7 resultados para Ultrasonic measurement

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In a general situation a non-uniform velocity field gives rise to a shift of the otherwise straight acoustic pulse trajectory between the transmitter and receiver transducers of a sonic anemometer. The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of trajectory shifts on the velocity as measured by the sonic anemometer. This determination has been accomplished by developing a mathematical model of the measuring process carried out by sonic anemometers; a model which includes the non-straight trajectory effect. The problem is solved by small perturbation techniques, based on the relevant small parameter of the problem, the Mach number of the reference flow, M. As part of the solution, a general analytical expression for the deviations of the computed measured speed from the nominal speed has been obtained. The correction terms of both the transit time and of the measured speed are of M 2 order in rotational velocity field. The method has been applied to three simple, paradigmatic flows: one-directional horizontal and vertical shear flows, and mixed with a uniform horizontal flow.


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In this paper a previously developed theoretical model of the measurement process performed by a transit-time ultrasonic anemometer is applied to a fluid flowing through a circular section pipe. This model considers the influence of the shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory from straight propagation due to the flow on the measured speed. The aim of this work is to estimate the errors induced in the measured velocity by the shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory. Using different duct’s flow models, laminar and turbulent regimes have been analyzed. The results show that neglecting the effect of shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory leads to flow rate measurement underestimation.


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The wake produced by the structural supports of the ultrasonic anemometers (UAs)causes distortions in the velocity field in the vicinity of the sonic path. These distortions are measured by the UA, inducing errors in the determination of the mean velocity, turbulence intensity, spectrum, etc.; basic parameters to determine the effect of wind on structures. Additionally, these distortions can lead to indefinition in the calibration function of the sensors (Cuerva et al., 2004). Several wind tunnel tests have been dedicated to obtaining experimental data, from which have been developed fit models to describe and to correct these distortions (Kaimal, 1978 and Wyngaard, 1985). This work explores the effect of a vortex wake generated by the supports of an UA, on the measurement of wind speed done by this instrument. To do this, the Von Karman¿s vortex street potential model is combined with the mathematical model of the measuring process carried out by UAs developed by Franchini et al. (2007). The obtained results are the correction functions of the measured wind velocity, which depends on the geometry of the sonic anemometer and aerodynamic conditions. These results have been validated with the ones obtained in a wind tunnel test done on a single path UA, especially developed for research. The supports of this UA have been modified in order to reproduce the conditions of the theoretical model. Good agreements between experimental and theoretical results have been found.


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A new method is presented that increases the sensitivity of ultrasound-based techniques for detection of bacteria. The technique was developed for the detection of catalase-positive microorganisms. It uses a bubble trapping medium containing hydrogen peroxide that is mixed with the sample for microbiological evaluation. The enzyme catalase is present in catalase-positive bacteria, which induces a rapid hydrolysis of hydrogen peroxide, forming bubbles which remain in the medium. This reaction results in the amplification of the mechanical changes that the microorganisms produce in the medium. The effect can be detected by means of ultrasonic wave amplitude continuous measurement since the bubbles increase the ultrasonic attenuation significantly. It is shown that microorganism concentrations of the order of 105 cells ml−1 can be detected using this method. This allows an improvement of three orders of magnitude in the ultrasonic detection threshold of microorganisms in conventional culture media, and is competitive with modern rapid microbiological methods. It can also be used for the characterization of the enzymatic activity.


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Ultrasonic sound velocity measurements with hand-held equipment remain due to their simplicity among the most used methods for non-destructive grading of sawn woods, yet a dedicated normalization effort with respect to strength classes for Spanish species is still required. As part of an ongoing project with the aim of definition of standard testing methods, the effect of the dimensions of commonly tested Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) timbers and equipment testing frequency on ultrasonic velocity were investigated. A dedicated full-wave finite-difference time-domain software allowed simulation of pulse propagation through timbers of representative length and section combinations. Sound velocity measurements vL were performed along the grain with the indirect method at 22 kHz and 45 kHz for grids of measurement points at specific distances. For sample sections larger than the cross-sectional wavelength ?RT, the simulated sound velocity vL converges to vL = (CL/?)0.5. For smaller square sections the sound velocity drops down to vL = (EL/?)0.5, where CL, EL and ? are the stiffness, E-modul and density, respectively. The experiments confirm a linear regression between time of flight and measurement distance even at less than two wavelength menor que2?L distance, the fitted sound speed values increased by 15% between the two tested frequencies.


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When aqueous suspensions of gold nanorods are irradiated with a pulsing laser (808 nm), pressure waves appear even at low frequencies (pulse repetition rate of 25 kHz). We found that the pressure wave amplitude depends on the dynamics of the phenomenon. For fixed concentration and average laser current intensity, the amplitude of the pressure waves shows a trend of increasing with the pulse slope and the pulse maximum amplitude.We postulate that the detected ultrasonic pressure waves are a sort of shock waves that would be generated at the beginning of each pulse, because the pressure wave amplitude would be the result of the positive interference of all the individual shock waves.


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In this paper a model for the measuring process of sonic anemometers (ultrasound pulse based) is presented. The differential equations that describe the travel of ultrasound pulses are solved in the general case of non-steady, non-uniform atmospheric flow field. The concepts of instantaneous line-average and travelling pulse-referenced average are established and employed to explain and calculate the differences between the measured turbulent speed (travelling pulse-referenced average) and the line-averaged one. The limit k1l=1 established by Kaimal in 1968, as the maximum value which permits the neglect of the influence of the sonic measuring process on the measurement of turbulent components is reviewed here. Three particular measurement cases are analysed: A non-steady, uniform flow speed field, a steady, non-uniform flow speed field and finally an atmospheric flow speed field. In the first case, for a harmonic time-dependent flow field, Mach number, M (flow speed to sound speed ratio) and time delay between pulses have revealed themselves to be important parameters in the behaviour of sonic anemometers, within the range of operation. The second case demonstrates how the spatial non-uniformity of the flow speed field leads to an influence of the finite transit time of the pulses (M≠0) even in the absence of non-steady behaviour of the wind speed. In the last case, a model of the influence of the sonic anemometer processes on the measurement of wind speed spectral characteristics is presented. The new solution is compared to the line-averaging models existing in the literature. Mach number and time delay significantly distort the measurement in the normal operational range. Classical line averaging solutions are recovered when Mach number and time delay between pulses go to zero in the new proposed model. The results obtained from the mathematical model have been applied to the calculation of errors in different configurations of practical interest, such as an anemometer located on a meteorological mast and the transfer function of a sensor in an atmospheric wind. The expressions obtained can be also applied to determine the quality requirements of the flow in a wind tunnel used for ultrasonic anemometer calibrations.