5 resultados para coastal erosion
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Offshore wind farms are beginning to form part of coastal and marine landscapes located in dynamic surroundings. An integral management model must therefore be applied to achieve not only technical and economic viability of the project but also respect for the environment. Amongst other aspects, the latter calls for an analysis of the possible impact these facilities may have on littoral processes and this requires the differences between littoral processes prior and subsequent to the facility’s construction to be known. The maritime climate, the composition of the coast, lay-out distribution and characteristics of the facility’s components need to be known, particularly foundations as they are the main obstacles waves and currents meet. This article first addresses different aspects related to an offshore wind farm’s influence on the analysis of how it affects littoral dynamics and, because of their importance in this study, pays special attention to foundations. Coastal erosion due to this type of facility is then examined. The main conclusion of this article is that, whilst there are certain opinions claiming the coast is not affected by the presence of this kind of facility since the distance from location to coast and between wind turbine generators themselves is long, the impact must be analysed in each specific case, at least until experience proves otherwise and criteria are adopted in this respect.
The “Basic Infrastructure for Development and Sustainability” Cooperation Group of the Universidad Polítecnica de Madrid has developed a project in the city of Beira, Mozambique, financed by the Spanish International Development Cooperation Agency, to mitigate the consequences associated with climate change, which together with the city’s location and the lack of suitable maintenance in the area, have left Beira more exposed to flooding and coastal erosion. In order to provide a solution to these problems, consideration has been given to the renovation of coastal defence infrastructure and the system of stormwater drainage channels.
La erosión costera es un fenómeno que ha cobrado importancia durante los últimos años, debido a sus repercusiones tanto en el turismo, como en el incremento de riesgo para las infraestructuras y para la población allí ubicada. Se define como el retroceso progresivo de la línea de costa cuyas causas pueden ser de origen natural o antropogénicas. La costa merece la máxima protección, y su gestión debe asegurar su integridad física y su libre acceso, al igual que un uso público por parte de todos. En este horizonte, la reducción de costes, la facilidad de construcción y velocidad de realización, las obras de geotextil se han mostrado como una alternativa muy seria a las obras duras u obras clásicas, tradicionalmente realizadas a lo largo de las costas. Pero esta alternativa de uso conlleva un mayor conocimiento en el comportamiento de éstas, su diseño y durabilidad. Las obras de geotextil, como su nombre indica, se realizan con elementos tridimensionales de geotextil (cosidos o no cosidos) rellenos de arena. Estos elementos se pueden considerar innovadores, económicos, ecológicos y alternativos frente a los tradicionales. Se distinguen tres tipos denominados: sacos, tubos y contenedores. El principal objetivo de esta tesis se centra en la determinación de las zonas de la costa apropiados para la utilización de estructuras compuestas de elementos de geotextil rellenos de arena, como obras de defensa de costas, con el fin de facilitar su uso en la ingeniería de costas. Para ello se ha clasificado tanto las distintas zonas del perfil longitudinal de una playa, como los tipos de costa en función de la variable altura de ola significante. Se han determinado las limitaciones de esta variable en las distintas fórmulas de estabilidad de estas estructuras. Y finalmente, en función de la máxima limitación de altura de ola significante y de sus posibles valores en las zonas y tipos de costa, se han determinado las zonas más apropiadas para el uso de las estructuras compuestas por elementos de geotextil. Finalmente se han redactado las conclusiones de la investigación y se han propuesto nuevas líneas de investigación relacionadas con esta Tesis Doctoral. Coastal erosion is a phenomenon that has become more important in recent years because of its impact on both on tourism, and increased risk to infrastructure and the population located there. It is defined as the gradual decline in the coastline whose causes may be natural or anthropogenic origin. The coast deserves maximum protection, and management should ensure their physical integrity and their free access, as well as public use by all. In this line, cost reduction, ease of construction and completion rate, geotextile works have been shown as a very serious to hard works or classics alternative, traditionally performed along the coasts. But this alternative use entails greater insight into the behaviour of these, design and durability. Works of geotextile, as its name suggests, are made with three-dimensional elements of geotextile (sewn or stitched) filled with sand. These items can be considered innovative, economic, and ecological alternative compared to traditional. Bags, tubes and containers, three known types are distinguished. The main objective of this thesis focuses on determining the appropriate areas of the coast for the use of composite structures of elements filled geotextile sand as coastal defence works, in order to facilitate their use, in coastal engineering. For it, has been classified by both the different areas of the longitudinal profile of a beach as the shoreline types depending on the variable significant wave height. We have determined the limitations of this variable in the different formulas stability of these structures. And finally, depending on the maximum limitation of significant wave height and its possible values in the areas and types of coastline, have determined the most appropriate for use in structures composed of elements of geotextile areas. Finally, the conclusions of the research have been addressed and the proposal of new lines of work related to the topic has been made.
An analysis of a stretch of coastline shows multiple alterations through environmental climate actions. The narrow, fragile line displays singularities due to three basic causes. The first is the discontinuity in feed or localised loss of solid coastal material. Called massics, their simplest examples are deltas and undersea canyons. The second is due to a brusque change in the alignment of the shoreline’s edge, headlands, groins, harbour and defence works. Given the name of geometric singularities, their simplest uses are artificial beaches in the shelter of a straight groin or spits. The third is due to littoral dynamics, emerged or submerged obstacles which diffract and refract wave action, causing a change in the sea level’s super-elevation in breaker areas. Called dynamics, the simplest examples are salients, tombolos and shells. Discussion of the causes giving rise to variations in the coastline and formation of singularities is the raison d’être of investigation, using actual cases to check the suitability of the classification proposed, the tangential or differential action of waves on the coastal landscape in addition to possible simple, compound and complex shapes detected in nature, both in erosion and deposit processes
The “Port of Sotogrande” Beach (San Roque, Cadiz, Spain) has suffered significant erosion and changes since the construction of the marina and port of Sotogrande (San Roque, Cadiz, Spain). This paper reviews the dynamical processes on Guadiaro front and establishes relationship between them. It sets from a comparative evolution of the Alboran Sea Coast outlets and bays since the Little Ice Age, which shows that the Guadiaro estuary has remained functional while all other Alboran fluvial estuaries silted to son. The study shows the evidences of the coastal impacts around the mouth, even further than mouth littoral barriers, of the port infrastructures; and it provides new elements to understand the dynamical processes on the mouth and surroundings as well. That should be fundamental for shore protection along the whole coastal stretch