6 resultados para collaborative content provision

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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online donde el contenido es creado por los propios usuarios mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la web 2.0, que facilitan la edición, la publicación y el intercambio de información, de tal manera que los social media están democratizando las comunicaciones. Según datos publicados por eMarketer, casi el 25% del total de la inversión publicitaria mundial para el 2014 estará dirigida a medios digitales. Los medios de comunicación tradicionales están sumidos desde algún tiempo en una profunda crisis. En los comienzos de Internet, los protagonistas de este sector han creído en la red como un medio de publicación de contenidos en una única dirección, esto es la web 1.0, personas conectándose a páginas web. El típico lector de revista y seminario se ha convertido en un nuevo consumidor con necesidades muy distintas. El lector de un medio tradicional se encuentra con contenido cerrado, sin posibilidad de ser filtrado, que busca dirigir su opinión. Con el método tradicional no es posible ni personalizar el contenido ni la experiencia de uso. De ahí el nacimiento de la web 2.0, personas conectándose a personas (redes sociales). En un futuro cercano, van a triunfar las empresas, sectores y marcas que sepan adaptarse a la llegada de los social media, y que además de desarrollar su línea de negocio habitual, se conviertan en plataformas para la conversación y la construcción de contenidos en colaboración. En este proyecto voy a desarrollar el caso particular de una empresa de telecomunicaciones con una estrategia que use los social media como plataforma de atención al cliente, y para interaccionar también con su almacén en DHL. Los servicios añadidos que dicha empresa de telecomunicaciones ofrece a sus seguidores, clientes externos e internos se pueden agrupar en las siguientes funcionalidades:  Hacer un volcado del sistema de gestión de incidencias de una empresa de telecomunicaciones en las redes sociales, a través de mensajes privados. Dichos mensajes privados se enviarán a las páginas de Facebook y Twitter de los clientes.  Seguimiento por parte del cliente de puestas en marcha de los nuevos servicios a través de mensajes privados en Facebook y Twitter. Mediante este servicio el cliente podrá comprobar a través de las redes sociales el estado de su pedido e intercambiar información de utilidad con la empresa.  Desarrollar a través de las redes sociales una herramienta de marketing para interaccionar con los clientes y posibles seguidores. A través de los canales de los social media se proporciona a los seguidores información de valor sobre novedades del mercado de las telecomunicaciones, soporte técnico, dudas, consejos sobre implementaciones técnicas, equipos de telecomunicaciones,.etc.Es decir, crear una plataforma de conversación entre usuarios, que aporte a los seguidores conocimientos y soluciones útiles para la problemática de sus negocios.  Usar Facebook como base de datos y medio de comunicación entre nuestra empresa de telecomunicaciones y el almacén externalizado en DHL. Supongo que la primera pregunta que debo responder sería, ¿por qué un cliente de una empresa de telecomunicaciones estaría interesado en seguir a su proveedor a través de redes sociales? Facebook tiene en 2014 1,28 billones de usuarios activos. Twitter, la cuarta plataforma social por número de usuarios tras Facebook, alcanzó los 255 millones de usuarios en los primeros meses de 2014. La segunda red social en número de seguidores es Youtube, con un billón de usuarios. El 61,5% de los usuarios de Facebook visita la red todos los días. Los twitteros envían 110 millones tweets por día, tienen fama de muy activos, especialmente por la mañana. En 60 días, se sube más contenido de vídeo a YouTube que el producido por las tres principales cadenas de televisión estadounidense durante 60 años. Como conclusión, las redes sociales están ganando cada día más terreno, es un entorno de comunicación bidireccional en auge cada vez más extendido, por lo cual los usuarios no tienen que dedicar tiempo extra a conocer la herramienta de atención al cliente de su empresa, al usar ésta un canal fácil, conocido, rápido, versátil y gratuito como son las redes sociales. ABSTRACT. Social media are platforms of online communication where content is created by users themselves using technologies of web 2.0, which facilitate the editing, publication and the exchange of information, so that the social media are democratizing communications. According to data published by eMarketer, nearly 25% of the total global ad spend for 2014 will target digital media. The traditional media are trapped for some time in deep crisis. In the early days of the internet, the players of the sector have believed in the network as a means of publishing content in a single direction, this is the web 1.0, connecting people to websites. The typical magazine reader has become a new consumer with very different needs. Traditional medium readers encounter a closed content, unable to be filtered, which seeks handle their opinion. The traditional method doesn’t allow to customize the content and user experience. Hence the birth of Web 2.0, connecting people to people. In the near future, will succeed companies, sectors and brands who can adapt to the advent of social media, and further to develop their line of business as usual, become platforms for conversation and building collaborative content. In this project I will develop the particular case of a telecommunications company with a strategy to use social media as a platform for Customer Service, and also to interact with DHL warehouse. The additional services that the company offers telecommunications followers, external and internal customers can be grouped into the following functionality:  Make a dump of the incident management system of a telecommunications company in social networks through private messages. These private messages are sent Facebook and Twitter clients.  Monitoring by the client launched new services through private messages on Facebook and Twitter. Through this service, customers can check through the social networks of your order status and share useful information with the company.  Develop through social media as a marketing tool to interact with customers and potential followers.Our telco will provide to followers through social media channels valuable information on market developments in telecommunications, technical support, questions, advice on technical implementations, telecommunications equipment,etc. Then we create a platform for discussion between users, to provide followers useful knowledge and solutions to their business problems.  Use Facebook as a database and means of communication between our telco and outsourced telecommunications in DHL warehouse. I guess the first question that must be answered is why a customer of a telecommunications company would be interested in following your provider via social networks. Facebook has 1.28 billion active users in 2014. Twitter, the fourth social platform for many users after Facebook reached 255 million users in the first months of 2014. The second social network on number of followers is YouTube, with a billion users. 61.5% of Facebook users visit the network every day. The twitter users send 110 million tweets per day, have a reputation for very active, especially in the morning. In 60 days, it is produced more video content to YouTube by the three major US television for 60 years. In conclusion, social networks are gaining more ground every day. It is an environment of two-way communication on the rise, so users do not have to spend extra time to learn the tool of Customer Care telco, by using this easy, known, fast, versatile and free channels as are social networks.


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Social software tools have become an integral part of students? personal lives and their primary communication medium. Likewise, these tools are increasingly entering the enterprise world (within the recent trend known as Enterprise 2.0) and becoming a part of everyday work routines. Aiming to keep the pace with the job requirements and also to position learning as an integral part of students? life, the field of education is challenged to embrace social software. Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) emerged as a concept that makes use of social software to facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, group formation around common interests, active participation and reflective thinking in online learning settings. Furthermore, social software allows for establishing and maintaining one?s presence in the online world. By being aware of a student's online presence, a PLE is better able to personalize the learning settings, e.g., through recommendation of content to use or people to collaborate with. Aiming to explore the potentials of online presence for the provision of recommendations in PLEs, in the scope of the OP4L project, we have develop a software solution that is based on a synergy of Semantic Web technologies, online presence and socially-oriented learning theories. In this paper we present the current results of this research work.


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Cultural content on the Web is available in various domains (cultural objects, datasets, geospatial data, moving images, scholarly texts and visual resources), concerns various topics, is written in different languages, targeted to both laymen and experts, and provided by different communities (libraries, archives museums and information industry) and individuals (Figure 1). The integration of information technologies and cultural heritage content on the Web is expected to have an impact on everyday life from the point of view of institutions, communities and individuals. In particular, collaborative environment scan recreate 3D navigable worlds that can offer new insights into our cultural heritage (Chan 2007). However, the main barrier is to find and relate cultural heritage information by end-users of cultural contents, as well as by organisations and communities managing and producing them. In this paper, we explore several visualisation techniques for supporting cultural interfaces, where the role of metadata is essential for supporting the search and communication among end-users (Figure 2). A conceptual framework was developed to integrate the data, purpose, technology, impact, and form components of a collaborative environment, Our preliminary results show that collaborative environments can help with cultural heritage information sharing and communication tasks because of the way in which they provide a visual context to end-users. They can be regarded as distributed virtual reality systems that offer graphically realised, potentially infinite, digital information landscapes. Moreover, collaborative environments also provide a new way of interaction between an end-user and a cultural heritage data set. Finally, the visualisation of metadata of a dataset plays an important role in helping end-users in their search for heritage contents on the Web.


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Web development is currently driven by model-view-controller (MVC) frameworks. How has content management adapted to this scenario? This paper reviews content management features in Ruby on Rails framework and its most popular plug-ins. These features are distributed among the different layers of the MVC architecture


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One of the advantages of social networks is the possibility to socialize and personalize the content created or shared by the users. In mobile social networks, where the devices have limited capabilities in terms of screen size and computing power, Multimedia Recommender Systems help to present the most relevant content to the users, depending on their tastes, relationships and profile. Previous recommender systems are not able to cope with the uncertainty of automated tagging and are knowledge domain dependant. In addition, the instantiation of a recommender in this domain should cope with problems arising from the collaborative filtering inherent nature (cold start, banana problem, large number of users to run, etc.). The solution presented in this paper addresses the abovementioned problems by proposing a hybrid image recommender system, which combines collaborative filtering (social techniques) with content-based techniques, leaving the user the liberty to give these processes a personal weight. It takes into account aesthetics and the formal characteristics of the images to overcome the problems of current techniques, improving the performance of existing systems to create a mobile social networks recommender with a high degree of adaptation to any kind of user.


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In this paper we provide a method that allows the visualization of similarity relationships present between items of collaborative filtering recommender systems, as well as the relative importance of each of these. The objective is to offer visual representations of the recommender system?s set of items and of their relationships; these graphs show us where the most representative information can be found and which items are rated in a more similar way by the recommender system?s community of users. The visual representations achieved take the shape of phylogenetic trees, displaying the numerical similarity and the reliability between each pair of items considered to be similar. As a case study we provide the results obtained using the public database Movielens 1M, which contains 3900 movies.