4 resultados para Zinc oxide nanoparticles

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The aim of this work is the theoretical study of the band alignment between the two components of a hybrid organic-inorganic solar-cell. The working organic molecules are metal tetra-sulphonated phthalocyanines (M-Pc) and the inorganic material is nano-porous ZnO growth in the 001 direction. The theoretical calculations are being made using the density functional theory (DFT) using a GGA functional with the SIESTA code, which projects electron wave functions and density onto a real space grid and uses as basis set a linear combination of numerical, finite-range localized atomic orbitals. We also used the DFT+U method included in the code that allows a semi-empirical inclusion of electronic correlations in the description of electronic spectra for systems such as zinc oxide.


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A simple and scalable chemical approach has been proposed for the generation of 1-dimensional nanostructures of two most important inorganic materials such as zinc oxide and cadmium sulfide. By controlling the growth habit of the nanostructures with manipulated reaction conditions, the diameter and uniformity of the nanowires/nanorods were tailored. We studied extensively optical behavior and structural growth of CdS NWs and ZnO NRs doped ferroelectric liquid crystal Felix-017/100. Due to doping band gap has been changed and several blue shifts occurred in photoluminescence spectra because of nanoconfinement effect and mobility of charges.


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Los nanomateriales han adquirido recientemente un gran interés debido a la gran variedad de aplicaciones que pueden llegar a tener en el ámbito de la biomedicina. Este trabajo recoge las posibilidades tanto diagnósticas como terapéuticas que presentan dos modalidades de nanomateriales: nanopartículas de óxido de hierro y nanopartículas de oro. Para ello, en una primera aproximación se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización de las nanopartículas desde el punto de vista de la biocompatibilidad asociada a su tamaño y al tiempo de contacto o circulación en células y tejidos, ensayada tanto in vitro como in vivo así como la cinética de acumulación de dichas nanopartículas en el organismo vivo. Posteriormente se ha realizado la biofuncionalización de los dos tipos de nanopartículas para reconocer dianas moleculares específicas y poder ser utilizadas en el futuro en dos aplicaciones biomédicas diferentes: diagnóstico de enfermedad de Alzheimer mediante imagen de resonancia magnética y destrucción selectiva de células tumorales mediante hipertermia óptica. ABSTRACT Nanomaterials have recently gained a great interest due to the variety of applications that can have in the field of biomedicine. This work covers both diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities that present two types of nanomaterials: iron oxide nanoparticles and gold nanoparticles. Therefore, in a first approximation it has performed the characterizing of nanoparticles from the standpoint of biocompatibility associated with their size and time of contact or movement in cells and tissues, tested both in vitro and in vivo as well as the kinetics of accumulation of the nanoparticles into the living organism. Subsequently the biofunctionalization of two types of nanoparticles was made to recognize specific molecular targets and can be used in the future in two different biomedical applications: diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease by magnetic resonance imaging and selective destruction of tumor cells by optical hyperthermia.


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Light confinement strategies play a crucial role in the performance of thin-film (TF) silicon solar cells. One way to reduce the optical losses is the texturing of the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) that acts as the front contact. Other losses arise from the mismatch between the incident light spectrum and the spectral properties of the absorbent material that imply that low energy photons (below the bandgap value) are not absorbed, and therefore can not generate photocurrent. Up-conversion techniques, in which two sub-bandgap photons are combined to give one photon with a better matching with the bandgap, were proposed to overcome this problem. In particular, this work studies two strategies to improve light management in thin film silicon solar cells using laser technology. The first one addresses the problem of TCO surface texturing using fully commercial fast and ultrafast solid state laser sources. Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) samples were laser processed and the results were optically evaluated by measuring the haze factor of the treated samples. As a second strategy, laser annealing experiments of TCOs doped with rare earth ions are presented as a potential process to produce layers with up-conversion properties, opening the possibility of its potential use in high efficiency solar cells.