2 resultados para aphasia
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Studies of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy provide few descriptions of seizures that arise in the temporopolar and the anterior temporobasal brain region. Based on connectivity, it might be assumed that the semiology of these seizures is similar to that of medial temporal lobe epilepsy. However, accumulating evidence suggests that the anterior temporobasal cortex may play an important role in the language system, which could account for particular features of seizures arising here. We studied the electroclinical features of seizures in patients with circumscribed temporopolar and temporobasal lesions in order to identify specific features that might differentiate them from seizures that originate in other temporal areas. Among 172 patients with temporal lobe seizures registered in our epilepsy unit in the last 15 years, 15 (8.7%) patients had seizures caused by temporopolar or anterior temporobasal lesions (11 left-sided lesions). The main finding in our study is that patients with left-sided lesions had aphasia during their seizures as the most prominent feature. In addition, while all patients showed normal to high intellectual functioning in standard neuropsychological testing, semantic impairment was found in a subset of 9 patients with left-sided lesions. This case series demonstrates that aphasic seizures without impairment of consciousness can result from small, circumscribed left anterior temporobasal and temporopolar lesions. Thus, the presence of speech manifestation during seizures should prompt detailed assessment of the structural integrity of the basal surface of the temporal lobe in addition to the evaluation of primary language areas.
Este trabajo de investigación presenta los resultados de una revisión sistemática realizada a partir de la recopilación, lectura y análisis de distintas fuentes bibliográficas dentro de un conjunto heterogéneo consistente de 175 estudios que forman la base bibliográfica actual del documento “Cognitive Accessibility User Research” (W3C, 2015a) del W3C. Esta base bibliográfica está compuesta por publicaciones científicas basadas en libros, artículos, conferencias y sitios Web especializados, en los cuales se potencia como objeto particular de análisis, la indagación en la búsqueda de pautas de accesibilidad en las tecnologías Web que apoyen la integración a personas con discapacidad cognitiva. Como parte de este proceso de investigación se ha recopilado y descrito la situación actual, particularmente, de los retos en la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en relación a personas con dificultades de aprendizaje o discapacidades cognitivas, tales como la Dislexia, Afasia, Trastorno de Aprendizaje No verbal, Envejecimiento-Demencia, Trastornos por Déficit de Atención con o sin Hiperactividad, Autismo, Síndrome de Down y Discalculia. Como aporte primordial de este Trabajo Fin de Master (TFM), se intenta trazar una línea de criterios que permitan la evaluación objetiva de este tópico, con miras a ofrecer un enfoque práctico y reciente sobre ésta temática, mostrando de forma esquematizada las pautas existentes y sirviendo de síntesis orientativa para el diseño accesible de las TIC con la finalidad de promover un soporte real a personas con los tipo de discapacidad cognitiva en los que se ha enfocado esta investigación. Logrando obtener como resultado principal de este estudio, 36 pautas generales que agrupan las coincidencias del grupo de discapacidades estudiadas y que han sido distribuidas en categorías: texto, navegación y generales, para su mejor interpretación y manejo de la Accesibilidad en las TIC´S para Personas con Discapacidad Cognitiva.---ABSTRACT---This research presents the results of a systematic review from collecting, reading and analysis of different bibliographic sources within a heterogeneous group consisting of 175 studies that form the basis of current literature document "Accessibility User Cognitive Research" (W3C , 2015th) of the W3C. This bibliographic database is composed of scientific publications based on books, articles, lectures and specialized Web sites, in which is enhanced as a particular object of analysis, the inquiry into the search for accessibility guidelines for Web technologies to support integration of people with cognitive disabilities. As part of this research process, the current situation has been collected and described, particularly the challenges in the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in relation to people with learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities, such as Dyslexia, aphasia, nonverbal learning disorder, aging-Dementia, Attention Deficit Disorders with or without hyperactivity, autism, Down syndrome and dyscalculia. As primary contribution of this Master's Thesis (TFM), it tries to draw a line of criteria to allow an objective assessment of this topic, in order to provide a practical and recent focus on this theme, showing schematically existing guidelines and serving as guidance for accessible design of ICT in order to promote a real support to people with cognitive disabilities where this research has focused on. Managing to obtain the main result of this study, 36 general guidelines that group the set of disabilities studied and have been distributed in categories: text, navigation and general, for better interpretation and management of ICTs for Accessibility people with cognitive disabilities.