43 resultados para Wheat bran

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The pH, VFA concentration, total gas and met hane production were determined in the rumen of four Sicilo- Sarde rams fitted with permanent canulas. Rams received a ration that included 1.5 kg DM of oat hay and were supplemented with one of four concentrates: CC (10% barley, 43.3% corn, 25% wheat bran, 17.7% soybean meal, 4% sheep Vitamin and Mineral Mixture (VMM)), SC (66% white sorghum, 30% faba, 4% sheep VMM); TC (71% triticale, 18% faba, 7%, soybean meal, 4% VMM) or BC (71.5% barley, 17.5% faba, 7% soybean meal and 4% VMM). 50 ml samples were taken before, 2, 5 and 8 hours after the morning meal. Total gas was determined on rumen content before the morning meal. The rumen pH was statistically different (P<0.05) before and 2 hours after the morning meal among concentrates feed. It was in favour of TC and BC (P<0.05) concentrates but was comparable at the end of the day. The concentration of VFA was significantly higher (P<0.05) for diets TC and BC following the meal and became comparable among concentrates thereafter. The proportion of acetate and butyrate acids evolved in the same way during the day regardless of the regimen. The total volu me of gas was different (P<0.05) among diets, the BC showed the highest value (87.00±17.29 ml) while the lowest value was found in the TC concentrate (56.58±13.06 ml). The CH4 production for the BC was significantly different (P<0.05) from that of TC. Quantities produced by the CC and SC were similar (22.08±4.18vs . 21.16±3.21).


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Incorporation of fiber in cereals may lead to quality issues, thus decreasing consumer acceptance. This is partially due to deterioration of the microstructure, one of the primary quality attributes of cereals. The objective of this study was to better understand the mechanisms by which dietary fibers affect the quality of cereal products during extrusioncooking. The study quantified the effect of amount and type of fiber and whole grain on (i) texture, (ii) structure, and (iii) rehydration properties of extruded cereals. New innovative methods were applied and combined with traditional techniques to characterize both the structure and the rehydration properties. Extruded cereals were produced using a starch-based recipe (whole and wheat flours) and two sources of fibers (oat bran concentrate and wheat bran). The oat and wheat bran levels used in this study were 0, 10, and 20%. The different mixtures were extruded in a pilot twinscrew extruder BC21 (Clextral) and then sugar coated after drying. Mechanical properties of extruded cereals were investigated by compression test. The cellular structure was observed by X-ray tomography. The quality of coating (thickness, homogeneity) was analyzed by optical coherence tomography. The rehydration properties of such cereals in milk were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging and optical coherence tomography. This work revealed that structure assessment of extruded cereals may lead to a better understanding of the effect of fiber addition on texture and rehydration properties. The application of innovative methods, such as optical coherence tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, was found to be useful to quantify the structural properties.


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En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha estudiado el efecto de una metodología para inducir la muda en dos estirpes de gallinas ponedoras comerciales, una ligera y otra semipesada, mediante el suministro de tres alimentos: salvado de trigo, cebada en grano y un pienso comercial de ponedoras aportado en cantidad restringida. Se realizaron dos pruebas en dos lotes diferentes de gallinas. En la primera de ellas se utilizaron 472 animales (236 de cada estirpe) alojados en jaulas con cuatro o seis gallinas por jaula, con una estructura factorial 2 x 3 x 2 (2 estirpes, 3 alimentos, 2 densidades) y una duración total de 32 semanas (4 de muda y 28 de producción posmuda). En la segunda prueba fueron 432 animales los utilizados (216 de cada estirpe), alojados en grupos de cuatro aves por jaula, con una estructura factorial 2 x 3 (2 estirpes, 3 alimentos) y una duración de 27 semanas (4 de muda y 23 de producción postmuda). En los dos experimentos realizados se estudió el efecto del uso de los alimentos citados para inducir de la muda sobre los resultados cuantitativos: pérdida de peso vivo durante la muda e intensidad de puesta, peso medio del huevo y masa de huevo diaria, durante y después de la muda, así como la distribución de la puesta en clases comerciales durante el segundo ciclo de puesta. Así como sobre los resultados cualitativos después de la muda: color de la cáscara de los huevos morenos, espesor de la cáscara, peso específico del huevo, altura del albumen, unidades Haugh y color de la yema. En la primera prueba se estudió, además, el efecto que la inducción de la muda mediante los tres alimentos considerados tuvo sobre la regresión del aparato reproductor de las gallinas durante este período de muda. En el primer experimento se observaron diferencias entre estirpes. Las gallinas ligeras tuvieron una más rápida regresión del aparato reproductor (ovario+oviducto) (P=0,003) que las semipesadas, aunque la regresión total no presentó diferencias significativas. Las gallinas semipesadas tuvieron mejores resultados después de la muda en intensidad de puesta (P<0,0001), en peso medio del huevo (P<0,0001) y en masa de huevo diaria (P=0,0002). También hubo diferencias significativas para las variables cualitativas espesor de la cáscara (mayor en huevos de gallinas semipesadas) mientras que los huevos procedentes de gallinas ligeras presentaron mejores valores de altura del albumen, de unidades Haugh y de color de yema; todas estas variables tuvieron un nivel de significación P<0,0001. El suministro restringido de pienso dio lugar a un mayor porcentaje de pérdida de peso vivo (P<0,0001) aunque la regresión de los órganos del aparato reproductor fue la más baja (P<0,003), no habiéndose encontrado diferencias entre los otros dos alimentos utilizados. Con este alimento también fue más lenta (P<0,0001) la disminución de la puesta durante la muda, aunque fue mayor la producción durante el segundo ciclo (P<0,0001). La única variable cualitativa afectada fue el espesor de cáscara (P<0,0001), con valores más altos en los huevos producidos por las gallinas mudadas con cebada. Los grupos de seis gallinas por jaula produjeron más huevos durante la muda (P<0,0001) aunque después de ésta la densidad de animales no tuvo efecto significativo, como tampoco lo hubo sobre los parámetros de calidad del huevo. En la segunda prueba las gallinas semipesadas experimentaron un menor porcentaje de pérdida de peso corporal (P<0,01) pero tuvieron mayores índices de puesta (P<0,001) y de huevos clasificables (P<0,001) durante la muda. En cambio, durante el segundo ciclo de producción las gallinas ligeras produjeron más huevos (P=0,0041), de menor peso (P<0,02) y con menor consumo de pienso (P<0,001). Los huevos puestos por las gallinas semipesadas tuvieron mayor espesor de cáscara y mayor color de yema, pero peor calidad de albumen (P<0,0001). La mayor pérdida de peso la experimentaron las gallinas mudadas con salvado (P<0,02). La producción durante la muda fue mayor (P<0,001) en las gallinas que consumieron pienso en cantidad restringida y también fueron las que tuvieron menor intensidad de puesta (P<0,006) y masa de huevo diaria (P<0,042) durante el segundo ciclo. El tratamiento de muda no tuvo efecto significativo sobre la calidad del huevo en esta segunda prueba. La principal conclusión que merece destacarse es que es posible inducir la muda a las gallinas ponedoras utilizando alimentos bajos en energía o en proteína, o altos en fibra, con un porcentaje de pérdida de peso vivo no tan alta como las recomendaciones tradicionales, y alcanzar buenos resultados productivos, tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos, durante el segundo ciclo de puesta. ABSTRACT Present Doctoral Thesis has studied the effect of a methodology to induce molting in two strains of commercial laying hens, one light and another semi-heavy one, through the provision of three feed: wheat bran, barley grain and a commercial laying hens feed provided in limited quantity. Two tests were performed in two different lots of layers. In the first 472 animals were used (236 of each strain) housed in cages with four or six hens per cage, with a structure 2 x 3 x 2 factorial (2 strains, 3 meals, 2 densities) and a total duration of 32 weeks (4 of molt and 28 of postmolting). In the second test 432 animals were used (216 each strain), housed in groups of four birds per cage, with a structure factorial 2 x 3 (2 strain, 3 meals) along 27 weeks (4 of molt and 23 of postmolting). In both experiments, we studied the effect of the use of above mentioned foods to induce molting on the quantitative results: body weight lost during the molt and laying index, average egg weight and egg mass daily during and after the molt, as well as on grading in commercial classes during the second laying cycle. As well as on qualitative outcomes after the molt: colour of Brown eggsshell, shell thickness, specific density, albumen height, Haugh units and yolk colour. In the first test was studied, in addition, the effect of induction of molting through the three feed considered on the regression of the reproductive tract of hens during molting period. In the first experiment, differences between strains were observed. Light hens had a faster regression of the reproductive tract (ovary+oviduct) (P=0,003) than semi-heavy hens, although the total regression did not present significant differences. Semi-heavy hens had better outcomes after the molt in laying index (P<0.0001), in average egg weight (P<0.0001) and daily egg mass (P=0, 0002). There were also significant differences for the qualitative variables (higher in semi-heavy hen eggs) as shell thickness while light chicken eggs showed better values of albumen height, Haugh units and yolk color; all these variables had the same level of significance (P<0.0001). Restricted supply of layer feed resulted in a greater percentage of live weight loss (P<0.0001) although the regression of the reproductive organs was the lowest (P<0.003), having not found differences between the other two feed used. With this food decreasing of laying during molting period was also slower (P<0.0001), although production was higher during the second cycle (P < 0.0001). The only qualitative variable affected was shell thickness (P<0.0001), with higher values in the eggs produced by hens molted with barley. Groups of six hens per cage produced more eggs during the moult (P<0.0001) but after this animal density had no significant effect, as neither had it on egg quality parameters. In the second trial hens semi-heavy experienced a lower percentage of body weight loss (P<0.01) but had higher rates of egg production (P<0.001) and of grading eggs (P<0.001) during the moult. On the other hand, during the second production cycle light hens produced more eggs (P=0,0041), of lower weight (P < 0.02) and with less feed intake (P<0.001). Eggs from semi-heavy hens had thicker shell and greater color yolk, but poorer quality of albumen (P<0.0001). The greater weight loss was experimented by the hens molted with wheat bran (P=0.02). Production during molting period was greater (P<0.001) in hens which consumed feed in restricted quantities and were also less the laying index (P=0.006) and daily egg mass (P=0.042) during the second cycle. The molting treatment had no significative effect on the quality of the egg in this second test. The main conclusion that deserves to stand out is that it is possible to induce molting hens using foods low in energy or in protein or high in fiber, with a percentage of live weight loss not as high as the traditional recommendations, and achieve good productive, both quantitative and qualitative results during the second implementation cycle.


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La producción de huevos disminuye a medida que las ponedoras envejecen. Un método para contrarrestar, al menos parcialmente, esta evolución natural del rendimiento productivo es la muda inducida. El retorno a la puesta de las gallinas tras la muda se debe a un proceso de rejuvenecimiento fisiológico de las aves, relacionado con la regresión del ovario y del oviducto durante la muda, siendo la pérdida de peso corporal decisiva para la regresión de estos órganos. En este trabajo estudiamos los efectos de 3 dietas distintas, utilizadas para inducir la muda (salvado de trigo, cebada y pienso comercial suministrado de forma restringida), sobre la pérdida de peso vivo, sobre la regresión del ovario y del oviducto, y sobre los rendimientos productivos posteriores, en gallinas ponedoras de 2 estirpes comerciales, alojadas con dos densidades diferentes (4 y 6 gallinas, por jaula). Se trabajó con 192 gallinas de cada estirpe, sacrificándose 36 animales (18+18) para poder evaluar la regresión del ovario-oviducto. La estirpe no tuvo influencia significativa sobre el porcentaje de pérdida de peso corporal, aunque sí sobre la pérdida de peso del oviducto y sobre la intensidad de puesta (IP) del segundo ciclo productivo. La menor pérdida de peso se produjo con el salvado y con la cebada, aunque la intensidad de puesta (IP) no varió entre tratamientos, excepto en gallinas ligeras mudadas con salvado de trigo, que alcanzaron una IP significativamente menor. Tampoco tuvo efecto significativo el número de gallinas por jaula sobre la IP, ni sobre la pérdida de peso. Egg production lows according layers get older. Induced moulting is a method to counteract this, at least partially. Production after moulting is due a process of physiologic rejuvenation of birds, connected with ovary and oviduct regression during the moult. Body weight loss is decisive for this process. We studied the effect of three different feed used to induce moulting (wheat bran, barley and restricted layer diet) on body weight loss, ovary and oviduct regression, and performance after moulting. 192 layers of two strains were used, housed in cages with 4 ó 6 birds per cage. 36 layers were euthanized to evaluate the reproductive tissues regression. Strain had not significative influence on body weight loss, but it had on ovary and oviduct weight losses, and on egg production (%) of second cycle of laying. The less body weight loss was in layers moulted with wheat bran and of that with barley. Egg production (%) was not different between treatments. Number of bird per cage had not significative effect on production and body, ovary and oviduct weight losses.


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Microbial corrected in situ estimatesof the ruminal undegraded fraction (RU) and intestinal effectivedigestibility (IED) of amino acids (AA), except tryptophan, of rye, wheat and corn grains, wheat bran, wheat and barley distilled dried grains and corn gluten feed were measured on three rumen- and duodenum-cannulated wethers using 15N-labelling techniques and considering ruminal rates of particle comminution and outflow.


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A total of 106 potential duplicate cases involved 277 accessions were detected on the basis of passport data in the durum wheat collection maintained in the CRF-INIA. Similarity between accessions was measured by agro-morphological traits. The 90% of the agro-morphological duplication were verified with gliadin proteins, allowing identification of similar material with greater refinement than agro-morphological data. However, the results indicated not to decide for rationalisation only on the basis of molecular data.


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A total of 106 potential duplicate cases involved 277 accessions were detected on the basis of passport data in the durum wheat collection maintained in the CRF-INIA. Similarity between accessions was measured by agro-morphological traits. The 90% of the agro-morphological duplication were verified with gliadin proteins, allowing identification of similar material with greater refinement than agro-morphological data. However, the results indicated not to decide for rationalisation only on the basis of molecular data


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This work studied the combined use of gliadins and SSRs to analyse inter- and intra-accession variability of the Spanish collection of cultivated einkorn (Triticum monococcum L. ssp. monococcum) maintained at the CRF-INIA. In general, gliadin loci presented higher discrimination power than SSRs, reflecting the high variability of the gliadins. The loci on chromosome 6A were the most polymorphic with similar PIC values for both marker systems, showing that these markers are very useful for genetic variability studies in wheat. The gliadin results indicated that the Spanish einkorn collection possessed high genetic diversity, being the differentiation large between varieties and small within them. Some associations between gliadin alleles and geographical and agro-morphological data were found. Agro-morphological relations were also observed in the clusters of the SSRs dendrogram. A high concordance was found between gliadins and SSRs for genotype identification. In addition, both systems provide complementary information to resolve the different cases of intra-accession variability not detected at the agro-morphological level, and to identify separately all the genotypes analysed. The combined use of both genetic markers is an excellent tool for genetic resource evaluation in addition to agro-morphological evaluation.


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A subset of durum wheat Spanish landraces, previously evaluated for yield at low and high nitrogen (N) levels, was analysed for quality, protein content (P) and sodium dodecyl sulphate sedimentation (SDSS) test. The evaluation was carried out at the two N rates and in two years. The influence of prolamin alleles at the Glu-1, Glu-3, Glu-B2 and Gli-1 loci on quality parameters was also studied. The non significant Variety-by-Year or Variety-by-N interactions suggested that year and N affected all the varieties in a similar manner. Year and N effects were larger than variety effect for P, which increased with N. In contrast, variety genotype exhibited a stronger influence on SDSS test, which was not affected by year and fertilizer. Variety effects on P did not reflect the variety differences for SDSS test. A high positive influence of some prolamin alleles on quality parameters was detected, mainly for SDSS values. No correlation between yield and P was detected in the landraces adapted to low N. Based on the results of yield and quality evaluations, four landraces with high yield and high gluten strength were pre-selected for low N production.


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Reducing duplication in ex-situ collections is complicated and requires good quality genetic markers. This study was conducted to assess the value of endosperm proteins and SSRs for validation of potential duplicates and monitoring intra-accession variability. Fifty durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) accessions grouped in 23 potential duplicates, and previously characterised for 30 agro-morphological traits, were analysed for gliadin and high molecular weight glutenin (HMWG) subunit alleles, total protein, and 24 SSRs, covering a wide genome area. Similarity and dissimilarity matrices were generated based on protein and SSRs alleles. For heterogeneous accessions at gliadins the percent pattern homology (PH) between gliadin patterns and the Nei’s coefficient of genetic identity (I) were computed. Eighteen duplicates identical for proteins showed none or less than 3 unshared SSRs alleles. For heterogeneous accessions PH and I values lower than 80 identified clearly off-types with more than 3 SSRs unshared. Only those biotypes differing in no more than one protein-coding locus were confirmed with SSRs. A good concordance among proteins, morphological traits, and SSR were detected. However, the discrepancy in similarity detected in some cases showed that it is advisable to evaluate redundancy through distinct approaches. The analysis in proteins together with SSRs data are very useful to identify duplicates, biotypes, close related genotypes, and contaminations


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In this work gliadin proteins were used to analyse the genetic variability in a sample of the durum wheat Spanish collection conserved at the CRF-INIA. In total 38 different alleles were identified at the loci Gli-A1, Gli-A3, Gli-B5, Gli-B1, Gli-A2 and Gli-B2. All the gliadin loci were polymorphic, possessed large genetic diversity and small and large differentiation within and between varieties, respectively. The Gli-A2 and Gli-B2 loci were the most polymorphic, the most fixed within varieties and the most useful to distinguish among varieties. Alternatively, Gli-B1 locus presented the least genetic variability out of the four main loci Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-A2 and Gli-B2. The Gli-B1 alleles coding for the gliadin γ-45, associated with good quality, had an accumulated frequency of 69.7%, showing that the Spanish germplasm could be a good source for breeding quality. The Spanish landraces studied showed new gliadin alleles not catalogued so far. These new alleles might be associated with specific Spanish environment factors. The large number of new alleles identified also indicates that durum wheat Spanish germplasm is rather unique.


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Ozone stomatal fluxes were modeled for a 3-year period following different approaches for a commercial variety of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf. cv. Camacho) at the phenological stage of anthesis. All models performed in the same range, although not all of them afforded equally significant results. Nevertheless, all of them suggest that stomatal conductance would account for the main percentage of ozone deposition fluxes. A new modeling approach was tested, based on a 3-D architectural model of the wheat canopy, and fairly accurate results were obtained. Plant species-specific measurements, as well as measurements of stomatal conductance and environmental parameters, were required. The method proposed for calculating ozone stomatal fluxes (FO(3_3-D)) from experimental gs data and modeling them as a function of certain environmental parameters in conjunction with the use of the YPLANT model seems to be adequate, providing realistic estimates of the canopy FO(3_3-D), integrating and not neglecting the contribution of the lower leaves with respect to the flag leaf, although a further development of this model is needed.


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The approach developed by Fuhrer in 1995 to estimate wheat yield losses induced by ozone and modulated by the soil water content (SWC) was applied to the data on Catalonian wheat yields. The aim of our work was to apply this approach and adjust it to Mediterranean environmental conditions by means of the necessary corrections. The main objective pursued was to prove the importance of soil water availability in the estimation of relative wheat yield losses as a factor that modifies the effects of tropospheric ozone on wheat, and to develop the algorithms required for the estimation of relative yield losses, adapted to the Mediterranean environmental conditions. The results show that this is an easy way to estimate relative yield losses just using meteorological data, without using ozone fluxes, which are much more difficult to calculate. Soil water availability is very important as a modulating factor of the effects of ozone on wheat; when soil water availability decreases, almost twice the amount of accumulated exposure to ozone is required to induce the same percentage of yield loss as in years when soil water availability is high.


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Background Gliadins are a major component of gluten proteins but their role in the mixing of dough is not well understood because their contribution to wheat flour functional properties are not as clear as for the glutenin fraction. Methodology/Principal Findings Transgenic lines of bread wheat with γ-gliadins suppressed by RNAi are reported. The effects on the gluten protein composition and on technological properties of flour were analyzed by RP-HPLC, by sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation (SDSS) test and by Mixograph analysis. The silencing of γ-gliadins by RNAi in wheat lines results in an increase in content of all other gluten proteins. Despite the gluten proteins compensation, in silico analysis of amino acid content showed no difference in the γ-gliadins silenced lines. The SDSS test and Mixograph parameters were slightly affected by the suppression of γ-gliadins. Conclusions/Significance Therefore, it is concluded that γ-gliadins do not have an essential functional contribution to the bread-making quality of wheat dough, and their role can be replaced by other gluten proteins


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Advanced wheat lines carrying the Hessian fly resistance gene H27 were obtained by backcrossing the wheat/Aegilops ventricosa introgression line, H-93-33, to commercial wheat cultivars as recurrent parents. The Acph-N v 1 marker linked to the gene H27 on the 4Nv chromosome of this line was used for marker assisted selection. Advanced lines were evaluated for Hessian fly resistance in field and growth chamber tests, and for other agronomic traits during several crop seasons at different localities of Spain. The hessian fly resistance levels of lines carrying the 4Nv chromosome introgression (4D/4Nv substitution and recombination lines that previously were classified by in situ hybridisation) were high, but always lower than that of their Ae. ventricosa progenitor. Introgression lines had higher grain yields in infested field trials than those without the 4Nv chromosome and their susceptible parents, but lower grain yields under high yield potential conditions. The 4Nv introgression was also associated with later heading, and lower tiller and grain numbers/m2 . In addition, it was associated with longer and more lax spikes, and higher values of grain weight and grain protein content. However, the glutenin and gliadin expression, as well as the bread-making performance, were similar to those of their recurrent parents