8 resultados para computer model
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper presents the results obtained with a new agent-based computer model that can simulate the evacuation of narrow-body transport airplanes in the conditions prescribed by the airworthiness regulations for certification. The model, described in detail in a former paper, has been verified with real data of narrow-body certification demonstrations. Numerical simulations of around 20 narrow-body aircraft, representative of current designs in various market segments, show the capabilities of the model and provide relevant information on the relationship between cabin features and emergency evacuation. The longitudinal location of emergency exits seems to be even more important than their size or the overall margin with respect to the prescribed number and type of exits indicated by the airworthiness requirements
The increase of orbital debris and the consequent proliferation of smaller objects through fragmentation are driving the need for mitigation strategies. The issue is how to deorbit the satellite with an efficient system that does not impair drastically the propellant budget of the satellite and, consequently, reduces its operating life. We have been investigating, in the framework of a European-Community-funded project, a passive system that makes use of an electrodynamics tether to deorbit a satellite through Lorentz forces. The deorbiting system will be carried by the satellite itself at launch and deployed from the satellite at the end of its life. From that moment onward the system operates passively without requiring any intervention from the satellite itself. The paper summarizes the results of the analysis carried out to show the deorbiting performance of the system starting from different orbital altitudes and inclinations for a reference satellite mass. Results can be easily scaled to other satellite masses. The results have been obtained by using a high-fidelity computer model that uses the latest environmental routines for magnetic field, ionospheric density, atmospheric density and a gravity field model. The tether dynamics is modelled by considering all the main aspects of a real system as the tether flexibility and its temperature-dependent electrical conductivity. Temperature variations are computed by including all the major external and internal input fluxes and the thermal flux emitted from the tether. The results shows that a relatively compact and light system can carry out the complete deorbit of a relatively large satellite in a time ranging from a month to less than a year starting from high LEO with the best performance occurring at low orbital inclinations.
This paper presents a new verification procedure for sound source coverage according to ISO 140?5 requirements. The ISO 140?5 standard applies to the measurement of façade insulation and requires a sound source able to achieve a sufficiently uniform sound field in free field conditions on the façade under study. The proposed method involves the electroacoustic characterisation of the sound source in laboratory free field conditions (anechoic room) and the subsequent prediction by computer simulation of the sound free field radiated on a rectangular surface equal in size to the façade being measured. The loudspeaker is characterised in an anechoic room under laboratory controlled conditions, carefully measuring directivity, and then a computer model is designed to calculate the acoustic free field coverage for different loudspeaker positions and façade sizes. For each sound source position, the method provides the maximum direct acoustic level differences on a façade specimen and therefore determines whether the loudspeaker verifies the maximum allowed level difference of 5 dB (or 10 dB for façade dimensions greater than 5 m) required by the ISO standard. Additionally, the maximum horizontal dimension of the façade meeting the standard is calculated and provided for each sound source position, both with the 5 dB and 10 dB criteria. In the last section of the paper, the proposed procedure is compared with another method used by the authors in the past to achieve the same purpose: in situ outdoor measurements attempting to recreate free field conditions. From this comparison, it is concluded that the proposed method is able to reproduce the actual measurements with high accuracy, for example, the ground reflection effect, at least at low frequencies, which is difficult to avoid in the outdoor measurement method, and it is fully eliminated with the proposed method to achieve the free field requisite.
The purpose of this report is to build a model that represents, as best as possible, the seismic behavior of a pile cap bridge foundation by a nonlinear static (analysis) procedure. It will consist of a reproduction of a specimen already built in the laboratory. This model will carry out a pseudo static lateral and horizontal pushover test that will be applied onto the pile cap until the failure of the structure, the formation of a plastic hinge in the piles due to the horizontal deformation, occurs. The pushover test consists of increasing the horizontal load over the pile cap until the horizontal displacement wanted at the height of the pile cap is reached. The output of this model will be a Skeleton curve that will plot the lateral load (kN) over the displacement (m), so that the maximum movement the pile cap foundation can reach before its failure can be calculated. This failure will be achieved when the load at that specific shift is equal to 85% of the maximum. The pile cap foundation finite element model was based on pile cap built for a laboratory experiment already carried out by the Master student Deming Zhang at Tongji University. Two different pile caps were tested with a difference in height above the ground level. While one has 0:3m, the other rises 0:8m above the ground level. The computer model was calibrated using the experimental results. The pile cap foundation will be programmed in a finite element environment called OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation [28]). This environment is a free software developed by Berkeley University specialized, as it name says, in the study of earthquakes and its effects on structures. This specialization is the main reason why it is being used for building this model as it makes it possible to build any finite element model, and perform several analysis in order to get the results wanted. The development of OpenSees is sponsored by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center through the National Science Foundation engineering and education centers program. OpenSees uses Tcl language to program it, which is a language similar to C++.
El proceso de cambio de una sociedad industrial a una sociedad del conocimiento, que experimenta el mundo globalizado en el siglo XXI, induce a las empresas y organizaciones a desarrollar ventajas competitivas y sostenibles basadas en sus activos intangibles, entre los cuales destacan los sistemas de gestión en general y los sistemas de gestión de la calidad (SGC) en particular. Las organizaciones dedicadas a la producción de petróleo están influenciadas por dicha tendencia. El petróleo es un recurso natural con reservas limitadas, cuya producción y consumo ha crecido progresivamente, aportando la mayor cuota (35 %) del total de la energía que se consume en el mundo contemporáneo, aporte que se mantendrá hasta el año 2035, según las previsiones más conservadoras. Por tanto, se hace necesario desarrollar modelos de producción innovadores, que contribuyan a la mejora del factor de recobro de los yacimientos y de la vida útil de los mismos, al tiempo que satisfagan los requerimientos de producción y consumo diarios de los exigentes mercados globales. El objeto de esta investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo de gestión de la calidad y su efecto en el desempeño organizacional, a través del efecto mediador de los constructos satisfacción del cliente interno y gestión del conocimiento en la producción de petróleo. Esta investigación de carácter explicativo, no experimental, transeccional y ex-postfacto, se realizó en la región petrolífera del lago de Maracaibo, al occidente de Venezuela, la cual tiene más de 70 años en producción y cuenta con yacimientos maduros. La población objeto de estudio fue de 369 trabajadores petroleros, quienes participaron en las mesas técnicas de la calidad, durante los meses de mayo y julio del año 2012, los cuales en su mayoría están en proceso de formación como analistas, asesores y auditores de los SGC. La técnica de muestreo aplicada fue de tipo aleatorio simple, con una muestra de 252 individuos. A la misma se le aplicó un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc, el cual fue validado por las técnicas de juicio de expertos y prueba piloto. El procedimiento de investigación se realizó a través de una secuencia, que incluyó la elaboración de un modelo teórico, basado en la revisión del estado del arte; un modelo factorial, sobre la base del análisis factorial de los datos de la encuesta; un modelo de regresión lineal, elaborado a través del método de regresión lineal simple y múltiple; un modelo de análisis de sendero, realizado con el software Amos 20 SPSS y finalmente, un modelo informático, realizado con el simulador Vensim PLE v.6.2. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el modelo teórico se transformó en un modelo empírico, en el cual, la variable independiente fue el SGC, la variable mediadora fue la integración de las dimensiones eliminación de la no conformidad, satisfacción del cliente interno y aprendizaje organizacional (ENCSCIAO) y la variable respuesta la integración de las dimensiones desempeño organizacional y aprendizaje organizacional (DOOA). Se verificó el efecto mediador del ENSCIAO sobre la relación SGC-DOOA con una bondad del ajuste, del 42,65%. En el modelo de regresión múltiple se encontró que las variables determinantes son eliminación de la no conformidad (ENC), conocimiento adquirido (CA) y conocimiento espontáneo (CE), lo cual fue corroborado con el modelo de análisis de sendero. El modelo informático se desarrolló empleando datos aproximados de una unidad de producción tipo, generándose cuatro escenarios; siendo el más favorable, aquel en el cual se aplicaba el SGC y variables relacionadas, reduciendo la desviación de la producción, incrementando el factor de recobro y ampliando la vida útil del yacimiento. Se concluye que la aplicación del SGC y constructos relacionados favorece el desempeño y la producción de las unidades de explotación de yacimientos petrolíferos maduros. Los principales aportes de la tesis son la obtención de un modelo de gestión de la producción de petróleo en yacimientos maduros, basado en los SGC. Asimismo, el desarrollo de un concepto de gestión de la calidad asociado a la reducción de la desviación de la producción petrolífera anual, al incremento del factor de recobro y al aumento de la vida útil del yacimiento. Las futuras líneas de investigación están orientadas a la aplicación del modelo en contextos reales y específicos, para medir su impacto y realizar los ajustes pertinentes. ABSTRACT The process of change from an industrial society to a knowledge-based society, which undergoes the globalized world in the twenty-first century, induces companies and organizations to develop a sustainable and competitive advantages based on its intangible assets, among which are noteworthy the management systems in general and particularly the quality management systems (QMS). Organizations engaged in oil production are influenced by said trend. Oil is a natural resource with limited reserves, where production and consumption has grown progressively, providing the largest share (35%) of the total energy consumed in the contemporary world, a contribution that will remain until the year 2035 according to the more conservative trust estimations. Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop innovative production models which contribute with the improvement of reservoirs´ recovery factor and the lifetime thereof, while meeting the production requirements and daily consumption of demanding global markets. The aim of this research is to develop a model of quality management and its effect on organizational performance through the mediator effect of the constructs, internal customer satisfaction and knowledge management in oil production. This research of explanatory nature, not experimental, transactional and expos-facto was carried out in the oil-region of Maracaibo Lake located to the west of Venezuela, which has more than 70 years in continuous production and has mature reservoirs. The population under study was 369 oil workers who participated in the technical quality workshops, during the months of May and July of 2012, the majority of which were in the process of training as analysts, consultants and auditors of the QMS. The sampling technique applied was simple random type. To a sample of 252 individuals of the population it was applied an ad hoc designed questionnaire, which was validated by the techniques of expert judgment and pilot test. The research procedure was performed through a sequence, which included the elaboration of a theoretical model, based on the review of the state of the art; a factorial model with based on factorial analysis of the survey data; a linear regression model, developed through the method of simple and multiple linear regression; a structural equation model, made with software °Amos 20 SPSS° and finally, a computer model, performed with the simulator Vensim PLE v.6.2. The results indicate that the theoretical model was transformed into an empirical model, in which the independent variable was the QMS, the mediator variable was the integration of the dimensions: elimination of non-conformity, internal customer satisfaction and organizational learning (ENCSCIAO) and the response variable the integration of the dimensions, organizational performance and learning organizational (DOOA). ENSCIAO´s mediator effect on the relation QMS-DOOA was verified with a goodness of fit of 42,65%. In the multiple regression model was found to be the determining variables are elimination of nonconformity (ENC), knowledge acquired (CA) and spontaneous knowledge (EC), which was verified with the structural equation model. The computer model was developed based on approximate data of an oil production unit type, creating four (04) scenarios; being the most favorable, that one which it was applied the QMS and related variables, reducing the production deviation, increasing the recovery factor and extending the lifetime of the reservoir. It is concluded that QMS implementation powered with the related constructs, favors performance and production of mature oilfield of exploitation reservoirs units. The main contributions of this thesis are obtaining a management model for oil production in mature oilfields, based on QMS. In addition, development of a concept of quality associated to reduce the annual oil production deviation, increase the recovery factor and increase oilfield lifetime. Future lines of research are oriented to the implementation of this model in real and specific contexts to measure its impact and make the necessary adjustments that might take place.
Se presenta en este trabajo una investigación sobre el comportamiento de losas de hormigón armado sometidas a explosiones y la simulación numérica de dicho fenómeno mediante el método de los elementos finitos. El trabajo aborda el estudio de la respuesta de dichos elementos estructurales por comparación entre los resultados obtenidos en ensayos reales a escala 1:1 y los cálculos realizados mediante modelos de ordenador. Este procedimiento permite verificar la idoneidad, o no, de estos últimos. Se expone en primer lugar el comportamiento mecánico de los modelos de material que son susceptibles de emplearse en la simulación de estructuras mediante el software empleado en la presente investigación, así como las diferentes formas de aplicar cargas explosivas en estructuras modeladas mediante el método de los Elementos Finitos, razonándose en ambos casos la elección llevada a cabo. Posteriormente, se describen los ensayos experimentales disponibles, que tuvieron lugar en las instalaciones del Laboratorio de Balística de Efectos, perteneciente al Instituto Tecnológico de la Marañosa (ITM), de Madrid, para estudiar el comportamiento de losas de hormigón armado a escala 1:1 sometidas a explosiones reales. Se ha propuesto un método de interpretación del nivel de daño en las losas mediante el martillo de Schmidt, que posteriormente permitirá comparar resultados con los modelos de ordenador realizados. Asimismo, se propone un método analítico para la determinación del tamaño óptimo de la malla en las simulaciones realizadas, basado en la distribución de la energía interna del sistema. Es conocido que el comportamiento de los modelos pueden verse fuertemente influenciados por el mallado empleado. Según el mallado sea “grosero” o “fino” el fallo puede no alcanzarse o hacerlo de forma prematura, o excesiva, respectivamente. Es más, algunos modelos de material contemplan una “regularización” del tamaño de la malla, pero en la presente investigación se evidencia que dicho procedimiento tiene un rango de validez limitado, incluso se determina un entorno óptimo de valores. Finalmente, se han elaborado los modelos numéricos con el software comercial LS-DYNA, contemplando todos los aspectos reseñados en los párrafos anteriores, procediendo a realizar una comparación de los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones con los procedidos en los ensayos reales a escala 1:1, observando que existe una muy buena correlación entre ambas situaciones que evidencian que el procedimiento propuesto en la investigación es de todo punto adecuado para la simulación de losas de hormigón armado sometidas a explosiones. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis presents an investigation on the behavior of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to explosions along with the numerical simulation of this phenomenon by the finite elements method. The work involves the study of the response of these structural elements by comparing the results of field tests at full scale and the calculations performed by the computer model. This procedure allows to verify the appropriateness or not of the latter. Firstly, the mechanical behavior of the material models that are likely to be used in the modelling of structures is explained. In addition, different ways of choosing explosive charges when conducting finite element methods are analyzed and discussed. Secondly, several experimental tests, which took place at the Laboratorio de Balística de Efectos at the Instituto Tecnológico de la Marañosa (ITM), in Madrid, are described in order to study the behavior of these reinforced concrete slabs. A method for the description of the slab damage level by the Schmidt hammer is proposed, which will make possible to compare the modelling results extracted from the computation experiments. Furthermore, an analytical method for determining the optimal mesh size to be used in the simulations is proposed. It is well known that the behavior of the models can be strongly influenced by the mesh size used. According to this, when modifiying the meshing density the damaged cannot be reached or do it prematurely, or excessive, respectively. Moreover, some material models include a regularization of the mesh size, but the present investigation evidenced that this procedure has a limited range of validity, even an optimal environment values are determined. The method proposed is based on the distribution of the internal energy of the system. Finally, several expecific numerical models have been performed by using LS-DYNA commercial software, considering all the aspects listed in the preceding paragraphs. Comparisons of the results extracted from the simulations and full scale experiments were carried out, noting that there exists a very good correlation between both of them. This fact demonstrates that the proposed research procedure is highly suitable for the modelling of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to blast loading.
Electric vehicles constitute a multidisciplinary subject that involves disciplines such as automotive, mechanical, electrical and control engineering. Due to this multidisciplinary technical nature, practical teaching methodologies are of special relevance. Paradoxically, in the past, the training of engineers specializing in this area has lacked the practical component represented by field tests, due to the difficulty of accessing real systems. This paper presents an educational project specifically designed for the teaching and training of engineering students with different backgrounds and experience. The teaching methodology focuses on the topology of electric traction drives and their control. It includes two stages, a simulation computer model and a scaled laboratory workbench that comprises a traction electrical drive coupled to a vehicle emulator. With this equipment, the effectiveness of different traction control strategies can be analyzed from the point of view of energy efficiency, robustness, easiness of implementation and acoustic noise.
The term "Logic Programming" refers to a variety of computer languages and execution models which are based on the traditional concept of Symbolic Logic. The expressive power of these languages offers promise to be of great assistance in facing the programming challenges of present and future symbolic processing applications in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-based systems, and many other areas of computing. The sequential execution speed of logic programs has been greatly improved since the advent of the first interpreters. However, higher inference speeds are still required in order to meet the demands of applications such as those contemplated for next generation computer systems. The execution of logic programs in parallel is currently considered a promising strategy for attaining such inference speeds. Logic Programming in turn appears as a suitable programming paradigm for parallel architectures because of the many opportunities for parallel execution present in the implementation of logic programs. This dissertation presents an efficient parallel execution model for logic programs. The model is described from the source language level down to an "Abstract Machine" level suitable for direct implementation on existing parallel systems or for the design of special purpose parallel architectures. Few assumptions are made at the source language level and therefore the techniques developed and the general Abstract Machine design are applicable to a variety of logic (and also functional) languages. These techniques offer efficient solutions to several areas of parallel Logic Programming implementation previously considered problematic or a source of considerable overhead, such as the detection and handling of variable binding conflicts in AND-Parallelism, the specification of control and management of the execution tree, the treatment of distributed backtracking, and goal scheduling and memory management issues, etc. A parallel Abstract Machine design is offered, specifying data areas, operation, and a suitable instruction set. This design is based on extending to a parallel environment the techniques introduced by the Warren Abstract Machine, which have already made very fast and space efficient sequential systems a reality. Therefore, the model herein presented is capable of retaining sequential execution speed similar to that of high performance sequential systems, while extracting additional gains in speed by efficiently implementing parallel execution. These claims are supported by simulations of the Abstract Machine on sample programs.