3 resultados para Weyl, Herman: Symmetria

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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RESUMEN. Esta investigación se propone analizar las estrategias mediante las cuales Herman Hertzberger construye una arquitectura, que pese a su concreción y materialidad física, consideramos inacabada. Una arquitectura que recoge el legado del Team 10 y se fundamenta en una estructura permanente que permite ser rellenada de diferentes maneras a lo largo del tiempo. Inacabada porque necesita de la interpretación del usuario para adquirir su significado, porque incita al habitante a participar en la determinación de su entorno y porque es capaz de absorber el cambio, adaptándose a diferentes situaciones. ABSTRACT. This research aims to analyze the strategies by which Herman Hertzberger build an architecture, which despite its concreteness and physicality, we consider unfinished. An architecture that reflects the legacy of Team 10 and is based on a permanent structure that can be filled in different ways over time. Unfinished because it needs the interpretation of the user to acquire its meaning, because it encourages the inhabitant to participate in the determination of their environment and because it is able to absorb change, adapting to different situations.


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El presente trabajo tiene por objeto detectar la medida de la capacidad evolutiva de Hertzberger con respecto a los postulados teóricos de sus maestros a principios de la década de 1960. Su figura, vinculada al grupo de modo directo pero sin llegar a un grado vinculante, permite el rastreo de un modo de proyectar arquitectura que ha visto alterada su materialización. El seguimiento de los enunciados, el rastreo de una trayectoria previa y la detección de anomalías en este período serán las claves con las que contará este trabajo para avalar o no la hipótesis inicial de continuidad. ABSTRACT. This paper aims to detect the extent of the evolving capacity of Hertzberger regarding the theoretical postulates of his teachers in the early 1960s. His figure, linked directly to the group without actually binding degree, allows tracking of a way of designing architecture that has been altered to materialize. Tracking statements, tracing a prior path and anomaly detection in this period will be the keys with which this paper will to endorse or not the initial hypothesis of continuity.


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There are described equations for a pair comprising a Riemannian metric and a Killing field on a surface that contain as special cases the Einstein Weyl equations (in the sense of D. Calderbank) and a real version of a special case of the Abelian vortex equations, and it is shown that the property that a metric solve these equations is preserved by the Ricci flow. The equations are solved explicitly, and among the metrics obtained are all steady gradient Ricci solitons (e.g. the cigar soliton) and the sausage metric; there are found other examples of eternal, ancient, and immortal Ricci flows, as well as some Ricci flows with conical singularities.