9 resultados para cold-formed steel wall frames

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Cold-drawn steel rods and wires retain significant residual stresses as a consequence of the manufacturing process. These residual stresses are known to be detrimental for the mechanical properties of the wires and their durability in aggressive environments. Steel makers are aware of the problem and have developed post-drawing processes to try and reduce the residual stresses on the wires. The present authors have studied this problem for a number of years and have performed a detailed characterization of the residual stress state inside cold-drawn rods, including both experimental and numerical techniques. High-energy synchrotron sources have been particularly useful for this research. The results have shown how residual stresses evolve as a consequence of cold-drawing and how they change with subsequent post-drawing treatments. The authors have been able to measure for the first time a complete residual strain profile along the diameter in both phases (ferrite and cementite) of a cold-drawn steel rod.


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Residual stresses developed during wire drawing influence the mechanical behavior and durability of steel wires used for prestressed concrete structures, particularly the shape of the stress–strain curve, stress relaxation losses, fatigue life, and environmental cracking susceptibility. The availability of general purpose finite element analysis tools and powerful diffraction techniques (X-rays and neutrons) has made it possible to predict and measure accurately residual stress fields in cold-drawn steel wires. Work carried out in this field in the past decade, shows the prospects and limitations of residual stress measurement, how the stress relaxation losses and environmentally-assisted cracking are correlated with the profile of residual stresses and how the performance of steel wires can be improved by modifying such a stress profile


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En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la modelización, análisis y optimización de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación frente a los estados límites último y de servicio. El objetivo general es presentar una técnica secuencial ordenada de optimización discreta para obtener el coste mínimo de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación, teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del EC-3, incorporando las uniones semirrígidas y elementos no prismáticos en el proceso de diseño. Asimismo se persigue valorar su grado de influencia sobre el diseño final. El horizonte es extraer conclusiones prácticas que puedan ser de utilidad y aplicación simple para el proyecto de estructuras metálicas. La cantidad de publicaciones técnicas y científicas sobre la respuesta estructural de entramados metálicos es inmensa; por ello se ha hecho un esfuerzo intenso en recopilar el estado actual del conocimiento, sobre las líneas y necesidades actuales de investigación. Se ha recabado información sobre los métodos modernos de cálculo y diseño, sobre los factores que influyen sobre la respuesta estructural, sobre técnicas de modelización y de optimización, al amparo de las indicaciones que algunas normativas actuales ofrecen sobre el tema. En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de modelización apoyado en el método de los elementos finitos implementado en el entorno MatLab; se han incluido aspectos claves tales como el comportamiento de segundo orden, la comprobación ante inestabilidad y la búsqueda del óptimo del coste de la estructura frente a estados límites, teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del EC-3. También se ha modelizado la flexibilidad de las uniones y se ha analizado su influencia en la respuesta de la estructura y en el peso y coste final de la misma. Se han ejecutado algunos ejemplos de aplicación y se ha contrastado la validez del modelo con resultados de algunas estructuras ya analizadas en referencias técnicas conocidas. Se han extraído conclusiones sobre el proceso de modelización y de análisis, sobre la repercusión de la flexibilidad de las uniones en la respuesta de la estructura. El propósito es extraer conclusiones útiles para la etapa de proyecto. Una de las principales aportaciones del trabajo en su enfoque de optimización es la incorporación de una formulación de elementos no prismáticos con uniones semirrígidas en sus extremos. Se ha deducido una matriz de rigidez elástica para dichos elementos. Se ha comprobado su validez para abordar el análisis no lineal; para ello se han comparado los resultados con otros obtenidos tras aplicar otra matriz deducida analíticamente existente en la literatura y también mediante el software comercial SAP2000. Otra de las aportaciones de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un método de optimización del coste de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación en el que se tienen en cuenta aspectos tales como las imperfecciones, la posibilidad de incorporar elementos no prismáticos y la caracterización de las uniones semirrígidas, valorando la influencia de su flexibilidad sobre la respuesta de la estructura. Así, se han realizado estudios paramétricos para valorar la sensibilidad y estabilidad de las soluciones obtenidas, así como rangos de validez de las conclusiones obtenidas. This thesis deals with the problems of modelling, analysis and optimization of plane steel frames with regard to ultimate and serviceability limit states. The objective of this work is to present an organized sequential technique of discrete optimization for achieving the minimum cost of plane steel frames, taking into consideration the EC-3 specifications as well as including effects of the semi-rigid joints and non-prismatic elements in the design process. Likewise, an estimate of their influence on the final design is an aim of this work. The final objective is to draw practical conclusions which can be handful and easily applicable for a steel-structure project. An enormous amount of technical and scientific publications regarding steel frames is currently available, thus making the achievement of a comprehensive and updated knowledge a considerably hard task. In this work, a large variety of information has been gathered and classified, especially that related to current research lines and needs. Thus, the literature collected encompasses references related to state-of-the-art design methods, factors influencing the structural response, modelling and optimization techniques, as well as calculation and updated guidelines of some steel Design Codes about the subject. In this work a modelling procedure based on the finite element implemented within the MatLab programming environment has been performed. Several keys aspects have been included, such as second order behaviour, the safety assessment against structural instability and the search for an optimal cost considering the limit states according to EC-3 specifications. The flexibility of joints has been taken into account in the procedure hereby presented; its effects on the structural response, on the optimum weight and on the final cost have also been analysed. In order to confirm the validity and adequacy of this procedure, some application examples have been carried out. The results obtained were compared with those available from other authors. Several conclusions about the procedure that comprises modelling, analysis and design stages, as well as the effect of the flexibility of connections on the structural response have been drawn. The purpose is to point out some guidelines for the early stages of a project. One of the contributions of this thesis is an attempt for optimizing plane steel frames in which both non-prismatic beam-column-type elements and semi-rigid connections have been considered. Thus, an elastic stiffness matrix has been derived. Its validity has been tested through comparing its accuracy with other analytically-obtained matrices available in the literature, and with results obtained by the commercial software SAP2000. Another achievement of this work is the development of a method for cost optimization of plane steel building frames in which some relevant aspects have been taken in consideration. These encompass geometric imperfections, non-prismatic beam elements and the numerical characterization of semi-rigid connections, evaluating the effect of its flexibility on the structural response. Hence, some parametric analyses have been performed in order to assess the sensitivity, the stability of the outcomes and their range of applicability as well.


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In the present work a seismic retrofitting technique is proposed for masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames based on the replacement of infill panels by K-bracing with vertical shear link. The performance of this technique is evaluated through experimental tests. A simplified numerical model for structural damage evaluation is also formulated according to the notions and principles of continuum damage mechanics. The proposed model is calibrated with the experimental results. The experimental results have shown an excellent energy dissipation capacity with the proposed technique. Likewise, the numerical predictions with the proposed model are in good agreement with experimental results.


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The water storage tanks of hotel trains suffered pitting corrosion. To identify the cause, the tanks were subjected to a detailed metallographic study and the chemical composition of the austenitic stainless steels used in their construction was determined. Both the tank water and the corrosion products were further examined by physicochemical and microbiological testing. Corrosion was shown to be related to an incompatibility between the chloride content of the water and the base and filler metals of the tanks. These findings formed the basis of recommendations aimed at the prevention and control of corrosion in such tanks. Se han detectado problemas de corrosión por picaduras en los depósitos de agua de trenes hotel. Para identificar las causas se llevó a cabo un detallado estudio metalográfico así como de la composición química de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos utilizados en su construcción. También se realizaron estudios fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos de los productos de corrosión. Se ha encontrado que los problemas de corrosión están relacionados con la incompatibilidad entre el contenido en cloruros del agua y los metales base y de aporte de la soldadura de los tanques. En base a estos hallazgos se proponen una serie de recomendaciones encaminadas a la prevención y control de la corrosión de dichos depósitos.


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The effects of the temperature and stretching levels used in the stress-relieving treatment of cold-drawn eutectoid steel wires are evaluated with the aim of improving the stress relaxation behavior and the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement. Five industrial treatments are studied, combining three temperatures (330, 400, and 460 °C) and three stretching levels (38, 50 and 64% of the rupture load). The change of the residual stress produced by the treatments is taken into consideration to account for the results. Surface residual stresses allow us to explain the time to failure in standard hydrogen embrittlement tests


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Damage tolerance of high strength cold-drawn ferritic–austenitic stainless steel wires is assessed by means of tensile fracture tests of cracked wires. The fatigue crack is transversally propagated from the wire surface. The damage tolerance curve of the wires results from the empirical failure load when given as a function of crack depth. As a consequence of cold drawing, the wire microstructure is orientated along its longitudinal axis and anisotropic fracture behaviour is found at macrostructural level at the tensile failure of the cracked specimens. An in situ optical technique known as video image correlation VIC-2D is used to get an insight into this failure mechanism by tensile testing transversally fatigue cracked plane specimens extracted from the cold-drawn wires. Finally, the experimentally obtained damage tolerance curve of the cold-drawn ferritic–austenitic stainless steel wires is compared with that of an elementary plastic collapse model and existing data of two types of high strength eutectoid steel currently used as prestressing steel for concrete.


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Reciprocal frame structures, formed by a set of self-supported elements in a closed circuit, have long been used since antiquity to cover large spans with small elements. The roof structure of the Euskalduna conference centre and concert hall extension in Bilbao, covering an irregu- lar geometry of 3000 m2 with a maximum span of 45 m, presented an interesting opportunity to revisit the concept and to apply these classical systems. Furthermore, its analysis and develop- ment led to an interesting discussion on reciprocal frames. They showed great sensitivity of these systems to the local modification of a particular element, establishment of irregular load paths, mobilisation of almost the entire sys- tem when locally applying a punctual load and, finally, its large deformability. Besides, reciprocal frames present particular construction complexities and possibilities due to the moderate length of the structural elements, the predominance of shear-only connec- tions and the necessity of the entire system to be completely erected to guarantee its stability. Euskalduna extension, completed in 2012, is one of the largest and a very par- ticular case of irregular reciprocal frame structures built in the world. It shows the formal possibilities and potentiality of reciprocal frames to respond to free and irregular geometries.


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The study brings new insights on the hydrogen assisted stress corrosion on damage tolerance of a high-strength duplex stainless steel wire which concerns its potential use as active reinforcement for concrete prestressing. The adopted procedure was to experimentally state the effect of hydrogen on the damage tolerance of cylindrical smooth and precracked wire specimens exposed to stress corrosion cracking using the aggressive medium of the standard test developed by FIP (International Prestressing Federation). Stress corrosion testing, mechanical fracture tests and scanning electron microscopy analysis allowed the damage assessment, and explain the synergy between mechanical loading and environment action on the failure sequence of the wire. In presence of previous damage, hydrogen affects the wire behavior in a qualitative sense, consistently to the fracture anisotropy attributable to cold drawing, but it does not produce quantitative changes since the steel fully preserves its damage tolerance.