6 resultados para cloud learning

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Currently, student dropout rates are a matter of concern among universities. Many research studies, aimed at discovering the causes, have been carried out. However, few solutions, that could serve all students and related problems, have been proposed so far. One such problem is caused by the lack of the "knowledge chain educational links" that occurs when students move onto higher studies without mastering their basic studies. Most regulated studies imparted at universities are designed so that some basic subjects serve as support for other, more complicated, subjects, thus forming a complicated knowledge network. When a link in this chain fails, student frustration occurs as it prevents him from fully understanding the following educational links. In this proposal we try to mitigate these disasters that stem, for the most part, the student?s frustration beyond his college stay. On one hand, we make a dissertation on the student?s learning process, which we divide into a series of phases that amount to what we call the "learning lifecycle." Also, we analyze at what stage the action by the stakeholders involved in this scenario: teachers and students; is most important. On the other hand, we consider that Information and Communication Technologies ICT, such as Cloud Computing, can help develop new ways, allowing for the teaching of higher education, while easing and facilitating the student?s learning process. But, methods and processes need to be defined as to direct the use of such technologies; in the teaching process in general, and within higher education in particular; in order to achieve optimum results. Our methodology integrates, as another actor, the ICT into the "Learning Lifecycle". We stimulate students to stop being merely spectators of their own education, and encourage them to take an active part in their training process. To do this, we offer a set of useful tools to determine not only academic failure causes, (for self assessment), but also to remedy these failures (with corrective actions); "discovered the causes it is easier to determine solutions?. We believe this study will be useful for both students and teachers. Students learn from their own experience and improve their learning process, while obtaining all of the "knowledge chain educational links? required in their studies. We stand by the motto "Studying to learn instead of studying to pass". Teachers will also be benefited by detecting where and how to strengthen their teaching proposals. All of this will also result in decreasing dropout rates.


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Las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones, ofrecen una buena oportunidad para el desarrollo de comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje, especialmente en el caso de las titulaciones conjuntas entre organizaciones. Estas comunidades permiten a las organizaciones aprovechar mejor las oportunidades de aprendizaje que brindan las tecnologías de Internet, aportando mejores contenidos y experiencias de aprendizaje (Recursos de aprendizaje) tanto para los profesores como para los alumnos. Sin embargo, actualmente no existe una tecnología clara con la que poder federar plataformas de gestión e impartición de titulaciones virtuales (LMS), con la que dar un adecuado soporte a las titulaciones conjuntas. En este trabajo, se presenta una metodología y una arquitectura de federación de plataformas LMS para poder gestionar titulaciones conjuntas en ambiente de e-learning. Actualmente, existe escaso conocimiento acerca de los problemas que están imposibilitando la utilización de estos escenarios. Por ello, este trabajo se presenta como una solución para los miembros de la comunidad (directores, docentes, investigadores y estudiantes), ofreciendo un marco conceptual, que ayuda a entender estos escenarios e identifica los requisitos de diseño que son útiles para generar servicios de aprendizaje accesibles a los miembros de la comunidad (Grid de recursos de aprendizaje) y para integrar los LMS en una nube de titulaciones conjuntas en ambientes de e-learning. Así mismo, en el presente documento se presentan varias experiencias, en las que se han implementado comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), que han servido para inspirar y validar la solución propuesta en este trabajo. ABSTRACT Information and communication technologies offer a great opportunity for the development of virtual learning communities, like as joint degrees between Organizations. Virtual Learning Communities allow organizations to be more cooperative during training activities via the Internet, with the provision of their learning expertise (learning resource). Internet enables multiple organizations to share their learning expertise with others. In these cooperative knowledge spaces, each organization contributes with their partners providing learning resources that they offer to students and teachers. However, currently there is no clear technology with which to federate Learning Management Systems (LMS) to give adequate support to joint degrees. In this work, we present a description of the problems that would face the generation of the Joint degrees in e-learning environments. Currently little is known about the problems that prevent the formation of virtual learning communities generated from the experience contributed by multiple organizations, so, this work is important for community members (Directors, Teachers, Researchers and practitioners) because it offers a conceptual framework that helps understand these scenarios and can provide useful design requirements when generating learning services for the community (Grid of Learning Resources) and to integrate the LMS in a cloud of joint degrees in e-learning environments. We also propose various experiences in which virtual learning communities have been integrated in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) which have served to inspire and validate the solution proposed in this paper.


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Low resources in many African locations do not allow many African scientists and physicians to access the latest advances in technology. This deficiency hinders the daily life of African professionals that often cannot afford, for instance, the cost of internet fees or software licenses. The AFRICA BUILD project, funded by the European Commission and formed by four European and four African institutions, intends to provide advanced computational tools to African institutions in order to solve current technological limitations. In the context of AFRICA BUILD we have carried out, a series of experiments to test the feasibility of using Cloud Computing technologies in two different locations in Africa: Egypt and Burundi. The project aims to create a virtual platform to provide access to a wide range of biomedical informatics and learning resources to professionals and researchers in Africa.


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Access to information and continuous education represent critical factors for physicians and researchers over the world. For African professionals, this situation is even more problematic due to the frequently difficult access to technological infrastructures and basic information. Both education and information technologies (e.g., including hardware, software or networking) are expensive and unaffordable for many African professionals. Thus, the use of e-learning and an open approach to information exchange and software use have been already proposed to improve medical informatics issues in Africa. In this context, the AFRICA BUILD project, supported by the European Commission, aims to develop a virtual platform to provide access to a wide range of biomedical informatics and learning resources to professionals and researchers in Africa. A consortium of four African and four European partners work together in this initiative. In this framework, we have developed a prototype of a cloud-computing infrastructure to demonstrate, as a proof of concept, the feasibility of this approach. We have conducted the experiment in two different locations in Africa: Burundi and Egypt. As shown in this paper, technologies such as cloud computing and the use of open source medical software for a large range of case present significant challenges and opportunities for developing countries, such as many in Africa.


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La forma de consumir contenidos en Internet ha cambiado durante los últimos años. Inicialmente se empleaban webs estáticas y con contenidos pobres visualmente. Con la evolución de las redes de comunicación, esta tendencia ha variado. A día de hoy, deseamos páginas agradables, accesibles y que nos presenten temas variados. Todo esto ha cambiado la forma de crear páginas web y en todos los casos se persigue el objetivo de atraer a los usuarios. El gran auge de los smartphones y las aplicaciones móviles que invaden el mercado actual han revolucionado el mundo del estudio de los idiomas permitiendo compatibilizar los recursos punteros con el aprendizaje tradicional. La popularidad de los dispositivos móviles y de las aplicaciones ha sido el principal motivo de la realización de este proyecto. En él se realizará un análisis de las diferentes tecnologías existentes y se elegirá la mejor opción que se ajuste a nuestras necesidades para poder desarrollar un sistema que implemente el enfoque llamado Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) que supone una aproximación innovadora al aprendizaje de idiomas con la ayuda de un dispositivo móvil. En este documento se va a ofrecer una panorámica general acerca del desarrollo de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles en el entorno del e-learning. Se estudiarán características técnicas de diferentes plataformas seleccionando la mejor opción para la implementación de un sistema que proporcione los contenidos básicos para el aprendizaje de un idioma, en este caso del inglés, de forma intuitiva y divertida. Dicho sistema permitirá al usuario mejorar su nivel de inglés mediante una interfaz web de forma dinámica y cercana empleando los recursos que ofrecen los dispositivos móviles y haciendo uso del diseño adaptativo. Este proyecto está pensado para los usuarios que dispongan de poco tiempo libre para realizar un curso de forma presencial o, mejor aún, para reforzar o repasar contenidos ya aprendidos por otros medios más tradicionales o no. La aplicación ofrece la posibilidad de que se haga uso del sistema de forma fácil y sencilla desde cualquier dispositivo móvil del que se disponga como es un smartphone, tablet o un ordenador personal, compitiendo con otros usuarios o contra uno mismo y mejorando así el nivel de partida a través de las actividades propuestas. Durante el proyecto se han comparado diversas soluciones, la mayoría de código abierto y de libre distribución que permiten desplegar servicios de almacenamiento accesibles mediante Internet. Se concluirá con un caso práctico analizando los requisitos técnicos y llevando a cabo las fases de análisis, diseño, creación de la base de datos, implementación y pruebas dentro del ciclo de vida del software. Finalmente, se migrará la aplicación con toda la información a un servidor en la nube. ABSTRACT. The way of consuming content on the Internet has changed over the past years. Initially, static websites were used with poor visual contents. Nevertheless, with the evolution of communication networks this trend has changed. Nowadays, we expect pleasant, accessible and varied topic pages and such expectations have changed the way to create web pages generally aiming at appealing and therefore, attracting users. The great boom of smartphones and mobile applications in the current market, have revolutionized the world of language learning as they make it possible to combine computing with traditional learning resources. The popularity of mobile devices and applications has been the main reason for the development of this project. Here, the different existing technologies will be examined and we will try to select the best option that adapts to our needs in order to develop a system that implements Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) that in broad terms implies an approach to language learning with the help of a mobile device. This report provides an overview of the development of applications for mobile devices in the e-learning environment. We will study the technical characteristics of different platforms and we will select the best option for the implementation of a system that provide the basic content for learning a language, in this case English, by means of an intuitive and fun method. This system will allow the user to improve their level of English with a web interface in a dynamic and close way employing the resources offered by mobile devices using the adaptive design. This project is intended for users who do not have enough free time to make a classroom course or to review contents from more traditional courses as it offers the possibility to make use of the system quickly and easily from any mobile device available such as a smartphone, a tablet or a personal computer, competing with other users or against oneself and thus improving their departing level through different activities. During the project, different solutions have been compared. Most of them, open source and free distribution that allow to deploy storage services accessible via the Internet. It will conclude with a case study analyzing the technical requirements and conducting phases of analysis, design and creation of a database, implementation and testing in the software lifecycle. Finally, the application will be migrated with all the information to a server in the cloud.


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as tecnologías emergentes como el cloud computing y los dispositivos móviles están creando una oportunidad sin precedentes para mejorar el sistema educativo, permitiendo tanto a los educadores personalizar y mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje, como facilitar a los estudiantes que adquieran conocimientos sin importar dónde estén. Por otra parte, a través de técnicas de gamificacion será posible promover y motivar a los estudiantes a que aprendan materias arduas haciendo que la experiencia sea más motivadora. Los juegos móviles pueden ser el camino correcto para dar soporte a esta experiencia de aprendizaje mejorada. Este proyecto integra el diseño y desarrollo de una arquitectura en la nube altamente escalable y con alto rendimiento, así como el propio cliente de iOS, para dar soporte a una nueva version de Temporis, un juego móvil multijugador orientado a reordenar eventos históricos en una línea temporal (e.j. historia, arte, deportes, entretenimiento y literatura). Temporis actualmente está disponible en Google Play. Esta memoria describe el desarrollo de la nueva versión de Temporis (Temporis v.2.0) proporcionando detalles acerca de la mejora y adaptación basados en el Temporis original. En particular se describe el nuevo backend hecho en Go sobre Google App Engine creado para soportar miles de usuarios, asó como otras características por ejemplo como conseguir enviar noticaciones push desde la propia plataforma. Por último, el cliente de iOS en Temporis v.2.0 se ha desarrollado utilizando las últimas y más relevantes tecnologías, prestando especial atención a Swift (el lenguaje de programación nuevo de Apple, que es seguro y rápido), el Paradigma Funcional Reactivo (que ayuda a construir aplicaciones altamente interactivas además de a minimizar errores) y la arquitectura VIPER (una arquitectura que sigue los principios SOLID, se centra en la separación de asuntos y favorece la reutilización de código en otras plataformas). ABSTRACT Emerging technologies such as cloud computing and mobile devices are creating an unprecedented opportunity for enhancing the educational system, letting both educators customize and improve the learning experience, and students acquire knowledge regardless of where they are. Moreover, through gamification techniques it would be possible to encourage and motivate students to learn arduous subjects by making the experience more motivating. Mobile games can be a perfect vehicle to support this enhanced learning experience. This project integrates the design and development of a highly scalable and performant cloud architecture, as well as the iOS client that uses it, in order to provide support to a new version of Temporis, a mobile multiplayer game focused on ordering time-based (e.g. history, art, sports, entertainment and literature) in a timeline that currently is available on Google Play. This work describes the development of the new Temporis version (Temporis v.2.0), providing details about improvements and details on the adaptation of the original Temporis. In particular, the new Google App Engine backend is described, which was created to support thousand of users developed in Go language are provided, in addition to other features like how to achieve push notications in this platform. Finally, the mobile iOS client developed using the latest and more relevant technologies is explained paying special attention to Swift (Apple's new programming language, that is safe and fast), the Functional Reactive Paradigm (that helps building highly interactive apps while minimizing bugs) and the VIPER architecture (a SOLID architecture that enforces separation of concerns and makes it easy to reuse code for other platforms).