6 resultados para Usability tests

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Ubiquitous computing (one person, many computers) is the third era in the history of computing. It follows the mainframe era (many people, one computer) and the PC era (one person, one computer). Ubiquitous computing empowers people to communicate with services by interacting with their surroundings. Most of these so called smart environments contain sensors sensing users’ actions and try to predict the users’ intentions and necessities based on sensor data. The main drawback of this approach is that the system might perform unexpected or unwanted actions, making the user feel out of control. In this master thesis we propose a different procedure based on Interactive Spaces: instead of predicting users’ intentions based on sensor data, the system reacts to users’ explicit predefined actions. To that end, we present REACHeS, a server platform which enables communication among services, resources and users located in the same environment. With REACHeS, a user controls services and resources by interacting with everyday life objects and using a mobile phone as a mediator between himself/herself, the system and the environment. REACHeS’ interfaces with a user are built upon NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. NFC tags are attached to objects in the environment. A tag stores commands that are sent to services when a user touches the tag with his/her NFC enabled device. The prototypes and usability tests presented in this thesis show the great potential of NFC to build such user interfaces.


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This demo presents BatNet, a 6LoWPAN Wireless Transducer Network, in a Home Automation context. Its suitability for such application is shown by means of several performance and usability tests.


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Este trabajo trata cómo se pueden aplicar las técnicas de análisis de usabilidad al desarrollo de plataformas web. Actualmente es común que los servicios sean ofrecidos mediante plataformas web para un grupo muy heterogéneo de personas. Por otra parte, los análisis de usabilidad son una herramienta muy útil para conocer cómo interactúan las personas con los ordenadores y mejorar el diseño de las aplicaciones. Realizar un buen diseño permite mejorar la experiencia de usuario, factor fundamental para el éxito de cualquier producto que requiera interacción con el usuario. A continuación se describen las diferentes fases de los test de usabilidad y se detalla cómo han sido aplicadas durante el desarrollo del proyecto. Finalmente, se presentarán los resultados obtenidos durante la evaluación de la plataforma y el análisis de los mismos indicando cómo han afectado al diseño de la plataforma. ---ABSTRACT---This document discusses how to apply usability test techniques over web platform development. Nowadays, it is common that services are offered through web platforms for a large group of heterogeneous people. Moreover, usability tests are a very useful tool to understand human-computer interaction and improve the design of the applications. A good design can improve user experience, which is essential for the success of any product that requires user interaction. The following pages describes the different phases of usability testing and detail how these have been applied during the development of the project. Finally, the results obtained during the platform evaluation are presented and analysed, explaining how they have affected the design of the platform.


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Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are sensitive self-service systems that require important investments in security and testing. ATM certifications are testing processes for machines that integrate software components from different vendors and are performed before their deployment for public use. This project was originated from the need of optimization of the certification process in an ATM manufacturing company. The process identifies compatibility problems between software components through testing. It is composed by a huge number of manual user tasks that makes the process very expensive and error-prone. Moreover, it is not possible to fully automate the process as it requires human intervention for manipulating ATM peripherals. This project presented important challenges for the development team. First, this is a critical process, as all the ATM operations rely on the software under test. Second, the context of use of ATMs applications is vastly different from ordinary software. Third, ATMs’ useful lifetime is beyond 15 years and both new and old models need to be supported. Fourth, the know-how for efficient testing depends on each specialist and it is not explicitly documented. Fifth, the huge number of tests and their importance implies the need for user efficiency and accuracy. All these factors led us conclude that besides the technical challenges, the usability of the intended software solution was critical for the project success. This business context is the motivation of this Master Thesis project. Our proposal focused in the development process applied. By combining user-centered design (UCD) with agile development we ensured both the high priority of usability and the early mitigation of software development risks caused by all the technology constraints. We performed 23 development iterations and finally we were able to provide a working solution on time according to users’ expectations. The evaluation of the project was carried out through usability tests, where 4 real users participated in different tests in the real context of use. The results were positive, according to different metrics: error rate, efficiency, effectiveness, and user satisfaction. We discuss the problems found, the benefits and the lessons learned in the process. Finally, we measured the expected project benefits by comparing the effort required by the current and the new process (once the new software tool is adopted). The savings corresponded to 40% less effort (man-hours) per certification. Future work includes additional evaluation of product usability in a real scenario (with customers) and the measuring of benefits in terms of quality improvement.


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El mundo de la web admite actualmente los productos desarrollados tanto por desarrolladores profesionales como por usuarios finales con un conocimiento más limitado. A pesar de la diferencia que se puede suponer de calidad entre los productos de ambos, las dos soluciones pueden ser reconocidas y empleadas en una aplicación. En la Web 2.0, este comportamiento se observa en el desarrollo de componentes web. Lo que se persigue en el trabajo es desarrollar un modelo de persistencia que, apoyado por un lado servidor y por uno cliente, recoja las métricas de calidad de los componentes cuando los usuarios interaccionan con ellos. A partir de estas métricas, es posible mejorar la calidad de estos componentes. La forma en la que se van a recoger las métricas es a través de PicBit, la aplicación desarrollada para que los usuarios puedan interconectar diferentes componentes entre ellos sin restricciones, de forma que tras interactuar con ellos puedan expresar su grado de satisfacción, que se recoge para la evaluación de la calidad. Se definen también unas métricas intrínsecas al componente, no determinadas por el usuario y que sirven como referencia de la evaluación. Cuando se tienen tanto las métricas intrínsecas como procedentes del usuario, se realiza una correlación entre ellas que permite analizar las posibles desviaciones entre ellas y determinar la calidad propia del componente. Las conclusiones que se pueden obtener del trabajo es que cuando los usuarios pueden realizar pruebas de usabilidad de forma libre, sin restricciones, es mayor la posibilidad de obtener resultados favorables porque estos resultados muestran cómo usará un usuario final la aplicación. Este método de trabajo se ve favorecido por el número de herramientas que se pueden utilizar hoy para monitorizar el flujo de usuario en el servicio.---ABSTRACT---Nowadays, the web world deals with products developed both by professional developers and by end-users with some limited knowledge. Although the difference between both can be important in quality terms, both are accepted and included in web applications. In web 2.0, this behavior can be recognized in the web components development. The goal pursued in the work presented is to create a persistent model that, supported by an end and a back side, will pick the quality measures of the components when the users interact with them. These measures are the starting point for improving the components. The way in which the measures are going to be picked is through PicBit, the application we have developed in order to allow the users playing with the components without restrictions or rules, so after the interaction they can give their satisfaction mark with the application. This will be the value used to evaluate the quality. Some own measures are also defined, which does not depend on the user and which will be used as a reference point of the evaluation. When the measures from users and own ones are got, their correlation is analyzed to study the differences between them and to establish the quality of the component. The conclusion that can be gained from the project is the importance of giving freedom for users when doing usability tests because it increases the chance to get positive results, in the way the users execute the operations they want with the application. This method is fortunate for having such a number of tools to monitor the user flow when using the service.


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Durante el siglo XXI hemos sido testigos de cambios con una gran trascendencia en el campo de las tecnologías tanto a nivel de hardware como software, aunque uno de los más notables ha sido el cambio del paradigma de la distribución del software, donde la instalación de herramientas de escritorio queda relegada a un segundo plano y toman fuerza las aplicaciones que consumen servicios web o que, simplemente, son aplicaciones web, que no requieren de un proceso de instalación y siempre que tengamos una conexión a internet activa podremos acceder a nuestra aplicación y datos, sin importar desde donde nos conectemos. Gracias a este cambio, últimamente han proliferado distintas tecnologías para la creación de aplicaciones web, entre estas encontramos los componentes web basados en tecnología Polymer como herramienta para el desarrollo de aplicaciones modulares y componentes reutilizables en distintos sitios web, modificando y añadiendo funcionalidad a las etiquetas de HTML, de esta manera una vez desarrollado un componente, volver a utilizarlo es realizar un trabajo de unos cuantos segundo añadiendo la etiqueta necesaria en nuestro código HTML, esta ventaja es la principal característica de Polymer. En paralelo al desarrollo de tecnologías web, y gracias a su masificación, se han generado herramientas y frameworks a través de los cuales se pueden desarrollar aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles mediante tecnologías web, esto beneficia directamente a los ecosistemas de desarrolladores, herramientas, frameworks y aplicaciones ya que los hace más amplios y accesibles a todo aquel que sea capaz de programar una aplicación web basada en HTML, CSS y Javascript. El objetivo de este trabajo es generar un canal de movilidad definiendo una metodología eficaz para portar las ventajas de los componentes web de Polymer a entornos móviles, conservando su capacidad de ser reutilizados de manera sencilla y sin perder, dentro de lo posible, la usabilidad de los mismos teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de los dispositivos móviles, esto se realizará mediante pruebas de usabilidad para posteriormente validar la metodología generada aplicándola a un caso real.---ABSTRACT---During 21st century we have witness the important changes in technologies field, involving both hardware and software level, but one of the most relevant ones has been the software distribution paradigm change, where desktop tools has lost their importance to benefit web services or just web applications, among which the web components are included. Web components are based on Polymer technology as its main tool for developing modular applications and reusable components in different web sites, adding and modifying functionality to HTML tags. So, when a components is developed, reusing it is possible just adding its correspondant tag inour HTML code. This is the main Polymer feature. As web technologies grow, different tools and frameworks has been created. They can be used to develop applications for web devices though web technologies, which is a benefit for developer, tools, frameworks and applications ecosystems, in such a way this new tools make them wider and more accessible for every one able to develop web applications with HTML, CSS and Javascript languages. The goal of this work is to generate a mobility channel defining an efficient methodology to carry the Polymer web components advantages to mobile environments, keeping their features of being reused in an easy way and without losing, when possible, their usability being aware the special features of mobile devices. This work will be evaluated through usability tests to validate then the generated methodology applying it to a real case.