manejo adecuado tanto de las cápsulas experimentales como del módulo contenedor así como de las líneas de purga durante operación. Después de un día de después de la parada, tras un año de irradiación, tendremos una dosis de contacto de 7000 Sv/h en la zona experimental del contenedor, 2300 Sv/h en la cápsula y 25 Sv/h en el LiPb. El uso por lo tanto de manipulación remota está previsto para el manejo del módulo irradiado. Por último, en esta tesis se ha estudiado también las posibilidades existentes para la fabricación del módulo. De entre las técnicas propuestas, destacan la electroerosión, soldaduras por haz de electrones o por soldadura láser. Las bases para el diseño final del LBVM han sido pues establecidas en el marco de este trabajo y han sido incluidas en el diseño intermedio de IFMIF, que será desarrollado en el futuro, como parte del diseño final de la instalación IFMIF. ABSTRACT Nuclear fusion is, today, an alternative energy source to which the international community devotes a great effort. The goal is to generate 10 to 50 times more energy than the input power by means of fusion reactions that occur in deuterium (D) and tritium (T) plasma at two hundred million degrees Celsius. In the future commercial reactors it will be necessary to breed the tritium used as fuel in situ, by the reactor itself. This constitutes a step further from current experimental machines dedicated mainly to the study of the plasma physics. Therefore, tritium, in fusion reactors, will be produced in the so-called breeder blankets whose primary mission is to provide neutron shielding, produce and recover tritium and convert the neutron energy into heat. There are different concepts of breeding blankets that can be separated into two main categories: solids or liquids. The former are based on ceramics containing lithium as Li2O , Li4SiO4 , Li2TiO3 , Li2ZrO3 and Be, used as a neutron multiplier, required to achieve the required amount of tritium. The liquid concepts are based on molten salts or liquid metals as pure Li, LiPb, FLIBE or FLINABE. These blankets use, as neutron multipliers, Be or Pb (in the case of the concepts based on LiPb). Proposed structural materials comprise various options, always with low activation characteristics, as low activation ferritic-martensitic steels, vanadium alloys or even SiCf/SiC. Each concept of breeding blanket has specific challenges that will be studied in the experimental reactor ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). However, ITER cannot answer questions associated to material damage and the effect of neutron radiation in the different breeding blankets functions and performance. As a reference, the first wall of a fusion reactor of 4000 MW will receive about 30 dpa / year (values for Fe-56) , while values expected in ITER would be <10 dpa in its entire lifetime. Consequently, the irradiation effects on candidate materials for fusion reactors will be studied in IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility). This thesis fits in the framework of the bilateral agreement among Europe and Japan which is called “Broader Approach Agreement “(BA) (2007-2017) where Spain plays a key role. These projects, complementary to ITER, are mainly IFMIF and the fusion facility JT-60SA. The purpose of this thesis is the design of an irradiation module to test candidate materials for breeding blankets in IFMIF, the so-called Liquid Breeder Validation Module (LBVM). This proposal is born from the fact that this option was not considered in the conceptual design of the facility. As a first step, in order to study the feasibility of this proposal, neutronic calculations have been performed to estimate irradiation parameters in different materials foreseen for liquid breeding blankets. Various functional materials were considered: Fe (base of structural materials), SiC (candidate material for flow channel inserts, SiO2 (candidate for antipermeation coatings), CaO (candidate for insulating coatings), Al2O3 (candidate for antipermeation and insulating coatings) and AlN (candidate for insulation coating material). For each material, the most significant irradiation parameters have been calculated (dpa, H/dpa and He/dpa) in different positions of IFMIF. These values were compared to those expected in the first wall and breeding zone of a fusion reactor. For this exercise, a HCLL (Helium Cooled Lithium Lead) type was selected as it is one of the most promising options. In addition, estimated values were also compared with those obtained in a fast fission reactor since most of existing irradiations have been made in these installations. The main conclusion of this study is that the medium flux area of IFMIF offers a good irradiation environment to irradiate functional materials for liquid breeding blankets. The obtained ratios of H/dpa and He/dpa are very similar to those expected in the most irradiated areas of a fusion reactor. Moreover, with the aim of bringing the values further close, the use of a W moderator is proposed to be used only in some experimental campaigns (as obviously, the total amount of dpa decreases). The values of ratios obtained for a fission reactor, much lower than in a fusion reactor, reinforce the need of LBVM for IFMIF. Having demonstrated the suitability of IFMIF to irradiate functional materials for liquid breeding blankets, and an analysis of the main problems associated to each type of liquid breeding blanket, also presented in this thesis, three different experiments are proposed as basis for the design of the LBVM. These experiments are dedicated to the needs of a blanket HCLL type although the applicability of the module for other blankets is also discussed. Therefore, the experimental capability of the module is focused on the study of the behavior of the eutectic alloy LiPb, tritium permeation, corrosion and material compatibility. For each of the experiments proposed an experimental scheme is given explaining the different module conditions and defining the required instrumentation to control and monitor the experimental capsules. In order to carry out the proposed experiments, the LBVM is proposed, located in the medium flux area of the IFMIF hot cell, with capability of up to 16 experimental capsules. Each capsule (24-22 mm of diameter, 80 mm high) will contain the eutectic allow LiPb (up to 50 mm of capsule high) in contact with different material specimens. They will be supported inside rigs or steel pipes. Helium will be used as purge gas, to sweep the tritium generated in the eutectic and permeated through the capsule walls (continuously, during irradiation). These tubes, will be installed in a steel container providing support and cooling for the tubes and hence the inner experimental capsules. The experimental data will consist of on line monitoring signals and the analysis of purge gas by the tritium measurement station. In addition to the experimental signals, the module will produce signals having a safety function and therefore playing a major role in the operation of the module. For an adequate operation of the capsules and to control its temperature, each capsule will be equipped with an electrical heater so the module will to be connected to an electrical power supply. The technical justification behind the dimensioning of each of these parts forming the module is presented supported by tritium transport calculations, thermalhydraulic and structural analysis. One of the main conclusions of the tritium transport calculations is that the measure of the permeated tritium is perfectly achievable by commercial ionization chambers and proportional counters with sensitivity of 10-9 Bq/m3. The results are applicable to all experiments, even to low temperature capsules or to the ones using antipermeation coatings. From a safety point of view, the knowledge of the amount of tritium being swept by the purge gas is a clear indicator of certain problems that may be occurring in the module such a capsule rupture. In addition, the tritium balance in the installation should be known. Losses of purge gas permeated into the refrigerant and the hot cell itself through the container have been assessed concluding that they are negligible for normal operation. Thermal hydraulic calculations were performed in order to optimize the design of experimental capsules and LBVM to fulfill one of the main requirements of the module: to perform experiments at uniform temperatures between 300-550ºC. The necessary cooling of the module and the geometry of the capsules, rigs and testing area of the container were dimensioned. As a result of the analyses, cylindrical capsules and rigs in cylindrical compartments were selected because of their good mechanical behavior (stresses due to fluid pressure are reduced significantly with a cylindrical shape rather than prismatic) and thermal (temperature uniformity in the walls of the tubes and capsules). Fields of pressure, temperature and velocity in different critical areas of the module were obtained concluding that the proposal is feasible. It is important to mention that the use of fluid dynamic codes as ANSYS-CFX (used in this thesis) for designing experimental capsules for IFMIF is not direct. The reason for this is that, under strongly heated helium mini channels, turbulence models tend to underestimate the wall temperature because of the change of helium properties near the wall. Therefore, the different code turbulence models had to be studied in detail and validated against experimental results. ANSYS-CFX SST (Shear Stress Transport Model) for transitional turbulence model has been identified among many others as the suitable one for modeling the cooling helium and the temperature on the walls of experimental capsules. Once the geometry and the main purge and cooling parameters have been defined, the mechanical behavior of each experimental tube or rig including capsules is analyzed. Resulting stresses are compared with the maximum values recommended by applicable structural design codes such as the SDC- IC (Structural Design Criteria for ITER Components) in order to assess the degree of protection against plastic collapse. The conclusion shows that the proposal is mechanically robust. The LBVM involves the use of liquid metals, tritium and the risk associated with neutron activation. The risks related with the handling of liquid metals and tritium are studied in this thesis. In addition, the radiological risks associated with the activation of materials in the module and the residual heat after irradiation are evaluated, including a scenario of loss of coolant. Among the identified conventional risks associated with the module highlights the handling of liquid metals which reactions with water or air are accompanied by the emission of aerosols and fire probability. Regarding the nuclear risks, the generation of radioactive gases such as tritium or volatile radioisotopes such as Po-210 is the main hazard to be considered. An environmental impact associated to possible releases is not expected. Nevertheless, an appropriate handling of capsules, experimental tubes, and container including purge lines is required. After one day after shutdown and one year of irradiation, the experimental area of the module will present a contact dose rate of about 7000 Sv/h, 2300 Sv/h in the experimental capsules and 25 Sv/h in the LiPb. Therefore, the use of remote handling is envisaged for the irradiated module. Finally, the different possibilities for the module manufacturing have been studied. Among the proposed techniques highlights the electro discharge machining, brazing, electron beam welding or laser welding. The bases for the final design of the LBVM have been included in the framework of the this work and included in the intermediate design report of IFMIF which will be developed in future, as part of the IFMIF facility final design.


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Las características y capacidades de los aceros inoxidables sinterizados se han investigado en una doble vertiente. Por una parte con vista a sus capacidades de resistencia a la oxidación en caliente y por otra parte se ha investigado su capacidad para retener microorganismos que contribuyan a la descontaminación de un ambiente. Por ello, para cada una de estas funciones se han utilizado los aceros inoxidables sinterizados, que se han considerado más adecuados. Para estudiar sus capacidades de resistencia a la oxidación en caliente se ha utilizado un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 304L, un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L y un acero inoxidable Fe-16Cr-3Al. Para estudiar sus capacidades para retener microorganismos se ha utilizado un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 316L, un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L y un acero inoxidable dúplex 50%/50% de los anteriores. Para esta última finalidad los aceros se han compactado a tres diferentes presiones 300, 500 y 700 MPa, a las que corresponden diferentes porosidades. En relación con el comportamiento frente a la oxidación en caliente, se han cuantificado los incrementos positivos o negativos de volumen, masa y densidad en los diferentes tipos de sinterización y estados de tratamiento de oxidación. Como tónica general de comportamiento, puede decirse que los aceros sinterizados bajo vacío son más resistentes a la oxidación, que los sinterizados en atmósfera de N2-5H2 y que los aceros inoxidables austeníticos son algo más resistentes, que los Cr-Al y estos, a su vez, más que los aceros inoxidables ferríticos. Respecto a la retención de microorganismos, los tres aceros inoxidables sinterizados se han ensayado en diferentes medios de cultivo, utilizando cuatro especies de bacterias. Los mejores resultados se han obtenido con Staphylococcus aureus, muy favorable para su observación y recuento. Se han cuantificado, una vez sinterizados y colonizados por los microorganismos, para cada material y presión de compactación, las áreas de cada uno de los poros y el número de microorganismos situados en los poros y en la superficie sin poros. Se ha establecido en cada caso la densidad de microorganismos en las zonas de poros y en las zonas sin poros. Como tónica general puede decirse, que los aceros inoxidables austeníticos aparecen más favorables para estos estudios, que los aceros dúplex y estos más que los inoxidables ferríticos. Asimismo, se desprende que las áreas de los poros dependen de forma unívoca de la presión de compactación y que para áreas de poros decrecientes las densidades de microorganismos son crecientes. En consecuencia, podría deducirse, que a igualdad de área de poros en una superficie, aquella que tuviera los poros más pequeños, retendría mayor cantidad de bacterias. ABSTRACT The characteristics and capacities of sintered stainless steels have been researched from two perspectives: firstly, with a view to their resistance to hot oxidation, and secondly their capacity to retain microorganisms able to decontaminate the environment. For both these functions, sintered stainless steels were used, which are considered to be the most fit for purpose. To study their resistance to hot oxidation, we used austenitic stainless steel AISI 304L, ferritic stainless steel AISI 430L and stainless steel Fe-16Cr-3Al. To study their ability to retain microorganisms, we used austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L, ferritic stainless steel AISI 430L, and duplex stainless steel, being a 50/50 blend of the two former ones. For this last purpose, the steels were compacted at three different pressures (300, 500 and 700 MPa) corresponding to different porosities. With regard to the hot oxidation, we quantified the positive or negative increments in volume, mass and density in the different types of sintering and oxidation treatment states. As a general performance trend, we observed that vacuum sintered steels are more resistant to oxidation than those sintered in an atmosphere of N2-5H2, and that austenitic stainless steels are slightly more resistant than the Cr-Al steels which, in turn, are more resistant than the ferritic stainless steels. With regard to the retention of microorganisms, the three sintered stainless steels were tested in different culture media using four types of bacteria. The best results for observation and counting were obtained with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Once sintered and colonized by microorganisms, for each material and compacting pressure we quantified the areas of the pores and the number of microorganisms situated in the pores and on the pore-free surface. In each case, the density of microorganisms in the pores and in the pore-free areas was established. As a general rule, we can say that the austenitic stainless steels appear to be more favourable for this type of study than the duplex steels which, in turn, are more favourable than the ferritic stainless steels. It also emerged that the areas with the pores depend unequivocally on the compacting pressure, and that the smaller the area of the pore the higher the density of the microorganisms. Consequently, it can be deduced that comparing an equal area of pores on a surface, the one with the smaller pores would retain a larger number of bacteria.


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Sub-wavelength diameter holes in thin metal layers can exhibit remarkable optical features that make them highly suitable for (bio)sensing applications. Either as efficient light scattering centers for surface plasmon excitation or metal-clad optical waveguides, they are able to form strongly localized optical fields that can effectively interact with biomolecules and/or nanoparticles on the nanoscale. As the metal of choice, aluminum exhibits good optical and electrical properties, is easy to manufacture and process and, unlike gold and silver, its low cost makes it very promising for commercial applications. However, aluminum has been scarcely used for biosensing purposes due to corrosion and pitting issues. In this short review, we show our recent achievements on aluminum nanohole platforms for (bio)sensing. These include a method to circumvent aluminum degradation—which has been successfully applied to the demonstration of aluminum nanohole array (NHA) immunosensors based on both, glass and polycarbonate compact discs supports—the use of aluminum nanoholes operating as optical waveguides for synthesizing submicron-sized molecularly imprinted polymers by local photopolymerization, and a technique for fabricating transferable aluminum NHAs onto flexible pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes, which could facilitate the development of a wearable technology based on aluminum NHAs.


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Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete due to chloride ingress is one of the main causes of the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures. Structures most affected by such a corrosion are marine zone buildings and structures exposed to de-icing salts like highways and bridges. Such process is accompanied by an increase in volume of the corrosión products on the rebarsconcrete interface. Depending on the level of oxidation, iron can expand as much as six times its original volume. This increase in volume exerts tensile stresses in the surrounding concrete which result in cracking and spalling of the concrete cover if the concrete tensile strength is exceeded. The mechanism by which steel embedded in concrete corrodes in presence of chloride is the local breakdown of the passive layer formed in the highly alkaline condition of the concrete. It is assumed that corrosion initiates when a critical chloride content reaches the rebar surface. The mathematical formulation idealized the corrosion sequence as a two-stage process: an initiation stage, during which chloride ions penetrate to the reinforcing steel surface and depassivate it, and a propagation stage, in which active corrosion takes place until cracking of the concrete cover has occurred. The aim of this research is to develop computer tools to evaluate the duration of the service life of reinforced concrete structures, considering both the initiation and propagation periods. Such tools must offer a friendly interface to facilitate its use by the researchers even though their background is not in numerical simulation. For the evaluation of the initiation period different tools have been developed: Program TavProbabilidade: provides means to carry out a probability analysis of a chloride ingress model. Such a tool is necessary due to the lack of data and general uncertainties associated with the phenomenon of the chloride diffusion. It differs from the deterministic approach because it computes not just a chloride profile at a certain age, but a range of chloride profiles for each probability or occurrence. Program TavProbabilidade_Fiabilidade: carries out reliability analyses of the initiation period. It takes into account the critical value of the chloride concentration on the steel that causes breakdown of the passive layer and the beginning of the propagation stage. It differs from the deterministic analysis in that it does not predict if the corrosion is going to begin or not, but to quantifies the probability of corrosion initiation. Program TavDif_1D: was created to do a one dimension deterministic analysis of the chloride diffusion process by the finite element method (FEM) which numerically solves Fick’second Law. Despite of the different FEM solver already developed in one dimension, the decision to create a new code (TavDif_1D) was taken because of the need to have a solver with friendly interface for pre- and post-process according to the need of IETCC. An innovative tool was also developed with a systematic method devised to compare the ability of the different 1D models to predict the actual evolution of chloride ingress based on experimental measurements, and also to quantify the degree of agreement of the models with each others. For the evaluation of the entire service life of the structure: a computer program has been developed using finite elements method to do the coupling of both service life periods: initiation and propagation. The program for 2D (TavDif_2D) allows the complementary use of two external programs in a unique friendly interface: • GMSH - an finite element mesh generator and post-processing viewer • OOFEM – a finite element solver. This program (TavDif_2D) is responsible to decide in each time step when and where to start applying the boundary conditions of fracture mechanics module in function of the amount of chloride concentration and corrosion parameters (Icorr, etc). This program is also responsible to verify the presence and the degree of fracture in each element to send the Information of diffusion coefficient variation with the crack width. • GMSH - an finite element mesh generator and post-processing viewer • OOFEM – a finite element solver. The advantages of the FEM with the interface provided by the tool are: • the flexibility to input the data such as material property and boundary conditions as time dependent function. • the flexibility to predict the chloride concentration profile for different geometries. • the possibility to couple chloride diffusion (initiation stage) with chemical and mechanical behavior (propagation stage). The OOFEM code had to be modified to accept temperature, humidity and the time dependent values for the material properties, which is necessary to adequately describe the environmental variations. A 3-D simulation has been performed to simulate the behavior of the beam on both, action of the external load and the internal load caused by the corrosion products, using elements of imbedded fracture in order to plot the curve of the deflection of the central region of the beam versus the external load to compare with the experimental data.