47 resultados para continuum damage mechanics, FEM, two-scale damage model, welded structures, fatigue, inherent strain, residual stress

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Material properties of soft fibrous tissues are highly conditioned by the hierarchical structure of this kind of composites. Collagen based tissues present, at decreasing length scales, a complex framework of fibres, fibrils, tropocollagen molecules and amino-acids. Understanding the mechanical behaviour at nano-scale level is critical to accurately incorporate this structural information in phenomenological damage models. In this work we derive a relationship between the mechanical and geometrical properties of the fibril constituents and the soft tissue material parameters at macroscopic scale. A Hodge–Petruska two-dimensional model has been used to describe the fibrils as staggered arrays of tropocollagen molecules. After a mechanical characterisation of each of the fibril components, two fibril failures modes have been defined related with two planes of weakness. A phenomenological continuous damage model with regularised softening was presented along with meso-structurally based definitions for its material parameters. Finally, numerical analysis at fibril, fibre and tissue levels are presented to show the capabilities of the model


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A non-local gradient-based damage formulation within a geometrically non-linear setting is presented. The hyperelastic constitutive response at local material point level is governed by a strain energy which is additively composed of an isotropic matrix and of an anisotropic fibre-reinforced material, respectively. The inelastic constitutive response is governed by a scalar [1–d]-type damage formulation, where only the anisotropic elastic part is assumed to be affected by the damage. Following the concept in Dimitrijević and Hackl [28], the local free energy function is enhanced by a gradient-term. This term essentially contains the gradient of the non-local damage variable which, itself, is introduced as an additional independent variable. In order to guarantee the equivalence between the local and non-local damage variable, a penalisation term is incorporated within the free energy function. Based on the principle of minimum total potential energy, a coupled system of Euler–Lagrange equations, i.e., the balance of linear momentum and the balance of the non-local damage field, is obtained and solved in weak form. The resulting coupled, highly non-linear system of equations is symmetric and can conveniently be solved by a standard incremental-iterative Newton–Raphson-type solution scheme. Several three-dimensional displacement- and force-driven boundary value problems—partially motivated by biomechanical application—highlight the mesh-objective characteristics and constitutive properties of the model and illustratively underline the capabilities of the formulation proposed


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A non-local gradient-based damage formulation within a geometrically non-linear set- ting is presented. The hyperelastic constitutive response at local material point level is governed by a strain energy function which is additively composed by an isotropic neo-Hookean matrix and by an anisotropic fibre-reinforced material based on the model proposed by T. Gasser, R. Ogden, and G. Holzapfel.


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Modelo de daño no local definido a materiales fibrados. Este modelo se aplica al estudio de problemas típicos en la biomecánica de los tejidos blandos, como las paredes arteriales.


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Material properties of soft tissues are highly conditioned by the hierarchical structure of this kind of composites. These collagen-based tissues present a complex framework of fibres, fibrils, tropocollagen molecules and amino-acids. As the structural mechanisms that control the degradation of soft tissues are related with the behaviour of its fundamental constituents, the relationship between the molecular and intermolecular properties and the tissue behaviour needs to be studied.


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Numerous damage models have been developed in order to analyze seismic behavior. Among the different possibilities existing in the literature, it is very clear that models developed along the lines of continuum damage mechanics are more consistent with the definition of damage as a phenomenon with mechanical consequences because they include explicitly the coupling between damage and mechanical behavior. On the other hand, for seismic processes, phenomena such as low cycle fatigue may have a pronounced effect on the overall behavior of the frames and, therefore, its consideration turns out to be very important. However, most of existing models evaluate the damage only as a function of the maximum amplitude of cyclic deformation without considering the number of cycles. In this paper, a generalization of the simplified model proposed by Cipollina et al. [Cipollina A, López-Hinojosa A, Flórez-López J. Comput Struct 1995;54:1113–26] is made in order to include the low cycle fatigue. Such a model employs in its formulation irreversible thermodynamics and internal state variable theory.


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The effect of infill walls on the behaviour of frames is widely recognized, and, for several decades now, has been the subject of numerous experimental investigations. However, the analytical modeling of infilled panels and frames under in-plane loading is difficult and generally unreliable. From the point of view of the simulation technique the models may be divided into micromodels and simplified (or macro-) models. Based on the equivalent strut approach (simplified model), in this paper a damage model is proposed for the characterization of masonry walls submitted to lateral cyclic loads. The model, developed along the lines of the Continuum Damage Mechanics, have the advantages of including explicitly the coupling between damage and mechanical behaviour and so is consistent with the definition of damage as a phenomenon with mechanical consequences.


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Numerous damage models have been developed in order to analyse the seismic behavior. Among the different possibilities existing in the literature, it is very clear that models developed along the lines of Continuum Damage Mechanics are more consistent with the definition of damage like a phenomenon with mechanical consequences as they include explicitly the coupling between damage and mechanical behavior. On the other hand, for seismic processes, phenomena such as low cycle fatigue may have a pronounced effect on the overall behavior of the frames and, therefore, its consideration turns out to be very important. However, many of existing models evaluate the damage only as a function of the maximum amplitude of cyclic deformation without considering the number of cycles. In this paper, a generalization of the simplified model proposed by Flórez is made in order to include the low cycle fatigue. Such model employs in its formulation irreversible thermodynamics and internal state variable theory.


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In the last years many studies have been developed to analyze the seismic behavior throug the damage concept. In fact, the evaluation of the structural damage is important in order to quantify the safety of new and existing structures and, also, to establish a framework for seismic retrofitting decision making of structures. Most proposed models are based on a post-earthquake evaluation in such a way they uncouple the computation of the structural response from that of damage. However, there are other models which include explicity the existing coupling between the degradation and the structural mechanical beaviour. Those models are closer to the physical reality and its formulation is based on the principles of Continuum Damage Mechanics. In the present work, a coupled model is formulated using a simplified application of the Continuum Damage Mechanics to the analysis of frames and allows its representation in standard finite element programs. This work is part of the activities developed by the Structural Mechanics Department (UPM) within ICONS (European Research Project on Innovative Seismic Design Concepts for New and Existing Structures).


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Canonical test cases for sloshing wave impact problems are pre-sented and discussed. In these cases the experimental setup has been simpli?ed seeking the highest feasible repeatability; a rectangular tank subjected to harmonic roll motion has been the tested con?guration. Both lateral and roof impacts have been studied, since both cases are relevant in sloshing assessment and show speci?c dynamics. An analysis of the impact pressure of the ?rst four impact events is provided in all cases. It has been found that not in all cases a Gaussian ?tting of each individual peak is feasible. The tests have been conducted with both water and oil in order to obtain high and moderate Reynolds number data; the latter may be useful as simpler test cases to assess the capabilities of CFD codes in simulating sloshing impacts. The re-peatability of impact pressure values increases dramatically when using oil. In addition, a study of the two-dimensionality of the problem using a tank con?guration that can be adjusted to 4 di?erent thicknesses has been carried out. Though the kinemat-ics of the free surface does not change signi cantly in some of the cases, the impact pressure values of the ?rst impact events changes substantially from the small to the large aspect ratios thus meaning that attention has to be paid to this issue when reference data is used for validation of 2D and 3D CFD codes.


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The structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is modelled with the limited- length-scale k-ε model of Apsley and Castro. Contrary to the standard k-ε model, the limited-length-scale k-ε model imposes a maximum mixing length which is derived from the boundary layer height, for neutral and unstable atmospheric situations, or by Monin-Obukhov length when the atmosphere is stably stratified. The model is first verified reproducing the famous Leipzig wind profile. Then the performance of the model is tested with measurements from FINO-1 platform using sonic anemometers to derive the appropriate maximum mixing length.


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A novel methodology for damage detection and location in structures is proposed. The methodology is based on strain measurements and consists in the development of strain field pattern recognition techniques. The aforementioned are based on PCA (principal component analysis) and damage indices (T 2 and Q). We propose the use of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) as strain sensors


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We consider a mathematical model for the spatio-temporal evolution of two biological species in a competitive situation. Besides diffusing, both species move toward higher concentrations of a chemical substance which is produced by themselves. The resulting system consists of two parabolic equations with Lotka–Volterra-type kinetic terms and chemotactic cross-diffusion, along with an elliptic equation describing the behavior of the chemical. We study the question in how far the phenomenon of competitive exclusion occurs in such a context. We identify parameter regimes for which indeed one of the species dies out asymptotically, whereas the other reaches its carrying capacity in the large time limit.


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In this paper we consider a system of three parabolic equations modeling the behavior of two biological species moving attracted by a chemical factor. The chemical substance verifies a parabolic equation with slow diffusion. The system contains second order terms in the first two equations modeling the chemotactic effects. We apply an iterative method to obtain the global existence of solutions using that the total mass of the biological species is conserved. The stability of the homogeneous steady states is studied by using an energy method. A final example is presented to illustrate the theoretical results.


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Evolutionary algorithms are suitable to solve damage identification problems in a multiobjective context. However, the performance of these methods can deteriorate quickly with increasing noise intensities originating numerous uncertainties. In this work, a statistic structural damage detection method formulated in a multiobjective context is proposed, taking into account the uncertainties existing. The presented method is verified by a number of simulated damage scenarios. The effects of noise on damage detection are investigated.