19 resultados para XML .NET HTTP http-kommunikation webbtjänster
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Within the regression framework, we show how different levels of nonlinearity influence the instantaneous firing rate prediction of single neurons. Nonlinearity can be achieved in several ways. In particular, we can enrich the predictor set with basis expansions of the input variables (enlarging the number of inputs) or train a simple but different model for each area of the data domain. Spline-based models are popular within the first category. Kernel smoothing methods fall into the second category. Whereas the first choice is useful for globally characterizing complex functions, the second is very handy for temporal data and is able to include inner-state subject variations. Also, interactions among stimuli are considered. We compare state-of-the-art firing rate prediction methods with some more sophisticated spline-based nonlinear methods: multivariate adaptive regression splines and sparse additive models. We also study the impact of kernel smoothing. Finally, we explore the combination of various local models in an incremental learning procedure. Our goal is to demonstrate that appropriate nonlinearity treatment can greatly improve the results. We test our hypothesis on both synthetic data and real neuronal recordings in cat primary visual cortex, giving a plausible explanation of the results from a biological perspective.
Forest connectivity restoration is a major goal in natural resource planning. Given the high amount of abandoned cultivated lands, setting efficient methods for the reforestation of agricultural lands offers a good opportunity to face this issue. However, reforestations must be carefully planned, which poses two main challenges. In first place, to determine those agricultural lands that, once reforested, would meet more effectively the planning goals. As a further step, in order to grant the success of the activity, it is fairly advisable to select those tree species that are more adapted to each particular environment. Here we intend to give response to both requirements by proposing a sequential and integrated methodology that has been implemented in two Spanish forest districts, which are formed by several landscape types that were previously defined and characterized. Using the software Conefor Sensinode, a powerful tool for quantifying habitat availability that is based on graph theory concepts, we determined the landscapes where forest planning should have connectivity as a major concern and, afterwards, we detected the agricultural patches that would contribute most to enhance connectivity if they were reforested. The subsequent reforestation species assessment was performed within these priority patches. Using penalized logistic regressions we fitted ecological niche models for the Spanish native tree species. The models were trained with species distribution data from the Spanish Forest Map and used climatic and lithological variables as predictors. Model predictions were used to build ordered lists of suitable species for each priority patch. The lists include dominant and non dominant tree species and allow adding biodiversity goals to the reforestation planning. The result of this combined methodology is a map of agricultural patches that would contribute most to uphold forest connectivity if they were reforested and a list of suitable tree species for each patch ordered by occurrence probability. Therefore the proposed methodology may be useful for suitable and efficient forest planning and landscape designing.
This work presents an educational formal initiative aimed to monitor the acquisition and strengthening of competences by students that are being taught in project management subject. Groups of students belonging to three universities, embracing different knowledge areas such as engineering, biology, etc., were selected to run the experience. All of them had nevertheless a common and basic starting point: inexperience in project management field. In this scenario, we propose a new theoretical and practical approach oriented to reinforce problem-solving and related competences in a project management subject context. For this purpose, a Project-Based Learning (PjBL) initiative has been specifically designed and developed. The main idea is to bring a real world engineering project management case into the classroom, where students must face up to a completely new learning approach –groups in different locations, collaborative mode and unspecific solution, supported by a powerful internet platform:.project.net (http://www.Project.net). Other relevant aspects such as project climate, knowledge increasing, have also been monitored during the course. Results show and overall improvement in key competences. The obtained information will be used in two ways: to feed the students back about personal opportunities for improvement in specific competences, and to fine-tune the experience for further initiatives.
Foresight is a relatively new field of study which initially arose to make provisions for the future in science and technology, but nowadays it is increasingly being used in territorial issues. Although the use of foresight tools in the tourism realm has been limited, there is a growing need to manage the increasing uncertainty that surrounds tourism development. Based on these premises, this paper tries to prove the capability of foresight tools to anticipate the impacts of complex global challenges on the tourism field. This assumption is tested through a future vision exercise which explores the evolution of tourism demand segments and its implications in planning tourism destinations. Two major demand segments are visualised for the year 2020 horizon: “Niche and Innovative Demand” and “Massive and Predictable Demand”. For both segments, the tourism consumption chain value is displayed and spatial design guidelines are recommended for sun and beach destinations
Managing large medical image collections is an increasingly demanding important issue in many hospitals and other medical settings. A huge amount of this information is daily generated, which requires robust and agile systems. In this paper we present a distributed multi-agent system capable of managing very large medical image datasets. In this approach, agents extract low-level information from images and store them in a data structure implemented in a relational database. The data structure can also store semantic information related to images and particular regions. A distinctive aspect of our work is that a single image can be divided so that the resultant sub-images can be stored and managed separately by different agents to improve performance in data accessing and processing. The system also offers the possibility of applying some region-based operations and filters on images, facilitating image classification. These operations can be performed directly on data structures in the database.
The impact of climate change and its relation with evapotranspiration was evaluated in the Duero River Basin (Spain). The study shows the possible future situations 50 years from now from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The maximum temperature (Tmax), minimum temperature (Tmin), dew point (Td), wind speed (U) and net radiation (Rn) trends during the 1980-2009 period were obtained and extrapolated with the FAO-56 Penman- Montheith equation to estimate ETo. Changes in stomatal resistance in response to increases in CO2 were also considered. Four scenarios were done, considering the concentration of CO2 and the period analyzed (annual or monthly). The scenarios studied showed the changes in ETo as a consequence of the annual and monthly trends in the variables Tmax, Tmin, Td, U and Rn with current and future CO2 concentrations (372 ppm and 550 ppm). The future ETo showed increases between 118 mm (11%) and 55 mm (5%) with respect to the current situation of the river basin at 1042 mm. The months most affected by climate change are May, June, July, August and September, which also coincide with the maximum water needs of the basin?s crops
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer algunos factores de corrección que afectan el resultado de la resistencia de las probetas testigo a fin de pronosticar la resistencia a compresión in situ. Para el cumplimiento de dicho objetivo se han fabricado 30 bloques de 500x500x1000 mm en Hormigón Autocompactante (HAC) cubriendo un amplio rango de resistencias de 20 MPa a 80 MPa. De estos bloques se han extraído 360 probetas testigo con variaciones en el diámetro (50 mm, 75 mm y 100 mm), en la dirección de extracción (horizontal y vertical) y en la condición de humedad secas y húmedas). Para el pronóstico de la resistencia in situ se ha considerado el principio de superposición de efectos establecido en normas como la ACI-214.4R-10. En este sentido, para las condiciones del ensayo, se han cuantificado mediante factores de corrección los efectos generados por el diámetro y la condición de humedad del testigo en el momento del ensayo y por el nivel resistente del hormigón. Además, se ha valorado de manera conjunta la influencia de las variables intrínsecas de las probetas testigo, tales como, microfisuración, efecto pared, condiciones de contorno, etc. Los resultados indicaron que algunos factores de corrección utilizados para pronosticar la resistencia in situ, inciden de forma muy diferente en los HAC con respecto a los hormigones vibrados tradicionalmente (HVT).
Ponencia invitada sobre gestion de trafico aereo en el curso de verano de la UPM Research in Decision Support Systems for future Air Traffic Management
Nowadays "Flood Resilient (FRe) Building Technological Products" is an undefined concept, and concerned FRe solutions cannot be even easily identified. There is an interest in offering an identification and classification of the referred products, since it will be useful for stakeholders and populations at flood risk for adopting the most adequate protections when facing floods. There are many barriers for the implementation of "FRe building technological products", and particularly their standardization is still a major challenge. To put into contact such solutions with final customers, it appears necessary to protocolize them all. The classification effort achieved in this document shall be considered as a necessary preliminary step in order to open the road to the market to FRe building technological solutions.
Puesto que para determinar las demandas de ductilidad en puentes es aconsejable un método no lineal paso a paso y que un proceso de reacondicionamiento sísmico global raramente justifica estos altos costos, se propone un nuevo método simplificado que recoge las ventajas de los métodos no lineales con unos tiempos de resolución y requisitos de memoria similares a los modales-espectrales. Así, en este capítulo se muestra el método, su implementación en ordenador, sus ventajas, inconvenientes y rango de validez, y finalmente se proponen nuevas mejoras o variantes. De los resultados expuestos, al menos para la tipología de estructura analizada, se puede concluir que: 1)El método de la Rótula Plástica proporciona historias de desplazamientos, giros y energías bastantes buenos si se tiene en cuenta que se está en el campo de la Ingeniería Sísmica y que todas las características, propiedades, excitaciones, etc, contienen errores o incertidumbres grandes. 2) Gracias a ellos se puede conocer qué elementos necesitan medidas de reacondicionamiento y cuales no es necesario modificar. 3) Es un método eminentemente conservador, sobre todo en energías absorbidas y cluctiliclacles en los elementos con mayores demandas. 4) Permite obtener un mecanismo de degradación que proporcione una visión general del comportamiento del puente, muy útil en el caso de reaconclicionamiento sísmico.
In many arid or semi-arid Mediterranean regions, agriculture is dependent on irrigation. When hydrological drought phenomena occur, farmers suffer from water shortages, incurring important economic losses. Yet, there is not agricultural insurance available for lack of irrigation water. This work attempts to evaluate hydrological drought risk and its economic impact on crop production in order to provide the basis for the design of drought insurance for irrigated arable crops. With this objective a model that relates water availability with expected yields is developed. Crop water requirements are calculated from evapotranspiration, effective rainfall and soil water balance. FAO?s methodology and AquaCrop software have been used to establish the relationship between water allocations and crop yields. The analysis is applied to the irrigation zone ?Riegos de Bardenas?, which is located in the Ebro river basin, northeast Spain, to the main arable crops in the area. Results show the fair premiums of different hydrological drought insurance products. Whole-farm insurance or irrigation district insurance should be preferable to crop specific insurance due to the drought management strategies used by farmers.
Investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Valladolid
Según la FAO (Gustavsson et al., 2011) todos los años un tercio de los alimentos producidos para consumo humano se pierden o desperdician. En su informe de 2011 ?Pérdidas y desperdicio de alimentos en el mundo?, este organismo cifra en 1.300 millones de toneladas los alimentos que no llegan al consumidor final. Las altas pérdidas que se producen también en los procesos poscosecha en forma de derrames, de disminución de la calidad y/o acortamiento de la vida útil de frutas y hortalizas justifican la necesidad de invertir en el manejo y procedimientos poscosecha antes de pensar incluso en el incremento de las superficies de cultivo (Yahla, 2009).
El paradigma ecológico nos informa de que no cabe otra alternativa para integrar la AUyP en la planificación territorial. La propia planificación es un objetivo en sí misma y a la vez la principal herramienta. Es importante recalcar que el propio urbanismo como disciplina fue un logro y que muchas de las herramientas de regulación de las que se ha ido dotando han constituido una forma de defensa fundamental del territorio.
Artículo a partir de extracto de la memoria de proyecto de la rehabilitación de la nave 8B de Matadero Madrid