8 resultados para YTTRIUM OXIDES

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This study evaluates the mechanical behaviour of an Y2O3-dispersed tungsten (W) alloy and compares it to a pure W reference material. Both materials were processed via mechanical alloying (MA) and subsequent hot isostatic pressing (HIP). We performed non-standard three-point bending (TPB) tests in both an oxidising atmosphere and vacuum across a temperature range from 77 K, obtained via immersion in liquid nitrogen, to 1473 K to determine the mechanical strength, yield strength and fracture toughness. This research aims to evaluate how the mechanical behaviour of the alloy is affected by oxides formed within the material at high temperatures, primarily from 873 K, when the materials undergo a massive thermal degradation. The results indicate that the alloy is brittle to a high temperature (1473 K) under both atmospheres and that the mechanical properties degrade significantly above 873 K. We also used Vickers microhardness tests and the dynamic modulus by impulse excitation technique (IET) to determine the elastic modulus at room temperature. Moreover, we performed nanoindentation tests to determine the effect of size on the hardness and elastic modulus; however, no significant differences were found. Additionally, we calculated the relative density of the samples to assess the porosity of the alloy. Finally, we analysed the microstructure and fracture surfaces of the tested materials via field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In this way, the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties and micromechanisms of failure could be determined based on the temperature and oxides formed


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En esta contribución se presenta un estudio teórico de diferentes reacciones químicas entre óxidos de iodo y agua que pueden contribuir a la formación de partículas en la atmósfera. Mediante el uso de cálculos quimicocuánticos ab initio con tratamiento de la correlación electrónica se han obtenido propiedades termodinámicas para caracterizar esas reacciones


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A research programme is being carried out at the Institute Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial of Spain, on several aspects of the formation of nitrogen oxides in continuous flow combustion systems, considering hydrogen and hydrocarbons as fuels. The research programme is fundamentally oriented on the basic aspects of the problem, although it also includes the study of the influence on the formation process of several operational and design variables of the combusters, such as type of fuels, fuel/air ratio, degree of mixing in premixed type flames, existence of droplets as compared with homogeneous combustion.This problem of nitrogen oxides formation is receiving lately great attention, specially in connection with automobile reciprocating engines and aircraft gas turbines. This is due to the fact of the increasing frequency and intensity of photochemical hazes or smog, typical of urban areas submitted to strong solar radiation, which are originated by the action on organic compounds of the oxidants resulting from the photochemical decomposition of nitrogen dioxide N02. In the combustion process almost all nitrogen oxides are in form of NO. This nitric oxide reacts with the oxygen of the air and forms N02, this reaction only taking place in or near the exhaust of tne motors, since the N0-02 reaction becomes frozen for the concentration existing in the atmosphere.


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In this contribution, results of a theoretical study on different reactions that odine oxides, in the presence of water, can undergo to form iodine oxides particles in the atmosphere. Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of these reactions have been obtained at high level ab initio correlated calculations.


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La presente memoria de tesis tiene como objetivo principal la caracterización mecánica en función de la temperatura de nueve aleaciones de wolframio con contenidos diferentes en titanio, vanadio, itria y lantana. Las aleaciones estudiadas son las siguientes: W-0.5%Y2O3, W-2%Ti, W-2% Ti-0.5% Y2O3, W-4% Ti-0.5% Y2O3, W-2%V, W- 2%Vmix, W-4%V, W-1%La2O3 and W-4%V-1%La2O3. Todos ellos, además del wolframio puro se fabrican mediante compresión isostática en caliente (HIP) y son suministradas por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. La investigación se desarrolla a través de un estudio sistemático basado en ensayos físicos y mecánicos, así como el análisis post mortem de las muestras ensayadas. Para realizar dicha caracterización mecánica se aplican diferentes ensayos mecánicos, la mayoría de ellos realizados en el intervalo de temperatura de 25 a 1000 º C. Los ensayos de caracterización que se llevan a cabo son: • Densidad • Dureza Vicker • Módulo de elasticidad y su evolución con la temperatura • Límite elástico o resistencia a la flexión máxima, y su evolución con la temperatura • Resistencia a la fractura y su comportamiento con la temperatura. • Análisis microestructural • Análisis fractográfico • Análisis de la relación microestructura-comportamiento macroscópico. El estudio comienza con una introducción acerca de los sistemas en los que estos materiales son candidatos para su aplicación, para comprender las condiciones a las que los materiales serán expuestos. En este caso, el componente que determina las condiciones es el Divertor del reactor de energía de fusión por confinamiento magnético. Parece obvio que su uso en los componentes del reactor de fusión, más exactamente como materiales de cara al plasma (Plasma Facing Components o PFC), hace que estas aleaciones trabajen bajo condiciones de irradiación de neutrones. Además, el hecho de que sean materiales nuevos hace necesario un estudio previo de las características básicas que garantice los requisitos mínimos antes de realizar un estudio más complejo. Esto constituye la principal motivación de la presente investigación. La actual crisis energética ha llevado a aunar esfuerzos en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales, técnicas y dispositivos para la aplicación en la industria de la energía nuclear. El desarrollo de las técnicas de producción de aleaciones de wolframio, con un punto de fusión muy alto, requiere el uso de precursores de sinterizado para lograr densificaciones más altas y por lo tanto mejores propiedades mecánicas. Este es el propósito de la adición de titanio y vanadio en estas aleaciones. Sin embargo, uno de los principales problemas de la utilización de wolframio como material estructural es su alta temperatura de transición dúctil-frágil. Esta temperatura es característica de materiales metálicos con estructura cúbica centrada en el cuerpo y depende de varios factores metalúrgicos. El proceso de recristalización aumenta esta temperatura de transición. Los PFC tienen temperaturas muy altas de servicio, lo que facilita la recristalización del metal. Con el fin de retrasar este proceso, se dispersan partículas insolubles en el material permitiendo temperaturas de servicio más altas. Hasta ahora se ha utilizado óxidos de torio, lantano e itrio como partículas dispersas. Para entender cómo los contenidos en algunos elementos y partículas de óxido afectan a las propiedades de wolframio se estudian las aleaciones binarias de wolframio en comparación con el wolframio puro. A su vez estas aleaciones binarias se utilizan como material de referencia para entender el comportamiento de las aleaciones ternarias. Dada la estrecha relación entre las propiedades del material, la estructura y proceso de fabricación, el estudio se completa con un análisis fractográfico y micrográfico. El análisis fractográfico puede mostrar los mecanismos que están implicados en el proceso de fractura del material. Por otro lado, el estudio micrográfico ayudará a entender este comportamiento a través de la identificación de las posibles fases presentes. La medida del tamaño de grano es una parte de la caracterización microestructural. En esta investigación, la medida del tamaño de grano se llevó a cabo por ataque químico selectivo para revelar el límite de grano en las muestras preparadas. Posteriormente las micrografías fueron sometidas a tratamiento y análisis de imágenes. El documento termina con una discusión de los resultados y la compilación de las conclusiones más importantes que se alcanzan después del estudio. Actualmente, el desarrollo de nuevos materiales para aplicación en los componentes de cara al plasma continúa. El estudio de estos materiales ayudará a completar una base de datos de características que permita hacer una selección de ellos más fiable. The main goal of this dissertation is the mechanical characterization as a function of temperature of nine tungsten alloys containing different amounts of titanium, vanadium and yttrium and lanthanum oxide. The alloys under study were the following ones: W-0.5%Y2O3, W-2%Ti, W-2% Ti-0.5% Y2O3, W-4% Ti-0.5% Y2O3, W-2%V, W- 2%Vmix, W-4%V, W-1%La2O3 and W-4%V-1%La2O3. All of them, besides pure tungsten, were manufactured using a Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) process and they were supplied by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. The research was carried out through a systematic study based on physical and mechanical tests as well as the post mortem analysis of tested samples. Diverse mechanical tests were applied to perform this characterization; most of them were conducted at temperatures in the range 25-1000 ºC. The following characterization tests were performed: • Density • Vickers hardness • Elastic modulus • Yield strength or ultimate bending strength, and their evolution with temperature • Fracture toughness and its temperature behavior • Microstructural analysis • Fractographical analysis • Microstructure-macroscopic relationship analysis This study begins with an introduction regarding the systems where these materials could be applied, in order to establish and understand their service conditions. In this case, the component that defines the conditions is the Divertor of magnetic-confinement fusion reactors. It seems obvious that their use as fusion reactor components, more exactly as plasma facing components (PFCs), makes these alloys work under conditions of neutron irradiation. In addition to this, the fact that they are novel materials demands a preliminary study of the basic characteristics which will guarantee their minimum requirements prior to a more complex study. This constitutes the motivation of the present research. The current energy crisis has driven to join forces so as to develop new materials, techniques and devices for their application in the nuclear energy industry. The development of production techniques for tungsten-based alloys, with a very high melting point, requires the use of precursors for sintering to achieve higher densifications and, accordingly, better mechanical properties. This is the purpose of the addition of titanium and vanadium to these alloys. Nevertheless, one of the main problems of using tungsten as structural material is its high ductile-brittle transition temperature. This temperature is characteristic of metallic materials with body centered cubic structure and depends on several metallurgical factors. The recrystallization process increases their transition temperature. Since PFCs have a very high service temperature, this facilitates the metal recrystallization. In order to inhibit this process, insoluble particles are dispersed in the material allowing higher service temperatures. So far, oxides of thorium, lanthanum and yttrium have been used as dispersed particles. Tungsten binary alloys are studied in comparison with pure tungsten to understand how the contents of some elements and oxide particles affect tungsten properties. In turn, these binary alloys are used as reference materials to understand the behavior of ternary alloys. Given the close relationship between the material properties, structure and manufacturing process, this research is completed with a fractographical and micrographic analysis. The fractographical analysis is aimed to show the mechanisms that are involved in the process of the material fracture. Besides, the micrographic study will help to understand this behavior through the identification of present phases. The grain size measurement is a crucial part of the microstructural characterization. In this work, the measurement of grain size was carried out by chemical selective etching to reveal the boundary grain on prepared samples. Afterwards, micrographs were subjected to both treatment and image analysis. The dissertation ends with a discussion of results and the compilation of the most important conclusions reached through this work. The development of new materials for plasma facing components application is still under study. The analysis of these materials will help to complete a database of the features that will allow a more reliable materials selection.


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Vertical Alignment Nematics (VANs) displays are a form of LCDs in which the liquid crystals naturally align vertically to the glass substrates. In spite of their name, the liquid crystal (LC) director is never exactly vertical, rather it always show a small angle with the normal to the sample plane called tilt that may vary throughout the cell bulk. Its values are ultimately determined by the pretilt, defined as the tilt angle on the surfaces in the absence of voltage.


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A comparative study on alignment performance and microstructure of inorganic layers used for liquid crystal cell conditioning has been carried out. The study has focused on two specific materials, SiOx and SiO2, deposited under different conditions. The purpose was to establish a relationship between layer microstructure and liquid crystal alignment. The surface morphology has been studied by FESEM and AFM. An analysis on liquid crystal alignment, pretilt angle, response time, contrast ratio and the conditions to develop backflow effect (significant rise time increase due to pure homeotropic alignment) on vertically-aligned nematic cells has been carried out. A technique to overcome the presence of backflow has been identified. The full comparative study of SiOx and SiO2 layer properties and their influence over liquid crystal alignment and electrooptic response is presented.


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A new ultrafiltration membrane was developed by the incorporation of binary metal oxides inside polyethersulfone. Physico-chemical characterization of the binary metal oxides demonstrated that the presence of Ti in the TiO2?ZrO2 system results in an increase of the size of the oxides, and also their dispersity. The crystalline phases of the synthesized binary metal oxides were identified as srilankite and zirconium titanium oxide. The effect of the addition of ZrO2 can be expressed in terms of the inhibition of crystal growth of anocrystalline TiO2 during the synthesis process. For photocatalytic applications the band gap of the synthesized semiconductors was determined, confirming a gradual increase (blue shift) in the band gap as the amount of Zr loading increases. Distinct distributions of binary metal oxides were found along the permeation axis for the synthesized membranes. Particles with Ti are more uniformly dispersed throughout the membrane cross-section. The physico-chemical characterization of membranes showed a strong correlation between some key membrane properties and the spatial particle distribution in the membrane structure. The proximity of metal oxide fillers to the membrane surface determines the hydrophilicity and porosity of modified membranes. Membranes incorporating binary metal oxides were found to be promising candidates for wastewater treatment by ultrafiltration, considering the observed improvement influx and anti-fouling properties of doped membranes. Multi-run fouling tests of doped membranes confirmed the stability of permeation through membranes embedded with binary TiO2?ZrO2 particles.