17 resultados para Uranium mines and mining.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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We studied the situation in Spanish public universities regarding the use of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), as an instrument of control and strategic management. Also, we studied its application to the School of Mines and Energy at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The main advantage of the BSC is that improves the organizational structure of the workplace and the achievement of the objectives that ensure long-term success. First we review the strategy for success used in the Spanish educational system and specifically in the Spanish public universities. Then using the BSC and applying the main strategic lines for the successful management of the School of Mines and Energy at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The strategic lines affect all the college groups and the success of the BSC tool is to increase communication between the faculties, personal auxiliary, students and society in general that make up the university. First we performed a SWOT analysis (DAFO in Spanish) there are proposed different perspectives that focus the long-term strategic objectives. The BSC is designed based on the strategic objectives that set the direction through using indicators and initiatives, the goals are achieved up to the programmed schedule. In the perspective of teaching, objectives are set to update facilities and increase partnerships with other universities and businesses, encouraging ongoing training of staff and improved coordination and internal communication. The internal process perspective aims at improving the marketing, the promotion of the international dimension of the school through strategic alliances, better mobility for students and professors and improved teaching and research quality results. It continues with improving the image of the school between customer?s perspective, the quality perceived by students and the loyalty of the teaching staff by retaining talent. Finally, the financial perspective which should contain costs without harming the quality, improving the employability of students and achieve relevant jobs at teaching and research through international measurement standards.


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Underground coal mines explosions generally arise from the inflammation of a methane/air mixture. This explosion can also generate a subsequent coal dust explosion. Traditionally such explosions have being fought eliminating one or several of the factors needed by the explosion to take place. Although several preventive measures are taken to prevent explosions, other measures should be considered to reduce the effects or even to extinguish the flame front. Unlike other protection methods that remove one or two of the explosion triangle elements, namely; the ignition source, the oxidizing agent and the fuel, explosion barriers removes all of them: reduces the quantity of coal in suspension, cools the flame front and the steam generated by vaporization removes the oxygen present in the flame. The present paper is essentially based on the comprehensive state-of–the-art of Protective Systems in underground coal mines, and particularly on the application of Explosion Barriers to improve safety level in Spanish coal mining industry. After an exhaustive study of series EN 14591 standards covering explosion prevention and protection in underground mines, authors have proven explosion barriers effectiveness in underground galleries by Full Scale Tests performed in Polish Barbara experimental mine, showing that the barriers can reduce the effects of methane and/or flammable coal dust explosions to a satisfactory safety level.


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La actividad minera tiene un gran impacto sobre el territorio, probablemente más que ninguna otra de las actividades humanas, ya que transforma el espacio en todas sus dimensiones: ecológica, ambiental, social y económica. Cuando la reducción de la rentabilidad de la explotación conduce al cierre de ésta, la repercusión sobre su entorno puede llegar a ser brutal. Pero las explotaciones mineras son muy distintas entre ellas y los efectos que su abandono producen sobre el espacio en la que se enclavan pueden ser diversos, por lo que la decisión sobre el futuro de estas áreas no es simple y evidente. Aquí se propone desarrollar una propuesta de clasificación tipológica de las minas y sus regiones con el objetivo de determinar las estrategias de intervención más adecuadas para el futuro de estos espacios y sus habitantes. En concreto se busca diferenciar los conceptos de Mina, Parque Minero, Espacio Minero y Región Minera, todos ellos fruto de la interacción de la huella de la actividad minera con el medio físico, los enclaves urbanizados, y la estructura socioeconómica de la región en la que se enclavan. Mining activity is having a great impact on the territory, probably more than any other human activity, which transforms the space in all of its dimensions, ecological, environmental, social and economic. When reducing the profitability of the operation leads to the conclusion thereof, the impact on the environment can be brutal. But mining are very different between them and the effects they produce on their abandonment in space that interlock can be diverse, so the decision on the future of these areas is not simple and obvious. This proposal aims to develop a typological classification of mines and their regions in order to determine the most appropriate intervention strategies for the future of these spaces and their inhabitants. Specifically, it seeks to differentiate the concepts of Mine, Mining Park, Space Miner and Mining Region, all the result of the interaction of the mining footprint with the physical environment, the urbanized enclaves, and the socio-economic structure of the region which interlock. El presente libro reúne las ponencias presentadas por los investigadores de la red REUSE dentro del 1er Simposio de Reutilización del Espacio Minero; evento organizado por la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) en Belo Horizonte, entre el 1 y el 3 de octubre de 2012, en el marco del 1er Seminario Internacional de Reconversión de Territorios. La red REUSE es una red realizada gracias a la financiación del programa CYTED


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The Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant was a largest uranium processing enterprises, producing a huge amount of uranium residues. The Zapadnoe tailings site contains the majority of these residues. We propose a theoretical framework based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and fuzzy logic to analyse different remediation alternatives for the Zapadnoe tailings, in which potentially conflicting economic, radiological, social and environmental objectives are simultaneously taken into account. An objective hierarchy is built that includes all the relevant aspects. Fuzzy rather than precise values are proposed for use to evaluate remediation alternatives against the different criteria and to quantify preferences, such as the weights representing the relative importance of criteria identified in the objective hierarchy. Finally, it is proposed that remediation alternatives should be evaluated by means of a fuzzy additive multi-attribute utility function and ranked on the basis of the respective trapezoidal fuzzy number representing their overall utility.


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La Comunidad de Madrid ha tenido un pasado minero importante que ha dejado su vestigio en el territorio. Actualmente la explotación de minerales no metálicos y de rocas industriales y ornamentales continúa, pero no así la de la minería metálica que en el pasado fue abundante. Hoy en día todas estas minas están abandonadas, dando lugar a zonas degradadas con un elevado riesgo para la seguridad de las personas y de los animales terrestres que habitan por sus inmediaciones, y necesitan ser intervenidas atendiendo, además, a su integración o recuperación ecológica y paisajística en el territorio. El principal propósito de esta tesis es conocer la situación actual que presentan las minas abandonadas de metales y proponer unos modelos de actuación para la rehabilitación e integración de los espacios mineros abandonados de la Comunidad de Madrid, cuya ventaja también estriba en su posible extrapolación a otras aéreas de gestión con una problemática similar. Partiendo de una selección de cincuenta y siete minas de interior metálicas abandonadas, se ha hecho un diagnostico en función de su seguridad (riesgo), interés cultural, arqueológico e histórico y por su afección a espacios protegidos, resultando que en todas, excepto en tres de ellas, es preciso llevar a cabo medidas protectoras y de restauración e integración en el medio ambiente. El conjunto de minas catalogadas de alto riesgo para la seguridad son veintitrés, y sobre ellas se ha realizado un Análisis Clúster, en el que además de los criterios de gestión formulados: seguridad, protección del patrimonio minero-industrial e integración ecológico-paisajística, se han incorporado otros modificadores como distancia a poblaciones, caminos, pistas y vías pecuarias, y accesibilidad. Con los resultados de este análisis se obtienen una clasificación por grupos de las minas en relación con las características intrínsecas de las explotaciones preseleccionadas y la tipología de problemas que presentan, y a partir de ella se plantean soluciones viables que se concretan en la redacción de una serie de anteproyectos tipo. Una de las principales aportaciones es que se trata de un modelo de inventariocaracterización- actuación extrapolable a otros entornos similares con problemáticas parecidas. Las propuestas de actuación que figuran en los anteproyectos tipo se proponen como medidas aplicables en situaciones similares. La tesis además también incorpora una base de datos georreferenciada que permite la localización de las explotaciones mineras abandonadas, el acceso rápido a sus características y a la propuesta de restauración correspondiente. ABSTRACT The Community of Madrid had an important mining past that left its traces in the territory. Currently the explotation of non-metallic minerals and industrial and ornamental rocks continues, but not so much with the metal deposits that were abundant in the past. Today these mines are abandoned, resulting in degraded areas with a high risk to the safety of nearby people and animals that inhabit its vicinity, and they need to be intervened, by tending to their environment integration or ecological and landscape recovery. The main objective of this thesis is to know the current situation of abandoned metal mines and propose an action model for the rehabilitation and integration of abandoned mining areas of the Community of Madrid, whose advantage also is its possible extrapolation to other management areas with similar problems. From a selection of fifty-seven abandoned metal mines, a diagnosis has been made, based on safety (risk), cultural, archaeological and historical interests and how it can be related to protected areas, resulting that all but three of them need measures of protection, restoration and integration to the environment. The set of mines that are classified as a high security risk are twenty-three, and it has been made on them an Cluster Analysis, as in addition to the management formulated criteria, such as safety, protection of mining and industrial heritage and eco-landscape integration, it has been incorporated other modifying variables, such as distance to populations, roads, tracks and livestock paths, and accessibility. With the results of this analysis, a classification of similar groups of mines in relation with the intrinsic characteristics of the preselected mines and typology problems, and from it a set of viable solutions will be specified, being then drafted on a series of proposals. One of the main contributions of this research is that it consists of an inventorycharacterization- action model, which can be extrapolated to other similar environments with similar problems. The action measures that are contained in the proposals are defined as applicable to similar situations. The thesis also incorporates a geo-referenced database that allows finding the location of abandoned mines, thus giving quick access to its features and its corresponding restoration proposal.


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In the EU context extraction of shale and oil gas by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) differs from country to country in terms of legislation and implementation. While fossil fuel extraction using this technology is currently taking place in the UK, Germany and France have adopted respective moratoria. In between is the Spanish case, where hydrocarbon extraction projects through fracking have to undergo mandatory and routine environmental assessment in accordance with the last changes to environmental regulations. Nowadays Spain is at the crossroad with respect to the future of this technology. We presume a social conflictt in our country since the position and strategy of the involved and confronted social actors -national, regional and local authorities, energy companies, scientists, NGO and other social organization- are going to play key and likely divergent roles in its industrial implementation and public acceptance. In order to improve knowledge on how to address these controverted situations from the own engineering context, the affiliated units from the Higher Technical School of Mines and Energy Engineering at UPM have been working on a transversal program to teach values and ethics. Over the past seven years, this pioneering experience has shown the usefulness of applying a consequentialist ethics, based on a case-by-case approach and costs-benefits analysis both for action and inaction. As a result of this initiative a theoretical concept has arisen and crystallized in this field: it is named Inter-ethics. This theoretical perspective can be very helpful in complex situations, with multi-stakeholders and plurality of interests, when ethical management requires the interaction between the respective ethics of each group; professional ethics of a single group is not enough. Under this inter-ethics theoretical framework and applying content analysis techniques, this paper explores the articulation of the discourse in favour and against fracking technology and its underlying values as manifested in the Spanish traditional mass media and emerging social media such as Youtube. Results show that Spanish public discourse on fracking technology includes the costs-benefits analysis to communicate how natural resources from local communities may be affected by these facilities due to environmental, health and economic consequences. Furthermore, this technology is represented as a solution to the "demand of energy" according to the optimistic discourse while, from a pessimistic view, fracking is often framed as a source "environmental problems" and even natural disasters as possible earthquakes. In this latter case, this negative representation could have been influenced by the closure of a macro project to store injected natural gas in the Mediterranean Sea using the old facilities of an oil exploitation in Amposta (Proyecto Cástor). The closure of this project was due to the occurrence of earthquakes whose intensity was higher than the originally expected by the experts in the assessment stage of the project.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce the design of a training tool intended to improve deminers' technique during close-in detection tasks. Design/methodology/approach – Following an introduction that highlights the impact of mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and the importance of training for enhancing the safety and the efficiency of the deminers, this paper considers the utilization of a sensory tracking system to study the skill of the hand-held detector expert operators. With the compiled information, some critical performance variables can be extracted, assessed, and quantified, so that they can be used afterwards as reference values for the training task. In a second stage, the sensory tracking system is used for analysing the trainee skills. The experimentation phase aims to test the effectiveness of the elements that compose the sensory system to track the hand-held detector during the training sessions. Findings – The proposed training tool will be able to evaluate the deminers' efficiency during the scanning tasks and will provide important information for improving their competences. Originality/value – This paper highlights the need of introducing emerging technologies for enhancing the current training techniques for deminers and proposes a sensory tracking system that can be successfully utilised for evaluating trainees' performance with hand-held detectors.


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El concepto de custodia del territorio sigue siendo desconocido para los defensores del patrimonio minero de nuestro país. La custodia del territorio es una estrategia más para conservar los valores naturales, culturales y paisajísticos de una zona determinada. Para conseguir la implicación de los propietarios, las entidades de custodia emplean distintas estrategias e instrumentos con el objetivo de pactar, de forma voluntaria, un acuerdo entre las dos partes. Cuando se habla de la custodia como estrategia, hay que pensar en herramientas y métodos para acceder a la propiedad del patrimonio o para que los propietarios, sin dejar de serlo, se involucren en la conservación. Los encargados de las acciones requeridas, los agentes que protagonizan las acciones de conservación son las denominadas entidades de custodia. Actualmente hay innumerables entidades de custodia en todo el Mundo, que se dedican al patrimonio natural o cultural, pero que se dediquen específicamente a la protección del patrimonio minero son más escasas. Sin embargo la Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero es, de hecho, una entidad de custodia, en muchos casos sin que sus socios seamos conscientes de ello. En el presente trabajo se intenta definir el concepto de custodia del patrimonio, aplicándolo al caso concreto del patrimonio minero, y se estudian distintos ejemplos de iniciativas para adquirir bienes inmuebles con el fin de preservar un patrimonio minero que estaba en peligro de desaparición. ABSTRACT The concept of land stewardship remains unknown to the defenders of our country’s mining heritage. Land stewardship is a strategy to conserve the natural, cultural and landscape values of a particular area. To encourage the involvement of the owners, the custodians employ different strategies and tools with the aim of reaching, on a voluntary basis, an agreement between the two parties. When it comes to custody as a strategy, you have to come up with tools and methods to achieve the ownership of the property or to encourage the owners to be involved in its conservation. Those responsible for the actions required, the agents who lead conservation actions are known as Custody institutions. Currently there are innumerable custodians around the world, dedicated to natural or cultural heritage, but those specifically engaged in the protection of mining heritage are scarce. However, the Spanish Society for the Defence of the Geological and Mining Heritage is actually an entity of Custody, in many cases without its partners being aware of this fact. This paper attempts to define the concept of guardianship of a property, applied to the case of mining heritage, and explores different examples of Spanish entities that employ initiatives to acquire property for the purpose of preserving mining heritage in danger disappearing


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INFOBIOMED is an European Network of Excellence (NoE) funded by the Information Society Directorate-General of the European Commission (EC). A consortium of European organizations from ten different countries is involved within the network. Four pilots, all related to linking clinical and genomic information, are being carried out. From an informatics perspective, various challenges, related to data integration and mining, are included.


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Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN) is a non-profrt organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (Sociedad Nuclear Española, SNE).Since one of rts main goals is to spread the knowledge about nuclear power,severa! technical tours to facilities wrth an importan!role in the nuclear fuel cycle have been organized for the purpose ofleaming about the different stages of the Spanish tuel cycle. Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear had the opportunity to visit ENUSA Fuel Assembly Factory in Juzbado (Salamanca, Spain), Where it could be understood the front-end cycle which involves the uranium supply and storage, design and manufacturing of fuel bundles for European nuclear power plants. Alterwards, due to the tour of Almaraz NPP (PWR) and Santa María de Garoña NPP (BWR), rt could be comprehended how to obtain energy from this fuel in two different types of reactors.Furthermore,in these two plants, the facilities related to the back-end cycle could be toured. lt was possible to watch the Spent FuelPools, where the fuel bundles are stored under water until their activity is reduced enough to transport them to an Individual Temporary Storage Facility orto the Centralized Temporary Storage. Finally, a technical tour to ENSA Heavy Components Factory (ENSA) was accomplished, Where it could be experienced at first hand how different Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) components and other nuclear elements, such as racks or shipping and storage casks for spent nuclear fuel, are manulactured. All these perlonned technical tours were a complete success thanks to a generous care and know-how of the wor1


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Sterile coal is a low-value residue associated to the coal extraction and mining activity. According to the type and origin of the coal bed configuration, sterile coal production can mainly vary on quantity, calorific value and presence of sulphur compounds. In addition, the potential availability of sterile coal within Spain is apparently high and its contribution to the local power generation would be of interest playing a significant role. The proposed study evaluates the availability and deployment of gasification technologies to drive clean electricity generation from waste coal and sterile rock coal, incorporating greenhouse gas emission mitigation systems, like CO2, H2S and NOx removal systems. It establishes the target facility and its conceptual basic design proposal. The syngas obtained after the gasification of sterile coal is processed through specific conditioning units before entering into the combustion chamber of a gas turbine. Flue gas leaving the gas turbine is ducted to a heat recovery steam generation boiler; the steam produced within the boilerdrives a steam turbine. The target facility resembles a singular Integrated Gasification in Combined Cycle (IGCC) power station. The evaluation of the conceptual basic design according to the power output set for a maximum sterile contribution, established that rates over 95% H2S and 90% CO2 removal can be achieved. Noticeable decrease of NOx compounds can be also achieved by the use of commercial technology. A techno-economic approach of the conceptual basic design is made evaluating the integration of potential unitsand their implementation within the target facility aiming toachieve clean power generation. The criterion to be compliant with the most restrictive regulation regarding environmental emissions is setting to carry out this analysis.


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This paper provides an overview of an ongoing research project work: “A Polytechnical Bilingual Dictionary of Metaphors: Spanish-English/English-Spanish” done by the UPM consolidated research group “DISCYT” (Estudios Cognitivos del Discurso Científico-Técnico). A detailed explanation of the method adopted to identify key metaphors collected from the different subject areas is included. Drawing from recognized empirical methods (Pragglejaz 2007, Cameron 2007, Steen 2007), the examples have been examined according to the main tenets of conceptual metaphor and conceptual integration theory (Deignan 2005, Gibbs 2008, Lakoff 1993, Lakoff & Johnson 1999, Steen 2007, Fauconnier & Turner 2008). This forthcoming dictionary comprises metaphors of over 10 scientific and technical areas such as Aeronautical engineering, Agronomy, Architecture, Biotechnology, Civil engineering, Geology and Mining, Mechanical engineering, Nanotechnology, Naval and Maritime engineering, Sports and Telecommunications. In this paper, we focus on the study of examples taken from civil engineering, materials engineering and naval engineering. Representative cases are analyzed from several points of view (multimodal metaphor, linguistic information strategies and translation into target language) highlighting cross linguistic variations between Spanish and English.


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Como consecuencia de los procesos de globalización el mundo empresarial está sometido a constantes cambios que han originado la necesidad en las empresas de evaluar su funcionamiento, con el objeto de adecuar su gestión a las mejores prácticas gerenciales y operativas, en función de adaptarse a las exigencias presentes en los escenarios en que están inmersas. La presente investigación tiene como propósito desarrollar un modelo explicativo de la relación entre la productividad y los valores organizacionales, teniendo como premisa los distintos planteamientos o teorías que destacan la importancia que tienen los valores organizacionales para que las empresas logren sus metas. Específicamente se tomó como referencia la clasificación de los valores organizacionales, que contempla el modelo de gestión de Dirección por Valores (DPV), de García y Dolan (2001). Las PYMES, al considerar el efecto que tienen los valores organizacionales en la productividad, pueden apoyar su gestión a través del compromiso de las personas para lograr los resultados de productividad que quieren o necesitan alcanzar. El abordaje del estudio se ha basado en la investigación explicativa, a través de la cual se exponen las razones de ocurrencia de un fenómeno o se muestran los mecanismos por los que se relacionan dos o más variables, lo que permitió conjugar definiciones y supuestos de las relaciones encontradas entre los valores organizacionales identificados de acuerdo a la opinión de los entrevistados y que resultaron ser significativos con los resultados de productividad que presentan las empresas que fueron objeto de esta investigación La población estuvo conformada por 40 empresas activas del sector metalúrgico y minero de Ciudad Guayana, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela, pertenecientes a la Asociación de Industriales Metalúrgicos y de Minería de la región Guayana (AIMM) y al directorio de la Cámara de Industriales y Mineros de Guayana. La muestra estudiada corresponde a 25 empresas que representan el 62% de la población. El proceso que se siguió para generar el modelo explicativo contempla tres etapas. La primera consiste en la fase descriptiva donde se recogió la información referente a la productividad de las empresas y a la determinación de los valores organizacionales identificados a través del análisis cualitativo de las entrevistas que se realizaron a los informantes de las empresas de la muestra. Para ello se utilizó el software Atlas ti 6.0. La segunda etapa, denominada comparativa, consistió en determinar la relación entre la productividad y los valores organizacionales, a través de las tablas de contingencias, de acuerdo con el grado de significancia que mostró el estadístico Chi- cuadrado. La tercera y última etapa del proceso es la fase explicativa que consistió en estimar la magnitud de la relación entre las variables productividad y valores organizacionales utilizando el coeficiente de contingencia de Pearson, y en establecer las asociaciones de acuerdo a las proximidades observadas que resultaron del análisis de correspondencias múltiples. Entre los hallazgos del estudio desarrollado se encontró que la productividad de las empresas puede fijarse en tres categorías: alta, media y baja y entre los factores que afectan a la productividad destacan, en el contexto externo: el gobierno, los clientes y los proveedores y en el contexto interno: la mano de obra, los materiales y los suministros. Según la opinión de los gerentes entrevistados, los valores organizacionales que caracterizan a las empresas del sector estudiado se agrupan en veintisiete categorías, que se clasifican en los siguientes componentes: entorno mercado, clientes, proveedores y otras empresas aliadas, medio ambiente, forma de tratar la Dirección al resto de empleados, forma de trabajar cotidiana y gestión de los recursos económicos. Los valores organizacionales que resultaron ser significativos fueron la innovación, la honestidad y el orden y limpieza. La magnitud de la relación encontrada del valor innovación fue moderadamente fuerte. Se infiere que las empresas, al tener una Productividad baja, deciden innovar en el desarrollo de nuevos productos. El valor honestidad arrojó una relación moderadamente fuerte, determinando que las empresas de Productividad alta basan sus relaciones con los proveedores en la honestidad. Finalmente, el valor orden y limpieza muestra una relación moderadamente débil, lo que hace suponer que las empresas de Productividad media tienen alguna preferencia por mantener el orden y limpieza en las áreas de trabajo. El modelo explicativo de la relación entre productividad y valores organizacionales, en las PYMES del sector metalúrgico y minero de Ciudad Guayana, quedó conformado por los siguientes componentes: mercado, clientes, proveedores y otras empresas aliadas, y medio ambiente. No se encontraron relaciones en los componentes forma de tratar la Dirección al resto de empleados, forma de trabajar cotidiana y gestión de los recursos económicos. ABSTRACT As a result of globalization processes, the business world is subject to constant change. This has resulted in the need for companies to evaluate their performance in order to adjust their processes to the best managerial and operational practices, with the goal to adapt to the demands present in the scenarios in which they are embedded. This research aimed to develop an explanatory model of the relationship between productivity and organizational values. In addition, it was based on the different approaches or theories that relate the importance for enterprises of the organizational values to achieve their goals. Specifically, reference was made to the classification of organizational values, which includes the model of Management by Values (DPV) following García and Dolan (1997). The SMEs, considering the effect of organizational values on productivity, can support their management through the commitment of their people to achieve productivity results that they want or need to accomplish. The study approach was based on explanatory research, which presents the reasons for occurrence of a phenomenon and the mechanisms through which two or more variables are related. This allowed to combine definitions and assumptions about the relationship found between organizational values and the productivity results of the companies that took part in this research. Organizational values were identified in the opinion of the managers interviewed, and were found to be significant with the productivity results. The population consisted of 40 active enterprises of the metallurgical and mining industry of Ciudad Guayana, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela. These enterprises were members of the Association of Metallurgical and Mining Industry of the Guayana Region (AIMM, by its acronym in Spanish) and the Directory of the Chamber of Industrial and Mining of Guayana. The sample of the study is comprised of 25 enterprises, which represent 62% of the total population. The process which has been followed to generate the explanatory model involves three stages. The first stage is the descriptive phase where the information about enterprises productivity and the determination of organizational values is gathered. These organizational values were identified by a qualitative analysis of the interviews conducted with managers of each enterprise. This analysis was performed using the Atlas ti 6.0 software. The second stage, denominated comparative, consisted in determining the relationship between productivity and organizational values through contingency tables, and according to the degree of significance showed by the Chi-Square, statistic. The third, and final stage of the process, is the explanatory phase. This consisted in estimating the magnitude of the relationship between productivity and organizational values variables using the Pearson's contingency coefficient. In addition, this stage comprises the establishment of the associations according to the observed proximities that resulted from the multiple correspondence analysis. Among the findings of this study, it was found that the productivity of enterprises can be set in three categories: high, medium and low. Additionally, it was found that in the external context the factors that stand out affecting productivity are: government policy, customers and suppliers, while in the domestic context they are: labor, materials and supplies. According to the opinion of the managers interviewed the organizational values that characterize the companies that were studied are grouped into twenty seven categories. These categories are classified into the following components: market environment, customers, suppliers and other allied companies, the environment, how Management deals with of the employees, way to work every day, and management of economic resources. Organizational values that were found to be significant were innovation, honesty and order and cleanliness. The magnitude of the relation of the innovation value was found to be moderately strong. It is inferred that companies that have low productivity decide to innovate in the development of new products. The honesty value showed a moderately strong relation, determining that high productivity enterprises base their relationships with suppliers on honesty. Lastly, the order and cleanliness value showed a moderately weak relation, which suggests that average productivity enterprises have a preference to maintain order and cleanliness in the work areas. The explanatory model of the relationship between productivity and organizational values, in the SMEs of the metallurgical and mining sector of Ciudad Guayana, was composed of the following components: market, customers, suppliers and other allied companies, and the environment. No relationships were found in the following components: how Management deals with employees, way to work every day, and management of economic resources.


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Una de las medidas de mitigación del Cambio Climático propuestas al amparo de la ONU por el IPCC (Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) en su ‘Informe de Síntesis 2007’ consiste en la puesta en marcha de acciones para la captación y almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono, existiendo tres tipos de formaciones geológicas idóneas para el almacenamiento geológico de este gas: yacimientos de petróleo y gas agotados, capas de carbón no explotables y formaciones salinas profundas. En el caso de las formaciones salinas profundas, el problema fundamental para llevar a cabo un estudio de almacenamiento de CO2, reside en la dificultad de obtención de datos geológicos del subsuelo en una cierta estructura seleccionada, cuyas características pueden ser a priori idóneas para la inyección y almacenamiento del gas. Por este motivo la solución para poder analizar la viabilidad de un proyecto de almacenamiento en una estructura geológica pasa por la simulación numérica a partir de la modelización 3D del yacimiento. Los métodos numéricos permiten simular la inyección de un caudal determinado de dióxido de carbono desde un pozo de inyección localizado en una formación salina. En la presente tesis se ha definido una metodología de simulación de almacenamiento geológico de CO2, como contribución a la solución al problema del Cambio Climático, aplicada de forma concreta a la estructura BG-GE-08 (oeste de la Comunidad de Murcia). Esta estructura geológica ha sido catalogada por el IGME (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España) como idónea para el almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono, dada la existencia de una capa almacén confinada entre dos capas sello. ABSTRACT One of the climate change mitigation proposals suggested by the IPCC (Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) in its ‘Synthesis Report 2007’ involves the launch of actions for capturing and storing carbon dioxide, existing three different geological structures suitable for gas storage: oil and gas reservoirs already drained, useless coal layers and deep saline structures. In case of deep saline structures, the main problem to develop a study of CO2 storage is the difficulty of obtaining geological data for some selected structure with characteristics that could be suitable for injection and gas storage. According to this situation, the solution to analyze the feasibility of a storage project in a geological structure will need numerical simulation from a 3D model. Numerical methods allow the simulation of the carbon dioxide filling in saline structures from a well, used to inject gas with a particular flow. In this document a simulation methodology has been defined for geological CO2 storage, as a contribution to solve the Climatic Change problem, applied to the structure BG-GE-08 (west of Murcia region). This geological structure has been classified by the IGME (Geological and Mining Institute of Spain) as suitable for the storage of carbon dioxide given the existence of a storage layer confined between two seal layers.


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The theoretical basis for evaluating shear strength in rock joints is presented and used to derive an equation that governs the relationship between tangential and normal stress on the joint during situations of slippage between the joint faces. The dependent variables include geometric dilatancy, the instantaneous friction angle, and a parameter that considers joint surface roughness. The effect roughness is studied, and the aforementioned formula is used to analyse joints under different conditions. A mathematical expression is deduced that explains Barton's value for the joint roughness coefficient (JRC) according to the roughness geometry. In particular, when the Hoek and Brown failure criterion is used for a rock in the contact with the surface roughness plane, it is possible to determine the shear strength of the joint as a function of the relationship between the uniaxial compressive strength of the wall with the normal stress acting on the wall. Finally, theoretical results obtained for the geometry of a three-dimensional joint are compared with those of the Barton's formulation