25 resultados para apl

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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We report on properties of high quality ~60 nm thick InAlN layers nearly in-plane lattice-matched to GaN, grown on c-plane GaN-on-sapphire templates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Excellent crystalline quality and low surface roughness are confirmed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. High annular dark field observations reveal a periodic in-plane indium content variation (8 nm period), whereas optical measurements evidence certain residual absorption below the band-gap. The indium fluctuation is estimated to be +/- 1.2% around the nominal 17% indium content via plasmon energy oscillations assessed by electron energy loss spectroscopy with sub-nanometric spatial resolution.


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A new device structure to improve the performance of concentrator GaAs solar cells is described and the first experimental results are reported. The reason for such an improvement relies on a drastic reduction of the shadowing and series resistance losses based on the possibility of back contacting the emitter region of the solar cell. The experimental results obtained with devices of these types, with a simplified structure, fabricated by liquid phase epitaxy, demonstrate the feasibility and correct operation of the proposed back contact of the emitter of the cells.


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We have determined the cross-section σ for color center generation under single Br ion impacts on amorphous SiO2. The evolution of the cross-sections, σ(E) and σ(Se), show an initial flat stage that we associate to atomic collision mechanisms. Above a certain threshold value (Se > 2 keV/nm), roughly coinciding with that reported for the onset of macroscopic disorder (compaction), σ shows a marked increase due to electronic processes. In this regime, a energetic cost of around 7.5 keV is necessary to create a non bridging oxygen hole center-E′ (NBOHC/E′) pair, whatever the input energy. The data appear consistent with a non-radiative decay of self-trapped excitons.


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We present a fast, highly sensitive, and efficient potentiometric glucose biosensor based on functionalized InN quantum-dots (QDs). The InN QDs are grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The InN QDs are bio-chemically functionalized through physical adsorption of glucose oxidase (GOD). GOD enzyme-coated InN QDs based biosensor exhibits excellent linear glucose concentration dependent electrochemical response against an Ag/AgCl reference electrode over a wide logarithmic glucose concentration range (1 × 10−5 M to 1 × 10−2 M) with a high sensitivity of 80 mV/decade. It exhibits a fast response time of less than 2 s with good stability and reusability and shows negligible response to common interferents such as ascorbic acid and uric acid. The fabricated biosensor has full potential to be an attractive candidate for blood sugar concentration detection in clinical diagnoses.


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Vertical diodes of epitaxial graphene on n 4H-SiC were investigated. The graphene Raman spectraexhibited a higher intensity in the G-line than the 2D-line, indicative of a few-layer graphene film.Rectifying properties improved at low temperatures as the reverse leakage decreased over six ordersof magnitude without freeze-out in either material. Carrier concentration of 10 16 cm 3in the SiCremained stable down to 15 K, while accumulation charge decreased and depletion width increasedin forward bias. The low barrier height of 0.08 eV and absence of recombination-induced emissionindicated majority carrier field emission as the dominant conduction mechanism.


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We have analyzed the increase of the sheet conductance (ΔG□) under spectral illumination in high dose Ti implanted Si samples subsequently processed by pulsed-laser melting. Samples with Ti concentration clearly above the insulator-metal transition limit show a remarkably high ΔG□, even higher than that measured in a silicon reference sample. This increase in the ΔG□ magnitude is contrary to the classic understanding of recombination centers action and supports the lifetime recovery predicted for concentrations of deep levels above the insulator-metal transition.


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The effect of quantum dot (QD) size on the performance of quantum dot intermediate band solar cells is investigated. A numerical model is used to calculate the bound state energy levels and the absorption coefficient of transitions from the ground state to all other states in the conduction band. Comparing with the current state of the art, strong absorption enhancements are found for smaller quantum dots, as well as a better positioning of the energy levels, which is expected to reduce thermal carrier escape. It is concluded that reducing the quantum dot size can increase sub-bandgap photocurrent and improve voltage preservation.


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Based on theoretical arguments, we propose a possible route for controlling the band-gap in the promising photovoltaic material CdIn2S4. Our ab initio calculations show that the experimental degree of inversion in this spinel (fraction of tetrahedral sites occupied by In) corresponds approximately to the equilibrium value given by the minimum of the theoretical inversion free energy at a typical synthesis temperature. Modification of this temperature, or of the cooling rate after synthesis, is then expected to change the inversion degree, which in turn sensitively tunes the electronic band-gap of the solid, as shown here by screened hybrid functional calculations.


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We investigated the preparation of single domain Ge(100):As surfaces in a metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy reactor. In situ reflection anisotropy spectra (RAS) of vicinal substrates change when arsenic is supplied either by tertiarybutylarsine or by background As4 during annealing. Low energy electron diffraction shows mutually perpendicular orientations of dimers, scanning tunneling microscopy reveals distinct differences in the step structure, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirms differences in the As coverage of the Ge(100): As samples. Their RAS signals consist of contributions related to As dimer orientation and to step structure, enabling precise in situ control over preparation of single domain Ge(100): As surfaces.


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The luminescence properties of InxAl1−xN/GaN heterostructures are investigated systematically as a function of the In content (x = 0.067 − 0.208). The recombination between electrons confined in the two-dimensional electron gas and free holes in the GaN template is identified and analyzed. We find a systematic shift of the recombination with increasing In content from about 80 meV to only few meV below the GaN exciton emission. These results are compared with model calculations and can be attributed to the changing band profile and originating from the polarization gradient between InAlN and GaN.


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The photoluminescence efficiency of GaAsSb-capped InAs/GaAs type II quantum dots (QDs) can be greatly enhanced by rapid thermal annealing while preserving long radiative lifetimes which are ∼20 times larger than in standard GaAs-capped InAs/GaAs QDs. Despite the reduced electron-hole wavefunction overlap, the type-II samples are more efficient than the type-I counterparts in terms of luminescence, showing a great potential for device applications. Strain-driven In-Ga intermixing during annealing is found to modify the QD shape and composition, while As-Sb exchange is inhibited, allowing to keep the type-II structure. Sb is only redistributed within the capping layer giving rise to a more homogeneous composition.


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This work reports on the morphology control of the selective area growth of GaN-based nanostructures on c-plane GaN templates. By decreasing the substrate temperature, the nanostructures morphology changes from pyramidal islands (no vertical m-planes), to GaN nanocolumns with top semipolar r-planes, and further to GaN nanocolumns with top polar c-planes. When growing InGaN nano-disks embedded into the GaN nanocolumns, the different morphologies mentioned lead to different optical properties, due to the semi-polar and polar nature of the r-planes and c-planes involved. These differences are assessed by photoluminescence measurements at low temperature and correlated to the specific nano-disk geometry.


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The influence of the environment on the optical properties of self-assembled In0.5Ga0.5As surface quantum dots is studied as a function of different ambient conditions for sensing applications. Their room temperature photoluminescence (PL) quenches under vacuum and decreases strongly under dry O2 or N2 environments. Nevertheless, they have a strong signal at 1.55 lm in air or in a wet atmosphere. The presence of water molecules in the environment improves the PL intensity likely due to its polar character and therefore its easier adsorption by the surface dangling bonds, leading to a suppression of the non-radiative recombination centers.


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In order to clarify the effect of charged dislocations and surface donor states on the transport mechanisms in polar AlInN/AlN/GaN heterostructures, we have studied the current-voltage characteristics of Schottky junctions fabricated on AlInN/AlN/GaN heterostructures. The reverse-bias leakage current behaviour has been interpreted with a Poole-Frenkel emission of electrons from trap states near the metal-semiconductor junction to dislocation induced states. The variation of the Schottky barrier height as a function of the AlN layer thickness has been measured and discussed, considering the role of the surface states in the formation of the two dimensional electron gas at AlN/GaN interface.


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We demonstrate 1.81 eV GaInP solar cells approaching the Shockley-Queisser limit with 20.8% solar conversion efficiency, 8% external radiative efficiency, and 80–90% internal radiative efficiency at one-sun AM1.5 global conditions. Optically enhanced voltage through photon recycling that improves light extraction was achieved using a back metal reflector. This optical enhancement was realized at one-sun currents when the non-radiative Sah-Noyce-Shockley junction recombination current was reduced by placing the junction at the back of the cell in a higher band gap AlGaInP layer. Electroluminescence and dark current-voltage measurements show the separate effects of optical management and non-radiative dark current reduction.