9 resultados para collaborative environment

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Cultural content on the Web is available in various domains (cultural objects, datasets, geospatial data, moving images, scholarly texts and visual resources), concerns various topics, is written in different languages, targeted to both laymen and experts, and provided by different communities (libraries, archives museums and information industry) and individuals (Figure 1). The integration of information technologies and cultural heritage content on the Web is expected to have an impact on everyday life from the point of view of institutions, communities and individuals. In particular, collaborative environment scan recreate 3D navigable worlds that can offer new insights into our cultural heritage (Chan 2007). However, the main barrier is to find and relate cultural heritage information by end-users of cultural contents, as well as by organisations and communities managing and producing them. In this paper, we explore several visualisation techniques for supporting cultural interfaces, where the role of metadata is essential for supporting the search and communication among end-users (Figure 2). A conceptual framework was developed to integrate the data, purpose, technology, impact, and form components of a collaborative environment, Our preliminary results show that collaborative environments can help with cultural heritage information sharing and communication tasks because of the way in which they provide a visual context to end-users. They can be regarded as distributed virtual reality systems that offer graphically realised, potentially infinite, digital information landscapes. Moreover, collaborative environments also provide a new way of interaction between an end-user and a cultural heritage data set. Finally, the visualisation of metadata of a dataset plays an important role in helping end-users in their search for heritage contents on the Web.


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Cultural heritage is a complex and diverse concept, which brings together a wide domain of information. Resources linked to a cultural heritage site may consist of physical artefacts, books, works of art, pictures, historical maps, aerial photographs, archaeological surveys and 3D models. Moreover, all these resources are listed and described by a set of a variety of metadata specifications that allow their online search and consultation on the most basic characteristics of them. Some examples include Norma ISO 19115, Dublin Core, AAT, CDWA, CCO, DACS, MARC, MoReq, MODS, MuseumDat, TGN, SPECTRUM, VRA Core and Z39.50. Gateways are in place to fit in these metadata standards into those used in a SDI (ISO 19115 or INSPIRE), but substantial work still remains to be done for the complete incorporation of cultural heritage information. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the complexity of cultural heritage resources can be dealt with by a visual exploration of their metadata within a 3D collaborative environment. The 3D collaborative environments are promising tools that represent the new frontier of our capacity of learning, understanding, communicating and transmitting culture.


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The access to medical literature collections such as PubMed, MedScape or Cochrane has been increased notably in the last years by the web-based tools that provide instant access to the information. However, more sophisticated methodologies are needed to exploit efficiently all that information. The lack of advanced search methods in clinical domain produce that even using well-defined questions for a particular disease, clinicians receive too many results. Since no information analysis is applied afterwards, some relevant results which are not presented in the top of the resultant collection could be ignored by the expert causing an important loose of information. In this work we present a new method to improve scientific article search using patient information for query generation. Using federated search strategy, it is able to simultaneously search in different resources and present a unique relevant literature collection. And applying NLP techniques it presents semantically similar publications together, facilitating the identification of relevant information to clinicians. This method aims to be the foundation of a collaborative environment for sharing clinical knowledge related to patients and scientific publications.


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La metodología PBL propone el aprendizaje basado en problemas. A grandes rasgos sugiere que el estudiante sea el protagonista de su propio aprendizaje mediante el desarrollo de proyectos. Con esa idea, el grupo de innovación educativa DMAE-DIA (Desarrollo de nuevas Metodologías de Aprendizaje/Evaluación del Departamento de Informática Aplicada), comenzó la construcción de un portal web para mostrar los principios de dicha metodología, que permitiese a los usuarios del mismo conocerla y aprender a utilizarla en un entorno colaborativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es ampliar este portal para que los usuarios sean capaces de crear, eliminar y mantener sus propios proyectos para posteriormente utilizarlos como base para su práctica docente. El trabajo se ha planteado siguiendo el paradigma de la orientación a objetos, mediante la metodología UML y siguiendo el ciclo de vida del software y se ha implementado utilizando como base el CMS Wordpress y desarrollando con los lenguajes que más adelante se especificarán. Wordpress por su parte es un sistema de gestión de contenidos dotado de gran potencia que permite, de una manera muy sencilla, construir entornos web con el mínimo esfuerzo. ABSTRACT The PBL methodology proposed problem-based learning. Roughly suggests that the student is the protagonist of their own learning by developing projects. With that, the group of educational innovation DMAE-DIA (Development of new Learning/Assessment methodologies, Department of Applied Computing) began building a web portal to show the principles of this methodology, which would allow users to know and learn to use it in a collaborative environment. The aim of this work is to extend this website so that users are able to create, delete and maintain their own projects for later use as the basis for their teaching practice. The work has been raised following the paradigm of object orientation, by following the UML methodology and software life cycle and has been implemented using as a basis the CMS Wordpress and developed with the languages that will be specified later. Meanwhile Wordpress is a content management system endowed with great power that allows,in a very simple way to build web environments with minimal effort.


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Stream-mining approach is defined as a set of cutting-edge techniques designed to process streams of data in real time, in order to extract knowledge. In the particular case of classification, stream-mining has to adapt its behaviour to the volatile underlying data distributions, what has been called concept drift. Moreover, it is important to note that concept drift may lead to situations where predictive models become invalid and have therefore to be updated to represent the actual concepts that data poses. In this context, there is a specific type of concept drift, known as recurrent concept drift, where the concepts represented by data have already appeared in the past. In those cases the learning process could be saved or at least minimized by applying a previously trained model. This could be extremely useful in ubiquitous environments that are characterized by the existence of resource constrained devices. To deal with the aforementioned scenario, meta-models can be used in the process of enhancing the drift detection mechanisms used by data stream algorithms, by representing and predicting when the change will occur. There are some real-world situations where a concept reappears, as in the case of intrusion detection systems (IDS), where the same incidents or an adaptation of them usually reappear over time. In these environments the early prediction of drift by means of a better knowledge of past models can help to anticipate to the change, thus improving efficiency of the model regarding the training instances needed. By means of using meta-models as a recurrent drift detection mechanism, the ability to share concepts representations among different data mining processes is open. That kind of exchanges could improve the accuracy of the resultant local model as such model may benefit from patterns similar to the local concept that were observed in other scenarios, but not yet locally. This would also improve the efficiency of training instances used during the classification process, as long as the exchange of models would aid in the application of already trained recurrent models, that have been previously seen by any of the collaborative devices. Which it is to say that the scope of recurrence detection and representation is broaden. In fact the detection, representation and exchange of concept drift patterns would be extremely useful for the law enforcement activities fighting against cyber crime. Being the information exchange one of the main pillars of cooperation, national units would benefit from the experience and knowledge gained by third parties. Moreover, in the specific scope of critical infrastructures protection it is crucial to count with information exchange mechanisms, both from a strategical and technical scope. The exchange of concept drift detection schemes in cyber security environments would aid in the process of preventing, detecting and effectively responding to threads in cyber space. Furthermore, as a complement of meta-models, a mechanism to assess the similarity between classification models is also needed when dealing with recurrent concepts. In this context, when reusing a previously trained model a rough comparison between concepts is usually made, applying boolean logic. The introduction of fuzzy logic comparisons between models could lead to a better efficient reuse of previously seen concepts, by applying not just equal models, but also similar ones. This work faces the aforementioned open issues by means of: the MMPRec system, that integrates a meta-model mechanism and a fuzzy similarity function; a collaborative environment to share meta-models between different devices; a recurrent drift generator that allows to test the usefulness of recurrent drift systems, as it is the case of MMPRec. Moreover, this thesis presents an experimental validation of the proposed contributions using synthetic and real datasets.


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Nowadays, Internet is a place where social networks have reached an important impact in collaboration among people over the world in different ways. This article proposes a new paradigm for building CSCW business tools following the novel ideas provided by the social web to collaborate and generate awareness. An implementation of these concepts is described, including the components we provide to collaborate in workspaces, (such as videoconference, chat, desktop sharing, forums or temporal events), and the way we generate awareness from these complex social data structures. Figures and validation results are also presented to stress that this architecture has been defined to support awareness generation via joining current and future social data from business and social networks worlds, based on the idea of using social data stored in the cloud.


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Abstract The proliferation of wireless sensor networks and the variety of envisioned applications associated with them has motivated the development of distributed algorithms for collaborative processing over networked systems. One of the applications that has attracted the attention of the researchers is that of target localization where the nodes of the network try to estimate the position of an unknown target that lies within its coverage area. Particularly challenging is the problem of estimating the target’s position when we use received signal strength indicator (RSSI) due to the nonlinear relationship between the measured signal and the true position of the target. Many of the existing approaches suffer either from high computational complexity (e.g., particle filters) or lack of accuracy. Further, many of the proposed solutions are centralized which make their application to a sensor network questionable. Depending on the application at hand and, from a practical perspective it could be convenient to find a balance between localization accuracy and complexity. Into this direction we approach the maximum likelihood location estimation problem by solving a suboptimal (and more tractable) problem. One of the main advantages of the proposed scheme is that it allows for a decentralized implementation using distributed processing tools (e.g., consensus and convex optimization) and therefore, it is very suitable to be implemented in real sensor networks. If further accuracy is needed an additional refinement step could be performed around the found solution. Under the assumption of independent noise among the nodes such local search can be done in a fully distributed way using a distributed version of the Gauss-Newton method based on consensus. Regardless of the underlying application or function of the sensor network it is al¬ways necessary to have a mechanism for data reporting. While some approaches use a special kind of nodes (called sink nodes) for data harvesting and forwarding to the outside world, there are however some scenarios where such an approach is impractical or even impossible to deploy. Further, such sink nodes become a bottleneck in terms of traffic flow and power consumption. To overcome these issues instead of using sink nodes for data reporting one could use collaborative beamforming techniques to forward directly the generated data to a base station or gateway to the outside world. In a dis-tributed environment like a sensor network nodes cooperate in order to form a virtual antenna array that can exploit the benefits of multi-antenna communications. In col-laborative beamforming nodes synchronize their phases in order to add constructively at the receiver. Some of the inconveniences associated with collaborative beamforming techniques is that there is no control over the radiation pattern since it is treated as a random quantity. This may cause interference to other coexisting systems and fast bat-tery depletion at the nodes. Since energy-efficiency is a major design issue we consider the development of a distributed collaborative beamforming scheme that maximizes the network lifetime while meeting some quality of service (QoS) requirement at the re¬ceiver side. Using local information about battery status and channel conditions we find distributed algorithms that converge to the optimal centralized beamformer. While in the first part we consider only battery depletion due to communications beamforming, we extend the model to account for more realistic scenarios by the introduction of an additional random energy consumption. It is shown how the new problem generalizes the original one and under which conditions it is easily solvable. By formulating the problem under the energy-efficiency perspective the network’s lifetime is significantly improved. Resumen La proliferación de las redes inalámbricas de sensores junto con la gran variedad de posi¬bles aplicaciones relacionadas, han motivado el desarrollo de herramientas y algoritmos necesarios para el procesado cooperativo en sistemas distribuidos. Una de las aplicaciones que suscitado mayor interés entre la comunidad científica es la de localization, donde el conjunto de nodos de la red intenta estimar la posición de un blanco localizado dentro de su área de cobertura. El problema de la localization es especialmente desafiante cuando se usan niveles de energía de la seal recibida (RSSI por sus siglas en inglés) como medida para la localization. El principal inconveniente reside en el hecho que el nivel de señal recibida no sigue una relación lineal con la posición del blanco. Muchas de las soluciones actuales al problema de localization usando RSSI se basan en complejos esquemas centralizados como filtros de partículas, mientas que en otras se basan en esquemas mucho más simples pero con menor precisión. Además, en muchos casos las estrategias son centralizadas lo que resulta poco prácticos para su implementación en redes de sensores. Desde un punto de vista práctico y de implementation, es conveniente, para ciertos escenarios y aplicaciones, el desarrollo de alternativas que ofrezcan un compromiso entre complejidad y precisión. En esta línea, en lugar de abordar directamente el problema de la estimación de la posición del blanco bajo el criterio de máxima verosimilitud, proponemos usar una formulación subóptima del problema más manejable analíticamente y que ofrece la ventaja de permitir en¬contrar la solución al problema de localization de una forma totalmente distribuida, convirtiéndola así en una solución atractiva dentro del contexto de redes inalámbricas de sensores. Para ello, se usan herramientas de procesado distribuido como los algorit¬mos de consenso y de optimización convexa en sistemas distribuidos. Para aplicaciones donde se requiera de un mayor grado de precisión se propone una estrategia que con¬siste en la optimización local de la función de verosimilitud entorno a la estimación inicialmente obtenida. Esta optimización se puede realizar de forma descentralizada usando una versión basada en consenso del método de Gauss-Newton siempre y cuando asumamos independencia de los ruidos de medida en los diferentes nodos. Independientemente de la aplicación subyacente de la red de sensores, es necesario tener un mecanismo que permita recopilar los datos provenientes de la red de sensores. Una forma de hacerlo es mediante el uso de uno o varios nodos especiales, llamados nodos “sumidero”, (sink en inglés) que actúen como centros recolectores de información y que estarán equipados con hardware adicional que les permita la interacción con el exterior de la red. La principal desventaja de esta estrategia es que dichos nodos se convierten en cuellos de botella en cuanto a tráfico y capacidad de cálculo. Como alter¬nativa se pueden usar técnicas cooperativas de conformación de haz (beamforming en inglés) de manera que el conjunto de la red puede verse como un único sistema virtual de múltiples antenas y, por tanto, que exploten los beneficios que ofrecen las comu¬nicaciones con múltiples antenas. Para ello, los distintos nodos de la red sincronizan sus transmisiones de manera que se produce una interferencia constructiva en el recep¬tor. No obstante, las actuales técnicas se basan en resultados promedios y asintóticos, cuando el número de nodos es muy grande. Para una configuración específica se pierde el control sobre el diagrama de radiación causando posibles interferencias sobre sis¬temas coexistentes o gastando más potencia de la requerida. La eficiencia energética es una cuestión capital en las redes inalámbricas de sensores ya que los nodos están equipados con baterías. Es por tanto muy importante preservar la batería evitando cambios innecesarios y el consecuente aumento de costes. Bajo estas consideraciones, se propone un esquema de conformación de haz que maximice el tiempo de vida útil de la red, entendiendo como tal el máximo tiempo que la red puede estar operativa garantizando unos requisitos de calidad de servicio (QoS por sus siglas en inglés) que permitan una decodificación fiable de la señal recibida en la estación base. Se proponen además algoritmos distribuidos que convergen a la solución centralizada. Inicialmente se considera que la única causa de consumo energético se debe a las comunicaciones con la estación base. Este modelo de consumo energético es modificado para tener en cuenta otras formas de consumo de energía derivadas de procesos inherentes al funcionamiento de la red como la adquisición y procesado de datos, las comunicaciones locales entre nodos, etc. Dicho consumo adicional de energía se modela como una variable aleatoria en cada nodo. Se cambia por tanto, a un escenario probabilístico que generaliza el caso determinista y se proporcionan condiciones bajo las cuales el problema se puede resolver de forma eficiente. Se demuestra que el tiempo de vida de la red mejora de forma significativa usando el criterio propuesto de eficiencia energética.


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Background: Cognitive skills training for minimally invasive surgery has traditionally relied upon diverse tools, such as seminars or lectures. Web technologies for e-learning have been adopted to provide ubiquitous training and serve as structured repositories for the vast amount of laparoscopic video sources available. However, these technologies fail to offer such features as formative and summative evaluation, guided learning, or collaborative interaction between users. Methodology: The "TELMA" environment is presented as a new technology-enhanced learning platform that increases the user's experience using a four-pillared architecture: (1) an authoring tool for the creation of didactic contents; (2) a learning content and knowledge management system that incorporates a modular and scalable system to capture, catalogue, search, and retrieve multimedia content; (3) an evaluation module that provides learning feedback to users; and (4) a professional network for collaborative learning between users. Face validation of the environment and the authoring tool are presented. Results: Face validation of TELMA reveals the positive perception of surgeons regarding the implementation of TELMA and their willingness to use it as a cognitive skills training tool. Preliminary validation data also reflect the importance of providing an easy-to-use, functional authoring tool to create didactic content. Conclusion: The TELMA environment is currently installed and used at the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre and several other Spanish hospitals. Face validation results ascertain the acceptance and usefulness of this new minimally invasive surgery training environment.


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Enhanced learning environments are arising with great success within the field of cognitive skills training in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) because they provides multiple benefits since they avoid time, spatial and cost constraints. TELMA [1,2] is a new technology enhanced learning platform that promotes collaborative and ubiquitous training of surgeons. This platform is based on four main modules: an authoring tool, a learning content and knowledge management system, an evaluation module and a professional network. TELMA has been designed and developed focused on the user; therefore it is necessary to carry out a user validation as final stage of the development. For this purpose, e-MIS validity [3] has been defined. This validation includes usability, contents and functionality validities both for the development and production stages of any e-Learning web platform. Using e-MIS validity, the e-Learning is fully validated since it includes subjective and objective metrics. The purpose of this study is to specify and apply a set of objective and subjective metrics using e-MIS validity to test usability, contents and functionality of TELMA environment within the development stage.