28 resultados para catalog
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto “Operación de Autopistas Seguras, Inteligentes y Sostenibles (OASIS)”, cuyo principal objetivo es definir la autopista del futuro, aquella que en su operación presentará niveles notablemente altas de seguridad, servicio al usuario y sostenibilidad. Para lograrlo, uno de los parámetros a tener en cuenta es la conservación y optimización del paisaje por el que discurren. Esta tesis desarrolla una metodología de valoración del paisaje de las autopistas, aplicando dicha metodología a diversos tramos de las autopistas gestionadas por empresas del proyecto (OHL Concesiones, Iridium y Abertis). El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en más de 2.000 km de autopistas, identificando los diferentes paisajes vistos desde la carretera y elaborando un catálogo de fotografías digitalizadas y georreferenciadas de los paisajes; desarrollando y aplicando una novedosa metodología de valoración de la calidad del paisaje; determinando las diferencias entre el paisaje percibido desde las autopistas por medio de fotografías y mediante la utilización de mapas representativos de paisaje; identificando los elementos de diseño paisajístico (puentes, estaciones de servicio, etc.) y estableciendo alternativas para su mejor adecuación paisajística; y estimando el impacto que provocan estas infraestructuras al observarse desde fuera. Es de esperar que las conclusiones extraídas de este proyecto permitan una mejor integración paisajística de las autopistas del futuro, convirtiéndose en instrumentos para mostrar paisajes de mayor calidad, y reduciendo el impacto como elementos modificadores del territorio. Summary This work is within the framework of the project "Operation of Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Highways (OASIS)," whose main objective is to define the highway of the future, which in its operation will present significantly high levels of safety, customer service and sustainability. To achieve this, one of the parameters to consider is landscape conservation and improvement along highways. This thesis develops a methodology for assessing the landscape of highways, applying the model to different stretches of highway managed by project companies (OHL Concessions, Iridium and Abertis). The study was carried out in more than 2.000 km of highways, identifying the different landscapes seen from the road and developing a catalog of digitized and georeferenced photographs of landscapes; developing and applying a new methodology for assessing the quality of the landscape; determining the differences between the landscape seen from highways through photographs and use of landscape maps; identifying the landscape design elements (bridges, service area, etc.) and providing alternatives for better landscape; and integration estimating the impact that cause these infrastructures when viewed from outside. It is expected that the conclusions extract from this project allow to better landscape integrate of the future highways, become instruments to show higher quality landscapes, reducing the impact as modifiers´ elements of the territory.
La inexistencia del premio Nobel en Matemáticas ha intrigado desde siempre a la comundiad científica y ha llevado a la creación de diversos permios que tratan de suplir su falta. En este artículo se analizan algunas de las causas que puideron llevar a Nobel a tomar su decisión: ¿Olvido? ¿Odio a las matemáticas? ¿No las consideraba importantes? ¿Rencores personales? Por supuesto, la verdad solamente la conoce Alfred Noel. Sin embargo, un análsis de su vida, su personalidad y sus relaciones personales arrojan lus sobre el asunto, de modo que, con probabilidad rayana en la certeza, la hipótesis más pausible es que la razón de ello fue el rencor.
This paper describes the process followed in order to make some of the public meterological data from the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET, Spanish Meteorological Office) available as Linked Data. The method followed has been already used to publish geographical, statistical, and leisure data. The data selected for publication are generated every ten minutes by the 250 automatic stations that belong to AEMET and that are deployed across Spain. These data are available as spreadsheets in the AEMET data catalog, and contain more than twenty types of measurements per station. Spreadsheets are retrieved from the website, processed with Python scripts, transformed to RDF according to an ontology network about meteorology that reuses the W3C SSN Ontology, published in a triple store and visualized in maps with Map4rdf.
The understanding of the structure and dynamics of the intricate network of connections among people that consumes products through Internet appears as an extremely useful asset in order to study emergent properties related to social behavior. This knowledge could be useful, for example, to improve the performance of personal recommendation algorithms. In this contribution, we analyzed five-year records of movie-rating transactions provided by Netflix, a movie rental platform where users rate movies from an online catalog. This dataset can be studied as a bipartite user-item network whose structure evolves in time. Even though several topological properties from subsets of this bipartite network have been reported with a model that combines random and preferential attachment mechanisms [Beguerisse Díaz et al., 2010], there are still many aspects worth to be explored, as they are connected to relevant phenomena underlying the evolution of the network. In this work, we test the hypothesis that bursty human behavior is essential in order to describe how a bipartite user-item network evolves in time. To that end, we propose a novel model that combines, for user nodes, a network growth prescription based on a preferential attachment mechanism acting not only in the topological domain (i.e. based on node degrees) but also in time domain. In the case of items, the model mixes degree preferential attachment and random selection. With these ingredients, the model is not only able to reproduce the asymptotic degree distribution, but also shows an excellent agreement with the Netflix data in several time-dependent topological properties.
El arquitecto Curro Inza (1929-1976) pertenece al grupo que se ha denominado como organicismo madrileño y Escuela de Madrid, cuyas máximas realizaciones se produjeron durante los años sesenta del pasado siglo. Hasta ahora su obra y persona han generado opiniones bien extremas, pero apenas han sido investigadas, cuando en realidad su arquitectura trata asuntos que hoy se muestran de actual interés. El estudio que aquí se presenta tiene un doble objetivo. El primero es agrupar la información arquitectónica del autor y catalogar las obras de su archivo personal (inédito hasta ahora). Se ordena, clasifica y cataloga toda la documentación arquitectónica del archivo Inza, dejándose depositada en la Biblioteca de la ETSAM, quedando disponible y facilitando posteriores investigaciones sobre este arquitecto. Se procede asimismo a la digitalizaran de los proyectos principales garantizando su optima conservación para el futuro Una vez logrado el primer objetivo, el segundo consiste en realizar un análisis proyectual y critico de su obra, un punto de vista hasta ahora apenas abordado. Me propongo profundizar en una obra definida como compleja pero poco explicada, realizando una revisión crítica de sus escritos y de sus proyectos, y relacionando esta con otras arquitecturas (nacionales e internacionales) que sitúen al autor dentro del discurso contemporáneo. Para desentrañar las claves de su arquitectura se aborda el trabajo de Inza desde cinco miradas distintas y simultaneas. Desde cada una de estas miradas o categorías) se hace una aproximación crítica recorriendo los proyectos. Unas categorías que, a la postre, conforman el índice de este trabajo. Aunque la compilación y revisión del archivo posee algo de búsqueda arqueológica, el estudio no pretende tener un interés únicamente o intrínsecamente histórico. El trabajo tiene en realidad como fin estudiar la forma de proyectar de un arquitecto hasta ahora poco referencial y que entiendo, puede hoy establecer puentes con el presente y el futuro a través de su arquitectura. Intentar entender los mecanismos que arman esta arquitectura, sus orígenes, su evolución y la construcción de su lenguaje. En resumen, explicar y analizar la obra desde un punto de vista proyectual haciendo una lectura critica que desentrañe estrategias de las que hoy pudiéramos aprender y nos resultasen operativas.ABSTRACT: The architect Curro Inza (1929-1976) belongs to the group known as Madrilian organicism and the School of Madrid, whose most important works were built during the 1960 and 1970 decades. Curro Inza's work has received up until now very different, even extreme opinions, but his work has not been studied in depth, which is surprising if we consider that his architecture treats issues which are of great interest today. The present study has aimed at two objectives. The first has been to gather the information concerned with the author and his work, and to catalog all of the works of this personal archive (unpublished up until now). The work we have done here has consisted in compiling, digitalizing, classifying and cataloguing all of the documentation found in Curro Inza's personal archive; this archive has been deposited in the Biblioteca de la Escuela Superior de Artquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) . We have also digitalized the main projects in order to assure the best storage conditions for the future. The second objective has consisted in analyzing Curro Inza's work from a project and critical point of view, an approach which has not yet been explored. Within this second objective, I have studied Inza's work, which is well defined and personal as well as complex, but which has received little attention and has not been explained. I have done a critical revision of both his projects and his writings, and have related these with other, both national and international, architectures, in order to place Inza's work within the contemporary architectural discourse. In order to decipher the essence of Inza's architecture, I have approached his work from five, simultaneous perspectives. I have described the projects critically from each of the five perspectives or categories; these five categories give shape to the organization of the dissertation. Even if the compilation and revision of Inza's archive is somehow an archaeological search, this study aims at having a larger scope than its strict, exclusive historical interest. In this study I have studied Inza's projects from a critical point of view and in relation to contemporary architecture and architectural thought, attempting to draw connections between Inza's work and modern, present architecture. We have also attempted to understand and describe Inza's language and conception of architectural discourse, as well as his origins, evolution and expression of his thought. In summary, I have analyzed and explained Curro Inza's work from a projectual point of view, drawing a critical reading of the strategies used by the author, and from which we could learn and work today.
Para aquellos arquitectos que trabajan hoy con nuevas variables espaciales asociadas a la era de los Media, esta tesis se establece como un tipo de guía. Se trata de una mirada organizada que nos propone dos compañeros indispensables para facilitar el viaje. El primero, ha sido siempre ocultado o marginado por la academia. Hablamos de la psicodelia con sus prácticas llamadas radicales, formando un cuerpo deliberadamente inestable que nos permite entender que un espacio sobrecargado de efectos y de límites borrosos, resultaría imposible de acotar hoy mediante las certezas de la idea de "los volúmenes bajo la luz". En este contexto nos encontramos con el concepto de expansión de conciencia, que a partir del consumo de alucinógenos o la meditación, nos permite construir un catálogo de siete "comportamientos espaciales" que a su vez, expanden nuestros los límites para enriquecer la percepción espacial. El segundo viajero, es Toyo Ito que se convierte en un exégeta involuntario del programa psicodélico. A partir de su capacidad de comprensión del intercambio de los fenómenos artificial y eléctrico con la naturaleza; Toyo Ito nos ofrece, gracias a la naturaleza de su pensamiento oriental, un entrelazado espontáneo entre la espacialidad contemporánea y esas dimensiones expansivas y ondulantes del ideario contracultural. Mediante estos dos compañeros de viaje, situamos y comprendemos mejor aquellas prácticas proyectuales que se relacionan hoy con nuevas propiedades espaciales de la materia y que trabajan con sus magnitudes imperceptibles; dando lugar a espacios que se esconden bajo etiquetas como, atmosféricos, virtuales, o enjambre entre otros. For those architects who are nowadays working with new spatial conditions associated with the era of Media, this thesis aims to establish a kirjd of guide. We propose two indispensable companions to commence the trip and to organize our perception. The first companion has always been concealed or marginalized by the academy. We are talking about of psychedelia and its radical practices, creating a deliberately unstable body that allows us to understand a space overloaded by effects, with blurry boundaries. A kind of space that refuses to be described trough the simplicity of "the volumes under the light".^ In this context, the use of hallucinogens or meditation, are behind the concept of expanded consciousness and they are assisting us, creating a catalog of seven spatial behaviors that simultaneously allows us to expand our understanding of space limits. The second passenger is Toyo Ito who becomes an involuntary exegete of the psychedelic program. Through his ability to understand the exchange between phenomena as artificiality and electricity with nature, Toyo Ito offers a spontaneous interlaced between contemporary spatiality and all these expansive and undulating magnitudes from countercultural ideology, also thanks to his Eastern mind. Through these companions for our trip, we are able to recognize and understand more deeply those architectural practices that are dealing today with new dimensions of matter today, working with its imperceptible magnitudes; magnitudes creating spaces that are concealed under labels such as, atmospheric, virtual, or "swarm" among others.
Se ha realizado un estudio de la distribución de plantas vasculares en un territorio situado entre las provincias de Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid y Toledo (España). El territorio estudiado está en la Submeseta Sur de la península ibérica, al sur del Sistema Central, norte de los Montes de Toledo y oeste del Sistema Ibérico, en zonas sedimentarias con poco relieve y clima mediterráneo, con grandes contrastes de temperatura y precipitaciones muy irregulares. Coincide con las regiones naturales llamadas: “Alcarrias”, “Campiñas de Madrid y Guadalajara” y “Vegas de los ríos de la Cuenca del Tajo”. Es lo que he llamado Cuenca Media del Tajo. En una primera fase se ha estudiado la flora regional para adquirir conocimientos previos mediante las consultas bibliográficas y de herbarios, se ha contado con bases de datos disponibles para MA, MACB, MAF, JACA, AH, ABH, VAL, SALA y EMMA. Se han revisado las aportaciones propias que en los últimos años he realizado en el territorio en relación a los temas tratados en la tesis. El trabajo de campo ha consistido en la realización de inventarios de presencia de flora. Ha sido muy importante la tarea herborizadora para llegar a la correcta identificación de las especies colectadas en los inventarios. De esta forma el autor ha confeccionado un herbario propio JML que en el territorio muestreado ha reunido cerca de 15000 números en las cuatro provincias estudiadas. Se ha hecho un muestreo sistemático del territorio con unos 6000 listados de plantas. Se ha tomado como unidad de muestreo la cuadrícula de UTM de 1 km de lado incluida como una centésima parte de la cuadrícula de UTM de 10 km. Se han seguido criterios para uniformizar el muestreo. Se ha apuntado el tiempo empleado y la superficie muestreada estimada en cada toma de datos. El criterio mínimo que tienen que cumplir todas las cuadrículas en el área estudiada ha sido que para cada cuadrícula de UTM de 5 km se han realizado al menos 5 inventarios en 5 cuadrículas diferentes de UTM de 1 km y al menos en una hora de tiempo. La unidad de comparación ha sido la cuadrícula UTM de 5 km. Se han informatizado los inventarios de campo, para ello se ha creado la base de datos TESIS en Microsoft office –Access-. Las principales tablas son LOCALIDAD, en la que se anotan las características del lugar muestreado y ESPECIES, que lista las especies de flora consideradas en las cuatro provincias del estudio. Por medio de formularios se han rellenado las tablas; destaca la tabla ESPECIE INVENTARIO que relaciona las tablas ESPECIES y LOCALIDAD; esta tabla cuenta en este momento con unos 165.000 registros. En la tabla ESPECIES_FPVI se visualizan las especies recopiladas. Se ha creado un indicador llamado FPVI “Flora permanentemente visible identificable” que consiste en atribuir a cada especie unos índices que nos permiten saber si una determinada planta se puede detectar en cualquier época del año. Los resultados presentados son: Creación de la base de datos TESIS. El Catálogo Florístico de la Cuenca Media del Tajo, que es el catálogo de la flora de las cuatro provincias desde el principio de la sistemática hasta las Saxifragáceas. En total se han recopilado 1028 taxones distribuidos en 77 familias. Se ha calculado el índice FPVI, para las especies del catálogo. La finalidad para la que se ha diseñado este índice es para poder comparar territorios. Para el desarrollo de ambos resultados ha sido fundamental el desarrollo de la tabla ESPECIES_PVI de la base de datos TESIS. En la tabla ESPECIES_PVI se han apuntado las características ecológicas y se revisa la información bibliográfica disponible para cada especie; las principales fuentes de información consultadas han sido Flora iberica, el proyecto “Anthos” y las bases de datos de los herbarios. Se ha apuntado sí se ha visto, sí está protegida o sí en un endemismo. Otros resultados son: la localización de las cuadrículas de UTM de 10 km, con mayor número de endemismos o especies singulares, con mayor valor botánico. Se ha realizado un par de ejemplos de estudios de autoecología de especie, en concreto Teucrium pumilum y Clematis recta. Se han confeccionando salidas cartográficas de distribución de especies. Se ha elaborado el herbario JML. Se ha presentado una sencilla herramienta para incluir inventarios florísticos, citas corológicas, consultas de autoecología o etiquetado de pliegos de herbario. Como colofón, se ha colaborado para desarrollar una aplicación informática de visualización, análisis y estudio de la distribución de taxones vegetales, que ha utilizado como datos de partida un porcentaje importante de los obtenidos para esta tesis. ABSTRACT I have made a study of the distribution of vascular plants in a territory located between the provinces of Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid and Toledo (Spain). The studied area is in the “Submeseta” South of the Iberian Peninsula, south of the Central System, north of the Montes de Toledo and west of the Iberian System, in sedimentary areas with little relief and Mediterranean climate, with big temperature contrasts and irregular rainfall. Coincides with the natural regions called "Alcarrias", "countryside of Madrid and Guadalajara" and “Vegas River Tagus Basin”. This is what I have called Middle Tagus Basin. In a first step we have studied the regional flora to acquire prior knowledge through the literature and herbaria consultations, it has had available databases for MA, MACB, MAF, JACA, AH, ABH, VAL, SALA and EMMA herbaria. The contributions I have made in the last years in the territory in relation to the topics discussed in the thesis have been revised. The field work consisted of conducting inventories presence of flora. Botanize was a very important task to get to the correct identification of the species collected in inventories. In this way the author has made his own herbarium JML in the sampled area has met at least 15000 samples in the four studied provinces. There has been a systematic sampling of the territory with nearly 6,000 listings of plants. Was taken as the sampling unit grid UTM 1 km side included as a hundredth of the UTM grid of 10 km from side. Criteria have been taken to standardize the sampling. Data were taken of the time spent and the estimated sampled surface. The minimum criteria they have to meet all the grids in the study area has been that for each UTM grid of 5 km have been made at least 5 stocks in 5 different grids UTM 1 km and at least one hour of time. The unit of comparison was the UTM grid of 5 km. I have computerized inventories of field, for it was created a database in Access- Microsoft office -TESIS. The main tables are LOCALIDAD, with caracteristics of the sampled location and ESPECIES, which lists the plant species considered in the four provinces of the study, is. Through forms I filled in the tables; highlights ESPECIE INVENTARIO table that relates the tables ESPECIES and LOCALIDAD, this table is counted at the moment with about 165,000 records. The table ESPECIES FPVI visualizes all recollected species. We have created an indicator called FPVI "Flora permanently visible identifiable" that attributes to each species indices that allow us to know whether a given plant can be detected in any season. The results presented are: Creating data base TESIS. The Floristic Books Middle Tagus Basin, which is a catalog of the flora of the four provinces since the beginning of the systematic until Saxifragaceae. In total 1028 collected taxa in 77 families. We calculated FPVI index for species catalog. The purpose for which this index designed is, to compare territories. For the development of both results, it was essential to develop the table ESPECIES_PVI TESIS data base. Table ESPECIES_PVI has signed the ecological characteristics and bibliographic information available for each species is revised; the main sources of information has been Flora iberica, the Anthos project databases of herbaria. Targeted species has been recorded, when seen, protected or endemism. Have also been located UTM grids of 10 km, with the largest number of endemic or unique species and more botanical value. There have been a couple of species autecology studies, namely Teucrium pumilum and Clematis recta, as an example of this type of study. They have been putting together maps of species distribution. We made herbarium JML. I have presented a simple tool to include floristic inventories, chorological appointments, consultations or to tag autoecology herbarium specimens. To cap it has worked to develop a computer application for visualization, analysis and study of the distribution of plant taxa, which has used as input data a significant percentage of those obtained for this thesis.
A host of studies over the years have been published on introductions to research articles across a variety of fields. However, much less attention has been paid to professional or workplace introductions as well as student written introductions. This study aims to redress this imbalance by studying the writing samples of four primary English teacher trainees’ introductions to curricular design i.e. the document candidates must present to an examination board in Spain. This genre can be considered occluded in that exemplars are private and confidential and not readily available to the aspiring candidate. Three recurrent moves were identified, namely, explaining the importance of curricular design, providing background and defining concepts. Instances of self-glorification (Bhatia 1996) were revealed. The implications of the findings can have a positive effect on students’ future writing. RESUMEN. Se han publicado varios estudios en los últimos años sobre las introducciones de los artículos de investigación en varios campos. Sin embargo, se ha prestado mucha menor atención a las introducciones en los ámbitos profesionales o las introducciones en el lugar de trabajo, así como a las introducciones escritas por estudiantes. Este estudio tiene por objeto corregir este desequilibrio mediante el análisis de cuatro introducciones redactadas por candidatos para las oposiciones públicas de profesores de inglés de primaria. Este género se puede considerar oculto puesto que las muestras de dichas introducciones no están publicadas. El análisis de estas introducciones muestra que hay tres movimientos recurrentes: una explicación de la importancia del diseño curricular, definición del contexto educativo y, por último, definición de conceptos. Hay ejemplos en este estudio empírico de auto-promoción (Bhatia 1996). Las implicaciones de los resultados pueden tener un efecto positivo en la escritura de estos estudiantes en el futuro.
The multi-dimensional classification problem is a generalisation of the recently-popularised task of multi-label classification, where each data instance is associated with multiple class variables. There has been relatively little research carried out specific to multi-dimensional classification and, although one of the core goals is similar (modelling dependencies among classes), there are important differences; namely a higher number of possible classifications. In this paper we present method for multi-dimensional classification, drawing from the most relevant multi-label research, and combining it with important novel developments. Using a fast method to model the conditional dependence between class variables, we form super-class partitions and use them to build multi-dimensional learners, learning each super-class as an ordinary class, and thus explicitly modelling class dependencies. Additionally, we present a mechanism to deal with the many class values inherent to super-classes, and thus make learning efficient. To investigate the effectiveness of this approach we carry out an empirical evaluation on a range of multi-dimensional datasets, under different evaluation metrics, and in comparison with high-performing existing multi-dimensional approaches from the literature. Analysis of results shows that our approach offers important performance gains over competing methods, while also exhibiting tractable running time.
Objectives: A recently introduced pragmatic scheme promises to be a useful catalog of interneuron names.We sought to automatically classify digitally reconstructed interneuronal morphologies according tothis scheme. Simultaneously, we sought to discover possible subtypes of these types that might emergeduring automatic classification (clustering). We also investigated which morphometric properties weremost relevant for this classification.Materials and methods: A set of 118 digitally reconstructed interneuronal morphologies classified into thecommon basket (CB), horse-tail (HT), large basket (LB), and Martinotti (MA) interneuron types by 42 of theworld?s leading neuroscientists, quantified by five simple morphometric properties of the axon and fourof the dendrites. We labeled each neuron with the type most commonly assigned to it by the experts. Wethen removed this class information for each type separately, and applied semi-supervised clustering tothose cells (keeping the others? cluster membership fixed), to assess separation from other types and lookfor the formation of new groups (subtypes). We performed this same experiment unlabeling the cells oftwo types at a time, and of half the cells of a single type at a time. The clustering model is a finite mixtureof Gaussians which we adapted for the estimation of local (per-cluster) feature relevance. We performedthe described experiments on three different subsets of the data, formed according to how many expertsagreed on type membership: at least 18 experts (the full data set), at least 21 (73 neurons), and at least26 (47 neurons).Results: Interneurons with more reliable type labels were classified more accurately. We classified HTcells with 100% accuracy, MA cells with 73% accuracy, and CB and LB cells with 56% and 58% accuracy,respectively. We identified three subtypes of the MA type, one subtype of CB and LB types each, andno subtypes of HT (it was a single, homogeneous type). We got maximum (adapted) Silhouette widthand ARI values of 1, 0.83, 0.79, and 0.42, when unlabeling the HT, CB, LB, and MA types, respectively,confirming the quality of the formed cluster solutions. The subtypes identified when unlabeling a singletype also emerged when unlabeling two types at a time, confirming their validity. Axonal morphometricproperties were more relevant that dendritic ones, with the axonal polar histogram length in the [pi, 2pi) angle interval being particularly useful.Conclusions: The applied semi-supervised clustering method can accurately discriminate among CB, HT, LB, and MA interneuron types while discovering potential subtypes, and is therefore useful for neuronal classification. The discovery of potential subtypes suggests that some of these types are more heteroge-neous that previously thought. Finally, axonal variables seem to be more relevant than dendritic ones fordistinguishing among the CB, HT, LB, and MA interneuron types.
Within the European Union, member states are setting up official data catalogues as entry points to access PSI (Public Sector Information). In this context, it is important to describe the metadata of these data portals, i.e., of data catalogs, and allow for interoperability among them. To tackle these issues, the Government Linked Data Working Group developed DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary), an RDF vocabulary for describing the metadata of data catalogs. This topic report analyzes the current use of the DCAT vocabulary in several European data catalogs and proposes some recommendations to deal with an inconsistent use of the metadata across countries. The enrichment of such metadata vocabularies with multilingual descriptions, as well as an account for cultural divergences, is seen as a necessary step to guarantee interoperability and ensure wider adoption.
When dealing with the design of a high-speed train, a multiobjective shape optimization problem is formulated, as these vehicles are object of many aerodynamic problems which are known to be in conflict. More mobility involves an increase in both the cruise speed and lightness, and these requirements directly influence the stability and the ride comfort of the passengers when the train is subjected to a side wind. Thus, crosswind stability plays a more relevant role among the aerodynamic objectives to be optimized. An extensive research activity is observed on aerodynamic response in crosswind conditions.
A numerical simulation of the aerodynamic behavior of high-speed trains under synthetic crosswinds at a 90º yaw angle is presented. The train geometry is the aerodynamic train model (ATM). Flow description based on numerical simulations is obtained using large eddy simulation (LES) and the commercial code ANSYSFluent V14.5. A crosswind whose averaged velocity and turbulence characteristics change with distance to the ground is imposed. Turbulent fluctuations that vary temporally and spatially are simulated with TurbSim code. The crosswind boundary condition is calculated for the distance the train runs during a simulation period. The inlet streamwise velocity boundary condition is generated using Taylor?s frozen turbulence hypothesis. The model gives a time history of the force and moments acting on the train; this includes averaged values, standard deviations and extreme values. Of particular interest are the spectra of the forces and moments, and the admittance spectra. For comparison, results obtained with LES and a uniform wind velocity fluctuating in time, and results obtained with Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations (RANS), and the averaged wind conditions, are also presented.
La gestión de riesgo, es un mecanismo de protección, que mediante la identificación anticipada de las acciones generadas por un evento catastrófico, ayuda a reducir de la vulnerabilidad y a identificar las medidas a tomarse para evitar o mitigar los impactos de estos eventos o desastres. A sabiendas de que la seguridad absoluta no existe, surge la necesidad de que las construcciones de hoy día deben ser adaptadas en función de las características de su entorno y los peligros que se presentan en el mismo. La sociedad moderna identifica su exposición al riesgo y exige que estos sean tratados de manera adecuada garantizando que la obra no suponga ningún tipo de amenaza. Este Trabajo de Fin de Máster está guiado a la identificación de aquellas acciones e influencias que representan un peligro para las estructuras de la República Dominicana por el paso de los huracanes. Con esta información será posible la creación de un catálogo de Riesgos y Soluciones, cuya finalidad sea reducir la exposición y vulnerabilidad de las construcciones frente a un evento catastrófico como lo es paso de un huracán. Para realizar la investigación se ha utilizado el “Método LOGRO”, el cual trabaja bajo tres distintos métodos de investigación, los cuales son la: La revisión de documentación, una sesión de tormenta de ideas y encuestas a expertos (Método Delphi). Ya realizada la investigación e identificados los riesgos, se han realizado una serie de catálogos de Riesgos y Soluciones, que faciliten la creación de un plan de gestión de riesgos, para garantizar un diseño estructural resiliente, en las zonas expuestas al paso de los huracanes en la República Dominicana. Risk management is a protective mechanism, which by the early identification of actions generated by a catastrophic event, helps reduce vulnerability and to identify the measures taken to prevent or mitigate the impacts of these events or disasters. Knowing that there is no absolute security, there is the need for the construction of today must be adapted according to the characteristics of their environment and the dangers presented herein. Modern society identifies their exposure to risk and requires that these are adequately addressed by ensuring that the work does not pose any threat. This Final Project Master is guided to the identification of those actions and influences that pose a threat to the structures of the Dominican Republic by the hurricanes. With this information it is possible to create a catalog of risks, and solutions aimed at reducing the exposure and vulnerability of the buildings facing a catastrophic event as it is a hurricane. To make research has used the "LOGRO method", which works low three different research methods, which include: The review of documentation, a session of brainstorming and expert surveys (Delphi method). And conducted research and identified the risks, there have been a number of catalogs and Risk Solutions that facilitate the creation of a risk management plan to ensure a structural design resilient in areas prone to hurricanes in the Dominican Republic
En este documento está descrito detalladamente el trabajo realizado para completar todos objetivos marcados para este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, que tiene como meta final el desarrollo de un dashboard configurable de gestión y administración para instancias de OpenStack. OpenStack es una plataforma libre y de código abierto utilizada como solución de Infraestructura como Servicio (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) en clouds tanto públicos, que ofrecen sus servicios cobrando el tiempo de uso o los recursos utilizados, como privados para su utilización exclusiva en el entorno de una empresa. El proyecto OpenStack se inició como una colaboración entre la NASA y RackSpace, y a día de hoy es mantenido por las empresas más potentes del sector tecnológico a través de la Fundación OpenStack. La plataforma OpenStack permite el acceso a sus servicios a través de una Interfaz de Linea de Comandos (Command Line Interface, CLI), una API RESTful y una interfaz web en forma de dashboard. Esta última es ofrecida a través del servicio Horizon. Este servicio provee de una interfaz gráfica para acceder, gestionar y automatizar servicios basados en cloud. El dashboard de Horizon presente algunos problemas como que: solo admite opciones de configuración mediante código Python, lo que hace que el usuario no tenga ninguna capacidad de configuración y que el administrador esté obligado a interactuar directamente con el código. no tiene soporte para múltiples regiones que permitan que un usuario pueda distribuir sus recursos por distintos centros de datos en diversas localizaciones como más le convenga. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, que es la fase inicial del proyecto FI-Dash, pretende solucionar estos problemas mediante el desarrollo de un catálogo de widget de la plataformaWireCloud que permitirán al usuario tener todas las funcionalidades ofrecidas por Horizon a la vez que le ofrecen capacidades de configuración y añaden funcionalidades no presentes en Horizon como el soporte de múltiples regiones. Como paso previo al desarrollo del catálogo de widgets se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de las tecnologías y servicios ofrecidos por OpenStack, así como de las herramientas que pudieran ser necesarias para la realización del trabajo. El proceso de desarrollo ha sido dividido en distintas fases de acuerdo con los distintos componentes que forman parte del dashboard cada uno con una funcion de gestion sobre un tipo de recurso distinto. Las otras fases del desarrollo han sido la integración completa del dashboard en la plataforma WireCloud y el diseño de una interfaz gráfica usable y atractiva.---ABSTRACT---Throughout this document it is described the work performed in order to achieve all of the objectives set for this Final Project, which has as its main goal the development of a configurable dashboard for managing and administrating OpenStack instances. OpenStack is a free and open source platform used as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for both public clouds, which offer their services through payments on time or resources used, and private clouds for use only in the company’s environment. The OpenStack project started as a collaboration between NASA and Rackspace, and nowadays is maintained by the most powerful companies in the technology sector through the OpenStack Foundation. The OpenStack project provides access to its services through a Command Line Interface (CLI), a RESTful API and a web interface as dashboard. The latter is offered through a service called Horizon. This service provides a graphical interface to access, manage and automate cloud-based services. Horizon’s dashboard presents some problems such as: Only supports configuration options using Python code, which grants the user no configuration capabilities and forces the administrator to interact directly. No support for multiple regions that allow a user to allocate his resources by different data centers in different locations at his convenience. This Final Project, which is the initial stage of the FI-Dash project, aims to solve these problems by developing a catalog of widgets for the WireCloud platform that will allow the user to have all the features offered by Horizon while offering configuration capabilities and additional features not present in Horizon such as support for multiple regions. As a prelude to the development of the widget catalog, a study of technologies and services offered by OpenStack as well as tools that may be necessary to carry out the work has been conducted. The development process has been split in phases matching the different components that are part of the dashboard, having each one of them a function of management of one kind of resource. The other development phases have been the achieving of full integration with WireCloud and the design of a graphical interface that is both usable and atractive.